Evangelist Joyce Rodgers "The Process of Faith" 1999

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this is the bible these are our praise weapons these are the weapons we use to shut the mouth of the devil clap your hands all you people and praise the lord that same psalms 47 and 1 says and shout unto the lord with the voice of victory come on and shabbat the lord come on and shabbat the lord hallelujah hey shoving up my soul shoving up my soul shipping out my soul anointed fall in this place anointed fall in this place anointed fall in this place anointed fall in this place anointed fall in this place spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the [Applause] spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god arrest us arrest us arrest us [Applause] god arrest our minds arrest our spirits arrest our soul arrest our attitudes arrest us arrest us arrest us arrest us arrested hand them over she condemned [Applause] spirit of the living god spirit of the living god spirit of the living god [Applause] anointed anointing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah glory to god father we bless you father we honor you we adore you we magnify your name in jesus name let the words of my mouth in the meditation of my heart be acceptable and now say oh god my redeemer in jesus name amen and amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord i don't know what you came for tonight but i came to receive of the lord i came with the spirit of expectancy i just expect god to do anything and if you don't expect him to do anything he will not do it but if you came ready anxious and willing and excited to receive from the lord then won't nobody have to push your butt won't nobody have to turn turn you and turn you and turn you until you get there not when you left home with a spirit of expectancy no one would have to sing your song no one will have to take you through spiritual aerobics to get you there not when you got intimate relationship with him not when you've been into his presence you know you know the unique thing about all of this is when you talk to him at your house then when you get to his house won't nobody have to tell you to stand up and sit down and turn around and lean to the left not you're not above she connelly not when you've got relationship with him because just in case they don't sing your song i still have intimate relationship all i have to do is think of his goodness and what the lord has done for me and my soul you know i don't come to get anybody to help me live jesus and go there with me when i think of the goodness of the lord just in case this is not your good day or you're not in the mood to praise him then my praise is not tampered with me because it's good if you help me love jesus but just in case you don't feel like praising him just in case your shoes are hurting just in case somebody made you mad or just in case you're too cute or you're too dressed up to praise him i can praise him all by myself because he's been he's been good to me he's been good he's been better to me than i've been to the earth myself like him none like him just high five somebody to tell him none like him hey hey hey hey hey hey not like him none like him none like him none like him none like him hey bring your attention back here [Applause] none like him in all the earth what a blessing to be in the presence of the most high god what a blessing what a blessing to be in in the presence of god what a blessing to be here with you but what a blessing to be in god's presence but in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy giving honor to your very capable leader none other than bishop gabriel please put your hands together and help me appreciate this again yes yes and to all the elders and all the ministers and to as we've heard all evening long to mother hunt let's appreciate the fragrance of the house mother hunt man and to the first lady of your ecclesiastical jewish dictionary none other than sister gabbard and what a blessing for your personality and to auntie jenny who's here as well i've been with you to one of my co-laborers in the international churches of god in christ everywhere as bishop owen says churches of god in christ everywhere youth department who i serve on the executive youth department board with as well as cold labor in that we have been assigned a task to do something creative with the young people the teenage people and he has been assigned for the men and i've been assigned for the women however women you know the young women of excellence is going to excel the young men are valid because we are women okay but to my co-labor brother scott galbraith who works with me in the international youth department stand up brother scott and let's appreciate brother scott and to all of you the mothers of zion and the daughters of judah to all of you god's people in the book of genesis the first book of the law as we know genesis the 22nd chapter verse 5 genesis the 22nd chapter and verse 5. developing our faith the 21st century genesis 22 verse 5 those of you that have it say amen those of you that are getting it say amen amen so we know genesis 22 and 5 let us read that together it reads and abraham by ye here and abraham said unto the young men about you here with the ass and i and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you the international version say i in the lab will go yonder and worship and come back i in the lab will go yonder and worship and come back i and the lad will go yonder and worship and we'll be right back i and the lad will go yonder and worship but don't give up on us because we're coming back here now that that seems okay if you just read the fifth