No Rest For The Wicked Gameplay Impressions – Alice in Wonderland Meets Dark Souls

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in this no rest for the wicked video I'm going to be talking about my Hands-On Impressions with the game what I played so far how the game plays the game mechanics basically anything you want to know about this game I'm going to be talking about in this video and if you're not familiar with this game this is the new action RPG being developed by Moon Studios makers of Ori and the blind forest and Ori and will of the Wisps those were 2D Metroid Vania sidescroller type games that had vibrant beautiful art and no rest for the wicked has an amazing art style as well that I think caught players eyes immediately when the announcement trailer happen the first thing we're going to talk a bit about is character creation and this is the first thing that you do in the game you're going to make your character there are a variety of options in terms of how you can make your character look it is not the most extensive character creator I've ever seen but it is nice that they have one you won't see a ton of these details while you're playing throughout the game generally because of the view of it but it is nice that you are allowed to kind of create the character that you wish and it has kind of the you know interesting art style that you would expect from this game having seen a trailer it's not like very realistic or anything like that it has like its own defined art style now the next thing is that you will create a realm and you will go into that realm and play in that realm now I don't know everything about the realm seems like options were removed here but I have a theory that in the full version of the game cuz we're playing like a pre-build pre-release build of the game I think in the full version you'll be able to customize your Realms in some way I don't know if you like add modifiers change difficulties or make custom settings for the game but there's something to that that's kind of missing from this build but you're going to create a realm and then you're going to go into it and you're going to play so once you go into that realm and you start playing from what I can tell so far the world seems to be static in terms of the world design meaning that like if you play the uh pre-release build and start to finish and then you play it again like everything is in the same place more or less in terms of the graphical layout however the loot is randomized so what you get from each chest from each enemy drop Etc is varied and you will not get the same Loot on each playthrough and lo loot has different qualities you have common which is white you have rare which is blue you have cursed which is purple and you have unique which is gold now cursed items the purple items have powerful bonuses but they also have a negative effect you have to decide whether those powerful bonuses are worth it or you know the negative effect is just too much for you and then obviously you have the gold unique items which are like the very powerful items in the game that have been handcrafted for this game specifically I didn't find any of those in my playthrough but that's just kind of the nature of those items now the randomization of loot is kind of a mixed bag in my opinion I think it's a more of a positive than a negative for most players playing this game however I will say that in my second playthrough of the demo I didn't get a weapon that I really wanted to use like I there are different types of weapons in the game that have different moves for instance you can have like dual daggers or you can have a sword or you can have a single dagger you can have a bow you can have a staff and their move sets are different the way they operate is different and if you don't get one that you want then you know at least a weapon type that you want then you're kind of forc to use other weapons and stuff like that and that can be kind of annoying admittedly we're talking about like the first hour or two of the game so I think eventually you'll get the weapons you want anyway and obviously the game is going to be much longer than that but if you're just talking about from a negative perspective it can happen that you don't get a weapon type that you want and you're you know forced to play with whatever you find for the moment however what I really like about it is it forced me to play with weapons that I wouldn't normally play with and I really enjoyed a lot of those weapons so that kind of worked out now no rest for the wicked has a huge focus on exploration and it's not a massive map that we're talking about there is a map you can see where you are on the map and things are marked on the map which is quite nice but the map is not huge at least in the first area of the game I'm thinking there are going to be multiple maps in this game but it's like a lot is crammed into a small area of the game so instead of something like I don't know Assassin's Creed where like you have massive Maps but it feels like there's huge stretches of nothing in between like everything feels very condensed and there's a lot of hidden stuff in a very small area and it makes you want to really explore everything in the game and as I was playing I sort of got this Allison Wonderland vibe from the art style and the way exploration was happening and that's something I really love I'm a huge fan of that kind of wondrous magical world and it feels like no rest for the wicked is very much in