Bishop Willie James Campbell "We've Got The Victory"

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now before you sit down that person next to you give him a real good holy ghost hug and tell him god has a blessing for you tonight [Applause] next you may be seated we certainly do honor the god of our salvation on tonight to the bishop in his absence to his most capable assistants who are doing such a magnificent job to the bishop johnson who's sharing with us to the state supervisor and her cabinet to all of the superintendents pastors missionaries mother saints and friends we're happy to be able to share with you on this night because god has allowed us the privilege of coming to share once again to the people of the lord and i don't know about you but i'm so glad that god is god and the one thing that i value more than anything is the presence of the lord i don't know about you but it seems very fruitless to me to come together and not be able to feel god's presence and every day of my life i thank god and especially after what i went through and i began to think more and consider more about living and a lot of people now are worried about dying and talking about dying but let me tell you something that's one thing you'll never have to worry about and that's dying because you're gonna die may not get no amen but you're going to die so that's nothing you look forward to what you need to do is just live let death check let don take care of itself what you need to do is get an attitude of living live while you're living i don't think nobody should go through life miserable die don't know what's going to happen afterwards what you ought to do is while you got your breath in your lungs is breathe and stop walking around looking so pitiful you need to just hold your head up and start walking around and make the best out of every situation as a matter of fact just look at somebody and just say live come on now you've got to you you've got to tap into that because you never know what the enemy has placed in the mindset of folk you're walking around the doctors diagnosed your case and tell you something and you carrying that thing feeling bad what can you do about it you just gotta live look at some of y'all some of y'all won't even smile yeah it's bad to be miserable all the time [Music] misery loves company and you'll find that most miserable folk when you get around them they make you miserable spirits carry and if you hang around pitiful folk you're going to end up being pitiful just like i tell people don't never hang around a liar because even if you don't lie you're going to be accused of lying well praise the lord so you might as well just be happy now look at somebody and smile at them and tell them stop worrying just live and be happy that's a good place to give the lord some praise for living [Music] praise god it is wonderful to be alive and have a reasonable portion of your health and strength and i just was thinking the other day i was thinking i said lord i just thank you for being you and i thank you for allowing me the privilege of feeling your presence feeling your spirit and today is a day where everybody that has a portion of god's spirit and don't care how or what the depth of your anointing is if the lord has favored you with an anointing you have got to give him praise for what he's done and for what he's doing amen so every day i live i said lord prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy [Music] tried and true and with thanksgiving i'll be living sanctuary for you anybody know that lord prepare me if you really mean it to be a sanctuary and with thanksgiving [Applause] for you come on help me one more time lord prepare me to be our sanctuary tried and true a come on lift your hands and worship the lord with me hallelujah come on now just wave your hands for jesus oh come on you can wait for better than that oh yeah i'll be come on come on lift them lift [Applause] come on lift those hands [Music] you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you thank you thank you come on and give the lord some praise in the building hallelujah oh bless the lord bless the lord thank god for victory from the word of the lord found in the first book of the bible the beginning genesis a very familiar passage of scripture i was trying my best i said lord now what is it that you would have us to speak into the hearts of your people about and the lord kept taking me to genesis in the life of joseph joseph was a man that was anointed and used of god but was often misunderstood and his intentions were misinterpreted simply because of his anointing but i'm gonna tell everybody something your attitude determines your altitude in this church you will find that god has favored us with a very unique anointing that is often imitated but never duplicated if we're not very careful because of our attitudes we will miss what god has for us and when we wake up in the morning we'll find that somebody else has what should have been ours but because of our selfishness we lost it now i'm going to preach whether y'all say amen or not understand that we are under demonic attack more so now than ever before and one of the dangers that we run into is our failure to recognize the attacks of the enemy it is possible for us to be so spiritual until we miss what the enemy is doing see now how can i be that spiritual and miss it because you're focused on one thing and you're not aware that you're dealing with an enemy that was here way before we got here before