How to MASTER Narmaya: Combo & Stance Guide | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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we going to finish him with SBA just to look cool there you have it and then you have the potato to peel all right what's up guys it's leaflet I'm doing the guide on N Maya Naru a lot of people asked me to do a guide for Naru so I'm going to be doing one I play I've been playing it for the last couple days in order to do a guide for her and I didn't really feel comfortable doing a guide for her until I soloed Maggie maggel and Ganzo with her oh my god let's go so now with that out of the way and if you want that video that's coming out soon uh all right here we go or's out already I don't I don't know which one's coming out first okay so Nar uh Naru she's got two stances it's like her main thing is she has two stances and she has butterfly butterfly so the butterflies boost your skills and uh you have the the pink sance which is like really good for high defense enemies it actually does a lot more damage per hit so if you look at the damage per hit here right and then you switch over it does like a lot more it's like it's like double basically much higher cap and stuff so this stance purple stance or blue some people see it as blue I see it as purple but the purple stance is better as a single Target it's really really good for dealing high damage to a single Target now pink is a little more versatile it's not really only good for uh AOE it does have AOE though has really great like Cleaves it's got a blade draw which is great for sliming but the one thing about it is it staggers so if you're fighting up against goblins or slimes you actually don't want to use the purple/blue stance because this actually doesn't stagger the enemy at all so they'll just hit you while you're doing this none of these hits stagger so they'll just smack you right through it however if you use pink St you can just smack them around other things about Naru is she is a great sliming character so um if you're interested in her she's really good combo so if you're really interested in like flashy long combos Naru is a type of player if you have trouble focusing in combat she's probably not going to be great for you because she requires intense Focus to play because you have to be able to link her Combos and if you get visually if you get visually confused by lots of stuff happening on screen um it's going to be very difficult for you to actually like land your combos with her sliming I can show you guys later on but you can use her charge attack which is great for sliming so again we'll go through the move set so we'll start with pink pink nar's got like these wide arcing hits that do pretty good damage and pretty good stunt and if you hold the button down she does a blade draw that actually is more than in front it's more than in front of her it's it's like a pretty big Arc that actually hits a little bit behind her now one thing to do note about this is that you actually can use it as a range attack like which which is really handy I actually used it to kill magel and galanza you can actually just tap it and it does pretty decent damage so you have a nice range attack for like anytime you need to poke if the enemy is out of range say there's like there's something going on between you and the enemy but you need a little bit of damage you can just throw this poke out it's pretty safe her main mechanic is that she has combos which swap stances so her basic one is you're going to want to start usually in purple if you can and you want to do this so this so both of our combos have a starter have like a phase one of the combo and a phase two of the combo the phase two of the combo is usually better than the phase one of the combo but the phase one is like when you start it up so like these slashes there that's the phase one and in phase two she'll start slashing really fast so you'll see there we go we're in phase two and then she does a little flip and you see that glint there's like a little glint around her at the end of the flip that means you can press the stance switch in order to switch stances so you go into pink she gets a little combo here and then she slashes and what that does is that actually opens up for her pink combo which is a hold so basic combo with Naru you're going to hit the enemy with this thing you go into flurry flip switch stances at the end of this slash you hold down and you get a really really fast charge all right then at the end of this at the end of the slash she's going to slash and then she's going to re Shield her sword and at the moment she re Shields her sword you press the St swap again and it'll switch you back to purple which applies a nice little dot on on the enemy now if you look at her command list you see you want to be able to gain butterflies and her butterflies are mostly gained from her St switch combos but you can also get them from the Zone attack back and from the air combo so her air combo will also get your butterfly so let's look at the entire combo let's look at the combo in entirety so blurry flip slashes blade draw sheath press again and puts you right back into FL flurry purple so as you see as you can see you can in you can do this combo in infinitely so she has very high damage potential if she has damage up time you can just keep doing this it Loops one thing is about her skills her skills have the additional effect her attacking skills offensive skills have an additional effect of actually setting you into stage two of the combo so actually for pink let's show you like how that looks like so basically one two it's after the the the double slash so one two and then she does and then you charge and that that's this is stage two of the combo right here okay so the reason why this is important is when you use a skill it puts you into stage two of a combo so for instance you don't really want to start like this because you're losing a lot of damage before you go into flurry because this first couple hits is bad same thing with pink the first couple hits are not really