ULTIMATE Progression Guide | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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all right guys today we're going to be doing a guide for how to do your build how to do progression in Grand blue fantasy relink that question I get a lot from chat just going to go through it cuz like I've we've had to explain it like a bunch of times the initial progression is of course you level your masteries so don't worry about any of this by the way none of this matters until all of this is complete so you want your your offense and your defense here in your Mastery is complete uh your your level actually doesn't matter that much there's a lot of people that say like oh you got to be like certain level uh before you really start to tackle the hard content your level actually matters a lot less than your actual gear so make sure that these are out first cuz these are really important and you get these through the Mastery points also make sure you fill out these as well these are your weapon masteries and your over masteries so these are like step one so your first thing is uh you want to hit damage cap with your sigils that's the goal of Grano fantasy what is the damage cap basically every attack has an up like an upper limit of the amount of damage it can do and once you hit that no matter how much more attack that you add you actually won't be getting more damage the best way to reach your original damage cap so first thing you want to do is buy a crit weapon the crit weapon is the best weapon like this that's your early game like level one for each character it's different like for Io it's going to be Colossus cane Omega is actually the that's the one and it's going to be the one that gives you crit so as you can see it's says there critical hit rate and critical damage level 25 and 15 at Max so you're going to want to get that to 150 so once you have that at 150 you're in total that's going to give you just just the weapon is already 29% crits you're going to want to hit maximum crit so you're going to have to get uh crit from all of your masteries and then you're going to add in one crit sigil so let's actually just like empty empty out let's like do like an actual build here on stream so your first thing is you want crit so we're just going to add like a crit so you're going to want uh you're going to want one improved crit rate and that should get you to 90 and you as you can see my EO is at 97% crit so it's already you're basically capped on crit there so after that your damage cap and this is where it gets kind of sad because your build is a little bit it's like not really varied so let's go like six you're going to need six of these damage caps in order to actually cap 1 2 3 4 5 okay six you need 6 and now you look at my damage cap level 66 it's actually capped at 65 so after that you're going to want your so you got your One crit rate You' got your damage caps so as you can see there's actually not that much left that you can add and this you can actually uh I'll talk about it later about how you progress past this so after that you're going to want a uh damage modifier so that's going to be uh you could run like life on the line if like you don't have healers healers you can just heal yourself you could run life on the line line you can run enmity but I mean enmity is kind of rough to get stamina is pretty safe especially if you have like a way to heal yourself so stamina is pretty good um or you could also run like charge attack or something like that after that it's defensive and utility so let's like add um let's just let's just add stamina so we add stamina there right next you're going to need to add like your utility so your character might have uh these sigils so for eio she's got uh she's got Mages aspiration so like I really want to add M's aspiration right so I'm going to add that because it's really just good for her character you're going to have to it's going to depend on your character some character their their character specific sigils suck and for others they're really good and you get these uh you get the first one from the treasure trade shop from Sierra Kart and the second one you get from from the same place but you get them from Trading dollia badges which are from doing daily quick quick play runs so I I believe it's I think it's seven I think you need seven in order to get that so let so let's assume that for we're just going to grab one here that leaves you about three left oh sorry crit damage I forgot you're going to want to add crit damage as well as one of them critical damage so that really leaves you only three so you have two left for utility uh ones I really recommend are uh potion hoarder potion hoarder is really strong um especially level and potion hoarder only takes one slot even better if you can get it comboed which we'll talk about later so potion hoarder just gives you free extra potions this going to give you two extra greens four extra blues and four Mega potions so and one plus one Revival as well so this is like all you need to heal if you have this you don't need any healing you don't really need drain you don't really need a Healer on your team you don't need healing abilities like this this is it this will cover almost all of your healing utility so you can run in improved guard five which is really good improved guard increases your block value so that you can actually defend for longer and this is actually the easiest way to deal with endgame content if like you're you're struggling with proud content this improved guard will help you drastically because a lot of mechanics you can just hold