Book Of Mark I New Testament Stories I Animated Children´s Bible Stories | Holy Tales Bible Stories

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Hello children meet Gumbo, Freckles and Tubby They are three happy book worms who live in this library with me They are happy because they are good If you are good and trust in God Then you will be Happy all the time Come on children gather around it’s story time Hey! Story time, Hi Holy we just love your stories From the Bible, I know you do But you have answer the questions at the end Deal, yes deal, good then let me start There was once a man called John Who had given up his life to serve god He din't leave in a house anymore. He lived in a dessert And wear camel skin His life was simple. He would eat honey, berries and insects People will come from often near and far for him preach He would say very simple things He told his followers to be sorry for Their wrong doings and asked for Forgiveness for their sins People would often tell him about there sins And ask for forgiveness and in turn He would bless them and pour water on There heads from the river Jordan After this there sins thought to be washed away John new that one day A greatman would come And purify his followers not with water but Holy spirit itself He would be really really great man One day Jesus came to where John lived To be purified. The moment the John saw Jesus He knew at once that the great man had finaly come He said you should purify me not the other way round Jesus replied let it be this way for now God wanted it. John poured water from the River Jordan on Jesus and the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove and said This my son and I am very Happy with you Cool I love the story Holy, Glad you did Now for the question which rivers water Did John used to pour on his followers Gordon no no gumbo it was Jordan Yes Tubby you are right But Gumbo you were close So don't worry now off you go kids Be good, Bye! Bye! Always. Hello Kids isn't it the nice day I am really sad Holy. Tubby ate my chocolate I din't eat it, I just took a small bite Now now don't fight kids. We should all learn to share Don't you want to hear story from the Bible yes we do All right Kids, Today's story is about Jesus and satan Jesus went to a desert to get ready for future tasks He fasted for forty days. He didn't eat or drink anything By the end of the forty days Jesus was tired And hungry. Satan who was the enemy of the God Thought of tempting Jesus he came next to him And challenged him. if your really of a son of God as you said Then why don’t you turn this towns into bread Jesus replied the Holy scripture say We cannot leave in bread alone. We also need The nourishments of God's words Satan took Jesus to a high mountain From where he can see all the kindom of the world And said "If you pray to me then all that you See from here will be yours Jesus said the Holy scripture say We must only pray to our god And nobody else Sadan then took the Jesus to Jerusalem and made him stand On the edge of the temple and asked Why don't you throw yourself from this edge and like The scripture says God's angels would come To save you. The Jesus said but the Scriptures also say not to put God to test Satan understood no matter what he said Nothing could tempt Jesus upset and embarassed Satan left God Then sent his angels to feed and Take care of Jesus I Hope you like the story I will ask the question now Who tries to tempt Jesus? I can answer this, Satan tries to tempt Jesus Very good Freckles now Gumbo and Tubby I hope you won't fight anymore No we won't Holy Hello children I have been waiting for you all to come I have already thought about the story to tell you today Hey another Bible story, So what is the story about The story is about four fishermen and Jesus But the children have to answer one question Which I will ask you at the end of the story Yes and we will of course answer your question, Great Then let us start with the story Well today's story is about The four special fishermen Long time ago Jesus needed his friends to help him to spread God's message As he walk down by the Sea of Galilee. He saw two fishermen put their nets in the water To catch fish they were brothers and the names was Simon and Andrew Jesus called out to them and they came to the shore Jesus said pay me and I or making special fishermen of people The two men left their nets at once and joined him They had understood that Jesus was the promised Savior As he went along. Jesus came across another two brothers James and John they were sitting in a fishing boat they were repairing their fishing nets With help from their father Zebedee. When Jesus called out They left their nets and their father and joined Jesus They too knew that Jesus was sent by God Jesus chose these people because they were loyal to God and not because they were Talented or gifted. He gave them new names later Simon was named Peter which meant Rock John and James were called sons of thunder Because they were fiery young men in place of catching fish These people would get many others to join the Kingdom of God They stayed close to Jesus learn from him and helped him as he went around the world Teaching and healing people. Oh I would drop everything and follow Jesus too Wow that was a wonderful story Thank You Holy. Oh you are most welcome children Now my question for today is What was the name of the lake along which Jesus walked? I know this answer I will tell go on was it lake Galilee. Ofcourse it was Lake Galilee yes very Good Gumbo Surprise! Surprise! I am awake today. Hey Holy we see that So what are you up today. Oh! just a great story from the Bible And am going to share it with you. Great do tell us. Alright! This is about Simon Peter's house the town of Copurnium was very important It had a lot of Roman Soldiers and a post office. Many people would Pass through this town and then stop for business. Jesus came here too To continue his work of spreading God's message. He would often go To the local place of worship to preach. Many people would come there To listen to him. They where exited by his words of wisdom. Soon Jesus became well known in the whole of the country side. In the same town a man called Simon Peter lived in a small house With his wife and mother in law. Jesus would often visit them. One day when Jesus reached the house. He saw Simons mother in law Lieing in bed with high fever. Jesus went over to the bed and Asked the fever to go away. The fever went away and Simons mother in law Went back into the kitchen to make food. Like she never had a fever. Soon words spread About How Jesus healed Simon's mother in law