Church Of God In Christ, Inc. Convocation 2017-Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake

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[Music] the Chief Justice of the judiciary board [Music] brothers and sisters the general officers the general elected officers of our church are coming at this time [Music] the Secretary of Finance you the general treasurer [Music] the vice-chairman of the General Assembly [Music] [Music] the chairman of the General Assembly [Music] the general secretary [Music] the chief operating officer [Music] among the many areas of training that the National Agency provides these young men who are coming now are members of the Acolytes ministry they have been trained in the protocol order and worship of our church they hail from South Carolina Arkansas California and they are here today to assist the presiding bishop within the Acolytes ministry [Music] as the national acident overseers come to prepare us for the entrance of the general board I would like to present to you or recognize on this day the general board members who are already seated on the stage general board member emeritus the right reverend Roy Lawrence Haley wimbush of Lafayette Louisiana the right reverend George Dallas McKinney who hails from San Diego California the national adjutant overseers have various responsibilities within the national church various regions and various assignments such as the anointing service and the official day service all today as well as the Episcopal consecration on this evening [Music] we also thank God for the presence of the first assistant presiding bishop of our great church the right reverend Phillip Aquila Brooks from Detroit Michigan [Music] brothers and sisters I ask that you would stand at this time for the entrance of the Presidium of our great church [Music] from the city of Tampa Florida the right Reverend Matthew John Williams from the City of Milwaukee Wisconsin the right reverend Daryl Lynn Heinz from Norfolk Virginia the right reverend Ted Girard Thomas senior [Music] from Memphis Tennessee the right reverend Brendan bourdette Porter [Music] from Detroit Michigan the right reverend John drew cheer from Muskegon Michigan the right Reverend Nathaniel Wyoming wells Junior [Music] from the city of st. Louis Missouri the assistant secretary of the general Board the right reverend Lawrence Marcellus Wooten from Milwaukee Wisconsin the Secretary of the General Board the right reverend Sedgwick Daniels [Music] the second assistant presiding bishop of our great church from Hayward California the very Reverend Jerry Wayne Macklin [Music] again on this day we recognize the presence of the first assistant presiding bishop of our great church from Detroit Michigan the very Reverend Philip Aquila Brooks [Music] [Music] brothers and sisters it is my distinct honor to announce to you the presence of the greatest leader of our times the presiding bishop and chief apostle of the Church of God in Christ the seventh leader of our denomination in succession the Most Reverend Charles Edward Blake senior of Los Angeles California the presiding bishop and chief apostle of our denomination the Most Reverend Charles Edward Blake senior of Los Angeles California let us honor and celebrate our leader on this day help me to celebrate the leader of the greatest church in the world [Music] [Music] brothers and sisters help me to celebrate again the greatest leader of brisket up the Most Reverend Charles Edward Blake senior of Los Angeles California [Music] let us celebrate the leadership of our brakes here [Music] [Music] [Music] brothers and sisters the second assistant presiding bishop of our great church good morning everybody these mics good morning everybody well let's begin by clapping our hands opening our mouths and giving God praise [Applause] [Music] now if the Lord has been good to you let's try that one more time [Music] this is the holy convocation I said this is the holy convocation turn to somebody near you and tell them welcome to the holy convocation all right if you need something from the law this is the day come on and praise God where we gonna have a little praise and worship here and there ready to go I'm ready to go and we're ready to clap my hands open our mouth and give God praise on today are you ready to praise Him look at somebody and tell them I'm not too dressed up to give God praise bless that wonderful name [Music] the name [Music] I win the day [Applause] [Music] nothing [Applause] ah ha Oh Wow Oh Oh good don't put your Oh [Music] [Music] brain [Music] [Applause] [Music] well his own good ruined somebody by the head I don't know what you come to do but I've come to get the Lord how fast ready jump somebody else a neighbor I don't know what you come to do given my Freddie [Music] put those together and it already [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] the place is named I come to praise you sing the praises name I come to praise his name oh joy oh man [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] by the whole time say neighbor pop on sale like you really say neighbor I want to the leap with me say neighbor we're gonna leap over depression we're gonna leap over sickness whether to leap over poverty ashes over are you ready are you ready bubble saying are you ready give it up Hey nominee Fletcher come the Newport on the report on [Music] we put our baby make the devil man make the devil make me weep over to Russian a leap over sickness a leap over doubt [Music] give us way [Music] give up give up ray get away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very much [Music] well may the Lord bless you I just informed that we are 60 seconds away from the entire world being invited into the hundred and ten holy convocation of the Church of God in Christ and it is my hope in my prayer that when we are alive that we will be live or praise God hallelujah how many believe God is going to pour out in this house today I said how many believe God is going to pour out in this house today I can already sense and feel the power of God that's in this place right now and we are downright excited all down in our souls for what we believe that God is going to do what are we five four three two one that's a good time for a shout [Applause] [Music] well [Music] [Music] well hello again and welcome to the 110th annual holy convocation of the Church of God in Christ emanating from the Edward Jones Dome in downtown st. Louis Missouri once again the Lord has blessed us to come to you over the word network with his annual gathering of the faithful of the Church of God in Christ from all over the United States and 87 countries abroad as you can see the anticipation is high in this very spirited service because today we will hear from His Eminence the Most Reverend Charles Edward Blake the chief apostle and Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ the seventh in succession again it has been our great pleasure to partner with a word network in bringing this service to you the word network reaching 93 million homes around the globe well I know you've been waiting so let's go to the service and let's have church [Music] he's not my baby you step out of the pit he's got wonderful [Music] hallelujah thank you well that's just the beginning we're just getting started here today and we welcome you that are in this grand auditorium and arena and for those of you that are joining us from around the world we say welcome to this hundred and tenth holy convocation of the Church of God in Christ how delighted we are today to be able to introduce and celebrate the leader that God has given us and we believe to be the greatest leader in the world today the bishop Charles Edward Blake senior come on everybody praise the name of the Lord and he has been leading us yea these many years seventh in succession and throughout this great week of worship services we recognize bishop thomas michig Wales Bishop McKinney mr. Rudin recognized Bishop Williams Bishop high on the support our Bishop shared and of course our secretary Bishop Daniels on a sec first assistant Bishop Brooks and to all of the officials of the Church of God in Christ we welcome you this morning when I was preparing to come early this morning before the Sun was up I cinched in my spirit that this was going to be a day of healing and that there were people who had made their way to this grand arena who had said if I can just get to where the Saints are I believe I'll be healed now I don't know I didn't get a slip to tell me what seats you're sitting in but if that's you and you came here looking for God to heal your body I don't know what seat you're in but if you're in that place now would you just stand and wave at me so I know you are here oh my God my God look at the hands all over this Hollett aureum now everybody that believes that God is still a healer come on let's send up a shout of praise where we believe God is still working now hallelujah yes yes yes and as we are here today in this holy convocation we believe that all things are possible and for those that are joining us stay with us this morning and watch what God will do for you I'm going to ask now that all of us would stand for the call to worship as we prepare our hearts for this grand and holy day I shall read that that is designated for leader and you would respond accordingly or since God in this house today hallelujah my my my my this is the day which the Lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it let Mount Zion rejoice and the daughters of Judah be glad read oh that the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us this day cross for the work of our hands as we endeavor to worship your name in the beauty of holiness read now may we join our voices together now be it unto thy servants according to the word which thou has spoken we feel your glory and manifest your presence may we experience signs wonders and miracles as we worship you this day amen amen and amen well if you know God is in the house come on and open your mouth and let's give our praise in this house right now Oh bless the name of the Lord