Ask Jack: Q&A With Pastor Jack Hibbs

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hey well welcome to our ask questions ask Pastor Jack whatever you would like to call it it's something that you and I have been experiencing since the the covet shut down and as a ministry we kind of doubled up all of our efforts on how we could reach you and your family better and more often and so this entire time this actual quarter of the year my goodness think of it where as a church we have mobilized and we have flexed and changed with the demands of bringing the Word of God to you in all kinds of ways not only with our youth ministry and children's ministries but of course with a QA and with happening now where Don Stuart and I would get together with you or some some other types of presentations and this came out of it this time of Q&A is something that someone had out there the idea of hey you know we'd like to ask some questions and so that's what we're gonna do tonight I think this might be if my memory serves me right this might be our third time together where it's just you and I but we will injure ourselves together and and as a church family all this listen all of this is regarding you and I being disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and in fact it's so great to see that happening again physically here at church where the Lord as you well know I would think that back in April 26th God made it so clear to me he gave me May 31st so crystal clear I think I told you before but I wrote it down on a Sharpie pen right on my my laptop right into the skin of my laptop as it were because it was so profound and as we prayed and fasted and sought the Lord and headed in that direction it was awesome to obey Him and follow him because God listen God never leads you astray God never changes his mind he never changes direction he's the same yesterday today and forever and that's exactly how he communicates to us and so when we take the time to listen God speaks and so we encourage you that in your community wherever you might be pray for the the spiritual leadership of your community it's vitally important that the church get back to doing what God's called it to do and let's be honest everybody the world is never going to call the church to do what it's supposed to do a lot of people are messed up in their logic right now thinking that the church has got to get permission from the world to do its business for God that's one of the most prevailing prevalent lies of Satan today right now is that for example and this shouldn't surprise is in of any of us the issue of marriage and what is the definition of marriage well the world told us what it is not God don't listen to God anymore and you churches you don't know anything and don't bother us with your silly Bible no we're gonna tell you what the definition of marriage is now and then the world comes along and says nope this is what we think is the best thing to do is that a woman should have a right to choose even up to the birth of the baby and then if she chooses that baby or selects that baby to die that baby is to die don't bother us ministry Church Bible people with that kind of stuff because we're going to tell you what life is and its value and so now the world and I hope people can see this the world comes along and takes advantage Satan comes along takes advantage of situations and says oh listen the church now needs to listen to the carnal the godless entities of our nation or of our state's for the church to do what it's to do we'll tell you when and how and I hope people are waking up to the realization of the demonic plot that that really is all about if you know church history if you've studied it and if you've looked at recent church history World War 2 era for example with Adolf Hitler in the Lutheran Church and and then what spread to the other denominations throughout Europe Oh what Satan did through politics look Satan doesn't have a pulpit Satan uses the realm of politics to manipulate people and so it's exactly what's happening today and thank God we know our Lord Jesus Christ we know what the Bible says and so we're sticking to that so it's always safe to be with people or with the people of God and with God rather than the people of this world in opinion because opinion will lead you astray every time so listen I've stalled long enough before we get into questions tonight we want to remind you that you can always stay in touch with us you can go to youtube and type in Jacobs or I think it's real life with Jacobs at YouTube something like that and you can go there and do us a great favor it really helps us a lot if you simply subscribe just subscribe click the button subscribe and that that is a great encouragement if any of you want to encourage me that's how you would do it from afar is click Subscribe you can certainly be on my Facebook page where many of you are viewing this right now Facebook live a pastor Jack or real Jacobs dot-com org or whatever it is at Facebook and then of course the church's website which is now Facebook streaming to you or live streaming to you as well there's various platforms we encourage you to stay in touch with us and so with that we are going to go to I have I'm going to be looking up at a screen that's just above the camera so that's why I'm looking up if you're wondering why this is Joe and Oklahoma so Joe are you there can I hear you listen if you can hear me Joe can you ask me your question yes at first I want to say appreciate your courage and your boldness or stand up and these chaotic times we have your kind you Joe you part my question is pray and I'll stand Mardon you just pray and I'll take a stand we'll do it together all right sounds good all right my question is you think that because of the zekiel 38 war the nations around Israel will be so scared after the victory that they'll be willing to let Israel do whatever she wants including building the temple you know that is a good question I I don't know regarding the victory that Israel is going to have regarding the Ezekiel battle is that going to let because of fear the other nations surrounding is that going to be the reason Joe that they allow the temple to rebuild how about this Joe is it's possibly this we know from Ezekiel 38 that there appears to be no reference to the Temple existing at all it doesn't mean it doesn't it just but it doesn't mean it does there's no reference Joe to the easy to the Temple existing in Chapter 38 however a lot of great scholars when I say great scholars I'm talking about some of the ones that have gone way before us dr. John Walvoord dr. Harry Ironside Clarence Larkin Dwight Pentecost some of those excellent scholars they actually put this forward Joan this is a really good way to entertain that question of yours what do we do know we know that Russia but with its surrounding coalition of a handful of nations mind you this is not Armageddon Ezekiel 38 is a different battle this is this is a handful of nations they're all Muslim and they come against Israel but the Bible says Joe and Ezekiel 38 that when God intervenes Israel's going to know that God did it now that's a tremendous statement what does that mean does that mean all of Israel does it mean some begin to wake up I personally believe that the remnant will begin to wake up that God has helped us maybe spiritual awakening having said that the Ezekiel battle is debated you know Joe is could it happen moment or does it have to happen you know right before the Tribulation Period why do people speculate because Israel will not be at peace as long as its neighbors are coming against it the zekiel battle takes care of those neighbors but it also might open up the door Joe for the Antichrist to come in and sign a peace treaty basically saying okay we don't want that to ever happen again do we so sign this peace treaty with your neighbors so that they never actually act up like that again and by the way you can go ahead and rebuild your temple the reason why I put that forward to you Joe is because Syria remember Syria is not mentioned in those nations I think Syria Damascus specifically Damascus I think Damascus is going to be obliterated somehow some way before Ezekiel 38 but you asked a very very smart question could it be that Israel feels so secure and so so strong after the Ezekiel battle that their neighbors say go ahead and build your temple possible I think it's that they're gonna realize some I should say some Jews are going to start waking up to God's hand while others will be deceived by the advent of the Antichrist there's no doubt about it it's second Thessalonians 2 lets us know that when the Antichrist does show up there is a temple that he announces himself to the world as being God so amazing things Joe we're gonna have to watch and see what happens but that's a very insightful question that's a good one do you have another question thank you Pastor yeah thank you Joe I engirth um chino hills' not not too far away Edgar yeah how you doing back there I got blessed that's awesome Edgar what question do you have yes I know we talked about this last Sunday I went through I would search this cherry ah I know we talked about it I know that the rapture comes before tribulation yes can we actually at this time in age can you actually do pick or at least I wish me taraweeh at the sign where are we at that time were were old I know babe we're on there yeah you need a quick