verse but when you read verse one where a mandate was made for abraham it seems like abraham got confused about the instructions or it seems like abraham has a truckload of faith that's going to allow him to go do what god says do but yet returned with what god had promised him i want to talk about the process of faith when you talk about developing there has to be a process that a person goes through in order to obtain faith faith isn't just given our faith isn't just a magically or mystically given to us overnight the bible speaks that we all have the measure of faith that is granted unto us but there are some works that comes into faith faith without works is dead faith produces something but in order for faith to produce you have to go through something and the more you go through the more intimate you become with him and the more intimate you become with him the more you trust him so your faith is based upon your trust and who he is if he doesn't do anything for you he still is capable and able to do it so your trust is in his character and who he is and because of that you have the faith to believe that god will take you through the process to get whatever you need to get from the lord developing our faith for the 21st century the process of developing our faith of the 21st century what is the process well according to this particular chapter in order for you to develop your faith you got to get some instructions god is doing and preparing to do great things for your jurisdiction it has been said i'm sure many times that you shall change levels you shall go to destiny you shall go to a new dimension but in order to do that you got to follow instructions and in order to follow instruction you got to hear instructions nobody paid me to come here i'm here on divine assignment and i'm leaving in the morning okay so i can say what god tells me to say and be finished so you got to know how to follow divine instructions okay now just follow divine instructions but you have to know how to internalize divine instruction because it wasn't enough for abraham to hear the instruction but abraham had to internalize the instructions see in our business of serving the lord is not so much of what we do on the outside but it's what's on the inside that count what you have internalized that count and a lot of times we spend time on out with things and we never spend adequate time on internalized things and that's why we don't get the product that we wanted to produce because we didn't internalize what god had divided for us to do so it's more than what you see but it has to be what you're made of so when god gives you instructions you got to learn how to internalize those instructions so when the time of testing comes when trials enter in when nobody's there to pat you on the back and tell you to hang on in there and be encouraged you can still do what god has told you to do because you're not wearing the instructions on your shoulder but you got them hidden in your heart you got them internalized and you know that whatever god tells you to do then you're more than a conqueror so abraham had to internalize [Applause] he had to internalize the instruction he had to put the instructions on the inside what were the instructions that the lord gave to abraham he said abraham i want you to take now thy son that only son isaac whom do i love it look at the request that he has don't just take isaac but then only son well we know isaac was not the only son that was there but when you read genesis 20 you find out that ishmael had already been gone kicked out of the house so isaac was the only one at home now it looked like god was contradicting what he had promised abraham because he says to abraham in developing abraham he said take thine only son isaac whom thy love to the land of moriah and offer him as a sacrifice now now what's wrong with that picture well that same god told abraham that in isaac and i'm sick shall those blessings be in isaac shall the covenant be granted and and i see everything that you need abraham is wrapped up in isaac everything that you're going to be everything that the nation shall be everything that the people of 99 shall be is wrapped up in who isaac is because in isaac and that seed have i promised him ishmael is a child of passion but isaac is a child of promise so everything that you need is in isaac everything that you want is in isaac and god say go take your promise sacrifice your promise have you ever ever had god to ask you to sacrifice something that it looked like he gave you something you've been praying for something you've been believing for they said you have to see where i see where isaac came from first of all isaac came out of dead possibilities stay with me if you please as it came out of dead possibility isaac daddy was too old to have a baby and his mother's womb was barely that neither one of them qualified to have a child but when god speaks into your life it doesn't matter what you don't qualify for when god says so it shall be done [Applause] doesn't matter how long it's been dead it doesn't matter how long it's been lying dormant it doesn't matter who doesn't like it when god says so no demon in hell can stop what god said god looked at abraham god looked at sarah and god said you shall bring forth the child and the bible let me let me give you religious people together with me on this that not only not only not only was isaac born out of dead possibility but isaac was born out of cynical his mother was cynical when she heard that she was going to have a child she lived not only did she laugh but she lied she laughed and she lied but in the midst of laughing and lying she heard the word in the midst of whatever