Bible Stories for Kids! The Story of Ruth (Episode 13)

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hello Mathieu good morning father why are you sitting here alone where is Lucy and George Lucy is there and our disorder what happened why aren't you guys playing together Lucy and George had a fight and they are not talking to each other is that so and why did they fight with each other mmm we were playing hide-and-seek and Lucy is saying that George cheated haha now go and tell them that I want to talk to them I will tell them father Lucy Lucy Lucy go away Matthew I don't want to talk to anybody Lucy father John is here and she is calling you I'm coming all right you go ahead I have to call George also God George father John is calling him ah let's go then hey there good morning why are you silent aren't you going to wish me back good morning father Matt you told me that you both had a fight is that right yes Father this George he no don't tell me the reason Lucy she's lying father it was she stop it George now listen whatever the reasons might be I want you both to forgive each other and say that you were sorry but father Lucy I'm sorry George I shouldn't have fought with you I'm sorry too you're my best friend Lucy and I'll never repeat this ha ha see wasn't that easy thank you Father hmm now come on let's sit here today I'm going to tell you the story of Route a more white woman she was an excellent example of how one should trust God her selfless love and total dedication to a modern law is depicted as an example for all generations Wow tell us a story father all right now listen carefully long time back in a place called Moab there lived a woman named Nami her husband had died a long time back and now recently her two sons two died she was now left with the wives of her son's alpha Andrew there's no point is sitting here and crying we can do nothing about it now Ruth you must listen to what I'm going to tell you what is it mother my daughters she's still young go back to your people and marry again you can have children of your own one day mother what I'm saying no Ruth stop you must do what I say I'm going back to Bethlehem and you can't come with me but why can't I come to Bethlehem with you because you're a Moabite woman and in Israel you'll always be a foreigner my dear alpha will you at least listen to me I will do whatever you wish me to thank you dear thank you so much now Ruth please mother please don't insist wherever you go I will go wherever you die I will die your people shall be my people and your God will be my god oh dear you rohde refused to part her mother and they both travel together to Bethlehem do you see that mountain route that one yes that's Nebo it was from there that Moses viewed Canaan meepo hmm poor Moses why did you say that mother oh that that's because after leading old Israelites from Egypt he died there he died at the threshold of the Promised Land the God of Israel is a God of the poor he will not abandon me while they were traveling now me narrator the history of Israel to rule and after many days of traveling they finally reach the homies house in Bethlehem Hey look who are they hmm I think I've seen that face before hmm isn't that now me yes it's her come on Nami now me it's you know me you look so different yes it's been so long since you left where is a little a can your son's what happened now me no don't call me that anymore don't call me now me my life has become like this true in the house I had everything when I left here but have come back empty-handed I'm no more now me be happy one I'll be called Mara the sorrowful from now on don't worry now me it will be all right but God hasn't abandoned you totally he has left me with her the wife of my son she is a good woman may God bless you for many days their neighbors held them by giving food to eat manda Schrute what is it how long are we going to live on this charity yes our neighbors are kind but we mustn't burden them mother I was thinking what dear I was thinking that I can go and work somewhere what Yes Mother look I'm healthy and I can work but dear I can't bear that listen to me mother this is harvest season and I can go into the fields and glean no I can't bear to see my daughter clean in a stranger's land but why should we be ashamed you have told me that our God is the god of poor that's right but they might insult you calling you a foreigner mother don't worry I shall return by evening God father of orphans and protector of widows please watch over my daughter and that day wrote went to work in the fields she started collecting the left over years of calm you ah it is scratchy and I am thirsty where can I get some water the field that root choose to work that day was owned by Boris a relative of now me on that day Louis came to the field to oversee the reaping who's that young woman Oh her do you remember your aunt now Oh me no me wife of el Melek yes that young woman is the daughter-in-law of Naomi she asked me permission to glean in your field and they allowed hmm their poor widows she hasn't taken any break all day hmm I remember now me she was the good woman and she was tried very hard what's your name ah me yes you come here yes master what's your name my name is Ruth I am wife of Naomi son I know I am a relative of no me oh you don't have to go anywhere else for gleaning no one will bother you here you may drink water from my servants draw well thank you thank you so much but what have I done to deserve this you you left everything and came here with your mother-in-law come with me we'll have something to eat here have this hmm this is such delicious bread thank you I'm glad you like it can I take this bread to my mother she will like this very much of course you can thank you blast like truth very much and he decided to help you pull a few years of corn from the Bunton