Bees! Bees! And more bees! The largest bee hive removal of the year!

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thank you hello Mr Ed here and boom Good Time Charlie I had to come man and have we got a monster for you all today this thing is huge in fact it's so huge just what you're seeing right there look what it looks like on the Fleer look at the size of this Colony man they're fixing the Swarm yeah I I was kind of thinking that we were so late that they didn't swarm so I'm I'm thinking that we're gonna find swarm cells in it this thing is huge oh my gosh we're talking 50 60 000 bees on this one man oh man I mean golly this this Hive is it's like at least a foot and a half wide and seven feet long I mean this is gonna be a big one I'm I'm guessing 45 50 000 60 000 bees I don't know how many in this one and we're in just a little past a meet um I forget the exact Town name that we're gonna put in a meat and uh we came up here two weeks ago and I looked at this and I was I was telling uh Tommy when we came up and said man I want to get here before they swarm because that's what my concern was that when I got here two weeks ago it was so large then that I was just assuming they're going to swarm by the grace of God these girls right here they're coming back up to the Abbey with me you ready serious shall we showed me something and I was listening yeah I think the Queen the queen is about right here well really thanks shall we I don't know if you took Charlie on the side on this one up but we'll see it if Charlie's right all right let's bangle some bees that's our angle because there's so many bees here on the outside I want to remove some of these bees first uh with the bee vac and I'm a I'm gonna try to I'll blow smoke up in there just to calm them down so that when I pull this sheet of plywood off of here we won't get them so so riled up I I'm I'm expecting to have comb attached to the side of this plywood so I'll have my bee back running as I pull this off so that when I pull it off I can immediately start vacuuming the bees off this off this plywood too now we also have both Jim and Tommy from our B club they're here to assist with us on this job as well I think that I've used enough time already it's time to get start back in these beads this is this is the crew look at this they brought their chairs foreign I mean right away Charlie I'm seeing live termites in this WOW right here yeah yeah I mean they're this the paper back here oh yeah um they may not actually have which is a good thing they may not have attached the cone to the to the wood yeah but but they chew through that tarp paper pretty easily I mean I'm seeing comb right here in trouble [Music] oh now you did it I see one piece of chrome is already broken loose let's see if I can grab that you know it's interesting that the bees in the colony they know where their entrance to the hive has always been which is right in this corner right here so even though we're knocking bees down you'll see they fly right back up and where they're going to go They're gonna go right here they're not going to try to come over here or where they where their entrance of the hive is not known to them their GPS's are set but right there and so that's why when they fall down they're going to come right back up here now some of the bees like the Hobbies whose GPS's they're not even set they probably have never left the high before yet those are the ones where they fall they're going to go to the ground you got to be careful not to step on those or they'll walk up your pants and sting you but for the most part this is how I distinguish between robber bees and hobbies is because hard bees even when I open up this wall the hobbies are going to fly right there but it won't matter how much space is available to them the hobby is going to go right here Robert bees on the other hand they'll go anywhere there's access and that is one of my concerns about doing this removal on the outside is having all this comb exposed where the bees can the robberies can have easy access to it so I'm prompted to work fast to reduce the amount of of Robert bees that show up but that I can't do anything about and with the number of bees that'll run this one oh my goodness it's going to be a lot of vacuuming involved so back to the demo yes all right I didn't see her here but here's our problem on the ground where all that color just collapsed and I'm pretty sure seeing all that brood down there that our Queen is down there as well we're gonna um let all these bees calm down a little bit I don't want to walk around this area right here I want the bees to migrate either to that comb or go up the wall or something to kind of like move the bees in because I cannot walk around here without beer hitting and squishing Our Queen and you can see the bees are running towards the wall right here and which is what I I do want them to do I can't get over how calm these bees are after this catastrophic event that just happened I mean these bees are ridiculously calm and you can you can see the the effect of what happened when that cone fell and sent all these bees up into the air and Charlie if you pan up you you'll see where the bees are moving up the ceiling and a queen may actually be all the way up up at the top which is maybe why they've gone so that's my first place where I'm going to look for her up there and I'll start vacuuming those bees and working my way down because that way I know that um I'll know that she isn't up in the top so let's let's grab the bee back and head up there on the ladder and see if our Queen is up there foreign thank you [Music] we got the um the bees off the board and now Jim's going and he's going to take all the comb separate out the honey stuff put that in the Box uh the other the other comb is just going to put in another box we just separate all of our our home so that way I can strain this stuff it won't be bad and one of the reasons I and I just seen one of the reasons why this cone fell apart was because the heat it's so hot this coat this this wax is so soft it's just breaking apart and I really didn't even have to use a knife to cut this stuff it just like it's like butter that knife going through butter but that knife being super hot because it's just like So Soft right now so that's why our comb uh collapsed with the board down now I'm going to focus my attention on the comb that's on the bottom and get those bees off of that and man I hope I hope she isn't in that mess down there because that is a mess that's a mess [Music] thank you [Music] remove it [Music] foreign thank you thank you [Music] all right [Music] now foreign