BG3 - ULTIMATE CONTROL ARCHER : DPS + SUPPORT HYBRID || Solo Tactitian Multiclass Build

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this my second Boulders gate video um I just wanted to share the current build that I'm tinkering with this is a level 10 build um and I think this this my current like baby pie res I think it's a very meta build but very different slightly different from like what other meta builds are currently um it is a frost CC Archer um and I primarily play solo these other characters are there for just story reasons um I think this character has great damage it's got excellent CC so it both does damage heavy damage it casts spells to the CC and it can uh prone enemies quite easily through the use of frost uh and um yeah through the use of frost and like the ground effects um I'm going to basically play through this and just show like a basic encounter um with this little you know High ground and setup as I usually do and then I will talk about like my de decision making later for the build um so yeah just going to use haste drink a potion uh we'll just start with like a basic attack over here I think I want at least two characters with the oil on them to start witnessed assaulting yeah these guys have a lot of speed um I definitely need to get alert on this character soon not going to use charm I don't want to rely too much on the um elith powers of which I don't have the additional elic powers on this character um yep just going to take the hit I need to get away in order to do what I need to do I the where's my oil whatever I guess I don't need to use the oil um I usually coope my weapons but I don't really need to use it so it's going to fire multishot over here one down going to fire second multishot so fortunately I didn't get any prone effects so I actually use Arcane um the Arcane Acuity is making the frost ice on the ground very very high so it's probably a D20 to aide falling prone but I don't know what's going on they're just like dying beforehand um which is most unfortunate um it's kind of boring uh oh I forgot to use brace ahead of time to increase my overall damage uh what what's wrong with this character what is wrong with this character this character model can't be targeted oh there he is one two just kill these guys um and then obviously like because of the the way that my character CES it's quite weak against seal Watchers which is why I rebuilt reworked this build uh I can use command drop over here command drop two should be sufficient can I reach this guy over here okay great so command drop three uh no I can't drop two you can see it's like 100% drop basically with my character which is kind of what I meant by like it does great damage I just destroyed these those other characters and then I'm going to have 100% chance to make these guys drop their weapons in fact I didn't even need to make this guy drop his he's kind of anyway yep uh and then that's my turn and I haven't used um blood lust potion which probably would be the obvious choice or blood L Elixir I've been trying to use different Elixir instead uh because it's so uh obvious it's obviously the best okay that's weird why do why I have bics already did I use so many obviously like since my character has like advantage on every attack it doesn't really matter High ground or whatever I have almost like 100% hit chance like basically all the time um the steel Watchers also don't pick up their weapons so once you've kind of made it drop it's kind of screwed already um unfortunately it can't be frightened or CCD in any other way that's why I took command um yeah so just vicious mockery of it obviously I could use perilous strikes right now which is I've also got like a what like 100% chance of doing paress strikes maybe I'll do that I try not to use paress strikes for combat just because cuz um it's kind of broken it trivializes a lot of combat but yeah sure let's do it oh that's weird shouldn't it why isn't why am I not getting extra damage on this it's not it's not being vulnerable is this bugged I think it's bugged because this character should be um vulnerable to piercing damage right now and it's not doing it so H wonder why it turns back to water that's weird I haven't seen that before Oh I think it's because of the fire damage of my weapon I probably going to make some adjustments take off the hell Rider's gloves they're probably not that useful for me anyway yeah so that was it so sort of um so quite a strong character um really really good CC can like do really strong damage like so since I play solo there's like a couple things that are important for me um number one is if I'm going to use self haste uh oh I'll explain the build first mainly Focus Around The Bard six Bard um I operate on like a one fight per short rest kind of thing because like most of my skills come back on short rest I get my Artic Inspirations back on short rest um I get a lot of like things like brace and stuff like that back on short rest and that's why I took Fighter 2 as well since it combos really nicely with the bars short rest um I take wizard one for haste it's the cheapest way to get self haste in the game I I can craft Tons of Speed potions but I don't want to rely completely on just the consumable speed potions I think it's kind of broken so like this is a self-restraint on myself like um I try to make sure I have haste if I'm going to use haste um for the ring I'm using a snowb burst ring it produces ice underneath the target um because of arcan accurity from the the Synergy between arcan acurity is like like I said before it's like a D20 like it's it's d18 to survive the prone so it's like it basically can kill like permanently CC any unit that needs to walk which can get prone the problem is that the um the steel Watchers can't get proned so there needs to be something else to deal with them right I was using the risky ring uh yeah obviously band of mysic scoundrel amazing on this kind of like attack like on this character because um it can cast illusion enchantment spells like as bonus actions which are a lot of CC moves the problem is that a lot of the illusion and enchantment spells are actually concentration and obviously the best concentration spell currently is haste right so you don't for most fights you don't actually want to use um most