The Power To Get Up | Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. | West Angeles | July 25, 2021 10am

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[Music] hallelujah did you come to worship the lord this morning come on stand to your feet come on all over the building stand to your feet come on all over the building stand to your feet we've come to give god praise come on put your hands together and bless him is he worthy this morning come on underneath that mask you can say hallelujah come on you can lift your hand and say god i praise you this morning [Music] he created us to worship we were born to give him praise that's what we have to do every night and every day we are not alone we will show up every time when we begin to worship the presence oh [Music] the sanctuary [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] come on everybody pray come on one more time everybody [Music] but i've come to worship the lord this morning how many of you know we're living in a different time as he kept you this morning i know you have on your pants but open up your mouth and begin to bless the lord come and lift your hands lift your hands in the sanctuary [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] everybody pray everybody [Music] [Music] is your hands together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] come on just lift up your hands he is worthy of the glory he's worthy of the honor he's worthy this morning [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] praise the lord [Music] his name is jesus [Music] he's worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] he's worthy of all the praise honor and the glory for the joy to have you in the house of the lord on tonight what a blessing to see you on this morning rather what a blessing to have each and every one of you what a joy for you to come in and let us celebrate the name of jesus so father we thank you we thank thee because you are god and there is none other father we thank you for breaking us up this morning in our right minds with the activities of our limbs and god we come here to give you praise we coming to give you some honor and we come here to give you a joy to god lord we will not leave here the same we will not leave here different than god we will live here believe we are blessed we will leave here joyful and we will live feel glorified because you are god and there is none other so god we forget those things what happened this week because we pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling that is in you and we give you glory we give your honor and we give you praise and we magnify yourself come on saints and give him praise what do you need from god on today he already ready to give it to you but you got to give him some praise give him some praise give him some praise and god we thank you and we magnify you because we love you god we love you lord we love you lord and we give you glory god thank you for our church god we can come in and worship you we can come in and praise you and we can come in and give you glory because god we've been through some challenges but we're right here we've been through some things god but we're right here you covered us to god you brought us through a lot of sickness and you thought it brought us through accidents and you brought us through healthy issues to god and lord we are here and we give you glory for being here on this day and we thank you we give you may praise god and we love you lord and we will not live without you and we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise because you are god and we give you all the words we praise god hobbies just thank you god we just thank you in jesus name in jesus name amen good morning west angeles good morning our scripture reading is coming from romans the 8th chapter and the 11th verse if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you come on let's give the lord some praise for his word today hallelujah glory to god and please indulge me in acknowledging our great leaders bishop charles e blake senior and lady mae elblay come on let's praise the lord for them hallelujah mr livingston thank you good morning west angeles family amen and a special good morning to our first lady lady may l blake i am honored to stand before you this morning to pay tribute and celebrate the birthday of our first lady lady may l blake amen as we all know as we all know our first lady is the beauty that matches the spirit of our church she stands in the gap for all of us amen our first lady is the cheerful message that adorned the top of this birthday gift from top to bottom lady may he's joined me this morning thank you you for the beauty lady mate thank you for the beauty that you have brought to all of our lives thank you your loving strength supports god's word by the positive expression that you have given to all of us and we just say thank you we love you and we say thank you okay [Music] [Music] birthday [Music] happy [Music] this is the day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it jesus be offense all around us every day hallelujah lord we want you to protect us and guide us along the way anybody grateful to god on this morning come on [Music] jesus i just keep one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] lord i need you to direct me every day [Music] i know [Music] see this is [Music] all around me every day [Music] i just keep still [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] rotations [Applause] [Music] [Music] family [Music] [Music] [Music] protection my family my father [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] protection [Music] [Music] my mother [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] yes you are you're so worthy [Music] the lord comes