The Late Bishop Rance Allen Preaching "I Need You To Survive" COGIC Holy Convocation

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[Music] oh [Music] hey uh pastor dr edward sewell he's my first administrative assistant amen romans 12 verses 4 and 5. with me i got to do something y'all should already know this uh this is me y'all be looking like you ain't never seen me before i still weigh 300 none of your business pounds [Applause] still got the cool hair so i need for y'all to just go ahead on loosen up and help me preach this message romans 12 verses 4 and 5 the moment that you see it just say it reads for as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office so we being many are one body in christ and everyone remembers one of another may god add a blessing to the reading and hearing of his word are you ready to receive what i have for you tonight i need for you to reach over there and grab your neighbor's hand and shake it like you ain't gonna ever turn it loose come on come on come on come on don't y'all sit there and and not shake because i'm i'm gonna stay here till you shake shake somebody's hand come on i need to see preachers and pastors i ain't gonna bother to visit you shaking look right at him and tell him say since we're all members of one body i need you to survive uh in the month of july the fourth is a legal holiday in america whereby we celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the declaration of independence signed into law by congress in 1776 thomas jefferson was the principal writer of the document and it was due to a list of 27 grievances against england's british policies america broke with england and was and is no longer subject to their control but though we celebrate our independence and are a free self-supporting nation this is in no way to say that we exist without the help of others as a matter of fact our independence comes out of our interdependence our mutual desire and need to help and be helped by those in the world around us and so it is with mankind and the saints of god everywhere the poet john don wrote no man is an island entire of itself every man is a piece of the continent apart if you will of the mane now the new living bible explains it this way it says and since we are all one body in christ we belong to each other and each of us needs all the others the world english bible says that we are individually part of one another the new testament in basic english says that we are dependent on one another in other words we need each other to survive now i know i got a little bit of a struggle here because folk don't want to admit that they need somebody else to complete themselves but i i i just want you to uh lend me your mind and and and your humility and see if you can get to this because it's when we understand that i am incomplete without you i ain't even got to know you don't have to know your name all i have to know is that you're a child of god and if i somehow rather reject you for whatever reason i am now in complete would you touch your neighbor and tell them say i need you to survive now that was good because i told you to say it but i really want some folk in here who know uh that some of you had some help getting here [Applause] some of you gonna need some help getting home and you already looking around the room to see who can help you i need you to open your mouth up real wide and look at somebody and tell them i need you to survive you jesus thank you jesus you know i just believe that we would be much better off uh if we were to realize seriously realize that most things in life are connected connection is a positive thing we're connected related and or intertwined in some way or other even nature is interconnected and thereby balanced in other words you can't find balance by yourself you need to be connected intertwined somehow rather with some other people who have the same ideas as you do in order to achieve that balance notice notice how you breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide the next question is where do we get this oxygen that we breathe in well the study of biology says the trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen here's somebody in that rib and tell them you even need the trees to survive and when a leaf was put under a microscope to see how it was designed to breathe uh through a process called photosynthesis we learned that the trees help to purify and produce the oxygen that you and i breathe and because of god our creator god our supreme architect god our amazing designer he has correlated all of nature to an unbelievable balance and no part of nature stands alone so how do you think you don't need nobody when nature has told us that no part stands alone even watch this though the earth is spinning like a top isn't it amazing how we all managed to stand up perfectly straight and keep our balance look if you will at how the days months and lengths of the seasons the ebb and flow of the tides of the ocean seas gulfs and major waterways are all connected to the sun moon and stars and in that amazing church how the sun never fails to do its part and the tides never fail to move in and out when they should look at this the seasons daytime night time these are irrefutable witnesses that all of the elements of the universe are extremely tied together unified and mutually dependent on each other get somebody in that rib