ideal for damage so you can skip that by using a skill so we're going to use Dasher and go immediately into flurry which goes into flip and let you start up your combo and again you can do the same thing in the pink mode so you can Char you can go and you get the fast charge right away so that already puts you into the high damage portion of the combo when you have six butterflies so you see here six butterflies there you're going to want to use attack that dumps her butterflies so her butterflies boost her abilities and the main one you want to use for that is transient I believe you want to do purple transient po damn it does insane damage it's actually so crazy so again you dump your butterflies you flurry and you should get full butterflies at the end of a combo here we go and then you would just end it with this you would cancel and then you get link attack you can go right back into the next part so the good thing about sets the sets ability so let's look at some of her other skills she's got dance of pink petals which Bas dance of p pink petals is her primary buff it is very slow so it's kind it's cancelable right there when she does the swipe down but you can also cancel it with an attack so you don't really want to sit there for the whole animation she she's unable to move for that whole thing but you can cancel it with an attack or a skill or a roll if you really need to reposition but I think it's best to like open with Dash after it and this is going to give you supplementary damage now one thing about this uh this uh ability Dance of the pink pedals is the supplementary damage does stack with the supplementary damage sigils still get supplementary damage sigs so your basic setup for her is you want to pop this Dash in you get the flurry if you get link here at pink you switch back to purple Oops I messed up there but you switch back to purple using her uh St swap because at the end link attack actually sorry link attack is a little bit different link attack puts you at the end of a combo so link attacks are very powerful on uh on Naru so I'll show you what I mean there and then look I get purple see and then I got I'm back in purple now because that was the end of the pink combo right so here I'll show you if you look here she does the blade draw the sheet and she does a little jump and slashes right that's what you saw so basically I went from I went from purple to Pink and then back to purple using the uh link attack Ender so again You' go like hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit there you go into pink and then you link attack and then switch and then switch down dances once she lands so remember at the end of Link attack you have to switch dances okay so you would ideally you would pop that hit that slash there get the draw and then you pop your transient at the end the cancel which puts you back into flurry and you could just keep dpsing like this forever if flurry is down you could pop in a little seta which gives you flurry again and you just keep going now both of those are on cool down you can pop Dash to burn all of the butterflies and she just attacks over and over again and this is why her damage is so high here are the key things to remember a skill always puts you at the optimal point of the combo so the good part opening up with anything will put you right into flurry link attack always puts you at the end of a combo so don't forget to stand switch at the end of a combo and if you remember those things you'll have a much easier time playing playing Nar abilities that she has let's take a look so she's got a couple other abilities Apex of nothingness is a Parry which is really good uh get out of jail free card so say you're in the middle of a combo and then uh you did a flip you did a flip or something and you're going to get hit by the enemy you can drop Apex of nothingness if you're afraid that you're not going to be able to get the Dodge off and this will automatically counter and it also slows the enemy and removes a buff and the effect duration is based on butterfly count it's it's pretty decent especially against single targets um it's a little rough if the enemy actually attacks puts a lot of attacks on the ground such as the mag fight because you're going to just fall into damage yeah be really careful with that one so crescent moon is an escaping move it it skill it does damage based on the amount of butterflies that you have it's really great if you need to run away but the problem is is you're away from the Target now so you're going to have to basically run back in or use your dash uh down to the blue pedals actually is fairly decent it's a very very fast uh defense up and it gives you a lot of Defense 40% and it restores HP uh a high amount of HP it basically heals you the full and you also gain three butterflies now one thing I do like about this is the startup is incredibly fast unlike other abilities that are similar to it it gives gives you the effect pretty quick it comes out real fast utter devotion is kind of more for farming it gives you a hostility up it's basically like a taunt inflicts death down on nearby foes it's really good for if you're farming for instance the crystals from Goblin horde or any sort of those three boss two to three boss fights you can use narut to group enemies up because you can taunt them off with it so this is a really good utility farming not really ideal for dpsing I mean I guess if you wanted to build a tank Naru you could with this but um again not her thing but you can do it if that's what you want to do you don't really need like to play ultimately optimal in order to beat everything in this game uh you mostly play ultimately optimal to challenge yourself you know one thing about Naru another thing that's really really good to use on Naru is actually her pink neutral actually is a dash so you can use it to to close gaps if you don't have um if you do not actually have your Gap closer up you can use it to close in and actually another interesting thing is that neutral stance switch from F free flutter into dafly from pink to blue or purple does