she was going through she heard the word that tells me that it does not matter it does not matter when when god promised you something i i know we don't do this a lot in in religious ways but but in your covenantal agreement if god promised you something sarah sarah you lied you laughed but god promised sarah a child did sarah have the child sarah had the child when god said that you're going to do it when god said it's going to be yours it doesn't matter the storm may rise the wind may blow breakers make death but if god say it's just what god has for me [Applause] it is for me clap your hands in this house [Applause] sarah had the child i had a dead possibility some of you that are here today some of you that are here tonight god's going to speak to your dead possibility there are things that you had given up on the holy ghost said don't give up on them they're things you were about to throw in the towel on god said don't give up on it there are things that you'd close the door to god say go open the door for yet a little while he that shall come will come and will not tear it and when he comes he will not be coming around the mountain when he comes but he will say unto the mountain mountain be thou removed and no mountain shall be able to step go back and get what god promised you i don't care how long you've been waiting i don't care how long the weight has been just go back and get it's just the development process it's just a process take your son isaac and offer him as a sacrifice in the land of which i will show you abraham abraham getting up one morning on his way on an ordinary day getting ready to go through the process of faith faith takes us through mother hunt that there's things that's the levels of faith that that you're constantly progressing to each journey goes my grandmother used to say higher and higher and higher abraham gets up on an ordinary day with instructions internalized in his heart isaac we've got to go on a journey look at the process of which he's getting ready to go through perhaps somebody here is going through a process he he gets up and he doesn't do a lot of talking in the process you don't hear abraham he didn't even talk to sarah he talked to no one he got up that morning the bible said he got up early that morning and he got his things together in the process of of what you're going through in order to get the faith that you need not just for the 21st century some of y'all need some faith for 1999. okay so in order to get the faith that you need for right right now you can't do a whole lot of talking you can't do a whole lot of talking because sometimes you talk to the wrong people if you talk to the wrong people brother scott you can miss out on what god has in store for you see when god gets ready to do something in your life then you have to talk to somebody that's been there [Music] somebody that understands the wisdom of god for that level of faith it's not saying that they're not there but you may not be on the same level that i'm old because you were only believing god for a headache and i had to believe him for cancer so those are two different levels you know [Applause] abraham didn't talk to nobody abraham got up and and if you're going to talk to somebody while you're going through the process of of developing your faith find you some god talkers those are people that have talked to god those are people that that understand the voice of god and you don't have to explain your business you don't have to go through any changes you you don't have to you know go through their mood swings but when you find a god talker that all you got to say is i was asleep last night and god woke me up and they'll understand because they'll remember when they were trying to sleep and trying to figure some things out trying to work some things out and god woke him up in the midnight hour and told them everything is going to be all right they'll understand what you're talking about and they'll tell you just hang on in there you'll be saying but i'm ready to quit i'm ready to give up but the god talkers to tell you no they that wait upon the lord he shall renew their strength they shall not love with wings as an eagle they shall run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yo god talking to tell you i know it's hard i i know it's rough but don't you think about quinn right now because it's nighttime just hold on to the night season for we we've been made into for night for joy [Music] joy see the god talking to tell you morning time is coming the god talkers to tell you baby just keep on he'll wipe the tears from your eyes and you'll be trying to save a baby you don't understand but the god's talking to you i don't have to understand i know a god that understands my every move look at your neighbor say you better get some god talkers so abraham didn't talk to nobody see somebody here tonight has allowed somebody to talk you out of your blessing because they didn't understand what god was doing to you again just to digress there you you have to be careful when you're going through your process who you hang with because everybody doesn't understand the wisdom of god and some people can have you at heart and and they'll see you going through and they'll start saying looser god looser looser looser when god doesn't need to loose you but god needs to refine you while you're in the fire god needs to define your purpose but if you're not in tune with god's will concerning me and you just don't yoke up with people because they're pretty they got money that isn't that but you have to yoke up with people that knows the will of god concerning you okay so so when you're in his will and you want to come out of his will