The Kill Bees - How Long Does It Take To Remove A Bee Hive?

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[Music] you seen my truck today i can't see your truck for the bees we're headed to kiln mississippi it's spelled k-i-l-n but everybody around here pronounces it the kill the kill anyway i'm going to the kill to pull some bees out these are the kill bees this is about a 40 minute ride for me you got to roll up through here and give me some drinks like i usually do my wife took my ice chest from me it was actually hers that i had stolen and she decided she wanted it back instead of dragging another ice chest out of the shed i just pound my floorboard full of drinks hey you're gonna have to watch mr hidden his next video gets stung up been drinking these body armor drinks i thought if he drunk those who wouldn't have to wear a bee suit and he believed me passing all this low land over here close to stennis that whole field all these swampy fields right here just cover with goldenrod makes me wish i had some hives set up over here feeding them this is our work area for today we got bees going in top of the wall there at the soffit where they're traveling down and they're going in at the uh deck too i couldn't find anything up here but i found a good heat signature in the floor right here so i think [Music] i think i hoping i pray that the ones coming out of top of that corner cap are just traveling up from here i hope it's not two separate hives i couldn't find two before but it's a possibility i hope it's just one but right here is where i think we're gonna be going i looked at this thing about a month ago month and a half ago last time i was headed to texas and that's where i got the heat signature through the bedroom floor i brought one set of scaffold to set up it's high enough i don't want to be trying to work off of a ladder all right 2 50 9 3 o'clock p.m i'm just getting started i gotta pull this crown down to here and over to here and thankfully just one little section of soffit shouldn't be a big deal got to put it all back when i'm done i'll time this let you know how long it takes how many things i get because they're pretty overcast mr ed just called me see what i was doing he told me there's a storm coming in i don't watch the weather so uh he's he's east of me west of me about an hour from where i am now i'm just getting tools out and getting set up right now whatever time that i have on this when i'm done you can go ahead and knock off an hour for how long it would actually take if you weren't recording i'm also taking phone calls for business as i work so that's that's adding a little time to the job but generally mr ed and i and jp and a few others that record these like we do as much as i record adds about an hour to a cut out so if you want to know how long this would actually take if i wasn't recording knock an hour off about working up a sweat already it's starting to rain on me so uh that's gonna hold me up just a little bit you can go on and add 15 20 minutes depending on what the weather does a couple things i want to show you i got a couple new knives here i was using a 11 inch bread knife i lost it probably left it on a job somewhere i just got two 14 inches this is serrated that's a smooth blade i already nicked myself through the plastic on this one's that dude's sharp i gotta be careful with them things all right real quick i'm going to show you roy nelson's b i still do use the everything b vac and i support tony with the everything be vac and everything that he's doing because that's a great back but this also is a good back gonna cost you some more money if you want it but i'll show it to you real quick and john does sell these i'll link his contact info in the description below the video because here's the motorcycle this is a catch cage side this is how you regulate your vacuum this is where your hose goes when you're done vacuuming make sure you ain't got no bees left in the hose keep it running pull the hose off and cap it just like that and your bees will stay in this in the cage side there it is you've caught a glimpse of this before in some other videos i called it the bee briefcase or something i forget what i called it there's the screen that screen separates right here so you'd flip this this side and the other side leave this and latch pop the bottom loose and shake it over your box there's his card and phone number and this back here is numbered and signed to me how about that uh i know a lot of you gonna ask what's the difference why i would use this over to everything b-vac i'll give the contact info on both vacs in the description below you can go look on tony's website at everythingbvac or on for everything be back you can get the pricing on that uh john you'll have to contact him for his pricing i think it's 450 plus shipping [Music] [Music] so [Music] let me get up here and show you what we've got it's kind of a shallow hive got a bunch of cones in it doesn't look like there's gonna be a lot of honey but it's got honey all the way to this back comb here you can see it right there on that last or next third to the last one you can see it nice little cluster of bees it's kind of a cool day today you can't tell it by