The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer (Part 2)

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so listen Church less time together we began in our series the wise series we began in looking at the person and the work of the Holy Spirit specifically in the life of the believer and we got into that and we went through a huge chunk of Scripture and we simply walked through that if you were with us in that study you remember that and I'm gonna read right now and I'm gonna go through it again but this time we're gonna get into the points of this study and by the way all along our evening together tonight you can text your friends you can email your friends and give them the link and they can be joining us because we're going to go and have a Bible study tonight or today wherever you're at we're gonna do this together and all of us need to know about the power of the Holy Spirit and so we pick it up where we left off last time in John chapter 14 in your Bibles beginning to verse 1 Jesus is speaking and Jesus said let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me for in my father's house are many mansions and if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also and where I go you know and the way you know verse 5 Thomas said to him Lord we do not know where you are going and how can we know the way verse 6 jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father but through me if you had known me you would have known my father also and from now on you know him and have seen him and Philip answered and said unto Jesus Lord show us the father and it suffice us jesus said to him have I not been so long with you and yet you have not known me Philip he who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the father do you not believe that I am in the father and the father and me the words that I speak do you not know that that I speak not of my own authority but the father who dwells in me does the works that I do believe me he says in verse 11 that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the sake of the works themselves in other words the miracles believe Christ just for the miracles alone then most assuredly I say to you he who believes in me the works that I will do he will do also and greater works than these will they do because I go to the Father and whatever you ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it if you love me verse 15 says you'll keep my Commandments and I will listen I will pray to the Father and he will give you another helper the word is the comforter and we we need comfort today tonight in this world that he may buy with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and shall be in you I will not leave you orphans jesus said I will come to you John 15 verse 18 John 15 verse 18 just turned a little bit to the right to the next page jesus said if the world hates you you know that it hated me before it hated you if you are of the world the world would love its own yet because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you remember the word that I spoke to you a servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me if I had not come and spoken to them they would have no sin but now they have no excuse excuse for their sin he who hates me hates my father also Wow and if I had not done among them the works which no one else did they would have no sin but now they have seen and also hated both me and my father but this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law they have hated me without a cause but when the helper comes the Holy Spirit the helper the Parakletos for those of you in Greece whom I shall or who speak Greek I should say whom I shall send to you from the father even the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will testify of me John 16 verse 7 John 16 verse 7 nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper will not come to you but if I depart I will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment of sin because they do not believe in me of righteousness because I go to the Father and they'll see me no more and of judgment because the ruler the devil the ruler of this world is judged and then finally friends John 16 verse 12 I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now however when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth and he will tell you all things and the things to come he will glorify me he will take what I have which is mine and he will declare it to you all things that the father has are mine therefore I said that he will take of mine and declare it to you the preaching of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Holy Spirit coming into the life of the believer that the Spirit of God would be your teacher your guide morale that throughout all the world no matter where we may be as Christians the Holy Spirit is instantly available to be your teacher and maybe tonight you're not a Christian but you're curious and because of the situation of the the world right now and you know you're alone or you've tuned in you normally wouldn't be doing this you'd be preoccupied with something else and God's got your attention tonight and God wants to be speaking to you but this message I must tell you is predominantly for the Christian but my prayer is that for many of you who don't know Christ tonight that you would make a decision and that you would come to Jesus tonight and that you would become a follower of Christ I'm gonna be very careful about my my verbage I want to avoid using the term becoming a Christian because that has been so violated and so abused in this day and this age Christian the word means almost nothing anymore I want to talk about and I want to be a follower of Christ a real true follower of Christ and that can't happen without the Holy Spirit and so this is where we left off last time in our study and so this is now part two as we look up the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer we look at first of all mark it down in your notes if you can see it there in front if you've not downloaded the notes yet you'll learn how number one tonight we learned this who is the Holy Spirit who is he some people talk about him being a force he's some sort of entity many have said and the spirit of starwars may the force be with you and that's how the Holy Spirit is that he's just simply a force and that's not true according to the Bible the Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is the second person or I should say the third person as we described of the Trinity the Bible teaches from Genesis to Revelation that there's God the Father the Bible tells us from the book of Revelation back to Genesis Genesis revelation that there's God the Sun the Bible says in the Hebrew Scriptures if you're watching from Israel in Micah chapter 5 verse 2 the Bible says that there'll be one who is eternal who born in