Bible Stories for Kids! The Story of Esau & Jacob (Episode 6)

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so hello jimmy how are you enough haha that's enough jimmy all right now where's lucy and matthew hello george hello auntie is lucy and matthew here yes they are here i guess they are watching tv coming thanks auntie this is so boring let me change the channel no no don't but this this is so stupid no it's not the shows that you watch are stupid not this one did you just say who is it it's me guys open the door hey george hello lucy what are you guys doing here i was waiting for you at our spot i'm sorry george but matthew is zoned up in front of the tv matthew but i missed the show yesterday because of lucy she didn't let me and you're going to miss the show today too huh why oh you forgot again don't you remember that we have bible classes today out i'm sorry just give me a minute i'll get ready soon and you lucy i'll be back in a flash too we are ready let's go come on we have to rush it's almost nine o'clock now come with us jimmy hurry up is father john going to tell us the story of isaac today i think so and maybe he will tell us the story of his sons too wow the story of isaac's sons it's going to be amazing yes but we must hurry up if we have to catch the full story hurry up matthew the class is going to start soon good morning children good morning father i see that everyone is here shall we begin today's class yes all right but before we begin who can tell me where we stopped yesterday you told us how god tested abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son isaac and did abraham pass god's test yes abraham was about to sacrifice isaac but then god stopped him and what did they sacrifice instead god gave them a ramp they found the ram with its horn locked in the bushes that's correct and back to the story now isaac grew up and he took charge of all his father's land and animals father we must find new land for the sheeps to graze the grass at the river bank is almost getting dried up we will sun but we have to get you married first there are a lot of women here in canaan he can find one easily no my son i don't want you to marry any of the canaanites we have found a suitable bride for you from my homeland huh who have you selected father you will get married to my brother nahor's grandchild rebecca rebecca yes and she's beautiful you will like her and when is the uh the the wedding oh you're blushing soon my son soon isaac married rebecca as his father wanted many years passed and abraham passed away isaac became the head of the family and honor of great wealth he remained faithful to god he and rebecca remained childless for many years and he kept praying to god and one day god granted his prayer thank you lord thank you rebecca my dear look we've got twins yes my dear even though they are twins they don't look like each other look at our sturdy first born yes he looks strong i'm sure he will be a great hunter and a leader one day i'll call you eso well what of the second child oh he's smaller and has smooth skin then he emerged from your womb he was grasping the heels of his brother ha he's a schema i shall call him jacob when the two boys grew up iso became his father's favorite because he was strong and was very good with hunting jacob was a quite a child who liked to study and learn things jacob was his mother's favorite jacob spent most of his time reading books even while looking after the sheep what got you little brother diesel no put me down me down i said stop stop you can jump down if you want i'm going to tell mother about this all right cry baby here you go one day jacob was preparing soup with the help of his mother rebecca no need of stirring any more sun shall i take it off the fire mother yes let me go inside and cut the vegetables this smells delicious there comes my brother empty-handed as usual hello brother what are you making there didn't you get anything today no i think the beasts have learned the trick they just vanish when they hear my footsteps oh so should they stand around waiting to be hit by your arrow you are a fool well i know what to do i will catch a deer with my trap tomorrow is that so then maybe we will have a feast tomorrow that is tomorrow right now i'm starving what are you making the pot it's nothing just making some soup ah smells nice give me some jacob i haven't eaten since yesterday then you should have hunted down some animal brother there is no game in all the land let me have some i'm starving no we weren't expecting you there's only enough for i'm really hungry brother give me some soup and you can ask for anything in return did you say you'll offer anything in return yes you can ask for anything do you want a hose no i don't need a hose or a camel i i just say what you need and i'll give you you can have all the soup you want but but you'll have to give me your birthright birthright is that all you want i knew you were stupid so you don't mind giving up your birthright no no you have my birth right by all means well then make a note to god that it is mine and this full part is yours all right by the god of abraham and isaac i swear to give jacob my birthright that's it now give me the soup here you go this tastes so good thus eso carelessly gave away his birthright as the firstborn son of isaac isaac had grown old and he lay in his bed for most of the time his eyesight had grown weak too and eyesight knew that he would die soon who who is there is it you iso no it's me dear rebecca my love come here what is it dear rebecca i think my time in this world is nearing an end i must speak to eso where is he don't worry dear i'll fetch him for you father shall i come in oh you're here come in my son did you ask for me father yes i did come here father iso i think my time is up but i have one more desire just say what you want and i'll get it for you i'm craving for a dish of venison can you get me one of course father i will you will have the dish by evening today thank you my son i knew you will get me this and after i have the meal i shall bless you thanks father i'll be back soon no jacob should be the one to receive his blessing i must do something jacob jacob mother why are you running what happened your brother your brother huh what about isa no your brother has been sent to a hunt game by whom by your father and when he cooks the verizon for your