looking at me because i'm sweating but i think the outside temperature is probably in the low 60s something like that so they're not all spread out over the cones like they normally would be kind of clustering up for heat all this ceiling pin nailed and stapled oh that's just got to come out all these little staples and pin nails everything's got to be pulled or flattened down before i try to put this back all these trim boards i got to strip them out best thing to do with those get you some dikes or some alignment pliers and pull them through the back side and it don't disturb the front surface you try to knock them out backwards it'll split out the wood out front and then you got caulking and painting to do all right y'all see what we're dealing with i'm about to wash my hands and get started cutting comb i got insulation and ropes droppings and stuff like that from those boards to pull down on my hands i don't don't want to be handling no food honey with all that these these cut out hives are just as clean as a managed colony in that regard so if you uh or questioning whether or not the honey's any good is that it absolutely is you just don't want to be nasty hands handling it so i get get my hands washed get a wash bucket up there you need a water bucket with you when you're cutting these out especially if they get any honey in them because your tools are going to get wet hard to hang on to and you don't want your hands coated with honey you slip and go to grab something can't hang on to nothing so got to stay clean and then i got a mess to clean up down here oh this was in your house a year ago about a year ago last november come out of the wall is that inside a wall or is that it outside it's an outside ball i mean they actually built on the outside wall huh wow how much honey do i end up getting out of they had moved a bunch of it by the end so it was not that much i got a helper out here with me today bonnie bonnie lives in this same general area so there's a lot of feral colonies over here this one neighborhood in particular i've pulled four i think this is this may be my fifth colony out of this neighborhood in as many years so pretty regular over here in this this area kiel and bay st louis feral hives all over the place y'all are gonna crush and strain the honey uh i believe so yes okay they once wanted some of it bunny's gonna help me taste test it because as you know i always got a taste test absolutely got an old dirty queen cage she she won't care as long as she can't get out it's all i care got a good comb bucket cutting knives dirty cone bucket wash bucket and that's about it when you get ready to get up there and cut it out oh and just in case you got the smoker going they've been really really docile so far they're not even bumping me or even checking me out so right now just wearing the hat keep them out of my hair flipped around backwards so i don't have to try to look out from under the belt of a hat i don't know if y'all can hear that a little bit of a different sound sounds like wings beating on empty cones or something we'll start out with this smooth knife first i'm not sure i'm even gonna keep these for this job depends on oh [Music] this thing's really sharp it might be too sharp for what i want to do and if it's too dangerous for me to cut with while i'm up here can't really see what i'm doing actually this knife is probably too long for this for the beginning of this job because i need to be able to get back here and cut these cones and the way i'm having to finagle my hand in there it's cutting them pretty easy this feels like some of that crunchy comb i think we're probably gonna start out with the spatula [Music] having to dry that's how some of mine works just have to freeze it and save yeah she's telling me to get out [Laughter] [Applause] sweet real sweet i got a honeysuckle okay first three cones are out we're starting to we're getting into that little honey you can see this is the one that you can really see on the first video really really sweet flavor there's three stings one per comb keep going at that pace and won't be too bad only only a dozen things left to go bonnie tell me what you thought of honey it's good sweet sweet sweet honey very sweet scaffold kind of got me in a bad position that's too high up for me but one wrong down is too low now i got my head up in here with them they're starting to get irritable i might come back down put a hood on so i don't get all stung up the whole hive's getting smoked a little bit but that's not what i'm going for right now i'm just wanting to smoke them out of what i'm trying to pull so that i'm not pulling cones with bees on them let's put them on the run out of this stuff on this side they're pretty well fanning the smoke out of the hive hang it yeah i'm just in a precarious position got me messing up once i get about two or three more combs over i'll be a little better off pretty humid today so i'm getting good and sweaty uh i guess this dark shirt ain't something that they're liking i hadn't been stung anywhere except for in the back and the shoulder uh first thing was on top of the finger so i've been stung three times but they're getting where they're coming out and bumping me not