Bethlehem that's remarkable the Bible tells us in the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah chapter 7 and Isaiah chapter 9 that God has a son and that God the Son is eternal that he'll be the eternal son born into this world the Bible also tells us in proverbs chapter 30 verse 4 God says who has ascended into heaven and who has descended and who has held the wind in his fist and then the hem of His garment what is my name he says then what is the name of my son if you know that's in the Hebrew Bible but the Bible also speaks about the Holy Spirit being God in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 the very first verse of the Bible God speaks and without apology he just speaks and I love that the boldness of it it's up to us to believe God tonight or today or wherever you're at and in Genesis 1:1 the Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep listen now and the Spirit of God was brooding hovering over the face of the waters you might say well Jack that doesn't prove anything to me about the Holy Spirit being a person well just hang on for a moment first of all the Holy Spirit is identified as being God God's a person the Bible tells us in Acts chapter 5 verses 3 and 4 regarding the Holy Spirit that he's deity that he's a personality and that he has a consciousness that is he has feelings emotions and maybe for many of you you've never heard of such a thing before maybe the Holy Spirit has been a mystery I think hearing is the problem with the Christian Church today in the world is that the Holy Spirit is not active and that needs to change the Holy Spirit listen the Holy Spirit gave birth to the church 2,000 years ago the Holy Spirit has been with the church since the day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit is going to present the church back to Christ that is coming that's exactly right Jesus Christ is coming back Christ is coming again and it's the Holy Spirit's job to use the word of God to prepare you and I to meet Christ but in Acts chapter 5 verse 3 and 4 listen to this and Peter said that Ananias why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself you can read about that later in detail of X chapter 5 while it remained was it not your own and after it was sold was it not in your own control or your power Ananias why have you conceived this evil thing in your heart you have not lied unto men but unto God right there in that passage the Holy Spirit is referred to as God and that you can lie to God the Holy Spirit because he's a person that's who he is he's holy he's the Holy Spirit as a person God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit then secondly we would ask the question where is the Holy Spirit where is he not only where is he in Scripture but where is he we could find him in the Bible Bible throughout the Bible but where is he in life many of you are living in persecuted lands you might be asking where is he now I should probably interrupt myself with that you need to know those of you who are not living in persecuted lands maybe there needs to be some reverse clarification here people who are persecuted for the name of Jesus the presence and the power of God the Holy Spirit is most often tangible the dangerous for some of us who live in comfortable parts of the world where we're not dependent upon the person of the Holy Spirit and we're not leaning on him and we're not conscious of his presence so where is he is the good question in Psalm 139 verse 7 the Bible says where can I go from your spirit that is the Holy Spirit where can I go the Bible teaches you cannot go anywhere without the Holy Spirit being there you may flee across continents trying to find the meaning of life or trying to reform yourself you'll never make it friend you'll never get the job done until you bump into the Holy Spirit and you can do that at any time wherever you are in the world you can find out that he's right there right we're here after speaking to you he's been speaking to you all your life by the way every time you had a bad thought a nasty thought sinful lustful pride anger hatred you you know it's wrong because of the Holy Spirit I've read a moment ago you heard that the Holy Spirit was sent to convict us of sin but where is he and that's a good question tonight or today wherever you're at where is he in the midst of this crisis now I intend by no means to upset anyone in the world right now that is suffering the physical ravages of this coronavirus in fact I pray by the end of this service tonight I pray that as God's word goes out into your home that you're healed and we will pray at the end of this service for your healing but in the time of crisis people often ask where's God and stuff like this if God is good then where is he and you need to know that God did not according to the Bible make this world the way that it is right now God did not design the coronavirus now God can use the coronavirus even hit the even though he didn't design it and I think he's using it right now for me to speak with you and speak to others but the truth of the matter is that the Holy Spirit is everywhere and that in time of crisis his presence can be listened his presence can be experienced right now right where you're at by simply opening up your life to him by faith I know it sounds crazy but faith is the realm where God moves and that's where the foundation of what we believe resides faith is more real than anything tangible in this world and you need to know that and you need to know that where the Holy Spirit is he can be with you right now but in Scripture he's in Psalm 139 7 as I said a moment ago and in Psalm 107 verse 1 the Bible says the hungry and the thirsty their soul fainted in them then they cried like I pray America is crying tonight cried in prayer I pray England is crying out in prayer they cried unto the Lord in their time of trouble and he delivered them out of their distresses where's the Holy Spirit the Bible says jesus said if you call upon him God will hear you and so what if this crisis has come about in this world to bring you eternal life because you'll make the decision to trust Jesus Christ tonight as Lord and Savior that could happen to you tonight it's possible that for you to be it's impossible for you to be anywhere in the world and to not the experience in the holy spirit you just need to acknowledge him by faith and open your life Tim the Bible tells us in first John 3:20 now I don't know if this verse will pop up on your screen or not where you're at but in the Bible in first John 3:20 the Bible says if our heart condemns us God is greater than our heart and knows all things isn't that awesome how does God do that think of it right now are you guilty of sin are you do you have shame in your life that reality that is in your mind right now that sensation of being guilty you may have covered your life perfectly you may be in