FIRE GOD Wizard Class Guide For Baldur's Gate 3! - (Baldurs Gate 3 Wizard Build Guide)

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the Wizards are the master of spells at Baldur's Gate 3 you'll know the most Bells you'll deal insane Elemental damage and you'll look positively smashing while doing it today we're going to go through how to play the wizard the best spells can trips Feats and more so let's go let me know in the comments which of the Spells is your favorite and these class guides are designed to teach you the mechanics of a class and everything you need to know to succeed I'll have a link here to the playlist which contains all of the different classes once they will come out so the wizard is an interesting class now you could basically categorize it as a bit of a glass Cannon they have a very large spell pool which gives them a lot of flexibility in terms of any sort of a combat encounter to deal different types of Elemental damage so if enemies are resistant to one type you can then modify the Spells you're using to use different types you can also have access to plenty of different spells that can manipulate enemies as they you know have them on the ground laying laughter like attaches hideous laughter or other ways to put them to sleep or something like that you've got plenty of flexibility as a wizard but the downside here is that you have no armor proficiency or really any relevant or good weapon proficiency and you also have a very low Health pool so you'll definitely be wanting to avoid damage by various methods which we'll talk about in this video but you'll have access to a huge amount of spells because you can learn spells just from Scrolls to really gain sort of benefits from the flexibility of the kit now you will also have Arcane recovery so once per day out of combat you can replenish expanded spell slots which is obviously important so you can cast more spells but let's make a wizard so we'll start with the best Racers now obviously you can just role play here as you see fit but as a wizard movement speed doesn't really matter so playing a taller or a shorter character doesn't matter that much neither does dark vision because we'll mostly using spells so you can really sort of grab anything here that you want to like you could grow something that maybe has a Proficiency in something you might like say like a human or a half elf if you say you wanted to equip a shield for some extra Armor class to avoid a little bit more damage or maybe you want to go like an elf so you can equip the Longbow or a short bow just in case you run out of spell slots I also really like halfling for a wizard so you get the lucky racial effect so when you roll a one on an attack roll ability check or saving through you can re-roll that die so it'll prevent you from Rolling ones a couple of times but yeah really you can go anything as a wizard there's not too much sort of restriction a bit in terms of the best skills for the wizard you definitely want to be leading into the intelligence skills here so Arcana history investigation nature and religion and the same goes for backgrounds which are a little bit more role play but you know you could go acolyte Noble or Sage which all have intelligent skills so you don't have to worry about picking them in terms of your skill slots for your ability points you want to focus on intelligence dexterity and Constitution you want to max out your intelligence as close as you can to 17 and then con and Dex you probably want to get to 14 if you can because of that positive number of benefits you get from having that and then you can sort of spread out any other relevant ability points as you sort of see fit now we'll cover can trips and spells in a little bit because we're going to sort of cover them all together rather than the ones to worry about just in character creation the next major decision comes at level two which is picking a subclass now you may notice that all spells have listed what type of spell they are whether they're evocation necromancy illusion transmutation Etc and there is a matching school for all of these for the wizard so specializing in one of these schools will halve the cost of of actually learning a spell from that school from a scroll so Wizards can learn spells from Scrolls so if you say specialize in something like your vocation and you've got an invocation scroll the cost of learning that spell off the scroll will be cheaper but you'll also gain different class or subclass benefits from those now it's really up to you and what you want to sort of use here my recommendation if you're building out sort of a damaged focused wizard which is what I'm sort of talking about here with Gail is probably either to go aberration evocation or necromancy but invocation is definitely the stronger one for some of the AOE spells so because you get sculpt spells you can create pockets of safety within your evocation spells so allies will automatically succeed saving throws against spells and take no damage so a great example of this is something like Fireball which is a huge spell that does a heap of damage it's absolutely an essential spell for a wizard you can then just throw it on your say Miller characters who are probably surrounded by enemies and it doesn't matter because they won't take damage from that so you get benefits definitely from using that any vocation is really powerful because of that but you could go something like The Necromancer for Grim Harbors so once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used so if you say struggle with survivability which Wizards absolutely do then it can help you survive a little bit better but there are other ways to avoid that which we'll talk about in a bit as well but you've really got the option here and you could always just respect if you say wanted to change the subclass that you're focusing on but for the most part Wizards will always learn the same spells it's just what you want to specialize in leveling up as a wizard is pretty straightforward as you'll just learn more spells and spell slots that you can sort of pick from but every four levels you will gain a feat now as a wizard it's interesting to see what you can pick here there's nothing that I would say is absolutely critical it's a little bit dependent on your flavor the Mage initiates for all of the different Mage classes can give you some interesting can trips say for example if you wanted to learn Eldridge Blast from the Warlock school or something like ritual casting which will allow you to learn some different spells like speak to animals or find familiar so you could summon creatures spell sniper is good as well so you can learn a can trip and the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one so if you roll a 19 or a 20 then it will technically be a critical hit and you can light average browse from that or say Thornton Loop or something as well but something that I would sort of probably suggest mostly it would be Elemental Adept so you can pick a