double damage did you know that it's a little bit lower than Dam lower than double it's a lot though it's a lot it's more damage so basically if you switch from pink to purple it's it's kind of okay you just switch into it and again this thing one thing that's interesting about Naru is actually when she does a combo so for instance when she does a combo you can dodge and it still continues but only at certain points like the combo Enders can't be cancelled oops what am I doing but yeah basically like you can dodge and it'll continue the combo see you still have the combo Ender there there get there and switch stances now I'm in this part get that use a skill see I get the flip there because I dodged so you basically want to dodge a lot on on on Naru but like maintain your combo so lots of dodges lots of dodging keep an eye out for when the enem is going to attack and when you have full Butterflies by the way just dump it no need to actually uh end it on a combo if you have full butterflies just go for the attack uh so what I like to go on Naru is the basic set but I will explain a couple extra texts that you could put in you could go okay so Naru you want the Awakening with like both both skills War Elemental of course and if you don't have this stuff you can go with the standard DPS Set uh crit weapon crit weapon again don't get Awakening you don't get the Ascension weapon you can go crit weapon into um you know your Terminus weapon and a lot of that build is um on the guide called the comp it's called the ultimate progression guide and that's on our YouTube and you can see kind of how to build out from there so this is kind of like towards endgame build so you have like War Elemental you have like crit to like get like 99% and then you have a couple of damage mods combo booster is a viable damage mod on on Naru it's not not something that's viable on every character but definitely on Naru you could run combo booster stamina over there and I got you know my damage caps um cool down quick potion hoarder and the supplementary damage one tack I really like on Naru is the double nibble Onslaught so I've got nibble Onslaught 15 nibble Onslaught there for the huge nibble Onslaught here which gives invincibility plus 3 seconds on your perfect Dodge so you're going to have to learn how to dodge anyway playing Naru so this is going to give you you've got the SBA gauge gain skill cool down scool down five when you actually do get a perfect Dodge and the invincibility plus 3% is really good because that's how you're going to get a lot of your really heavy DPS Windows especially against an enemy like galanza you're going to want to like hit hit hit hit but then you're like keeping your eye out you're you're looking for a pick like you're looking for a perfect Dodge then you land that perfect Dodge and then you go hard on damage and that's why the invincibility of plus 3 seconds is a really really great Tech on like Melee characters because it lets you it lets you use the perfect Dodge offensively and then I have improved Dodge as well uh kind of synchronize with the Nimble Onslaught and I have Nimble defense on my Sigil Stone which gives me uh the invincibility doesn't stack they occur simultaneously so the invincibility one Stacks with a three and then it doesn't like go over cuz they happen at the same time so it does not stack is what I'm trying to say it doesn't stack like over the amount of amount of seconds this one just recovers three % Max HP it's not like the it's not like the best but like it's it's something I'll show you what I meant by picking for things I'm not going to do the whole fight but you're going to use your perfect Dodge offensively in fact sometimes you see me walk into you'll see me walk into stuff on purpose they I got the pick there and then I'm going to go damage get the flip and with this and then oh I did I got a little greedy there you basically want to stop after flip see how I got got that and then like I immediately went on him and I'm going to back out yeah you're going for that pick and then you go hard damage and you have six you just dump you want to dump on your next rotation sorry don't do what I did there to get the flip boom back out you're going to want to utilize the uh option select block a lot you can actually use this purple to actually crawl in on them as well cuz it has a little bit of forward momentum cuz you really want to land that last part see I get that I go in get the flip and back out so you're constantly looking for an [Music] in I'm I in there got my one combo and I'm like and of course if you're fighting a boss that's just standing still of course do like Optimal full combo but when you're fighting like a dude like ganza you can start your combo too because it will just connect it will just connect with them when it can I got my hit get this off SPM but you basically want to just DPS and then find the window Mele is kind of hard like that cuz you kind of have to know what you're doing if you want to play well at least I mean can just always bring potion hoarder am I right see how I I walked backwards I walked backwards into that thing so that I could get a very predictable uh Parry there you have it and then you have the potato to peel other tutorials I have a bunch on YouTube and I stream I I I stream this game all the time on Twitch leaflit and I'm streaming every day this month cuz I'm psycho all right see you guys
Channel: Leaflit & Asari
Views: 21,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, MMORPG, Co-Op Gaming, Co-Op RPG, Granblue Fantasy, GBF, VTuber, Slime Vtuber, EnVTuber, Solo Raid Boss, Relink Gameplay, Granblue Fantasy Strategy, granblue fantasy relink multiplayer, jrpg, Gameplay, Gaming, Epic, Tutorial, Guide, Educational, Leaflit, clip, english vtuber, vtuber tutorial, virtual youtuber, 3d vtuber, Asian, Viral, funnygameplay, entertaining, Tech, Multiplayer, Build, Insane, Best, How, Howto, How to, Narmaya, Clips, Narmaya Guide, Narmaya Build, Combo, Master
Id: Owoq748dQ0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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