#1664 I Bet You Have Never Seen This Incredible Resin Creation Before!

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foreign [Music] guys welcome back welcome to pouring your heart out I am going to do a big tray today look at this it's huge this is my big extra large tray mold and um I'm going to use this for the handle I'm just going to pop it in the center this is actually um part of you know the the three-tier cake stands and you join them all together and but I only want to use the the top one so that's what I'm going to do I don't know what I'll do with the other two but anyway it seemed a bit of a waste of spending the money on just buying the one but I just want the top because you know I've done two handles before either side but I just want to do this now also I've got these look I made these little silicone bubbles or whatever you want to call them I don't know so anyway I saw something like this on Instagram and I thought oh I want to try that so that's what I'm going to do today so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to make sure that the mold's nice and clean so I've gone through with my masking tape and um got off all the little bits of hair and dust and stuff and basically I'm just gonna attach these I'm just gonna stick them down silicone does stick to silicone it's going to take me a little while I don't really know what I want to do with them yet but I just want to have a little bit of a gap between them um I probably will end up having a little bit of um under like underflow with them but we'll just we'll just see how they go so I've got that size that size and then the little the little dude um they are quite deep so you've got to use a deep mold this one is my 15 millimeter deep mold um so yeah they are they are relatively deep I guess they remind me of boiled eggs I know so um I've got a little bit of trimming to do on on some of them but I kind of just I don't know exactly what I want to do yet but I kind of want it just to be sort of half around half side there and then leave that open but I don't want it to be just all in one I might sort of have it coming out and then back in or in and then I don't know we'll just have to see how it goes but basically that's what I want to I want to try so that's what I'm going to do today so we'll just it's basically just like a little puzzle ready really I'm gonna fit them all together I haven't trimmed off all my little pieces yet but we'll just look oh stuck together um is that a hair nope so yeah I thought um yeah that might be a bit of fun hey so this one can will come up a bit here and then we'll come back down a bit there so yeah I don't know I'm just I'm just winging at you guys I'm just winging it I am I hope I've got enough big ones just trimming off my little bit of little bits of excess there not really sure how I want these to look just yet but it's like a puzzle so I should make sure my little bits aren't flying into my mold shouldn't I don't want to use too many of the little ones that's mainly the big ones but I think is it here and then once I've done this is it too many just there I don't want to look too placed so I don't want to have like a big one a small one and then a big one and a small one I'm trying to make them look kind of more natural let me know what you think I should call these um they're totally different to my um you know my bubble tray and my bubble coasters and all that sort of thing made a different way so I don't really want to call them bubbles so but let me know what you think these little these little guys what we should call them it's a bit of glitter in there gosh use glitter once and that's it's everywhere isn't it just everywhere from then on okay hmm yeah I might put you there just want like an abstract kind of a look really I'm only going to be using alcohol ink to color my my resin I'm going to be using um black alcohol ink I am thinking though the way these are moving I am thinking I may just put down a really thin layer first just to hold them down because some if like if you've used um you know silicon inlays you may have noticed that they sometimes like to float so I may I may do that I may just um put down a really thin layer of clear first and I can use my Platinum 360 plus to do that there we go it's starting like a thin area and then getting bigger and it's going out and Meandering around and kind of need like a little thin a small one at that end to match this end hey what do you think about that does that look about nice stand back have a look I think so like I don't want to overdo it I just want it to be a little bit of wow look at that you know how'd you do that sort of thing so I don't want it to be overtaking um these will be on the bottom so we still will have a what you're seeing here is going to be the top all right um I think I think that'll be all right I'm not going to put the handle in just yet I'm going to mix up some resin I'm going to just put a pour a very thin amount in just so that I can get these stuck because I'm worried that if I fill it up they're just going to all float to the surface and it'll be ruined so I'm going to make some resin I'll be right back all right I had a bit of a change over here but I think I'm happy with it now I've got a bit of a gap there and a bit of a gap there and a bit of a gap there now I'm gonna use my black alcohol ink from let's resin um I'm just gonna pop in one drop hopefully that's not too much hopefully it's not too much it might be too much because I'm out how do you do half a drop like you know but it's going to be careful it's not too too dark probably should have put some on a toothpick actually I'd rather add some more later than you know put too much in now so let's just gonna add slowly because you know the the more that you add like the deeper it goes it's going to look darker okay that's not quite enough but I think the whole drop would have been too much so this is the Platinum 360 plus I did 100 grams of a and 43 grams of B um I'm just going to oh well I'd do it over here it's going to pop some on a toothpick that and put that in it's hard to here we go I think that was like half a drop I think it's on half a drop because like I said The more you know the deeper it gets the darker it's going to look so that's that's kind that's the shade that I'm wanting it to be and you can see it's just a gorgeous sort of smoky gray kind of a look and I think it'll look really nice with that black handle but this is only going to be the very first layer um just to just to sort of stick