tit Edgar if I can hear you right are you asking can we can we can we confidently believe that we're in the time of when the rapture could happen is that what you meant is that what you're saying exactly exactly oh my okay I got you loud and clear now yes of course absolutely because I think the scripture is very clear Edgar that as we mentioned on Sunday service that there is no prerequisite Bible prophecies before the rapture can happen the rapture is that fundamental teaching of both Jesus and the Apostles that is something that is known as a mystery like the church is known as a mystery that it is something mysterion is the Greek word and it means it's not that it's a mystery you can't know it means it's a mystery that's been revealed until the right time so the church is a mystery for example Israel in the Old Testament didn't understand the church or the place of the church but God knew there'd be a time for the church and the Bible made accounts for that regarding the rapture it is a biblical event referred to in Scripture what makes it a mystery is the fact that it is something that will happen it has no warning signs before it happens so what does it mean Edgar it means every day that we're further down the prophetic road were one day closer to that moment of the rapture and that's why the rapture teaching is always one to focus on getting ready a first John read first John especially chapter two and three it tells you there that we as believers if we are looking for the return of Jesus it's gonna cause us to stand straight so to speak morally and we are going to be worshipers we're gonna be busy about our father's business we are going to be you we are going to be touched by the fact that he could come at any time now Edgar between you and I I am actually expecting Jesus any day and if he doesn't come for three weeks I'm gonna keep expecting him and if he doesn't come for three months I'm still gonna expect him but the fact of the matter is we are living at a time like I mentioned on Sunday first time in history where we've got global issues affecting everyone including the church at the exact same time the only thing that ever came close to this before was like World War two for example but that that didn't affect the entire world nor did it affect the church but for example the covet pandemic that affected the entire globe and the church well now we've got violent rioting you know in America I'm standing in America right now protest is fine but rioting is illegal and but yet around the world now they're starting to be an outbreak of violent rioting what's going on well these are things that tell me number one this Earth's not my home thank God and the other thing is Wow since since Israel has been existing as a nation here's the church at the same time that Israel exists I know you're coming back Lord for the church at any time because you're about ready to work with Israel again in the last days so wow I'm ready now Jesus I'm ready now and I think God wants us to live Edgar in that mindset of let's be ready for him now that's that's what I think so okay listen brother go basher yes yeah hopefully someday will you meet in heaven well let me ask you Edgar do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord do you believe he died on the cross for your sins and that he rose again from the dead well pastor Jack finally you mentioned that I was born again in your church since then on I've been coming in well brother listen if you put your faith in G if you put your faith in Jesus Edgar you and I are gonna go up together and we'll and we'll have an awesome time heaven together Oh hopefully I'll meet you there sometime hey listen thank you pastor yeah I'll definitely see you in heaven all right brother we'll see ya okay thank you thank you oh this is Ashley from Hawaii Hawaii are you there yes I am thank you hi Ashley what's your question yes thank you so much for everything okay so my question is this I previously had believed in the rapture to happen pre-trib but if I just read the scripture and I'm no one special but if I read Matthew first in second Thessalonians revelation just reading it at face value I don't see the rapture occurring pre-trip so I was just wondering if you could guide me and while what nyu and so many other wonderful pastors do adhere to a ad the rapture happening pre-tribulation thank you yeah absolutely Ashley hopefully you can write these references down if not I'm sure if not you can go back and review this broadcast I'm sure you can so Ashley you mentioned the Gospels was specific specifically Matthew you mentioned revelation and you mentioned some of the epistles and you mentioned them in in the the scenario where you don't you don't see a pre-tribulation rapture so here's what I want you to write down ask yourself this ask yourself this question what is the tribulation period for what's it for okay you want to ask you something God so find out what's it for okay how does the Bible describe the tribulation period okay you want to ask yourself those questions and you want to ask yourself the question is as anyone is anything exempt from the tribulation period in other words mark this down now in 1st Thessalonians chapter one two three four and five there is literally a specific reference in each of the chapters to the Church of Thessalonica that God has a predetermined destined programmed announced that the church will not see the wrath of God that it has escaped the wrath that's I mean and that's exactly the word that it uses in Scripture five chapters five promises in first Thessalonians chapters one through five what I want you to do because I don't want you to change your mind because I say anything to you I want you to change your mind because God is speaking to you so look up the word wrath look it up and see what it means this is the one of the most wonderful things actually for you to look at what does the word wrath mean okay so you go do that and then you mentioned Matthew and I think you did you mean Matthew 24 maybe yeah perfect are you get ready to write this down here's a shocker ready Matthew 24 Luke 21 mark 13 has nothing to do at all with Gentiles sorry I'm choking on something those chapters have nothing to do with the church and I'm I'm gonna try to provoke you to to think something now if you read Matthew 24 you're gonna be reading along by the way again Luke 21 and Mark 13 the same thing Ashley so as you're reading so you got Matthew you got Mark and you got Luke's picture of the same teaching of Jesus okay so you've got things like this when Jesus said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the place where it should not come down from your housetop Ashley do you live on top of your house no no keep reading and when you come down from your house don't even go to don't go take anything run and if you're in the field plowing don't even go back to get your jacket run and he gives you this breakdown and then he says right there in the middle and pray that your escape that you that when you run it's not on a Sabbath day or uh in the snow a Jerusalem drew its nose in Jerusalem every year read that in Matthew Luke and Mark he says pray that it's not on a winter day pray that it's not on the Sabbath don't it do believe so fast don't even go into your house to get your jacket listen Ashley ask yourself these questions where are they going where did he tell them to go and that's funny I don't live you know I don't live on top of my roof I don't live near Jerusalem I don't care about the Sabbath because Ashley Matthew 24 in the tribulation period is all about Israel in the world at that time Jesus is addressing the future Jews who believe in Jesus at that time the Tribulation Period is the fulfillment of Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 to 27 God owes is Israel seven years of specific focus that he's promised to them back in Daniel 9 and so the church cannot be the recipient of God's wrath because it tells you that the world receives the wrath of God in fact Israel doesn't even receive the wrath of God during the Tribulation Period it is a Jewish event that's why in Revelation 4 Ashley verse 1 John who is a member of the church is from chapter 4 verse 1 he's in heaven from that moment on forevermore John's not telling you what's happening on earth where he's at on earth he's not on earth John is not saying oh my goodness and the church was destroyed at the midpoint of the tribulation or at this pun the church was crushed and Christians were killed he doesn't say that the church is seen Ashley in revelation 4 revelation 2 3 and represented in chapter 4 verse 1 and that it's never seen again Ashley except in Revelation 19 in heaven it's up there you gotta ask yourself question how did she get there how did the church get to heaven like that when did that happen John chapter 14 verses 1 2 & 3 tells you and so does first thessalonians 4 13 through 18 so it's a fundamental it's a fundamental understanding of this ashley wrath is guts indignation god's punishment brought down against a christ-rejecting world during the seven-year tribulation period god's focusing on the jewish nation because he owes of them seven years of special dispensation that he talked about in chapter 9 of daniel very important has nothing to do with the church because ashley jesus took the wrath for you and me at the cross he was punished for us you see well Jack what about the Saints that died