to tell us i will be with you i will never leave you i'll fight your battles if you're only trust me come on just lift your hands and say i trust you lord come on open your mouth and say i trust you lord you'll never leave me no forsake me if we would only trust him i will be i will be trust me trust me [Music] oh [Music] trust me trust me [Music] trust me trust me ah [Music] trust me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] trust me trust me trust me [Music] trust me [Music] [Music] is [Music] and so the lord how thankful we are for another day's journey come through each day lord not knowing what the statistical tables will say not knowing what the prognosticators would guide us to do but lord every day you've blessed us every day you kept us how we thank you for your grace how we thank you for your mercy thank you for bringing us together again to worship your name and we still got to praise lord we trust you we're determined that we're going to rely and lean on you all of our days thank you for your goodness and grace thank you for our families and loved ones many of us have suffered loss but it could have been worse you've been good to us and you're worthy of our praise would you help me give god praise please hallelujah hallelujah be with us now as we delve into your word speak to our hearts energize us and fill us with your spirit manifest yourself in a special way let the service be blessed in the word be blessed in jesus name i pray thank god as you take your seats just slap your hands and give praise i'm glad to see you i never knew i could miss a bunch of folk as much as i have missed you who would have expected that los angeles congregation would go through these challenging times that we've gone through because we say that we've really gone through it and how many of you are glad you're still here [Music] thank you for being you the most wonderful congregation on the face of the earth thank you for your love thank you for your support thank you for your faithfulness would you give yourselves a hand let's tap our hands for lady mae blake she's my darling birthday girl it's a joy to wish her a happy birthday another wonderful year that the lord has blessed us to have love one another and live together the lord has blessed us to see this day on by his grace and thank you bishop kirkland my dear friend which way matters i have to acknowledge him he's a bishop in the ame church and a long time friend of los angeles and a sometimes guest preacher at wesley it's about time for another sermon from bishop kirkland too and we appreciate him and his love and his faithfulness to us could we give him a browsing applause so this has to be a special day lady may's birthday and i was just witness to all of you how wonderful she is to me and what a special blessing she is to los angeles church of god in christ i'm going to read the scripture you may remain see did i have several scriptures that i would like to read and then we're going to go into a word focusing on the power to get up would you say those words after me please the power to get up we just heard one more time the power to get up psalm 14 and 5. let's read that scripture the lord upholds all who fall and raise this up all who are bowed down i beg your pardon the one that's psalm 145 and 14 the lord upholds all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down and also in proverbs 24 and 16 for righteous men may fall seven times and rise again but the wicked shall fall by calamity one more verse romans 8 and 11 but if the spirit of him who raised up jesus from the dead dwell in you he who raised up christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you and finally in first corinthians 15 and 20 but now christ has risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep the power to get up would you tell your neighbor you've got the power to get up wildlife documentaries probably interest interests me more than any other category of television entertainment the vast variety of animal life on the earth in the water in the air keeps me in constant amazement i have a very wide variety of wildlife videos and looking at them is one of the ways i spend my leisure time looking at those wildlife videos but i'm not looking at lady mae i'm looking at wildlife videos the african wildebeest uh the wild ox is one of the most numerous of all the animals the nearest i can come to describing a wildebeest is to say that they resemble a cross between a horse and a cow their migrations are extremely impressive as they move across the continent of africa nothing stops them as they obsessively move toward their destination young wildebeest are born in a very dynamic and unpredictable circumstance very soon as they are born they must get up on their feet and they've got to start moving as soon as they're born this is the case because they've got to stay with the herd and even their mothers will not stay with them if they cannot keep up with the herd it's also necessary for them to get up not only because they've got to keep up with the herd but also they've got to get up because of their vulnerability hyenas lions ravenous beasts predators all of these animals of prey follow the herds seeking young wildebeests as their primary prey unless they get up quickly after being born and learn how to run they will not survive unless they get up they cannot reach that part of their mother's body from which they gain nourishment unless they get up insects and disease will invade their bodies making them sick and even killing them and so it's so important that they get up help me talk to your neighbor and tell them it's so important that they get up now the act of getting up is a very great struggle for the young wildebeest seconds after their very brutal birth they're