Duplicate your Damage with Zeta | Granblue Fantasy Relink

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hey what's up guys leaflet here with a guide for Zeta actually I'm going to move over to the other side Zeta we'll be taking a look at her uh this was highly requested actually Zeta was one of my first characters I played Zeta in the demo did you guys know that I played a lot of her in the demo right on into skills zeta's skills so she's got uh kind of similar to the other characters she's got three abilities that are musthaves and then one that's a flex spot so absolutely must have Spear of Arvest Spear of Arvest must have with Zeta her main mechanic is that she jumps into the air so let me actually show that real quick she jumps into the air boom and then she has like this kind of aerial combo that she does where you jump up and then you kind of go you can do different things that's really important for the context of her skills Spear of Arvest gives you launch which is really good that's the main reason for this it's also a gap closer and it's and it gives you your important mechanic vengeful Flames supplemental damage you and me both know this is op as hell get supplemental damage on her vengeful Flames very important and also necessary for one of her most important textt in the game vengeful Flames must have and the other one that is a must have is infinite wonders infinite wonders right now does a lot of damage with some tech right now it's a must have later on it might be a flex spot if they fix the bug with it get infinite wonders if check out the comments below I'll pin it if if they change it I will say so in the pin if there's anything by the way I ever find out about Zeta it's going to be down there in the pin in the corner new video but right now there's nothing there infinite wonders does a lot of damage and apply your Arvest F which is her other mechanic Arvest forar is a debuff that is unique to Zetta that increases her damage this will apply it right away normally you have to do a certain combo to apply Arvis for Mara but with this you press and it gives it to you and it's range it's got a lot lot of range it's really good also three charges you can really pop this whenever you want really that one for her other ability again this is her Flex spot you can kind of get a bunch of different things a lot of people really like Wing Clipper uh really great against Bahamut Proto baham it does paralyze the enemy but it's incredibly slow it's something you have to really plan out ahead of time damage on it is pretty good but it's actually less than infinite wonders I wouldn't take this for damage I would take this more for the stun uh which does give you a lot of honors by the way signal drive we talked about attack of Buffs again really good on certain characters that have trouble reaching cap that would be eio vaseraga characters that this could be good for you but if you're already hitting cap on everything it doesn't do anything for you but there are a lot of ways that you could use this one thing is using it right before SBA train is really good because SBA is really hard to cap as well again it's going to depend heavily on your teammates what kind of gear they have if this is good in general if you're playing with high geared players it's going to be a lot less value thousand Flames this just sucks removes one buff there's nothing in the game yet this might be good later if there's enemy Buffs that really do need to be dispelled okay realm's Majesty so this one ready a Parry encounter and applies arv forar that already has has a native it is very slow on Startup if you are in the middle of something however realm's Majesty comes out immediately if you want to play a little bit more defensive you can have this realm's Majesty which will also boost you into the air but for me I think R of Fury calls down a volley of vol of Spears it also just lowers their attack which is just a defensive buff for your team essentially right lowering the damage that the enemy does is basically a defense buff that's why it's kind of nice can't you remove sanguine from bosses you mean blood lust no you can't remove blood lust from bosses those are skills okay now we're going to go into like the mechanics with Zetta Zetta again she's got her regular Combos and she also has which is a native counter where if you land this it will just jump you into the air and this actually blocks everything and it has pretty good frames the startup is a little slow but it does have a lot of frames if you have trouble you see so much stuff about toit you just pop this and it'll just launch you into there but then again remember you're not Invincible once you jump into the air you will get knocked down if it's actually an aerial attack the main things with Zeta is she's got her uh let's actually just look at her command list she's got her main thing is just her regular combo she only really has one combo which is just this and that La gives you launch at the end of the combo it actually moves quite a bit you can actually start the combo pretty far back which I'd recommend if you don't have your dash up that you just start using it so that by the time you reach the target you get that launch what's good about the launch is that you can do