I'm Gonna Simp For The Playstation 5...

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oh hello everybody PlayStation 5 alright now this is something that gets me a little hard okay I'm just gonna be honest with you now let's get all the memes aside okay we know PlayStation 5 oh it looks like a router there muda well mood it's only you have to buy either a fridge or a router listen I'm just gonna be happy that it doesn't look like the [ __ ] ps3 panini press the only downside that I've had with this design is that they didn't release the boomerang controller I would kill for a boomerang controller if they brought the boomerang controller I would legitimately I'm not even gonna say that I don't know Sony's up to I'm not gonna I'm not gonna bet a nut on that one but you get the point now ladies and gentlemen all things aside the design looks pretty damn cool looks almost cyberpunk ish I don't know how it's gonna fit in my living room but you know it is what it is the system looks pretty damn good and both systems look great I mean it's all designed so that the system's stay cool now that they have actual up-to-date components not these shitty dog laptop CPUs that they've had on the ps4 and Xbox one I'm actually glad that they've they've decided to say wow we need some processing power and not this not this weak [ __ ] and here we go you know finally finally up to date finally got finally got the power and now we're gonna go into the next generation with some goddamn style now can I just start off by saying the first half of that whole PlayStation 5 stream I'm not gonna lie dude it got me a little turned away there's a lot of colorful games a lot of cool-looking games and get me wrong like Ratchet and Clank fine it was fun to see that but then they started showing a game with like [ __ ] strawberries and like well I mean if you're into the strawberry game hey don't let me knock you [ __ ] down but uh I can't go I'm good but I was I did you it felt like ambien was hitting my system let me tell you I was getting a little bit bored and then finally they started showing some of the real [ __ ] heavy hitters so let me just get to start it off demon souls is getting remade alright [ __ ] demon souls is getting remade and it looks pretty damn awesome Resident Evil 8 village looks pretty damn sweet they're going back to the first person I mean the game looks nice okay I mean it looks on par with Resident Evil 2 and [ __ ] but it looks great it looks like a [ __ ] good time and it looks like they've got the for natural [ __ ] going for it I'm excited GTA 4 GTA 5 I wish GTA 4 GTA 5 is being re-released on PS 5 awesome doesn't look any [ __ ] different at all the ps4 version so I guess it might just be a slight update rockstar Rockstar still making a killing through GTA online so [ __ ] why not why not release it on PS 5 as well and yeah other than that the games the games were pretty damn sweet ghost wire Tokyo looked looked kind of cool you know I definitely will [ __ ] with that when it comes out and can we just talk about horizon zero dawn - one of the best looking games ever there was another project game I'm completely forgetting the name of it right now but that also looked really good but horizon zero dawn - you know if you don't recall Moodle loves horizon zero dawn the game got [ __ ] snubbed when it came to awards that game is one of my favorite games this generation and I'm so glad horizon zero dawn - I I mean I knew it was coming out but I mean god damn it looks gorgeous spider-man also looks a pretty damn good spider-man - I mean all that all the games from Sony are looking pretty killer you know their exclusive library is without a doubt the strongest suit that they have and I'm glad that they were showing it off with [ __ ] bravado and that's that's just where I come down - you know I might even [ __ ] with Gran Turismo when it comes out on PS 5 because that also looked gorgeous as well now graphically the system's while they do look good haven't completely like blown me away like they haven't just you know set me on another level maybe that's cuz I'm a PC gamer I sort of noticed you know higher end graphics on it on a [ __ ] daily basis with most of these games so I don't really tend to see a [ __ ] ton of increase I mean they all look good don't get me wrong but they haven't like completely blown blown blown me away and I guess it's to be expected you know the further you move along in graphics technology I mean higher resolutions will only start to impact you you know little by little as time goes on you know law of diminishing returns and all that shit's even if you hate me you learn something right all-in-all I gotta say the games are nice the system looks damn nice I actually wish we got to see some of the console like the UI like we actually got to see it booting up and some of the main menu I'm a real sucker for that kind of so if we saw that that would have made my day I would have actually busted a knot no lie but it is what it is now the price wasn't revealed but don't get me wrong this thing's probably gonna be like 500 bucks like if it's as powerful as they say $500 seems like a sweet spot for them to be hitting I don't know if they're gonna hit it any higher than that just because bro that the economy right now isn't not isn't looking so good okay so people don't have a lot of disposable [ __ ] income Sony so you better temper your expectations no one wants another ps3 launch price Dewey now the big thing for me it was backwards compatibility and none of this got announced none of this got showcase and it's one of the damning things that I have so if you don't know I'm a huge sucker for backwards compatibility right like Xbox on point with that [ __ ] they definitely want to preserve their older game library but Sony has like the biggest [ __ ] game library at least for me like I've grown up with PlayStation I'm a PlayStation guy so every generation I have a gem of a game that I play and every year as time goes on and backwards compatibility was a huge deal ps4 backwards compatibility is garbage okay it does not have ps1 ps2 is run by re releases from Sony unless you hack a ps4 which I have a video coming out for that ps2 backwards compatibility is is is dog ps3 backwards compatibility doesn't even exist so