Bible Stories for Kids! Sodom & Gomorrah (Episode 4)

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hey don't you think story father told us yesterday was amazing yes it was actually I had been thinking about it the whole day oh come on Jimmy I was thinking about the story too didn't you think so it's amazing how he left everything behind yes because God told him the rest of the story today I think so but it's almost time for the classes to start we must fresh now let's see who reaches first ha ha ha I'll beat you this time perfect you so shall we continue with the story of Abraham yes Father all right but before beginning I want to ask you a few questions shall I once haha now who can tell me why Abraham left Haran anyone he left hearing because God told him to that's correct and what did God say to Abraham God told Abraham that he will guide him to the promised land and build a great nation correct and when Abraham and lot got separated where did they go Lord took the fertile valley of Jordan and Abraham went to live in the hills of Cana that's right Lucy that's enough questions shall we begin today's chapter is for once Abraham and lot parted ways Abraham traveled through the hills of Canaan and finally stopped at Hebron while or chose the valley of Jordan because it was fertile and well watered but the nearby city of Sodom was a very evil place the people who live there and everything that they said and did was evil one day when Abraham was resting God spoke to him do not be afraid Abram I will keep you from danger and give you great rewards Oh Abraham come on I'm going to give you a great reward look up at the sky and count the stars I will bless you with children like stars in the sky there will be too many to count I am your Lord God I give you this land to inherit you must offer me a sacrifice I will do it God thank you where are you going I must go to the altar and offer these sacrifices why does God speak to you again yes dear he spoke to me yesterday and he told me that we will have children as many as the stars in the sky ha ha isn't that going to be amazing oh dear I wish it could be true Oh why are you not happy don't you trust what God said hmm it's not that I've become too old to give birth to a child don't worry it's going to happen you must trust in God yes dear I have complete faith in our God now you don't worry go on enough for your sacrifice I'll come back soon and once Abraham offer the sacrifices God again spoke to Abraham Abram you will have many descendants they will live in a foreign country and they will work as slaves they are going to be treated badly for yours but I will punish that nation and your descendants leave from there they believe with great wealth that night God made a promise to Abram that would last throughout ages yes he told me again that we will have more descendants than stars in the heaven ha ha yes but no deal we must have faith in God's promise Thank You Hagar but I'm so old and and thanks acre you you are so beautiful and and young look at her dear what is it listen to me very carefully a girl is young and beautiful she is my servant I can give her to you as a second wife no no I'm sorry listen to me dear she's young and she can bear your children isn't that we wanted the most you want to do this so that we can have children yes my husband I'm happy to give her to you please agree to this please deal but you must accept this arrangement are you okay with this Hagar I will do anything you say that's good Hagar and you shouldn't object to this dear please hmm if this is what you think is the best then I am I am ready Abram labor Hagar and she became pregnant as soon as she knew that she was carrying Abraham's child she started to make fun of Sarai oh you should I put up with it for a while but it soon became unbearable one day she lost her temper and slapped Hagar Abram you have to control Hagar now that she's carrying your child she despises me and and she's making fun of me all the time I'm sorry dear but don't don't stop me the Lord our God was judged between her and me to see who's right Haggar got really frightened and ran away into the desert you she ran for a very long time and when she got tired she stopped by a spring she hoped that someone would come by and help her she was crying when an angel appeared before her who are you hey go you must go back to Agra you will have a son you should call and wish me which means God heals hey go went back to live with Abram and gave birth to a son they called him Ishmael Ishmael grew up and Abraham was really fond of him a smile a smile where are you come and collect these wood coming father Ishmael Israel come back don't run stop coming father Ishmael rebels you that naughty little lamp and warning again and you were running behind him I know where do you want me to put these father tie him up and we will carry it back while we go back yes Father oh I think it's enough work for the day shall we go now father yes you check the sheep's back I will pray for some time and I will come home after that Abraham bear yourself blameless in my presence and I will make a covenant between you and your descendants and me every boy child born in your family must be circumcised when he's 8 days old any child who doesn't do circumcision will not be my people because he has not kept my instruction the shall be the sign of our covenant thank you God I will do as you told as for Sarai you will now call her Salem which means princess IVA blosser and she will give you a son but we have become so old how can we have a son now if only ishmael could inherit some of your blessings he will abraham he will become a great nation unto himself but Sarah will give you a son by this time next year and you will call him Isaac which means laughter my everlasting covenant will be established with him should I sir aye sir aye what is a dear should I God has spoken to me he said from now on I am to be called Abraham and you you are to be called Sarah which means princess that's wonderful dear I know I know and yes he told me that from now on every male child in our family must be circumcised circumcised but why it has to be done to show that they belong to our God ha ha this is wonderful then you should start with you and yes we'll have to get Ishmael circumcised - yes yes Varis Ishmael he is in sight I'll get him Ishmael