They Called The Fire Department, How Embarrassing!

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Welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life and where we're setting up some bees we cut out today which which we'll show you, I'll show you the whole cut out in just a minute. it's gonna be about three second video of the March because we just dumped them and they are irritated by the light. BYE! Pulling up into Tractor Supply real quick get some extra buckets. Gotta go do a cutout at a apartment complex. They're (bees) in a service closet around the plumbing um... and it's been so long since I looked at it I just remember something about the fire department inspecting it. I've been putting this one off for a month or month and a half. I gotta go get some buckets here real quick though and we'll get on it. We're in ole TSC. Got to pick up some buckets. Got to stay brand loyal on this one. The guy that's coming to help me today runs the store and these bees are going with him. I got plenty he's gonna take these and set them up. That gives me a little extra time to do other things. Picking up the last of their two gamma seal lids. If you're not familiar with these, these have a snap-on ring that fits on a five gallon bucket and then a nice rubber seal and then that's the rubber seal lid here. Gives you a screw-on lid for your five gallons. Just like gamma used to use to use. Holy Moly. Wow! I can't believe it hanging out inside like this. You're not going to stick around have some fun? oh there's about ten of em inside the truck. I did a big removal day before yesterday and emptied the bucket this morning and then put it in my truck. Yeah man gonna be a hot day. There's their entrance. Probably starting at the top plate coming down that's really unusual unusual for them to be clustered on the inside like this. Coming in here. Got all this electrical work around Coming in around that plate there. I gotta cut this out. Eight-foot ceiling thankfully. And then I got a put sheetrock back when I'm done. No fun working up in that spot. We got a strong colony but the heat doesn't go all the way to the ceiling. The heat stops at about six foot. I wonder if maybe there's some cross bracing in there or if maybe the whole top is just full honey and they're just not working it much. It's time for "the Mr. Rogers". I gotta put on some dirty work shoes. Got to keep the Brooks clean. I'm smoking these off the wall trying to see if there's a hole they've chewed or why they're hanging out right here. I'm betting that there's brood comb going way down there and they're just hanging out at the warmth, at the ah hot spot in the hive. Kind of seeing where they're going. Looks like they're going back down towards that hole and a few coming up here to this one. Yeah there ain't no hole there. It's five eighths rock. if you're familiar with construction at all or if you've done this type work before you know there's no telling what's in that wall over there so I'm being real careful. I'm on a stud here and I'm on framing here. I got to try to find a stud here to walk down. My bottom cut's gonna be the ones probably out in the open. Got Pex waterline then ain't no good. You nick that stuff and you got problems. Don't think there's any water lines in that wall except for this discharge pipe that goes straight out which is where they're coming in but obviously there's electrical in the wall and I can't nick that either. So I got to be super super careful. I see comb already bottom of this box, full of honey. Oh nothing but honey so far. Honey honey honey which is nice but it also makes the job really messy. This is the tape line at 4 foot. I'm starting Midway of the wall because I wasn't getting a whole lot of heat signature up top. Nothing but honey so far. I know the brood is below this because of the heat on the FLIR. Dang it! Must be something in there for it to be bolted to cuz it sure ain't wanting to break away. Unless they just built onto it that much, and it looks like it. I hope this is just a four inch wall if there's a six inch wall like they said it is it's gonna be a lot of honey, which is a good thing I stopped the buckets this morning. Good grief! Keeps going. Whoa!! Couple little bumpers in the face there. So far they're not be too hard to deal with though. Down to brood combs and I can see cells. I see brood cells right here which is where I was showing heat on the FLIR. It's a big hive. They aren't liking me right now. I smell bananas which is the pheromone that they put off that the smoker covers up. It smells like bananas. That's their anger, their alarm pheromone. It goes on down the bottom of that wall looks like. Wanna flip this, make sure there's not a queen in here before chunk it. Here's what we got so far. Think I'm gonna start working it right now just taking the bottom off. Work it up as high as I can and then make a decision from there as a how much higher I want to go. Alright. Had to change shirts. It's too saturated to keep going. That's from about, well you can see the four-foot mud line. It's about almost 5 foot up 16-inch stud cavity. I'm not sure yet if it's a 6-inch wall or a four-inch. I'm fixing to find out as soon as I find my knife that I don't know where I just misplace. Maybe I