Pogo so using using an attack will dive towards the enemy so at the end of it she Dives towards the enemy now you could press the button again to jump to bounce off of the enemy back into the air so it looks like this and it takes a little bit of timing but like you just practice enough and you'll get there you could do this indefinitely for days forever in the air Forever Sky Zeta but she does actually have another way to get it so again you get it if you if you if you parry she will like block this and then jump into the air there's another way and I actually really recommend this is you jump but if you jump and do this you actually start higher because you're already in the air right she still does the kick back flip but you actually just start like a little higher which is really nice for getting like right on top of their head after you do that and you do three pogos one two three she turns blue and when she's blue you can press triangle which is your special button to do Arvest Hammer which is the spin spin strike and the spin strike is does a lot of damage and applies your debuff so that's kind of your best thing to do there so now just talking strictly about damage it does more damage to do this and Hammer that does more damage damage then straight Pogo however Z is a type of character where you really have to consider your options right if the enemy is moving around a lot then you probably just want to keep bouncing off the enemy's head because if the enem is like hitting the ground and you land you will just get hit so there are some cases where you want to keep doing this and some cases where you want to go down 1 2 3 4 One 2 3 four oops three sorry and then you do the hammer sorry it was three not four but there are some cases where you want to do that because that's the highest damage but however again you can't be doing damage if you land and then you can't even hit these right like if you have to like land and then like jump away because the boss is going like you know ape [ __ ] then it's better if you just stay in the air so this is something that's going to be very fight dependent yeah those are your main ways your other way is if you link attack link attack actually also sends you into the sky and also gives you blue immediately so I'll show you guys so after the link attack you have to press attack one time and it will launch you if you press nothing it will not launch you you can actually just here we'll we'll hit it you get the blue you hit your link attack and you press attack again which will launch you into the air all right and you so that way you get your launch if you don't press anything you'll just stay on the ground so make sure you press attack after link attack so when you get link attack and you get the launch into the air you can actually immediately press triangle to get Aris Hammer you don't actually have to land in for the dive that's really nice and you could do that all the time with anything so say like you're doing this you get the launch and then the enemy jumps away from you hitting hitting hitting enemy just jumped away from me oh damn what do I do you press triangle and you get the dive which actually chases incredibly far so the the dive from the spear this dive doesn't move as far as this as Arvest Hammer so if the enemy is far away from you in the middle of your combo you launch enemies far always Hammer because then you'll jump right on top of them so with this main set that I use a couple uh animation cancels that you can use are uh you can so when you're using her supplementary damage buff vengeful Flames uh I'm going to again move in a circle and I'll hit vengeful flames and you can see how slow it is once you see the supplementary damage buff you can actually Dodge cancel and you can also attack cancel but I think the do the Dodge cancel faster yeah I think the Dodge cancels a little bit faster so you can actually cancel out that so you don't have to wait for the whole animation another thing is too you can actually Dodge cancel out of the Arvest hammer and this is really nice so that you're not like sitting on the ground cuz if you look when she does it she kind of gets stuck on the ground for a bit so so you can just dodge cancel that like this one more thing when you're pogoing on Zetta like this you can actually air Dodge and this is an important note because you can use this to delay your your attacks which I will show later uh in the combat section but you can actually like jump backwards to delay your to delay if the enemy is about to attack you can actually like pause in air so that you don't dive right into the attack and you can also just if frame Dodge it and you can use it to kind of like do these hops that you can reposition so you want to be like right on top of the enemy say you're like on this side like this and you want to move like right on top of the enemy you can like use the air Dodge to move yourself right on top of the enemy's head so you're not getting hit by like these white Arc swing attacks so when you're in link time we just tested it by the way when you're in link time what you want to do is Spear of Arvest one Pogo strike and then into Arvest Hammer so we'll go to link time here show so you want to do that one of these Arvest Hammer Dodge