guard and it will carry you you can also run improved Dodge if you're more into dodging improved Dodge is going to give you extra Dodge count so you're going to get a plus one extra Dodge count and if you level it up you'll have enhanced dodging plus four extra Dodges and I believe the enhanced dodging is um better Dodge window going to help you uh with your eye frames over there if you want to know more about how to survive some tips and tricks I'll be doing another video about there you go that's like your initial grid your initial starting gear um after that like what do you do after this so you're going to start to get combos like after you you start to do more proud missions you're going to get five you're going to get ones that are called five plus and and those five plus got question from how about skill cooldowns uh how about skill cool down skill cooldown is also really good uh hanuk from CH asks how about skill cool down depends on your character it's very very character dependent right so like on eio for example like cooldowns could be really really good uh Cascade could be really really good um it really depends on your character so like here's a couple that are good like I'll just give you a quick rundown of like good stuff are cascade so this is like like basically the really really good ones that you want they're are of course like some kind of off builds that you can go like stun but we're kind of focusing now on like the basic the basic build uh and you know we'll talk about supplementary damage later cuz that's kind of like a later thing right so Cascade is really good what this does is every time you hit it lowers your cooldowns by a certain amount really really good on characters attack really quickly uh quick cooldown is not as good as Cascade but you would use this on characters that have a lower attack speed less attacks per minute basically um other things you could get uplift is really good if you want to like oie more really good on characters like Yoda and uh you can also run like guts or Auto revive if you're having a lot of trouble uh I think guts is better because guts doesn't actually have like the standing up animation but uh Auto Revival save you as well steady focus is really good uh this is the if this is the one I'm thinking about yes this is really good if your character discharge attacks so steady Focus will prevent that prevent you from getting knocked out of that I wouldn't really bother with provoke low profile right now or any of these you can also run drain if you don't want to run potion hoarder you can run drain if you're having trouble like keeping your stamina up like you're getting nicked a little bit here and there but not like completely screwed um you could also run run drain but I I I recommend potion hoarder it's just it's just way better gives you more revives so you're like if you're having trouble like you're less of a burden to your team uh they don't have to walk over to revive you you just do it yourself uh combo booster is good on some characters that are uh that have a lot of they have high attack speed linked together is uh kind of supportive it's really really good to support your team with this but that's a kind of more advanced build so I'm not going to go into that and that's about it so we'll go into like kind of where do you progress from here some of the really really good sigils again you can find them over here at zaspa appraisals and there this is kind of RNG like you're just going to have to get lucky you appraise your curios maybe I'll get something good on during the tutorial but see how this one says v+ 5 plus so five plus gives you two skills instead of one they're just better so for instance now here you're going to start advancing your items even more so say you get a crit rate plus that's just already going to be better than just the raw crit because it's two stats now I have like critical rate uh critical hit rate here and stamina so it's giving me two attack options uh two attack stats that's in one so you're going to want this is like the Holy Grail right here is damage cap 5 plus because this is going to make because this will start replacing these items here so you're going to want to um get as many of those as possible uh and then just start filling it in so like okay damage cap like damage cap right you're just kind of going to start adding these pluses which give you random St so it's like oh there's potion hoarder so now I can remove this cuz I don't need it anymore right now I can add maybe like it would be nice to have a little bit of cool down so now you can add that you can start adding like your Cascades your improved guards improved Dodges and that's how you kind of start your build you start with this Baseline and you just start to add on as you get these cuz these are really hard right CU first off you have to roll damage cap plus which is already rare and then you have to roll a good stat that actually helps your build that is just going to be running Prouds uh Bahamut drops a lot of damage cap uh Proto Bahamut proud drops all that damage cap uh plus so getting that is is is really good um after that you're going to want some some items from zasa and that's going to be a couple I'm going to talk about right here so these are the really good ones I actually don't have one of them what is it called again War Elemental I actually don't have it unfortunate I don't have it i' I've rolled so many times and I don't have it War Elemental what war Elemental does is it always makes your attack strong on element so say you're fighting Proto bam Proto Bahamut right which is weak to light it will always make