By sunset a crowd of people had come to Jesus and wanted to be healed. Jesus didn’t send them away. He Healed all of them by laying his hands on them. The Next day Jesus left simons house and went to another place Where he could preach about the kingdom of God. The People followed him and tried to make him stay. But Jesus said I must go to other places too, To spread the word of God. And he left. Aah.. That is such a sweet story Holy thanks for sharing it With us. It’s my pleasure dear. Now for the Question Who's High Fever did Jesus heal? Simons mother in law was healed by Jesus. Now that is a Good Girl, Well done Freckels. Today the story I'm going to tell you there's about the paralyzed man who walks A long time ago four men came to the house when Jesus was teaching his followers They were carrying their friend on a stretcher. The man was paralyzed and could not walk or move his body. The friends believed that Jesus could heal him But the house was full of people and they didn't know how to get close to Jesus So they took their friend to the roof of the house and removed a few tiles They then lowered the stretcher till it rested on the floor right in front of Jesus Jesus was very happy with their faith in him He told the paralyzed man your sins are forgiven my friend Some people in the crowd got angry and said Only God can forgive our sins Jesus said Tell me which is easier to tell this man his sins are forgiven or to ask him to walk I am the son of God and I can forgive his sins I will ask him to get up now when Jesus said this The paralyzed man got up and walked away Everybody was surprised they all praised God and said We have never seen anything like this before Now children was'nt that a wonderful story It was indeed but I will ask a question now Who did the four friends think could heal their paralyzed friend? Oh I know this it is simple they thought that Jesus could heal it. That is right Tubby you paid attention. The whole point is if you have faith then miracles can happen Today I will tell you another Story About Jesus and How he tought his people the word of God Wow! that sounds great come on Holy lets don’t waste anymore time A long time ago many People have gathered around Jesus To hear his words of wisdom. Jesus told the crowd a story about A farmer. Once upon a time there was a farmer who walked Up and down the field while scattering seeds all around The seed fell at different places some fell on the path And birds came and ate them up. Some fell on the rocks Where plants grew for a very short time and then died in the heat of the sun Some seed Fell in the thrones which grew faster than the plants Thus chocking them. but some fell on rich and good soil Where they grew well giving the farmer a good crop After telling the story to the crowd jesus explained God's words are like the seeds people often hear what god says But the devil horns their heart so words are not able To enter their hearts. He compared the shallow hearts of many men To the rocky grounds which hears God's words with joy but doesn’t Remember them for long. He also said there are some people Who hear the words but are much more interested in Worldly things around them and they slowly over time Forget the word of God. but there are some people who believed in God Words. These people grow like seeds on fertile soil giving a Strong and good harvest of faith goodness and lots of love In their hearts. So now let see weather you have been listening Who wants to answer my question today? I will, I will, I will... Alright! Alright! no problem you can all answer my question Where all did the seeds fall when the farmer scattered them on the ground? Some fell on the path. Some fell on the rock, Some fell on the throns And some fell on the rich and fertile soil. Excellent holy you are absolutely correct Hahaha well well thankyou Gumbo. So would you children like to hear an interesting story from the Bible That's What we are here for We can't wait. Okay I won't keep you waiting anymore I will tell you a story but do you know What you have to do after that Yes answer the question you ask us Very good Now this story is about the woman who got healed Wherever Jesus went there was always a crowd of people around him Some people wanted to be healed by him while others asked him to heal their loved ones One day there was a woman in the crowd who have been ill for many years And was in a lot of pain she had given a lot of money to doctors But they couldn't help her at all She believed in Jesus and his wonderful healing powers She wanted to meet him as soon as possible She thought if I can just touch his cloak I know I will be healed At last she met Jesus she was able to touch a part of Jesus's cloak She knew at once that she had been healed Suddenly Jesus stopped I asked who touched my cloak The follower said there are so many people around you but Jesus kept looking in the crowd Finally the woman who had been healed came out She fell at his feet very scared She told him that she had touched his cloak Jesus said kindly My child it is not my cloak but your faith in me that has healed you Go in peace and be free of your illness Awesome now now here comes the question Which part of Jesus is clothing did the woman's touch and feel she was healed? I know I know she touched Jesus's cloak is'nt that right Holy Yes it is absolutely right Freckles well done. Let's start with todays story but promise me That you will listen to this story very carefully and not be naughty We promise. A long time ago there lived a man called Jairis He was the minister in the house of God. He had a daughter Who was really very ill. She was only 12 years old And Jeris was scared that his one and only daughter would die. So one day feeling very helpless he decided to go to Jesus For help. When Jeris went to Jesus. Jesus was teaching his deciples And his followers. Jeris went up to him and said Master, My daughter is very ill you must help her or She will die. Jesus agreed and told Jeris to immedietly take Him to his house. While they where on their way some Friends of Jeris stopped them, to give them the bad news. They said your daughter has died now Jesus does not need To take the trouble to go till your house. But Jesus did not turn back. Jesus asked him not to worry and have faith in God. When they reached the house people where already crying Jesus looked at the girl and said to the crowd there was no need to cry And that she was just asleep. They did not belive him. Then Jesus Held the girls hand and said softly, Child it is time to wake up. The sprit returned to the lifeless body of the girl and Immedietly opened her eyes. Her family gave her