trying to get their long thin weak legs to support their first attempt to get up and walk are you still with me no extra charge for that television exposure clap your hands praise god the responsibility and the initiative have got to come from the young wildebeest their mothers cannot lift them up their mothers cannot carry them their mothers cannot give them power our strength they've got to have the will and the strength on the inside this is amazing how they fall several times but each time they fall there trying again to stand wobbling back and forth until they finally succeed at that point their mothers lead them away because beasts of prey by their king smith sense of smell would be drawn to their birthplaces so everything is dependent upon their getting up say that after me everything is dependent upon their getting up well let's talk about human beings for a while for human beings the process takes much longer but it is just as necessary that we get up and walk at a certain stage as it is that they get up and walk at a certain stage the earlier we walk the easier we do this and the more positive our situation becomes physically those who do not work are greatly handicapped greatly disabled those who do not walk have their options greatly limited sometimes it's a disability to walk is a birth defect at other times it's a result of an accident or a violent attack or a disease that might strike them and in some cases it's a result of a choice or a habit but whatever the cause the result is that they are crippled and it's one thing to follow is another thing altogether to fall and not to be able to get up to fall and be crippled for the rest of your life the unfortunate fact however is that they are those who fall and they are crippled by the fall they are those who are physically crippled but there are also those who are crippled in many ways and there's more than one way in one area of life in which you can be crippled there are those who are physically crippled but there are also those who are crippled in other ways one might say that our world is crippled you've traveled so far from the cave in crude stone too we've learned how to write and make beautiful music but our world is crippled somehow we cannot get up out of our prejudices hostility and our violence and our brutality we still value material things over people and pleasure over real love and and individuals can be crippled he can be relationally crippled he can be emotionally crippled he can be morally and spiritually crippled and somehow life conspires to us and to separate us from the anchor of our souls him in whom we live and move have our being we can be separated from the anchor and the foundation of our life jesus would have us say that our spirits are dying because they need the spirit of god to sustain them and so we are crippled physically lame and cannot get up in john 5 and 5 we find the following words now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years when jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been in that condition for a long time jesus said to the man do you want to be made well ask your neighbor do you want to be made well the sick man answered and said sir i have no man to put me into the pool where the water is stirred up but while i'm coming another steps down before me and jesus said to him rise get up take up your bed and walk anybody here got faith to rise up out of your predicament move up a little bit higher get rid of the things that are holding you back holding you down you have the power to get up come on tell your power you have the power hallelujah hallelujah something gets strange that jesus would ask the man do you want to be made well and if i had been there or possibly even you might have been so unthinking as to say jesus the man's been waiting for 38 years why are you asking him does he want to give up yes he wants to get up don't you know the man wants to get up well everybody who's down does not really want to get up it may have been that the man had grown accustomed to his infirmity and when you become accustomed to your infirmity then you sometimes just settle and you make no effort to do any better to rise any higher to get along any further in life it may have been that the man wanted to be with his infirm friend that he'd been sitting with for 38 years talking and complaining busting and being negative but not making any effort to rise up out of his predicament it may have been that the man had given up had no hope and no more faith and if getting up was going to place too many responsibilities on the man jesus wanted to know do you want to be well do you want to get up you may love picking up your assistance so that you don't have to work you may enjoy so much the benevolence and kindness that folks extend to you because you can't walk but listen i want to know do you want to be made well listen in whatever area you are crippled you got to believe that you can get up i said in whatever area you're a crippled you've got to believe i can get up out of this and somebody in the household today i wish you would make up your mind i'm not going to leave here like i came i'm going to be better than i was i'm going to be capable i'm going to be healed i'm going to be blessed i'm going to be saved come on clap your hands and thank god for what he's going to do every person in this room is fighting a battle with pessimism so many have tried and cannot but their present resources get up out of their present predicament and they look at their circumstances and they ask is there any hope for me is there any help for me have you ever thought about the prospects of the day the prospects of the future and wish that you could just stay in bed forever you think about the world little chick was born into