man was conceived in the mind of god the devil was here and since he was here from inception he has a personal vendetta against god and his personal vendetta is to destroy what god has made so now it has left the natural and is strictly spiritual because what most people don't understand is that your natural feeds into your spiritual if a person is lazy on the natural they'll be lazy on the spiritual if they have no focus in the natural they'll have none in the spiritual and you'll notice whenever the lord called anybody he always called somebody that was doing something he never called lazy folk now i may not get no amends but i gotta say it anyhow god never called lazy folk anybody that god called they were busy doing something and in their business of doing something on the natural god knew he could take that natural energy and transform it into spirituality and so when a person becomes very spiritual what they were on the natural they incorporate into the spiritual so if a person was good a real good sinner on the natural oh lord i guess if they were good at what they were doing on the natural when they get saved they're going to be good when they get saved god have mercy i guess i got some good folk in here now if a person that was out there i mean they were out there low down out there but when they get saved they're going to be deep and sometimes they need to know that look you don't have to be that deep to stay safe now you got to live it's okay to smile oh lord i'm running into some non-smiling folk it's okay to enjoy life god never designed salvation for us to be miserable while living safe he designed salvation for us to enjoy our trip to heaven and i think that the misconception is that we've got to be saved deep and just a loner but that's not the way god wanted it to be one thing we have to learn the lord said take my yoke upon you and learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burdens are light you won't know that until you learn it once you learn it then you will find that living save is easy because you want to live safe does not mean that you're not going to have tests and trials and temptations you're going to go through something yes you're going to go through but you enjoy it because you know when you come out of it how you come out gonna be better than what it was when you went in have i got a witness in the house then just catch somebody tell them i've been there i know you don't want anybody to know that you were there because everybody thank you super save now but you were there before and the more you went through the more god holds you accountable for so when the lord speaks and i think a perfect example is when we look at the life of joseph because joseph was a dreamer and the problem that joseph had was he often would tell people about his dreams and the mistake that he made was telling his kinfolk and some of your worst enemies are your kinfolk and some of y'all can't say man cause they're here now but anyway but some of your biggest problems come from your kinfolk now here's a perfect example of a man who loved god and in his love for god he relaxed his guard and i think one mistake that a lot of people make is we relax our guard around people that we think we can trust and when you relax your girl why y'all getting so quiet when you relax your guard around people you think you can trust you have a tendency to become too familiar and when you become too familiar you start divulging things that you shouldn't tell and they're your friend until they find out what makes you tick and once they find out where the catalyst is they do everything they can to eliminate it but tonight we got news for the devil we got the victory oh i wish somebody here had literally had the victory just three people to tell them i've got the victory my god you get to speak that thing into your spirit now here we rush to the end of the life of jacob and you've got to understand that here this whole family the family tree of god from abraham isaac to jacob was filled with trouble abraham the first the father of the faithful who so joined and looked for a city whose builder and maker was god ran into some problems because one reason he took his uh nephew lot with him and lot was not in the same vein that abraham was in so lot took and when the deal came down and they had to separate instead of lot honoring the older man and saying you take the best he pitched his tent towards sodom and i think you got to note that when he pitched his tent towards sodom eventually he ended up in solomon so you can't get your tent toward nothing that you might be weak to because eventually if you week to it it's gonna get you help me now holy ghost huh you know you're weak to it you can't be around is you got to stay away from it because you know at any given time that weakness will overtake you and when that weakness overtakes you have nobody to blame but yourself because number one your tent never should have been pitched in that direction in the first place you should have known that god will keep you if you want to be kept can i get one witness in the house so then note in the 14 and the 50th chapter of genesis if you don't have your bible you can write that scripture down genesis the 50th chapter and the 14th verse it explains what happens to joseph when he comes back after barry and his father jacob and joseph returned into egypt he and his brother and all that went up with him to bury his father after he had buried his father and when joseph's brother and saw