they'll tell you don't you cross the line because god's not through with you yet but if you don't know god's will concerning me you'll go with me when i'm going in the wrong direction and before we know it we'll both be off the wrong side of the mountain waiting on the blessings of the lord and he'll say but i'm not moving on this side of the mountain and you should have been with the right person but when you get with people that know god's will concerning your life they will not lead you astray even if they lose your friendship your friendship is not as important as your soul it's not as important as your soul your soul is more important than your friendship abraham take it son get your son up to the land of moriah of which i will show you again abraham gets up early abraham goes on a three-day journey probably thinking i'm doing it by myself but knowing the typology of christ every move that abraham made during the three-day journey christ christ's father god had already made that move god god said abraham you offer up isaac i'll offer up my son isaac you go on a three-day journey my son will go on a three-day journey isaac you'll feel like you're by yourself my son felt like he was by himself as if you may be pondering things my son pondered things and said if it be possible let this cup pass from me but then my son got a grip on his real purpose and said but nevertheless not not my will but let thy will be done [Applause] he's on his way up to the mountain and it gets to a point after the three days and he has a group of people with him and he turns to the people and says wait a minute something is going on you guys stay here and i and the lad will go yonder and worship now romans the fourth chapter said concerning this that abraham who against hope believed in hope who who who against there was no hope for me not nothing because it did deadness that deadness but who against hope stood on hope who who against hope believed in hope and in believing in hope the bible said that he staggered romans 4 and they he staggered not at the promises of the lord through unbelief whatever the lord had promised him years ago he didn't give up on the promises of god he staggered he waved he didn't do like we do sometimes up and sometime down almost leveled to the ground but abraham's stagnated the promise of the lord with unbelief but still strong in his faith the bible said giving god glory while he's going through giving god glory while he's burning down giving god glory while pain is in his body giving god glory brought without a time giving god glory giving god glory giving god glory and being fully persuaded that word means convinced that whatever he had promised he's able he's able he's evil whatever he's promised he's able he's able to perform it abraham's standing there with isaac in his hands and isaac we're getting ready to go but i know that god is able to perform whatever he has promised us isaac said daddy daddy daddy daddy well i don't see any i don't i see the wood and i see the kindle but god daddy daddy daddy something is wrong i don't see the lamb but listen to what abraham said in faith again abraham said that the lord will provide himself mother hunt he didn't say the lord would provide me but he said the lord will provide himself a realm in the bush which says unto me in the process of developing our faith there are things that god does for him there are things that he takes you through that has nothing to do with you brother scott but it's all about him he doesn't even care if if you understand it or not because the thing that god does whatever test that god sends your way god has already tested your test and god knows that you're able [Applause] god knows that you're you're able to withstand the test god god doesn't send you through no test for there is no temptation tried but such is coming unto men but god is faith god is faithful who will with the temptation provide a way of escape so the moment you went into the test god already had a way of escape for you to come out of the test god already tested you and tested your test and let me just digress and give you a pictorial view of this my grandmother would take care of my baby brother didn't matter that we had microwaves my grandmother when she got ready to feed my baby brother a bottle what my grandmother would do would put the bottle and a pot of water on the stove and big mama would let the water boil until she thought that it was at the right temperature to put in milton's mouth but whenever big mama took the bottle out of the boiler she never went from the baller to milton's mouth but what big mama would do in the process [Applause] in the process of giving milton the bottle big mama would take the back of our hands turn that bottle upside down and test it to see if it was the right temperature and if it was a one she would make it right now if big mama can do that then the god that i serve the god that you said he knows how much we can bear he knows what temperature if it's too hot he'll cool it if it's too cold he'll warm he knows what you can do [Applause] [Music] he knows he knows he knows he knows he somebody didn't think that he knew but he knows what what what you're capable of handling he knows what you're capable of in doing so what he does when it looks like it's too much he says that's enough and when it looks like it's not enough and you're crying and saying god is too much he said but you don't understand you're only looking at your capabilities but i'm looking at your potentials i know what you can handle see you don't even know you i know your thoughts are far off i know what you're thinking before you even think you don't know what you're capable of so i know how