category here and your spells ignore resistance to that damage type of your choice and when you cast spells of that type you can't roll a one I would do this and pick fire for all of the really good fire spells not only do you have Firebolt as a cantrip you've got Fireball which is a massive AOE damage you've got wall of fire which deals good damage as well so ignoring those resistances is a really good benefit just to the overall damage because a lot of enemies have resistance to a lot of different element types and fire seems to be a very common one so it's a good one to avoid bit plus with all the good fire spells definitely gives you benefits from that now when you pick your next feat at level eight it's again sort of up to you like we've already talked about those other choices but the one we haven't touched on is ability Improvement which you could personally pick up so you can get your intelligence to 8 18 being that next even number so you can add that extra damage and rolling to your saving throws and spell casting modifiers so you could definitely do that and obviously pick any of the other options that I mentioned or something else you know if you want to spells and can trips they are the core part of the wizard kit now we already touched on how you can learn spells via Scrolls which you can definitely do but we're going to go through some sort of good options here but because as a wizard you can prepare your own Spells at any time you can essentially decide what you like and dislike and that's sort of up to you but we'll just cover off some good ones here for can trips some good range damage options like Firebolt acid Splash and Ray of frost are really good options to run especially Fireball and Ray of frost magehand kind of sucks right now I talked about that in my rogue video that it only lasts a certain period of time it can only be used every short second short rest it's not as good as it used to be in the Early Access dancing light also has its moments say if you want to help out some ranged allies that don't have dark vision four spells the main one that is an absolute must is Mage Armor so you can increase your armor class by three so you will definitely avoid more damage as a wizard which is highly advisable magic Missile is amazing it does force damage and it also always hits and as you level this up like it will just level with you so you can use like level three level four spell slots and magic Missile deal more damage be able to use more missiles it's absolutely a well worth spell to get and something like Ray of sickness or ice knife are both good ranged options as well Thunder Wave is a good option to sort of push enemies away from you but once you get level 2 spells and sort of Beyond you'll be able to get Misty step and you can sort of drop Thunder Wave so you can Misty step away from enemies as a bonus action I definitely use this heaps chromatic orb is amazing because you can tailor the damaged hype to the enemy's resistances so if you right click and examine them and be like oh okay you're resistant to let's say fire damage then I could use chromatic orb as say lightning damage or something like that so you can be aware of those resistances and sort of modify the damage type dependent sleep and Tasha's hideous laughter and those sort of spells that can stun or you know like lock enemies from taking their turns can also be valuable I like Tasha City's laughter a little bit more than sleep because sleep is dependent on the amount of hit points that the target has whereas Tasha City's laughter is a savings row and then there's the fire spells like Fireball and scorching Ray which we obviously touched on a little bit earlier which you'll need if you are picking up the elemental adapt for fire like we talked about the last thing that I'll say for spells is counter spell is incredible so grab this as soon as it becomes available to you at level three when you're looking at your level 3 spell slots now essentially what this does is it gives you a reaction as a wizard which you typically won't use in any sort of other way and anytime someone casts a spell within your radius you will then get the option to react to that and counter that spell this is huge in a number of scenarios where you're fighting other Wizards that have unique spells especially in some combat scenarios that they will be using spells that aren't typically available in the main pool like maybe they're specific to like that sort of you know boss encounter enemy type and you can then counter spell that you will use a spell slot for using that but saving your level 3 level 4 Etc spell slots for counter spells can often be really critical in certain encounters that you have enemies that just feel like really critical spells that change the way the fight flows it's highly recommended a couple of other little class tips you can do a little cheeky saves coming before you initiate combat because with the wizard you can just prepare your spells as you sort of see fit right so if you know a fight's gonna happen you can start that fight check what the resistances are check what sort of the setup is and then just reload that save and change your prepared spells Misty step is absolutely huge to avoid damage you should be misty stepping at any time that anyone comes near you to avoid damage and get away from them also get to Higher Ground the bark Skin Potion that you can craft in the Alchemy screen can also give you 16 Armor class rather than having to use Mage Armor if you don't want to waste a spell slot this is beneficial in the early game when spell slots are a little bit more limited but as you get further in the game it's not so much of a big deal and as a wizard because you're casting a lot of Elemental spells pay attention to the elemental effects on the ground say for example if you cast the grease spell you can then light that grease with fire to create an explosion to deal damage and then they can then put out that I was something like Ray of frost to clear that fire out of the way so pay attention to those different spells and the way they interact on the ground and the different things there's also Barrels you can blow up and all sorts of stuff but thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is and I hope you have a great day foreign
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 170,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 wizard class guide, baldurs gate 3 wizard guide, baldurs gate 3 wizard, baldurs gate 3 wizard build, baldurs gate 3 wizard class, baldur's gate 3 wizard, baldur's gate 3 wizard build, baldurs gate 3 wizard build guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build, baldur's gate 3 wizard guide, bg3 wizard guide, baldur's gate 3 best spells, baldurs gate 3 evocation build, wizard class baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 gale build, baldurs gate 3 gale, bg3 best spells
Id: mMW0FS8Cuio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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