Bible Stories for Kids! The Story of Elijah (Episode 19)

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hello kids how are you Matthew I'm fine father father you told us that you will be telling the story of Elijah today yes Lucy I will tell you the story of Elijah today who was he father Elijah was the first prophet of God prophet yes a prophet was a spokesman of God a defender of the Covenant hmm do you remember the story of King Solomon yes Father you do miss a story yesterday yes when Solomon became the king his wives introduced idol worship in Israel this was a disaster consequently Authority became corrupt the poor and the weak were treated very cruelly worst of them was a king named a hub and his wife Jezebel he and most of other people worshipped a god named Val it is during this period when prophets appeared and Elijah was the first of such prophets Elijah's name meant my God is Lord and true to his name he was a man burning in his faith to the Lord it all started when God asked Elijah to deliver a message to the king I hear the cries of innocent people everywhere Lord anyone who worships you has been slaughtered what can I do what can I do I've become so old and weak God why are you being so silent li JA huh God mi JA fear not I am with you go to me box one yard and meet King a heart there I will Lord I will go and meet him please Viking I have done nothing wrong nothing wrong you say how about worshipping false gods no my lord I worship only one true God the God of Israel huh how dare you don't you know that bowel is the one true God take him away and kill him and kill everyone who doesn't worship our great God vows no please don't No come here you fool hmm do mine yard is beautiful Jezebel's idea what haha all we had to do was to accuse him the bot falsely the owner of this vine yard and then kill him and and now this whole whiny ad is mine ha ha ha ha brilliant a hab you are the curse of Israel huh who was that who are you my name is Elijah I have come here to tell ever a message from God what is that you have done what is displeasing to me you fill the land with idols and lead Israel into sin you deny justice to the poor you committed a murder and now you are taking his property as well I will bring disaster on your family your children will be eaten by vultures and dogs will eat your wife Jezebel I'm sorry I have sinned please please pray that the Lord may forgive me please no you have no forgiveness you have defiled the land with idols no rains will fall on this land until I say let your bail give you the crops after announcing the judgment of God Elijah turned and walked away Elijah knew that if he was found then he would get killed so he went into the wilderness and he hid himself near a stream King Ahab returned to the palace and told his wife Jezebel everything what had happened I I don't know what to do that prophet his words frightened me don't be a fool dear you know that it is Belle who sends the rain and gives us good crops but there's nothing to worry about if it's still troubling you then we will offer special sacrifices to bal from tomorrow but that prophet his words are still haunting me what was his name i'll send soldiers to catch that old fool we will let the people watch as he's been sacrificed to pal hah i i don't think we can find him nobody knows where he comes and there he goes listen to media i think it's better for us to repent and turn to the God of Israel never there will be no god but pal I will find that old man even if he's hiding under the earth I will find him and kill him ha Jezebel sent her soldiers everywhere in search of Elijah but nobody could find him in the meantime just like God told a hab a severe drought came over the land trees and plants dried up but God took care of Elijah he drank water from the stream and crows brought him bread praise and glory to the Lord who provides me with bread and water the draught became so harsh that the crops died up and the cattle began to die too jessabelle thought bail would be pleased by human sacrifices and send rain so she started sacrificing the Israelites one by one no go away have long my lord how long poor people are starving to death the blood of your faithful servants as flooding bells alter why are you silent why Lord Elijah huh yes my lord you must go to sunup dong in Sidon there a video will give you food the stream is going to dry up yes my lord I will heed in God's words Elijah left of forest and left for Sarepta he walked for many days without food and water and finally he arrived at the village of serrata is this the village of Sarepta yes who are you you look tired I have been walking for many days can you can you please give me morsel of bread and some water to drink please hmm I all we have flour left for just one bread and little oil I I was going to bake it and eat it with my son before he died don't worry go home and make food for you and your son but first make a small loaf of bread for me and bring it to me the Lord has told me that if you do this your jaw will never go empty and the jug of oil will never go dry huh I will come back in a while then so the old woman went home ended as Elijah told her the jar was refilled with floor and the jug never ran out of oil but it's a miracle God worked miracles for them and they never ran out of food for many days the men of floor was never used up nor did the jug of oil Elisha lived with them as long as the drought lasted but one day no my son what happened why are you crying myself hee hee what happened tell me he he died today he was sick for many days ah do not worry your son will live let me go to him Lord my god here your servants prayer you are the refuge of the poor and a father of the orphans let this child live again the Lord heard Elijah's prayers the soul of the child came back to him and he was alive again what happened your life listen mother my son you're back thank you God thank you you know I know that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth after three and a half years of draught God ordered Elijah to return to Israel King I have met him at a city gate you are the curse of Israel how dare you come back to Israel ha ha ha you're so angry then your God Bell give you any range yet it's all because of you it's all your tricks the people are suffering because of you hmm then listen to me gather all the people of Israel on Mount Carmel tomorrow ah you must invite all the priests and prophets of Baal to what are you going to do you will see that tomorrow the people of Israel assembled at Mount Carmel the next