much to put on you and when it gets to the point he says that's enough and when he says that's enough he said now it's time to come out and you say well god am i ready job said you ready now for when he has tried me i shall come forth this pure god i and the lamb will go yonder and worship and return abraham on his way up to the mountain isaac is saying daddy where is the sacrifice and do you know that that's what god is asking us now mother hunt where is the sacrifice where's your heart i i see your clothes i see your hands you come to church but where's your heart you want you you're worried about what you left at home where's your heart you're worried about who won't cooperate who won't do this all i want is your heart where is your heart where is your heart you want people to get excited when you get up but you can't get excited when nobody else get up where is your heart you want to get up speaking in tongues when you've been sleep the whole rest of the sermon where is your heart [Applause] i in the lab we're going to worship but i need to see your heart god's not caring about what we have on god wants to know where's your heart because we can have on long dresses we can have big handkerchiefs and we can have jealousy and malaysia in our hearts we can be filled with anger and god wants to know where is your heart you're getting ready to go over all the sacrifice but where is your heart i see you lifting up your head i see you speaking and told and can't speak to one another where is your heart [Applause] i see you running down the houses and jumping the piers and jumping over people you ought to be talking to where is your heart i see people and i just tell it like this i see see people that can't even work together the young can't work with the old the old can't work with young where's your heart we've got kids that are having babies that are teenagers and the church is saying oh that's a bad thing throw them out get rid of them where's your heart [Applause] you know because when you tell the real story everybody said a real story the people that generally want to throw them out their oldest child is not by their husband either but god forgave them [Music] mothers is just right all by itself because god's coming back for a church without a spot or a wrinkle god's not looking for a church that's acting like they're holy but they can't get along with one another god's not looking for a church that meet on sundays but you don't have a prayer life you don't have a prayer in life you don't fast you don't consecrate where is your heart god's looking for a pure church a church that can go younger and worship and return a lot of us go young than worship but we never come back what was the significant meaning for him coming back what's his testimony what's his faith want we talk faith we talk faith we talk faith we talk faith but we don't live faith we talk faith but we don't live faith because if we live faith hebrew 11 and one now faith is a substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things you cannot see in our mind if we don't sin it will never happen but in the spiritual realm if you don't see it before it happens it will never happen you got to know i'm stepping out on nothing gonna land on something because my face said that something is underneath for me but you got to learn how to live by faith and living by faith is not going from house to house trying to make provision for you but living by faith said whatever god has i didn't come to tickle your emotions i came to challenge your faith where is your faith where's your heart god's getting ready for worship and he wants to know where's your heart and worship is more than a praise song and worship is more than a testimony service but we got to have a lifestyle the church has to go back to his first glory where people can come into the house of god on jenny and be glad and feel the love of the saints and people can know we're going to worship we're going to worship all of this you say what does this have to do with the development of the process of faith this is the process that the church has to go through but you know what if you don't pass the test in the process mothers you have to take it over and our problem is we've been acting like we passed we have been acting like we passed when we did not pass and sometimes it's okay to let somebody know i didn't pass so they'll know you're human and sometimes it's all right to let them know that you didn't pass so they can see the god in you and not a whole lot of you a lot of our problems in our test is that people see too much flesh let me give you a good sunday school message you see too much flesh and they can't get to miracles they can't get deliverance because of all the flesh that's in the temple but god said i've got to get i got to get this is not your show this is not the road show this is not your show this is god's show and anything that comes before in his house should be about him and only about you going through a process so when you get to yonder's place you can offer your heart abraham gets up there and i'm getting ready to close abraham gets up to the place abraham gets to the place where god told him to go abraham gets all of his stuff together isaac is like laying there and i want you i want you to see the uniqueness of people knowing who you really are the bible never talked about isaac struggling with his daddy the bible never mentioned isaac had a controversial conversation with his daddy daddy why are you doing this to me isaac knew the faith of his father isaac had seen his father pass the test before and isaac knew that some kind of way if god told daddy to do it god's going to work it out how many people