Bill Burr - Comedy Specials Are Just Advertisements Now

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are you somebody told me you were doing are we saying that you're gonna do your next one independent you're gonna do it independent um no I don't know how I'm gonna do it I'm exploring all like the options and all of that I'm trying I was trying to figure out a way to you know cuz it's just a ton of specials out there was just trying to figure out a way but I mean did you know when was last time we filmed October 2016 so um Dom do I'm doing I'm but it's like am i do I don't know I don't know like I don't I don't it's it's what it is is the special has changed since you and I started yeah we're special was special now what it is is it's just kind of an an hour long advertisement letting people know that you're still out there and and it's like this just doesn't it documents your stuff though yeah it does it but there's just such a sheer amount of stuff to see to have like an impact the way like I was trying to think maybe the last one that really was just like whoa and I would say would be like maybe Dave Chappelle killing him softly certainly Chris Rock bringing the pain where it was just like you know I'm not saying that weren't ones that like like people talked about but like just that thing where like do you remember when we were kids it was just like you know Friday hey man see you on Monday and then somehow on Monday everybody saw delirious where everybody saw dice or everybody saw Sam Kinison on the the Dangerfield thing and it was just like no one was talking about it and then just like there was only so many channels and that thing just caught enough people's eye and you came to school Monday and everyone was just talking about it like you know I'm still getting [ __ ] tweets from people saying hey I finally got around to watching Breaking Bad do you know what I mean like I was talking about the wire one time they're like dude you could have said spoiler alert it's like that [ __ ] went off the air in like 2006 like how much time do I have to give you to watch it you know so um I still haven't seen the wire do my buddy his uh his son the number one thing that he'd he watch is is he on his phone he's watching one of these guys that gets paid to play video games he watches this guy on his phone play video games everybody does that okay so for common yes so now that's another thing to watch exact forget about online porn and [ __ ] me watching eric the car guy and all that trying to trying to like find like where you can like drop the pamphlets of your career basically to be like hey man I'm still around I think there's definitely more content now than ever before but for in terms of like the amount of stand-up that's available there's never been more great stand-up available to watch yeah I think about how many specials there are now I mean it's fun it's [ __ ] crazy yeah really is it is it's yeah so they're not really specials they're not specials they're not specials because because it used to be specials used to be the top comics now right arguably it was basically the top white male comics so the fact that they fixed that is a great thing but now is it though I mean Chris Rock Dave Chappelle Damon Wayans yeah dude there was a lot of there was a lot of white guys there was a lot of white guys there was a lot of great black guys too and really the real problem was women there wasn't very many women yeah I mean there's like women in like three stations there's Apaches there's other people out there don't stand ups there's got to be anyways but what I'm saying was but it was the best of the best where now it's just everybody it's everybody right right so like I remember when it was changing well I was doing a club and the feature rack was complaining that he didn't get a half-hour special on one of these networks and I'm thinking like you're a feature act I'm like what do you what are you gonna do you're gonna do your whole act and you're still a feature and you want to document that and it's just like they used to give out half our specials when I started out and it was to like guys who had been on the road for like 15 years and they were picking from their headlining hour they were taking half of that like the best bits from an hour and then you know and that somehow through time just became a feature going up and doing a whole Act well Netflix is doing that now they have the degenerate special they have big J did one Joey Diaz did one christina pazsitzky did one I'm not saying it's bad I'm just saying it's changed right so because it's it's even changed since my last special that I put out my last advertisement that I put out our long advertising so you just try to figure out because everything's just [ __ ] changing so fast you're just trying to navigate like where can I put this in all of this right that it's gonna blink enough that someone's gonna stare at it and maybe like watch the thing I just noticed your [ __ ] lights with this guy that's pretty critical right yes oh that was the company that makes those octo lights shout-out to octo lights yeah Gaffigan did an interesting thing he decided not to put his newest one on Netflix he puts it on everything it's on Hulu and Amazon you can get it on iTunes but not Netflix yeah he's a smart guy well he just took a chance I guess you know just decided to see what happens if you just make it available everywhere instead yeah like to talk to him see how successful that was yeah I'll uh cuz I'm still working out my stress I'll talk to you off here but because I don't want cuz it [ __ ] with my I get it ability to yeah you know make something happen so I'll tell you what my idea was but that got nixed I've thought about doing and just put it right on YouTube I've thought about doing that before yeah I'm not getting paid for it just shoving it right on YouTube just see what happens yeah and you too yeah yeah yeah just paying for it and just sticking it out there because if it is an advertisement what's the best way to get it out there well the best way would just be to put it on YouTube right and then to segment it into like little chunks so that people could digest it yeah it's people wind up doing that I don't think Netflix takes them down I think when you have bits up that like from specials that that go up on Netflix I think Netflix just lets them stay up it just depends on what your what your contract is as you can work that in we did a special with Paul virzi all things coming up like we did a special with him which was did like broke all their online streaming records and it was great because he was a guy that they don't really give special to his right right now you know who did he do this special for Comedy Central oh yeah and so the the streaming version was really successful yeah I mean he did well on well now trying to get people to actually just [ __ ] sit down and watch television like everybody tape you tape [ __ ] right that's just how it works which is now if you watch like NFL games they have this thing now where the games going on and all of a sudden the game slides to the left and then there's two boxes and the advertising box is bigger because they know that everybody's taping games and they're blowing through it and advertisers somehow can tell if someone fast forwarded through and then that they the NFL doesn't make as much money so now they're they're running like this is weird I think these two things so you don't really have to look at the commercial you can just sit there looking at the game but then they're telling you about [ __ ] whatever at the same time yeah it's weird that's gross it's gross but is it I mean that's how you know I think money off advertising it's like my thing and what's gross is is how your what you know if you dump and [ __ ] in the water supply if you got like all kinds of like you know I mean I think they all have some sort of labor [ __ ] issues I would like that's part I would like to be able to pay to not have that like if I could Amazon one-click them like how much I gotta give you for each game well I don't have to see that yeah but they will think but what the advertisers will do is their pockets are deeper and then they're gonna go big they're gonna find like what's funny is when the internet started out all of a sudden you just you went from watching seeing all these commercials to like nothing to now seeing way more than you ever saw yeah like my the worst is when you're watching a long youtube video and then all of a sudden it just stops and you know they try to make make a nice break and then you just watch this and it annoys me but I'm like well I do advertise on my podcast how upset about this can I get you know I when you see when you look at the line and you see those little yellow lines on the YouTube video where you know that's where the [ __ ] ads are gonna pop up there no I didn't know that yeah isn't that how it works yeah yeah I mean look advertising is what it is I mean it's either that or you do like a patreon type deal when you have people contribute like sam harris does that right you know it doesn't you know there's a million ways to do it but like i don't get mad at advertising because like I said a stand-up specials me advertising then I'm gonna be out on the road you say that but it's not it's entertainment it's people that watch it they can enjoy it like okay what thinking about it that what there's a way also to do advertising entertainingly like way back those less filling tastes great but like a lot Miller like commercials were [ __ ] great funny yeah they were great and you wanted to see him and you loved him or at least I did so yeah this way is there's ways to do everything they still
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 716,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: 2C30hGy_4gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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