Bill Burr destroys Barry Katz for 10 minutes straight!

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foreign we were supposed to start a half hour ago no big deal if I was going to be pissed off you would be that first gig I ever did for you and I didn't get the [ __ ] money do you remember which one that was no but I love that you can sit across me and think it's funny that's why you made it this business you didn't give a [ __ ] yeah you know how much did you not get paid like 75 bucks which was a lot and then years later your office called yeah Barry owes you 75 I was like he does know me like I didn't want anything I was pissy for a long time about that I really stiffed you for 75 dollars yeah then you try then you tried to make it up afterwards and then when you made it then you paid us but my thing was like What if you didn't make it you would have disappeared into anything well I'm just glad I paid you no I actually refused the money that's the stubborn Irishman I was like good I knew you went before you bought your Magnum P I Wanna Be Ferrari it was like the worst Ferrari ever made and your dumbass was pulling up in front of the club with the convertible top down it was just like he was so clueless about how hated you were it was hilarious you think I was clueless I want you I don't know what you were just man you're gonna be a big star you're going to be but you should have ran for office you're like Clinton it's just how are you doing oh just going through the whole thing you were Barry you've always been one of the great characters in this business I love you to death but it wouldn't open a lemonade stand with you Barry where's the lemonades where's the lemons where are they but you said something really interesting about that about how I was clueless about how much people hated me you had to have been the level of arrogance to then follow all these Comics money and then pull up in that [ __ ] Magnum P.I it was black right black on black yeah but I used to forget it buddy I just picked it up we're [ __ ] sitting there like [ __ ] my 75 bucks he probably spent 75 in gas to get here you [ __ ] instead Ferrari cost 75 I know it was a hunk of [ __ ] but it was just just the fact that the guy that was 75 bucks I don't care what year it is is [ __ ] driving around in a Ferrari it was hilarious but you refused the 75. yeah because I was looking at it like I didn't refuse it you didn't [ __ ] pay me and then like a year and a half later you want to hear [ __ ] secretaries calls up yeah I think Barry Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] money for playing Uncle [ __ ] he's in New Hampshire at that point it's like keep your Goddamn money and I know what you're doing now I know what you're doing I'm fueling the spot no you weren't I had done well enough in New York like well there's a guy I'm gonna run into maybe ought to give them the gas money I owed him I love you Barry I'm just breaking your balls that's all no I love to have my balls broken especially by somebody like you you still read those mind control books I remember he used to go into his office he never he didn't hide them as he's trying to sell you on his representation about mind control on the [ __ ] bookshelf it's like this guy you can't be serious this has to be a sketch it always felt like a sketch with you it's like this guy can't be this guy I even said even like when I was upstairs waiting for you I was like is this another Barry cat's mind game and I was just like I don't [ __ ] need this [ __ ] I was on my way out I was going down the escalator all right he's reached his breaking point now go get him go get him now he's at the right mindset so we'll have a good pause that's the way you ran the [ __ ] Boston Comedy Club he should come down there he had like two minutes of material you put us on at the [ __ ] red Johnny in the wrong guy like one in the morning is there flipping on and off the lights doing it takes two I think Dane Cook was the only one who survived that test all of us walked out of there with a big [ __ ] knot on our eye Bonnie you're just not ready you're just not ready for New York yet there was a method to The Madness of putting there was something after great hard-working and audience appealing I'm a Bobby Knight fan too I understood I understand I understand it was it was and you know something there were a lot of comedians that were terrified of that club and they chose not to get over the fear and stay Uptown Bobby Kelly used to call him the sweater Comics they'd sit up there with their sweaters going yeah you know downtown area you got to work a lot more blue and blah blah it's like no you're [ __ ] scared no these I used to walk by the Boston comedy club during the day and I would get butterflies just looking going oh man that [ __ ] place it was a house of Horus had that awful [ __ ] porno red awning before the blue one that dirty red Port Authority [ __ ] but I loved it man some of my most favorite sets I ever had and Talon and will used to do the uh the Uptown show yeah the black black show there you go old school put the uh black guys on Sunday night unless unless it's Chappelle