food to eat And Jeris thanked Jesus. Jesus asked Jeris and his wife Not to tell anyone about what have taken place. But How did Jesus do that. Silly have you forgoten that Jesus is the son of God. Oh! yes right I forgot. So the question for today is What was the name of the man who's Daughter was very ill? Jairus very good Freckels. Now off you go children be good and happy I have a surprise for you all gather around Hi Holy do tell us what surprise is please It is an another interesting story from the Bible Would you like to listen to it yes of course we do Holy Only great but you have to listen closely because I will ask a question at the end of the story We will we will all right then kids. Long ago Jesus left the desert where he had fasted for 40 days Resisting saving and went to Galilee There he told the people all about God and How they should live their lives in a way That God would be happy One day he went to Nazareth the town where he had grown up and worked as a carpenter The day he went was a Sabbath The Holy day of the week he went to the place where the Jews prayed During the service Jesus stood up to speak and he was given the writings of prophet Isaiah He opened it and read a part which spoke about the coming of a savior Also known as the Messiah then Jesus said These words have come true today. God has sent me to share the good news Jesus spoke very well and everyone heard him with total attention They were really surprised by the things Jesus said Then they started to whisper to each other some of them said He's a carpenter's son Who is he? How can he say such things? The crowd was not Happy at all They got hold of Jesus and behave badly with him But Jesus managed to slip away he never went back to Nazareth again Why did they mean to Jesus? because they didn't understand him But we must forgive them people do strange things when they are afraid Now for the question What did Jesus work as in Nazareth? Oh I think I can answer this Jesus worked as the carpenter in Nazareth Hey his father was a carpenter too Someone was very attentive. Todays story about How Jesus feeds the crowds And like always at the end of the story I will be asking you one question John was the preist of the ancient Jewish temple Who had backtised the Jesus when he was young boy Few years have passed Since then and jesus grown upto to a man And he heard that john was killed so Jesus was sad And went to the seculed place in a boat His followers follwed him on foot Around the sea of Galole When Jesus came a shore from the sea of Galole He saw large crowd waiting for him The crowd was waiting for him for a long time And they were hungry, but all that Jesus and Deciples had Was five loaf's of bread and two fish That was not enough to feed the large crowd Jesus deciple said let we send this people back Since we do not have enough food for them Jesus did not want this people to go He had to do something for this people So asked his deciples cut the loaf's of bread and fish we already have The deciples did What Jesus told then to do Jesus blessed the food and every one ate their fill and They went back with 12 baskets of left overs Was'nt that a wonderful story About how jesus fed the huge crowd With only five loafs of bread and two fish Did you all like the story, Oh yes we surely did So What is the question for today? How many loaf and fish did Jesus and his deciples had? Is'nt this the question , No todays question is Why did the Deciples want to send the peoples away? Only because they did had enough food to feed the crowd And they were hungry, Exellent! Let me tell you another story of Jesus Yes, yes, we are here come on let's start Okay! One fine day Jesus went to the mountains to pray to God He went alone and did not take his disciples along with him. His disciples set sail on a boat and by evening The boat was far away from Land. Suddenly there came a huge storm. Jesus's disciples tried really hard To save against the high waves and the strong winds. The sea kept raging and after a while his disiples were very tired And could not row any longer. They were beginning to despair When it dawn, Jesus came to them walking on sea At first the disciples were really afraid Seeing a man walking on the sea. They thought it was a ghost But then Jesus called out to them and said Don't be afraid it is me who's walking on the water His disciples rejoiced at the sight. Peter one of Jesus's disciples Said, "I want to walk on the water too" Jesus called Peter to him And he started walking on the water. Peter felt the wind against him And began to sink he cried for help And Jesus caught him by his hand. Jesus was disappointed to see That Peter had such little faith in God. By then the storm had stopped And the wind stopped blowing. Jesus walking on the sea Proved to his disciples once again the fact that Jesus was truly the Son of God. Wow! Jesus walked on water, How cool is that Now it's time for a question, Today the question is for Gumbo So Gumbo tell me What did the disciples think when Jesus came walking on the sea? They thought he was a Ghost, you are absolutely Correct. Oh Hello dear children God bless you are you unwell Holy I hope you get well soon I'm sure you will feel better after you tell us a story That is sweet Gumbo ofcourse I will tell you all a story Awesome alright kids Today's story is about a blind man who sees again The stories of Jesus healing people were spreading far and wide One day Jesus and his followers came to the town of Bethesda When he was there some people brought a blind man to him They told Jesus please put your hand on him and heal him Jesus held the man's hand and took him away from all the people Then Jesus slowly closed his eyes massaged them and then laid his hands on them When he was done he asked the blind man can you see anything now The man was very happy he said yes I can see trees with you walking around So there must be people. Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes again And he was completely healed The man was really really Happy he said joyfully I can see now I can see everything Jesus told him go back home now my child And do not tell anyone about this The man went back home happily grateful that he had got his sight back You know kids I actually feel so much better after telling you kids the story I am glad you feel better I told you so yes you did Gumbo Thank you so the question for you three is Who did the people of Bethesda bring to Jesus to heal? I will answer this they brought to Jesus a blind man to be healed Right Right to our Tubby very good I have already thought about the story that I'm going to tell you today but Like always you have to answer one question at the end Sure we will long long ago Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee and reach the coast of Caesarea Philippi There he told a lot of people about the Word of God and also warned them against Pharisees and Sadducees The Pharisees and the Sadducees would often try to destroy people's faith in Jesus Jesus once raised a question among his followers he asked who do people think I am After thinking for a while they said some people think that you're one of the many prophets Some think you're John the Baptist. Some also think you're Elijah or Jeremiah Hearing these answers from his followers Jesus turned to Simon Peter and asked him Who do you think I am Simon Peter immediately answered You are Christ the Son of God the Messiah Jesus was extremely pleased That Simon Peter believed in him So Jesus blessed him saying That from that day onwards he would be called Peter which meant rock The next day Jesus told his followers not to tell anyone that he was the promised Messiah He said that he would go to Jerusalem and suffer a lot And later he would die. But then again on the third day after his death He would rise to life again hearing this Peter was really worried He took Jesus to one side and said to him Lord you must not do that. Jesus understood the worry and surprise in Peter's voice He explained to him that peter must not try and stop him from fulfilling his mission Only in his death would he do what he wants to achieve Wow Peter realy loved Jesus didn't he yes he did I hope you all liked the story ofcourse we did Now ask us todays question In How many days did Jesus say that he would back from death? In Three days. Yes great you are good children. Let us start with today's story. Yeah it's story time But Holy What is today's story about. Today's story is about How much Jesus Loved children. But promise me you will all listen to the story carefully and Answer my question at the end. Yes Yes we will What about you Tubby me too story Time. A long time ago when the people of Jerusalem heard that Jesus was in town They went looking for him. They brought that children with them because they Really wanted Jesus to bless them. The people found Jesus sitting under a tree With his disciples. Everyone with babies and little children tried very hard to Get close to Jesus to seek His blessings. Jesus's disciples realized what was Happening. The disciples Who did not want Jesus to be disturbed by the children Shooed these people and the children away. They stopped the children from touching Jesus. Soon Jesus realized What was happening around him and was not happy at all. With his disciples he called all of his disciples and said, "Let the Children come he told his disciples that they should not stop these children from Coming to him because he said, The kingdom of God belongs to the children The disciples realized What they had done. They allowed the children to come To Jesus. Jesus then held the little babies in his arms and the other Children touch him he blessed all of them. Everybody was Happy. Now let's see if you have been listening to my story carefully Who does God's kingdom belong to. It belongs to little children and babies very good I Am Happy that you have been following my stories. Now I will tell you the story. a long time ago a rich young man was looking for a way In which he could have eternal life So he went to Jesus hoping to find an answer to this question Jesus said that if he wanted to turn light he should follow All commandments and not break any of them The man said that he did follow all the commandments He did not steal, he did not take away someone else's wife or lied to anyone He respected his parents and did not kill or cheat others either He loved others as he loved himself the rich man wanted to know If there was anything else that he could possibly do Jesus said If you really want eternal life then spread all your money among the poor And join me in spreading the Kingdom of God The idea of giving up his richness did not make the young rich man very happy He was very upset that he could not do anything more to get the eternal life he so badly wanted Jesus then saw How difficult it was for the rich to enter God's kingdom Oh I love this story story the rich man was so selfish wasn't he Holy Well he loved his money more than you loved eternal life And that is why he could never enter the kingdom of God Now Kids I will ask a question What did the rich young man want from Jesus? He wanted more money no no silly he wanted to turn a eternal life Tubby is right well done. Okay now sit down. Today I will tell you an amazing story about Jesus and a blind beggar A long time ago there lived a blind beggar in the town of Jericho His name was Bartimaeus. One day Jesus and his followers were visiting the town As they were leaving they were crossing the road on which Bartimaeus was begging Since there was a lot of noise being made by all the people around Jesus Bartimaeus asked a Man About What was happening the man told him that Jesus and his followers were passing by Bartimaeus had heard a lot of good things about Jesus And the miracles he performed so he shouted out loud son of David Have pity on this poor blind beggar. He went on shouting again and again Till Jesus heard him. people tried to keep him quiet but Jesus told his followers To bring the beggar to him when bartimaeus was taken to Jesus Jesus asked him What do you want me to do? the beggar replied Have pity on me son of David let me get my eyesight back Hearing this Jesus said to him go your faith have saved you Bartimaeus got his eyesight back and was very happy and so from that very moment He became a devout follower of Jesus But Holy Why did the Bible call Jesus son of David? I thought his father was Joseph. The Jewish people expected the Messiah to be from the family of King David And for this reason the Messiah was often called the son of David. Oh Okay go ahead So for the question What was the name of the town where Bartimaeus lived? I know this one he lived in Jerico very good Freckles Thank you Holy. All of you gather round I will tell you. Do you know What you have to do at the end Yes Holy we have to answer a question correctly very good and if you do you Might get some cookies from me Today's story is about Jesus entering Jerusalem On the first day of the Passover week. Jesus and his followers came to Bethphage a on the Mount of Olives on the way to Jerusalem Jesus sent two of his followers before him He said go to the village in front of you I will follows him He also said she will find a young donkey there tied up with its mother I'm tired and bring it back with