cancel Dodge them Arvis hammer and you don't want to hit it as early as you can and that's what you want to do for link time all right there we go God bless I was really afraid it was going to be really complicated so now we'll explain some tech with Zeta so when you use her supplementary damage skill and this only works with her skill it does not work with regular supplementary damage I don't know why this is but you use her regular skill and you get a dash you'll see it hits twice you see there's like one one hit behind and one in front right so if you if you do a pogo off of the second hit it counts as two jumps normally it would go one two one more and then you would go in Harvest hammer right however with this trick and this requires a little bit of timing and this is this is a little hard you're just going to have to practice it unfortunately her sigil helps her personal sigil helps but you go one two and then you Arvest hammer and then you can go again one two Arvest hammer and that is like the big special attack on her uh you could also do this you could do like the two first and then one and then Arvest hammer but the reason I do the two I do the other one is because if you do the second one last so you do one first and then two after she's lower so she actually gets to the Target faster so you do one two and then you hit the the hammer that way you end up lower and you get to the Target faster saves save the frames it is quite hard to get I'll tell you the way I do it the way I do it is I listen for it and it's always like the same kind of Rhythm so on like zeta's other Pogo where like it the the Rhythm changes depending on like how far you are what angle you're at with this thing it always does the second hit at the same time so it's like du du all the time so it's like I always just I just listen for it and I've just gotten used to it so I go and you can practice on training dummy like this again you ignore the first hit and you you go for the second hit so that's like one of her like important attacks for dealing lots of damage because it get to your Arvest Hammer faster now the other the other attack for damage and this one is really dumb infinite wonders let's see how much damage infinite wonders does three 322 again I'm not capped but 322 right 322 uh thousand now let's try it again did double damage and I think the way this works I'm not 100% sure but what I think is happening is that she's firing her Laser All Along the animation so I think what's happening is she's playing firing this laser or longer animation right and if you cancel it the animation is longer that's what I think is happening but this is why I was saying infinite wonders is really good and why I was debating if the infinite wonders damage was higher during link because of this so I'll tell you how to do it you have to fire infinite wonders at the Target and you have to do you have to dodge cancel at the immediate immediate frame that that it comes out so it takes a lot of practice see how the damage was lower that's because I did it wrong and the sooner you do it the more damage it does see 630 let's see if I do it a little bit later so that's like base 322 right if I do it a little bit later see it's a little bit less if you get it with perfect timing it does more and you're just going to have to practice this and get the kind of timing for it right it is it is it deals double damage a little bit more it's slightly more than double damage actually so this is why infinite wonders is so good all right enough of that let's talk about let's talk about sigils she has a couple special sigils so her Crimson Crimson clout Crimson clout increases the damage that she deals against a debuff target from her debuff by 25% you need this 100% you need this and her flight extends the timing window to chain a a high jump Loop which makes it easier to do the uh the Pogo combo also makes it easier to do the supplemental damage attack where you dash to through her so I mean do you need this you don't actually need this but it does help a lot and you get try taking it off later to kind of give you a little bit you could take it off later so you could train a little bit on it but I think it's pretty good yeah she is a clout Chaser you're right Crimson clout chaser I'm not going to go over the build at all because I already have a guide for that you can check out our other guide we have a mid game midgame sigil guide as well as an endgame sigil guide so you can check check out those guides for like more more builds but there are a couple notable things on Zeta and that is the combo boosters she's combo boostable as well as injury to insult is actually she's one of the characters that injury to insult is actually really good so what this does is injury to insult does bonus damage to targets afflicted by status elements and it's uh plus 22% uh it's it's usable on her it's also damage dealt by the way not attack so it actually increases damage so it's very similar to like uh charged attack it's very similar to charge attack where it boosts your damage dealt so like having this in in combination with attack mods actually helps a lot the reason why this is good on her is because if you're playing Zeta correctly they should always be debuffed by Arvest so that's why