Bible Stories for Kids! Solomon (Episode 18)

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good morning children my father so did you like the story of King David I told you yesterday yes matyoo yes Father can you tell me the name of David's son who became the king of Israel after he died hmm was it Solomon that's correct Matthew and today I'm going to tell you the story of the wisest king of Israel King Solomon Solomon was the second son born to King David's favorite wife Bathsheba the Bible depicts Solomon as the wisest king of Israel to Sam's the book of Proverbs qohelet Song of Songs and wisdom are attributed to him even Jesus refers to Solomon's wisdom those Solomon was a wise man idol worship luxury and pride cost his downfall at the time of his death he could not find any meaning in his life Solomon is a negative model an example of worldly wisdom and unaccountable authority that led to his despair and destruction Wow please tell us a story father hahaha yes Lucy I was just about to begin with the help of his mother Bathsheba Solomon secured the throne of his father David David died soon after and once he became the king he eliminated all his enemies one by one Solomon build a huge and powerful army comprising of thousands of chariots and horsemen he also had a mighty fleet of hundreds of ships and one night when he was sleeping God spoke to him Sullivan huh who was that God you have falled favor with me you may ask whatever you want Lord God grand me a listening heart please give me wisdom to rule your people according to your law I am well pleased with your request you did not ask for power or prestige I will make you the wisest man in the world if you live according to my commandments your throne will last forever I will make you rich and powerful thank you God thank you god blessed Solomon with his wishes and he became quite famous for his knowledge and wisdom across all nations people came from far-off places seeking his help one day two women came to his palace carrying a child how can I help you lord please help us not this woman stole my child the Giant she's carrying his mind please help me my lord no my lord she's lying this child is mine my lord we gave birth on the same day next to each other but she gave birth to a dead born and and when she saw that her child was dead she took my son and placed a dead child by my side please my lord please let me have my son back you she's lying my lord she is a liar this is my son it was she who gave birth to a dead child it is sure that one of you is lying I'm going to find out who that is God a sward huh Your Majesty take that child from that woman and cut the baby into two pieces let these woman have each Huff's No here take him I'm happy even if it's just a half I won't give her my baby No they stopped no my lord please don't kill my child I can't watch my son kills let my son live with her please don't kill him please ask the guard to stop ha now who's the true mother of his child she is his true mother a mother would always value a child's life more than her own God give the child wha and who they are the woman in prison no please I'm sorry thank you my lord thank you so much like this many people came to Solomon seeking justice and wisdom Solomon was known as the wisest man in the Middle East he composed thousands of songs and proverbs he also began the construction of a grand temple excellent craftsmen from the country supervised the construction he also encouraged writers and they began to write the history of Israel and a magnificent temple was built in seven years he founded the schools for politics and law scholars from various lands lived at his court he encouraged discussions among the scholars of law he also encouraged various signs such as botany zoology and astronomy people from distant lands came to meet him one day the Queen of Sheba daughter of the Pharaoh came to visit him my lord I thought people may exaggerating when they spoke about you but but but what princess but they didn't tell me even 1/10 you you are so full of knowledge and wisdom Thank You princess after a few days Solomon married the Gentile princess she was not a Israelite but Solomon wanted to sign treaties of peace with neighboring kings and he accepted Pharaoh's daughter in return but the Gentile Prince's brought their idols and priests along with her to Jerusalem Solomon built temples and shrines for the gods of his wives the princes and others started worshipping the idols they brought from their lands thus idol worship started again in Jerusalem Solomon will he also started building huge palaces for his wife's to live he composed thousand who slowly stopped caring about welfare honesty began and started building temples and fortresses for his wife craftsmen from the country supervise the construction but in order to meet the expenses for building all temples and palaces Solomon started levying heavy taxes on the people no please stop huh get away you fool but what are you doing how am I going to blow my land without my oxen please don't take him I beg you move aside you fool ah you should have thought that before defaulting your taxes please don't take him hah and if you don't pay the rest of you taxes then you won't have to worry about plowing the land at all what happened to our King he has big ups oh cool lord please help us hmm hundreds of thousands of people were forced into slavery for construction of temples even in sir lights were made slaves along with foreigners pull-pull you idiot ah I don't know what to do our lives have become so miserable hmm God made us free but our King our King made us slaves again yes he has become so cool huh they struggle all day and night for what for our King and his wives to enjoy harsh lower your voice you'll lose your head if the supervisor hears you who cares I'm fed up with my life anything one day a man of God prophet our hijjah received a message for Solomon from God he came to the palace to deliver the message who are you I am prophet ajita I received a message from God and I'm here to deliver it what have you done my king you have defiled the throne of David what how dare you come down this is the voice that proclaims the Word of God you filled my holy city with idols but but didn't I build a beautiful temple for God and and what's wrong in building a few temples for my wives to worship you you enslaved the people i freed you denied them justice I detest your empire on account of my servant David I will not strike you down but after your death your kingdom will be destroyed hmm Your Majesty I have delivered the message that God wanted me to let me take your leave hmm who cares what happens after my death I live only once and I'm