these spheres can we call them spheres and they need a name all right I'm just going to give my resin a few minutes just to for the bubbles to subside and um then we will pour this all right it's been a few minutes now the other thing I want to do is I don't want to just pour the resin straight in I'm going to try and pour it onto a stick just so that and then let it run in hopefully that will also help with minimizing bubbles so yeah I'm just hoping that there's a problem I've popped I'm just hoping that we'll just have a really thin layer just enough to basically stick these spheres into is that a good name for them spheres domes hopefully I've got enough to actually fill up the base of this mold it's going to take a lot of resin isn't it oh gosh as long as I've got enough to go in here I might have to just mix up another little bit actually by the looks of it I don't really want to scrape the sides because you can get some of the alcohol ink that's stuck to the side of the cup um and then you get that streaky kind of a look so don't want that it's just make sure we've got this in between all our little spheres there's a drip better or you know if there's a drip on it but don't worry about that because it's going to get all covered in resin later anyway I am going to have to mix up a bit more and just cover that because I don't want to like it might look different like a different color or something if I don't do the full layer now it might look a bit different do you think it might I'm going to just mix up another little bit um this well this was 140 grams so I think if I just do another hundred I think that'll be that'll be fine all right I'll stop fiddling with it I'm going to mix up some more and um I'll add it and then um I will come back to you when this has basically set enough for me to add the next layer there's a little bubble there but I'm just gonna actually scoop it out because you can scoop bubbles out it's probably easier with a little silicone brush like this you can just scoop your bubble out wipe it on some paper towel she don't want to be going torching it's a very thin layer of resin you don't want to be torching it because you can melt your melt your mold all right how's that looking oh there's another bubble there so yeah that's what I'm going to do I'm going to put up put a little bit more resin in and then we'll just wait probably three hours and then we're going to come and fill it up and that's when I'm going to use the river table resin because I could it's a deep pore so I can fill it up then all right see you soon so it's uh the next day and this is what my little domes are looking like they're stuck into the resin they're stuck in there nice and hard so you could take this opportunity to clean off the tops if there's any bits of fluff or dust just give them a dab with the masking tape just make sure they're all clean so that's what it looks like now I have mixed up um about two cups just over two cups of the river table resin and that's what I'm going to be using today Zoom you're back in there we go put you back up on the stand um yeah so really happy with how that's working at the moment now back to the black resin now it should be a bit easier to put in this time um because I've got like two cups there so um one two I call my shoe let's try to see what that's going to look like it can be a little bit darker than what's here this was a good little test I guess so that was basically one drop in one cup of resin oh that's oh that's a good way to look at it one drop in one cup and now this is two cups and I've got two drops so yes just trying to decide if I want to do another drop like a note looks darker in there because it's it's you know much deeper um but if you if you put a little bit on a piece of paper towel you can see that it's really not very dark at all so it's it's a bit tricky to judge exactly what color you want it to be see I want it to be this color um so I guess I should put another drop in because that's the color I'm wanting it to be hey a bit darker than that there we go oh it's a bit nerve-wracking I went to be I wanted to be darker so let's do that all right so I'm going to add that um I am going to just pop my resin in my vacuum chamber because I've got it and I might as well get the bubbles out of it so Stir It Up first wipe the sides down if you're going to use a vacuum chamber make sure that your resin is in something that the bubbles can rise up to to know otherwise if you if you use something that's the resin's quite full in already your bubbles are going to all overflow I think that's looking good you guys all right I'm gonna see you in a minute once that has been vacced all right that didn't take long I put it in once and it's absolutely bubble free it's a really nice thin resin though so it's not going to have lots of bubbles anyway so I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to just pour it onto my stick still go slowly and the nephew there are the occasional bubble and you can just flick it out that's a bit of a glitter oh gosh okay now I don't want to put the handle in yet I don't think I'm into mine's about the handle do I put it in now I can do it's just that it's going to come up the resin is going to come up the handle quite a way I guess I'll just decide once I've finished pouring this resin if it's going to be even deep enough um I might not even have enough to cover all my little domes I don't know and I'll see I've got streaks here now I have I got streaks oh gosh nothing mustn't have um stirred properly you don't want streaks see see that can you see the streaks there I'm gonna have to get rid of those you do not want streaks in your resin you want this crystal clear but obviously smoky gray but crystal clear you don't want any bits of streakiness in there or any bubbles or any bits of fluff or anything I am going to have to make up some more resin but I might as well use this first takes a lot doesn't it but look I've chosen a really big mold and I have chosen to put these domes they're not spheres did you know that half a sphere is called a hemisphere as in Hemi which means half so they're actually hemispheres or Hemi spheres I don't like that word though they call them domes so there we go uh yes I have chosen big mold a deep mold and look look how cute that looks with the little domes poking through I've still got a few little streaks there all right I am going to mix up gosh um I do need these covered though so when I did my first layer I did one cup and that was probably about three