that same vein and exploration was just a ton of fun and obviously as you're exploring you're going to come across enemies and then you're going to get into the combat of the game and the combat kind of reminds me of Achilles Legends Untold if you played that game last fall has a similar style right like it's kind of this isometric Souls is like combat I don't know if it's quite Souls like but there are a lot of similar mechanics such as stamina management blocking pairing um charging up your attack so then you can use your weapon skills casting spells with the same resource like focus is basically your FP um and you use your weapon skills and your magic spells by gaining Focus instead of using a flask like Elden ring or something like that you gain this by attacking dodging pairing enemies so like it kind of like builds up as you play then you can cast spells or use a weapon skill and then you go back to doing these things to kind of repeat that process but the combat as a whole kind of reminded me of Achilles Legends Untold but done in a better way like this is probably the most polished isometric soulish like if that's a thing that I've played so far another one that I played recently or somewhat recently was alaloth champions of the four kingdoms feel like Achilles did a little bit better job than that game and this game does a bit better job than that game and I really like the direction they've gone with combat it's not as engaging as like a Soul's game in my opinion because you're not as immersed you're not as close to the action but it's still really really fun and something that sets it apart from like soulish like games is that enemies don't respawn so once you kill an enemy they're effectively removed from the game world and even if you like rest at like a checkpoint or you die they don't respawn so you have like this focus on you know clearing out the enemies like if you if you're surrounded by three enemies and one of them is weak and you're you know you're going to die like it behooves you to actually like heal that enemy make sure it's dead so when you die and when you respawn that enemy is dead and it's easier for you and that might seem like oh well that's a weird system then you could just kill an enemy die kill an enemy die kill an enemy die make your way through the game but there is a durability system in the game where your gear takes durability damage every time you die and such like that so even though you know it is a bit easier than Souls games in that sense um you do get punished for dying and I will say one of the things I really didn't like about Achilles Legends Untold was that the enemies kept respawning and I felt like I wasn't really making progress in the game because they kept respawning I just felt like I kept fighting the same enemies over and over and I wasn't really making progress and it got really grindy so I eventually just stopped playing the game because it it wasn't interesting and I actually kind of appreciate they've gone a different direction here and the game isn't so hardcore but it just feels more fun so obviously as you go through the game world you're going to pick up loot from enemies from chests exploring Etc you're going to get you know armor you're going to get weapons you're going to get trinkets or like Rings Etc that you can equip that have bonuses and this is kind of how like your character customization starts to come together it's going to be a combination of what attributes you select there are attributes that are you know fairly familiar strength dexterity intelligence stuff like that maybe a couple new ones but generally speaking they're very familiar to you if you've played one of these types of games and every time you level up you get three attribute points that you can distribute how you want in them and you know certain weapons have certain stat requirements so you're not going to be able to use every weapon you pick up that should sound familiar to you if you're familiar with the souls games at all so your build is going to start to take shape the more you know Direction weapon type that you find like if you really like you know two-handed swords or something like that then you're probably going to be a strength based character if you're like bows or daggers you're going to be a dexterity based character and as you go higher and higher in dexterity and you assign more points it's going to kind of lock you out of you know weapons that are intelligence-based or strength based Etc so your build's going to be focused around the attributes the weapons that you're using and then the skills on those weapons cuz each weapon type seems to have a different skill I don't know if like later game weapons of the same type have different skills and how that's all going to work that's kind of the progression of your character and I sort of get the sense again this is a pre-release build that maybe not all the mechanics of character customization are present in the game again it's possible that there are more skills that you can get later and you know we just don't have them in the pre-release build so I'm thinking there's probably something like that cuz customization right now feels a bit Bare Bones and I'm expecting something else like a skill tree or maybe you know the variety of weapons to increase with different skills on them that makes it more interesting and another thing that the game has a focus on is crafting you'll notice throughout the game play that you can mine stuff you can Harvest