and tell them i need you to survive thus no part of the universe stands alone look at our nations of the world while most nations and cultures even our own nation used to exist autonomously and thought that they needed no one or nothing now we understand how important it is that we are to one another our country sees the need for the united nations me as an individual i see the need for you in my life thank you jesus and then when you get down to the bottom line whether you be black white or whatever all of mankind is interrelated paul describes it in first corinthians 12 and 12 how man is so related you see the problem with man in particular he he wants to think that he doesn't need anyone or anything he prefers to believe that he could make it all by himself and it's hard for man to conceive that it's god that has miraculously and marvelously made and put him together have you ever taken the time to notice how your hands and your feet eyes and every part of you are connected problem with a whole lot of us we don't know what to do with our position um can i be me just for a second if you're the foot forget about trying to be the head [Applause] and understand while you can't be the head you can get the head where the head needs to go oh i wish i just had just a little help thank you jesus you need to take the time to notice how you we are one body but many members and uh well let me put it to you like this have you noticed uh how that if the tip of your baby finger touches the hot part of the coffee pot first thing you're gonna notice is that your whole body reacts your whole body reacts and then at this point you'll notice that the brain quickly sends emergency signals throughout the network of nerve endings muscles and tissues and tendons that you've been burned at this point there is no time nor a need for a committee meeting when your finger has been burned this should not be the time that uh you should have to get an okay from the chairman because your body automatically goes into action because one of its members is hurt and this is the way we ought to be toward each other can i get you somebody's got to step down off of that high horse can i can i get you somebody's got to humble yourselves can i get you to touch somebody close to you and tell them i need you [Music] to survive if you'll notice and i'm way over halfway through if you'll notice when you're hurt under my physically first thing happens your heart pumps faster because you've been hurt the blood flows quicker because you've been hurt and all of the healing agencies of your body work together to bring healing to your drama and a lot of folk in the church who are going through unnecessary stuff simply because they don't want to say to another person i need you to survive and then the bible even or rather the homologous of old tells us oh what peace we often forfeit oh what needless pain we bear said it's all because we do not carry everything to god in prayer i need to talk to some folk who gonna go with me here for the rest of this evening grab your neighbor's hand shake it like you're gonna shake it off and tell them so you'd be better off if you just told somebody i need you to survive you know people always wonder bishop why why why is that raz allen so friendly you know they think cause you got a record out that you're gonna be unsociable you ain't gonna talk to nobody you ain't gotta smile for nobody with as much as you all have done for ranch allen and the ranch allen group every time you see me uh-huh you can walk up to me anytime and say hey bishop hey how are you doing i want you to know that i would not be where i am if i didn't have you on my side [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus i got to quit yo but god wants us to come together oh lord can i bishop can i tell y'all what bothers me we all supposed to be sanctified and you ought to see some of the negroes looking at other negroes why are you shouting you just dancing and somebody rolling their eyes at you hit somebody on both sides and just tell them instead of rolling your eyes at me roll up your sleeves and help me the bible says let all of us praise the lord thank you jesus and i tell you as long as i can see somebody praising god i'm gonna jump right in there with him watch this just like the baby finger and the coffee pod there is a reverse side i simply want you to know that when you get happy you can't get happy without your feet getting happy too i want you to know you can't clap your hands without your feet at least getting excited y'all got about seven seconds let me see somebody clap their hands come on come on come on now did y'all hear that up there hand started and then the feet came up [Applause] that's what i'm talking about you cannot laugh without your face laughing too well you talk about looking real silly um thank you jesus and i would not be in a church that's why i love our church so much but you know what because of great men like our bishop we have seen the best of everything and now some of us have got the attitude that says well what you gonna show me next if i don't show you nothing but a yes lord that ought to be enough for you to catch hold too there's a passage of scripture and i'm i'm i'm closing i'm getting to my ear there's a passage of scripture when you talk about rejoicing i stand here tonight to tell you that none of us should ever have to rejoice by ourselves