of Illusion and canri so which is why I've taken um like two three of the ones that are great for this slot are dissonant Whispers which doesn't take concentration command which doesn't take concentration and vicious mockery um disant Whispers also doesn't work on the steel Watchers which is why I took command so that's the entirely the reason why I took warlock one um just to get command which I guess I could have taken like a cleric or something as well which might have offered more utility uh yeah so the benefits of arcan Acuity are affecting both the CC skills which can be used in between turns and the frost so you're getting double value out of that uh I'm using a dark jusers half plate currently for constitution Advantage so that the the it's very very difficult to take haste off this character uh and then obviously I use um the punch drunk bastard to get advantage on all attacks I was using the risky ring for a while but I wanted to work the frost element back into this oh and then obviously um I'm using Elemental um weapon uh Elemental weapon from the Drake fire weapon thing from Act 2 in order to get a bit of cold in order to activate the snowb burst ring um that's required um so amula of drunkard and punch drunk bastard combo to give you advantage on every attack I actually don't think this is optimal um I would much prefer to wear the gloves of the circuitry or a would you get in act two but I didn't realize that they existed until I got to this point so I I I I don't have them so my only other option to gain advantage on all hits is um to use this uh drunk combo and the reason why like you know you could always Swap this out for risky ring as well um most fights are decided in turn one anyway um since you can Cc or murder like an entire group of people so it really doesn't matter that you take hits um but you can break your own concentration sometimes times some enemies have like a Parry or something like that and you can break your own concentration on haste so it is important to have enough um Constitution advantage to protect yourself from like breaking haste and then just losing the fight essentially um the damage quite like quite high damage like if you look over here um it should have been vulnerable which would have done double but you can see here it's like a 1d8 plus two plus dexterity modifier which I only I I dexterity quite low with this character because like you don't really need the dexterity um with Advantage you already have such a high hit chance so there's like why why have the dexterity right like um so pretty low dexterity still almost 100% hit chance Sharpshooter gives you plus 10 um and the advantage mitigates the Sharpshooter and then I get plus eight from the Titan weapon um uh because of the elixir of cloud giant strength um if I wasn't using the punch drunk combo um I would be using um my my previous one was knife of the under Mountain King and then um Club of Hill giant strength uh this works as well and alternatively I think this is a solid offhand thing as well just to get the 19 strength and then use the blood loss potion and to get plus three initiative which this character needs more initiative because it can win basically any fight um if it starts the fight right um I would probably adjust it this way I don't know why the characters weren't falling over usually when you produce like a usually when you produce ice underneath a character it will become prone and basically skip its turn anyway I don't know why they weren't falling over I think it might be because I've changed from winches clutches so I might put winches clutches back in and as my arm thing for now until I get something better but yeah builds very strong comes online quite quick at the beginning of act two um it's the best I I think it's the best of all worlds it can support it can it can support through CC it murders entire groups of people it's a Charisma character so it can be the face of your party you don't even need like the rest of the party to be honest like I most of my builds have been kind of destroying the game on just like solo so I'm just you know trying to find some more interesting things um yeah I would also say like this is a better way of using getting many attacks in one turn I think the issue with using I don't know um using Rogue and the double hand crossbows is that they don't have great hand crossbows in the game and if you're going to attack many times and use the swords SPS um slashing flourish to hit as many times as you want you want to be using the most powerful bow that you can be using and I think not Titan string bow is like one option but I'm sure that later on in the game there'll be other bows that might be able to compete with this for the top spot for the top the spot of having like the best bow currently uh yeah obviously I haven't combined that with any of my codings which I love my like little coding things um yeah that's basically it I mean like there's a lot of versati Versatility in being able to do 100% hypnotic pattern or 100% like I could hold person with 100% hit chance on like three Targets in between two hits in between a turn right it's it's kind of insane um I think the last two skills for this character would probably be uh the last two would probably be into Bard eight I think to get the additional skill slots I think once I get the additional spell slots I think wizard will let me learn hold monster as well so I can cast hold monster between turns which will make completely Tri 100% like near 100% chance of casting hold monster on specific characters will basically trivialize some fights um without sacrificing basically any damage uh yeah and then the extra ASI the extra skill extra feet would go into alert to make sure that the character can go first yeah and then that's the bill um I'm still trying to find some kind of challenging fight in act three um hopefully I can find something that can give me a challenge um probably need to change this amulet soon for like more defensive like anti-cc play I don't really know
Channel: Silreen
Views: 864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, build, archer, astarion, tactician, guide, cc, ultimate, insane, broken, min max
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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