around you trust the god in you that much to say that if you say do it i'm going to trust you because i've seen you pass the test before isaac gets up there and he just lays so his father can strap him in the bible said that as abraham began to to restrict isaac god sent an angel say abraham abraham have you ever had him to call you when it looked like our hope was gone and he called your name have you ever had him to call you when it looked like you were about to go down for the last time but before you went down you heard a voice out of nowhere calling your name abraham abraham don't touch him just wanted to know do you love me just wanted to know do you trust me just wanted to know if you love the gift more than you love the giver i just wanted to know that well god what am i going to do abraham look underneath i have a ram that's caught in the thicket you know the unique thing about the ram the day that god spoke to abraham he spoke to the realm every step abraham made the realm made it on the other side of the mountain when abraham stopped the rams stopped when abraham looked around the realm looked around the only thing abraham didn't know that the rail was on the other side of the mountain that tells me that there are times when god gets ready to bless you that you don't know that what you're praying for is already at your gate you didn't know that god had already spoke to your answer when the problem came in your house you didn't know that but the only way you can know that is that you have faith in god god said abraham you don't have to touch him i got i just wanted to know did you love me then the bible also came back and started calling abraham the father of faith how did abraham get to be the father of faith is because he went through the process if you are going to make it i'm talking about 1999. if you're gonna make it in 1999 you're gonna have to go through the process of your faith walk and then going through your process of your faith what you're gonna have to have like abraham had abraham had a promise on his heart whatever god has promised you down through the years you're going to have to rehearse that there are days when you're going to have to get in the mirror and tell yourself but this is what you told me lord this is what you told me lord i don't see it god but this is what you said god i wouldn't even be here god i didn't ask for this i didn't pray for this but you told me that this is the way that i was going to go now that i'm here god i need you to send me a promise and god will send you a promise that said no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rise up against you in judgment you shall condemn you got to have a promise you got to have a promise whatever god promised you you got to hold on to the promise that god said it shall be yours and i tell myself that sometimes in the midst of your process and your promise you got to learn how to encourage yourselves in your process you've got to learn how to encourage yourself because remember in the process sometimes he removes you from people and the only way you're going to make it again get in that mirror and tell yourself girl i know it's good it's not the way it's supposed to be i know things are not the way pastors i know members are not doing what they should do but you get in the mirror you tell yourself lift up your head oh ye gates and be lifted up you have a lasting door and the king of glory shall come in i know the psychologist said you don't talk to yourself but you ask yourself who is the king of glory i know that psychologists say you don't answer yourself but you ask yourself and say he is the lord strong and mighty he is the lord mighty and battle lift up your head when you got a promise you have to tell yourself fear you got to go because god has promised me these blessings well how am i going to get them you have to get in the mirror again as a part of your faith walk and say i won't be afraid why would i not be afraid psalms 27 because the lord is my life and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life whom shall i be afraid then you tell yourself the lord is my light and my salvation if i'm not going to be afraid why will i not be afraid because yay do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will feel no evil for thou art with me thou rot in thy they comfort me thou prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies my enemies wanted to destroy me my enemies wanted to cut me off but thou prepared the table before me in the presence of my enemies thou anointed my hand with all and my cup runneth over now surely goodness and mercy they shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord when i'm going through the process i got to have a promise of what did god promise you i remember that he promised me that all these blessings they belong to me he promised me that i reckon that the suffering of this presentation is not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed what did the lord promise you he promised you that if you live right heaven belong to you what did the lord promise you he promised you that he was wounded for your transgression bruised for your iniquities and the chastisement of his peace was upon you and you don't have to be sick you don't have to be depressed you don't have to be oppressed you don't have to be down you don't have to be down you don't have to be down you don't have to be down but by his stripes i am healed by his stripes i am healed say yes say yes oh yes [Applause] yes what is the process it's not a five-step process you may do that in alcohol or numbers you may do that in the rehabilitation center but what he has for me [Applause] may not work for you sunk