your attacks have advantage against the person right but here's the thing if you're actually playing like a light character like faery or eio you don't actually need it it's really good on the other characters that are not light type um who get the bonus damage uh that that's that's War Elemental and you can also get pluses on that as well the other good one which I do have luckily meal lucky sometimes lucky and these are also from zaspa supplementary damage so what is supplementary damage in Grand blue we call them Echoes and it's basically when you hit you do another source of damage so there's going to be two two damage numbers every time you hit if it procs supplementary damage it's basically like think of it as like a double strike right and that double strike deals um damage that is not blocked by the cap so you deal like you know your Capa damage plus like an additional damage on top of it which is why supplementary damage is very good so you're going to want to get that uh you're going to want to keep your eye out for those rare uh curio curio ones like supplementary and again you can get these plused as well I've never seen it so so say you have your your grid completely uh finished or even not you can actually start on this right away you're just going to want to fight Proto Bahamut Proto Bahamut will drop one of your Bahamut weapons which are the end game they're called Terminus weapons I actually don't have EOS I have uh galatine and that has a thing called catastrophe now catastrophe is a damage cap increase but it also Stacks with damage cap so it actually doesn't solve your damage cap problems it's just extra you want to get your eventually like end game you want to get your Bahamut weapon and you want to just keep keep farming those curios keep farming uh siero Kart and prto Bahamut other proud content in order to get more of the uh pluses which is what you want one more thing is that you can level up your sigils which I'm going to show you how to do that so there's two ways and I'll give you the way I don't recommend first so you can go over here to this guy over here the blacksmith and you go upgrade sigils and you want to only do this to one you're going to absolutely absolutely key but I did I did it for a couple of my damage cap ones I had a damage cap quick cool down which is a good combo so I I actually leveled that up to 15 so one thing you can do so let's say like we're going to upgrade one so upgrade sigil you go to let's just use like crit like say this one crits down that's not bad so you're going to hit that and it's going to say uh you know what items you need now this only gives you one level right rainbow prism 3 Flawless prism 7 like all of this endgame stuff all of this endgame stuff gives you I'm going to edit that out don't worry about it all of this endgame stuff gives you one level I don't recommend this cuz it's going to take you like a million years unless you have a lot of materials to begin with what you're going to want to do is press see at the top it says use azerite Splender this is actually like terrible terrible like UI design but at the top it says use aerid Splender you press that and it'll let you use an aerid Splender instead and if you look look it makes it 11 to 15 so you are you don't have to worry about it like you use one of these aerid Splender 11 to 15 you get one from your trophies but the way that you get these is by farming slimes so we're going to go back to slimes and slimes are just really really good because they drop gold gold they drop Mastery points and they drop uh as well as Damascus bars so they're very good slime peed this one right here you're going to want to do this and this one is going to drop that if there's a rare slime that's like a rainbow slime and that one if you see it just kill it immediately and it will always drop like a bunch of these you you you get like at you get more than one which you can use to upgrade your sigils it's way better because you can just kind of keep them there and then you can just upgrade whenever you feel like it so um that and then probably the final endgame thing is to and you can actually do this like early is to make every weapon for the character that you want and level it to 50 and in order to level your your gear to 150 uh the best Quest isfe two Goblin Warriors this drops a ton of crystals sorry a lot of Crystal God damn it it drops a lot of crystals YouTube is hard man and large crystals and you need it to level up your weapons and you might be asking why do you level up all of your weapons you're only using one right what what what are you doing what are you doing why you have so many weapons and that the reason why is cu of this these collection right here see how I have all the weapons unlocked you you can put Mastery points into these nodes and they're always active these are always active even if you're not using the weapon so these are just free stats right I mean look at these 300 HP damage dealt to weak point sta power uh this one's really good over here the uh this one's crit this is like your 5% crit rate 5% 15 30 free crit Munitions and and right Stones this is the very last thing you already learned about this in in the game basically you you have Mirage Munitions which are drops from from endgame content and Mirage Munitions just give stats uh you don't have to worry about these too much because Mirage Munitions you can remove them from a weapon for free so it's just like free stats that you can allocate you can equip it to an item you can unequip it and equip it on another item so feel free to give your weapons plus 99 it you're not really losing anything now