BG3 Gale Build Guide - Evocation Wizard in Baldur’s Gate 3

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in this balers Gate 3 video I'll be showing you how to play Gail in balers Gate 3 if you want to make him into a wizard who can handle any situation thrown at him Wizards have the flexibility to change spells when things aren't working for them and they can also learn spells from Scrolls so they have an advantage over Sorcerers in some ways in this scale build guide I'll cover ability scores class features equipment and I'll provide tips on how to get the most out of Gale when played This Way being a wizard Gail has a large selection of spells he can learn that allows him to have the right spell for the situation the reason this is an Elementalist build is because you can swap spells when needed for the right damage type to avoid resistances and immunities making him more effective than one or two Elemental casters would be some of the time the general strategy with this build is to build up reverberation or radiating orb stacks on enemies with Gail's AOE spell so that enemies take more damage and hit your party less often additionally I've added a way for Gail to gain Arcane Acuity easily which makes his spells more difficult to save against which makes him particularly deadly in combat I decided not to multiclass scill for this build given giving him the most possible spells as quickly as you can and the evocation school has some nice benefits at levels 2 and 10 however you could actually multiclass scale with a fighter for two levels to pick up action surge if you wanted to but I don't think it's necessary for this build since scale begins Ballers Gate 3 as a wizard his ability scores are in line with what a typical wizard might have however you will want to Respec him eventually to get the most out of him otherwise he will not be optimized for much of the game you can see that we've evened out many of his abilities to provide more benefit I've set Constitution to 14 here because we don't really use many concentration spells and Gail does not tend to get hit much with this build the extra dexterity allows him to go sooner in combat by increasing his initiative and gives him an additional Armor class to help protect him from being hit Gail has Proficiency in Arcana and history from his background so you cannot change these however he is an intelligence-based class so these are actually good for him to have I suggest taking investigation nature and religion to round out his skills giving him Proficiency in all five intelligence skills it's not likely if you're playing with Gail that you're using another intelligence-based character so this is great I like to keep my companions at least the class to begin the game with since it feels like that's how Lan intended them to be played and it's no exception with Gail Gail Begins the game as a wizard but he does not yet have a school of Wizardry and here I've selected evocation this is an extremely new player friendly school that boosts evocation spell damage and allows you to fling hostile evocation aoes into friendlies including Gail without damaging them at level one of wizard Gail will gain his first spells and cantrips I really like a mix of offensive cantrips like Firebolt Ray of frost and shock and grasp but eventually you'll want acid Splash as well this sets you up nicely with three different damage types and gives you a melee range spell in case enemies get close for level one wizard spells I recommend the following Mage Armor is a staple for increasing Gail's Armor class throughout the game and you only need to cast it once each long rest Shield will protect him if he gets attacked in combat and can be a lifesaver false life is used to buff Gale with temporary HP before tough fight but you won't use it all the time magic Missile cannot miss and does force damage giving you yet another damage type and Thunder Wave can knock things to their death or away from you and Deals Thunder damage another damage type ice knife does piercing damage and cold damage and is an attack roll that targets Armor class the Arcane and Recovery class feature allows Gail to replenish a spell slot without resting which can be a great way to keep him going without using valuable supplies the higher level he gets in Wizard the higher level spell slots he can recover at level two of wizard G will get to select a school of Magic for his subass evocation is what we're going with in order to pick up sculpt spells which prevents skilles evocation spells that hit in an area from damaging friendlies this is a lot stronger than you would think and makes life playing Gale a lot easier particularly if you're a new player you can pick up burning hands here as well as something like chromatic orb both are evocation Spells at level three wizard Gale will gain access to level two wizard spells and gain level two spell slots he can also upcast level one wizard spells using these slots for increased effect magic Missile for example generates another missile Thunder Wave ice knife chromatic orb and burning hands do more damage if upcast and false life gives you more temporary health shield and Mage Armor cannot be upcast so try to avoid using higher level