can get this spatula in there to see. okay, it's a four inch wall. That's good. it's good for me it's less honey but it's also less work. Well it's lunchtime and they don't seem to be coming out in the room too much. They were already come out in the room and finding their way back in so I'm not too scared of them piling up in here and dying so I'm gonna let them do some cleanup and I'm gonna go take a lunch break. You know what?, before I go I'm just really curious how high this hive goes. (alarm squeals) What in the heck? Well that was fun. I think I will go to lunch now. I didn't realize there was a smoke detector in here and I set off the alarm for the complex. I just went and had some lunch got some dry clothes on, I'm feeling all fresh. Got some backup with some dry pine straw because it's rained yesterday and everything's wet so I've been having a hard time keeping the smoker lit which is probably a good thing because I did set off.... I set of the alarm for the complex. I heard. (laughter) Word got out? place where I got out come take a look Oh yeah! There's a bunch. Proud sponsor of scraping the coast. I've got a lot of comb to remove but I've also got a lot of bees to get out of the way. I think you could probably tell right here. There's no way I could remove this comb until I get some of these bees off of here. Combs look like they stop, matter of fact you can see the end. That's the end of the hive pretty much. Bottom edge right there. About a foot and half off the floor. I don't have a lot of room to work up in this little closet. I'm just going to do the best I can for you. Nah I haven't smoked them since I've been back. I'm gun shy about the fire alarm now. That's why he's here. They turned it off. (laughter) He called it in and told them not send any response units out so we should be good till 5:00 anyway. I got the box right here behind me though I know how to turn it off now. One good thing about this is the doorway is right here. When any of them get loose they are just going right out and coming back around. Right now we're just knocking numbers down so we can work. Lot of bees in here. I hope this thing don't go to the ceiling but the ah heat signature kinda dies, it just kind of fades out right in here. It just kind of fades out. it's not a definite break where there would be any framing or something. Kind of fades out around here and above that it's not really much of anything so that's why I'm saving that, maybe section at a foot at the time. The less I tear out the better. It's a cow tongue. first coming I pulled was all pollen. Second comb was brood comb with eggs, all the way down to eggs. We know we've got a queen that's laying right now. Doing a good job. And that's the first brood comb. Another cow tongue. Good stuff. Alright here's our brood combs so far. You might notice we're not framing up. There's a good reason for that. I might go in-depth on that later but this time of the year don't even bother trying to say brood. Start them over and feed them let them. Let them build more. By the way "this time of the year" is end of July. These are our honeycombs we've cut and are saving. Bottom edge of it's got a good bit of pollen in it. A bunch of pollen and your honey combs will make cloudy honey but it's just pollen. It's healthy, 100% natural and raw. Nothing wrong with it unless you're trying to get some grocery store looking clear honey which most people want. They don't want cloudy honey but I don't mind it at all. I'll eat it and my neighbors love it and so, it is what it is. So this is... This is one of those hives been in there for two weeks. (laughter) Two months actually is what they thought this one had been here but it's been here for a good long while. Once I get the whole thing out I'll know a little better but it's, it's been in here since last year. Who noticed it? The lawn care guys when they came by with the string trimmers. They didn't last long. Yeah, sometimes they don't react well to little two-stroke motors. I don't know, I've mentioned it before but I don't know if I ever finish the videos that I mentioned it on but I like to leave a number of bees while I'm working especially if I've got honey I'm running because they do such a good job of cleaning up behind me and it doesn't... If there's a lot of bees left in the wall while we're working it really doesn't take them long to clean up the mess that I'm making. Now it's not running far. There's a long ways for it to go before I have to start digging further and cleaned up. If I if it was really runny and uncapped and stuff I would pack that wall with plastic to keep stuff running down in there. And still even if I'm doing a residential and I know and there's a chance of comb falling down in the wall I'll stuff that the bottom of that wall just to keep from having to dive for it. Keep from having to cut more wall to grab something that I accidentally dropped. There they are on cleanup detail. Alright, there's about a five-gallon bucket of comb honey. We got darker honey in the bottom and lighter up top and I separate it when I get home. About to put a lid on this. Run the bees that can fly off and put a lid on this. Go back any cut some more sheetrock because we've still got ah, got more honey to get out. Is