during the tribulation period because it says that they're beheaded you are correct those are tribulation believers they're not members of the church and the Bible is very clear that they're not members of the church because you see them in heaven after they're beheaded the Bible says that they're under the altar of God waiting for their other brethren to be killed as they were but when you read about them in the book of Revelation they're nowhere near the church the church is actually watching them and they are entering into heaven during the Tribulation Period but there but there the tribulation Saints they wear robes the church in heaven wears fine white linen the Bible says clean and bright so Ashley I'm gonna leave you with this get a book it is awesome it's fantastic it's called the rapture question by dr. John wolfred the rapture question here's the reason why it's so great dr. John Wolverine was so skilled at Bible prophecy that he argues each of the different views perfectly from their perspective he's going to give you the arguments from every angle pre-med post-trib pre-wrath midpoint trip you he gives it all and he even talks about who gets raptured do do super Christians get raptured but not so good Christians get raptured he's gonna answer to that and so much more it's called the rapture question by dr. John Wolford Ashley get that book promise me you'll get it and read it because it will blow your mind awesome thank you so much for taking the time and oh yes we're ready for the Lord's return immediately thank you God bless you Ashley Monterey and this is a call coming in from Utah and are you there I am I can hear you awesome hi pastor how are you I'm doing good how are you I'm very good oh good what's your question good so I I just right they haven't been tuning in because I've been on my phone so I don't know if this is a good question or not or if someone's already asked it but and I'm just wondering if the church will see anything of the pre-tribulation like the turmoil that's going to happen in the Tribulation Period if we're going to see any of that before their aperture and I know that the world already lost its mind and right I mean already delusional but I just don't know like if we're do you it could be an opinion thing no listen actually I know to you it might feel like an opinion thing but it's actually a very very serious theological term the question you just asked really goes deep to be honest with you so it's an awesome question so here's the in fact that kind of goes along with the call would that we had a little bit earlier keep this in mind the seven years are are promised to Israel though those seven years of tribulation that's a time that God has promised that he would be dealing with Israel now let's remember this everybody she's asking a great question the Tribulation Period is seven years it's divided into two segments says God 42 months 42 months or 1260 days and 1260 days now you say Jack those numbers are we know they're not the bible has 360 day years not 365 360 so keep this in mind even though the seven years is divided into two different plays or or episodes that's call it that there's no way that the church bleeds in or steps the line over into the Tribulation Period because again theologically it is specifically dealing God dealing with Israel the Bible tells us that what starts the Tribulation Period monterrey is that the book of Thessalonians tells us that the Antichrist signs a treaty signs a deal a covenant Daniel 9 and read second Thessalonians and actually read first and second Thessalonians both because those two books of course will give you a more full and round picture but here's what you're going to see the seven years is what Israel owes to God because God has promised to focus on Israel at the end for seven years that seven years has no mention of the church in it at all zero okay in fact okay the church has to be gone before the Antichrist is revealed because we know that when he's revealed the scripture says in 2nd Thessalonians that he's going to sign that treaty with Israel but but it can only happen after the Hinderer the holy spirit steps aside and it says and then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume what the brightness of his coming and I believe that that's a clear reference of the Holy Spirit yielding up the church to Christ in the atmosphere the Holy Spirit steps aside and evil is released like we've never seen before and in that the Bible says that Antichrist is revealed he's going to come into the world and the church is the actual entity right now that the holy spirit is using to hold back evil imagine monterrey of the church the evil that we're saying scene right now you mentioned you said something to the effect that the church has gotten met or the world has gotten mad the world has gone crazy can you imagine this is nothing this is nothing oh and I'm sure it was my thing is like it's go it's getting so crazy already I just don't know how far it's gonna get before the rapture I mean would you save this strong delusion that has already already hit a good person of the world oh gosh no no no no because listen here's that's very clear again you're going you go back to second Thessalonians the strong delusion cannot happen until the church is removed and then the scripture says then God will send those who refused to believe he will send those who refuse to believe strong delusion so that they will believe the lie and the lie isn't bet which is going to come from the Antichrist you'll be out of here before that strong delusion hits but I got to tell you Monterrey I I'm with you when I look around and when I look around and I see all of a sudden in the last five months what people are thinking how they're thinking I have never never I felt so detached for the close people in my life that I don't even it's mind-boggling listen I want you to I know that hurts and I got that I see it too but know this everything's starting to be shaken right now and people who are on the edge they're gonna have to decide if their faith is real or not right now well there's people who are looking around like us and we're saying wow this is very very unpleasant man Jesus talked about times like this coming now this is not the fulfillment of it all but it's starting and man the Lord's building must be closed Wow his return must be closed because this is currently happening and you look at people's lives people are terrified they gave up on faith if you know they're mortified and they believe a lie somebody says something on TV or somebody tweet something that's all it takes it's yeah crazy no no it's crazy I'm with you but it's nothing compared to what's coming but can the church go up at any moments oh yes Amen that's what I'm living for amen okay well I appreciate you so much thank you Pastor Jack yeah you think you god bless you this uh this next call this Courtney from Virginia hi Courtney are you there hi hi pastor Jack great hi how are you I'm wonderful thank you so much for taking my call it's my pleasure what's your question for today my question is as I've been thinking about what's going on in the United States right now my prayer is that um the United States is a sheep nation that's what I've been praying that God would that we would be a sheep nation when Jesus comes back to judge the nations during the tribulation that we took care of the Jews in some way and then he reminded me of ezekiel 38:13 and i just wondered about the Shiva do Dan and the Young Lions of Tarshish if that is indeed indicator that that's the United States would that possibly be an indicator that we might be a sheep nation if we're looking at the Bible um I know we can't be dogmatic about it but that's what the Holy Spirit reminded me of that first yeah yeah so that's a really great question number one what I want you to be careful about Ezekiel 38 battle Ezekiel 38 bable bable is not Armageddon it's not the same hour Ezekiel 38 encompasses Russia Libya you see the nations listed there a a Gomer toe a turkey toe gamar of those nations it talks about Libya those nations mentioned there Courtney are just a handful of Muslim nations today and what's in Tripura as well so when you talk about the second coming of Jesus right because you talked about sheep nations did I hear you correctly like sheep and goats yeah okay perfect watch this you take ezekiel 38 and you put it right over here you set it off to the side okay regarding your question about being a sheep or goat nation you're referring to matthew chapter 25 and that's very important Matthew chapter 25 happens after Matthew chapter 24 and what's so important about that Matthew chapter 24 Jesus mentions the advent of the Antichrist the events that happened when he shows himself to Israel and they flee away and there's massive global upheavals there's global pestilence there's global earthquakes there's global fear there is global wars and rumors of wars there's all of these things happening and then watch this and by the way when you look at Matthew 25 you're going to want to read revelation 17 18 19 for sure as it overlays that okay and watch this revelation 19 opens up with Jesus coming back to earth and what is called the second coming and when he returns in the second coming his foot will touch the Mount of Olives it's gonna split open he's gonna continue down he's gonna go through the the eastern or the Golden Gate in Jerusalem he has