Bill Burr - Exposes Dental Scams (It's a Business)

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[Music] well I worked in a dental office it's a business I'm telling you yeah you know what was that was the craziest thing when I worked there I realized that just like comedians there was good dentists there was hacks and it was it's so true dude there was one [ __ ] guy this this dude like he was he always vacationed in Florida and he just was trying to get to that vacation and he just [ __ ] he would just [ __ ] it you know if you had two cavities suddenly you had five and he's just going to town it's just like the same thing of the guy at Midas you just need the muffler and he wants to replace it from the block all the way to the big get a busted aspirated too if you see those shoes he's jabbing it with a screwdriver he was doing that with people's teeth well that's what's [ __ ] up about it it's a part of your body correct correct removing that's why the dentist is more [ __ ] up than the mechanic because at least the mechanic is [ __ ] with an inanimate object but the dentist is like well the doctor is like let's just [ __ ] with this guy you know [ __ ] him yeah I gotta go to Florida no I gotta get to Florida no you take an oath that basically that you won't do that [ __ ] that you're gonna uphold whatever whatever medicine you're in whatever you're not going to do stuff like that but you know I've always been more Dental oversight people do dude I went to a dentist out here and they said I you know you're grinding your teeth you need a night guard and they gave it to me and they didn't do the impression right and next thing you know my [ __ ] jaw was like I would yawn I'd have to like pop it back in and you know what's funny I so [ __ ] hate like just phone calls and being like yeah I came in on this day and then this happened that I just I just ignore I just threw it out I never bitched and it kind of just went away but I could have sued right I could have sued got one of those dental chairs in my [ __ ] living room yeah it's laid back watching the NHL Network always asking your wife for the spit cup honey get me that [ __ ] spit Cup by one in a suit [ __ ] with my dog with that air thing yeah Dennis I'm gonna have a great time courts with that that's my dentist wears Hawaiian shirts they all do I thought that's that's every dentist I think they all get issued Hawaiian shirts when they finish dental school and and uh tanks and nitrous and they're all [ __ ] up that's because they're all [ __ ] up on the nitrous and they're they're Jimmy Jimmy Buffett fans every single [ __ ] Adventure you know I gotta defend the dentist what it is is most people do your Father's Day most people don't brush their [ __ ] teeth and then they blame the victim us who was working there because we came in and saw the [ __ ] nightmare of you know what did you do in the dental office I just handed my dad the stuff and what was funny was he I was started doing stand-up but at the time and he he you know I was living at home so he knew when I would like be getting off work and like driving up to Maine to do a gig and then we'd have like a seven o'clock patient and I'd come in I wouldn't be worth [ __ ] and we'd be doing like an extraction and he would literally start trashing me like right in front of the patient come on for Christ's sake Bill get your head in the game you're out to lunch right and he would like mumble Mumble the instruments just to set me up and be like what and so you'd be like can [ __ ] walk around the person and grab it yeah I remember what was it what 151 34 hemostat and suture that's what it was 151 was the one 150 or 151 so the 150 used to always [ __ ] me up because the 150 was the upper and 151 was the lower but I'm thinking my head higher number it goes 150 151 I [ __ ] that up all the time I just see dentists and bars talking this [ __ ] died a 150 and the 151 always [ __ ] up Johnny rounds for everybody the ride's for everybody that hammer Soldier is nuts today I worked with the guy he was like 70 in the early 90s all right and he he had this ash forcep which is yanking out the front ones that he had he had uh traded a typewriter for in World War II I swear to God this [ __ ] thing had gone through the sterilizers so many times it was it was so [ __ ] run it was rusted clearly rusted and he used to just stick this thing in people's mouth nobody would say you'd see people wanting to say something but they're like he's a doctor I can't say anything and then finally somebody said something finally after [ __ ] two three years of working with this guy if somebody finds it dude you're not putting that in my mouth he goes it's all rusty and all the guy had was oh it's not that bad that's all they said [ __ ] now and that was the height of like the the the the HIV AIDS scare and oh my God you know it's [ __ ] in the air and everything so you had like 50 pairs of gloves on and this guy was was so [ __ ] old school they were the he was from that generation he just had the mirror in your mouth that you [ __ ] you know in your pocket you just [ __ ] used on everybody so one of the famous ones that he had we were [ __ ] numbing up this dude to yank something out I can't remember and and he leaves oh we were taking an impression not right and then he came back in to take it out and he took it out the guy said to him he goes Dr so-and-so he goes why do you have gloves taste like salt they're like salty he just goes he goes oh I just had a couple of french fries I swear to God oh
Channel: Bill Burr University
Views: 38,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Burr, Bill Burr University, MMPC, Bill Burr Podcast, stand up comedy, Allthingscomedy, all things comedy, al madrigal, dentist, dental office, Monday Morning Podcast, dentists, dentists exposed, dental scam, TAMMPC
Id: lS0OSnARpSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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