and let him fall down let drew collectors you have a good heart master Lord God protector of the weak wonderful are your ways truth how was your day and and how did you get so much grain ah mother Lord led me into the field of a man called was a very generous man to do did you say Blass ah yes he told me he was a relative of yours yes he's my nephew my cousin's son he was so kind he gave me a lot of bread and roasted grains to thank you God he also allowed me to glean in his field till the end of the harvest season that's wonderful mother let's give some bread and grains to our neighbor lady maca yes she is a kind woman and she helped us so much until the end of harvest season root gleaned in the fields of boys she gleaned during the day and at night she seemed clothes for the poor hmm let's go to bed dear you've been working all day you go ahead mother I will finish this one and join you but Ruth look at you you look so tired don't worry mother I will join you besides tomorrow we are having the harvest feast boas has invited me - really you must wear your best clothes and don't forget to put on your ornaments - haha I will mother now you go ahead and sleep this is big ha ha ha this is the biggest harvest Viet had in yours God has blessed us God has been generous to you because you have been generous to poor people isn't that isn't that route route where I can't see her look at the front no I can't huh it is her she's so beautiful yes I too didn't realize that poor woman though she has a good heart she walks all day and then she Sue's clothes for the poor hmm I must be a visit to her mother tomorrow and the next day Boaz came to Naomi's house good heavens Boaz my nephew hello aunt it's so good to see you i i i am ashamed to receive you in this blue shack oh and the condition of this house doesn't matter at all as long as you are happy happiness that is not for me I I lost everything everything except this daughter whom don't worry I'm here to talk about that daughter huh what about shirt I I wanted to talk to you first um I like to marry rude but only if you have no objection Lord you have heard my prayer would you say oh boy lies we will be honored but but what you know as per our custom my brother's son is the next of the killing your brother's son who scream hmm yes as long as sikri gives away his right you cannot marry root I didn't think about that I'm sorry boys I want you to marry root I really do but hmm I have to think about this don't worry aunt I'll talk to sikri and figure out a solution the next day Boaz gathered sikri and 10 elders at the city gate everyone the widow of Elimelech is selling a piece of land sikri you are the next of their kin you are entitled to buy it do you want to buy it yes I will buy the land from Elma lakhs widow and as you buy the land you are bound to marry her daughter-in-law she is a Moabite woman you must marry her and restore her late husband's name what are you joking are you saying that I should marry a Gentile woman a foreigner yes that is the law of Israel if you buy the land then you will have to marry her huh no no I don't want the land huh what are you giving up you're right yes I am I don't want to marry a Moabite woman then you must swear it sacred you must renounce your right in our custom give your shoe to Boris all right here I hereby renounce my right to by no means land and as a sign I'm giving my shoes to boss we hereby proclaim Boris as the legitimate here of now miss property Boris plan worked and sikri renounce his rights after a few days Boris married Ruth according to the law of Moses and Israel I accept you Ruth as my wife I shall be faithful to you until death where the God of Israel looked kindly upon you where you be honored in Israel through your descendants Road and Boaz had a son and they named him oped an old son Jesse was the father of King David that was a great story father yes Father we loved it hmm now shall I ask you a few questions from the story then yes why did not owe me and rule to go back to Bethlehem now mommy's husband had died a long time ago and she lost her sons to Naomi and Ruth had no one else in Moab and that's why she left to her hometown excellent George and was Ruth born in Bethlehem - no father Ruth was born in mob and she was more by good Lucy now tell me why not only changed her name now me meant the happy one when now only lost her husband and her sons she decided to change her name to Mara which meant the sorrowful one right again George now tell me how Boris and now homie were related boss was now meets les yeux that was quick Mathieu good one hmm now tell me why sikri refused to marry ruth sikri did not want to marry a Gentile woman widow and that's why he let go of his right for Naomi's land that's right again and for the last question how was King David and Ruth related boys and Ruth had a son named Abed was a grandfather of King David that's correct George it's time for us to leave kada what sorry I going to tell us tomorrow tomorrow hmm I'll tell you the story of Samuel tomorrow my child ah the story of Sam oh yes the story of Samuel we will meet again tomorrow goodbye children goodbye father
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 2,305,263
Rating: 4.366044 out of 5
Keywords: bible stories for kids, Church (Project Focus), animation, bible, youtube kids app, family, Judaism, The Bible (Religious Text), cartoon, bible story, god, free, jesus, ark, tv show, ruth, religious cartoons, joseph, mary, Naomi, Bible Story (TV Subject), noah, kids, The Story Of Ruth (Film), goliath, religion, full episode, christianity, cartoons, bible stories, bible story for children, Cartoon, Orpah, david, Elimelech, solomon, animated, jesus christ, Moab, story, church, israel
Id: V_zhrItaLok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2015
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