come on bless the name of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah may God bless you and may God keep you this morning our order of worship this morning includes our invocation a bishop Jay drew sheared senior our Levitical affirmation by bishops Ch Mason memorial choir the Old Testament Bishop Lawrence Walton the New Testament Bishop Nathaniel Wells and then we're going to sing together onward the Christian soldier then we're gonna have our affirmation of faith so glad to be able to shout that together bishop Brendan Porter then the celebratory praise will come sends you the first and when we began to praise and magnify God together I hope all of us will be a part of the worship team today we will hear our observations with Bishop Lyles and then our anthem will come forth well this is a day of great celebration and we've come from far and near to do just that just before they come would you lay your hand on a shoulder of somebody that's near you and if you're watching and there's anybody in your house lay your hand on them right now hallelujah and even before the invitation comes will you pray for the person that you're standing next to haha they're dressed up but you don't know what they left when they came you don't know what home would like when they left the house so pray for him right now you don't know what's going on in their bodies so pray for me now is that Alright hmm may the Lord bless you and since God in this place am I the only one that senses the Lord is in this house ah glory to God hallelujah I know I'm not saved by feeling but I feel something right about now glory to God glory to God we're ready may the luckless come on let's give God some praise come on you prayed for your neighbor come on you pray for your neighbor believe God is doing it right now in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you for healing we thank you for deliverance god you're able right now we praise you in advance thank you for dissolving tumors thank you for canceling cancer make your right now and we plead the blood now let your blood cover now let's just blood make hole Satan the Lord rebuke you we come against you in the name of Jesus there's power in the name of Jesus Jesus said have your way right now destroy every better destroy every pain in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you now because you're making a way we thank you now because you're opening doors and I so say yes to you to your wheel yes to your way thank you Lord for moving us in a new direction thank you Lord for opening doors thank you Lord for healing our bodies and we praise your name praise praise in this house praise in this house if you praise him in this house you can wait a min your house I'm thanking you in advance blessings Lord and we take you down look on our leader today let him now strengthen his body in the name of Jesus look on your church now hold us together let your joining that be upon this service and we thank you in advance come on Saints and take it come on and praising praising for the anointing crazy bubble holy goes crazy for its presence and we say thank you with a bunch of ducks thank you hey thank you in Jesus name thank God amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Old Testament reading from the eagle-eyed prophet Isaiah the 61st chapter the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to point out to them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for Ashes all of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they may be call the trees of righteousness the planning of the Lord that he might be glorified and they shall build the old ways they shall raise up the former desolations and they should repair the waste cities the desolate of many generations and strangers shall stand and feed your flocks and the sons of the aliens shall be your Plowman your vine dresses but you should be named the priest of the Lord men should call you the ministers of our God usually eat the riches of the Gentiles in their glory shall you boast yourselves for your shame you shall have doubled and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore their land they should possess the double everlasting joy shall be upon them for the Lord God loved judgment he hate robbery for the burnt offerings and I will direct their work in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them and their seed shall be known among the Gentiles and their offspring among the people and all that seed iam shall acknowledge them that they are the seed which the Lord has blessed our greatly rejoiced in the Lord my soul shall be joyful in my god for he has clothed me with a garment of salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decals himself with ornaments and a bride adorns herself with her jewels where's the earth bringeth forth her bud and as garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring for so the Lord God will cause the righteousness and praise to bring forth before all the nations the Word of God is men [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God and timotheus our brother to the Saints and faithful brother in Christ which are at colossi grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ we give thanks to God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying always for you since she heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which he have to all the saints for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven where of he heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel which has come unto you as it is in all the world and bringeth forth fruit at it doeth also in you since the day he heard it and knew the grace of God in truth as he also learned of a path of a pass Arras our dear fellow servant who is for you a faithful minister of Christ who also declared unto you us your love in the spirit for this cause we also since the day we heard it do not cease to pray for you and to desire that she might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that she might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being faithful in every good work increasing in the knowledge of God strengthened with all might according to his his power unto all patience and long-suffering it with joyfulness giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in the earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him I have read to you from Colossians chapter 1 verses 1 through 16 made God and a blessing to the reading of his word [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] god bless our hymn of the morning you'll find it in your program a 16 onward Christian soldiers [Music] Oh on what Kristen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] around and the colas you're gonna join in together if the world see us marching home come on [Music] [Music] Oh praise the Lord the affirmation of faith is essential for our church first Peter 3:15 says we should always be ready to give an answer concerning our hope or our faith I will read the statement and you will read the explanation and the reason [Music] you ready we affirm our faith in the Bible we affirm our faith in God we're firm our faith in the Blessed hope [Music] we affirm our faith in repentance we affirm our faith in salvation we affirm our faith in Jesus Christ we affirm our faith in the Holy Ghost [Music] we affirm our faith in sanctification altogether we believe in the sanctifying power of the holy spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy separated life in this present world you've got this place he is worthy of all the glory and all the honor and all the things can you rise with us message about his glorious praise in this place here are the afraid thanks unto the Lord to the Lord like set to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now lift those hands after you want to say he's worthy of all praise I greet you this morning in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today is the official day of our one hundred and tenth holy convocation and is on this day that we will hear the voice of our leader who today will bring to us in his tenth year as presiding bishop the official convocation message will you this convocation join me in celebrating and appreciating our presiding bishop the bishop Charles Edward Blake senior to our first and second assistant presiding bishops to the members of the general board to the general officers and to all the leadership of the Church of God in Christ we celebrate our general supervisor mother Barbara COO Lewis and her tab cabinet and our general supervisor emeritus mother Willie may rivers we honor lady Mae Blake who has written a book entitled clearing the clutter from your mind this book will make a wonderful gift this book is available at the West Angelus booth in Hall three at the closing of this worship service there are numerous meetings dinners and fellowship events please check with the coordinator of those events for the details and the location also after this service in Hall three there are opportunities for you to acquire literature books CDs and other materials written and/or developed by the members of the Church of God in Christ please visit all three and support the various ministry booths and other beneficial opportunities CDs and DVDs from this service are available you can acquire CDs and DVDs from the middle of the Convention Center as well as if you go on kojic TV you'll be able to download the videos between 5:30 and 6:30 this afternoon young people's willing worker or ypw will be held here at the dome and the evening worship service will begin at 7:30 the November 2017 session of the General Assembly will begin tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. the doors will open at 7:45 and delegates must have a 2017-18 badge to enter and to participate in the general assembly the session will be held in Hall 5 registration for delegates to the November session will open at 4:30 and will close at 8 p.m. there will be no registration on Monday thank you for your indulgence and let's enjoy the Lord together one other announcement I just forgot