Jake Paul v Mike Tyson Should NEVER Have Happened

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so when you're deciding these fights the fights that often times the public look at through a boxing lens and go they're setting this guy up to fail is the mentality and did you start this early on if we don't put our prospects up against each other we're just going to have easy wins and it's going to be boring like boxing when you get to the [ __ ] top five top three in the UFC you've been through the [ __ ] Gauntlet so you know right now in boxing and always in boxing WBC ibf WBA da d d da right you'd go well who's the best and N of these guys are gonna fight each other I don't know who the if you are the [ __ ] world champion there's no [ __ ] questioning who the best is because you've already run through you know the baddest [ __ ] people in the world in your weight glass and I now I understand why you get annoyed by media because I remember when uh when uh Shawn was uh sugar Shan was coming up and he was getting that there was this narrative that like he was being protected right and I remember matter of fact Sean was with us in Phoenix I think we were doing a show in Phoenix and we watched no no no what did we watch we watched was it the K fight I think so no I think it was heney Garcia but uh yeah but uh and he was getting this like rep like oh they're being protect they're protecting their Golden Goose whatever and I remember it's so funny I remember the Yan fight I was like oh they're done with them they're gonna feed him to Yan they don't think he's got it that's my mentality coming from boxing because that's what you would do if you're were a boxing promoter right and then him getting that dub changed his trajectory so maybe that's what you got to do maybe you got to put him into the fire immediately 100% 100% if you make it into the [ __ ] UFC right you're not fighting easy fights yeah there is no feeding the Golden Goose and how the [ __ ] is he the Golden Goose when we just [ __ ] he's never won a [ __ ] world title he you know you don't know you [ __ ] sorry there was this there was this idea with boxing I think which was like well now they're saying it about um uh oh Jesus bo bo Nicholls now they're saying about Bo nickols oh B nickolls [ __ ] you know I mean it's like Now understand they the same thing about con cu you're like cuz you're like I'm making the best fights and then when I do make the best fights you say that I'm throwing someone out and when it's that when he wins easily you're like I'm protecting him so you're like I can't win no matter what fight I make and they're the interesting fights so I understand you go there and you go [ __ ] the media okay now it makes sense because they'll never be happy they have to find a way to it's not even that they'll never be happy they don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about any of you know the great it's one of the it's one of the irritating things but it's one of the greatest things about the business too why because let's say I came on here today right and I wanted to talk to you guys about the big cricket game this weekend all right I know yeah you'd be the only [ __ ] one okay my point is when you talk about fights everybody has an opinion because everybody thinks they're a [ __ ] expert nobody thinks they're an expert about [ __ ] Cricket okay and some of these other sports but fighting everybody has an opinion one reason or another you don't like his [ __ ] attitude like if I brought up [ __ ] Jake Paul pretty much everybody in the room and the other room wants to see Jake Paul get knocked out so you're you're hoping you know you got the reason why you hope Tyson would pull this offer did you help set that up cuz I know you're close with Tyson God no God know when this fight happens Tyson will be 58 [ __ ] years I'm worried about him on no under any circumstances a [ __ ] almost 60y old man shouldn't be fighting a 27 year old [ __ ] guy under any circumstances even if it's mikee Tyson so it's just it's [ __ ] ridiculous now do you think he can pull it off do I think Tyson can land a shot yeah if Tyson hits him but if Tyson lands like what happens to the internet Tyson knocks out my biggest problem with the Jake Paul thing is and how this plays out is when he actually fought somebody who was a boxer who had the same type of record he has who is his age Tommy and who is his size he [ __ ] lost yeah so they're never going to go that [ __ ] route again right close fight they're trying to pull this whole narrative like when people I saw some guy the other day say we need going to stop fighting gimmick fights you going to call Mike Tyson a gimmick yeah it is a gimmick fight but if I'm him I would never I would never fight anything else but gimmick fights if I'm him yeah yeah I mean he has to if you can keep getting paid right tens of millions of dollars you do it so then why are you so concerned you got people that are [ __ ] dumb enough to pay for that [ __ ] [ __ ] you know it's on Netflix you don't even have to pay now huh it's on Netflix you don't even have to pay brilliant move too because you don't have to go pay everybody has [ __ ] Netflix just turn it on [ __ ] I'll turn it on see what happens why are you so against the flight is it really just because of mik not against it I love Mike Tyson okay he's [ __ ] almost 60 years old so you just worri for you know what I mean yeah yeah but even though you see the way he's training and the way he looks my [ __ ] back is killing me today killing me I have no idea why I guess it's cuz I'm 5 [ __ ] four you know what I mean I'm 54 so I guess that's why my back is [ __ ] killing me today yeah so Mike is this guy's 27 he's in his [ __ ] Prime yeah as a human yeah and just [ __ ] but the internet and I love Mike and nobody wants to see Mike get beat by this [ __ ] jerk off you know what I mean yeah why thing I think no one wants to see Mike lose yeah yeah I think well also you and Mike are close right you yeah I [ __ ] love Mike Tyson Mike Tyson was one of the guys that I [ __ ] idolized growing up and and one of the guys that made me love boxing as much as I do didn't you tell me a story was it you to tell me a story about like you know you Mike was going to do something you're like let me make some calls for you what and then you like got Shark Week yeah when he was fighting he was fighting and and and uh I said don't fight I'll [ __ ] I'll help you make money doing other [ __ ] or whatever so I got him I got him a show on Shark Week and he's like so wait a minute let me get this [ __ ] straight so I've been fighting my whole life this is what I [ __ ] do you you're worried about me so you're going to throw me in the ocean like he's like [ __ ] you D yeah I didn't think about it that way so apparently the day that they shot that episode of him on Shark Week yeah everybody on set was [ __ ] terrified cuz he was so freaked out by the whole shark thing he was literally ready to beat the [ __ ] out of everybody on set and [ __ ] yeah I probably shouldn't have got him a Shark Week show that was probably a bad idea I I want to go back to what you're saying what we were talking about earlier with interesting fights I you I don't think