some big high-rise office this morning in in London England or in Paris and you think you're doing so great and nobody knows nothing about what you've done let me tell you the Holy Spirit knows and he doesn't want to condemn you God loves you he wants your life to be forgiven of your sins did you know that it's called the gospel and when we talk about the Holy Spirit in Scripture it's interesting that the Holy Spirit in Scripture is the very one who brings us to the understanding that when we're condemned it's because we're under conviction and the moment we turn to Christ the Holy Spirit sets us free in Matthew chapter 10 verse 29 the Bible says our Jesus is speaking he says are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin in other words aren't sparrows those little birds so seemingly meaningless and not one of them falls to the ground without your father's will or that is without God knowing but the very hairs of your head are all numbered how does God know that by the Holy Spirit God the father's in heaven the Bible teaches Jesus is in heaven so all of a sudden you're understanding that the Holy Spirit is the very one who's active in your life I pray he's active in your church maybe wherever you're at in the world he's even now becoming active in your living room or in your hotel where you're at number three as we look at the study here in the Weiss series on the Holy Spirit and the life of the believer is why is the Holy Spirit necessary in your life why this is important to me I get ready to take some notes because I tell you something right now I'm gonna I'm gonna be just as normal with you as I would be if this great building was filled with people and if you're just joining us from some other part of the world we cannot gather but I thank God for this moment for technology that we can reach out and I have to tell you that I'm grateful that the Holy Spirit is necessary in our lives and I was telling my friends both locally and around the world please pray for me because we're going to be doing our first online service to the world and his channel dot-com that amazing privately owned television network is broadcasting this message around the world right now to what we were told today to millions of people right now not ten thousand not 50,000 not a hundred thousand but we've been told that millions are joining us around the world and I don't like that I like the fact that we're reaching you but I'm the kind of a person I want to see these seats filled I need to talk to people I need to see faces I need an interaction and I'm alone in here tonight so to speak alone you might be alone somewhere but my friends are praying that I wouldn't feel alone I'm talking to a black camera lens and I don't like it I want to see your face I have to have people laugh and I have to see people be moved and I had to I have to hear amen and maybe you can say Amen in your in your house right now but I need you and I need prayer and how does God answer that prayer my great need is the Holy Spirit to be taken away all of the butterflies that I'm feeling and all of the weird moment that this is and like I made in the announcement we're trying to make lemonade out of the lemons right now and I trust the Word of God that's the only thing I do trust in this in this world to never return void so why is the Holy Spirit necessary in your life number one way you mark it down number one is for salvation you're not going to go to heaven without the work of the Holy Spirit jesus said this Jesus Christ of Nazareth the one who is the Jesus of the cross the one who died on the cross 2,000 years ago and rose again from the dead and that today in Jerusalem there's an empty tomb not because there's an empty tomb there's an empty tomb because God said there would be an empty tomb 2,000 years ago the Roman Empire the Jewish religious authority those who hated Jesus try to keep that Tim closed and God blew it open and Jesus rose again from the grave and that gospel truth that he died on the cross for your sins and that he rose again from the dead that you would be justified is all on God that's the gift of eternal life that is the gospel with all due respect to all religions of the world every single one of them is an attempt to reach out and earn the pleasure and the smile of God or the gods not following Christ not Christianity not the God of the Bible God told the Jews in the Book of Jeremiah that they'll become in a day than that he would do away with their Old Testament laws and regulate Asians given to them by Moses and on stone on tablets and God would destroy that and God would bring them a new covenant and the Book of Jeremiah begin in a chapter 30 and reading on 233 and that new covenant would be a covenant written upon their hearts and that he would have his Holy Spirit dwell within them God spoke about that through the Hebrew prophet in the Book of Ezekiel I will cause my people once again he said in the last days to become a nation again and he said I will write my spirit I will present my spirit upon their hearts and cause them to live again and we're living in those days salvation jesus said listen in John chapter 20 verse 21 so jesus said to them again peace to you as the father has sent me I also send you and when he had said this Jesus breathed on them and said to them receive the Holy Spirit and in that moment if you're a theologian right now you need to write that down or you probably know what you need to teach me a thing or two but I know this about that verse that when Jesus said in John 20:22 received the Holy Spirit when he breathed on them that was the first moment that people the disciples were born again if you ever one asked the question when was the first person saved in the - in the New Testament covenant of the Holy Spirit causing them to be born again we used that term born again Jesus used that in John chapter 3 to be born again is to be born from above he said to Nicodemus you you cannot go to heaven without being born again oh that term means to be born from above and he said receive the Holy Spirit and in that moment the Holy Spirit came inside those brand-new believers 21 centuries ago number two for possession I like that possession when I say possession I I think of this possession I think of a little child running into mom or dad's arms or Grandma and Grandpa's arms and and being possessed by the love and the strength of arms wrapped around them possession I mean it in a positive way to experience the possession of God that God now owns you he loves you and he wants you to experience true life and true living and in 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 16 first Corinthians 3:16 there the Bible says Paul said to the Corinthians there in Greece do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you the Holy Spirit why is he necessary in your life you need the Holy Spirit living in you