injury to insult is great on her so we'll go into a little bit of gamep playay okay I'll think it's a rock Golem just to kind of showcase Zeta you can use your counter oh my God you can use your counter to immediately get jumped so one thing so this is Pogo when you just keep jumping see how see how he's backing away from me I'm going to jump back delay by air jumping so I stay out of that so you basically want to keep staying on the Target and then if you can like it's pretty safe right now so I jump back down and get repo see I like to be like right on top of his head like this and I did that by repositioning with these air Dodges and see you can keep attacking him by using your air Dodge and like why would you come down for that I got hit there because I was I [ __ ] up but why would you come down for that and that's kind of what I mean you have to know the fight as Zeda to know where you can go and also always attack them in the head when you're Zeda I know I wasn't but always attack them in the head when you're playing Zetta and anytime the boss is attacking you while you're doing this you can just air Dodge those are going to be your best friend when you're playing Z by the way is anytime somebody ois or the Boss face changes or something and there's something that slows down the thing it's oh it's you're going to love it you're going to love it am I right Zeda players you're going to love it anytime the screen gets taken away from you you you lose sight of your Pogo oh yeah see but you can use like the air Dodge to kind of reposition and you can just keep hopping on the enemy which is why this hop even though it's less damage it's so good so I'm going to like delay a little bit see how I like I I dodged backwards just to like buy some time so I extend the extend the time that I'm um away so I don't get hit by stuff so this is a very important skill to learn Zetta I'll do it again here see how I'm I'm delaying so I don't get hit and there you can just I dodge if you mess up mess that up see how like I can keep on him even though he's attacking also when you get link you're going to want to come down you're going to want to Arvest hammer and then come down so I'll actually show that real quick so ideally you want to watch out for the link the link so you get your it's pretty safe for me to come down get that jump up oh God when you see that you want to dive down and then reacquire so when you get link you want to always link with your Arvest Hammer I'm going to stay up because he's going to do that I don't want to get hit by it now I'm just going to go back down get the link attack which will launch me back up and I can go down again now uh I'll show you how they use the supplemental damage thing so you see I jump there so I I'm I'm up higher Dash in one one two Arvest of course it didn't work there but what oops one that launch up Arvest and again you don't actually have to Pogo off of a link attack if you link attack you can immediately Arvis yes you can yeah mhm so I mean it depends right ramth so when you link when you link and you can Arvest immediately you can but you also have to know what the boss is going to do next right because if you Arvest and then the boss is immediately going to punch you in the face it's better than Pogo a couple times before you harvest right so again that's the hardest thing about playing Zetta is you have to understand the fights and understand like where you can greed and where you can't so so that's why I think Z is pretty hard to play because you have to understand not only do you have to do the timing game but her difficulty is different than other characters like other characters their difficulty is like how do I dodge while dealing damage whereas with Zeta it's kind of like when can I go in when do I when can I come down and reset my combo when can I Arvest Hammer reset my combo and those are like things that you have to think about and you know just just experience as you play as you play more Zeta timing and boss knowledge exactly YOLO Asian thank you so much guys for hanging out and checking out uh The Zeta guide I really appreciate it hope this helps and uh I I stream GRL Fantasy relink on twitch.tv all the time come over and hang out and have and if you have any questions feel free to ask me I always I always answer them I have no problem with people asking questions doesn't bother me at all please don't forget to give the video a like if you liked it and a subs and a subscribe and please hit the notification Bell for more and I'll see you guys later peace out
Channel: Leaflit & Asari
Views: 15,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, MMORPG, Co-Op Gaming, Co-Op RPG, Granblue Fantasy, GBF, VTuber, Slime Vtuber, EnVTuber, Relink Gameplay, granblue fantasy relink multiplayer, jrpg, Gameplay, Gaming, Epic, Tutorial, Guide, clip, english vtuber, vtuber tutorial, virtual youtuber, 3d vtuber, Asian, Viral, funnygameplay, entertaining, Tech, Multiplayer, Build, Insane, Best, Streamer, Leaflit, Educational, Education, Game, Tips, Tricks, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, GBFR, Combat, Zeta Guide, Zeta, Granblue Zeta, Pogo, DPS
Id: xro-YP18rcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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