if you have received a parking ticket parking ticket please go to room 145 after service aldermen Samuel Moore will be at there to help you with your parking tickets god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] the spirit ha ha [Music] things and roll for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chloe told me Chloe Chloe Chloe Tori Tori how many can feel the glory innocence glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory how many [Applause] Oh whoo hallelujah we're gonna try to go on how do well may the Lord bless you today I know time is of the essence but I feel the glory of God I know that this is not on the program but it's in my spirit would you look at somebody and tell him it's not on the program but it's in my city tell him I got glory in my city [Applause] the devil is mad but I've got gold the delica what we don't say they're paint but I've got gold the devil wants me to believe I'm defeated but I call it Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory [Applause] [Music] break them up bless you I've got to go long hmm No Gold [Applause] No clap your hands everybody just put those hands together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this isn't a party we've got to go on Thank You season like oh Jesus how many love Jesus today how many love Jesus right now Oh [Music] [Music] well let's try it without the music come on everybody [Music] we are so blessed to have the wonderful women of the Church of God in Christ serving in ministry today we recognize mother rivers god bless you Mary the supervisor come on give her a hand lady Patterson is here lady Louise it's good to see you and lady Brooks so glad to see you from Detroit and there is one seat that is vacant this week nobody can see her there but I can hello lady Macklin we prayed for her speedy recovery lady Blake is here first lady and the fragrance of our church and then it is our joy to bring to this waiting convocation the general supervisor of the Department of women what a gracious woman she is anointed a visionary and a tremendous blessing to the body of Christ would you put your hands together now for the mother Barbara McCool oeis of Los Angeles Calif oh I think we can do better than that come on Thank You Bishop Matson and in this atmosphere this is a good time to receive the baptism and the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] I bring you greetings on this high holy day of the 110th and your holy convocation of the greatest church in the world the Church of God and brights I give high honor and esteem to our presiding bishop and chief apostle the visionary the leader the standard bearer for churches not only in the Church of God in Christ but around the world the bishop Charles Edward Blake senior man for the great lady that stands by his side the brilliant lady Mayo Blake who shared wisdom of nuggets and experience on yesterday with the leading ladies of our church during morning gems with lady Mae we appreciate our first lady certainly to the first assistant presiding bishop bishop PA Brooks to the second assistant presiding bishop bishop Jerry Macklin to members of the Presidium of our church to the sixth general supervisor of the department of women of the Church of God in Christ certainly the bridge builder the living legend mother willie Mae rivers Misha Blake how honored I am to be able to execute the responsibilities that have been given to me as a general supervisor the servant leader of the wonderful women of God across this nation and around the world and I did like Myka I went to the Lord I said Lord what do you require and he spoke back to me do justly love mercy and walk humbly before the Lord and so I humble myself women of God to serve you as we together go from strength to strength and glory to glory as I stood the other Friday and gave credentials to the indigenous supervisors in Guiana and Japan and South Africa I thought of the mammoth global outreach and vision of our leader and his love for people Bishop Blake I want you to know that the new assignments that have been given to the women in the department of women are all influenced by your vision of urban initiatives as we move forward women of God let us stand on the strong foundation which was laid by the many women that now sleep you know but of course mother rivers who served for 20 years let us go from strength to strength and glory to glory I ask that you pray for me Church of God in Christ as a little girl I never dream that this would be an opportunity that I would have to bring glory to my father in this capacity I want all of you to know that as we pray together for our leader this is the High Holy Day we have heard many voices many anointed Rhema words but today we'll hear the voice of the Church of God in Christ and that is our leader Bishop Charles Edward Blake god bless you as we pray for him as we give liberally on today realizing the necessary funds and revenue that must be met so that we are not encumbered with financial concern not on the shoulders of our leader god bless you I love you with them I know that's Bishop Blake saying but he was my jurisdictional Bishop for twenty-one years and there's just some things you carry on with your leader so I still say I love you with the love of the Lord god bless you [Applause] thank you so much supervisor barber McCune Luis she mentioned a few moments ago that she never dreamed that she would be here how many can think back 40 or 50 years and you go back that far did you think 40 or 50 years ago you'd be sitting here now looking like you look doing what you're doing now somebody said oh I'd always I knew I was gonna do that well you better off than I am how many didn't really have an idea that you'd be so blessed as you are right now mmm sometime you feel like shouting I'm blessed even if I don't act like it I am blessed I want to take this moment and I know I'll get in trouble for this from some people for making this a personal moment but I want to stop today and share a moment of remembrance because my mother Helen Joel Macklin went home to be with the Lord in February of this year many of you all knew my mother and just so many of you by the hunters look like people showed up at her funeral and I was sitting in my room this morning and I got a little teary eyed when I thought about my mother and my father my mind went back to a Friday night when we were at church on Friday night of pass through the night I think it was and our family I was just - maybe 11 years old maybe and our family was going through a terrible ordeal there in San Mateo at the Macedonia Church of God in Christ my father had a disk that had ruptured so to speak for the second time a second disc he was not able to work anymore and all of our money to our house was cut off and my father said we gonna make it and we had no income my mother went to work for mr. Bromberg up in the hills cleaning her house and bringing us the clothes that her kids wore they had holes in the jeans but my mother would go down to the store and get some patches turn that gene inside out and iron it on she's been buying them today she wouldn't have to buy no patches I have been in style just like I was we went to church that Friday night and we were totally broke I knew we didn't have anything and they rolled out that little brown table and put a chair behind it now you're too young to remember this most of you but I remember when you went to church to give the offering the secretary would come and sit behind the table and they brought a green book out there had cloth on it and they opened it up and whatever you gave they can't you had to come down and report it and then when he got through giving they'd stand up and read it they say Macklin $3 Swindells $4 Brown family $5 and then they'd keep reading and they'd say Smith family no report that night I knew we were gonna be read off as a no report night and when they got ready to call for the offering I was sitting next to my mother and we were just sitting that I knew I didn't have to go no place wouldn't handle any all of a sudden my mother puts her hand down in this big old bag she had a big ol purse and pulls out a jar of jelly I start thinking I know you're not gonna do that I start thinking to myself ma don't you do this mama please don't do this Jerris she turned around and put that jar gel it in my hand say go put it on TV I'm like mom no I was gonna be messed up for the rest of my life she gave me that look that tells you you got about three seconds to move so I stood up and against my wheel walked up to that table when everybody else was putting money this wasn't no parents this was offering you don't know what pounds were easing but she took this jar put it in my hands and say go put it on that table I was so embarrassed and I put them up put that jar jelly on the table with everybody's money and I went and set back down I was like aw man I can't go to school but and I was sitting there that beacon stood up and he said well we're gonna go one more round y'all don't remember round and I said well I know she ain't got no more jelly in her sorry I gotta go nowhere she puts her head back down in that bag there was no jelly in that bag and she comes out with a book of green chip stamps the young folks are looking they trying to Google green ship right now they have no idea what green chip stamps up is anybody know what green and blue chip stamps worth now I don't know why they wouldn't water it get some water on the sponge and put him on that no they wanted you to live to this day I can still taste them she said put that on the table I knew I was finished I didn't think I'd ever get out of get out of junior high and I put that there what Helen Matlin was trying to teach her kids was always brings something to the house of God [Applause] and give God your best not just a left over and that's what we did but from that time forward always knew that giving was a special time and today we bring a special gift to the house of God this is the holy convocation this is not a convention it's a convocation and the Lord has brought us together and we come