if you do not have him living in you you only know religion and if you only know religion you're empty you're broken you're hurting and listen listen you're never good enough in your religion you never have done enough you need Jesus Christ you need the power of the Holy Spirit following Christ being a Christian is not what we do it's what the possession of the Holy Spirit in our lives as he possesses us it's what he does through us by his power Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 regarding the possession of God upon our lives the Bible says do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God don't hurt him don't upset him love him that whole term presupposes that you love him don't grieve him the Holy Spirit can be grieved because he's a person but you need him in your life he's necessary mark this down there for comfort man we need comfort you and I need comfort listen up ours are city leaders need comfort they need the guidance of the Holy Spirit our leaders we need to pray for our leaders all over the world wherever you're at we'd love to know by the way somehow however you're viewing us please encourage me by later on or now I don't know what platform you're watching us on let us know where you're at because where you're at the leaders in your country in your city in your County in your state need your prayers I am watching obviously in California and I I watched our governor give a speech to our state and it was a remarkable speech he was calming the people of California and the homeschooling is a big deal in our in America and it's a big deal in California and our governor's said yesterday or today I forget when it was now I watched the whole speech it was almost an hour long and our governor said nobody goes to school all schools are closed and everybody's home from work and he said I want you to home-school your children and even got a little smile on his face because he has not been a fan of homeschooling and all of a sudden because of a global pandemic homeschooling now is what all Californians are to be doing with their kids because there's no school to go to and I'll tell you what you'll need the holy spirit for that that'd be something but we need comfort comfort our kids tell them the Holy Spirit of God is with them and we need comfort as adults and we need comfort as husbands and of what as wives as a family we need comfort you need to grab your family right now together if it's the two of you three of you ten of you and remember this that the Holy Spirit wants to bring you comfort that's why we need him in John chapter 14 verse 16 we read it earlier this evening Jesus said I will pray or I will ask of the Father and He will give you another helper that word Parakletos is the word comforter God wants to come for you that's why we need the Holy Spirit and by the way that verse ends by him saying I'll be with you forever a dear friend of mine right now just outside of London England his son is battling the coronavirus their ten-year-old son pray for him please and my friends concerned and his wife's not feeling well can you imagine the anxiety that is in that home and others around the world now let know we can be a little bit hopeful there people are working hard here in the United States to bring comfort our scientists at MIT and at MD Anderson and that Johns Hopkins University and all of our research hospitals best in the world are working around the clock to try to stop this and I pray they're successful this is not the last virus that's going to ravage the earth the Bible tells us Jesus told us 2,000 years ago that there's going to be an increase in pestilence before he returns global pandemics and we're in one right now right now tonight and yet God promises comfort and I want you to think about that it's very important to be comforted you know some of us as men were knuckleheads I don't know how that translates in Cuba right now or wherever we're broadcasting but when I mean knucklehead us men we think we're so strong we don't need help it's just the way that men are predominantly wired it seems as though women have an easier chance or an easier opportunity to warm up to the nearness and dependence upon the holy spirit but I think a real man needs to warm up to the presence of the Holy Spirit we need men to lead their homes we need men all across the America and all across Europe and all across Asia all around the world to lead their homes at this time kids are scared and you need to be that source of comfort but listen that source of comfort doesn't fall on your shoulders you just introduce your kids to the work and the power of God's Word the Bible get a Bible if you don't have a Bible we'll get a Bible shipped to you somehow we'll find a Gideon somewhere in the world or we'll we'll get one to you but you need a Bible and you need to read it to your kids you need to read it yourself but jesus said in John 14:26 about comforting he says the comforter the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance that I have said to you John 15:26 but when the helper comes whom I will send from the father the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the father he will bear witness of me that's why we need him John 16 verse 7 we read this one earlier but it bears repeating nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that is amazing Jesus is with his disciples and he tells them there that it's better for them that he leaves now for those of you in the world who are not familiar with the workings of Jesus he had been risen from the dead during the course of his entire ministry he was cleansing those who had diseases he was raising the dead and preaching life and liberty to those who were bound by sin and by slavery and setting people free and now they've got him back from the dead they thought they had lost him at the cross but the Bible prophesied in advance that Christ had to die my Hebrew friends my Jewish friends read Psalm 22 Christ had to die read Isaiah chapter 53 and 54 Christ had to die and he died 2,000 years ago you were looking for a political Messiah then but you missed it he was to come as a sacrificing Messiah then the second coming he's returning and when he returns he returns as that great deliverer that you had thought he was 2,000 years ago it was not time yet a whole world was needing to hear the gospel and now we're about down to the end and the Lord's coming back and you need to ask yourself of Christ's return tonight would you be saved would you go with him would it be well with you the Bible says that Christ is going to come and take his church back to heaven with the shout of the angel the trumpet of God will sound on the the shout of the Lord the dead in Christ will rise the Bible says their bodies will come out of the ground and people who are alive at that moment will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air maybe you