going to enjoy this till the end Solomon for God God's commandments and he punished everyone who acted against his will your majesty yes do you remember Haddad the king of edom yes my father killed him what is it now my lord his son has come back from Egypt and he's steering the people against you and you have done nothing about it how dare he get him and hang him let him suffer the faith of his father but my lord you heard what I said kill him that's my order like that Solomon executed everyone who dared to oppose him but one supervisor of Solomon was very kind to the slaves ah when are we going to get some rest we've been working for days without sleep God please help us you lazy fools how dare you take rest stand up stand up or I'll stop I will take care of this you can go now master yes sorry don't worry sit down here have some water ah thank you I know you are tired but but you have to finish this by today evening you know what the King's orders are he will punish you even more if he don't complete this today you are so kind to us master I wish the king to was like you don't worry my friend you will get your freedom soon here have some water and let's begin as soon as you are ready Jeroboam Solomon supervisor was a kind man and he treated the slaves family one day God sent prophet Raja to Jeroboam Jeroboam Jeroboam stop Oh who are you huh Jeroboam I am prophet ajita it is God who sent me to meet you God but why he wanted me to deliver his message to you Oh but tell me this first you have seen the condition of Israelites here what would you have done if you were to become the king we are king yes what would you have done hmm I would the first thing I would do is to free all the slaves ah that's great you are such a wise man and never forget what you just said what are you saying I I don't understand Jeroboam here is the God's message to you this is Israel I will tear this up and give ten tribes to you for the sake of my servant David I will give Judah to his descendants what could this be true thank you God thank you when Solomon came to know that Jeroboam was being kind to his slaves he really got angry your majesty bring Jeroboam immediately how dare he provoke revolt among these slaves but my lord it seems that he was told to do so by a prophet what a prophet yes my lord prophet Ahuja is with him anyone who dared oppose me must die anyone who raises a finger against me will die my lord if you do so then there won't be many alive what what do you mean yes my lord people are dissatisfied even the soldiers have started revolting against us hah I don't care about that every opposition must be crushed I'm not going to tolerate any rebellion against me get Jeroboam immediately I'm going to hang him for this I'm sorry Jeroboam but you have to leave now but but the King has sent his soldiers for you if they find you then they will not hesitate to kill you but I was just being kind to the slaves what's wrong with that our king is doomed he will not understand this you must escape now and you must return to Jerusalem only after his death yes prophet are the Jew as you see fearing the king jeroboam flee to Egypt he stayed there for many years and waited for Solomon to die as years passed opposition increased and Solomon adopted severe measures to suppress the rebellion hmm is it true that the Empire is about to collapse if that's the case then what have I gained what good was my rule forget the Empire what did I earn with my life palaces fees the housings of beautiful woman I got everything I wanted but still nothing matters in the end there is no difference between me and a slave we both will die in the end how fast do we pass through this life hmm I was able to stop all my enemies but who can stop death vanity of vanities all this vanity a life that ends in debt has no meaning oh my god what if I have to give an account of my life after death the pleasures of this life will pass away like a flash I thought I was wise but in reality I was an archer fool I forgot the Lord and who will forgive me now Solomon died at the age of 70 he ruled Israel for 40 years his son succeeded him but he was more cruel and more oppressive and he did not possess the wisdom of his father all the tribes revolted against him except Judah when Jeroboam returned from Egypt people accepted him as their king thus Solomon's Empire was split into two Israel in the north and Judah in the south Wow did you all like the story hmm that's good now let me ask you a few questions from the story shall I all right now who can tell me how Solomon became the King Solomon was the son of King David's favorite wife Bathsheba King David had promised Bathsheba that her son will rule the kingdom after him so when he died Solomon became the king very good Lucy what was the blessing that Solomon received from God God the Solomon with wisdom and he became the wisest man in the world hmm that's correct and who did he marry he married princess she bought the daughter of Pharaoh of Egypt that's correct now tell me why people got discontent with Solomon's rule me me yes Lucy Solomon started building huge temples for idol worship and large palaces for his wives to live for meeting the expenses he started living heavy taxes on the people this made people unhappy and was there any other reason yes Father he also enslaved many people including Israelites these leaves worked at the construction sites without rest for building the palaces this further angered the people name the prophet who delivered God's message to Solomon it was prophet ajita very good Matthew and what was the name of Solomon supervisor who was kind to his slaves does terrible correct again now that's all for today we'll meet again tomorrow for our next story and your story are you going to tell us tomorrow hmm tomorrow I will tell you the story of prophet Elijah prophet Elijah who was that when Israel became corrupt with the authority God sent prophets as speakers on his behalf Elijah the hero of our next story is the first such prophet Wow we are so eager to hear his story haha I'm sure you are it's time for us to leave we'll meet again tomorrow goodbye
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 609,273
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Keywords: cartoon, jesus, religious cartoons, goliath, israel, tv show, Judaism, bible, christianity, free, youtube kids app, noah, mary, full episode, god, bible story for children, church, joseph, david, ark, bible stories, jesus christ, cartoons, ruth, religion, kids, solomon, animated, bible story, animation, story, bible stories for kids
Id: jI6SDKgEUhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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