the world open the little shell stuck his head up out of the shell looked to the north and the south and the east and the west and reach back up and pull the shell back together again and said i don't want to be born in a world like this there are some people who feel in that way but how many of you know life can be better and you will not leave here like you came in whatever area you're a crippled you've got to believe you can get up you've got to want to get up have you ever thought about the prospects of the day and wish you did not have to face the day listen you cannot sleep your way through life no matter how hard you try you're going to be defeated you're going to be destroyed unless you get up and fight for good and for right and for survival you don't have to surrender you don't have to surrender to defeat in any area of your life your neighbor needs that testimony tell them you don't have to surrender to defeat in any area of your life no matter how wounded you may be no matter how crippled you may feel you can get up on today hallelujah hallelujah the father and the son the holy ghost held a council in heaven the issue of the council was to understand and to deal with man's inclination to surrender to the various forces that confronted him in life father son in the holy ghost what can we do that man is so surrendering and so turning away from the battle and the struggle giving up so very easily failing failing to trust well the council determined that if the son of god would come to earth as a man and endure and overcome the greatest test that a man could have then men might believe that the son of god could help them in the midst of their tests so they took an inventory of the greatest and most powerful enemies and it was determined that jesus christ was the enemy who could come against the force of death and power that came against us jesus determined that jesus christ would stand and die on a cross and rise again from the dead that if he would do that then man would have faith enough to believe that he could win the fight death had reigned over men but she death had walked into the palace just as readily as into the shack of the poor man death had defeated the strong and the mighty as easily as he had defeated the weak the young the old rich the poor all had to bow down before him and jesus came along and issued the challenge to death and said destroy my body and in three days i will rise again hallelujah and so jesus came all the way from heaven down under hung on the cross with nails in his hands and nailed in his feet he died on that cross for you and for me he died just as the prophets had said that he would die and in isaiah 53 and 4. the bible says surely he has borne our grace and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded oh my praise god hallelujah he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for all our iniquities the testism of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray and we've turned everyone to his own way but the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed he was afflicted yet he opened out his mouth he was led at the lamb to slaughter and as a sheep before his years shearers and silent so he opened not his mouth jesus took the words that death had to offer and then he rose up on the third day morning i thought he took the worst that death had to offer then on the third day he grabbed death by the collar and shook death until death turned him a loose and he stepped forth and said i've got the keys to death to hell and the grave death whereas your great where's your victory jesus gained the victory over death and if jesus could conquer death jesus can conquer every other enemy you have any rivers that you think you're uncrossable do you have any mountains that you can't tunnel through god specializes in doing impossible things will you tell your neighbor god specializes in doing impossible things has anybody in the house ever had god to do an impossible thing you did not think there was any way out but god stepped in took control of your situation and god did the impossible if he's ever done an impossible thing for you clap your hands and give praise to god first corinthians 15 and 20 says but now is christ risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep and listen this lets me know that you may be down and out you may be flat on your back but you have the power to get up just keep on getting up i don't care what's been knocking you down just keep on getting out you're not down until you stay down you're not out until you stay out don't stay out because you've been knocked down just climb back in the ring and get back in the fight and overcome the fight hallelujah hallelujah sometimes the devil will think he had you but listen if jesus is on your side you've got to win decide you can get up more frequently and the enemy can knock you down all you have to do is get up one more time then you'll knock down and you'll be on your feet i said all you have to do is get up one time more than you're knocked down and you'll be on your feet hallelujah muhammad ali you should have a special technique of beating his enemies he let his enemies think they had him almost out he would play rope-a-dope on them and lay around on the ropes and throw a little block here and a little block there and then in the last round he'll step out of that rope-a-dope and he'll start fighting and hit the enemy with all his might and overcome and retain the championship child of god the devil may hit you but stay in the ring and stay in the fight have you not known have you not heard the everlasting god the lord the creator of the end of the earth leave a faint largely weary he gives power to the weak even that you shall faint and be weary and young men shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the lord shall i say you shall renew your strength the apostle paul that i can do all things through christ that strengthens me i may face emotional change i may face economic change i may face change of sickness i may face chains of sin but i'm going to hold on anyhow i know god will bless me to overcome the apostle peter was locked in jail he was slated to be executed on the next day for being a witness to jesus christ the thanks for praying for him and concerned about his welfare and while they were all praying father thanks for standing by in prayer an angel showed up at midnight in the prison touched simon peter woke him up and said simon peter get up simon peter might well have said i am locked in chains i'm locked in jail i am locked with prison doors and there's nothing i can do why should i get up but no he didn't say that simon peter heard the voice of the lord say get up and he stood up on his feet and when he stood up his chains fell fellow child of god when you stand up your chains will follow the lord will make a way for you god will bring you up and bring you over so keep on getting up until you stay up i'm ready to close but the prodigal son had lost everything he had lost his wealth he lost his friends he lost his future he could not even get his friends to give him some food or to give him some help he was so hungry he almost started eating with the pigs but while he was thinking about his predicament ali was thinking about the fact that he had turned his back on his father and walked away when he came to himself he said even my father's servants have read enough and despair and i'm perishing out here i don't have any food i'm going to get up and i'm going to go to my father and say father i've sinned against heaven and against you that's letting me work for you you don't have to let me be a sign anymore just let me work for you how the young man was making up his mind that this is what he was going to do his father had come way out on the front porch looked off in the distance i believe he did that every once in a while but this particular day he looked out in the distance he saw a figure coming in his direction the figure was struggling to walk he was half dead he would have perished with hunger but his father saw him and when his father looked out and saw him he said my son is trying to make it whole he ran to the sun put his arms around him and carried the boy back home called for a celebration he lifted him up on his feet and god brought him back to a higher level of success listen if you can't get to jesus jesus can get to you tell your neighbor if you can't get to jesus he can get to you i don't know about you but i would come back i would get back in the presence of jesus i would call on him and let him be lord of my life hallelujah he's right here reaching out in this very moment hallelujah hallelujah but then the father did something else the father gave him another chance i'm so glad that god is the god of another chance come on tell your neighbor i'm so glad god is the god of another chance he gave the boy another chance and he's giving you another chance you can get up i don't care if it's a physical challenge you can get up i don't care if it's an emotional challenge you can get up your friends may have let you down you can get up the pandemic may have swept through your home you can get up rise up and go higher would you stand up and praise god hallelujah hallelujah all over the room stand on your feet and give god pray give him praise giving grace thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you for your grace thank you for your mercy i'm getting up i'm going higher by the power of god in the name of jesus i'm claiming the victory reach out by faith and reach and get it and saying jesus i've got victory come on and praise him stand up all over the moon hallelujah hallelujah this may be your moment for your miracle this may be the time that the lord would deliver you and set you free i was in the drug store the other day the name of that drugstore cl cvs and uh down a few things and walking toward the door and two members of the church woke up and gave a report that one of them had just been diagnosed with cancer and she wanted prayer and i stopped right in the middle of the drugstore prayed for her and they called the other day to say the test came back negative i just wish somebody would testify today my test would come back negative say it again my test will come back negative say that again my task will come back negative god's going to meet that need i will not be evicted my home is my own and god's going to bless me to have a home that's comfortable and adequate come on tap your hands and praise god for what he's going to do god wills that i should prosper and be in hell even if my soul prospers would you just leave your hand say it's going to be all right oh tell god one more time it's going to be all right in the name of jesus clap your hands and praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the name lord i thank you for your word thank you for your power thank you for the miracle working might of your spirit thank you for what you have done and what you are doing we are not going to cry defeat but we're going to cry victory come on said i've got the victory at one more time i've got the victory come on praise god for victory hallelujah hallelujah i want to pray for somebody who might not know jesus christ if you're not saved your sins are not forgiven you came to the house of the lord you just came because you wanted to be in the place where god in a special way is and where god manifests himself and you came and you did not know you're gonna get a word on how you can rise up and overcome the challenges that face you in life