don't believe that maybe you've never heard of such a thing but the trumpet of Christ will blow and it will not fail and then also we look at sanctification mark that down we have salvation that's why we need the Holy Spirit's work in our life the possession of God to own us control us the comfort of the Holy Spirit in our lives and then next the sanctification the word sanctification is a huge word it it means that listen please it means that God does the sanctifying it means that God takes you out of something and places you into something else to be sanctified is to be going down one road and to realize I need to put be put on the right Road I've been going down the wrong road the whole time I need to get on the right Road and to be on the right course is to be on the course where God does the sanctified in other words he does the leading and the Bible says in John 16 verse 13 however when the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth what an awesome thing that is he will guide you he he will do the work as I said earlier in your life next mark it down we need the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit has supernatural knowledge that he'll share with you as needed I remember friends telling me some stories some I don't like using the word story the word story sounds like it's fake I have some friends who told me about the accounts when Isis were killing Christians beheading them and you all remember that scene in Libya where they brought these Christians out in orange jumpsuits work suits and had them kneel down on this on the shore and Isis thought it would be great to record it in the whole world saw it I don't know if you saw it or not you don't need to see it but they're all speaking in Arabic and they had the video going and as they began to sacrifice those Christians those Christians began to sing and praise the Lord in Arabic and Isis didn't know at the moment that they were broadcasting to the world the martyrdom of Christians and the arabic-speaking world were hearing Christians praising God and singing songs and soft breaths as they their throats were being slit and it wound up being such a witness that the church grew in countries that are there in the North African continent that saw such a thing how does that happen God gave them supernatural knowledge by the Holy Spirit heaven was about to be their reception place at any moment supernatural knowledge first corinthians listen to this 1st corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 1st corinthians 2:9 says but as it is written listen i has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him that's a quote from the Old Testament that's awesome it's amazing your mind cannot imagine your ear cannot hear you can't think up how amazing heaven must be listen to this verse 10 but God has revealed them to us how does he do that the glories of heaven how could that possibly be but God has revealed them to us through His Holy Spirit whom the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God for what a man knows that the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God now we have received the spirit of this world but listen the spirit who is from God that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God that passage of Scripture promises every believer supernatural knowledge that is given to us by God that is needed for our Christian life that's why we need the Holy Spirit next we need the Holy Spirit's power the power of the Holy Spirit Acts chapter 1 verse 8 you know I just at this moment I would have paused and said to the people here are you listening does anyone listening are you listening tonight today wherever you're at I hope you're listening Acts chapter 1 verse 8 jesus said but you shall receive power and that's the qualifier when the holy spirit here's the condition comes upon you here's the result and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth power if that verse was not true I'm telling you friend right now if that verse was not true I had to leave this podium right now and I would drive down to the beach and put my feet up I'd quit doing what I'm doing right now if that were not true but God gives power this church knows me but many of you don't God gave the power in my life to not only spare my life but I had a speech impediment I stuttered so severely and God's power healed my tongue and God put a message in my heart and that was from the Word of God the Bible and everyone who knows me knows I never shut up because for about 23 years I couldn't talk right and make sense and I gave my heart to the Lord at the age of 19 and at the age of 23 God touched my tongue and He healed me and my wife was happy about that I think she was I think she was happy about that sometimes I wonder but I've never shut up for Jesus sense and I don't plan on shutting up and that's by the power of the Holy Spirit the wonderful Hebrew prophet Micah listen to what he said in Micah 3 verse 8 but truly I am full of power by the Spirit of God and of justice and might to declare to Jacob that's another word for Israel his transgressions and to Israel his sin next quickly for protection we need the Holy Spirit for protection the Bible says in Titus chapter 3 verse 4 Titus 3 verse 4 write those verses down if you can see but when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward men appeared not by works of righteousness which we've done but according to His mercy he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit whom he poured out upon us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life what an awesome message the Christian message is that God the Holy Spirit is the one whose job it is to do all of the sanctifying work of making you a new person and all of the work of protecting you you are his property you are his project you are his work vision we need the Holy Spirit for vision the Bible says in Acts chapter 13 verse 1 now in the church that was at Antioch that is on the Mediterranean there for those of you in that region you know that there were certain prophets and teachers Barnabas Simeon who was called Niger and licious of Cyrene and minyon who had been brought up with Herod the Tetrarch and Saul as they ministered to the Lord and fasted listen the Holy Spirit said you've got to be a person to speak God the Holy Spirit spoke and said to them separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work which I've called them to do then having fasted and prayed they laid hands on them and sent them away and so being sent out by the Holy Spirit they went down to Seleucia and from there they sailed to Cyprus right there that great island in the middle of the eastern Mediterranean and the gospel spread vision the Holy Spirit will give you a life that's exciting to live he'll give you vision you know there may be some of you tonight that are watching or today wherever you're at