you. If anyone asks just say the master needs it And will send it back soon. The followers did everything that Jesus said He found the donkey and brought it to Jesus. They put their clothes on the donkey's back To make a comfortable seat for Jesus. No one had ever ridden the young donkey before But it happily allowed Jesus to sit on its back Jesus travelled into Jerusalem not on a royal horse used in a war but on a donkey Prophet zechariah had said long ago that the promised Savior was a king of peace Not war people ran from their houses to the streets to welcome Jesus They all showed their love to him. They spread their cloaks at his feet and shouted Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna Happily praising God So did you enjoy the story I loved it That's great now my question is On What animal did Jesus ride into the town of Jerusalem? A horse. Do think before you answer Gumbo dear We you know he rode a donkey yes that is right All of you deserve chocolates Can you please tell us another story of Jesus We are finding this stories so exciting I will only if you promise to listen carefully And answer a question at the end Yes we promise. Long ago Jesus was invited to the house of a man called Simon He lived in a town called Nain Simon was a Pharisee which meant he lives strictly following all of the Jewish laws Simon did not believe Jesus to be one of the prophets of God When Jesus took his place and sat at the table A woman walked inside the room she knelt down before Jesus and cried softly Her tears fell on Jesus's feet and she wiped it with her hair. She had with her a jar of expensive oil She covered his feet with kisses and spread the perfumed oil on his feet With her own two hands. Simon was surprised The woman had a bad reputation in town Simon thought to himself as to How Jesus could allow this Knowing What he was thinking Jesus told Simon the story Of two men who had borrowed money from a moneylender One man borrowed 100 silver coins and the other 50 Both of them could not pay back the money lender The money lender was a good man and so he cancelled their debts At the end of the story Jesus asked Simon tell me which man out of the two Would be the most grateful Simon replied Obviously the one who had borrowed more money. Jesus then explained to Simon When I entered the house you did not give me a Kiss of friendship Neither did you wash my feet nor did you annoy me with oil This sinful woman on the other hand showed me so much of love Jesus then turned to the woman and told her that all of her sins had been forgiven Jesus was such a clever and wise man he knew what Simon was thinking Ofcourse he was Silly he was a Son of God He knew everything. So Holy what is the question for today What was the name of the town where Simon lived? The name of the town was main, well close it was Nain Todays story is about The Garden Of Gethsemane A long time ago Jesus has held supper for all of his followers And this supper Jesus had personally washed the feet all his followers After the supper Jesus left with the followers To go to quiet and peacefull garden on the mountain of Olives He wanted to spend his time with his heavenly Father So he went inside the garden with Peter, James and John Leaving the others to wait outside from them, As he entered, he told his three followers to keep a watch As he prayed inside, he was very upset and stressed He knew that something very bad was waiting for him He knew that already been betraded by his own followers Who loved very much. He prayed to god to take away his pain As he stepped outside after prayers he saw That John, Peter and James were all fallen asleep He woked them up and said to them Could you three not stay away just for a little while All three of them were very ashamed of themelves They apolojized to Jesus, but they kept following asleep again and again Jesus said the third time wakeup James, John and Peter My time has come, I shall be betrayed soon My betraier is on his way, His own follower will betray him OMG i feel bad for Jesus Oh don't be sad, did you like the story Yes that I did Holy, good now listen to my question Where was the The Garden Of Gethsemane located? On the mountain, mountain of leaves, looks like non of you paid close attention. It was Mount of Olives, Your like three followers of Jesus. You don't listen to me, sorry Holy we will next time. I am sure you will, So What you want to do this lovely day Listen to a story from the Bible. Do tell us one that sounds perfect I will tell you what but you have to listen to me carefully. Yes we will Holy. Alright then Today's story is about Judas the Feast of the Passover was coming close Jesus and his followers traveled to Jerusalem and stopped at the village of Bethany They stayed in the house of their friends Martha and Mary And their brother Lazarus. Jesus had before given Lazarus back his life That evening they sat down to have dinner served by Martha During the meal Mary came in with a jar of expensive perfumed oil She bent down in front of Jesus and poured the oil on his feet She then wiped the oil away with her hair the air was filled with the smell of the oil Judas Iscariot the follower who looked after the fund of money said What a waste, the oil should have been sold and the money should have been given to the poor Judas did not say this because he cared for the poor But because he himself often stole money from the fund Jesus said leave her alone when she washed my feet she was preparing me for my peril There will always be poor people but I will not always be with you Judas was angry that Jesus Scolded him and left the house He wanted to betray Jesus so he went to the priests They were happy and promised to give Judas money to get Jesus arrested Judas agreed and started looking for a chance to betray Jesus Oh God what is going to happen now Holy. Don't be scared Freckles all will be good Now my question kids What did Mary pour on Jesus's feet? Oil Oh wait perfumed oil So today's story is a sad one, it's a story about How Jesus was Betrayed Jesus had 12 disciples, one of these disciples was called Judas. Judas had betrayed Jesus to the high priests One day after Jesus had finished praying he and his disciples went into a garden. Now Judas who betrayed him knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. So Judas came to the garden guiding some soldiers And some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees They were carrying torches,lanterns and weapons. Judas went up to the crowd and told them that the man he greets with the kiss Would be Jesus. Judas quickly walked up to Jesus and greeted him with a kiss Immediately the crowd knew