Stories of Saints for Kids! | Saint Michael (Episode 17)

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[Music] [Music] hey Joanne I will take the wives this time no Jim you know that I always prefer the white why why do you like to black nothing it is not because I like to color way so you do like the color jacket on no Jim it's just that I like bite more than black oh then what about the color of people's hair and mousse have black pupils come on Jim that's different we are talking about a game here so why do you like white so much hmm maybe white is the color of angels oh all right you take white then hey hold on do you know who is the thief of angels hmm I think the teeth angel is called the arc angel what is me his name is Michael the Archangel good morning children good morning Tim hello Jim and Joanne what was the discussion on Michael the Archangel uncle we were discussing about the angels when you walked in unco I have a doubt if Michael is leading the angels then who was leading the Devils ha ha that should be the chief of devil's Lucifer uncle Lucifer always loses is that why he got that name ha ha maybe I don't know would you want to listen to the story of Michael the Archangel yes the story I'm going to tell is from the Book of Revelations all right now listen carefully [Music] [Applause] once there was a fierce battle in the heavens the army of Devils was headed by a dragon with seven heads and ten horns the dragon and the army were attacking the heavens and that was when Saint Michael arrived with an army of angels come on Margaret swallow the dragon and his army yes we caught our cage the dragon was blowing fire on the angels and their army and the dragon shouted to his army listen everyone I would more water than provide elegan be protected and then they fall down you must hit them with your Spears Oh God in the meantime Michael the Archangel flew on top of the dragon and chopped off six heads of the Dragons did you see that do you know why I left just one head alone it's so that you can bow down before the Lord after your defeat you stupid fool buy 1 hat is equal to 10 of yours you are not going to defeat my army how dare you challenge the Lord your God I am in charge of God in the heavens I'm also blessed with the power of God let us charge by the peace recoiled Judas progress no victory will be for the side enjoying God's favor Michael got really angry when the dragon challenged his God so we went ahead and struck the dragon down glory and praise the Lord the protector of heaven and earth rejoice city and its length determine and his regiment has been totally oh that was indeed a good fight yes uncle that was a good story children this is how John had described the fight between Satan and Michael the Archangel isn't the Archangel the patron saint of fullness the Archangel is the patron saint of not only the police and the military with that of grocers Mariners and sick people as well but uncle why the sick people the early Christians considered the Archangel as a healer what are those of the Archangel uncle the Catholic Church assigns four primary roles for the Archangel of course the primary role is that of the leader of the army of God that is the reason he is called the Archangel isn't it yes Joanne have you seen the Archangels images with a balance in his hand balance should it not be a SWAT uncle yeah but in some drawings you can find him holding a balance uncle what does his balance me that's because of his second role his second role is to waive the souls in a perfectly balanced scale he weighs based on the virtues and evilness oh that jolly makes sense being a warrior against the devil he should be the best judge on the degree of virtue but does he not assist the people in getting rid of evil will yes Joanne that is his third role before death he gives a chance for the people to redeem he is called the angel of death he is the one who carries all departed souls to heaven then what is his fourth roles uncle his fourth role is the guardian of the church he was considered as the guardian of Israel in the Old Testament and now he is the principal guardian of Church uncle can you tell us how he got it Israel of course now listen to this story of where Michael appeared before Daniel Daniel in Babylon yes Jim you know that Daniel had the ability to interpret dreams he could see visions about the future of Israel and the empires around the world one day Daniel was standing on the banks of the river Tigris an angel appeared before him and in his shock Daniels fell to the ground what I have been sent to you responds to your prayers to : but I have been praying for 21 days now I know it I will soon to meet you on the first day itself body prince of persia ttank then how did you manage to reach him God sends mcian the Archangel for my and he helped me from the Prince of Persia i I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future I am the time to Perisher to fight against the Prince no one else will help me except McCoy the arc a fierce battle continued between the came north and came of sound Egypt will perish at that time nakai of the Archangel who protects your people with her eyes what will happen to Australian everyone whose names written in the book of truth and paternity everything that the angel foretold had happened and it was Michael the Archangel who helped them win the war uncle did the Ice King who appeared to anyone in the modern church yes Joanne the Archangel appeared when a devastating plague attacked Rome in the early 6th century did she protect the people from this epidemic yes the Archangel appeared with his sword over a tomb of Adrian in Rome Pope Gregory the first asked the people to pray to the Archangel to protect Rome after the plague ended the tomb of Hadrian was renamed as the castle of the Holy Angel after Michael the Archangel uncle I've heard about the chaplet of Spain Michael can you please explain to me uncle what does chaplets and for the verbal meaning of chaplet is a string of 55 beads for counting prayers when did the devotional practice begin in the church in 1751 a portuguese nun a servant of god sister Antonio had a revelation of the Archangel the Archangel told the nun that God is to be glorified by praying the nine special invocations this has now become the famous chaplet of Saint Michael do you want to know the nine invitations which the Archangel revealed to be pleasing God yes Denison cook wait a second the pen and paper haha go ahead alright uncle please Ella hmm the first indication is to burn with the fire of perfect charity second is to leave the ways of sin third is to fill the hearts with a spirit of humility the fourth is to control the senses to overcome unruly passions fifth is to preserve souls from evil and falling into temptation six is to protect our souls against snares and the temptation of the devil the seventh one is to fill the souls with the true spirit of obedience eighth one is to have perseverance in faith to attain the glory of heaven and the last one is to protect the mortal life and the heavenly life to come that was wonderful uncle children do you know what st. Michael promised to the people who practice this devotion hmm the Archangel God and protect them you are absolutely right Joanne when the people who practice this devotion approached the altar they will be escorted by the nine choirs of angels Wow that would be a great experience right to be escorted by the Angels Oh uncle we are going to start practicing the chaplain of st. Michael's from now on very good children the Archangel will definitely guard and guide you Thank You uncle for the wonderful story of the Archangels okay bye children Lions go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 4,517
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: god, bible story for children, bible stories, kids, religious cartoons, jesus, bible stories for kids, bible stories animated, bible stories for toddlers, bible stories for children, catholic kids, stories of saints, catholic kids videos, story of saints for kids, stories of saints for kids, kids shows, saints for kids catholic, bible stories animation, michael the archangel, archangel michael, bible stories free, free bible stories, christian cartoons, saint michael
Id: 7_9_bvFHsXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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