grab that neighbor's hand i'm coming over here grab that neighbor's hand shake it like he gonna shake it off and tell him don't let me rejoice by myself [Music] first thing david says and i think he might have been talking to somebody who wanted to know whether or not praise should be put on a schedule well the psalmist said from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the lord's name is to be praised so david says i will bless the lord come on y'all help me at all times his praise shall continually be in my mind can i get y'all to help me again look at your neighbor and just say it real loud tell them if whatever that is that's in your mouth is not giving god praise spit it out of your mouth give god a praise tell him thank you bless his holy name i need about a thousand people just to stand on your feet and say i don't care what nobody says i'm gonna praise the lord [Music] and then i gotta close it out but i was reading psalm 34 and three it says oh [Music] magnify [Music] the lord with me and he said let us [Music] exalt his name together [Music] touch your neighbor and tell him say that sounds like you and me together now what i want to do right quick i gotta find out am i still in the church of god in christ that my grandparents brought me up in my grandmother would get up on a tuesday night and she would just stand there and say glory [Music] it wasn't the 25 of us there but all the rest of us hollered glory now here it is y'all magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together i need you to take the next seven seconds and follow jesus as loud as you can and see if anybody helps you one two three screaming out you [Music] yeah thank you lot thank you thank you jesus bless the name of the lord now i've come to a place in my life where i understand me sitting around watching you praise god doesn't do me any good it's like sitting at a tennis match you can't play tennis so all you can do is watch them hit the ball back and forth but i need somebody in here tonight to help me tell them say as of tonight i'm gonna stop being a spectator and start being a participator if i tell you to praise the lord i want to see what you do got people all over the country that are praising god out of excitement but here we sit our arms folded our legs crossed looking at each other like we're crazy but i want you to know that if you praise god while i'm sitting there and i praise god with you god will bless everybody in the whole house somebody that believes i'm right give god another second another seven seconds of praise come on church come on church one of the things that we got to stop doing we got to stop being ashamed to lift the name of jesus uh you got folks sitting up in the church that don't want to praise god looking at you funny as if to say it shouldn't take all of that but i want you to know it's going to take all of that and even more somebody's got to take on the responsibility of giving god the praise that he deserves [Music] somebody's got to take on the responsibility of second chronicles 7 and 14. it says if my people will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from that wicked ways he says i will hear from heaven i'll forgive your sin and heal your land i want to entreat somebody tonight and tell them if you take the next 30 seconds and humble yourself pray seek god's face turn from your wicked way he will hear from heaven he will forgive your sin and he will heal your land are you ready one two three go for it right now [Music] somebody in the back go for it somebody over here gone for it [Music] thank you [Music] thank you songwriter said i need you and you need me [Music] to survive went on to say that uh i need you and you need me to share our burdens galatians six and two the bible says bear yeah one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of christ i need you that's what the songwriter said and you need me to share the love of jesus in this world you got folk coming into the church turn around and then leaving right back out because we are so mean to him i need you to look in somebody's face i said neighbor stop being so mean stop playing hard to get but if somebody walks up in the church i don't care what they got on i don't care how they may be walking that's not important you gotta love them and in some cases you got to love the hell out of them somebody know i'm right say yes thank you jesus i need you thank you i need you yeah to show me god's love i need you to show me that there is a way out of the mess i'm in thank you jesus the problem is as i see it too many of us have become over ambitious over envious and at odds with each other it's been going on for far too long now and it's time to love the way god loves john 3 16 says god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son said whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life leave your weight over on somebody and tell them i need you i threw them on somebody else i said you need me if we're gonna survive thank you jesus we got to love each other to the point of forgiving each other time is out for you walking down that aisle to keep from speaking to that one on that aisle it's time to get it out in the open come on help me preach in here tell somebody say let's get it out in the open and bring god in on it and watch him work it out thank you jesus ephesians 4 and 32 said be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another