it was Chappelle Tony Woods and like Ian Edwards the only black guys allowed on from Monday to Saturday and then you stuck the rest of them maybe I can get you Def Jam or something like that I don't know what did you say your name was again is it sedale or Jerome one time Dan Cook went on stage and there was a guy in the front row holding two grocery bags in each arm he's just looking up a day with a serious face that Dane looks down to me says you better be funny man and Dan looks at him and says why is that he's like I got ice cream I should have said no I got ice cream he didn't know how to say it and then he then I love that he gets so mad that he then heckles they ain't always did great in that club Dane was Fearless he was Fearless he came down and I remember I remember Jason Steinberg saying like I couldn't bury him I couldn't bury him and then I was like I knew you guys tried to [ __ ] do that Jason Steinberg was the manager of the club yeah yes I used to remember thinking like they're doing this on purpose I mean I can't always have to go on after Chappelle there has to be a slot open but it's not after him a red red Johnny and uh Tony Woods Chappelle would sit here and tell you that I put him on after Charlie Barnett all the time what like the park no in the club he did but I'd get him to come over and play all right for those who don't know Charlie was the greatest street performer of all time he played Washington Square Park how much do you owe him he probably took money out of his out of his hat Charlie was a notorious drug user yet he never saw him do drugs and he used to do shows he never ever did laundry he would just do shows and then he would just give his clothes to a homeless person and then buy new clothes and he taught Chappelle how to do the part in that order though right of course New York was a loser time back then I just want to share something in the audience I am crying I am laughing so hard I am like yeah all the way to the [ __ ] bank oh forever break you but I've been waiting to break your balls about this for [ __ ] ever laughing all the way in the bank don't you know what I didn't do 19 straight shows at the Wilbur Theater my friend I [ __ ] I listen to your podcasts no you don't and some of the comics that come on here I'm like how are they not bringing this up how are we ignoring this whole [ __ ] aspect of your goddamn career I can't wait to have Maureen listen to this [ __ ] thing she's gonna be dying laughing Maureen Terror that's right we do the Patrice O'Neal benefit oh God you do not listen to this podcast when you have time to look I listen because you had Anthony Clark on yes it was one of the greatest storytellers I've ever met he's just so effortlessly funny and he encompasses what I love the most in funny people is I love super smart people that are silly that's my favorite thing he's silly Patrice was silly all of these like the people that I really love you know what I mean because they'll blow your mind with some sort of thing like observing Nation but then they'll just say like the silliest [ __ ] ever and if you just you just feel like you're in high school again I love it to give you an idea what Bill's talking about I was just thinking about Anthony Clark the other day because one of his lines which technically on paper you don't know it's supposed to be funny but he said wow you don't even have to take for walks you just hold it out the window and squeeze all the way goes if you just take it out and you squeeze it's just so silly but so funny yeah yeah that coat doesn't know what it wants to be it's like you've sold 12 different coats and so Parker it's got shoulder pads it's a [ __ ] warm-up Jersey that is the worst [ __ ] coat I've ever seen in my life as Jeffrey Ross would say this is my forever 41 outfit that piece of [ __ ] Ferrari you had that is the exact coat you should have been wearing when you [ __ ] pulled up then you got your Diesel jeans on these [ __ ] awful cowboy boots these Rob Halford studs in them what are you gonna you're in your 50s you're a [ __ ] mess dude put on a suit like a gentleman would you get that on a taping of suddenly Susan dude this is the most artistic [ __ ] Vibe of a room ever with logo up here on this [ __ ] flat screen he had the nerve to call this place a studio it's a [ __ ] conference room it's [ __ ] Staples chairs with the wheels on them this is actually gonna hurt my career to be here all right [Laughter] you know what is berries I don't give a [ __ ] about your [ __ ] questions I just wanted to see you and break your balls that's my favorite thing I wish you hung out more those aren't even boots those are low tops you got the rest of the boot on layaway cheap [ __ ] dad oh my god oh
Channel: Bill Burr University
Views: 10,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Burr, Bill Burr Podcast, Bill Burr University, Bill Burr Comedy, MMPC, Monday Morning Podcast, Bill Burr Hillarious, Barry Katz, Industry Standard, Bill Burr Rant, Bill Burr Destroys Barry Katz, 8 Mile, Eminem
Id: S1AgoUDpvBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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