the imbu will use a uh we'll use a right Stone which you can get from sier carts gacha and from drops and these R stones are uh extra stats skills so these are actually weapon skills that are going to be imbued as traits onto your weapon it's usually dependent on the first one so you're going to have up to three stats but it's always going to be like some combination around that oh wait there's missing a nine but yeah so you basically want the ones that have the Top Value is the highest so you have weak point damage which is it's okay it's not great um stun which is the dread right Stone stun is situational and this is going to be if you're running like more of a support build and then over here you've got Vitality which is the big one this is the one that you really want and you want 10 along with other stats that kind of help you out so again these traits are wasted if they're over the cap right so there's like a cap again like for instance uh you know crit caps at 45 right so if you have over 45 you're just you're just losing stats so trying to find like a good combination of skills that works around your build is what's really important in a right Stone a lot of these lowle level R Stones like you start to go like I actually probably don't even have any cuz I sold them like here this one's only like two stats like six and five you can just sell these you just sell them back to CR Kart cuz they're not really worth anything wait really you have a 1075 okay so apparently chat says that it's 22 all right it's 22 then sorry 22 is the cap I've never seen that but that's crazy a lot of people are confused about the this uh special thanks to chat telling me about it um over masteries are basically just free stats so they you you will run uh you really you could do it that level one it's fine fine but you really want to wait for level three and you just spend the points it's 2,000 um Mastery points uh to get the over Mastery bonus and it's just so you get uh unlock over Mastery level three at level 100 of your character so these aren't really that important like early like don't worry about like getting this until you're like 100 then you run level three over Mastery it gives you four random stats you can see the stars there for like how how far they are um what level they are in the RNG and these stats the important thing about these stats is that they do not count towards weapon skills these are not weapon skills they're a completely different completely separate thing so um for instance right there I have stun power up plus 4 that doesn't mean the skill stun power up and this is a little confusing it's not the skill stun power up it's just literally Four Points of stun power that gets added to your character so it doesn't actually have anything to do so you can actually go higher say you have like maxed out stun um stun Mastery I think that's uh 45 I think 45 level 45 St Mastery this goes over that um so what's really good here is you want um basically anything that says damage cap up that's high you want that crit can be good too um like anything that can like give you the stats that you need need obviously but since they're random you have to overwrite them in order to do another one so like here I'll do a roll right here so you just hit it and it tells you like this is what you have you have to be very careful here very careful so you hit execute and it will give you new ones skill damage cap up 16% attack power up 500 stun power up 16 okay so I don't want this so it says do you want to replace this you put no don't don't mess this up this this will screw you up don't mess this up double check triple check do you want do you want to replace it no hit no also uh one last thing if you have your Terminus weapon you can actually uh you can actually unlock it with weapon Awakening and you could level it up even more using uh using materials and this will get you like a bunch of like more stats and some damage cap as well so this is another thing that you can do a lot of people really like this weapon the Ascension weapon I actually don't recommend leveling it it's just not as good that's it every single ter in this weapon which is the drop from Bahamut gives you this insane stat catastrophe 50 attack plus 50% damage cap plus 100% when HP is at or below 4500 which is ridiculous and it gives you regen which is like honestly trash that but this is too good this is too good to pass up this is ridiculous so don't waste your time leveling this weapon because it's I mean it's good it is going to be marginally better when it's completely leveled but you're going to waste all this time and resources on it so you might as well just get the crit weapon cuz the crit weapon is already good and it's going to get you like your early build faster by having all of that crit so anyway that's how you progress in Grand blue fantasy we did this live on stream I stream on twitch.tv/ leaflet I play a lot of grand blue see you later go
Channel: Leaflit & Asari
Views: 47,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, MMORPG, Co-Op Gaming, Co-Op RPG, Granblue Fantasy, GBF, VTuber, Slime Vtuber, EnVTuber, Solo Raid Boss, Relink Gameplay, Granblue Fantasy Strategy, granblue fantasy relink multiplayer, granblue fantasy versus rising, jrpg, Gameplay, Gaming, Epic, Tutorial, Guide, Educational, Leaflit, clip, english vtuber, vtuber tutorial, virtual youtuber, 3d vtuber, Asian, Viral, funnygameplay, entertaining, Tech, Multiplayer, Build, Insane, Best, Tricks, Tips, Endgame, Progression, Progressive
Id: kwoH3TizgDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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