Bishop J. Drew Sheard - God's Gonna Save You From Embarrassment (COGIC Workers Meeting 2021)

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the book of first samuel the 11th chapter and the second and third verses first samuel 11 2 and 3. i hope that you have been able to join us on our prayer calls every tuesday and friday i was i was talking to the pr person on friday and they were just telling me say bishop this prayer these prayer calls are going so extremely well and i say well thank the lord and he's and i said about how many people we got on now prayer calls dr carl davis he said we have over 175 000 people in prayer every tuesday and friday isn't that remarkable i'm looking for god to do some great things and if you have not had an opportunity to join us in those prayer calls please do so this week our wonderful supervisor of the women's department mother barbara mccool lewis and this women's department will be leading in prayer on this weekend so god has certainly been a blessing to us if you'll be so kind to stand in reverence to the word of god i want to read a few scriptures and then i'm going to move right out of your way as quickly as possible thank you bishop again for allowing me to come and share on your day your day amen and nahash the ammonite answered them on this condition will i make a covenant with you that i may thrust out all your right eyes and lay it for reproach upon all israel and the elders of jabash said unto him give us seven days respite that we may send messengers unto all the coast of israel and then if there be no man to save us we will come out to thee i want to place emphasis here on that latter part of that uh second verse on this condition will i make a covenant with you that i may thrust out all your right eyes and lay it for reproach upon all israel i want to talk to you for the next few fleeting moments from the subject god's gonna save you from embarrassment god's gonna save you from embarrassment you may sit in the presence of the lord my brothers and sisters we need to understand that the devil's ultimate objective is to destroy the people of god however along the way he intends to embarrass us to no end and every opportunity that the devil gets he will take advantage of it but i've come to share with you that god knows what is happening in your life and if you'll just be patient he's going to spare you from being embarrassed and ultimately you will be victorious i know it looks crazy but when things get out of your control that's a good time for god to step in on your behalf the very fact that it seems like you've done all you can and things aren't getting any better is a clear indication that you need god to step in and turn things around here in our lesson text we find nahash the ammonite nahash discovered that he had the upper hand on the people of god the leaders of jabash understood that they were in no condition to continue fighting and simply wanted peace they had come to terms with the fact that they were defeated and simply wanted to surrender so that being the case they wanted to know what did nehesh want from them in order to stop the fighting in other words they wanted to know the conditions for a peace treaty here we find the children of israel in trouble and unable to overcome their enemies i found that true saints don't have to fret because of their enemies when their relationship is right with god i guess what i'm trying to say is that sometimes we've got to get over ourselves in order for god to handle our enemies but in order for god to handle our enemies we've got the first deal with our inner enemies because a lot of times our enemies are our inner needs i hope you understand what i'm saying our inner knees mess us up so bad and put us in a position until god won't rescue us ah do me a favor and just look at somebody and say it's all about relationship however just being the victors was not good enough for nay hash he wanted to totally embarrass the people of jabash before he ever gets to the peace treaty he had this unscrupulous demand he said that they must agree for him to poke out everyone's right eye and this my friends would bring disgrace upon the people this cruel condition would serve as a badge of their slavery and a means of incapacitating them from being effective warriors in the future always keep in mind that the enemy is not just there to embarrass you for right now but he wants to render you debilitated for your future my brothers and sisters you must understand the significance of the right eye bishop bell one observer said he who upholds his shield to the enemy with his left hand thereby hides his left eye and looks at his enemy with his right eye he therefore who plucks out that right eye makes men useless in time of war not only would the plucking out of the right eye serve as an embarrassment to the people of god but it would debilitate them and cause them to be ineffective in future times of war so my brothers and sisters i've come to share with you that the devil has a plan for your life let me say that again the devil has a plan for your life and he desires to make a total fool out of you the devil knows is that if he lets you get by on this one that you're gonna cause him some trouble down the road so he much rather embarrass you to the extent that he can rid himself of you ever doing anything productive against him in the future ah do me a favor and look at somebody and say the devil is trying to embarrass you you better recognize that just because he's not talking about killing you at this moment doesn't mean that he's your friend he's trying to make a joke out of your potential he he may not know exactly what god has in store for you but when you really look at it he has a certain amount of fear of you so therefore you need to recognize the tricks of the devil you need to understand and not be so naive until uh you see that the devil is not not your friend and that he's trying to make a fool out of you you need to understand that the devil comes in many directions for the devil is cunning he's subtle and the bible says that he's as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and church we might as well be real with folk when they come to us a lot of folks subscribe to this misnomer that the devil is in a red suit with horns sticking out of his head a long tail and a pitchfork in his hand but i come to tell you brothers the devil wears saint john knits with high-heeled red bottom shoes ladies i come to tell you that the devil wears custom-made suits with alligator shoes lord help me preach and the bible over in colossians talks about men creeping in unawares and that's what the devil will do if you're not prayed up he'll creep in undetected and make you think he's your friend and all the time