that disaster is I guess taken care of right now I mean I I really thought that our Queen was going to be on that section of cone that just collapsed down I mean I took a lot of Time Charlie's already complaining that it's going into his nap time as well as lunch uh so I'm already got that strike against me but we've really got to take our time with this um it's it's a very large Hive and at least we got that part of the problem straightened out I did not find her in any of that cone that we removed but golly look how many bees we still have left on this so I'm gonna I'm gonna waste some more Charlie's time and vacuum a bunch of these bees out before I start removing any comb so y'all just have to sit tight for that one thing I I forgot I want to mention too because we have so many bees on our comb it's really a great opportunity to let them rest a little while and to start sucking up any of that honey that I I ruptured when that comb fell so this is a good thing this pause in between the cutout it's a good thing for the bees to allow the bees to catch up clean up and that way when I start vacuuming up again we'll have less mess stick to have to deal with and you can see all of this beautiful brand new comb right here and all of this all of it is full of honey so they have been busy up here that's for certain not five minutes ago I had all this completely empty and while I was vacuuming those bees I told Charlie look at those bees running down running down and now they're going inside and now we're going to go inside let me show you what's going on inside I mean just in that that few minutes this number of bees in here has doubled in size so I'm gonna use everything be back knock these down then we're going to remove this piece of lumber right here cut our floor so we can access to that where all those bees are [Music] thank you [Music] problems [Music] [Music] [Music] we still have to cut this piece of problems because they're underneath it [Music] [Music] Charlie you ready do it do it do it I'm on you I'm on you thank you Jesus thank you thank Jesus wow I mean I know Charlie was complaining that I'm wasting all my time down here but Charlie you got to admit it paid off for finding that Queen this early on because with so many bees still left the vacuum up we're not gonna have to spend a lot of time going slow doing that we just vacuum them up since we know our Queen is safe right here so well thank you Jesus for that capture because it was it was really important it's a big old black queen too all right can we go eat now no Charlie we got to do this finish this job then we can man well what do you all think about it it's been a hard job so far it's been rough huh it's been really hard it's been really rough yeah yeah well there's a demolition guy right here yeah oh yeah yeah I mean he was deep into it yep you need something broken call me you're good at you're good at tearing stuff up that's right yeah that worked out good well well Tommy I'm glad you told uh Jeff exactly where that Queen was going to be I mean you know you were dead on it man you know yeah well that's that's you know when you're an expert right you know what can I say yeah it's like stupid but you know he needs help he needs help uh no yeah we keep an eye on him yeah guess what that girl got me right on my eyebrow and that thing is starting to swell now so it's a good thing that we got our Queen already all right so let me put these things on so at least I can see I've got a lot of the bees back in away from it and just just because uh I've got the majority a lot of the bees backing away doesn't mean that there's some guard bees that are on this cone protecting it and that's what nailed me uh they you would think that you could just keep on working nice and easy unprotected but man that ain't the case so I'm gonna put my veil back on and I'm gonna vacuum the the bees on the face on the surface of the comb and then we're going to start cutting comb and and putting it into the ice chest but I mean with with that Queen already captured golly that's like just expedites the whole whole situation here it's I don't have to worry about trying to find her look for or vacuum her up she's in the cage she's down here and I'm back in I'll vacuum lots of bees already from down here we know where she is we just simply remove these bees and then then the cone time to remove some comb and put on my veil I want you to sit right there look look are you in it oh there you are am I in it thanks for watching keep on watching women let's go all right hold on so I don't know if that camera is picking it up but Charlie let all the drones inside of the van we're taking them with us they're coming home yeah so we're gonna we're gonna bring them up to The Abbey and turn them loose and on the way home Charlie gets to sing him songs it's just gonna be a party in there but first we're going to eat lunch we're finally finally we're gonna go eat lunch what time is it 12 15 12 15. so we got here right around eight four hours four plus four plus four plus hey it was big yeah that was no that was a huge one yeah but what about our help [Applause] barely see his face okay Tommy don't want his face to be seen no break the camera I mean his hair is fixed and everything you know it's beautiful all right so you all remember how we closed the video last time no that's not over again another class Jim what about you you remember thanks for watching thanks for watching I can do the thanks for watching okay yeah you do that all right and you're gonna be uh I'm gonna watch and Charlie you're gonna do uh I don't know thanks for watching keep on watching we'll be making more all right I'll take it and I'll do the God bless okay and then I'm gonna go to you okay to Charlie and then to Jim right yeah we I think we got it so bear with us we're gonna try to do it here we go hit it Jim thanks for watching keep on watching we'll be making more God bless this Mr red Tommy Good Time Charlie and Jim and Jim thank you God bless [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Views: 22,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bees! Bees! And more bees! The largest bee hive removal of the year!, honey bees, bee hive removals, drone bees, worker bees, queen bees, removing bees from a shed, honey comb, brood comb, bee smoker, queen cage, bee larva, bee stings, feral bee hives, wild bees, wild bee honey hunting, amite louisiana, amite la, saw mill operation, saw milling lumber, saw mill, bee vacuum, bee vacuum design, bee vacuum for bee removal
Id: 0YSv7cH4dDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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