now and a part of every convocation was not just Israel and Judah coming down to those small streets in Jerusalem and the 17,000 priests that were dressed up so near that special place but it was a time where offerings were offered and they didn't just show up with any kind of thing talked about here's a here's a lamb that been limping anyway I'll give you that no it had to be your best and today this has to be our best I left glad tidings and came but I left some members at home that I know wanted to come and they're sick in their body I left some others that financially just couldn't make it and I thought before I got here I said Lord have you blessed me to get there I don't only want you to bless me I want you to bless those that I left at home I've got some that are sick and I want to be able to go back home and tell them on that high and holy day I sold a gift not only for me and my family but I want to sow a gift for some families that I left at home amen and I'm gonna ask every one of you today to prepare your hearts as we sow into this high and holy day in this convocation that this offering will be the best offering that we've given it cannot be regular cannot be ordinary it must be special the right gift the right time the right way with the right attitude and so we're gonna last you to share sacrificially today as we support the ministries of the Church of God in Christ around the world 87 countries we need your help but more importantly we need to give God our very best I've already shared my gift that I give this asked of us and we've already done that all of the board members have already done that in advance today our presiding bishop leads off giving to this great cause and convocation with a cheque of $1,000 I'm not Bishop Blake and I would not dare try to give more than my leader gives so today I want to follow him with 999 dollars and 99 cents I have respect for leadership Amen somebody and I'm gonna ask everybody to begin already in advance I'm gonna ask that every pastor that's here what's so a gift of $100 on behalf of not just you but on behalf of your church and if you are waiting for God to do something marvelous in your ministry so a gift on behalf of your congregation and go back and tell them next Sunday I already sold a gift and I'm bringing an anointing back for the next season of our ministry the general board members that are here today and all of them have already given their official offerings but every member of the general board today adds another gift of $500 because this is a holy convocation today and I'm going to ask all of our bishops I recognize the fact that they've already given officially they're very liberal they've already done that but I'm going to ask bishops today if they would join us in this offering on holy convocation day by giving beyond the minimum and I pray that there will be many who will join with us today with this gift of $500 and I pray that there will be many that will join in with our presiding bishop and with this general board and today we're not going to give the minimum not just what's required but we're going beyond everybody say going beyond and I know everybody may not be able to do that bishops but every one of you that could I asked you to stand and with us today stand with our presiding bishop and when our pastors and leaders see us it signals to them to do their best as well and so I ask today that all of you that would be able to would stand and share with us today at that level of giving I ask of you today it's not mandatory won't have time to call all the names but as you're standing people are looking and watching they recognize that's my leader that's my leader and I tell people that lead you got to be far enough out in front to be distinguished as the leader I'm going to ask every one that's going to give that's a leader bishops and pastors and superintendents would you please stand first all over this house you're not just giving for yourself you represent your congregation you represent those you serve I will wait until every pastor is able to stand it pastors $100 may sound like something great but if you just do it in the name of the Lord today and that is your time to share with us in the name of Jesus as we sow seeds into the kingdom of God remember it is only by sowing seeds that we get a harvest I'm joined by two members of the General Board all churches out in Christ our Presidium the bishop Brendan B Porter thank you every man always a pleasure and Bishop James real shear bless you Bishop man bless you gentlemen we're just gonna ask our audience to share with us well yeah you know Bishop man we have always been a blessing to the Church of God in Christ we want to challenge as many of you who can to give to give to the Church of God in Christ this is a ministry and that is blessing and helping people all around the world and of course a bishop order you and I usually make a challenge to our areas and of course we've got some Michigan and Ohio Wisconsin of the people in the Midwest and the people in the Northeast I'm challenging you today to give a liberal offering I don't know I'm gonna wait and see what Bishop Porter is gonna say and then I'm coming back [Music] [Laughter] man it is a pleasure to be here this has been an awesome convocation and so many of you have the opportunity of joining all of this right in the comfort of your own home your automobiles as some of you all in the hotel rooms right but I want to say this to you please join with us now and sow a seed and give this is a wonderful opportunity it cost a lot of money you know this Bishop to to engineer all of this with the cameras the lights and all that we doing just to bring it to you but especially to those who that not get here and I want to challenge you as bishop sheered has challenged you from the Tennessee area Mississippi Arkansas Alabama Kansas I'm gonna claim everybody there right Kentucky but for those of you that couldn't get here let's sew a seed now some of you have my personal sales I'm not gonna give it on here but Testament text me let me know that you'll to give you $1,000 at Bishop Michael asked for $100 or whatever you going to sow in their ways they can give right Bishop we want you to call one eight eight eight eight eight zero 1040 we have operator standing by to receive your call right now and we need you to light up the switchboard one eighty eight eight eight zero ten forty you can also utilize give Liffe i giv e LIF why that's a special app that you download yes and the prompts for giving are in the download or you can text to eight nine five zero space and then put in kojic that's the acronym for the Church of God in Christ another space and then your dollar amount ten fifty a hundred whatever and we're trying to encourage as many people to give us a gift of $65 you will go into the Emerald category of givers and partner with us and we have some gifts to give you if you'll give $65 today 16-ounce Mighty Grip travel mug if you're traveling you got to have your own mug we have a travel comfort kit we have the world's sticky notebook those are the post-its and the two-year subscription subscription it's a digital download to the whole truth magazine that's our official organ of the Church of God in Christ so we encourage you please give let's do it and let's do it now a reporter yeah the Emerald giving is a great opportunity to give some wonderful gifts and but it's like partnership you're partnering with the Church of God in Christ and joining with us so if your gift can't if you can't reach the 65 you can always give your best trust me we will receive whatever that is and on gimel if i right now we can see who's giving their various people all over the country now mister share denis even parts of the world that are watching us as well and that are sowing seeds right now connect that's a wonderful app I know you use it here give Allah fire and of course we do the text together yes but I want to challenge I want to challenge everyone that is listening or watching the please give that at least I'm going bishop man I'm gonna challenge them to give a one hundred dollar seed it's there because we need to do something special on this special day this is the Lord's Day this one the Lord's Day are just very shortly you'll be hearing from from our eminent leader and we want you to soul into the Church of God in Christ this is good ground right and I challenge you to do so and watch God bless you there's a saying that I have when I raise our offering when you raise that seed and you'll say here I go again and leave in God and my brothers and sisters if you can believe God with your seed you can expect a harvest and I'm blessed because I'm a giver yes bless because I'm looking right I challenge you to become a killer you become a giver you'll become a blessed individual and dance bishop I'm gonna get any stuck up here in this yes sir but I'm gonna give you my hundred dollars to carry 20s gun in the offering plate give another hundred to me so we can support and I have already given our we're gonna give some more you know but you know there's something about the seat you know there's a 12 loss of harvest that I'm sure we've all been teaching on but the first two have to do with releasing your seed letting it go and then leaving it alone so many times we wonder what where is the money going don't worry about just you got a release and leave it alone but the twelfth law of the harvest is it's a miracle in other words God's going to give it back to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over you won't lose when you saw in the kingdom of God this is good ground you know Church of God in Christ is good ground so many meaningful things that the church has been doing even in the devastations areas things that have happened in Houston and so on just more about that coaching charity is one of the entities of our church yes we fun and we go with passion compassion and mercy yes the distinction between mercy and compassion is that mercy empathizes compassion corrects Wow that's well that it corrects the situation's okay this is what the Church of God