in your life has no meaning at all and you wonder what life's all about I want to make you this promise I met I want to introduce you to this promise I cannot make you any I could make you a promise I just don't have the power to fulfill it God's the only promise keeper there is in the planet and he's promised you salvation in Christ Jesus and eternal life and he'll make your life mean something vision and you need that I need that every day and then the Bible tells us that we need the Holy Spirit for gifting did you know that God created you to give you a spiritual gift that's in first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 4 through 11 and I'm not gonna read it alright there you can look it up later it's long and I'm I think I'm running out of time but in 1st Corinthians 12:4 through 11 the Holy Spirit is promised to give you a gift that is supernatural you see what do you mean supernatural gift an ability to do something that is not native it's not natural to you and I want to ask you something all of you all around the world to Christians down the street who live near this church is there anything unusual taking place in your life to the glory of God ask yourself that question is there anything unusual happening in my life in other words it's outside of my power it's outside of my doing I'm not doing it no manipulation nobody you're not doing something to get something else to happen but something really is happening in your life and you can't explain it and it's to the glory of God that's the Holy Spirit and he'll give you a gift that will honor God and bless people around you every Christian should be a blessing to everybody around them right now especially now at this time and then ultimate redemption the Bible says in Romans chapter 8 verse 9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit that's the description of the Christian if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he's not his he is not his and if Christ is not or if Christ is in you the body is dead because of sin in other words if Christ is in you my body doesn't make a little bit's demands like it used to and I have to obey it my body makes demands but now I don't have to obey it I've got power because I've been redeemed my body wants something that's not right what's the sin and I have the power to say no to myself that's not religion friend that's a relationship with God but the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness but if the spirit of him who raised Christ from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you and then finally we'll end right here the Holy Spirit in your life how is the Holy Spirit active how was he active the Bible says in Romans chapter 8 verse 26 likewise the spirit also helps our weaknesses are you weak I'm weak we're all weak if we're honest for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought but the Holy Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered or uttered now he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is this is God in union with the Holy Spirit God the Father God the Spirit in your life active because he makes intercession for Saints for the Saints according to the will of God did you know listen I know around the world there are those that are Saints they're statues of saints all around the world and I'm not knocking that but that's not what I'm talking about many of you will find this shocking to hear that the Bible addresses for example in Romans chapter 1 as Paul the Apostle writes to the Roman believers in it in Italy he says to them to the Saints that are at Rome when he writes to those that are in colossi or in Macedonia those up in the northern Adriatic and that part of the continent he's speaking to them and he says to the Saints that are at colossi don't you find that shocking he said we passed her I thought Saints were determined by a council and they have to do certain miracles and they have to be noted for certain things there's nowhere in the Bible that says that the Bible tells us that anyone who believes and trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ having died on the cross and been resurrected from the dead is called a saint I say this humbly but I say it accurately I say it when all truth according to the Bible I'm a sinner saved by the grace of God and the Bible says that God has placed my life in Christ and the Bible says that those that are in Christ are called Saints I'm st. Jack and I'm wondering if tonight wherever you're at in the world what do people think about you but of their opinion of you doesn't matter anymore what's your opinion of you what do you think about you doesn't matter anymore there's one opinion that matters and that opinion when it's his opinion is pure truth and that pure truth is what God thinks of you when God looks at you does he see someone who believes in trust in the Lord Jesus Christ when God looks at a believer he looks at someone who is covered with the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ who went to the cross the Bible tells us that God declares you a saint the Bible tells us that all judgment passed from us because of Jesus Christ we were if you're not a Christian tonight if you're not a Christ follower tonight you're under sin you're under the curse of sin and you know it and that can change in your life wherever you're at right now let's pray right now together and if you have the patience I hope you do maybe as the screen has been I hope anyway I'm blind here I'm looking into a black room but I trust that you've had a opportunity to text questions but before we do that will you pray right now to accept Christ sir pastor what do I do well here's what you need to do you need to recognize that you are a liar you are a thief that you are a an adulterer that you are a fornicator you say whoa whoa whoa why do what you see a pest I've never done those things even if you thought it jesus said even you thought and entertained the sin that is because we're sinners we don't become a sinner by sinning because we're sinners we send all of sinned and come short of the glory of God I know that for many of you that may be offensive but then so as a surgeon scalpel sometimes the headline news is offensive this is truth and you know it inside the next thing that you would do is say God I I want to go to heaven I don't want to go to hell I understand that the Bible teach speaks about a hell and those who reject you default in the hell that all of humanity is has rejected Christ if some of you don't believe that then why is Jesus's name a curse word in every country and every city all around the world why it's not Muhammad's it's not Buddha's name it's not Joseph Smith's name it's it's not Donald Trump's name it's not Boris Johnson's name it's Jesus Christ when people cuss they'll use this name don't you find that fascinating why him your mouth and heart need