Unexpected Tragedy: My Attempt to Save Bees from My Neighbor's Wall

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[Music] okay welcome back so this video is going to be unlike anything I have ever done before uh right now I'm actually in the middle of rescuing an entire Hive out of someone's wall and I had one of my Nook boxes with me I already packed it full and the hive is from the floor to ceiling so I'm gonna grab my regular size Hive here I also have another brood box in the back of the uh was this Defender Can-Am and I'm probably going to fill both of them with this swarm and I'm probably going to fill both of them with this Hive in the wall it is gigantic so let's get to it okay so as you can see I have already started on this I've torn out a probably seven or eight inch by three foot section of wall already so my main goal is to find the queen get as much comb out as we can but also not tear any more than this section will wall out if we can they are planning on going through and tearing the wall out re-insulating and adding drywall but at least amount of damage I can do the better so I had started with my green Nook here and I'm just taking a comb out putting them in frames with rubber bands around it but as I was going on I realized I already had already filled four out of five frames on this and that I was gonna need extra so I just went grabbed the full size box that I'll put all this in with another brood box for the top of it I had to start pulling out comb and setting it down just looking for the queen so if I can find her most of the brood get them in the box then I can just start tearing out some comb trying to save as much as I can but anything I can't or anything I'm trying to not tear out any more while I will just rip out and dispose of so the homeowner doesn't have to worry about it all right so with how this is going I think it's safe to say the bees had moved most of the way up the wall so I'm gonna go up a little bit higher with it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you type tools great for renovation yeah the comb is still going up the wall so I'm gonna we're gonna have to go even higher really trying to take out the least amount of wall I can but there's no way to get it all out without going higher [Music] so I have already worked on this for about an hour and uh as you can see it is a huge huge project uh so now from here up it looks like we're getting into honey so basically we still have some brood and eggs down here and we still have a lot more eggs and brood under the window here so it looks like I'm going to uh cut about here go down and start working down below because most likely my queen is down below where the new eggs and brood is and that's mainly what we're after if we can't find the queen and also take all the eggs and brood the bees could swarm back here or they could make a new Queen okay now since we have I'm pretty sure almost all the brood and larvae gone from up top I'm gonna start working down and see if I can't find that Queen I believe I got this detached somewhat oh yeah there we go now the fact that the bees just got very very loud when I pulled this out um it's a very good chance that the queen is somewhere on this or underneath it we're gonna lose some here take these pieces off this is mostly calf brood might be some eggs down under I can't really see [Music] so she's probably she probably wasn't down here but she there's a very good chance she's down here and laying now [Music] where she is is the question though so the idea of the rubber band is the bees will connect their comb to the frame to secure it and then over time the beads will actually eat away at these rubber bands getting rid of them they like a nice clean Hive and to them the rubber band for a little nothing so they'll take care of that and there's another one all right so now I just want to check where all these pieces make sure there isn't a clean bee on them somewhere hopefully not squished right there noise it's here right there that's our queen bee right there so I'm going to put her in her trap where are you little bugger [Music] okay Queen B is trying to hide here and there we go so sadly I did kind of off another B while doing it but that's what we're after when we're trying to get bees out of your wall it's the queen bee so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna make sure I get the rest of the eggs and brewed out of this wall put her in my hive over there so while I'm working the bees will try to find her and smell her pheromone and actually start migrating to The Hive itself on their own so the last thing I need to do is make sure I get all the eggs and larvae out of this wall because if I don't these bees will just any bees surviving will just make a new Queen and make a new Hive so we don't want that to happen so we're going to do our best to clean it out so try and try and Mark her through this trap it probably won't go too well so for now for safekeeping we'll just kind of slider right between these two frames here and the bees will start swarming to her pretty quick so I still have a lot of comb to throw in frames and pull out of the wall but there's still a lot of bees in here so what I'm going to do is just slowly take a scoop of beef oh these gentle Little Bees and throw them in the Brew back here I hope the homeowner doesn't find a room that smells like honey and bananas because they'll release a scent that smells just like bananas when they die and they're in danger uh to let other bees know there's danger mirror and clearly I've definitely killed a lot of bees while doing this a lot of them have stung me there's a stinger in my hand right there mm-hmm all right so as I keep going all I'm doing is going back to these that are starting to Bunch up grabbing them like so and just kind of sprinkling them in the high back here just to make sure I keep up on it I want to get get a good amount of beef in the Box that way more bees there are in the high box the more they can fan the queen pheromone which we'll call the rest of the bees into the box then I'll just have to uh leave the box for a couple hours and come back later to pick it up that way I can get as many bees out of here as possible okay so now we got the queen bee we got all the brood frames or brewed comb in our deeps here I also got quite a bit of honey in there as well and a pile of honey and old old comb um in the lid of my nuke here I did have to make another hole here because this was I saw bees going in between the wood to the southern section and they just had this filled with comb there was a little bit of honey but most of it was very very old cone almost from the floor to feeling once again so I'm gonna open this window here so bees can fly in and out there's also a window there and over there I'll open as well that way they can either leave the house or get to these two deeps right here with the queen and all their brood in it and then I'll be back in a couple hours to pick this up hopefully most of these bees will go in this box by then and I'll get it out of here for the homeowner okay so I'm back to get the hive but also see how many of these beasts I can sweep into the bee box before I