father then he will give his blessings to him before he dies oh no what can we do now mother jacob bring a lamb a lamp what are you going to do get them quickly and i'll tell you mother here i've brought the lamp what are you going to do clean the lamp quickly we will make the dish and you are going to take this to your father and he will give me his blessings wow that's a brilliant idea but we must hurry up and do this before eso gets back but mother wouldn't father recognize me i have smooth skin and esau is hairy do what i say and leave the rest to me do not throw away the lamb skin we will need that to cover your hands and neck now wear these issues clothes ah they are stinking oof this smells of sweat and animals and so must you now hold out your hands now these will make your hands feel hairy do you think these goat skin will fool him i'm sure now take the food and receive your blessing and remember to talk in a deep voice oh god don't let father recognize me who's there father it's me esau your eldest son i've brought your dish as you had asked really but you sound like jacob come closer and give me your hands i'm not jacob i'm your eldest son here you've got hairy skin you are eso but how did you return so quickly it was god he put a game in my path and i got one now will you eat now will you eat further yes this could be my last meal this is delicious have some more father that's enough father you promised me a blessing come closer my son ah the smell of my first born may the god of abraham bless you abundantly may the kingdoms honor you may your brothers serve you thank you father now you must rest father father who who is it it's me eso please get up and eat father eso what did i just eat and bless you wha i just brought you the game you asked for who was it then that haunted the game and brought it to me a few moments back i i don't understand yes i ate it just before you came in and blessed him no oh i should have known when i heard that voice it must be jacob then oh i know now that your brother came and deceitfully took your blessing that jacob he's rightfully named the schemer first he took my birthright and now now he took my blessings too father haven't you got a blessing for me i'm sorry my son but i can't give you the same blessing i'm really sorry as soon as my father die i will kill jacob i must ask jacob to leave immediately rebecca warns jacob and asks him to go to herod jacob fleed from eso to herod with the blessings of his father but he was never going to see his mother again huh and that night god spoke to jacob jacob do not be afraid i am the god of abraham and isaac i shall give this land to you and your descendants i will always protect you and bring you back to this land huh what have i dreamed surely this is the dwelling place of the lord and i didn't know it this place is blessed certainly this is the house of the lord i'll call this place bethel if god protects me and brings me back he alone will be my lord and god after making the oath jacob continued his journey now i fear no one the lord is with me and after many days of traveling jacob finally reached the city of patton adam excuse me hi do you need any help oh hi i i was drawing water for the sheeps it's uh it's don't worry i'll help you draw water from the well that's so kind of you uh where are you from do you know nejo's grandson of course he's my father is your father's name laban yes wow i'm your relative my name is jacob i am the son of rebecca your father's sister you are rebecca son that's wonderful i'll go and tell this to my father yes i'll wait here till then father father yes dear what is it father there's some wonderful news what is it dear your sister's son is here in town what did you mean rebecca's son yes and his name is jacob where is he is he outside the door ask him to come in or i'll come out wait no he's not here he's waiting at the well outside the city gates then i must go to him i'm going there now rebecca's son i can't wait to see him are you jacob yes i am i assume you must be leaving my own flesh and blood welcome jacob thank you uncle oh i can't explain how excited i am to see you let's walk home tell me son how's my sister rebecca hmm she was doing fine the last time i saw her when did you see her last about a month ago what happened my son you look sad it's a long story uncle don't worry you can tell the whole story on our way back home it's been 30 days since i left home and then by god's grace i found your daughter outside the city gates that's the story uncle i have told you everything hmm you have been through many hardships jacob but do not worry my son you should forget the past now you can start a new life here oh jacob you are here meet my sister her name is leah hello jacob hello leah everybody let's go inside jacob decided to stay with laban for a few days and laban was glad to offer shelter to his sister's it's getting really late i will tell you the rest of the story tomorrow but before i leave i'm going to ask you a few questions shall i yes father all right matthew father tell me the names of isaac's sons their names were isu and jacob who were older among them isu was the firstborn father that's good and now you lucy yes father who was isaac's favorite son it was eso then why did isaac give his blessings to jacob jacob dressed up as eso and lied to his father to get his blessings that's right and now you charge yes father how was jacob and laban related jacob was the son of rebecca who was laban's sister and what were the names of laban's daughters it was rachel and leah that's correct all of you have done quite well today i will tell you the rest of the story tomorrow see you tomorrow then thank you father no
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 695,298
Rating: 4.5086718 out of 5
Keywords: youtube kids app, religion, christianity, Esau (Deceased Person), story, Judaism, bible stories for kids, animated, bible story for children, full episode, Jacob (Religious Leader), The Bible (Religious Text), twins, pregnant, joseph, cartoons, Bible Story (TV Subject), kids, animation, religious cartoons, church, bible, god, Cartoon, Rebekah, prayer, israel, mary, Church (Project Focus), jesus, tv show, Jacob And Esau (Literature Subject), bible stories, free, cartoon
Id: up5uES5suzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2015
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