in Christ does we roll up our sleeves and we go in and we do the work of the Lord and that's how your gifts are used and so again I want to urge you one eight eight eight eight eight zero yeah 10:40 tallness people are giving up here in the balcony yes right now passing it over to us it's an amazing spirit of giving in this place we're in 87 countries and so our seeds are meaningful to missions and education the initiatives that presiding bishop has launched where so many families being touched in Memphis right now 69 units affordable housing being erected right now in the city of Memphis the Church of God in Christ is doing so much across the world - absolutely and I'm looking forward to it Bishop are you there in Memphis and you get an opportunity to see us in the actual construction of what we're doing you see the ministry and that was going forth from the Church of God and crying you won't go wrong yeah sowing into this fertile ground early and expect something to happen expect something to happen but this reporter say let the seed alone let it germinate yes and then watch God do it listen I want you to light up their ways to give again Bishop man of one eight eight eight eight eight zero ten forty you got it that's the gift of fire and then you can text two two eight nine five zero space coaching space and then donate you can be a part of how God is reigning blessing on the Church of God invites fam I'm glad to be Church of God I'm trying the church have said I want to challenge you you're there in Michigan you didn't come those who are there at greater Emmanuel come on bless you those who are in Michigan is Illinois Indiana Wisconsin we you know what we are forgetting those people out west and California those people in Nevada and Idaho all across this country yes so we in to this fertile ground and what a wonderful opportunity we have to reach them on the word network which is based in your hometown of Detroit Michigan word Network we want to thank you for that there is a donate button on your screen and you can donate right there just hit that button activate it and we'll be able to see you yes I'm getting text messages of people that are giving right now want to challenge every one of you to give sow that seed go right to your phone you can do it right away and be a blessing don't just sit and watch this wonderful wonderful program and the great music and the tremendous word you're going to hear from Bishop Blake but sow a seed my brothers and sisters get it right every one even if it's $20 if it's $10 give your best and God will do the rest so everyone is giving get your phones out go to your computer's your iPods iPads whatever you got to do you have a gift right now give the fine call the 800 number all of that's on the screen we'd love to hear from you it will help us continue doing these kinds of media outlets the only one I want to thank you for giving your blessing the Church of guides right when the Church of God in Christ has finances to do ministry we are all benefited coming in they're coming in come on give people get keep giving a little competition it is something we want we want to be able to tell the presiding bishop that today was the banner day okay and operas on a missions gonna preach it just a few moments so please don't turn that about you're falling off or your internet off your television oh I'm I'm a member of the word networks fan all the time do you not sleeping okay god bless you but certainly thank the word Network how about that Bishop such a blessing to the world and we want to thank them yes well brother Kevin Adel yeah right there and praise God for you all right god bless ships here Thank You bishop Porter thank you and thank you for responding we're going to return you now to the service god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh bless the name of the Lord may the Lord bless you I know this is gonna be highly unusual in just a moment but just hang on if you are sick feeling sick need to have your blood pressure checked whatever on either side of this stage or medics who can help you and if you need some help maybe you become extremely warm and thirsty feel faint go to either side right or left and there's somebody that can help you there I want everybody to stand right now I understand just for a moment I just sensed that we need to do this I'll pay for it later but right now I want you to turn and make a circle with two or three people that's near you and just pray in that circle right now for the healing of bodies devil you alive you will not afflict the saints we won't let you walk up in here too much power up in here too much Holy Ghost power we will not sit by and let you do that say that we fight you in the name of Jesus we catch you out there not only out of the mine but out of the body now pray for those in your circle say that you a life glory the blood of Jesus covered in the blood of Jesus cover now coming right now clothe a great victory in them great victory here grant the tree uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well I believe God and it's already done I want you to look at somebody right now and declare this look at somebody looking right dead in the eye and tell them everything the devil hat plan God just cancelled it hello darling o'clock gone hallelujah [Music] whoo Beit ummar question the is seated now you gotta sit down right now yeah we'll get me in trouble [Applause] huh [Applause] go read a garden I'm trying to get out of the way here may the Lord bless you [Applause] may God bless you I need to warn you that you're on television I need to warn you that you are on television [Music] [Music] praise the Lord megawatt bless you [Music] now this is Bishop PA Brooks our first assistant the gentleman from Detroit and vicious Brooks I just want you to know I asked them to sit down and they wouldn't sit down [Applause] somebody turn to your neighbor and say my god bless you god bless you that prayer that prayer that prayer that prayer was ordered by the Holy Ghost I say that prayer was ordered by the Holy Ghost presiding bishop son Larry was just rushed to the hospital that prayer was ordered by the Holy Ghost god bless you beloved of the Lord let's be improv our presiding bishop ease comes to minister to us a man [Music] to His Eminence our chief apostle and Presiding Bishop Charles every Blake and his lovely companion lady Mabley second assistant presiding bishop Jerry Matlin dable of general supervisor of the windows department mother bara McCool Lewis bless you emeritus mother rivers distinguished members of the general board the ship John shared in the ecology of Bishops General Assembly chairman Bishop limo Lemuel Thurston judiciary board in its chairman elder Tom Jackson the elders and pastors council chair administrative assistant Michael Eady to all the visiting bishops and fellow delegates and our global television and live streaming audience around the world the yahwah has come to receive the annual message from our steam presiding bishop i will make a few incisive remarks to present him to you at this time Bishop Blake as our kingdom leader inspires us to make disciples of nations according to Isaiah 54 hence we are now in 87 countries Bishop Blake as a kingdom leader continues to release world class leaders who serve their communities the Shah Blake as a kingdom leader works for the gospel through urban initiatives to live economically whole communities they should Blake our presiding bishop as a kingdom leader speaks truth to power even at City Hall the Shah Blake as a kingdom leader was on the ground in Houston Texas launching the kojic super warehouse for the hurricane victims our brothers and sisters as we prepare our hearts to receive the Word of God from this anointed leader following the semantics election will rise to our feet to receive our leader I will ask you to do one thing as you rise to your feet declare with him in a thunderous voice Bishop Blake we love you and we are praying for you god bless the choir [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I see I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there Oh [Applause] come to this critical moment moment a proclamation moment of power Lord of healing moment of deliverance how dare you attack my son Satan the Lord rebuke you in the name of Jesus we claim victory over all of your device's thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph as we beat you before we gonna beat you again we're gonna wish us the Lord in it how we're gonna praise it in a half we're gonna give in Rory anyhow come on just throw away the God [Applause] Lord Hill last time touch his body bring him through this as you have brought him to other things in the name of Jesus W shed him shot many years ago point Flint's in a chest shot with a pistol in the chest but seven days later he walked out of the hospital and he's gonna walk out of this in Jesus name come on tell three people it's gonna be alright give God praise give god praise give the Lord bring [Music] as you take your secret you just tell three people he's going to be alright [Music] all right all right thank you lord thank you Lord in the name of Jesus amen please take your seats in the house of the Lord thank you for your prayers the devil is just doing what the devil does and we just don't do what we do they victory over all of his devices in the name of Jesus thank you so much Bishop Brooks because you lack then you have been masterful in your leadership with this service this praise God for him [Applause] mrs. Brooks has established protocol and has recognized all the leaders of the church by name I joined with him and it's the little each and every one of you here present on this night but may I still praise God the lady made she decided that's who ought to stay with me rather than go with her heartin leave us then go and be with my son but we know he's going to be just fine god bless all of you who visit with us the lovely just called my son's name brother Lawrence name is Ryan today here also my son elder Charles Blake the second assistant pastor West Angeles church and his wife Deandra here