Bill Burr & Joe Rogan - My bank was stealing 28$ a month

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yeah but all that [ __ ] where they go where they say will they justify like Sweatshop labor and move in factories out of the U.S and you know they just went around the unions and then they they just Justified it by saying you know and they always say in order to uh compete in a global economy it's like [ __ ] you it's like in order for you to get another yacht yeah you know what I mean you can't legally pay a child you know whatever the [ __ ] they pay over there um in America yeah yeah you can't do it so they just went around all of that [ __ ] and then they stuck all of everybody's in cubicles now dude it gets to who is they see because we were just talking about the military before we were talking about the military now we're talking about I'm talking about corporations yeah I'm talking about big business where I think corporations are at the end you know every quarter they have to show a profit they're at the end of what of legal ways to do it so now they're just straight up beginning to steal like my [ __ ] bank that's taking 28 bucks a month out of my account for no reason I didn't even notice you know on the road one of those [ __ ] accounts you just you know have a couple hundred but I finally said dude why are you taking 28 bucks out of this and they did on the on the laptop oh yeah we shouldn't be doing that yeah all right well I've had this for five years let's go back they go unfortunately sir our records only go back four months yeah oh they're not convenient I bet if I was getting 28 bucks from you you know the other way I bet that they would [ __ ] go back to the 60s same thing happened to me it was three months and that's what they said to me I said I said what if I bring in all my records what if I bring in all my records and then they go sir it was still we're only going to reimburse you four months I go I got that that's that's ridiculous and then the guy at the bank goes well the bank looks at it like that's on you right because I didn't tell you to pay attention that they're stealing yeah paying attention yeah it's what he was basically saying what he was basically saying was lawyer up yeah well you're up buddy go ahead pretty much how it works is that's why you have 30 days you know for credit cards you have 30 days to return [ __ ] you have 30 days to make sure all these charges are correct once you get past 30 days then you're pretty much screwed dude they do other [ __ ] where if you if you say you're one of these guys I pay off my balance every month and you think you're getting them this is what they do is if uh if you pay it three days before it's uh this guy was telling me it ends up being late because they send it somewhere else to be processed they deliberately they artificially delay it so by the time it does get to that right uh it's messed up and this isn't one of those other things someone told me that in a Starbucks I got three cars away through the sentence and I realized I didn't have any official right words I didn't know who's there there has to be something artificial because nowadays you can write a check and within hours that check clears your bank I'm like that's a check and it's going through in two hours and they're like yeah so this is you know technology hasn't changed in the banking system so this is new but yet if you try to pay something off or do something like that it's like immediately or I mean it takes like three days on your like transfer funds right you know it takes like three days what it makes no sense it's artificial however long they can hold on to your money they make interest off your money too so I guess if you think about that like you know if they hold on to your money an extra few days before they do something and you add that up over you know the million people they have in their bank and the 365 days a year that practice probably Nets them a significant amount of money if you look at 28 bucks from every [ __ ] head like me who doesn't check for a [ __ ] year and I didn't notice when it until it went under a thousand bucks because I knew I had a thousand something in there it was one of the things counts I had back east um so I came out here and I was always meaning to close that out you know it was like I had like 1200 bucks or something in it and then all of a sudden I'm out here for like a year and a half and all of a sudden I get my statement and it was like down to like 900 something bucks and that is on me it is on me because I didn't realize that your bank could [ __ ] steal from you and then just say well you know go [ __ ] yourself that's kind of your fault tell you what we'll give you like 80 90 bucks back all right there is that what they gave you they gave you like three months back I don't even know if they did the guy just said he would I walked out disgusted and then uh the NBA Finals started brother circus and I started watching that and I never followed up there's actually something that just passed you guys uh especially the audience might want to check this out uh it used to be a credit card like a bank or a credit card could like uh if you had like seven charges go through at the same time they can take out all those seven charges and then charge you seven overdraft fees that's how they used to be able to do it but something just passed recently that you could tell your credit cards and your bank that you if there's no money in your account you are not allowed to pull money out so they're they're trying to trick you into signing and going no let's keep it the old way so they'll call you up or they'll tell you like hey you know you want to make sure all these charges go through right yeah well you need to accept these that what that letter was that's what that new letter is yeah you don't blow it off tell all your credit card companies know that if there's no money in the account you don't want it to go through and you'll save yourself all those over you'll you'll never have an overdraft they're forcing overdraft fees on people they're trying to but they're trying to go back to the old way where like you would have seven things go through like a three dollar charge and then you get charged 39 for an overdraft fee you're like well why did it go through or if I had no money in my account you made a deposit to cover it they let they input the deposit last last right and then bam bam bam and they nail it well the deposit takes you know 90 days to go through where the charge only takes three seconds yeah so I'm sorry I know I understand there's nothing we can do I love that that's what you always get there's nothing we can do I don't Nifty like I got on a plane ticket the other day and I show up and all of a sudden I don't have a seat reservation I have one on the way out well it's oversold well I didn't do that and then and then the lady has like an attitude with me and it's like what the [ __ ] I spent four 500 bucks they asked me where I wanted to sit I picked out the [ __ ] seat and I was told I have a reservation and then you always did that with a car yeah if somebody pays for a car and you go okay your car's waiting for you and the guy comes down no no it was oversold yeah I oversold it it should be against the law I wanted to make sure I sold the car so I sold it twice yeah but that's not even as bad because you can get in your car and [ __ ] drive home imagine if they go what if somebody dropped jobs no no we oversold whatever car you have so they had to come and take yours and took it away and you're [ __ ] sitting in your house going yeah but I I have to go to the airport I'm sorry sir there's nothing we can do how can how can they do that I don't I don't care if they're losing money how can they sell more seats than there are seats that should be that should be I think they figured out a way to have like remember 10 years ago when you used to go on the road how many times was the seat next to you empty and occasionally you'd get the whole row and you curl up back in the good old days good old days when does that happen now and it never happens now because they'll always say like uh they cancel flights and killing people together there you go they don't give a [ __ ] about your convenience that's right and they'll just give away tickets to people that will like hey you get a free ticket if you you know wait till the next flight so they're not actually overselling it because they'll get rid of those tickets for you oh my god oh
Channel: Bill Burr University
Views: 1,078,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, Bill Burr, Bill Burr Fan Channel, Bill Burr University, Joe Rogan Experience, Joe Rogan Bill Burr, Bill Burr Comedy, recreational pot, Comedy, bill burr joe rogan, Golden Globes, Bank, bank was stealing money
Id: 8kLanSSGiw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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