take off with them just so there's less bees for the homeowner to have to either vacuum up off the floor or wait for them to fly out the window so they actually had this uh light cover completely filled up with dead beef I mean right to the Bram salisons of bees that were actually being cooked By the Light so I took this down I'm going to use it to kind of sweep the bees onto it and then just kind of drop them over the hive so I can get as many as possible there are quite a few back in the hole here still still have the queen in the Trap as well as all their brewed these mild bees did go to the box but obviously this was a very large Hive and there's probably 30 probably at least 30 000 bees that were in this wall so to get 30 000 bees into a hive this quake complicated but we'll get as many as we can so as you can see if I drop the bees on these they're actually climbing down into the frames as they find and smell the clean pheromones and that will help them to stay in the hide while I clean up all their little friends here okay I have the top fruit box ready to go I just used my top board underneath here use painter tape out of the hole down below as well as the roof here and that way I can walk through the house with hopefully not losing any bees but maybe one or two and then I'll come back for the bottom box with the top piece here and then I'll put them together down on the side by side all right so this is a pile of just empty comb as well as some comb with honey in it that I didn't feel like it was worth trying to save because the hive was so massive uh so I'm gonna throw this right on top of my green Nook here that way all the bees can basically be robber beef and they'll come steal this wet uh honey maybe some of the wax and they'll reuse it back in their own Hive so it won't go to waste but I definitely won't want to mess around with putting this in rubber bands and putting it in the hive so as you can see there's a lot of other bees in here now with the queen bee basically they're just in there to try and take care of our cleaner feeder all of that so what I'm going to do for now is leave her in this clip inside the hive I'll come back tomorrow and I will Mark her and release her I think she should be fine because all her Brutus and hear all the bees sorry and the queen but just to be sure I'm gonna leave her in here just so the Beast knows home is home now and uh where to go and then go from there all right there we go I just gotta run back clean up the rest of the bees in that room real quick for the homeowner so they don't have to deal with them since they don't have a bee suit they obviously wouldn't wanna wait a couple days for them to all clear out so if I can clear out as many as I can now should only be a day or so before the rest pretty well clear out or die okay so I know this is definitely going to hurt some people's feelings but if I was a homeowner I would be left with this many Bee still in the house so I brought my shop back to clean the rest up I definitely got the majority of them but with the hive that big clearly I couldn't get every B and there's still a lot of bees left in here so the shop vac most likely will kill them uh some people will set up a special bee shop deck or a B vac that will suck up all the bees without harming them I don't have anything like that but to help my neighbor out we're just gonna vacuum vacuum up the rest of the bees and make sure they're taken care of [Applause] foreign okay so it's been about two days now since I saved this Hive out of the wall of my neighbor's house so I meant to do this yesterday but life happens and it just finally stopped raining and as I got to top the hill here the Sun finally came out so I won't be opening this Hive in a more darker situation but the beef probably still won't be too happy with me so I need to let the queen out of her Queen trap and I'm gonna try and Mark her as I do that as well and just see how they seem to be doing on their new hive all right so we already know where the queen is she's uh between the two brood boxes here so we're just gonna do a real quick check as we go see how they're looking well it's my first time doing something like this I'm not quite sure what to expect with the comb so I'm kind of curious on how they're going to attach the comb to the frames and then what they're going to do with the rubber bands here they did get a little brewed up top there are some honeybees up top here so as you can see there's just a decent amount of uh honey up top here this little rubber bands are cutting a little bit into they don't look too bad all right now we'll uh grab the queen get her marked and then leave this Hive alone for about a week I will have to do a row I might check just with these being wild beast I really don't want them bringing in a ton of romaite mostly with my hives doing so well having almost no bromite I don't know so I think I waited too long I really wanted to do this yesterday but I didn't get to it and uh I got called away it looks like the queen I pulled from the wall may have died actually look like she looks kind of wet so I wonder if too much honey drained down on her and actually just about drowned her that's that's too bad so I do have an entrance reducer here but knowing this we Hive is a little bit weaker I'm actually going to make it even smaller [Music] this way the bees can just easily defend themselves against robber bees from other hides coming and stealing their honey as they make a new Queen sure bees hate this okay so that just gives it a nice small hole that'll make it very very easy for this Hive to defend itself because it's quite a big hive there's still quite a few bees in there but it is a very big space for the amount of bees that are now in this hive all right so the bee extraction that was out of the house was a success but sadly leaving my queen and that Queen trap my goal was to make sure her pheromones were in the hive even though it was probably in the comb pretty well if I really wanted to make sure the high was stayed and they didn't swarm back to the neighbor's house but in doing so I had the queen trap underneath a bunch of the honeycomb I had shoved in there and sadly a lot of that honey that came out of the cell fully dripped down on her cage and they probably drowned her so sadly that was a huge mistake they still have a lot of brood in there and a lot of honey so they should make a new Queen cell and come back from this hopefully so it kind of sucks to lose the queen from that but I think they'll do well
Channel: Cold Country Homesteaders
Views: 618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cold Country Homesteaders, Country living, small farm, hacks, how to, modern homestead, saving bees, honeybees, saving bees from my neighbor wall, bee rescue, beekeeping, beekeeping basics, save the bees, beekeeper, queen bee, honey bees, how to start beekeeping, save the bee, bee in the wall, how to beekeeping, feeding bees, how to inspect a hive, david burns beekeeping, honey, bee, beehive, bee hive removal, beekeeping videos, honey bee removal, live bee removal, bee swarm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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