that their father was dead they said joseph will poor adventure hate us and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him in other words people who have a vengeful spirit will always think that somebody else has the same spirit spirits connect spirits have a certain compadre with each other and especially demonic spirits don't you ever think that demons work alone no person has one demon if anybody got a demon you got a whole bunch of them baby one demon can't handle you yeah i'm talking to you i don't care if you don't say amen if you would look when the lord dealt with demons it was never one it was always legions and a legion consists of over 600 men so anybody that got a demon usually got about 6 700 of them that's how come they act the way they act and most of us don't understand that you don't address the person you have to address the spirit of the person because if you can get their spirit right they would be right god have mercy i don't care how mean a person may act it's the spirit in them that makes them act the way they are therefore in order for them to get deliverance you have to address the source of what's making them act the way they act and when you address the source you call that spirit out i command the spirit that's in you to come out of you right now and when you speak to that spirit with authority once that spirit is released from that individual you'll find their whole attitude changes [Music] praise the lord and a lot of us don't understand that you're dealing with demonic forces we talk about it we sing about it but when it actually comes down to the fact that i've actually got to address this situation we would rather run than to deal with it head on but you've got to understand one thing the greater is in you no weapon that's formed against you shall prosper when the enemy comes in like a flood if you've got the right spirit in you then the spirit of the lord lifts up all somebody i stand it against the enemy take somebody and tell them i know i got the victory speak that thing until you believe it yourself touch him and tell him i know i got the victory these brethren thought within themselves that joseph after what we did to him he's got to try to get back at us it's a strange thing to me that people who are saved can actually carry a spirit of revenge strange to me that we're saved we'll shout we'll dance we're rolling the floor and get up and still carry a hateful spirit i don't like you what you did to me i'm going to get back at you what happened to salvation and when that happens you are on a course of self-destruction if you don't get your act together and get that stuff out of you don't you know those kinds of spirits can destroy you both physically mentally and spiritually nobody is worth you losing your health over nobody is worth you losing your sleep over you don't have to take no pills to go to sleep if somebody do something to you pray for them i know i'm talking some rough stuff now because the natural part of nostalgic get them back the natural part says your day is coming get them but the spiritual side says i don't have to do that because you are not worth me losing nothing over because when the deal goes down i'm gonna come out a winner simply because i love the love [Applause] i got anybody here that love the lord touch them and tell them i love the lord my god they misunderstood the fact that joseph could carry such a tempered sweet spirit in the midst of what they did to him you got to understand that these boys actually wanted to kill him not because he did anything to them but because of his anointing everybody in the under the sound of my voice everybody carries a certain anointing but then there are those of you who carry a greater anointing and because of that anointing you will find that there are attacks that come against you in every area of your life the enemy attacks you many times in your personal life he attacks you in your home life he attacks you on your job and then the greatest attacks come from church vote now i didn't say saints i said church from lord have mercy now there is a difference in saints and church folk and there's a lot of people that hide behind a cloak of religion but they ain't got nothing lord i can't get no iman's in this house man church folk are your greatest enemies simply because they understand your spirituality and they can tap into you and make you become spiritually frustrated and when you become spiritually frustrated you fail to tap into that vein of the anointing that gives you the victory over everything you have to be at peace with yourself in order to deal with your surroundings if you cannot master your own emotions you will never master your surroundings you are the master of your own destiny oh lord have mercy i was honking i had a rap session with my young people the other day and they were telling me all about the peer pressure that they were coming against that was coming against them and they didn't know how they were going to make it because all of the demonic forces that were coming against them in school in their neighborhoods and everywhere they go i said you have to understand that you are an individual you are not a groupie groupies do things that each other want to do when you are an individualist you say i can say no to whatever you want to do simply because i am not controlled by the majority i am a minority i am an individualist and i don't have to do what you do if you want to get high that's your thing i don't have to get high to be