there comb up that high? Yeah does it stop right there? On this side it does. Just let that run. Let them work on it for a little bit. Ow! I'm sorry. No that wasn't you. It was me. I dropped this fan down the back of my leg. yeah that's really unusual for them to not start start building at the top plate, but it happens. Let's see, it went from about a foot and a half off the floor. We have brood for a couple feet up on one side all the rest is just solid honey. All this top I'm thinking probably gonna be Chinese tallow (popcorn trees) just judging by the color and the color the combs. They got a lot of bees up top and a queen to look for. Yes it is big. They're educated bees. They've been reading in their off time. I've been smoking them quite a bit while I was removing those lower combs. I knew they were going somewhere because I knew we weren't vaccing all of them, and now we know where they went. We dropped our queen clip somewhere on the ground down here. Gotta find it so we can snag her once we find her because I know she's up top somewhere we're gonna look for her. I'm just gonna give them a quick once-over see if we see her anywhere because she wouldn't likely hang out on the honeycombs. She can. They do sometimes but she's a more than likely tucked up here in a corner somewhere hiding, hiding from the bee police. Back up for a better view. See if I can adjust the ISO on this thing. A lot of times I like to let a hive rest during a removal you know sometimes it's a good thing because the Queen will come out, bees will cluster, kind of like you see it here. They'll group up. Makes them easier to vac. They'll clean out the wall. Ah today we got robbing going on. That's what all this activity is on this bucket and on the back in my truck. I got this bucket of cut comb or comb honey here, little pan there. We got more honey to cut out. I can't even open this without bees running into it. There's bees in it. I'm trying to get them out but as soon as I open lid ten more run in there so but to get back on it. Flick them like this with the top of your finger. Not bad for a terrified person huh? No not bad at all. If you hold it over you a little pain there you'll catch all the honey's dripping though. I knew you were gonna catch a sting. Haha We've still got about another gallon of honey to pull out of the wall, and now it's time to vac all these girls and look for the queen as we go. (loud popping noise) The platform pop kinda scared me. There's my queen. Here's our queen. Caught her up in the corner as you probably saw. Now we can set her aside and we don't have to be so careful. We can just go ahead and vac the rest of them up. Alright at this point we ain't looking for a queen so all we gotta do now is just not make em mad. Now we can suck up bunches and bunches at a time. How far away do you think that other hive is? I don't think it's real close cause it took too long for them to find it. Put your finger over that hole for a second. That got it. A sure sign of robbing, we got all that fighting going on. And you sell this airborne? These are from different colonies aside from the one we're pulling. We're wrapping it up and putting up tools, just looking at the robbing and then some bees have decided take care of this Queen. all these in the air don't belong to this hive we just pulled. These are from other colonies. They found this wall. Found the entrance, and they found the doorway. I'm gonna leave this door open for a few minutes and let them get as much as they can, that that's running down the wall. I'll come back in here this evening after dark, pick up any that's clustered up. Go ahead close that hole up and then I'll come back tomorrow and fix the sheetrock. That was a right Pleasant job today. Kind of cool, breezy. I say kind of cool. It only got to 90 or 88 or something like that but it's breezy had a fan. Working in the shade the whole time. Not working overhead and the bees were really cooperative. I only got stung twice and that was just because I stuck my hand in the wrong place. Lots of honey. The colony is going to Ronnies house, my buddy it was there with me. We're gonna put those bees in a hive at his place tonight and before that I'll go back over here to this apartment complex. It's not too terribly far from me. I'll go in there after dark and vac up any bees that are clustered. Close up that hole. Right now I want to leave that entry open for all those robbing bees to finish cleaning out what they can of that wall. I don't mind doing that long as people know to stay away. That's the only thing I'm worried about. Got my queen riding up front first class. As soon as I get home I'll lay her on top of a vac box just so she's with her colony. Putting my outdoor sink to good use. Cleaning up some crushed comb and cappings. I've been labeled you
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 207,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire department, bee removal, bee hive, bee removal from house, bee removal vacuum, beekeeping, new beekeeper, bee rescue, save the bees, live removal, live bee removal, beekeeper, beekeeper's life, beekeeping how to, smoking bees, bee smoker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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