to Bible says so and then he's going to sit upon the throne of David and this is what you're referring to and he's gonna judge the nations of the world Courtney don't forget this write this down he's gonna sit on on David's throne this is awesome because Jesus has never sat on David's throne before he has to sit on the throne of David which is in Jerusalem Jesus is on the throne now in heaven but it's not David's throne David's Thrones on earth Jesus has to sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem and watch this go read Daniel chapter 12 why it's going tell you that when he comes back he's gonna set up his kingdom and it tells you that he's going to judge the nations now back to Matthew 25 he's going to separate the nations that is the nations during the Tribulation Period the people of the nations it's not just a nation let's I'm gonna make this up right now it's not just Canada that he's gonna deal with he's gonna deal with an individual nation the individual the Gentile how did the Gentile treat the Jews during the tribulation period at the time of Christ's second coming he's going to put an end to the horrific antics of that last few moments remember what he said if he didn't return there would be no flesh left on earth Wow he's gonna stop it all he's gonna destroy the Antichrist and the false prophet and he's gonna cast them and Satan into the lake of fire and he's in establish his throne that judgment period he's going to separate the nation's the sheep from the goats and that will be Gentile nations being judged as sheep if they were kind to Israel you can read it Matthew 24 because their reward is that they get to live into the Millennial Kingdom they get to live in to the restored earth and to end the rent and the restored environment that Jesus establishes on his on his Father's throne David the goats are taken away and thrown what we'd think we believe sounds like anyway from Ezekiel and Isaiah in the book of Revelation it's it looks like they are cast over to Ghana the Valley of Hinnom or the valley of Gehenna and that is the southwestern tip of Mount Moriah in Jerusalem today and that is the place that where Judas for example hung himself it's the place where no Jews will go because it's believed to be cursed on it's a reference of Hell during ancient times they called it Hades itself because it was so bad so Ezekiel battle that's one thing I think the Ezekiel battle is it could happen at any time but the Second Coming cannot happen until the Battle of Armageddon plays out and Jesus in Revelation 19 interrupts that so a really insightful question Courtney that's a great question so god bless you it's a great question my goodness so David from Florida my goodness I love all these questions come in from all over the States David are you there oh yeah what what question do you have okay my question is Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven I just don't understand that well first of all let's let's address the issue of the keys first of all remember before Jesus ascended to heaven he he announced to Peter that he had the keys remember Peter had the keys yes okay and then that's that's how you that yeah yeah that's been the church age and Peter's had the keys the beautiful thing about that is when the book of Revelation was revealed given to John in in the year 95 AD Peter doesn't have the keys anymore the Bible tells us in the seven letters of the seven churches that Jesus holds the keys so I don't know if Peter I don't know if Peter fell over a rock and tripped and lost the keys or what but Jesus has got him now but getting back to the question though of loosening and binding this is what we understand David what that means it's the it's the authority of a believer a follower of Jesus Christ we walk in that authority of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit resides in us and that authority is native to the Christian let me tell you what I mean by that it's that authority that allows you and I David as believers to witness to somebody for example if we share Christ with somebody and they say nope I don't want him I don't want anything to do with them leave me alone we have the authority to say to them then my dear friend I'm sorry to say to you that you still you still live in sin the judgment of God is still upon you and it will be that way unless you repent and follow Jesus the Bible tells us in the same token David that if somebody says I repent of my sin and I put my faith in Jesus Christ then the first John tells us that we have the authority to say to them then you are loosed from your sins you're made new in Christ and you've become a new creation god bless you all things have passed away behold all things have become new god bless you brother I'll see you in heaven that's the authority of the believers so when it comes to loosening and binding what does it mean it means for example if I am praying something in accordance to the will of God or if I'm doing something that's in accordance with the will of God then the authority of heaven supports the action that I'm taking why it's not mine it's his and the same thing is true when it when it talks about when we bind or loose we are bringing the authority of God into something to where we are we are taking this for the kingdom of God his word is clear on this and we wage war against the enemy that way it's it has nothing to do David with us claiming I'm loosening you know I'm loosening a million dollars to myself so so you know bring the million dollars god I know no it doesn't and I buy you know I bind this because you know God promised me a Ferrari and up no no no no no it's standing and the authority of God's Word live in your life in that authority that's biblically based where you have that commissioning from the Holy Spirit in your life I wish I wish more believers recognize the authority that God has given us breath great yeah I thank you so much pastor Jack you are doing such a wonderful job and we love you I love your church and we're we just hope to get there someday but the next time you have a conference I always see you on whatever is going on yeah you know when you're at a conference but thank you so much god bless you thank you David please pray for us thank you okay this is great we have Phyllis from Ontario Canada so Phyllis from Ontario Canada are you there hi pastor hi how are you Phyllis okay I'm fine thank you I hope you're you and your family are well yes we're well thank you so much whatwhat questions good yeah well okay um because of all the chaos and the solidus and today can Satan and his demons put thoughts in our head or put thoughts in people or moving that around or oh you know I don't know I know that they can't be everywhere at one thank God right that's his true Satan here really right Satan is a created being he's limited he's not he's not omnipresent he's not omnipotent he's no dumb Nishant he doesn't know everything he's not all-powerful he's not everywhere that's why he has a demon legion he's got a group of demonic spirits that do his bidding we know that there's fallen angels that do his bidding um so her question you're it's a great great question I think I think Phyllis a lot of people are asking this question you know what's going on in the world and to Satan behind it number one Satan can shoot thoughts into your head absolutely the Bible tells us for example in the first Corinthians that you and I need to bring every thought under the captivity of Christ so a thought enters our mind we start to wrestle with it we need to rebuke that thought and just give it to Jesus okay no matter what it is listen if it goes against the Word of God you grab that thought and you say this doesn't align with God's Word I'm not gonna entertain that thought in my life and I'm gonna throw it throw it over to the Lord that's that's not for me it's not it's not for me to deal with now number one Phyllis you got to know the Bible before you can do that the second thing is we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual hosts of wickedness and in very dark sinister places Phyllis you and I wage war in the spiritual realm how do we do that when we pray when we worship when we when we serve when we give when we love we are acting out what God's will is for us and the enemy forces don't want that and their area of battle is your mind Phyllis my mind your mind all the believers and even the non-believers they shoot what they want done into the minds of people this is demonic activity so for example you talked about how crazy the world is I believe that's exactly what's going on I believe by the level of fear that's in the world I believe how sad this is I believe that people who were once strong and and they they followed God unwaveringly now they're timid scared frightened losing courage they don't know what to do because they're hearing voices I don't mean they're hearing voices they're listening to to things that are being said by people people they don't even know perhaps what's happening the enemy is sowing thoughts into people's minds and no one's exempt from this but we as believers know how to destroy those thoughts with the Word of God see the world out there right now it doesn't have the word so Satan is shooting thoughts into the culture all around the world right now to think a certain way to do a certain thing and they don't have any way of refuting him to them it's a line it's a it's a little