he's setting you up for a great fall and so the people of god in line with accepting their defeat as for seven days so they could get the word out that there was actually a peace treaty being offered you need to know that such promises were frequently made by those who were captured in that day they would say we will surrender if we don't get any relief in a certain amount of days and such conditions were generally accepted by their captors in my humble opinion i believe that this was a good stall tactic you see after the devil has got you to believe that there's no way out it's still good to have a strategy the leaders of god's people were trying to set up a definite date when they would surrender but in so doing they did something that i like to call buying some time when the enemy comes to embarrass you it's good strategy to buy you some time just in case god is going to come in your behalf for you never know when when god is up to something i know i know it feels like this is the last straw but you need to buy you some time i know you've been told that ain't nothing gonna happen on your behalf but you need to buy you some time because while you're buying some time god is working some things out on your behalf god is preparing a way for your escape that's why the bible tells us to be patient the bible tells us to be patient the bible tells us to be patient and i heard the apostle paul say in your patience your soul and then a songwriter picked it up and said he may not come when you want him but he'll be there right on time have i got a witness here you may be in trouble but i came by to tell you to buy you some more time because god is working things out and so the bible says in the fourth verse of this chapter then came the messengers uh to gibeah of saul and and told the tidings on the ears of the people and all the people lift up their voices and wept what this verse implies is that it does not appear that the people of jabash gilead knew about the appointment of saul to the kingdom for the message is not directed to him but it's directed to the people for the bible says the people lifted up their voices and wept they saw no hope of deliverance and they expected that all of israel would be totally embarrassed my brothers and sisters the potential for embarrassment is a bad feeling and israel was about to face total embarrassment the bible says that when saul came in from the field he wanted to know why were the people crying allow me to share something with you about saul who had happened to be appointed king stay with me a moment saul had been brought up in an agricultural life and after his consecration to the office of king saul returned to his job waiting for a call of divine providence ah y'all ain't getting this i want to share with somebody that god may have allowed you to be appointed to do a certain thing or to hold a particular office but you had better wait until you get your divine calling before you move too many people have been appointed to do something but they have not received the anointing to do that thing and when you step out on a man-made appointment without the anointing you're headed for disappointment however let me go back however saul feels that this is a divine thing for if we look at verse 6 the bible says that when saul heard this news god's spirit came over him and he became very angry well this contradicts those of you who say that you can't be angry and be anointed when the spirit of god causes an individual to become angry you can be assured that god is about to straighten some stuff out i've come to tell somebody that god is at work on your behalf god is about to turn some stuff around because i don't know about you but i'm sick of the devil trying to embarrass the people of god is there anybody else here sick of the devil i know i am i'm sick of folk trying to act like i'm not supposed to be blessed i'm sick of folk trying to act like i'm not supposed to be anointed i'm sick of folk trying to stop me from achieving what god has already promised me just look at somebody and say i'm sick of it and so the bible says the bible says that saul took a yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces and sent them by messengers throughout the territory of israel with a message the sending of the pieces of the oxen was act similar to that of the levite in the 19th chapter of judges when they cut up his concubine into 12 pieces and sent them throughout the territories of israel both of these customs are similar to the sending of the bloody cross which would call the clans to battle the bible says that when the call went out that 300 000 came from israel and 30 000 from judah i want to serve notice to you and i'm going to my seat but i want to serve notice to you that even though judah which means praise hallelujah is a part of israel that i find it interesting to note that judah is spoken of aside from israel i want you to understand that whatever you start to do it's better to single out your praise when you call for the prayer warriors be be sure you call for your praise separately this ain't no time to be lumping everything together you need to make sure that there's a definite difference in your praise and saul's separated praise from his troops i wonder is there anybody here that is willing to send up some praise for what god is about to do in your life i know you sitting by somebody that don't want to praise him but you got to get to a point where you don't even care what people around you think i know that god is getting ready to do something in my life and so i'm going to send up a praise it ain't happen yet but i got faith i got faith and my faith says that i can see it before i see it just shake yourself and say something is about to happen i want you to know something is about that can i prophesy to somebody every now and then god moves on me to use the spirit of prophecy but i want to prophesy to somebody something is about to change in your life how you know bishop because i feel it in the atmosphere i feel that things are about to break for somebody and you've been down long enough the enemy been sitting on your lap long enough the enemy been whispering in your ear long enough but i came all the way from detroit to tell you that something is about to break in your life i wish i had somebody that would say lord let it be me [Music] hallelujah i feel it in the atmosphere and so y'all sit down just a minute i'm almost through and so the bible said that song and samuel told the troops to tell the men of jabash gilead that tomorrow by the time the sun gets hot you're gonna have your deliverance let me stay here for a moment the terminology the terminology means that by 12 noon everything is going to be all right y'all ain't ready for me i need to