spell slots to cast them for level two spells I recommend the following blur is probably going to be the only concentration spell you use with this build and that's because it makes enemies have disadvantage when they attack you this helps make them Miss which prevents the need for a concentration saving throw a lot of the time but not all Misty step is used for positioning and is a bonus action so you can use it and still cast another spell on the same turn scorching Ray is excellent at hitting many targets but also triggers hat of firee for each beam that connects drastically increasing the chance for your spells to deal full damage and not be saved against Mel's acid arrow is a good acid damage spell giving you a reliable acid damage type at level four wizard gild will get to select another wizard can trip and I recommend taking acid Splash here if you didn't take it earlier you also get to select gills first feat and I highly recommend taking alert here this will improve his initiative significantly allowing him to go earlier in combat his big damage spells later on can change the outcome of a combat very often so by going sooner he has a chance to prevent damage to his team at level five of wizard Gail's cantrip damage will increase allowing him to do more damage with them by about double this helps somewhat keep him up with Marshall classes though they can usually attack twice at this level of the game you will also gain access to level three wizard spells and spell slots and I recommend the follow spells Fireball and lightning bolt both hit for damage in large areas dealing damage even if enemies save and both are evocation spells counter spell can be used as a reaction to shut down hostile spells if you need to use it at level six of evocation wizard Gale will gain potent canra this allows acid Splash and poison spray if you have it to deal at minimum half damage even if the target saves against them Gil won't take advantage of this much but it's still good to have at level seven of wizard gaale will gain access to level four wizard spells and spell slots and and I recommend the following spells ice storm is a huge AOE that creates an icy surface that enemies can slip on for two turns and does cold and biging damage Gail will use this one because of its large size quite often and the fact it applies damage twice allows him to take advantage of gear that adds damage when spells deal damage too light is good for a large necrotic damage AOE when you need it conjure minor elements will can be used to get another body or two onto the battlefield and doesn't require concentration which we are trying to avoid at level 8 wizard Gail will gain his second feat and I highly recommend taking ability Improvement and increasing intelligence you want his spells to connect more often so this helps a lot additionally he will be able to repair an additional spell and once he's level 10 that intelligence will help contribute to spell damage at level 9 of wizard Gail will learn level five wizard spells and spell slots and I recommend the following spells cone of cold is a high damage cold spell that hits in a cone in front of you better for smaller groups than ice storm but we'll probably use it less often conjure Elemental is a spell that helps get another body onto the battlefield one that can be used in conjunction with minor Elementals and again doesn't require concentration at level 10 of evocation wizard Guild can select another Wizard cantrip and I recommend either bone shell or poison spray his canant trips also increase in damage once again making them even more effective he will also gain the empowered evocation passive feature that will automatically add his intelligence modifier to the damage of all evocation spells he casts including cantrips this will further boost the damage of these spells and is particularly good on evocation spells that hit multi times like magic Missile scorching Ray ice knife and ice storm at level 11 of wizard gaale will gain access to level six wizard spells and one level six spell slot I recommend the following spells Uke's freezing sphere and chain lightning are both high damage evocation spells so Gail will make great use of them and safely Sunbeam gives Gail a good radiant option and even though it does use concentration you won't need it very often disintegration is a high damage single Target Force damage spell for those times when you need that damage type at level 12 of wizard Gail will gain his final feat and I suggest taking ability Improvement once again to get his intelligence to 20 this will allow him even more success with casting spells and further improve his damage when it comes to equipment as a human wizard Gail will only have access to clothing light armor and shields for armor you're really looking for anything that increases his spell difficulty class like the protect the Sparks wall this one is particularly good as it provides him with plus one to Armor class and saving throws when he has lightning charges and can also be used with Mage Armor for a weapon I tried a lot of different quarter staffs with this build and ending with an increased to spell difficulty class was good to have as these make his spells more difficult to