thank you jesus as god for christ's sake has forgiven you this is crazy y'all we are a nation of people who want to be forgiven but we don't want to forgive nobody can i can i can i can i touch you one more time and tell you to tell your neighbor i'm need you and you need me thank you jesus think what would happen and i'm closing right here think what would happen if you helped me give god my best praise see that's what happened in the old church you'd be seeking for the holy ghost don't care what they said about it he would come on in anyway some of them old mothers would tell you in one ear come on son let go let him go somebody on the other ear would be saying hold on hold on but because they were on the same team going after the same goal many of you in here tonight you got the holy ghost and you're glad about it let me see your hand if you got the holy ghost and you're glad about it thank you jesus thank you thank you lord i want to close it out by telling you i need you so much in my life till i won't hurt you with the words from my mouth i need you need you to survive thank you jesus now y'all you're gonna think this is really crazy but i'm gonna ask for it anyway is there anybody in here who can help me praise the lord at the drop of a hat or better yet at the mention of his name i need [Music] some of those folk that'll praise him at the mention of his name stand up on your feet right now thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] guess what we got to do church we got to go back to being excited at the move of god look at your neighbor and say we don't cool off too much thank you jesus where's my bishop at bishop is it all right if i call that area out there holy ground [Music] all this area out here is holy ground now talk to your neighbor and tell them say great things happen on holy ground tell them miracles are done on holy ground tell them the dead come back to life on holy ground [Music] before i quit tonight i want somebody to look through the eyes of faith with me [Music] look here right down there can i tell you what i see i see enough money to pay all of our bills so you ain't excited enough somebody should have been jumping somebody should have been speaking in tongues there's also enough money right in here [Music] for you to go on a cruise you all ain't happy enough [Music] over here i see miracles they got your name on them over here i see peace somebody's gonna sleep like a baby tonight over here i see joy somebody's gonna help me dance tonight thank you jesus look at that neighbors in our neighbor don't make me have to pull you out here on holy ground i need you and you need me thank you jesus hey chris [Music] i need something to go with one two three [Music] wait a minute now that's what i'm talking about now there ought to be at least seven more people that'll join him right now i'm ready to count you off without you ought to be seven more yo [Music] well dance by yourself if you have to no don't dance by yourself now that's better come on now hold on somebody tell them i need you and you need me that's what i'm talking about break it down again i know where i can get me some help [Music] it was ohio that brought obama here [Music] it was michigan that kept romney out [Music] so i need about 50 people from ohio [Music] and another 50 from michigan don't play hard to get i need you to come right down here where i am [Music] and help me praise the lord one two one two one two [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i need for you to show somebody that you need them you know what i want you to do go to somebody and grab them by both of their hands and when you got both of their hands bring them down here to holy ground and y'all praise the lord together one come on don't be ashamed two don't worry about nobody else looking one two one two [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] wait now i got a nice little group right here but some of y'all way down there you haven't moved yet some of y'all way over here you haven't moved yet i need you to get in somebody's face and just tell them i don't know what you gonna do but i'm on my way to holy ground and i'm gonna get everything god has for me now watch this when you get down here i want you to reach down on holy ground pick up that money pick up that yard [Music] pick up that healer oh by the way y'all see me limping don't worry about it i'm healed i'm just waiting on the pain to go away now when i count to three i want you to dance in here from this end and that end and then when you get in here why you dancing just reach down and pick you up ten or twenty thousand dollars [Music] you all ready one two three [Music] [Music] [Music] wait a minute y'all we gotta quit we gotta quit but get up next to that person you dancing back and tell them i'm the one in debt to god but if you help me praise him he'll bless me and you one two one two [Music] [Music] thank you for watching the jonathan desvarni gospel sure to subscribe to the channel
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 87,977
Rating: 4.8010259 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Gospel Videos, Gospel, Gospel Music, Christ, Jesus, God, HolyGhost, Praise, Praise God, Praise The Lord, Awesome, Praise Break, Dance, Bishop Rance Allen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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