to confess the same truth on a sinner Lord forgive me of my sins and I confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior the Bible says that if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and if you confess that truth with your mouth you shall be saved you don't have to do it into Church you don't have to do it in a building but you do have to do it where you're at right now now is the acceptable time today's the day of salvation and you need to say yes to Jesus so let's do this and watch what happens and let me add this before we pray I had in Moscow Russia I had an evolutionary biologists come out of the university and I was preaching the gospel on the street with a crowd of people in Moscow and the man stood there in his suit and his briefcase and he's listened he's listening I got all done and he so respectfully came over to me and he said may I speak to you and we talked about God we talked about the Bible we talked about a little bit of science I love science and I asked him do you want to pray to accept Christ and he said I I just I just can't do that here I said that's okay where are you going now he said I'm going home and I distinctly remember he was going home to his cat he lived alone and I said when you get home to your flat to see your cat get on your knees and ask this God that has always troubled your thinking ask him if he's real can you do that and he said I can do that and that man was so sincere I believe he went home and did that and I know that if he did it God revealed himself to that man and God will reveal himself to you if you're honest with a God right now let's pray father we pray right now that we would respond to the conviction right now of the Holy Spirit we must all agree that wherever we're at in the world there's something going on right now in the room in my life in my heart I feel like I'm being called out I feel like there's a finger pointing at me oh my dear friend as I interrupt my prayer that's the Holy Spirit prodding you right now he's he's touching your heart he's saying listen to this it's not jacks speaking to you it's the Word of God speaking to you it's the Holy Spirit using the Word of God to reach you right now and you say to him this dear Lord I'm asking you to forgive me of my sins I want to receive this good news of being forgiven right now and to be given a new life to be able to start Life all over again to become what you said is a new creation oh how many times have I wished and lamented my life if I could have start that started life all over again if I could just do it over well my dear friend thank God you can do it over and that doing it over is saying Jesus come into my heart in life right now and save me and make me a follower of Christ and oh Lord I received the presence I now receive the person of the Holy Spirit in my life and I thank you for that lord I thank you for dying for me and being resurrected from the dead and I ask you now to take my life and use it for the very reason why I was born and you would pray that in Jesus name and you would say amen listen ayah because this is our first time doing this I'm not exactly sure what's happening on the other end of where you're at but if there's a number or if there's a link or a website to contact with us I think that you can go to real life with jakov's dot con org you can google my name you can find me that way I'm desperate to hear back from you you just just drop me a line and just say I prayed that prayer here's my email address send me send me information send me links pastor Jack I want to know more of the Bible I want to know what's my next step we need to hear from you I've got to hear from you to know about this decision and for all of the rest of us Christians we need to get back to the reliance upon the whole spirit and we need to stop playing religion and stop playing games and we need to get our lives in order now because I want to stress again the church was born in a house 21 centuries ago I'm praying that the church ends its witness on earth in a house maybe the Lord's coming back real soon and that's why this is all happening right now I'm so good with that until he comes we'll keep doing what we're doing but listen if you can hang with us for a moment there's a question I'm looking at it at a screen that's over the top of this camera why did Christ have to die for the Holy Spirit to be with us ah because listen Christ had to die number one as what is known as propitiation Jesus Christ died as our sacrifice the Bible says in the book of habakkuk that God is God's eyes are too pure to look upon evil the Bible says all of us are separated from God the Bible says in the Book of Isaiah that God's hand is not short that it cannot save neither is his ear deaf that he cannot hear you but he will not hear you and he will not save you because your sins have separated you from God so Christ came and by Christ's sacrifice listen he made the way we read it earlier tonight he is the way the truth and the life that way is the relationship whereby the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside of your life kind of a look of it look at it this way nobody wants to live in a filthy room I mean if you live in a filthy room then something's wrong that's why your mom says get up and clean your room the Holy Spirit doesn't want to live in a filthy room consider your life or a house and the Holy Spirit wants to dwell in you he cannot dwell in you until Christ cleanses you that's why you must first be born again and you did that a moment ago many of you prayed I I trust you did I want to hear from you in that moment the Holy Spirit came inside of you you may or may not have felt anything it's irrelevant if you felt anything or not God kind of doesn't really he doesn't avoid feelings but he he doesn't have us live off of feelings feelings are fickle dand emotional the moment you prayed that prayer instantly think of it just like the thief on the cross a man who's on the cross a wretched wicked man dying that's next to Jesus in the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John read them and a man that was horribly guilty crucified next to Christ one on each side and that man said Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom and Jesus said I say to you today you'll be with me in paradise the death of Christ is the only way that you can experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit number two is worrying a form of lack about is wearing a form or lack and trust in the Lord of course it is listen this is a very anxious time all around the world the Bible says that anxiety and worries ascend I know it doesn't make it feel good probably makes you worry more stop when we don't trust God we worry in fact listen if you don't if you don't trust the pilot that's flying the plane you're gonna worry okay one of the greatest things in my life that dispelled