through the fire some through the flood but we're all gonna be washed in his blood he may take you this way he may take me that way but i'm so glad that my heavenly father knows what i have need of and after he has tried me after he has shaken me after he has molded me i shall come forth i shall come forth i shall come forth say yes say yes oh yes ah yes [Applause] oh yes oh yes i came to the leo just to tell somebody wake up your faith you've been lying sleeping on your faith but it's time [Applause] to shake your faith i don't care how long you've been going through shake your faith i don't care who said you wouldn't make it they don't even have to like you they don't even have to call your name i tell them mother hunter mother hunt i'm not the most popular person everybody don't know my name you don't even have to like me but i'm still anointed because the spirit of the lord is upon me and the lord has anointed me say yes yes ah [Applause] yes yes oh yes oh wake up your faith wake up your faith it's time to take back what the devil has stolen how you're going to do it according to your faith according to your faith so be it unto you if you have the faith the size of the grain of the mustache you don't even need much to see faith but just the faith the size of the chipping of a mustard seed just a little bitty faith that's all you need then you can say to the mountain get out of my way stop singing those dead songs lord don't move my mountain stop singing those dead songs i'm climbing up the rough side hill trying to get home throw away those hymn get a song in your heart what shall i sing while i'm going through i don't need to sing no emotional songs sometimes i feel like a motherless child that won't work when i'm going on a faith walk i cannot sing trouble in my way i have to cry sometimes that won't work when i'm going through the faith walk but what do you sing when you're going through our god is an awesome god and an awesome god is he he reign in majesty what do you sing during your faith lord bishop mason said doing his faith walk he said yes lord yes lord yes to your will yes to your way yes i'll obey yes i do say yes faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen you look at people and you say i marvel over them i wish i had what they had but if you didn't pay what they paid to get what they got then you can't help what they have if you don't know anything about my midnight don't you talk about my morning if you don't know what i've been through don't you get envious over my breakthrough i paid a price for my breakthrough i've been through the storm i've been through the rain but i made it say yes oh yes [Applause] yes yes my faith walk my process and if you need to know god is not concerned about the process he's only concerned about the product [Music] he's not worried mother about the process his concern is the product and if the grapes were never crushed there be no one and if the olive was never crushed there'll be no all so stop struggling this is just a test that god's taking you through tell somebody don't touch the dial this is just a test don't move the screen this is just a test whatever you're going through it did not come to stay this is just a test god wants to know where you love him god wants to know where you trust him god wants to know where you hold on god wants to know where you smile will you come out happy will you come out better will you come out delivered will you come out with your joy look at your name and tell them neighbor you don't know what i've been going through you don't know what i've been struggling with you don't know what i've been praying about but tonight tonight my faith says already done my faith says hold right now my faith says home right now it's all right now it's all right now it's all right now how many of you believe us all right now [Applause] how many know us all right now then tell your neighbor one more thing neighbor i cannot tell you my testimony but give me two minutes while i praise god because it's all right it's all right it's all right come on and praise him come on and praise him it's all right it's all right it's all right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] how many got this testimony that is all right now just tell somebody neighbor there were things that i had to go through i could have lost my mind i could have gone crazy but it's all right now it's all right now it's all right now god did it god did it god did it god brought me through [Music] [Music] god brought me through god took me through the process i didn't understand what he was doing but god brought me through i could have went crazy i could have lost my mind i could have lost my joy but the lord gave me the joy of the lord the lord gave me my joy it's all right it's all right it's all right it's all right hey it's all right it's all right yay faith faith my faith it's all right it's all right it's all right it's all right if i got 10 people that don't mind letting somebody know i've been going through the process i didn't know what god was doing i didn't understand god's ways but tonight i'm going yonder i'm going to worship and i'm going to return and when i come back i'm coming back with my promise when i come back i'm coming back with my healing when i come back i'm coming back with my joy if i can get 10 people to run down to the altar and just with your sacrifice if it's something you're going through you don't mind nobody's seeing you you want your deliverance tonight come on down to the altar come on down to the altar don't wait on nobody don't wait on nobody hey hallelujah come on down here give it to him give it to him give it to him yes yes yes hey hey give it to him give