and you just want to say preacher pray for me i want my sins forgiven i want to be sure that things are well between me and the lord lift your hand if you would say preacher pray for me i need a special miracle pray for me lift that hand if that's you thank you the lord for the miracle thank you for your power your might thank you for the manifestation of yourself thank you for what you're doing in the life of your children healing their body taking away disease healing them from illnesses and diseases and sicknesses and trouble the lord we praise you for your miracle working power thank you for what you've done and if you believe in god for a miracle clap your hands and say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i'm also glad to pray for those who may not know jesus as lord and savior if you're not sure of your salvation if you're not sure that you're saved and you know jesus and you want to be saved lift up that hand and hold it high this is the special time in your life you may never be the same again from this day forward the lord wants to come into your life he wants to bless you in a special way lift up that hand that's you wherever you may be dear lord i pray for every individual in this room if they lifted their hands or if they did not i pray to god that you come into their lives save them from their sins and draw them unto yourself in the name of jesus say this pray after me dear lord forgive me for my sins i believe jesus died for me and rose again and i thank you dear lord for my salvation thank god amen come on and praise him have your hands in crazy crazy if you pray to accept the lord jesus christ immediately following the service we're going to ask you to go to one of the hospitality tables through the pandemic go to that hospitality table in the lobby whether it should come to the altar but for now let's go to the hospitality table and let them know i gave my life to jesus i want to be a member of the church come on clap your hands and praise god for those who come for hallelujah please be seated jesus we worship you [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] one more time jesus [Music] [Music] gifts of love we breathe [Music] [Music] and if you receive something from the lord clap your hands and praise him as you prepare for the time of giving i want to read a passage from luke chapter 7 verse 2 verse often positions luke 7 and 2 and a centurion servant who was dear to him was sick and ready to die and then that centurion heard about jesus he said elderth of the jews pleading with jesus to come and heal his servant and when they came to jesus they begged him earnestly saying that the one for whom he should do this is deserving the servant was sick the elders went to jesus and begged jesus to heal that servant because the one for whom he should do this was deserving that's the first thing he said about the centurion then he said that he loved our nation and finally he has built us a church built us a synagogue and then verse 7 the centurion sent the message back to jesus i did not think myself worthy to come to you but say the word and my servant will be healed repeat after me when you say the word great things can happen verse 9 jesus heard these things and he marveled at him and turned around and said to the crowd that followed him i have not found such faith not even in israel also those who were sent returning to the house found the servant who had been sick well this was a roman officer who sent this request to jesus and said listen you just say the word and my servant will be healed but not only did he have that kind of faith but the elder said that he was deserving because he loved the people of the lord and he loved the church he had built a church he had great faith because he said jesus you don't have to come to my house just send the word lift your hand to jesus you don't have to come to my house yes in the word come on send the word clap your hands and praise god to sing the word when he did these things he was ready for a miracle and jesus said i've not found this kind of faith even among israel but then he spoke the word of healing the servant got up his body was healed and he went around into life listen you can deserve you can merit you can have the kind of faith and attitude that will make god bless you command the blessing that god will bring into your life as you get your offering and prepare to share with the work of the lord i want you to be a deserving person who acts by faith who believes in god and who will just say lord send your word and everything will be all right lord i want to do everything i can build you a house bless your people act by faith and when he did all these things god gave him a miracle let's praise god for what god did through jesus by this man i want you to make ready to share with the work of the lord we need your support and help and we praise god for your faithfulness to jesus and his work your faithfulness to the work of the lord if you're not already given online you'll be able to give your offering in the receptacles as you leave the auditorium i want to encourage you to give even by your presence giving through a west a app that will enable you to give to the life and the work of the church but however you give i want you to know i'm thankful to you i want every one of you to bless the work of the lord if you're going to share with west angeles and with the work god has given us would you clap your hands and praise god the privilege lord i want to be deserving i want you to look at my faith and say that i married your generosity and your blessing on my life hallelujah hallelujah well let's have our hands one more time i'm gonna stand with the other charles blake ii come and stand with me one of the greatest jars of my life and