with the two of you please stand my daughter came not knowing her husband are not here on tonight but I'm sure we are in their prayers I'm overjoyed to acknowledge about 16 ecumenical guests who are with us on tonight they are not members of the Church of God in Christ but they extend their love and their respect for us and I'd like for each of our medical guests to please stand wherever you may be and let's welcome them if you're from other denominations other persuasion god bless you my brother thank you for coming to be with us on this night I want to thank the staff of the church Bishop bass chief operating officer elder Kershaw and so many elders who are in charge of the oversight of this strategic operation of the convocation making sure that everything is provided for us and any place let's give the two of them a rousing applause president of kaiser permanente brother Bernard Tyson and his wife Denise are with us on tonight let's cut our hands so their brother Nate miles of Eli Lilly one of our partner corporations that spends so much kindness and generosity to the Church of God in Christ let's praise God for brother Nate miles World Vision and past the Clinton joined the kojic Charities in responding to Hurricane Harvey in Houston Texas and helping us to distribute so much assistance to our brothers and sisters their world vision brother Clint Horn and others would you please stand let's give them a hand of thanks and appreciation for all they have done to a sister's brother Chris Tucker renowned actor who spoke to kojic Charities banquet let's give brother Chris Tucker y'all must know that my heart is concerned and my precious son is in the hospital even as we speak just left five minutes before I got up to preach for the hospital but could you just decide you're gonna have Church in town [Applause] and I hope you'll not just look at me and have me struggling with this you know how difficult it is probably I need a church to pray for me tonight if you're gonna pray clap your hands first up our theme for this week is in this changing world let us hold fast God unchanging faith but to repeat those words actually please in this changing world let us hold fast to our unchanging thing and one of the things that we must not change is our belief in the baptism of the Holy Ghost as the one of the things that we must not change is our belief in the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's one of the foundation stones of Church of God in Christ doctrine of our faith no one who talked about the baptism in the Holy Spirit on tonight which is there definitely is the baptism in the Holy Spirit John's have to sever then verse 37 but they have the priest tonight on the last day the great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water but this he spoke concerning the spirit who those believing in him would receive for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified may I tell you that after you have turned from a life of sin after you have accepted Jesus Christ God has in store for you what are the most blessed experiences available unto man that experience is the baptism in the Holy Spirit the baptism in the Holy Ghost both times refer to the same person and they need the same thing if you're saying the Holy Ghost has already played a vital role in your life it was the Holy Ghost that bore witness to the truth of the gospel when you first heard it but the Holy Ghost who brought conviction upon you and reveal to you your guilt before God and your need for salvation you justified by faith in Jesus Christ who bore our sins to the cross and who impute to us his righteousness he gives us the right and the authority of becoming sons and daughters of God but it is the Holy Ghost that regenerates the believer and imparts new life to the believer in John 3 and 5 jesus answered most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God and john 6:63 says it is the spirit that gives life the Holy Ghost implants the nature in the life of Jesus in the believer he sets the believer free from the law of sin and the law of death he enables the believer to fee the righteousness of God the Holy Ghost confirms in us the completed work of salvation the Bible says in Romans 8 and 2 for the law of the spirit of life in Christ has laid me free from the law of sin and of death but what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and on account of sin condemned sin in the flesh that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit Romans 8 and 16 says the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God when you really get saved you don't need anybody to tell you that you're saying that you're forgiven the Holy Ghost on the inside lets us know that the work of God is done but to know the spirit in salvation to know the spirit in regeneration is not only to only know the spirit in a measure Prabhas ara a Tory who said that a man may be generated by the Holy Ghost and still not be baptized in the Holy Ghost in regeneration there's an impartation of life and the one who receives it is sane but in the baptism of the Holy Ghost there's an impartation of power everybody say power and the one who receives it is fitted for service and so Jesus said in John 14 and I will pray the father he'll give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not and knows him not but you know him for he dwells with you and shall be in you they use the Holy Spirit but they were not filled with the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit was with him and even in them in a manner but not in fulness may I say to you tonight that the Holy Ghost has been received and given in various portions and measures down through history the numbers 11 and 17 read about the mosaic portion of the Holy Spirit the Lord said then will I come down and talk with you Moses there and I will take up a spirit that's on you Moses I'll put the same on them that they may bear the burden of the people with you did you not bear it alone the bridge 25 says then the Lord came down in a cloud and spoke with Moses and took of the spirit that was on Moses and placed it on the seventy elders and it happened from the spirit rested on them that they prophesied Moses was adequately empowered for the job that was his but when these seventy elders were called to share in his responsibility they were given a measure of the spirit that had been had been upon Moses then in the second piece to a nine you read about the Elijah portion of the spirit where the Bible says and so it was when they had crossed over that Elijah said to Elisha yes what shall I give you before I am taken away from you and Alaska said please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me and so Elijah said you've asked a hard thing but if you see me when I'm taken away it shall be so unto you but if not it shall not be so but God under the lasas word and granted to Elijah a double portion of the Spirit John the Baptist received that Elijah portion of the Spirit for Luke 1:15 the Bible says for he shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine the strong drink also be filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb and he'll turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the father's to the children the disobedient to the wisdom of the chest and to make ready a people fit for the service of the Lord but John the Baptist himself speaks for God in Jesus and says in John 3 and 34 that he whom God have said speaking not the words of the Lord he speaketh the words of the Lord for God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him the Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand thus Jesus was able to say in Luke 4 and 18 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord but jesus said I'm doing this because the Spirit of the Lord is upon me when the Spirit of the Lord is upon you you can two things that you could not do before come on clap your hands and praise the Lord Jesus did his work through the power of the Holy Ghost then Luke 4:1 Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan was led by the spirit into the wilderness Luke 4:14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee and news of him went out throughout all the surrounding region and listen if Jesus needed the Holy Ghost I know we need the Holy Ghost come on tell your neighbor if Jesus needed the Holy Ghost I know we need the Holy Ghost throughout the Bible responsibility for great works of great men of God is attributed to the Holy Ghost we read about Samson we've read about Moses you read about Elijah but now let's look at brother Samson for a moment in judges 15 and 14 but he came to Lehigh the Philistines pain shouting against him the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him and the ropes that were on his arms became like flexed the bush burned with fire and his bonds broke loose from his hands they found the first drop off jawbone of a donkey he reached out his hand and took it and killed a thousand men with it he was able to do that because the Holy Ghost came upon him I told Jesus knew that his followers down through history would need the power of the Holy Ghost to do the work that was there if we're to win men for Christ it's only going to be through the power of the Holy Spirit they will just stand against the enemy it's only going to be because the Holy Ghost comes upon us and gives us strength in occasions 1612 the Bible said we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but we wrestle against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places and then Paul said in second Corinthians 10 and 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in time to the pulling down of strongholds casting down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ we do that through the power of the Holy Ghost come on cousin Ava we do that through the power of the Holy Ghost and saw the Prophet Joel the Prophet Joel the Prophet Joel had already promised that the day would come when the Holy Ghost would be poured out rather than given in portions and in measures Joel 2:28 says and it shall come to pass afterward