the first one in the face which is pretty unusual they usually go straight for the face but i'm fishing changing to a lighter color shirt if i can find one in the truck and put a mosquito net hood on before i go any further because i'm really in a i had to rearrange the scaffold because of that column sticking out and the way that scaffold board is a little bit unstable for where i got gotta be and i'm too tall for what level that's on but if i move it down one level then i can't reach it so i got my head up in there with them and just making it difficult i'm working in a a space that's a lot narrower than my shoulders so i'm having to kind of worm my way around up in there and it's not a not a big colony not going to take me much longer to get it all out vacuum and i'm going to take her take longer than cutting the cones out because i got to take my time on that try to look for the queen she's uh i haven't got the brood yet but i've been here long enough i'd be surprised if it ain't queen right bonnie had to leave she's about had all the excitement she could stand for today i found a little bit lighter colored shirt i think they'll like this one better anyway you might be seeing bunny in some future videos though because today's first time i ever met bonnie but we got talking about bees and she's got six acres over here in this area told her i want to set up an out yard over here and i think we're gonna work a deal so she's probably she knows it ain't gonna be no one two three hives she's game she's a mead maker wants some honey i'm not gonna over run her with bees and they won't be set up there year round but it's on some property that it's it's fenced and nobody goes back there good spot for us good deal for her so you probably probably be seeing bonnie moore in upcoming videos now i got these things opened out flying around they weren't flying around earlier making a little headway there getting in the brew cones right here i might be blowing the video out with too much light there you go there's some less light on it so we got a queen i've been cutting the honey off top of the brood cones give them as much honey as i can it's less honey for me to frame up and this whole crunchy comb yeah it ain't terrible but i'd rather feed them up and make them build a new comb oh only one sting since changing shirts i don't know if it had to do with me changing shirts or vacuuming some bees because i took about three pounds of bees out of there they're still there's another two or three pounds hanging off the bottom of the brood combs now i dropped the first good piece of honeycomb right there just trying to fit up in there somehow my head's almost touching the the uh floor sheathing standing on this top level this platform but like i say one level down that's another foot and a half to have to reach and i can i can reach it and cut it with my spatula but then i'd have to catch it when it fell you know what happens then thought i saw the queen you know what happens then is you catch a handful of bees and you get stung a few times so i'd rather be holding it when i cut it even if i'm having to stand up i mean i'm eye to eye with the combs [Applause] that's where i'm at so far it's 6 p.m they calm down for a few minutes and then crank back up so i just came down to wash my arms off my left forearms probably got 20 stings in it yeah a few of them in the biceps and chest but nothing major maybe a total of 25 stings so far really hasn't been keeping count so i'm just guessing waiting on the cluster up a little bit again so i can vacuum some more it's about to get dark on me which doesn't make any difference i couldn't see under here from the beginning i got a little flashlight up under there just too bright to shine right on it so i gotta lay it on the side i didn't misplace my good flashlight so i gotta i'm just making do that one up there is a good flashlight it just doesn't it's not adjustable so six six o'clock now i think it gets dark in 30 minutes or something like i said i couldn't see anything from the beginning anyway because i'm turning sideways sideways literally with my left hand holding coma with my right hand reaching over my head squatting down and cutting combs and that's how i'm having no work so i ain't even looking at nothing when i'm just feeling we're right at sunset and as it gets dark my tactics change a little bit where during daylight if i pull combs out and they're loaded with bees if i'm not running the vac if i if i've got the vac on and the hose where i can easily reach it i'll grab the hose and suck all the bees off of the comb and drop the comb in the appropriate bucket uh after dark i don't want to i mean if i don't have the the vac running and the hose available during the daylight i just shake the bees off the combs and they'll go airborne and go back to the entrance and end up back in the hive after dark i don't really want to do that i don't want to put them back in the hive or in the vac because if i just shake them off they'll be crawling around on the ground they don't fly much so i have bees everywhere and tomorrow morning instead of having a pretty clean hive with you know 20 50 bees left there might be a good cluster hanging somewhere and i have