who Jesus was In spite of Judas betraying him. Jesus spoke to him with a lot of patience. In a calm voice he said, Judas do What you have come to do. Jesus then looked at the crowd and told them that he was not a bad person Who should be arrested with swords and clubs. That they should not harm his disciples. He also told his disciples not to fight back. The crowd did not have to do anything. Jesus went with them as they led the way. Wow! Yes now Who will answer today's question May I please ,Ofcourse so tell me How did the crowd know who Jesus was? Ah, The crowd knew who Jesus was when judos greeted a man with a kiss. I am I right, Excellent. Alright today I shall tell you a story about Peter breaking his promise To his beloved Jesus. Oh God peter breaks his promise to Jesus why How Wait wait have patience Long ago Judas plotted against Jesus and got him arrested For stealing from the temples Treasury. Judas came with armed men To arrest Jesus from the garden in a place called Gethsemane Jesus was there with three of his favorite disciples John Peter and James horrified to see Jesus getting arrested Peter took out his sword and cut off the ear of one of the armed men Seeing this Jesus told him Peter you must not do that Those who live by the sword often die by it Jesus was taken to the high priest as a prisoner Peter was outside when a woman saw him and asked Aren't you one of the disciples of the man they took inside Peter replied no And move nearer to the guard standing near the gate One of the guards seeing him said I'm sure I saw you with the Prophet You were with him weren't you Peter said no again The third time another guard said that he had seen Peter with Jesus Peter became very angry and replied furiously No I was not with him I don't know what you're talking about As soon as Peter completed his sentence a cock crowed loudly Peter then remembered Jesus's prediction He had said that Peter would deny him three times before a cock crowed Peter had promised to him that he would never do that The fact that he had broken his promise to the Lord made him very sad and unhappy He ran out and wept How could peter do that I hope you have been listening very carefully Gumbo if you answer this question correctly I will sing along with you okay Here is a question How many times did Peter deny knowing Jesus? I know, I know Three times very good Gumbo. I have already thought of story which I going to tell you Today So shall we start Yes Yes, Freckles are very goodly dressed up for you And I am wearing a new hat, all of you are looking very nice So today's story is about How Jesus was arrested and then put to death Judas one of the Jesus deciples, had betrayed him Until Jesus was arrested and all the priests have been decided That Jesus should be put to death Pilot the Roman governor was to take a final decission He knew that Jesus was innocient and those times The custom was that the governor would release any prisonor At the Passover festival The prisoner would be chosen by the people Pilot wish people would choose Jesus to be released But the priest has already told the people not to take Jesus Name, sadly did as they were told, Jesus was made To wear a purple gown and crown of twisted thorns He was then locked, the people in the crowd made fun of him and said Hey you the king of the Jews, but not in a nice way Pilot was very antious, he did not want innocient man to put to death So he decided to try and change the crowds decision He went outside and once more addressed the crowd I have found no case against you, I cannot put him to death But the crowd did not care, they wanted Jesus to die Seeing helpless, Pilot tried once again If you want him dead, then do it youself The crowd shouted back, claiming that ceaser was the only king And Jesus was challenging their king By claiming that he was the king of Jews Pilot had no other option but to give him, so he handed Jesus over to the crowd Oh that was so sad Holy, I am realy upset, I know Freckles But that there was reason for his sufferings. Don't be sad, Now who will answer today's question Can I please ofcourse, Tell me who was the Only man from the people to be claimed their king? That is Ceaser Salad just Ceasar Gumbo, but anyway atleast you tried. Don't you want to hear today's story ofcourse we do Tubby was busy eating. So want to pull him out of the book So we got late my goodness, I ate too much now I can't move anymore Holy please start with today's story I can't wait any longer, Ok well todays story is about How Jesus was declared innocent, Long time ago Judea was ruled by a Roman ruler called Pantious Pilot Before Jesus was put up on the cross the priest and leaders Brought him to the palace of the ruler The priest and the leaders were accusing Jesus of making false claims Of being the King of the people, Jesus stood calmly In front of the pilot without speaking a word Here in the accucisions that the priest had against him Pauntious asked Jesus really thought of being the King of Jews Jesus said It is the people Who called me the king Then he said He came here only to do one thing Which was to bring the truth Hearning this Pilot turns to the priests and leaders of Jerusilm and said Jesus was innocent, the priests were angry On the Pilot decision, they went on insisting Jesus upstes people Where ever he goes from Galoli to Jerusilim Contious Pilot told the priests that they should take Jesus to Herad Herad was then incharge of Galoli and Jesus was Galolinian Herad sents him back to Pilot Pilot wife also dreamt about Jesus's innocence Pilot declares him Innocent once again Contious Pilot declared Jesus to be innocent three times He finaly washes his hands of the matter Yes Jesus was proved innocent Now they will not make him suffer anymore Well that's a story for another day Now answer my question, What did pilot tell the priest about Jesus? He declared that Jesus was innocent, now the Freckles has answered your question Can I sing a song, you are a very naughty book worm, You never listen to my stories carfully I have already thought about the story I'm going to tell you today But you do remember that you have To answer one question at the end Yes we do all right on the day of the Passover festival The common custom was that the governor would release any prisoner chosen by the people At that time Jesus was being held prisoner Judas had betrayed him for his own greed Pilate the then Roman governor was extremely fond of Jesus and was hoping that people Would ask for Jesus to be released but the priests had already told the people What to say they wanted to get rid of Jesus as soon as possible On the day of the festival the