accepted if getting high means i can be accepted i'll never be accepted because i'd rather have peace with god than to have your acceptance and end up in jail because that's what they build in the jails for for y'all but the devil is a lie you don't have to go that way you get control of yourself of your emotions and let the devil know you don't control me you don't want me you don't tell me what to do because i got too much strength and faith within myself to allow you to manipulate me have i got a witness in the house if i get some save i'll just reach over and touch your mind and say power well i'll loose that uh did nothing happen something should have happened when you touch them something shouldn't happen touch him again and say power now see the attack is so intense because of the the enemy and his approach to what he's doing when joseph found himself under this kind of demonic attack at the end you will see where he is addressed by his brethren because they felt that he wanted to get back at them so he says to them and when joseph's brother saw that their father was dead and which he did unto them then the 16th verse he said they sent a messenger unto joseph saying my father did command before he died saying so shall you say unto joseph forgive i pray thee now the trespass of thy brethren and their sin for they did unto thee evil and now we pray thee forgive the trespass of the servants of the god of thy father and joseph wept when they speak unto him why did joseph cry joseph wept because he could not believe that after all of these years that they thought that he would still hold something against them joseph was saved [Music] [Applause] lord have mercy you better look at somebody say he was showing up saying i know half of y'all couldn't do it because i found that i i i run into some people that i just mean i'm not talking about y'all i'm just preaching i run into some people that are just mean they look mean when you talk to them they got this look on their face where it's like don't say nothing to me they said if you ever saw people that sit up in church and look like they're being sued for murder you look at him and they just look at you like why are you looking at me i don't even like you and you sit there and you look at him like and you start smiling you want to smile them you want to say something and you can get no help because when you look at them it's like they're rebelling against you in the spirit and that necessitates spiritual warfare ah my god spiritual warfare is real you have got to be a warrior for the lord because a lot of times you have to fight your own emotions because the natural side of you say if you don't like me i don't like you but the spiritual side says if you don't like me i love you oh my god i can't get no spiritual forgiveness the natural side say if you hit me you're going down but the spiritual side say i bind that spirit in the name of jesus have we got a witness in the house so therefore we are god's elect we are god's spiritual entities on this earth which means that living safe is a joy it's a pleasure and you will note when you live saved when your attitude is adjusted you go from level to level to level god begins to elevate you and promote you in the spirit because of your control of your natural lord have mercy nobody should be able to control your emotions but you and his brethren also went in the 18th verse after they sent the messenger the messenger came back and told them joseph is weeping the bible said and his brethren also went after sending the messenger of the brothers with themselves and fell down before his face and they said behold we be thy servants in other words forgive us we've messed up and after all of this time we have acknowledged the fact that we've messed up and instead of joseph knowing that he was in the position to really do a job on them at one word from jokes of all of his brethren could have been killed but joseph did not have an attitude of vengeance joseph was his attitude was the attitude that i think every believer that's going through it i know some of y'all going through it most of us are going through something but most of us don't want everybody to know that we're going through something because many times the very person that's taking you through is sitting next to you in church but you're trying your best [Applause] to be as spiritual as you can but in order to deal with the natural one must become spiritual because the natural cannot cope with the natural because your natural reactions are flesh and you are a spiritual being let me talk to you what the lord said to me concerning this thing if you can hold on to your spirituality your natural will come subject to the spiritual never allow the natural man to control the spiritual because the natural man is lead of the flesh and you are the master of your flesh my flesh will tell me to cuss you out but my spiritual man said you don't have to do that bless them that curse you god help me preach this thing in the midst of what we are going through now i'm here to tell you i find that the lord is revealing over and over that there is an attack against the believers from the breath and extent of this nation everybody's going through something you've never seen so many spiritual folk under demonic attack until it's getting to the place until sinners can come among the righteous and feel comfortable in their places simply because we have dropped from a spiritual high to a carnal level trying to be accepted if we are going to be