it's such a convincing lie but to the believer you go wait a minute that's not right and how do you know it's not right because the Word of God has taught you that and so you fight so yeah Phyllis this is a bizarre time I think we're seeing demonic activity starting to manifest itself in the world around us and fear remember confusion fear intimidation lying all of these things are indicators of satanic fingerprints in the mix so hope that helps we're gonna take a call from Paul and Chino so just down the road - am i right so Paul are you there yeah this is Paul hi Paul yes hi pastor Jack this is Paul from Chino excellent bless you god bless you for what question you have yeah thank you yeah I think it's kind of a loaded question but it has to deal with first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 15 for the believer will we wait for that blessed hope and the appearing of our great God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ amen but it's a it's a loaded question but um I've heard you say before tell me the bad news first yes and so it's kind of it's kind of both and so for the believer we're gonna be up in heaven of course so I guess my question would be if you could give us an ad hoc picture to the audience of what what it would be like in heaven immediately right after the rapture and then of course the utter catastrophe that that the earth is here you know with with the unbelievers that don't go up you know I think of a surgeon that's not at the operating table no more our or a pilot who's no longer in the cockpit and so there's a tremendous amount of disaster that I think it'll happen immediately so my question is is a snapshot of immediately right after the rapture here on earth and then us in heaven Wow well it's an awesome question and you know Paul that I can only speculate on most of it but let's go with what we know for sure first okay what we know for sure first and absolutely is that the Bible says to be absent from this physical body is to be present with the Lord now means the moment a believer dies they go they open their eyes in there with Jesus but before we describe that the rapture interrupts that it doesn't contradict that verse it interrupts that verse you see what do you mean well right now when we die the believer goes straight to Jesus but we have your funeral and we put you in the ground and we wait for the resurrection or the rapture of the church the church will be raptured the dead in Christ will rise so we want to be very clear about that if you die today you go immediately with the Lord if the rapture happens today you don't die you go immediately to be with the Lord it's a wonderful bonus right so what happens Wow well I on earth I would assume I sure hope so that there's going to be a whole lot of people raptured that it is somehow now watch this you got to play this out because we speculate that it's somehow what noticeable that these people are missing how's that going to be explained away people are going to be missing and people have been a bit two and two together and they're gonna say well it's funny these people would that are missing they all had Bibles in their houses or these people all had Christian stickers on their cars or skateboards I don't know but what's the connection why is it Christians they're gone what happened here or the Christians are raptured and instantly there's a demonic delusion or what if at this at the same time the rapture happens a moment afterwards what if the explanation Paul is that the world says oh my goodness you know what we saw a bunch of UFOs and it was very strange there was this weird light in the air and whatever who knows what and oh that's what must have happened to all these people I don't know we don't know but somehow the world is going to be duped but not only that there could be devastating things that follow for example imagine in the United States right now in our government I know several born-again believers in the president's cabinet imagine if they're got imagine for example of what vice president Mike Pence says it's true that there are more Bible studies and prayer meetings taking place right now in this administration than any other time and recorded American history what if they're all raptured where does that leave America I don't know what about those airplanes are cars on the roadway like the movie left behind portrayed I don't know let's leave that alone because the Bible doesn't say you mentioned heaven what's what's the opening moments going to be like the only thing I can say from Scripture is based on these few events and maybe that maybe you'll want to look at them number one book of Acts chapter 7 stephen is stoned to death right they kill him but as he's dying he sees heaven open and he sees Jesus standing he stands up to welcome Stephen into heaven and Stephen mentions the glory of God I see the glory of God so we're gonna see glory number 2 we know that when John was taken up in revelation 4:1 he sees heaven and you want to read revelation 4 and 5 chapters 4 and 5 he tells you what he's looking at it's awesome John is our prototype so to speak he's our forerunner John gets up there and he's looking and he's describing a lamb sitting on a throne and it looks as though he's been slaying a lamb he looks like he's been slain and he he the angels are there and the elders are there and he describes it Paul he describes what he sees in the opening moments of heaven when he sees it and John is blown away and so when people listen when people die here at the church I tell their families from now until you meet them again if you want to have a little bit of a connection read revelation four and five because it describes what John first saw acts 7 describes what Stephen saw and then again also in Corinthians first Corinthians I believe it's first Corinthians I'm sorry Paul the Apostle talks about himself in the third person he says I know a man who about 14 years ago he was left he was killed and left for dead and he saw things in heaven that were unspeakable so fantastic that it's not right for anyone to even express in human words the glory that was there so we can speculate we can think but best thing to do is go to those areas of the Bible that describe what Ezekiel saw what Isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 he tells us about what John that's what I would do but I think I think it's I think it's just in the human nature the way God made us Paul I think you and I are gonna walk around the first few moments or I don't know first couple of years just absolutely freaking out like John did I think John freaked out I think it's just amazing and you know this earth is going to be left in upheaval no doubt so much so that the Antichrist will somehow bring peace and stability after the church is raptured how the world's gonna need it and apparently he's the guy that brings the answer to the people so god bless you Paul I just I pray the Lord's blessing on your life brother this is Jill from Minnesota Jill how are you hi hi I'm doing well thank you for taking my question it relates to deception in the church and of believers as a sign of the end time and I was wondering if you are seeing like particular lies that Christians are believing today or if there are particular lies you feel like Christians are may be vulnerable to believing and how can we kind of protect ourselves to make sure that we're believe means only what is true yeah first a great question first of all deception has always been we all agree on that the Bible warns about it tells us about it in fact the Bible reveals to us the real issues about deception and that starts off in Genesis chapter 3 we get baptized into the art of deception by Satan himself all the way through the Bible the Bible reveals to us the axe and antics of deception and by the time we come to the end of the Old Testament deception knows no bounds deception is off the charts but the light is not clearly lit for us until the New Testament reveals to us the scripture why it's the scripture that takes us with power into the world of deception and we get to discern so Jill the key word what you're talking about is discernment what happens in the church or Christians life when we have discernment discernment is the Holy Spirit's working in our lives and it's also a gift referred to in the Bible as a gift of the Holy Spirit where the Word of God is used as the plumb line Jill it is the take that ribbon hanging straight down gravity's pulling that ribbon straight like that it's a plumb line think about that discernment is the plumb line between the truth of God and what you and I observe and so when we look around this world what's happening we are watching people who now has caused what's caused us to wonder is my friend even a Christian anymore what in the world is he saying why is he doing that where did he get that from and he watched my fingers now air quotes he used to be a believer but but now with certain things going on in the world around him he's completely departed from Scripture and he's gone down some other paths deception or your friend had the joy of the Lord and then covet hit or whatever and that person's faith went out the window no more joy no faith no trust in God completely bound up by fear crippled and debilitated in fact their faith is gone well that's Matthew 13 happening right then and there deception right now Satan I have no doubt Satan is deceiving