governor addressed the crowd gathered outside his palace He said on this day I'm willing to release any prisoner you want who will it be people replied We want Barabbas to be released Barabbas was another prisoner who had stolen many things and also committed many other crimes People chose him over Jesus as a priest had told them to do that Pilot knew How jealous the priests were of Jesus he did not want to put Jesus to death at all His wife had also dreamt about Jesus being innocent And had pleaded him to let go of Jesus finally Pilate asked the crowd again Do you want me to release him whom you call the king of Jews The crowd said that they wanted to put Jesus to death and save Barabbas The crowd was getting very impatient Pilate was afraid that riots Would start so he gave in to their demand Before he went back to his palace he called for a bowl filled with water He then washed his hand and said I have nothing to do with Jesus death Barabbas shall be released Oh No what will happen to Jesus now All in good time So who did the people want to release? Bara bara bara the Prisoner and not Jesus it's Barabbas Tubby Very good I am so smart Today's story is a really sad one why but you never tell us sad story I know but today's story is about Jesus's death And I know How much children love him Jesus can't I am quiet sure Jesus can't die holy Tell us a story. Well children Jesus was arrested The priests wanted him to die So they made the people go against him. The Roman governor Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent But he could not do anything to save Jesus So Jesus was taken to a place called Skull Hill also called Golgotha Outside Jerusalem where he would be crucified and put to death Two other thieves were also being put to death along with Jesus Jesus was put on a cross by the guards and then set up right on the ground Many of his followers and disciples had gathered to see him for the last time Among the people were Jesus's mother Mary And one of his closest disciples John. Before he died Jesus prayed to the Lord Father please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing Then he looked at John and said John Mary will be your mother He looked at Mary and said was her John will now be our son The priests were getting very impatient the guards they made sure that the two thieves were dead By the time they reached Jesus he was already dead They pierced him to check if he was dead or not John took Mary to his house and took care of her from that moment onwards Now Who will answer my question today Jesus can't die He is the son of God hang in there Freckles keep the faith Now answer my question What was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified? Skull Hill but it was also called Golgatha wasn't it Holy Yes both of you are correct Well there is hope in this one I hope you won't feel sad after listening to this story So Jesus was put to death on a cross place called Golgotha Which was outside Jerusalem after Jesus died on the cross One of the secret followers Joseph asked for permission from Pilate The Roman governor to bury Jesus's body. Joseph was a rich man Who had come from Arimathea So Joseph and his friend Nicodenus to Jesus' body to be buried Nicodenus was another secret disciple of Jesus like his friend Joseph They wrapped Jesus in a clean cloth and took him to a newly built tomb But was not very far away from Golgotha Nicodemus had brought a special mixture of myrrh and Palo They spread the mixture all over the body of Jesus and wrapped him in a clean linen According to Jewish customs. After everything was done Joseph and Nicodemus Closed the tomb with huge boulder Many people were waiting outside. Mary Magdalene was one of them The Jewish leaders knew that Jesus had made a promise that he would rise from death After three days. So they all went to Pilate and requested him to seal the tomb And guarded with soldiers all day and all night to make sure that none of Jesus's disciples to try to steal his body Pilot agreed the priests seal the tomb and it remained under the watchful eyes of the guards I knew Jesus couldn't die if he promised that he would rise from death and I'm sure he will We will wait and see Freckles now my question What was the name of the woman who was standing in front of the tomb When Jesus was being buried? It was Mary Magdalene correct. Tubby listen to the story carefully. It was a very sad time in Jerusalem Since Jesus had been crucified Darkness had fallen on the whole town. The people were very sad because they had lost their God It was on the third day since Jesus's death. That the Sun was finally rising. It was a Sunday morning Mary from Bethany and Mary Magdalene Two women who loved Jesus very much came to the tomb but Jesus was kept Suddenly there was an earthquake and an Angel appeared before them Rolling away the large stone covering the mouth of the tomb He sat by the open tomb while the inside of the tomb Was flashing like lightning. The guards of the tomb were afraid Very scared they fell down with fear. The angel knew That the women had come to that the women had come to see Jesus. So he said you would not find him in the tomb Jesus has left death behind just as he said he would The angel showed the women the place in the tomb where Jesus had lain The angel then sent a message to Jesus's disciples Through the women that Jesus would be found in Galilee Where they should go and meet him Happy at this miracle the women run back to tell the people this good news But how did Jesus come out of the tomb. Silly he is the son of God He can do anything yes so the question for today is What happened when the angel rolled away the stone from Jesus's tomb? There was an earthquake very good Tubby You're really paying attention today Let's start with today's story Gumbo listen to the story carefully So after Jesus was put to death on the cross His body was buried in a tomb not very far away from Golgotha Jesus had promised to his followers and disciples he would rise from death After three days. So the priests and the leaders wanted the tomb to be sealed properly And guarded by men so that there was no chance of Jesus's disciples Stealing his body Mary Magdalene and one of her friends were waiting to go and see Jesus's body He could only go after the Sabbath So early next morning the two women went to the tomb When they reached the tomb they saw that the heavy stone Boulder guarding the mouth of the tomb had already been removed They thought that perhaps someone else come to see Jesus But when they stepped inside they were shocked Jesus's body had disappeared. The tomb was empty Suddenly two angels appeared. Mary