it to him hallelujah glory glory glories [Music] hallelujah my faith my faith my faith healing healing [Music] it's already done it's already done [Music] yes larry glory glory glory come on get ready for receive and receive it receive and reset out of a machine receive and receive it receive ahead of them receive it receive it receive it receive it receive and receive it a fresh anointing a fresh anointing a fresh anointing receive and receive it receive it hey receive and receive it receive it it's already done adios yes yes yes yes yes it's already done it's already done [Music] it's already done it's already done it's already done [Music] it's already done [Music] it's already done [Music] it's already done hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] all over the building get those hands up and just begin to praise god for what he's already done you may not see it you may not feel it but come on and praise him he's doing it god is doing it god is doing this come on he's doing it he's doing it [Music] he's doing it [Music] yes god [Music] hallelujah he's doing it some of us through the water some of us do the fire but god is doing it [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah get ready for my faith journey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] 99 new york new beginning hallelujah hallelujah larry glory [Music] hallelujah [Music] just lay your hands on the person on the side of you please no more walking please you may need this faith message in 99 just begin to pray for the person you have your hands on father in the name of jesus there's a challenge for 99. god there's a challenge for 99. it's going to take more than a feeling good but i'm gonna need somebody to take a faith journey with me that person you got your hands on just begin to pray for them pick them up in the spirit [Music] i don't know what they're going through i know oh i don't know their struggles i don't know what they're going through i don't know but i know you're able there's nothing too hard for you i don't know i don't know but i know there's an anointing in this place [Applause] god's gonna use you god's using you while your hand is there god's using you to pray for that woman pray for that man until they get a breakthrough god's using you [Applause] you will never know it about god's using hell of them [Music] let him do it let him do it burdens are too much the burdens are too much the burdens are too much god i can't even talk about it i can't even talk about it i can't even talk about it do it right now god do it do it god do it do it god do it i can't talk about it [Music] do it i can't even tell my friends i need you to intercede for me i'm smiling on the outside but on the inside i need a breakthrough breakthrough look at jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] i need a breakthrough god i feel the spirits in this room [Applause] break it jesus do it on the inside on the inside on the inside on the inside somebody's worried about their child on the inside somebody's worried about their family on the inside somebody is broken from 1998 things that happened in 98 and they haven't got over it tonight break it on the inside oh god somebody's worried about their ministry do it in their local churches oh god in the name of jesus father we thank you for faith that shall prevail in jesus name amen and amen just throw your arms around them tell them your faith journey your faith journey your faith journey shall be victorious you shall have the victory you shall overcome you shall conquer you shall soar like an eagle your faith journey your faith god your nation god shall turn it around we get ready to let you go but god shall turn it around on the count of three i just want everybody to turn around and by the time you turn around god will have already fixed it one two three turn around god's turned it around god turned it around god turned it around god turned it around god turned it around god turned it god did it god did it god did it [Music] [Music] when you get home tonight that's gonna be leaking in your spirit god has turned it around [Music] that's going to be leaking in your spirit god has turned it around some of you going to get up to use the restroom tonight and you're going to hear the holy ghost say i turned it around some of you gonna get ready to get a drink of water you're gonna hear the holy ghost said i turned it around go wake up in the morning and hear the holy ghost said i turned it around i turned it around i turned it around [Music] [Applause] [Music] god turned it around he turned it around he turned it around he turned it around [Music] [Music] yes clap your hands all you people and praise the lord father we thank you for what our ears have heard [Music] may we depend on you during our faith journey in jesus name so we have the testimony that i will go yonder and worship and come again but my process is to go and come again in jesus name amen and amen thank you jesus
Channel: Kyoung83
Views: 33,229
Rating: 4.9134617 out of 5
Keywords: joyce rodgers, evangelist joyce rodgers, cogic workers meeting, northern california first jurisdiction, ncfj cogic, bishop albert galbraith, harold johnson sr., old path cathedral cogic, old path cogic vallejo, praise break, worship service, preaching, faith, the process, faith in God, abraham, its only a test, the anointing, cogic pioneers, womens night, church, altar call, womens day, cogic workers conference, trust the process, the process of faith, its already done, god
Id: rd-eazvUznw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 24sec (4344 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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