day all the priests and prophets of Baal were that you never asked many as eight hundred and fifty of them present there how long are you going to worship two different gods how long will you keep changing your mind if the Lord is God follow him but if Baal is God then you follow him this is what we are going to do I am the only prophet left of the Lord and Bal has over 850 get two bulls and place one on each altar but do not light the fire whoever sends the fire to consume the sacrifice will be the one true God that's a great idea yes we'll know who is true God today ah what does he think he's doing he is challenging us what if we fail yes I'm scared the King will kill us if we fail what are you afraid of get the Bulls prove that Bal is your true God prophet Elijah looks so confident look at the priests of Val they are shaking like leaves haha well there are about 800 of Val's priests yeah let them start first bring the balls bounce priest prepare the altar the lay the wood cut up the bull and laid placed it on the altar then they started calling out to bow their God Lord bill sit down the fire fire fire fire Gordo foil foil foil Gordo fire fire fire God down fire fire fire God down my god I hope this works what happened your God is not hearing your press call Lodha maybe he's sleeping or must have gone out for a walk shout louder hahahahaha fire fire fire God now the priests shouted and danced around the altar yelling - bout to start the fire they shouted and shouted from morning to noon with no answer why isn't our God sending the fire is it maybe he isn't the true God at all hmm let's see if Elijah's God sends the fire Elijah's altar finally Elijah called the people over to his altar he began to make his altar he placed the woods took some stones and put them around his altar then Elijah did something very strange he asked the people to pour water over his board and the wood huh did he just ask us to pour water over his altar yeah how will the wood burn if we pour water on them he he is a fool if Bal can't help us then how can his God send the fire you people did as Elijah said they poured water over the woods and the bull everything now was soaked in water after the entire altar was soaked Elijah step forward and simply prayed O Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Israel show us today that you are the real God of Israel and that all I have done is obeyed you show your power to these wavering people let them see that you are the one true God just as Elijah finished his prayer fire burst out of the altar and everything was covered in flames every single thing was burned down to nothing and even the water in the trenches were gone huh the people watched completely amazed and they began to fall on their knees the Lord he's God the Lord he is real God we are sorry Lord you are the true god what how did that happen run run for your lives catch the priests of Bal let no one escape kill them kill them or run away if you want to save yourself I have escaped from there and reached the palace he explained what took place at Mount Carmel chasuble grew furious when she heard that all the priests of Bal had been killed how could you let that happen I'm sorry dear I couldn't do anything I I swear by Bal whom I worship that Elijah will be dead by tomorrow Elijah knew that Jezebel would send men to kill him he fled into the wilderness he was tired and to grest under a tree Lord God I can do no more I'm sorry I'm no better than my forefathers who were killed let me die to allaha fell asleep under that tree but sometime late an angel of God woke him up in IGEL get up and eat you still have a long way to go he was strengthened by the bread and water he then walked for 40 days and 40 nights to reach Mount Horeb this is the mountain of the Lord the mountain Abraham climbed to sacrifice Isaac the mountain where God made the covenant with Israel I need to go up and hide myself there Elisha climbed up the mountain and he hid himself inside one of the caves he stayed there for many days suddenly an earthquake took place huh what's happening this was followed by a stop and a fire aah aah this was then followed by a gentle breeze Elijah then walked to the entrance of the cave God what's happening in I John what are you doing here my lord all your prophets have been killed only I am left now and these soldiers are hunting for me to a larger there are still seven thousand people in Israel who haven't bend their knees before bow go back to his royal anoint Elisha to be your successor I'm going to execute what I said against a hab as commanded by the Lord Elijah returned to Israel for his revolutionary mission he must be Elijah if a half died has got that one yes I have been to war against ben-hadad king of Syria he was mortally wounded in the war and he died later on and what happended usable she died too as God had warned and because of the sins she had committed her body was eaten by dogs now shall I start with the questions yes sir all right now tell me what the name Elijah meant the name and Naija means my lord is my god that's correct Lucy who was the king of Israel during those times and half was the king of Israel and his wife was Jezebel that's right Matthew very good now who can tell me why Elijah had to escape from Israel the first time Elijah had warned the king about the judgment of God when just we'll heard about this she got really angry and she sent soldiers to kill Elijah that's right again Lucy what did Elijah do to prove that the Lord God was the true God of Israel Elijah and the priests placed the sacrifices on different altars and waited for the God to send the fire Elijah said that whichever God sends the fire will be the true God of Israel very good George and Mathieu you tell me whose sacrifice was lit by fire sent by God god consumed Elijah's offering by sending fire from the heaven that's right again Matthew very good that's all for today children now I shall see you tomorrow with the next story the story of Amos goodbye children
Channel: Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 1,120,590
Rating: 4.5813003 out of 5
Keywords: bible stories for kids, bible stories, bible story for children, cartoons, joseph, religion, religious cartoons, kids, david, animated, jesus christ, goliath, ruth, cartoon, mary, noah, church, full episode, god, free, story, animation, bible, Judaism, jesus, tv show, christianity, israel, ark, bible story, youtube kids app, solomon
Id: byxlyYn8fOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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