Ishmael come out you what is it father Commissioner we have to get you circumcised sir come what father come with me this is God's command for us all and many months later Abraham was visited by three angels how could that be Sarah gets a water we have some visitors yes dear ah ah ah my lord my lord please do not pass her home without stopping please rest a while with your servant and kindly take some food before you proceed show we'll be glad to thank you I'll get you something to eat so you'll be refreshed before you go on your way Sarah special visitors from God is here hey go get some water to wash the feet what is Sarah she's in the tent what are they talking about Sarah will give birth to a child by this time next year wah ha ha I'm 80 years old and he is beyond 90 and now we'll have a child ha ha ha why did Sarah laugh and say that she is too old to have a son is anything too hard for God I am so sorry I shouldn't have laughed what I said is going to happen we have to leave enough may I accompany you part of the way I've heard that the people in Sodom and Gomorrah are very evil the sufferings in those cities is great I'm going to see for myself if what I've heard is correct if it is correct then I will destroy the city you would destroy good people along with wicked people what if there are 50 good people with the city would you destroy them with the rest if I find something good people in solo I'll spare that city but if you find only 40 for the sake of 40 l spare the city Lord please don't be angry with me but what if there is only 30 or 20 or even ten if there are ten good people in Sodom will you destroy the city even then if I can find 10 good and righteous people and sodam and I'll spare the entire city for them thank you Lord you are so kind thank you that night the Angels sent by God enter the city of Sao dal take this what is men hey you you stop there where do you think you're going who are you guys you guys look funny in those big robes ha ha why don't you answer you you think you're so tough stop stop you stop stop huh look who's here Lotte ha ha you think you can stop us no I mean look over there what's that get in quick hey lot open the door you you should stay here at my house you shouldn't go into the city at this hour thank you for your kindness send them out Lord if you let them out then we'll break the door and come inside please go away I'm not sending them out please we just wanna have some fun with them ha ha or should we break the doll let me take care of this no matter what happens stay away from that door you are in great danger Oh No if you want them then you have to go through me first get out of my way will do worse things dream then we are going to do to your visitors move aside you break down the door we'll get all of them are you ah I can't see I'm blinded and blinded - ah what is happening this is some strange magic one uh what power is this run run what what just happened note do you have anyone else here sons or daughters sons and lo or anyone else in the city who belongs to you get them out of you because we are going to destroy this place what destroy the evils of the city are too great the Lord has seen the evils here and has sent us to destroy the city my two daughters are engaged to the men in this city I I go and get them yes you take care of everyone here I'll come quickly I'm telling you we must leave now God has sent some angels to destroy the city you are crazy ha ha ha and why would God destroy the city God has seen what the city has become he has seemed the evils here that sounds ridiculous no no the Angels the angels told me to save my family come on Lord how to start up drinking ha ha that's the best joke I've heard in a long time ha ha ha I'm not joking if you don't come then you'll die here dai you need to get some sleep old man what happened there are they didn't come but didn't you tell that the angels were here yes yes I told them many times they didn't believe me they laughed and said I was drunk it is almost time you must leave now run from the city don't stop until you get far away into the hills run for your lives and don't look back yes Lord come dear let's leave go now and remember don't look back we will not look back my lord come come let's leave keep running and whatever happens don't look back when the Angels could not even find 10 good people in the city they destroyed the city to ashes Lord and his but Lots family did not listen to her she looked back to see what was happening and as soon as she looked she freezed and turned into a pillar of salt Oh what happened father nothing don't turn back keep running not even ten righteous people in all of Sodom and Gomorrah and that concludes the story of the twin cities Sodom and Gomorrah did you all enjoy the story yes very good do you have any questions from the story no questions shall I ask you a few questions then yes Father alright when abraham pleads with God to spare so Dom what was Abraham's main argument Lucy father Abraham ask God to spare so don't for the sake of ten righteous men living in Sodom that's correct and did God agree to Abraham's pleading yes God said that you free so dope if there were ten good men that's great Lucy now the next question why did Lord son-in-law die father I can answer that yes George well Lots wants his son-in-law to flee from Sudan they thought he was joking and walked at him yes George that's correct and here is that last question who can tell me what happened to Lot's wife Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back that's right Matthew very good and that's it for today we'll meet again tomorrow good bye good bye father
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 1,234,741
Rating: 4.4468951 out of 5
Keywords: cartoons, bible story, church, jesus christ, israel, Sodom And Gomorrah (City/Town/Village), The Bible (Religious Text), cartoon, bible story for children, Bible Story (TV Subject), christianity, ruth, bible stories for kids, Church (Project Focus), Gospel, religion, animated, Holy, bible, noah, Spirit, jesus, bible stories, joseph, ark, animation, full episode, youtube kids app, religious cartoons, Judaism, david, mary, kids, tv show, god, story, Cartoon, goliath, free, solomon
Id: J_nb8hBMvdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2015
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