people with in the church that are not of the church he's going around right now and he's using any tool he can find anything anybody any way to get to you to get to me to test or try every doorknob doorknob meaning is there a little bit of pornography over here I'll wiggle in there is there a little bit of lust over here for things idolatry money stuff cars that's not under the authority of Jesus I'm gonna get in here is it is it whatever it might be whatever it might be he wiggle he finds something and he starts to wiggle in here's what happens when he attacks the believer I gotta tell you Jill one of the most effective satanic attacks on my life and thank God there I can count them on one hand they were so cunning and so crafty that I didn't realize it was an attack until I was like three days into this thing and I looked around and it's like wait a minute that guy said he was a total born-again believer and so did that guy and this is the thing that's going on and that's the deal how come I didn't see that in the beginning Wow so cunning so crafty but thank God most of the time you you know the hair on your spiritual neck stands up and you realize wait a minute something's wrong here you'll only know that by the Word of God people today let's be honest this is not gonna go over well okay I'm just gonna warn everybody right now if you spend more time on Facebook than you do in your Bible yours you're a setup for deception if you spend more time reading the newspaper then you do the Bible you're your setup if you spend more time watching Netflix then you do the Bible you're being set up you're just being set up because Satan listen he's fine with all that as long as you are spiritually growing anemic spiritually growing I should say spiritually degress in your becoming anemic with all the allurements around now things hit and the thought is launched into your head you're gonna choose to obey your emotions and the news or that person instead of the Bible this is the day we're in this is what's happening right now I'm watching it happen with pastors I'm washing it happen with Christians or watching it happen with churches it's happening right now so Jill you need to be or stay in the Bible Jill more than ever and listen when somebody says Jill what about you scrambled or poached scrambled or fried say to them hang on a minute I'm a Christian let me let me find out I'll get back to you there's no rush you can get back to them what does God say not what the Pope says not what jack says not what not with no no Bible Jill stay in the Bible get your answer from the Bible and look you're not going to be popular but you're gonna be right and so that's what I would encourage deceptions everywhere and it's increasing fast for sure so summer is in Texas summer are you there hi summer this is Jack hello hi hi how are you I'm good how are you I'm very good what's your question today so well first of all so you dedicate me when I was two weeks old when Detroit was still in the warehouse and I'm 18 now oh my goodness I feel very old right now so yeah you so you were in the warehouse building yep my goodness I don't remember ever yeah Wow I'm honored to hear that that is so great to hear a summary so listen when when did you move to Texas uh we're about 15 years ago oh wow okay Wow okay very good well summer what's your question and I'm honored by the way to have been able to dedicate you that's that's a great thing to hear hmm so in reservations it says that certain believers will stay behind after the rapture to document the tribulation and there I turn to Jesus and be observers to it so I would like to know how are they chosen and what are the odds that it's gonna be me okay let me ask you some where did you hear that show me exactly what you're talking about where some believers go and some believers don't go where where do you see that well I just read and I don't remember went off to look up the verse but just in relevation that said that some would stay behind and be observers to the return of Christ not exactly the the only thing that I can tell you the book of Revelation by the way remember chapter 1 reveals who Jesus Christ is chapter 1 okay hmm chapter 2 and 3 is Jesus speaking to the seven letters to the seven churches and maybe that's what you're kind of talking about we're in to the letter and go read the letter to the church at Philadelphia for example Jesus's letter to the church at Philadelphia in that's Philadelphia Turkey today in Turkey not not Pennsylvania Turkey so Jesus writes and he tells them that because you've kept my word and you've not deny my name I will keep you from the hour that's going to come upon the entire world to try those who live on the earth that is a promise that the that did church not not just the Philadelphia Church but the the Church of every true believer so right now summer if Jesus came back tonight for the church every born-again believer would go up everyone who's born again whoever is the Holy Spirit living in them go up tonight that happens so God doesn't leave there's nowhere in scripture where it says that he leaves part of his church behind what he does say in those seven letters to the seven churches and maybe this is what you're thinking about he does say to one of the churches if you don't repent I'm gonna throw you into great tribulation that's true he's talking to people who are in the church but they're not believers they're very they're religious but they're not born again in fact too late the church at Laodicea the anim when you read the seven letters of the seven churches the last one summer is the church at Laodicea and it's an unsaved Church Jesus isn't even in it he's trying to get into it but they call themselves a church and they don't even belong to him is that crazy it's absolutely amazing so here's what you want to remember if you're a born-again believer that means summer if you believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins that you can't summer cannot save herself you cannot you cannot be good at enough summer you can't you can't give enough money you can't give enough time you can't give enough service there's nothing that summer or Jack can do to save ourselves because it's impossible if you believe summer that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and that he rose again from the dead that Jesus lives and that the Bible that it's true that what the Bible says about Jesus is true then summer when the rapture happens you're going up with me and any other believer that's living at that time you will go up because the Holy Spirit in you has to present you to Jesus when Jesus comes in the atmosphere are you familiar with 1st Thessalonians 4 mmm can't say I am okay I want you to read that when we hang read first Thessalonians 4 okay and read John read John 14 verses one two and three and I want you to put those two together and read them okay if okay if you're looking for Jesus if you trust Jesus you're going up you will not be left behind okay that's very clear okay okay so hopefully I'll see you thank you okay bye-bye Schlemmer yes Cindy Cindy and Covina Cindy are you there hi pastor Jaffa hi how are you doing wonderful thank you thank you so much for taking my question I'll go ahead and just get right to it I watch me what will happen to the people that heard the gospel maybe even grew up in the church they heard about the rapture they know about the Lord but they just never surrendered their life to the Lord Jesus before the rapture well they have an opportunity during the tribulation or are they lost forever can those people become tribulation Saints or with the tribulation Saints maybe people they'd never heard the gospel before yeah great question Cindy I have to I have to give you this disclaimer okay I'm gonna I'm going to give you an answer that is just kind of uniquely my answer I'm going to confess that right now I hope I'm wrong I'm not joking I really hope I'm wrong about the answer that I have to that question but let's just do it together if you have a Bible there that will be great if not we'll read it or I'll read it for you but second Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and here's the deal some pastors will teach you and say to you yep you can evangelize to somebody all you want if they don't accept Christ don't worry because after the rapture happens they'll probably wake up and believe you finally and they'll realize you weren't goofing around and then they'll believe a lot of people say that I hope that's true it's kind of weird though if it's true then why evangelize at all I mean why make the big deal about it if everybody gets a second chance after the rapture is there more to it than that well if you look at second Thessalonians 2 that's 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 it says there now brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him we asked you not to be soon shaken in mind or in trout or troubled neither by spirit word or letter as if from us as though the day of Christ had already come let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God that would be Jerusalem showing himself that He is God do you not remember when I was with you I told you these things and now you know what is restraining that he may do so until he's taken out of the way okay and then he goes on to say that the deception is going to come because of the one the Antichrist that is going to be revealed