the fear of flying from me when that was a kid I learned how to fly in here in America in in California as a young man and I got my pilot's license and you know what the more you learn about flying the fear leaves and you understand it you know that that airplane is flying through the air it's not it's not hanging out there you can't see the molecules but that big airplane with those big wings are sitting on a whole lot of molecules you just can't see them yeah I saw I don't worry anymore and you need to understand that when we worry we don't believe God can take care of us when we're anxious we we think we know more than God does well I'm worried about this virus stop worrying about the virus I hired a doctor on the news just the other day say that more people are getting sick from worrying because they think they're sick or they might get sick by the way look at the numbers this this virus has has not been as aggressive as many in previous years h1n1 the swine flu the Hong Kong flu those were killers now this one is killing people but you you can fight this one stay healthy stay strong and that's God to protect you but don't worry no need to worry I mentioned to the church on Sunday that Charles Spurgeon the great preacher of England in the 18th century said that when we worry it's us putting faith in the devil that's a good way to put it can the Holy Spirit renew the minds of men in the sense that he is able to stop mental dysfunctions that lead to addictions like drugs or alcoholism I cannot speak to the drugs or the alcohol is important but I can speak to the dysfunction of of mental anguish or some of those things like that the answer is absolutely yes God the Holy Spirit will renew your mind the Bible tells us in the book of Romans that God will renew our minds by the Word of God did you now listen did you know that you can have your brain washed your mind washed with this word you can just get it washed the more you take in the Bible listen your thoughts will change you know the thoughts and the pattern of your thinking now you know how you got there right the way that you think is the way that you were brought up and it was the way it's the way that were you placed your thinking there's a lot of factors that play into that this person asked the question how alcoholism plays into that or drug use it doesn't have to be that it could be the way that you were brought up at home many of you have been abused and it's affected the way that you think and the Holy Spirit makes all things new I'm one of them he changed me he'll change you do you pray in the Holy Spirit yes I do and I trust you know what you're asking when you say that do I pray I pray all the time in the Holy Spirit and you can read 1st Corinthians chapter 14 regarding that Romans chapter 8 regarding that but I do it all the time what's interesting about being a pastor teacher of the Bible is many times I am literally now maybe maybe no one's going to understand this I think the person asking the question will understand this I don't know I do not know how what I'm about to share with you works I just know that it does but I can be teaching the Bible just like tonight and I can be speaking and teaching and in my mind my consciousness I am praying in the spirit and I am actually at times not hearing what's coming out of my mouth what's amazing is that I should say I'm not planning on what's coming out of my mouth I know what what's in my head I'm praying in the spirit I do not understand I'm hearing in my head it's uh it's what Paul the Apostle described as a heavenly language and yet I'm preaching in English and speaking to people or crowds or you and I'm praying at the same time how is that possible I don't know I don't understand it in the mornings when I get up and sit in the dark I rely upon the Holy Spirit in prayer and I pray in the spirit and you can read about that so can the Holy Spirit leave you what you what would cause him to give up on you jesus said I'm fumbling intentionally here because I'm trying to find it now the answer that the answer is he will not leave you he said behold I am with you always even unto the end of the world the Holy Spirit listen when Jesus Christ left and the Holy Spirit came and as the Holy Spirit dwells within the believer the Holy Spirit cannot leave you if you're born again you cannot be unborn again if you've been sealed by the Holy Spirit the book of Ephesians says you can't be unsealed you say well wait am i think I know somebody who lost their salvation who lost their their ceiling or their mark or their salvation experience with God listen how do you know that how do you know that they were saved in the first place you don't know all I know is this that those who are born again the Holy Spirit will never leave them jesus said in John 14 or John 16 I read it earlier tonight I'm sorry I oh here it is listen it's John 14 verse 18 I will not leave you orphans I will come to you God will never leave you as an orphan he'll never abandon you he'll never leave you Union you're not gonna find that anywhere friend my Buddhist friends you need Jesus Christ he'll never leave you or forsake you my Hindu friends you need to take a deep breath and relax and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ my Muslim friends Jesus is not a prophet proverbs 30:4 30 verse 4 says he's God jesus said of himself in John chapter 8 I'm God my Jewish friends and I have many your Messiah has already come he came according to your Old Testament prophets find a corner draw the curtain open up a New Testament it won't bite you by the way it's written by a bunch of Jewish guys and read it you'll be surprised my Jewish friends because the New Testament is the fulfillment and sites the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises thanks for watching the real-life YouTube channel we love bringing you content that will help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ you can subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss one single video or live stream and you can share it with friends and family if you'd like to support this ministry by helping us reach others by taking the gospel and the teaching around the world you can do so by clicking the give Now button so thanks again for watching and God bless [Music]
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 56,752
Rating: 4.9352622 out of 5
Keywords: holy spirit kim walker smith, holy spirit jesus culture, holy spirit, gifts of the spirit, fruit of the spirit, jack hibbs holy spirit, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs why series, jack hibbs live, calvary chapel chino hills, welcome holy spirit, understanding the holy spirit, worship, jesus culture
Id: Xei7P7uqYkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 18sec (4518 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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