Superbook - Gideon - Season 2 Episode 10 - Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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my mom and dad really should have been here by now i'm sure the find joy it's just a little rain mom hi honey dad and I are on our way the roads are dreadful tonight and we don't want to take any chances huh hello come on what's happening mom come on are you there joy we're all right we're okay a tree branch just came down on the hood of the car what you're okay honey I'm gonna need a tow getting met inception Jill I need your help Col Smith garage sec tow truck monroe LA where what corner mum sorry your call cannot be completed at this time they're stranded I don't know where take it easy joy take it easy they're counting on me Chris and I'm I'm just not good at being I don't know counted on for stuff like this I'm not good in these kinds of situations no I can't go anywhere right now what Karen seem to be rescued I am taking you to meet a man who was an unlikely choice for a great task yes get a reading on where we are it appears we have arrived in the land of offres sometime between 1400 and 1,000 bees see I also detect a small bag of silver oil heading it off Chris joy please you must not make a sound especially that sound but completely surprised to get a miss uh for these Midianites and why are you so afraid of them huh oh the Midianites have invaded our land they steal our herds to feed their enormous armies stay down Gideon Gideon oh it is my servant hoorah Gideon the Midianites have been going from house to house stealing the very bread off the tables have we met Matt I'm joy this is chris and gizmo brah go carefully to my family so they may eat perhaps our new friends will help me with the threshing yeah you bet uh what's freshing it is separating the good parts of the grain from the chaff seems like a lot of work for a sandwich no I will retrieve the week we have hidden near the terebinth tree guys do you think Superbook brought us here to meet Gideon yes if we are supposed to learn the history of wheat how Superbook did say we'd meet someone who was an unlikely choice for a job God wanted him to do yeah he's not really the hero type is he guys who is that talking to Gideon where did he come from the Lord is with you mighty man of valor sir if the Lord is with us then why has all this happened to us where are all his miracles our ancestors told us about didn't they say the Lord has brought us up out of Egypt but now the Lord is abandoned us and handed us over to the Midianites go with the strength you have and rescue Israel I am sending you oh my lord how can I save Israel my clan is the weakest in Manasseh and I am the youngest in my family I will be with you and you will destroy the Midianites as if you were fighting against one man if you are truly going to help me show me a sign to prove that it is really the Lord speaking to me do not go away until I come back and bring my offering to you I will stay here until you return children come take the meat and the unleavened bread and lay them on this rock and pour out the broth he's gone class o Lord God for I have seen the angel of the Lord face to face peace be with you do not fear you shall not die Oh okay where are we now we have just made a short jump forward in time but we appear to be in the same general geographical location as joy gizmo whatever happened to you where have you been pora so much has happened is gideon here hmm did he join the army to join the army huh he commands the army come see for yourselves Wow Wow Gideon's in charge of all this he certainly has come a long way come he'll be pleased to see you captain you have visitors hi Gideon oh my friends Wow looks like everyone in Israel is with you Gideon not everyone but we have many ah maybe but you do not have nearly as many as they do man you slap the Midianite army the Midianites have covered our land like locusts it'll take it on me twice the size of ours to drive them out and just this morning the Lord told me that I had too many men what that's impossible according to my infrared heat census mode Gideon's army currently stands at thirty-two thousand troops and Gideon just said pretty soon it won't even be that many it just seems so impossible men of Israel the Lord said you have too many warriors with you Gideon have you gone mad we need as many men as possible the larger numbers will serve as best in battle the Midianites have thousands more men not less listen to me the Lord went on to save all of us fight the Alliance of Midian I'm alike and all the others gathering with them the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength therefore tell the people who ever is timid or afraid they leave this mountain I go home are you sure this is the right thing to do get in does he know what he is doing 22 thousand men left today that means Gideon only has 10,000 men left there are still too many bring them down to the spring and I will test them to determine who will go with you and who will not why do you think Gideon's called all his troops to the stream it must be some sort of training exercise I bet it's a test of stamina maybe you'll have to race across the river and he'll keep the strongest for see who can hold their breath the longest underwater everyone must drink from the stream huh drink from the stream divide the men into two groups in one put all those who cup water in their hands and lap it up with their tongues like dogs in the other group put all those who kneel down and drink with their mouths in the stream I do not understand how Gideon is going to determine which men to get rid of based on this test 300 yes only 300 drank from their hands God has told me with these three hundred men I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites send all the others home watch only 300 it's totally impossible for getting than 300 men to beat the thousands and thousands of soldiers in that Midianite army not if I can construct a plasma ray with the reinforced gamma blaster from these big trees come on Chris you can hold my tape measures Gideon the odds are so much against you I must trust that God will show me the way though that is often hard for me it has always been my nature to be uncertain and to think something may not be possible rather than to believe it is yeah sometimes I'm the same way when God called me to drive the Midianites from our land I needed a lot of assurance and this is how I found it I don't understand you became certain you could lead an army because of a piece of wall I learned to trust in God because of it I said to God if you will save Israel by my hand as you have said look I will put out a fleece of wool on a threshing floor if there is due on the fleece only and it is dry on all the ground then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand and it happened when I came the next morning the ground was dry but the fleece was wet with Dew but I still had questions do not be angry with me but let me test I pray just once more with the fleece let it now be dry only on the fleece but on all the ground let there be do oh I've God did so that night the police was dry but there was due on the ground so I keep this as a reminder of God's promise that he will show me the way you hold on to it for a while it will keep you one now I must prepare 300 men as if they were 30,000 arise get up attack the Midianite camp I am going to let you defeat them but if you're still afraid you and your servant pora should sneak down to their camp when you hear what the Midianites are saying you will be brave enough to attack I had this dream and in my dream of loaf of barley bread came tumbling down into the Midianite camp it hit my tent turned it over and knocked it flat you're drinkin need only one thing God has given Gideon son of joash the Israelite victory over Midian and all its allies this can't be what are we going to do we must tell the commander if this dream is as you say we are doomed are you sure your interpretation is true eyes her eyes but the lord has delivered the Catholic media into your hand give a ram's horn take each man when we get to the enemy camp spread out and surround it then wait for me to blow a signal on my ram's horn as soon as you hear it blow your ram's horns and shout for the learn head for dinner what that is it porches and clay pots that is not the plan as a decorative motif what's going on is Kevin happening there's too many of them they're all around their opponents run lies Gideon I never would have thought in a million years this would have succeeded trust in God joy he will show you the way we're going home don't be a second after we left gizmo bring up a city map screen okay my parents were coming from an ferns house that move they would have had to take this Canyon Road so so there's only one section of that road where the trees are close enough to fall on their car did I need your mom rocket mode 3000 right Chris call Smitty's garage and tell them where we're headed an army he can use me to rescue my parents er hang on mom and dad his mom grappling hook oh joy dad come on honey however did you I mean I knew you could do it but I never suspected how yeah I guess I just found out people can do pretty amazing things when they're called to the challenge God is with you after the battle the Israelites said Gideon we want you to be our King then your son and then your grandson will rule no I won't be your king only the Lord is your ruler you Jesus you died upon the cross and rose again to save the Lost forgive me now oh come smile Jesus you died upon the cross and rose again to save dreams my life and make can you help me learn to live for you you you you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 3,557,557
Rating: 4.6295609 out of 5
Keywords: Superbook, Bible, Animation, Gideon, Kids, superbook full episodes, gideon bible story, gideon bible sotry
Id: StowZD2JvZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2016
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