trees you can go fishing you can dig up stuff from the ground and it seems like it takes a long time if you watch it in the game and that's because you're going to get stronger and better tools kind of like I don't know an MMO or something like that as you progress into the game so you start off with these like copper uh tools that go very slowly and then as you get silver and gold Etc ET they get faster and faster and you can Harvest you know more different types of stuff and it'll go faster when you do it and you're going to craft not only like equipment and like bonuses onto equipment and upgrade your equipment but you're also going to craft your food which then you eat to like heal or gain other bonuses and the recipes that you can make depend on what recipes you found and learned in the game you don't have like a healing flask or something that replenishes when you die so like if you use all your heals on a boss and then die you got to go craft more kind of like you know bloodborne or something like that or like you just don't always have a default amount of heals every time you spawn so finding you know other recipes that you can make food out of different items is very important in the game and being on the lookout for resources that you can craft healing items with is going to help get you through the game and a couple other things before I wrap up this video firstly there are quests in the game like there are NPCs you can talk to and they will give you a quest objective that you can then do it doesn't seem like there's dialogue options like you know this is what I want to do this is what I want to do it just seems like a regular here's a quest go do it or don't um type situation I don't think it's like you know that kind of RPG where there's a lot of choices there's also a main city of the game called Sacrament that is where the demo ends right when you're going to go into the city at end so I don't know what it looks like and what's in there but it's supposedly like the main Hub of the game I'm guessing that like that's the area you're going to come back to in between exploring the game world but I don't have a lot of specifics on that currently the other thing I want to mention is in terms of difficulty I did die quite a bit during the demo it is not easy by any means and I played a lot of action role playing games so you will die mostly learning the mechanics of the game as soon as you kind of get the hang of it and figure out what works for you what your style play is definitely gets easier and that's really nice I did beat the final boss of the demo which is like the first boss of the game I'm assuming in my first try so it wasn't super Difficult by that time the the level did a very good job of setting me up teaching me the basics and then when I got there I was fine so in terms of difficulty I don't think it's going to be hard as hard as the souls games or Elden ring but it's definitely not going to be a pushover either additionally I really really enjoyed the voice acting of the game I think they did an outstanding job it adds a lot to the game and even though the game in my opinion isn't like heavily heavily story driven compared to a lot of RPGs even though there is what seems to be a decent storytelling to it at least from what I can see so far the voice acting as topnotch going to notice this right away and then the last thing I noticed was that there was no real background music when I was out exploring I felt like it was missing I was waiting to like hear some just subtle background music that kind of immerses you more into the game world and it was missing for me something I kind of expected them to add at the full launch of the game or hope they do at least but you know when you're like out exploring the game World in like Elden ring and you kind of hear that somber melody in the background Etc it would just even occasionally it would be nice to hear something like that in this game so that kind of wraps up what I think about the game so far so far I'm really enjoying the game the more I play the more I really really enjoy it and I'm really sad that you when you I got to the end of the demo I wanted to keep going so that's a really really good sign as far as isometric kind of action RPGs like soulish likes games this is by far the best one I've played yet from what I've seen so far and I'm just expecting it to get better and better so definitely keep an eye out on this one so what do you guys think did you guys watch the presentation today by no rest from the wicked and and see things on that stream that we're not here do you have other questions about the game do you like the art style of the game love the art style what do you make of it so far is this one you're keeping an eye out on let me know in the comments [Music] below [Music] w
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 269,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no rest for the wicked, no rest for the wicked game, no rest for the wicked gameplay, no rest for the wicked trailer, no rest for the wicked trailer reaction, no rest for the wicked ign, no rest for the wicked 4k, no rest for the wicked reveal trailer, no rest for the wicked game awards, no rest for the wicked moon studios, no rest for the wicked 4k gameplay, no rest for the wicked impressions, no rest for the wicked preview, no rest for the wicked gameplay preview
Id: kmd9lu5AOMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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