but I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh shall you labor God's get ready to pour out your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions and on the menservants and maidservants but i pour out of my spirit in those days and then jesus picks up the thing and clarifies and declares in John 7 and 37 on the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood out and cried out if anyone thirsts let him come to me and three he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart the flow rivers of living water but this spake he concerning the Spirit whom those believing on him would receive but the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified but listen Jesus say if you're thirsty if you have a spiritual crazy they've got a passion for the fullness of the Holy Ghost then come to me that they may be you gotta go to Jesus to get this completely surrender your life to Jesus Christ and Matthew five and six this blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled come on look at your name and say I'm hungry and I'm thirsty and I shall be filled look up on the others time say I've made up my mind that shall be see hallelujah Jesus said come to me if you're hungry if you're thirsty come to me and drink wholeheartedly receive the fullness of the Spirit into your soul he that believeth on me as the scripture have said not the way you want to believe not the way you decide to believe but as the scripture has said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water that leaves at the Holy Ghost but be in you will flow out of you will be all around you like a river that sounds like the baptism in the Holy Ghost to me that's what we need we need so much power flowing out of us that it'll be like a river to everybody around us I command you devil then the name of the Lord take up your weapons and flee God has given me authority to walk all over you the in verse 39 says but this he speak concerning the spirit in those believing in him would receive but the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified but when Jesus was glorified and went back to heaven the Holy Ghost was sin once and for all into the earth and it leads now only to be received by thing that your neighbor neighbor when Jesus was glorified and went back to heaven the Holy Ghost was sick once and for all into the earth and now he only needs to be received bad thing tell two people receive it by faith in the name of Jesus come again preceded by faith in the name of Jesus may I take a few moments to point out a couple of things I want to point out that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is not the same thing that's been born again and exhaling fine Philip went down to Samaria he preached Christ to them when they believed Philip preaching concerning the kingdom of God at the name of Jesus Christ men and women were saying and they were baptized listen they were Savior they didn't have the Holy Ghost but they were saved and the Bible says if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved they were saying but they were not baptized in the Holy Ghost but the Bible goes on and acts 840 when the apostles that read Jerusalem heard that Samaria had to see the Word of God they sent Peter and John down through Samaria who prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost far as yet he was falling or none of them they don't have been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus but then they laid hands on them and they receive the Holy Ghost somebody ought to say praise the Lord they would say but they only receive the Holy Ghost later on when the disciples prayed for them tell your neighbor neighbor there's a difference between being sane and they feel that the Holy Ghost Paul asked those disciples in the book of Acts chapter 19 did you receive the Holy Ghost when you believe they said we never heard of the Holy Ghost Paul said unto her to you because they said under John's baptism and his cycle said John baptized with the baptism of repentance that they should believe on Him who was on the way that is on Jesus Christ and when they heard about Jesus they were baptized in the name of Jesus and then Paul laid his hands on them and the Holy Ghost came upon them they spake with tongues and they prophesy but they were already saying because they believed on Jesus the baptism of the Holy Ghost is a definite experience that you can know you have received tell the neighbor neighbor the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the definite experience that you can know you have received somebody in here knows without a doubt you got the Holy Ghost if you know you've got it and you know it's on the inside raise your hand and give praise to the Lord hallelujah hallelujah let the Lord in Ephesus when they receive the Holy Ghost they speak with tongues and they prophesy in South Korea acts 10 and 46 they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God in acts 2 and 4 they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance in the New Testament church tongues were a sign of the spirit ception we believe that when the Holy Ghost is received and that was received on the day of Pentecost you'll speak in other towns there would be a different matter if God was no longer enabling people to speak in the language of the Spirit but if you know God she'll doing it tell your neighbor God is still blessing his children to speak in other times tell to people he's still doing it still doing it in the name of Jesus and if it was good thing it's good right now tell somebody that was good then it's good are you tongue speaking Holy Ghost filled phone open your mouth and give praise to God hallelujah hallelujah tongues are a sign that one is submitted to the Holy Ghost James viene no man can tame the tongue it's an unruly evil full of deadly ver but when God enables you to speak in a long time you're submitting to God and rising above the wickedness of your tongue the Bible says in first Corinthians chapter 14 that will be the lead speaking in tongues speech to God for me a believer premiere submitted your speaking to God from your speaking tongues from your speaking tongues your spirit is friend that's all right to pray with your mouth but it's better to pray in your spirit from your feet in tongues you are edified and you are lifted from your speak in tongues you speak divine mysteries for your speaking times you fulfill prophecy for the Bible says these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out demons they shall speak with new tongues some folk put thumbs down on speaking in other tongues I don't know about you but everything God is passing out I want it I want the Holy Ghost about the tongues I will be learning about the presence of God in my life you tongue speaking baptized Holy Ghost feel people of the Lord clap your hands and praise the Lord praise the Lord I never picked up a phone I've never picked up a phone and instead of a voice there was a fence our computer at the other end of the line you didn't hear anything but beeps and peas and clicks only a computer can understand another computer and when the devil hears the same seeking in tongues all he hears a piece and clicks he doesn't understand what God is saying but the believer is saying that this module said into one-and-twenty but he below building up yourselves on your most holy faith pray in the Holy Ghost when you pray in the Holy Ghost God goes to work when you pray in the Holy Ghost the devil has got to get out of the way when you pray in the Holy Ghost God's will will be done my son is in the hospital now but let's take a moment and the Holy Ghost and God to go raise it up it's going to be alright come on and pray in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus it is done it is done I said it's done People of the law you need to be feared you need to be baptized in the Holy Ghost tell your neighbor neighbor weally the Holy Ghost and God did not make it an optional matter he commanded his followers receive the Holy Ghost the whole I said the promise of my father but tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high into needs to be flown when you are into your clothes from your uncle Colin dude you're naked but to be naked means at least if you've been born you've been born of the Spirit but you need your Holy Ghost clothing hallelujah you shall be endued with power from on high after the Holy Ghost this comes upon you and the Holy Ghost will protect you bring the helper comes whom I stand from the father he will testify me hallelujah I've got to go away because if I don't go what happened will not come but if I depart I will send him unto you the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal tell your neighbor you need the Holy Ghost you the Holy Ghost the COS you need power acts 1 and a says you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you power to the rule of God power the vault in God's Way power to stand against the devil I've got to stop preaching but as I close let me give you four affirmations affirmation number one Jesus is the Baptizer tell your neighbor Jesus is the Baptizer that comes 1 John the Baptist said after me I'm not worthy to tie his shoes he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire and Jesus said Behold I've seen the promise of the father upon you tarry in Jerusalem Jesus is the Baptizer I'm glad to know that because Jesus is also the Saviour and he saved me I didn't have to beg in he saved me I can have to pay all I had to do was believe and I was saying that he saved me he will fill me salvation is a greater gift the Holy Ghost is the less again and I think a me the greater gift I know I know he'll fill me with the Holy Ghost tell your neighbor neighbor that they gave us the grade of you [Music] he'll give us the holy goat hallelujah come on crazy come on crazy second affirmation the Holy Ghost is the promise of God tell your neighbor the Holy Ghost is the promise of God God promised you the Holy Ghost tell your neighbor neighbor God promised the Holy Ghost you don't have to pay for it I'll work fine you can stand on