I know anything about fighting I know I know nothing about fighting what do you look at and say this is an interesting fight what is that criteria for you so couple of things you you take Styles mhm Styles make fights so stylistically you try to put together the best fights you possibly can you got some upand cominging guys like you you'll get a guy like uh like a St Den or a sha Ali some of these kids that are so talented that they're blowing through guys that are on their level so then you start to think is he ready for this guy who might be a top 15 ranked guy is he ready for a 13 is he ready for this and there's only one way to find out do it you got to test him so you got to look at a guy's age you know once you get these kids that are undefeated right and and they're I'll give you an example perfect example this one plays out exactly right you have in Gary who's undefeated been the UFC for a while taking on the older MVP right who just came in and and beat Kevin Holland very exciting very you know either way this is going to go Ian's undefeated uh you know and and and he's he's in the rankings now and on his way to a possible title shot MVP comes in he's been fighting in another organization just beat Holland you know England versus Ireland there's so many different little yeah yeah pieces and parts to go in but these two who's going to win that fight that's the thing it's just a hard who the [ __ ] knows yeah UFC the UFC is going to win that fight you know what right okay so you don't know who's going to win is what makes that fight so [ __ ] great right when when you do these fights in boxing right yeah all you have to do you don't have to know one [ __ ] guy involved in the fight you don't even have to know who they are go look at the odds whoever the guy is that's the favorite and it's usually by a huge number they win it it's guaranteed that guy's going to [ __ ] win in the UFC there are no [ __ ] guarantees no matter what the odds are who they are what the deal is um you know St Den I'm sure was a huge favorite in the porier fight yeah porier [ __ ] walked through him okay what do you do when Fury was you have a fighter that has a boring style but is incredibly good depends on what that style is and that style is usually wrestling yeah these guys that can lay you down and and you know so what you do is you try to match them up with a guy who's got really good takedown defense so it stays on the feet or the guy can get back up so what you want to do is you take the guy who's who's the dry Humper and [ __ ] goes in and and does that to you and you find a guy who has great takedown defense and good hands so now he has to see if he has hands and if it does get down to the okay wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow that's interesting yeah okay I'm I'm curious how did you learn the importance of Storytelling I know more about like lower ranked UFC guys than I do about the highest ranked boxers ever and I don't think that's an accident so how where did you learn that from who inspired that and then how did you start to implement that so it's one of the things that that we we tried to do early on I mean no matter what your [ __ ] story is right there's always some type of storyline in a fight and that's what you have to get people sold on um more than a fight I can tell you this fight's going to be great or whatever but you have no rooting interest you want to create a rooting interest I mean I just did it I just did it with my bull so my bull was taken on a [ __ ] Cowboy my my Bull's Buck rate at the time was like [ __ ] 88 or 89% right this is Twisted steel yeah yeah PBR and the cowboy that he was going up against that night had beat him already and rode him what was his name uh I can't remember I can't remember what probably Brazilian what his name was but going into that thing if he rides my bull he gets ranked into the top 10 and could go to the finals and all this [ __ ] so it's basically you can make anything a fight right and and create a rooting interest then people go I don't give a [ __ ] about bull riding but holy [ __ ] this is this is Dana's bull he's beat everybody in the last however long this guy actually wrote him once If he rides him again he [ __ ] you know what I mean now there's an okay I'm interested in this I I want to see if this guy rides him or doesn't ride him was that something you always knew or did that develop no I I I've always been into it you always have to create a reason for somebody to [ __ ] care to watch something that's why uh the show worked on Spike huh yeah the show on it's it's like you got into the characters on the show like the Olympics you know what I mean when you go into the Olympics you don't know any of these [ __ ] kids right does matter you know red and blue line behind it and and there's you know uh the the other thing is uh what's at risk what's it risk here what what do we well it's America versus [ __ ] you know uh England or America versus this or that who's the American person and why do I care about them and who's the English person why do I I I don't want to like them so that the American will win or vice versa I mean that that you always have to have what's at stake and so you're intentional with that when when the fighters are young exactly so you're building them up from Young yep so if you look at what we do with the contender Series right which is the best [ __ ] show on TV yeah the best unsigned fighters in the world come in and it's not about winning I don't give a [ __ ] if you win or lose I I want to see who you are I want to see what you got yeah it's about this is your [ __ ] job interview and you have three [ __ ] rounds to show me who you are after these [ __ ] kids come in and they [ __ ] go and in that we tell their story who they are where they come from so before you ever set foot in the UFC if I sign you millions of people have already seen you fight and it's the same thing with with looking for a fight when I go on on the road looking for a fight millions of people see these kids fight before they ever set foot in the UFC so we already start the storytelling before they even get in the UFC is there anything that the UFC does to either help or incentivize the fighters to show their personality cuz we see people like McGregor style Bender like great question they sell themselves in tandem with how the UFC helps us I don't give a [ __ ] if you're a deaf mute okay oh really I could care less that does not matter to me are you a bad [ __ ] wow are you a bad [ __ ] if you get somebody that has the Conor McGregor Ronda Rousey you know sugar Shan type of personality that's just a home run that's just a plus you know what I mean but in this sport you get you can't uh do anything based off oh let's see what their personality is like are you a bad [ __ ] if you're the baddest [ __ ] in the world people don't give a [ __ ] okay about your personality they want to see you fight khabib exactly okay what about that's right he's a Pious religious dude and people will soon on to every any single okay
Views: 270,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: qL1-F9EJjjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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