so watch this you've got you've got the rapture people are waiting the church goes up and then second Thessalonians 2 verse 10 begins to tell you that the and the Antichrist is revealed watch what happens and with all unrighteous deception among those who are perishing Why Why are they perishing because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved for this reason God will send them notice God sends it to them what's their judgment they had a chance to believe they didn't believe it says here verse 11 for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie it's not a lie it's a specific lie it's coming it's not here yet it's coming and it clearly according to the Bible it's a lie that comes after the rapture it says in verse 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness so I've got to tell you my view is this and it's rare and I hope I'm wrong but if I take the word as I see it there are those walking around today right now Cindy that they know the Bible they've heard the gospel they haven't been able to refute it but they don't believe it they might even go to church but it hasn't changed their life theirs they may be listen listen they may be believers but they're not followers of Jesus and then the rapture happens and there they don't go up they know the gospel but they didn't love the gospel enough to believe it that's exactly who this is speaking to I believe so when they say or when they you would think that they would say oh my goodness I was wrong I'm gonna believe it now I'm gonna believe it now I don't think so it seems to me that God will judge them with delusion because they didn't believe the love of the truth when they had a chance so I know that's a terrifying view I do not like it I hope I'm wrong but I struggle because to me it's crystal clear I just don't like what it says to be honest with you Cindy so all the more reason we need to tell everybody we know about Jesus but Cindy please remember this you and I are supposed to tell people we can't change people we can't make them believe we can only give them the word and that's all we're called to do and their decision is their decision and they'll have to answer to God for that decision so yeah it's a strong I know it's a strong answer to a deep question you ask so god bless you Cindy Jarrod is calling from Lake Tahoe beautiful beautiful Lake Tahoe California is absolutely spectacular special I would think on a day like this so Jared how are you I'm doing great thank you good yeah and thank you for doing this thanks for calling or else I wouldn't be doing this so keep it up good yeah what why should you have so anyway my question because in regards to revelation 17 18 19 when it talks about the Mystery Babylon or the great of Babylon and it talks about sydney in all her idolatries and all her luxuries and ultimately her doom but it says whoa great city and mighty city of babylon in one hour your doom has come and then it talks about all the merchants of the earth mourning over her and the loss of their ability to trade their cargoes and all their luxury items so I guess just I was wondering if you had any insight into what those particular verses are talking about especially when you look at today's nations and different political entities and or if it's all just speculation yeah okay first of all before we go any further I want to commend you a tremendous exhaustive work that you're gonna want to have and that that book is called the prophecy knowledge handbook the prophecy knowledge handbook by dr. John but yeah by dr. John wolfred wo-oh-oh el wall I'm losing my mind out wo-oh lvr deed waldron it's a it's Dutch his last name John Wolverine the prophecy knowledge handbook you're gonna want to get it because it's going to go into this very deep and very very beautifully with Scripture answering Scripture but let's let's just cover this quickly right now if you look carefully Jarrid Revelation chapter 17 starts out with what is - in fact if you look at the first well if you look at the entire chapter actually but it's specifically the first seven verses it deals with a religious aspect of what is Babylon and that's a that's an awesome thing and I got to tell you I did a study on this III it's pretty and pretty exhaustive study you can get it at our at our Jacobs comm or something you can click on but it's called the road to Babylon but why is that important to study because listen there's spiritual Babylon and Jesus says it's spiritual book of Revelation says that spiritual Babylon was where our Lord Jesus was crucified Wow it causes it calls unbelieving Jerusalem spiritual Babylon but we also know this that Babylon literally existed it was a real massive global Empire and it reached its zenith under of course its greatest leader of all time and that would have been Nebuchadnezzar so it's an actual geographical place and it's situated there off the Euphrates River but right now it's like no-man's land it's like barren so what's going to happen well number one revelation 17 when you read it it deals with the spiritual nature of Babylon all the false cults from the beginning of ancient Babylon all the false religions pagan worship systems idolatry all of these things are wrapped up in what is referred to in revelation 17 of the spiritual side of this Babylon but if you keep reading you get to Revelation chapter 18 in Revelation chapter 18 starts to deal with its economic impact its economic control so there's a spirit that answers to Babylon the spiritual antiquity or history then there's the commercial Babylon and when you read it - let's be honest if you read it it sounds like you're reading about New York City or something I mean it sounds like something like in a America but when you read it it's definitely telling us that in the in the future I believe way after the church is gone I believe this is after the rapture part of the Antichrist efforts to swoon the world will be the fact that he actually is going to rebuild the ancient area of Babylon it's gonna happen very quick I think he's gonna do it and because he is who he is it appears that he has I okay I'd speculate right now Jared but just write this down and check and see it seems to me that the Antichrist when I read the entire Bible it seems to me that he's going to have a stronghold in Babylon revelation 17 and 18 it seems to me that he's gonna have a stronghold or how can I say an office yeah he'll have a headquarters in Babylon I think he has the headquarters in Jerusalem and if I understand Bible prophecy right he has an office in Rome it seems as though he has three geographical locations that he operates on on the earth I think a revelation 17 and 18 is spiritual and commercial Babylon and they are intertwined spirit but also physical manifestation I think the Antichrist is gonna build that economic machine during his seven-year our period of his deception and so check it out it's one reporters opinion but get that book by the excellent dr. John Wolford if you would we need to hurry I can't believe are we coming up on a net an hour and a half guys I can't believe this so this is Mike from Fresno Mike Mike are you there can you hear me yes awesome yes Ikaria great what what's your question Mike okay so me my wife both had this question what is your advice in engaging in today's culture while holding on to Titus 3:9 it feels we cannot fully disengaged when we are being threatened by evil laws there was evil and another one also who gets sent to the new earth and one more for me sorry is there gonna be water ever in heaven because I like Durfee okay first of all did you see did you say Titus 3 what did you say Titus 3 what right night at 3:00 night Titus 3:9 okay hang on yeah I'm sorry my fingers are so dry it's very dry outside and I need I need help on my hands okay but avoid foolish disputes genealogies contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and useless okay well first of all great question but first of all Titus 3 that that's dealing with false teachings false doctrines false prophets I've staying clear of deception but that verse 9 I actually it's kind of cool how you've thought about that in the political sense because the political realm is most often since this crazy and and like that but here's the thing when when it comes to silly foolish conversations and debates that have no answer no conclusion leave them alone just leave those things alone but when it comes to something for example you brought it up right when it comes to something how do we engage politics as a believer number one why should we number two what can we do well number one is a believer you're the only one on the planet that knows how to think right about his culture think of that if you have this book in your life you have the wisdom of God you know as a believer what should go on in your school system you know what should go on with your taxes you know you see jack well why would I care ah because Mike you are a believer who has been allowed to be born in America you live in the United States of America and by the way the same logic applies to our friends in Canada or up in Argentina wherever God placed you you are to be a light to that nation for righteousness it doesn't mean we quit and threw our hands up and say this world's nuts I'm not gonna go outside no we go out and do the right thing for example we shine our light and the school board we shine our light in our culture we shine our light