the promise of God but God has promised he's able to perform Lord you promised me the Holy Ghost Lord you said you'd fill me with the Holy Ghost I'm waiting on the promise come on crazy crazy not only do you need to be filled not only do you need to be baptized to need to be filled every day every day when I come in the house of God my prayer is Lord fill me again fill me with your power feel me with the Holy Ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes the third thing I want to say is that the Holy Ghost is here right now ten three people the Holy Ghost is here right now come on let's praising Jesus said if I depart I'll send him unto you Jesus has the party he has the Holy Ghost the end of the list of the people of God take the neighbor neighbor the Holy Ghost is here right now tell somebody that's the Holy Ghost is here right now come on Rashida come on crazy come on bless him bless the Lord O my soul [Music] that is within me bless His Holy Name bless His Holy Name praising praising praising praising I got the step I've got the close but the last thing I want to say that you receive the Holy Ghost buffet Galatians three and two did you receive the spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith then Galatians 340 says that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith repeat that that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith if you're saying if you're washed in the blood of Jesus you qualify you are eligible to receive the Holy Ghost if you love Jesus the promise is unto you and to your children and to as many as the Lord our God shall call if you're safe the Holy Ghost is your right the Holy Ghost is your privilege and you receive it but they didn't and thirst let him come unto me and drink not ask for a tree but just drink lift up your hand by faith say Lord you promised me the Holy Ghost you said it was mine oh I'm receded in the name of Jesus lift up your hands in the name of Jesus Nathan ah yes thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank your team's the Holy Ghost is here right now just this close and the anger breeze just this close at the clothes you wear the Holy Ghost is in the room right now tell your neighbor later the Holy Ghost is in the room right now receded receded birthday bring your praising bring your magnifier God shows up when he shows up that's your side you got a right you got a right to speak in other tongues [Music] [Music] yeah thank you thank you the holiness that's all over the room the Holy Ghost is here right now yes yes yes I receive it I receive it I receive it step outside the car that's right there where you are the Holy Ghost is for you before you go home get one no real touch you did it beforehand I do it again [Music] [Music] that's it yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes [Music] [Music] even in your seat right here you are the Holy Ghost is right there if you'll praise God God will work on your overhead God will move in your life I don't know what you're dealing with I don't know what you're fighting with I know greater is He that is in you than he that's in the world a few months ago a young man tried to come on the property of West Angelus church with a gun in his hand he shot somebody next door to the church then he walked down to the church and was about to step into the courtyard of the church the moment he lifted his foot to step inside the church the Holy Ghost knocked him down not a scratch on his body not a room but the Holy Ghost said you're not gonna mess with God's people you're not gonna come on God's property he did not come true until about 30 minutes later but the Holy Ghost will take care of you you shall receive [Music] the Holy Ghost is come upon you they that wait upon the Lord renew this fish man upon we just like eagle [Music] [Music] the whole ego you've got blue you've got food [Applause] the Holy Ghost is here right now the [Music] Holy Ghost is here [Music] Oh [Music] yes sir those who are telling you to move off to the side he's gone crazy long turning you leave me about the day on that or see the Holy Ghost the little rather receive it those who work and instead she could lay just your hand raise up your hand and let me know that the Holy Ghost came I moved in their life come on give God some praise God Oh ah my son is out of there [Applause] [Applause] yeah to the links on the air God wrote a vehicle for me I presume [Music] I believe there are those in the television audience and even in this audience who need a miracle beneath the power of the Holy Ghost and I believe the Holy Ghost is falling all over the world and people are looking at this telecast and saying God fill me with the Holy Ghost there's a God moving power in your home they need every need they're you're sick bodies be here they provision be made for you and your family with the yoke of the devil be broken we thank you O God for your miracle working power in the name of Jesus all over the world it is son just give God praise your hands we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is my first what the presiding bishop has already set the stage with a most powerful anointed message on the power of the Holy Spirit you saw that the Holy Spirit worked a miracle for him elder Lawrence Blake his son was attacked in service and now he is doing well been discharged from the hospital and he has received a miracle you know our God still works miracles and the resigning bishop has asked everyone to so on offering of seventeen dollars I want to appeal to those of you in our word that network audience so that gift here's what you can do it's very simple call 1 888 8802 40 you got it 1 8 8 8 8 8 0 1040 and make that 17 dollar contribution others of you can use gift liffe I that's a special application for giving a special app and all you have to do is download the app and then follow the instructions contained therein you can also text to give text to 8 9 5 0 then a space put in kojic that's the acronym for Church of God in Christ another space and then your dollar amount $17 $25 $50 however you want to give tonight every gift is important today great or small you are sowing into the frontal ground of the kingdom of God there's also a donate button there on your screen go to that button and you can also donate we encourage you to give because giving is important remember the promise of Saint Luke 6 and 38 give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom I want to challenge those of you in the various areas of the country be it north east south west if you would sow into the kingdom of God today again Dallas one eight eight eight eight eight zero ten forty our presiding bishop has asked that everyone would sow a gift of seventeen dollars and we're appealing to those of you in the audience there's another level of giving and we're seeking emerald partners that's right a Church of God in Christ emerald partner those are persons who will make a gift a one-time gift if you please of at least $65 and here's what we're going to do for you at that level of giving we have a 16 out mighty grip travel mug for you we also have a travel comfort kit we have those world's sticky notebook the post-its the notebooks we have that for you and then we have a two-year digital subscription to our official organ which is called the whole truth and you need to get it get that package if you would so an emerald level gift of $65 do it and as you call in again the number one eight eight eight eight eight zero 1040 one eight eight eight eight eight zero 1040 give Liffe I give Liffe I use that app you have it you can download it and the prompts to give or contained in the app itself and then you can also text to give text to eight nine five zero make a space and then insert kojic and then another space and your dollar amount I hope some of you who will do it raise that dollar amount from 17 to 65 alright we're looking for emerald givers but whatever your gift great or small the Lord will bless you he will bless what you give he blesses when you give he blesses if you give and we all know that to be true and so we need you to do that as we're preparing to close out another historic broadcast this has been the one hundred and tenth annual holy convocation of the Church of God in Christ shook the Lord will it we will see you at this time next year good running from this same place and we want you to be in the offering in be in the audience and as we give don't forget now one eight eight zero let me give it to you again one eighty eight eight eight zero forty on behalf of Bishop Charles Blake and the Brazilian of the Church of God in Christ and all of the Lord's wonderful people I'm Bishop Loren man thank you bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] well brother Steve we're going to continue with an online audience that hasn't this been a powerful service today it's been a wonderful day has been a wonderful service you know I was just blessed by the miracle of mr. blades the miracle we're going to call it the miracle in the dome yes right on time right in our television business we say right on cue incredible and of course we can't kill God yes but he worked a miracle today and showed us exactly who he is I'm for well-understood jump wonders go it was wonderful today he was anointed yes he was blessed you can feel the load on his shoulders but when the Holy Ghost kicked in our Bishop will solve it yes he overcame yes yes as we are appealing to you we want you to keep in mind the fertile soil of the Ministry of the kingdom of God through the Church of God in Christ and again Bishop Blake has said it and I'm hoping at least a thousand people in our audience will follow his directive to give at least $17 what do you say Bishop Blake is axis one thousands of people we're going to challenge 1,000 people to give us 17 down to the gift right now if you're a pastor I know
Channel: The Word Network
Views: 174,642
Rating: 4.6126056 out of 5
Id: NVj3qnvgYqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 33sec (13293 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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