serving as your senior pastor we served you for 50 years it's been a joy and we've enjoyed being back in the house but we need to make sure that you are safe that we are taking good care of you brother we've written a little something read that and let the people know what we want them to do and let them know what we're going to do for them if it's not safe to be out and about we don't want you being out and about but if we can arrange it and do it and safely worship and convene we want to convene how many of you want us to do what's best for the people of the lord that's what we want to do and i believe i believe you appreciate it i believe you are thankful when we don't invite you into situations that might not be safe for you and so we've got some guidelines that we want you to follow and abide by and you'll be safe and we'll be together for the next 40 years praising and glorifying god come on everybody let's praise the lord for our leader on today oh come on now we can do better than that we can do better than that let's praise the lord that we can get up you may fall down but you can get up amen amen amen well to go right along with what our leader was saying and to assist with eradicating this pandemic we will once again be hosting a free testing and vaccination clinic that will be beginning on sunday august the 1st from 9 a.m to 12 30 p.m right here at the cathedral we will be having a time of spiritual engagement while simultaneously making testing and vaccines available to you our church family and to members of our community it is okay and we are encouraging everyone to get vaccinated amen we can defeat this pandemic if we work together so please continue to check on our church's website at um for updates on our worship and for very special announcements as we move forward you know during this time we also want to to encourage everyone to please try to be as cautious as possible and because we wish to protect each other and our leaders we are asking that we please continue to practice our social distancing mandates and to not to gather and socialize today and even off-site amen um as with regarding church groups and things um of that nature i know we all like to touch each other and touch bishop blake and lady man wish her a happy birthday on the day and let's praise the lord again because it's mama's birthday today amen but we're now asking that well bishop and lady may be um allowed to move quickly out of the building so that we can keep them safe amen amen so greet them from afar amen we are still in the midst of a pandemic and we're also asking that as you depart today that we that we not crowd the exes as we exit um and please and we that each one of us would try to use the least crowded of the five exits as you leave and as we all disperse you know i guess that section can kind of go out of that exit and this section right here can kind of move out of that exit and you all can combine and you know just you'll be able to see the least crowded exit a man just use those powers of deduction that god gave you and you know we are so again we are so happy to be able to gather but like i said our top priority is in keeping all of us safe so we can come back to gather in worship again amen amen and we uh we will continue to invite you to be a part of our service today by giving either through the west day app or through one of the through and through our website and whatever and however you choose to be able to give we just want to praise god for you and we want to let you know how much we appreciate you because of you we are a better church and we also want to praise the lord for all of our friends and brothers and sisters that logged on and as a part of our online family and even though we cannot gather together with you we want you to know that we want to stay connected with you through these vehicles that we have we love you and we miss your presence amen let's praise the lord again for our online family well beloved that that's beyond let us stand and we can pray and we can go on quickly and safely to our places dear precious heavenly father hold on for a second i just want to thank god for the media department that he gave us the walk through africa on today he told us about the wilderness give him a rousing applause thank you the blake you and all those that work in those departments thank you and we're blessed by what you offered to us god bless you well amen i'm not going to stop that amen praise the lord let us pray dear precious heavenly father we want to thank you that you gave us life today that you gave us the activity of our limbs we want to thank you father god that you gave us the ability and the blessing of being able to gather of being able to stay connected we want to thank you for your word today we want to thank you that no matter how many times we may fall down that you've given it to us to be able to get up and move forward in your power and in your victory and father god as we go down from this place we pray that you would continue to remind us that we have the victory continue to surround us with your protection and your purpose continue to make us one in you continue to teach us to love each other as we love you as you will bring us again together father god and please help remind us that even though we cannot gather we can stay connected with each other in the name of jesus we pray [Music] amen [Music] is [Music] let's try [Music] you
Channel: West Angeles Church of God In Christ
Views: 6,155
Rating: 4.9240508 out of 5
Keywords: cogic, Bishop Blake, West Angeles, West Angeles Church, Praise Break, WestaCOGIC, Charles Blake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 55sec (5035 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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