tell somebody that's sitting here today everybody that by 12 noon tomorrow god is going to work something out for you note that when they showed the message to the men of j bash and told them what a great army saw had the bible says and they were glad tell your neighbor god is up to something if you only knew what was about to happen in your life you wouldn't wait till this battle is over but you start shouting right now i gotta stop i'm here to tell somebody that what god is about to do for you it's going to blow your enemies mind i wonder is there anybody here that's looking for that kind of blessing but i gotta share something i gotta share something i gotta share something you can't say nothing yet is there anybody here that can keep a secret you can't look at your neighbor and say don't say nothing yet you've got to learn how to keep your mouth shut on this one because if you start running your mouth you're going to take away the element of surprise and the bible says that the people of god had to conceal the information from their enemies look at somebody and say i can't say nothing but i got a feeling something's about to happen now you didn't say that like you really believe it look at your neighbor and say i can't say nothing but i got a feeling something's about to happen brian something's about to happen something's about to happen and therefore the men of jabesh said to nehash the ammonite tomorrow we will come out unto you implying that they had no help and that's why you got to learn how to have one of those shout anyway attitudes so folk don't know what's going on in your life sometimes you gotta shout when you're in trouble to keep from going crazy sometimes you gotta shout so that you can confuse your enemy you you should be somewhere in a crazy house but i'm still shouting you should be somewhere biting your fingernails off but i'm still shouting i should be somewhere pulling my hair out but look at somebody and say but i'm just confusing the enemy and the ammonites felt secure and thought they were in route to victory but the leaders of japan told them you can do to us whatever you feel is necessary the ammonites were going to embarrass the people of god but the next day the next day saul arranged the armies the army that he had in three divisions uh help me i'm gonna mess up with some of my theologians here but i like to say bishop bryant that they had a division for the father a division for the son and a division for the holy ghost and the bible says they came out into the midst of the host in the morning watch the third and last watch of the night and the break of day or before the sun was up saw and his men were in place and by noon they had wiped the enemy out tell three people tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow so i stopped by i gotta stop here i stopped by to tell somebody to not be weary in well-doing for you shall reap if you faint not and weeping may endure for a night but if you can just hold out until the morning joy is coming tell your neighbor hang on in there because god is about to prepare you from being embarrassed so forget about committing suicide throw away your pills man don't leave your family woman don't forsake your children young people don't give up on your dream child of god don't give up on your church god is about to show out on your behalf god is about to do something for you and the bible says when david got in trouble he said i will look to the hills from whence come in my help because my help cometh from the lord i came by to tell somebody don't jump off the bridge don't run your car in the river don't slit your wrists don't let the enemy poke you right out for if god before us who can be against us and david said i once was young but now i'm home and i'm never seeing the righteous forsaken look at somebody and say wait on the law because they that wait [Music] upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings as an eagle they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint tell your neighbor god that is chained in the atmosphere if i were you i wouldn't wait till the battle is over but i'll shout right now knowing that i got victory is there anybody here that's got victory if you believe it you oh god of praise you owe him a thank you and that's why i praise him because i realized that if it had not been for the lord who was on my side where would i be but tell your neighbor he will with the temptation make a way for your escape if you can grab your neighbor and i know you ain't supposed to touch nobody but i tell you to grab your neighbor and just rock them and roll them and say neighbor get ready i haven't seen is having heard neither have it entered into the hearts of men touch the body and say good thing good thing good thing get ready to praise him get ready to dance get ready to shout because god [Music] you ought to praise him you ought to give him praise you ought to dance in it bank [Music] crazy [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ought to give him a praise god is saving you from embarrassment you ought to give him a praise [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] just look at your neighbor and say get ready neighbor oh you didn't say it like i want you to tell them look at them and say get ready you only holding that note look at your neighbor and say god is getting ready to bring you out tell somebody else neighbor god is getting ready to take you higher tell one more person god is getting ready to do something in your life if you believe it give him some praise [Music] hmm i know he's all right [Music] thank you hallelujah come on and lift those hands up finish lift those hands to the lord and say lord i thank you are sparing me oh come on you ought to say it like you really believing that he's made a way for you lord i thank you for sparing me [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] while you're standing hallelujah hallelujah the devil was laughing at some of us the devil was saying i got him but i thank god that he spared us from embarrassing there may be a person here that does not know jesus
Views: 23,929
Rating: 4.9055796 out of 5
Keywords: bishop j drew sheard, Dorinda clark cole, twinkie clark, Twinkie clark organ, the clark sisters, mattie moss clark, Kierra sheard, praise break, speaking in tongues, pentecostal shout, apostolic shout, cogic shout, holy convocation cogic, bishop noel jones, serita jakes, td jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, jamal bryant, donnie mcclurkin, prophet todd hall, cogic, crazy shout, cogic praise break, todd hall shout, cogic bump, laying hands, j drew sheard praise break
Id: G3pwIdaYrbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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