everywhere because Jesus told us to do that but the important thing is that you keep in mind that the world that you and I live in it needs our witness and we need to shine forth the righteousness of God everywhere and you have been given Mike you and your wife myself and my wife Lisa as well every believer we've been given the responsibility to do righteousness for the state of California if we don't evil will take over completely we're supposed to take a stand against child molesters we're supposed to take a stand against bank robbers we're supposed to take a stand against injustice we're so who's gonna do this if we don't that's very important now the other thing is about you talked about the Millennium about I think you said right Mike about who lives in who goes into the Millennium yeah yeah Matthew chapter 25 Jesus is going to judge the nations and his second coming those human beings that survived through all of the horrific events of the earth they're going to be judged in Jerusalem they're gonna make their way to Jerusalem the Bible tells us and Jesus is going to separate them like a shepherd separates sheep from the goats he's gonna separate the nation's just like a shepherd remove goats from the Sheep those nations those people those those Gentiles who during the Tribulation Period notice the criteria in Matthew 25 they were good to Israel they were good to a Jew they comforted a Jew during the tribulation period that's the criteria remember Mike jesus said as much as you did it unto the least of these my brethren you've done it unto me he's talking about his Jewish brethren he's not talking about the church Matthew 25 those who treated Israel kindly during the tribulation period they live into the Millennium they get in here at the millennium and the millennium is going to be restored it's going to be spectacular it's going to be beautiful it's going to be awesome and you said you liked surfing well I know this that yeah there's there's definitely water in the millennium and for that matter there's or there's water in eternity because after the Millennium there's a new heaven and a new earth and there's water but the Bible does tell us that in the new creation there's no ocean I don't know why look I love the ocean I love I love the sea as I like you do I love it I just it's in my blood so when I first read that in the Bible I was very disappointed and I didn't want to go there but I promise you whatever God has for us I it's gonna be somehow without an ocean you are somehow probably going to enjoy some form of surfing even if it's on a cloud I don't know how it's going to happen heaven is absolutely going to be I don't think you and I will be in heaven Mike and we're gonna say oh man this would place would be great if we just had a beach I'd we would we will not be disappointed I don't know what's coming but it's gonna be amazing somehow for you and I brother God's gonna give us a really cool experience that will be better than surfing so amen god bless you brother thank you thank you thank you okay Sarah from West Covina Sarah are you there from West Covina yes hi Pastor dad hi Sarah what's your question today my question is um how do we lovingly respond to our brothers and sisters who say that Christians should not get in in politics particularly those that flame that say that John the Baptist's down himself in hot water because he got involved in politics that's kid that's well John the Baptist Goddard got himself involved in politics wasn't even in his mind John the Baptist rebuked that's a great I love your question John the Baptist rebuked a politician uh and do you remember why John the Baptist rebuked a politician who was conducting himself in a lewd manner regarding some sown Maine and her and his and her daughter's dance so listen forget if somebody tells you you know John the Baptist got involved in politics and he got his head cut off that's that's not what happened John the Baptist got his head cut off because he called somebody who was in power a hypocrite and so John got John got his head cut off okay so but here's the deal let me ask you allow me allow me Sarah just to to play something out with you okay so you're gonna be my guinea pig for a second okay so so Jack and Sarah were Christians and we know that God wants us according to the Bible God wants us to live a quiet and peaceable life he wants us to live a quiet and peaceable life it says he wants us to live a life that is productive he wants us to live a life that that we not only make money but we actually give money to people because that's that's how tithing works and he told us that we need to help other people so we have our jobs and Jesus even alluded to the fact that people have homes that a man came and knocked on the door of someone's house in the middle of the night and the man wanted bread and so we got all this stuff going on and then we have so then we have a system like we do in America and we haven't elected a representative form of government that's how you and I live Sarah we have mayors we have City Council we have County personnel we have governors and presidents and all that stuff okay so that's the system you and I live in God gave us this system okay so do you Gertie yeah do you agree with me as I believe that God gave us our government a hundred percent yeah and he's given let's be honest he's given government's to every nation on earth good bad or ugly they're the government's that God is given we you and I are blessed because he gave us a good one so here's the deal so if if candidate if politician a is is known to be a liar he's been caught in lies and he's got a pretty shady past and he wants to make sure that Sarah and Jack they give tax money to abort babies so vote for this guy versus candidate number or candidate be politician be is a guide that's a or a woman let's just pick if the other guy was a guy so let's pick let's have a woman so she she is um she has a husband and kids she's got her own business she's she's a woman of integrity she's pro-life and she she states her case and you look at them Sarah you look at them now God's giving you the ability to choose one or the other right in this Republic he's giving right so God's God says I want you to use every opportunity to shine the light for for me to represent me everywhere so sir I'm gonna ask you a question here comes if Jesus said let your light so shine before men that when they see your good works they'll glorify your father which is in heaven let me ask you this question Sarah where are you not supposed to shine your light yeah I can't think of any anything the reason why you can't is because there isn't any place Jesus when he told you to shine her light he be said in front of everybody so so you have you have one candidate that may or may not believe in God but their actions prove that their they don't value life you've got another candidate that may or may believe in God but they're there for life therefore they're pro-life okay so your Bible tells you Sarah that Jack and Sarah we are supposed to stand for babies or children proverbs tells us proverbs to think it's 29 prior chapter 29 I think that we are to speak up for those who have no voice those who have been silenced those who are I've been decreed to die it's a tremendous description of an unborn child if you and I don't stand up and vote for the candidate that's for life how are we shining our light if we stay home for example on the election day we say I'm not gonna get involved well you have an opportunity to vote for that lady who's pro-life no I'm not gonna get involved but you have a chance to change the law by voting for her choose life God said choose choose today whom you'll serve that person's gonna get elected and they're gonna make the decisions for your children and your children's children so who are you gonna vote for you know amen think about it think yeah it's like oh my gosh all of a sudden now I want to be involved in PTA schoolboard right congressman senator governor president why because they're gonna make decisions with my money with my freedom and they're gonna make decisions that couldn't affect my kids and my grandkids and God didn't thank God he did not give us a dictatorial government I thank God that you and I live here where we still get to pick those who are most representative in their decision making that honors God it's amazing that's why you should be involved thanks for watching the real-life YouTube channel we love bringing you content that will help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ you can subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss one single video or livestream and you can share it with friends and family if you'd like to support this ministry by helping us reach others by taking the gospel and the teaching around the world you can do so by clicking the give Now button so thanks again for watching and God bless [Music]
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 110,379
Rating: 4.8992901 out of 5
Keywords: jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs live, ask jack hibbs, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs, bible prophecy jack hibbs, jack hibbs bible prophecy, amir tsarfati, amir tsarfati update, jack hibbs q&a
Id: Ovh_mpZwvDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 40sec (5620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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