successful we have got to tap into a vein of god that necessitates a higher level of anointing everywhere you go there are those that's breaking out away from us doing their own thing because they don't want to be bogged down in the carnal things that we are involved in but i'm going to tell you something once you become spiritual the lord leads you into his paths of righteousness god will speak to your very spirit and when a man's ways please the lord he'll make even his enemies be at peace with him can i get one amen in the house you've got to understand who you are look at somebody and ask them do you know who you are now answer them oh you think you know but you don't know but tell them say you're god's elect speak that thing until the spirit and tell them you are god's elect hallelujah and because you are god's elect the enemy can't do nothing with you understand that the enemy is a bluffer the devil does things to intimidate you to make you act out of character if he can make you remember what i'm saying now he can't do anything to you he can try to intimidate you to force you to act out of character if he makes you act out of character he knows that your anointing drops so when you have no anointing you have no power and anytime you don't have no power you have no authority everybody wants recognition but don't nobody want to go through nothing everybody wants the glory but don't nobody want the suffering everybody wants the anointing but don't nobody want to go through the depths of what it takes to receive the anointing [Applause] hallelujah we look around today and find that that ah god has some anointed felt i was telling some young people the other day some young ministers god still has some elijahs but the problem is where are the elijahs is there anybody that's trying to catch the mantle of the anointing without trying to do your own thing wait till you get the mantle then do your own thing but before you get the mantle you got to operate under the anointing of elijah can i get one amen in the house just one just what because we're living in a time there elijah did not come to the full fruition of his anointing until after elijah was carried away or while elijah was here he had to operate under the shadow of elijah even though he was going to get the mantle he still had to go to school anybody that wants to have leadership got to go to school you've got to go through some suffering you got to go through some things nobody wants to be led by a novice anybody that wants somebody to lead them you got to show me something in the spirit i don't want to see what you're natural i want to see what you can tap into in the spirit if i get sick can you pray for me till i get here [Applause] said somebody said get anointed i know you were scared to touch them but touch them again anyhow and tell them they can't anoint him test three people just get anointed on it get anointed that's what it's all about it's all about tapping into the vein of the anointing when the lord spoke to joseph and joseph start telling his brethren about what the lord was going to do none of the dreams that he told them had yet come to fruition i know that some of you all have tapped into a vein of the anointing when the lord is showing you some things but don't make the mistake that joseph did and start telling everybody what the lord is going to do all you gotta tell folk is the lord is going to bless when we talk about the anointing you're talking about suffering your anointing is your suffering if you've never been through nothing you got nothing coming but the more you go through the more you got coming the depth of your suffering determines the height of your anointing little test means a little blessing big test means big blessing some of y'all got some bolder blessings coming because all of the hell that you've been through when god brings you to the place of your anointing you got a right to praise it you need to text somebody tell them i'm almost there don't be scared speak to him tell him i'm almost there because i got a witness in the house i got the clothes i got to close but notice if i will give me about five more minutes i'm all through understand the attack that was coming against joseph was to keep him from getting to where the lord had for him to go god had prepared a place for joseph it was the plan of the enemy working through his brothers to keep him hear me from getting to where god had for him to go when he had the dream and explained to his brethren that i saw you giving obedience to me he tapped into a vein in his brethren that hated his very existence who do you think you are you're not the eldest and you're not the youngest but you're gonna pop up and tell us not in the line of family tradition but you're gonna pop up and tell us that we're gonna be bowing to you joseph said it was a dream y'all but it was real i saw your paying audience to me and joseph made another mistake when he had another dream and told his daddy the daddy i even saw you paying orbeez to me his father got an attitude when you got a chance to read that had an attitude with joseph and rebuked him because of his dream his brother and wouldn't just rebuke him his brother and got together and said well we got to stop joseph from getting what he's talking about in this dream they could not tap into the spirituality of the dream for in the dream if they had been spiritual they would have recognized that they were going to need joseph in order to survive i'm going to tell you that when the lord shows