to make a trip back over here and get them so what i do after dark instead of shaking the bees off when i pull cones down i'm smoking them trying to get them off the area i'm working but these are being pretty stubborn so they'll go to the backside of comb and hide between combs i'll pull a comb down one whole side especially the brood combs will be covered with bees and rather than shaking them off and having them all over the ground crawling up my pants legs all that i put the combs i just hold that comb up against the bottom of the next one over and i'll just walk right off on it except for the ones that are trying to rub honey and i'll either stick them in the bucket and vacuum later or sometimes shake them off but i try not to after dark i just don't want bees crawling everywhere and so anyhow that's what i do once it gets dark i'll see if i can show it to you that gum stinger in my neck i do have a laying queen in here i ain't spotted here yet i may have vector already because i've been back vacuum bees and bunches kind of hard to look for where i'm at one way or another i'll take her home with me is being a clipper in the back [Applause] so so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] so [Applause] so so that finishes the hive removal still got bees hiding so you could see that hole in the floor that i was backing under the uh bottom plate of the wall there are some bees in there i don't know how many but every time i stick the vac up to the hole i can hear it sucking them that eye joist doesn't end at that eye joist but this is our main entrance from that siding so coming in that corner cap on the side and then coming in around the edge of that eye joist there and there's a hole penetrating to this space so i'm going to back this insulation back a little bit see what i got in there after i let them settle for a minute because i bet you i'll probably have a group of bees on this side maybe the queen and them don't know i hadn't seen her yet may have factor no clue but typical for what they do they run maybe in there maybe in the wall i may end up leaving this open overnight coming back in the morning anyway just to just to be safe that's not necessarily the best plan for me because that's another hour and ten minutes of drive time round trip over here and uh more time putting this back together i could go and finish it tonight but i can go home and i got other stuff i can do at home working on video or something seven o'clock now i've been down for about a half an hour they're starting to come out of that wall problem is i don't know how many is in there that hole right in the center goes up in the bottom plate of the wall can't use repellent in there because i might drop them up while it's probably got insulation in it i probably could drill a hole next to it and try to run them out but i've been waiting them out for a little bit uh these over here they'll slowly migrate across but i ain't waiting on the migrate this crane is covered up so you can't really tell how many bees it is it's only about five or six pounds which is a decent amount and i got to put them in the truck with me it's fixing the rain and i don't want to leave this thing out in the rain it's already catching a few drops they get to ride in the back seat well at least i'm working under the house right got a few hundred clustered outside and about the same inside some pretty good storms rolling through which kind of is good because it's got the bees clustered up a little bit there's a bunch of them in there but not they're not out foraging they're just out flying around right now i backed that cluster from right there and the ones that were in the air went ahead and clustered there so noticeably less bees in the air i probably won't leave 10 bees when i leave here the queen wasn't hanging on the outside and i don't think she's in here but i'm going to go through go through this little pile here make sure i think i got her in the back last night i think she probably was in that bunch i've acted out of this side [Music] huh finishing up heading home it was exactly two hours to uh not including drive time to come back over here and chase bees pack insulation back close that floor up put the trim back break down the scaffold load tools clean up the site all that good stuff got paid headed home going look at another one [Music] um [Music] i've been acting like a wild man you're so luminous [Music] always always so many times i've stranded i cast away i'm not known sure [Music] always [Music] although it hurts me [Music]
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 79,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queen bee, how to, bee removal, bee hive, honey bees, honey bee removal, Bee removal tutorial, bee removal instructional, how to get rid of bees, how to get rid of honey bees, how to get honey bees, how to remove honey bees, how to remove bees, How to relocate bees, how to relocate honey bees, how many stings, comb honey, bee cut out, bee hive cut out, bees in house, bee hive in house, bees in floor, bee removal from house, bee removal pest control
Id: IeeUQaCVO3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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