when PS 5 comes out obviously it's gonna have ps4 backwards compatibility there's no wave can like guys architectural II it should not be able it should there should be no excuse every ps4 game cannot just run on PS 5 it just doesn't make any sense to me it personally ps3 is sort of like the elephant in the room now ps3 compatibility ps3 emulation on PC is happening of course you need really high-end components to do it but because Sony has intimate knowledge of the ps3 cell processor it it doesn't strike me as nearly impossible for them to sit down and make a pretty competent software emulator for the PS 5 so ps3 backwards compatibility should be there listen mgs4 bro that needs to be preserved ok the only way you can play that game a ps3 or a really good PC ps5 should bridge the gap and allow us to play our ps3 games you know even if we have to stick our disc in and download like the Xbox it's better than nothing ps2 no reason why PS 5 can't emulate ps2 ps2 should just easily be a giveaway for PS 5 backwards compatibility ps1 don't even get me started on ps1 backwards compatibility that [ __ ] should be [ __ ] easy they shouldn't even be due they should be able to emulate the ps1 and get rid of all the all the all the texture warping that happened back in the day so yeah backwards compatibility can totally happen I hope sony sony definitely like brings the heat on that one because that's literally the only thing that I've had an issue with now the best part about this whole system was the fact that it came with a blu-ray drive which shows me that at least for now discs are still gonna be a massive thing look I'm a huge disc guy okay like if I showed you my ps4 disc library it stands taller than me and I'm 6 foot 2 and I love owning the physical disks if physical disks were to be gone from PS 5 and Xbox Series X I I wouldn't even care about these [ __ ] consoles to begin with the strongest thing that these consoles have is the fact that they come with physical drives so I'm glad to see PS 5 actually having the physical drive to it meaning that I can buy my games from the store and own them physically and never hopefully have to connect to the Internet to even play them I can just stick the disc in let it install and call it a day so I'm actually super happy that they have done that and that that really seals the deal for me again how practical is it gonna be when the game cisors are so [ __ ] big that uh nowadays at least towards the end of the ps4 oh we need two discs like copies like two blu-ray discs like it's kind of [ __ ] insane Last of Us 2 comes out next week right and it's coming out on two discs I believe so it's like a 73 gig game and of course as 4k becomes the norm and like these systems become that much more powerful how much actual texture memory is gonna be you know sort of inflated because of that I mean these games are gonna have to go from like 7d gigs to like minimum like 200 gigs at some point I mean Call of right now Modern Warfare if you add the whole thing up is like a hundred and 80 gigs guys so it's gonna be interesting to see how harddrive space is gonna have to be improved because bro a terabyte isn't gonna cut it anymore terabyte with the with the way games are now probably gonna store like four or five [ __ ] games a maximum you know what I mean so that's gonna have to be discussed I mean there's a lot of there's a lot of things to go on I mean the reveal was nice it showed some cool games definitely told us that yes we have a rough time frame of one to expect ps5 and I'm sure in the next couple months we're gonna get more information more things solidified but all in all guys I gotta say PlayStation 5 has come across as a pretty strong contender going forward and can I just end this video off by saying that both Xbox and PlayStation have [ __ ] brought the heat can we just say that like even as a PC gamer right over here and basically playing a lot of my games on PC I love consoles for the fact that they are simple stick a disc and call it a day and beginning of this generation ps4 absolutely [ __ ] curb-stomped Xbox one just because of how terrible Microsoft had its policies but can we just can when you say for the sir for the record whether you're a playstation person like me or an Xbox person you both have good [ __ ] consoles like let's be real Xbox has got some good solid like Japanese control at this point like Yakuza is apparently a launch title for them they've got some good exclusive like studios working for them at this point so yeah you know it looks like a pretty strong contender on both sides they both have pros and cons and and the race has never gotten closer I gotta say All Things Considered it seems next generation going forward everyone has a place and that's sort of the best part about it so whether you're an Xbox guy or a PlayStation guy holy [ __ ] then you have a good time going forward man let me tell you let me tell you that is the greatest aspect of it so yeah I've been actually really happy and in a in a year of shitty news gaming has sort of given us the the the would allow it I say the best what is the distraction and and God bless that both these systems are serving to be some really fun constellar distractions all that's left is the pricing and that's gonna be the interesting [ __ ] death knell of these systems you can't price them too high with the worry the world's going but you also obviously can't price them too low so it's gonna be interesting seeing how they go forward with it but as far as the initial reveals go pretty damn awesome pretty damn good so yeah let me know what you think about the PS 5 in the comment section below then please refrain from a console war like we're actually [ __ ] adults here I would hope so if you're gonna have like this [ __ ] jihadi like like viewpoint of which plastic box is better keep that [ __ ] away I might actually make a separate video on the troglodytes that are console warriors but that'll be another video for now ladies and gentlemen if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it this is me muta [ __ ] and I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 410,114
Rating: 4.935709 out of 5
Id: 9ED917l7Yjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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