you something and when you tell folk if they're not spiritual they cannot understand the spirituality of what the lord is saying for everybody needs to know that everybody is not spiritually minded you dealing with some folk that may even be in position but ain't got no power you're dealing with some folk that may want the position but don't have no anointing i don't care how good you are at what you do you got to show me some anointing but the bible says without the anointing there are no yokes destroyed and there are some yokes in our lives that only the lord can destroy and i'm closing now but in the midst of what joseph was going through his brethren became jealous and envious of him and they plotted to take his life and i stopped by to serve notice on you that in my spirit man that some of y'all are under attack and you can't really talk about it because the enemy has planned his strategy and everywhere you turn there are enemies that are trying to destroy you but don't let your attitude change don't allow what you're going through to make you better toward everybody don't allow what you're going through to make you indifferent toward everybody but hold your head up if you know the lord spoke it to you then just hold on to it because if god said it it will come to pass because can't nobody do you like the lord can nobody hallelujah if you hang on in there just a little while longer the wind of adversity is blowing in your life there are some things that you're dealing with that's causing you to shed tears but in the midst of your tears there's a blessing there because god said if you can hold on to it and just let the enemy attack the more he attacks you the more the lord will bless you because i stopped by on this tuesday night to serve notice on you that whatever you're going through it's only temporary it's a temporary situation that's preparing you for a permitted blessing if your whole owner just a little while looking we've been made into it for a night for joy halloween have i got a witness here hallelujah i got to close y'all but the attack is on the devil has given his demons orders and said attack them in every area get them in their mind get them in their hearts get them in their bodies get them in their homes get in their children get in their loved ones frustrate them make them upset make them angry let them react out of emotion and not on their spirituality and the devil and his demons are doing a good job everywhere you turn the attack is intense but i stopped out and said hello joseph i got some joseph's in here you better shake somebody's head and say hello joseph [Applause] just ain't going in there just a little while longer hallelujah in the midst of everything if god said it you got a blessing coming if god said it you got to just wait on it if god said it keep a good attitude if god said it don't let nobody turn you around but hold on to your dream hold on to your vision hold on to your anointing ain't nobody worth you losing what god promised you over just hang on in that joseph said brethren when they came to him and said joseph daddy is gone and i know you're gonna get us back joseph looked at his brethren and said brethren i don't have a spirit a vengeance in my heart but what you meant for you from god minutes for good and i got a witness here what you tried to kill me with god took that thing and turned it around and made it for my good as a matter of fact brother and let me talk to you i'm not mad at you i don't have an attitude but i want to take this time in the next amount two years ruben i just want to thank you judah i just want to thank you simeon and levi i want to shake your head instacalm i'm glad you did what you did because if you hadn't did what you did i wouldn't be where i am but because of you i am that i am by the grace of the lord make everything all right have i got a witness here when you get the right attitude when you stand your ground when you know god is with you you can look at what you've been through and smile at it while you're going through it's kind of hard to smile but when you come out you can look back at it and say thank you for everything i've been through let me testify i hear joseph saying i know y'all got mad with me and put me in the pit but thank you for the pit because i never would have been in the pit the ishmael knights never would have got me if the israelites never would have got me they never would have sold me to the millionaires if the millionaires never would have saw me i never would have met potiphar if i never would have met potiphar i never would have met his wife if i never would have met his wife i never would have went to the dungeon if i never would have went to the dungeon i never would have met the better in the baker if i never met the battle in the baker i never really interpret that dream if i never really interpret that dream i never would have met pharaoh if i never would have met pharaoh i wouldn't be where i am now but because of that look at me now i'm going to know it i'm going to know it and because of you my anointing is going up a little bit higher yeah yes it is i'm moving from level to level thank you for every lie thank you for every ditch because if you're never with a lie i wouldn't be way if you never would have bit my back i never would have prayed but because of you i got a better prayer life because of you i've got a greater anointing because of you i got a better relationship with the lord on heart because came nobody do me like the lord can't nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody like the lord glory [Applause] threw your arms around somebody tell them it's gonna be all right now shout glory look at somebody tell them i'm all right now [Applause] you better tell them like me they say i'm all right now tell them i can be the same all right glory turn around quick grab something about both of their hands quick quick quick come on [Applause] grab them hands grab them hands [Applause] come on come on if you have to make a circle of three grab them grab them don't let nobody be without holding somebody's hand now hold him i say neighbor i really don't know what you're going through i really don't understand how intense the attack is in your life but i do know you're in the right place at the right time holding the right hand because as of right now whatever it is you're coming out of it the reason i know you are cause i got your hands and i'm coming out and when i come out i'm taking you with me now snatch him i said come on out of here anybody know the lord's doing a good job for you just lean on somebody tell them i'm all right now oh i'm all right i'm all right now i'm all right now come on right now how many of y'all believe the lord don't raise your hand if you don't believe him everybody that believed the lord raised both of your hands real high now shout real loud lord i believe you now tell them lord i ain't going nowhere now go around and test three people and tell them god said it's over god said it's over come on somebody hey it's over it's over i said it's over the wiry is over it's over the weathering is over i'm not gonna worry about it no more but i'm turning it all over into the hands of the law and i'm gonna step back and let god handle it and while the lord is handling it i'm going to start praising it nothing makes the devil matter then the praises of god if you can praise the law in the midst of what you're going through that tells the lord that anyway you bless me it's all right with me anyway you deliver me it's all right with me i'll praise you in spite of how i feel i praise you in spite of the attack because i know that my life is in the lord's hand and if god's got a hold of me can't no devil in hell do me no harm because after a while he will make everything all right do you believe it's gonna be all right then grab somebody and say hang on in there it's gonna be all right all right all right hallelujah grab somebody give me some volume here listen take somebody by their hands quick you about to do something that you ain't used to doing take one person by their hands come on take them take them come on after all that preaching everybody ought to be obedient take them hands now give yourself some room give yourself some room cause you gotta have about 15 seconds of room because them hands are holding y'all getting ready to praise god together [Music] if they can't dance you can hold their hands and rock them now i'm just doing what the lord said now if you obey me there's a deliverance in here some of y'all came in here with some stuff that the lord's going to take you out of [Applause] it my god i feel god stealing some healing in here somebody's going to leave here well somebody's going to leave here and lift it god said i'm ready to do something for you get that person by their hands and look at them and tell them we're getting ready to praise our way out of it come on i mean speak that thing into that spirit tell them we are getting ready to praise our way right out of here my god some of y'all been suffering with conditions that the lord said i am the lord thy god that healeth thee let's stop cutting god short then stop talking about what god ain't gonna do we don't have the right to say what god ain't gonna do if you got the faith to say it god's got the power to do it get ready for a miracle look at them hands you're holding tell them get ready for your miracle get ready for your miracle and for 15 seconds when i hit three i want you to praise god like you didn't lost your mind say brother preacher i can't dance if you can't dance then just rock if you can't rock then bob if you can't bob then read but let everything that have breath praise the lord and if you can't do that just leave you don't have to last but 15 seconds hear what the spirit said anybody that makes it past 15 seconds you on overtime god's gonna double your play on the bullshot god's gonna give her your blessing give her your anointing double your deliverance give her your healing and some of y'all need a double blessing but when i get three go for it one come on grab them hands don't let them go until after that 15 seconds when that 15 seconds is up you gonna say it's over and when you say it's over go for it two three stop praising go for it shout it's over go for your bonus freeze and praise it dance if you can shout if you wanna come on put your hands together that's crazy you
Channel: Kyoung83
Views: 2,394
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: bishop willie james campbell, bishop wj campbell, willie james campbell, willie j campbell, cogic bishop, cogic revival, northern california first jurisdiction, ncfj cogic, cogic convocation, northern california first convocation, cogic convocation 1998, bishop lc patton, praise break cogic, cogic preaching, the late bishop willie james campbell, jesus, lord prepare me, benard webb, pray, altar call, ktyproductions
Id: UvnjSvD9myE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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