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[Music] welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster channel where happy beekeeping is a way of life yesterday i started on a removal right at sunset thought it was gonna be a quick easy one and uh i got food i worked on this until about nine o'clock last night honey was everywhere bees are still cleaning it up it's now three o'clock the following day and what i saw when i first opened it up looked like just this section right here turns out they moved over here and they go pretty good ways back up into the attic space above the wall looks like they chewed the insulation and over here they go good good ways up on that old socket and because of the lack of daylight i had left when i started yesterday i didn't record any of it i just took a few still shots it was a real pretty butterfly it's hard to work and record anyway but uh throw a little lack of daylight on top of that and you got issues especially since i was working with one flashlight and really no place to put the camera so i took a couple still shots is about all i got but as i got into it realized how big it was i was like man i got to come back this is like an hour and 15 minutes one way for me but i got lucky i had two insurance claims to inspect up here so i did both of those on the way up today and i'm fixing to get started on this again and knock it out before dark now so i'll record a little bit of this now i didn't take the time last night to look up in here and see how far this goes so i'm gonna take the camera up in here real quick just to see what we're looking at and you can see how they're laced between the rafter and the soffit framing that adds to the messiness level of difficulty and then also it's honey loaded you see all that capped honey right there it's just raining on me while i'm working so i gave what honey i pulled last night to the homeowners probably a gallon and a half worth that i pulled last night and then right now what i'm gonna do is reach in this bunch of bees and pull the queen out and you're not gonna believe this i don't think anybody's ever shown this on video before but i'll reach up in here and just as easy as this i'm gonna pull the queen out because i caught her last night and i put her in a cage and and blocked the entrance of the wax on a stick just so they couldn't chew her out but i didn't want to have to try to tend her overnight so i just stuck her back up in here so she could be tended overnight right now i got just a massive bees right here and i'm gonna start vacuuming get them off these cones and start cutting combs again start making a mess again right here was their entrance can't tell if there's termite damage in there yet i hadn't been to there yet but there is there are tracks on yeah where'd i see tracks i don't know anywhere you can see damage right here and water rot and this is soffit over soffit you see the cut plywood there's vinyl soffit under that run into this a lot on these older houses before i get started though i gotta look for smoker fuel i like this hardwoods around here so a lot of leaves a lot of sticks twigs it works but it burns up fast i see a few little pines over here maybe i can find some pine straw in here and not be attacked by a copperhead because we are in some low land now these bees aren't terribly defensive but in the interest of saving time i am suiting up because i'm gonna work faster than uh faster than i would if i was not suited if i was not suited i'd be moving slowly and cautiously still get stung a little bit but if i suit up i can do a lot faster get a lot more done in the short amount of time short amount of daylight i got left and i take the stings which is a pretty big plus in my book i don't like to get stung but i also don't like to be super overheated and since the summer temperatures have gone and we're in the fall now it's not as bad humidity was only 45 or something like that yesterday which is kind of uncharacteristic for our area it's usually in the 80s 70s 60s we're out doing these the humidity anyway the temperatures in the 90s i hear my phone ringing wouldn't you notice as i get sued up and turn the vac on somebody's gonna call probably mr ed i don't know how far i got on this removal so far [Music] [Music] and it looks like i'm being rough but i'm not i'm being really careful how i hit them i'm not putting any pressure on the bees i see a lot of people comment about having done a removal can't figure out why they suck up so much honey well they didn't suck up a bunch of honey they stressed the bees so much that they regurgitated a lot of it in the back and they end up just wet clustered up dying on each other you can't you can't be rolling them while you're vacuuming you got to be light with this nozzle i'm dragging across the top of it but i'm being really light with it there's a queen walking around in there i put four attendants in there with her last night because i planned on bringing her home with me but then when i decided i didn't want to have to tend to her because i was getting to 55 degrees last night and i didn't have anywhere to put her i just put a stick in there and stuck it back up in there let them keep her warm overnight and she is doing just fine these black gloves these are five mil gloves i've got those 14 mil blue gloves and these things here when the sun hits them your hand immediately gets hot but if you're working in the shade or something for some reason they don't sting these gloves as bad as they do those thicker gloves i don't know if it's a these are smoother on that so i don't know if the texture has anything to do with it or if the type of material because these are nitrile and the others are latex so i don't know what the deal is what the difference is but they don't sting these five mils do as much as they do is 14 mil [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got this side out i got a bunch of bees hiding up in the frame up there i got a good little ways to go on this side i really don't know how far it goes hopefully not much further because it's getting late in the day all right we're down to the last piece yes man i'm so excited look at all them comb marks on that wood it was so thick up to there i was sure it was going to go up another couple of feet i was planning on getting into that soffit there that's what i thought i was going to have to do and i just didn't have time to do that before dark and i got one more appointment before dark not for a high removal though so look at all those cone marks man that was that was a strong initially she thought they were in this wall this is a master bathroom in this corner here and the toilet is right below this so i was planning on tearing out the wall inside thankfully i didn't have to because i saw how much honey was in there it's just a just a total mess look at the honey on everything honey on the everything b-vac i gotta clean it up honey on me and oh boy i look like a disheveled wreck don't boy i am so glad to be done i'm gonna give these bees about 20 minutes to cluster up i got them they're hiding back up in there i'm going to squirt some be quick up in there and run them all out to here had to put a lot of them airborne so i had to give them time to to uh settle down but they will a lot of them will be on this honey running down the wall out here cleaning that up that's what they're doing up in that corner they're cleaning up honey running down the wall and they're cleaning up the b-vac yes i'm done and plenty of time to hit my other appointment before sunset oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 42,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bee removal, beekeeping, honey bees, honey comb, bee suit, bee smoker
Id: ElDGyKhyR-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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