and her friend were terrified To see What was happening the Angels told them Not to be afraid they told the women that the Son of God Had already risen. Hearing this Mary and her friend went running to John and Peter They said you must come the Lord has resumed John and Peter did not believe them at first But they went to the tomb when they reached They saw that the body was not there And the linen they had wrapped Jesus in must folded neatly And kept on the side. So jesus has risen from death I am so happy. I love Jesus he is so cool yes freckles he is Now will you please answer my question Absalutely ask me I will answer all your questions today Well Who did Mary Magdalene and her friend go to after they saw that the tomb was empty? It was an peter and john Yes very good Freckles Alright Holy. I have already thought about the story That I'm going to tell you today It is about How Jesus let his disciples after they had risen from death Hey another story about Jesus. Okay So one day two of Jesus's disciples Were on their way home from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus Jesus had already risen from the dead As the men walked they were talking about the terrible things that had happened in the last few days Suddenly Jesus himself came up and started walking next to them But somehow the two men did not recognize him What are you discussing that makes you so sad Jesus asked them Haven't you heard they replied Jesus of Nazareth the way we believed was the promised Messiah Has been put to death. Jesus shook his head why don't you want to believe everything the Prophet told you Would happen. Didn't they say that the Messiah should suffer and then be glorified Then beginning with the story of Moses and the other prophets Jesus Explained to them all the passages in the scripture that referred to him When they reached Emmaus the two disciples invited Jesus to have supper with them When they sat down to eat Jesus took the bread Blessed it and gave it back to them. Suddenly at that moment the disciples recognized him Jesus had however disappeared by then Immediately the two men returned to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples The wonderful news. How could the did not recongnise Jesus bread I want bread Tubby you can go and eat only if you answer my question What is the question the question is Where will the two men going? Yes I know they were going to a mouse Close it was Emmaus I will tell you a nice story from the Bible That I just read hey we cannot wait do tell us all right The followers of Jesus once met in a room Where they had eaten their last supper with him The door was locked because they were scared that the Jewish leaders might find them Suddenly Jesus was there with them he said Peace be with you why are you scared I am Jesus the followers couldn't speak because it was so happy to see him Jesus told them that he would send them out to the world to do his work Just as God had sent him told them to hide until he sent the Holy Spirit to them One of the followers Thomas is not in the room at the time When the others told him about Jesus he didn't believe them He said I will not believe all this I have seen and touched him myself A few days later Jesus once again came to the room were followers were staying The door was locked this time to. This time Thomas was with them Jesus said to Thomas happy and blessed are those who cannot see me Yet believe in me. After Thomas had touched Jesus and had seen his hands Where the nails have been put in for the cross Thomas bowed down and cried Jesus said you believe because you can see me Happy and blessed are those who cannot see me yet believe in me Oh my God Holy How could his followers doubt Jesus I can't see him but I believe in him Tubby that is nice now I will ask a question Which follower doubted that Jesus had come to see them I think I know it was doubting Thomas Oh freckles you are so smart Did you doubt that doubted Tubby of course you are smart Freckles and not just a pretty face Thank You Holy Hi Kids I was eagerly waiting for you why is that Holy Because I want to tell you wonderful story Do you want to hear it oh yes yes we do Tell us please we sing nice songs together And we will share a hot dog I am not sharing Gumbo sharing is good Anyway Today's story is about the Ascension After his resurrection Jesus came to his followers for the last time On the Mount of Olives he said Oh the good news I will always be with you until left of time Then Jesus was lifted up cloud carried him away to heaven His followers came back to Jerusalem feeling very sad They never saw Jesus again they were all together in a room When a strong wind filled the room with the Holy Spirit And suddenly the followers started talking in languages from all around the world Visitors from many different countries heard them And were surprised as they now understood what these men From Galilee were trying to say They were deeply touched by Peters words and told them God brought back Jesus from the dead and all of us have seen that He is D'Cruz Lord and our Savior They asked what must we do Peter said you must change your Hearts and be baptized in the name of Jesus Then all your sins will be forgiven and you will get the Holy spirit That day three thousand people were baptized And they all gave their hearts and lives to Jesus and it was celebrated As the birth of a new church New people of God wow By the way Holy what do you mean by baptize Well baptism means the sprinkling of Holy water on one's head for purification And being reborn as a Christian I hope that answered your question So now for mine so How many people were baptized after the Ascension? Three hundread no Gumbo Three Thousand right Holy I though it was three hundread I hate numbers Tubby that’s correct Gumbo don't be scared of numbers Anyway now let's go get that hot dog.
Channel: The Holy Tales: Bible
Views: 1,564,790
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Keywords: Jesus Christ, Religion, new testament, bible stories, kids stories, edutainment, bible chapters, god, bible characters, morals, happykids, bible, bible for kids, The Bible, Holy tales, sunday school, Inspiring, faith, christian, bible cartoon, Parables Of Jesus, moral stories, stories for kids, Tales, The Bible (Religious Text), Gospel, kids edutainment, peter, christianity, children’s bible stories, animated bible stories, baby videos for kids, christian bible stories for kids, holytales
Id: aehJq9HpJuQ
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Length: 74min 52sec (4492 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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