save against however we have other ways to make his spells more effective so I opted for a staff that boosts his damage and that was the spell sparkler this staff gives him lightning charges when he cast spells and this adds damage to the Spells he casts it's not a ton of damage but it adds up over time it can also help to trigger reverberation when using gloves of belligerant Skies which reduces the saving throws of enemies for shield I have kric shield for this build as it increases Gail spell difficulty class even further making his spells even harder to save against while also providing Gail with some extra Armor class for helmet I like hat of fire cutie this allows you to boost scale spell difficulty class by up to plus seven by simply casting scorching rayon an enemy this will make it much harder for enemies to save against subsequent spells though he will lose a stack of Arcane acity every turn for cloak I like cloak of protection this is good on any character but the extra Armor class is great for him since he's really not wearing any on his chest lock the extra plus one to saving throws is also nice for gloves he'll be either using luminous gloves or gloves of belligerent Skies luminous gloves makes it so that when Gail deals radiant damage the target gains a stack of radiating orb reducing their hit Chance by one for each stack this maxes out at plus seven which can make enemies really struggle to hit your party gloves of belligerent Skies makes it so whenever Gail deals thunder lightning or radiant damage enemies gain stacks of reverberation reverberation penalizes saving throws to con institution strength and dexterity by minus one for each stack up to seven this allows Gail to seriously debuff enemies so that they are far less likely to save against his deadly aoes if you have a more Marshall focused party use luminous gloves if you have a more Caster focused party use gloves of belligerent skies for necklace I recommend necklace of Elemental augmentation this allows Gail to add his intelligence modifier to his cantrip damage and this Stacks with ower evocation so his cantrips will hit harder for rings I like coration ring and callous glow ring poration ring makes it so when Gale deals spell damage while illuminated by a light source he adds two stacks of radiating orb to the Target this happens quite often and as enemies get radiating orb they will start to become light sources themselves so this gets easier and easier to trigger over time in combat callous glow ring makes it so Gale adds two radiant damage to his damage when hitting enemies that are illuminated radiating orb illuminates them and this applies to each source of damage so if you hit with magic Missile for instance it would do two addition additional radiant damage for each missile would then also apply two radiating orb stacks for each missile you hit with this turns scale not only into a nuker but also a debuffer simultaneously which helps prevent party damage final tips make sure that you buff Gale with Mage Armor after every long rest if you're not using light armor on it this will help increase his armor class by plus three which is significant don't be afraid to use false life before tough fights and upcast it with higher level slots so that Gail is protected from a good chunk of damage you can replenish the slot with Arcane recovery which we will likely not want to use during combat anyway since it consumes an action to do so blur is Gail's way of avoiding most direct attack so you want to either cast this before combat if it's predictable or decide when during combat would be a good time A lot of times you're better off using an AOE first but it really depends on the fight use misy step to reposition Gail if needed sometimes he can reach more enemies if he teleports or maybe he's surrounded and you need to get him the hell out of there it's a bonus action so he can still cast and use it on the same turn and moving with it does not trigger attacks of opportunity so this wraps up our Gail build guide I know a lot of people have been struggling to really use Gail in their party I think it's because the way spell slots and resting Works in this game but I hope I've showed you some good equipment that can really augment the way a lot of people are playing Gail naturally anyway that will also debuff enemies so he's a lot stronger just by doing what a lot of people would do stay tuned for more bg3 content we do have a liel build coming as well as some main character builds [Music] o
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 280,574
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Keywords: bg3 Gale build, bg3 Gale guide, baldurs gate 3 Gale build, baldurs gate 3 Gale guide, bg3 cleric build guide, baldurs gate 3 Gale, bg3 build, baldur's gate 3 Gale build, baldur's gate 3 Gale guide, baldur's gate 3 build, Gale build guide, bg3 Gale, baldur's gate 3 Gale, bg3 Gale voice, bg3 Gale companion, baldur's gate 3 Gale multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, gale wizard build, best wizard build gale, bg3 gale build, baldurs gate 3 wizard build, gale build
Id: kqGhijp8qP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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