millimeters so it probably would just cover them but I'm going to play on the safe side I'm going to do like one and a half cups and then because this is so deep I'm not going to put my handle in now I'm going to wait until um this has set enough and then I'm going to come in I'm going to come in with my um what's it called my Platinum high temp it's really really hard hard it sets rock hard you can put in a dishwasher it doesn't leave Rings things like that for the top coat I'm going to do that so I'm going to mix up another one and a half cups of resin and uh I'll be right back right uh I ended up mixing up just over a cup so 200 grams of part A and 86 grams of Part B I thought one and a half cups is like 375 grams ish I didn't think I'd need that and also just double check that my bench top was or my board here was level it was a little bit out only because when I was doing the skull the other day I um I tilted it a bit and then because the skull wasn't level and then I forgot about it we've only got this tiny little bit here left so I should have should have enough I'm hoping it's the same color look it's covered yay I'm not going to scrape the sides I'm going to just do a little bit of blending because you can't get each layer well each cup full of resin exactly the same color this one had probably half a drop more alcohol ink in it I'm slightly slightly darker so we'll just give it a bit of a swish around very gently I don't want to encourage any bubbles I do want it all to blend all right so that's pretty much it done now now there is a little bit of room left in my mold so once this has had a chance to cure enough for me to do my top coat um in the high temp resin and that's when I will put my handle in all right so that's what I'm going to do so yeah it'll be tomorrow this will just have to sit here till tomorrow I will cover it with a box a plastic container so we don't get any dust and fluff and flies in it but yeah I'll continue just smoothing that off and I'll see you guys tomorrow for the next step okay it's the next day and my Leia has set enough for me to pour my next one on now this is the Platinum 360 Plus and I have just mixed up 80 grams of part a 35 grams of Part B and hopefully it's enough to just coat this surface it took me a little while to work out exactly where the middle was and so I my little handle is just standing there first of all I got a tape measure and I went from there to there and then halved it and then Ned's there and halved it but my middle kept moving so that wasn't a very good idea so anyway I ended up putting the handle in there and then I measured from the handle to the edge and then the handle to the edge handle to the edge handle to the edge and then that's how I got my metal so that was the that was the best way I've I could figure out how to do it it's gonna be careful I don't knock it over and I put like a tiny little bit of the black in just on the end of a toothpick I didn't want to have it clear I just thought I just have a slight bit of the black just so that every layer is the same if you're looking at it from the side okay so that's that's it now very slowly just carefully push this to the edge um if there's a few bubbles I can just pop them because you know it's it's not very deep that should just come to the surface easily and I am making a few bubbles by doing this I might go to my other my other little tool this one seems to be easier to do this sort of thing because it's it's just easier because it's got a flat end and then the handles up here so basically I'm just going to push this to the edge make sure it's all touching the edge what is that gosh so there's something in there um yeah and then I'll give it a quick torch and that will be it oh it's looking so good you guys I'm really looking forward to unmolding it tomorrow so yeah that'll be tomorrow so I'll just I'll continue pushing all this to the edge and then I'll give it a quick little torch like that so anyway I will continue um and then I'll see you when it's time to unmold brother guys it's time the time has finally come oh my God it's such a long wait having to wait two days to unmold something normally I'm you know I'm unmolding same day so having to wait two days is just so hard for me it's so hard I'm not very patient I'm just gonna go around boy it's a big heavy malt that's probably easy if I just do that hey all right let's loosen it all the way around now there we go that oh my gosh oh I put on a different background I thought it would look better when I a grayish background oh my gosh now all right this is going to be the tricky bit because I need to be able to turn this over without how am I going to do this I don't matter if I touch it will it I need about it turn it over I don't want to I just gotta be careful I don't want to like break I want to break that off so I'm going to have to hold it here all right can you still see oh gosh hopefully we haven't had too much resin run under so this I love doing this we're going to peel these out look is it this like a really thin little layer of of resin um actually I'm going to put those just put it I'm going to put it there so it's easy to throw away later because they're they're difficult to pick up all right here we go it's another little thin layer so once I've pushed them all once I you know put them all where I wanted them um and then pour the resin over just a little bit I went on and I just pushed each one down like that I don't know if I showed that anyway I just pushed them down and a few little bubbles sort of popped out on from underneath um and then yes because you've got to make sure they don't float I mean even with a tiny little bit of resin around them they tend to want to just microplane around my gosh all right are you coming out yes I'll save you for later I'll turn you around and see what's going on hopefully nothing's going to get dark I was really careful I'll get off get up get off my finger get off my finger tea all right I'm trying to be quick I turn this around a little thin layer again just fast forward guys if you don't want to watch me do this you're going to come out are you going to come out and there we go try and get that little bit off as well now if to use these again just spray a little bit of alcohol on on the base there and just wipe off any excess little bits of resin that are still stuck there it's easier than trying to pick them off because they're so thin you know such a thin little piece of resin so look at that oh I love doing this it's a fun part it's the little fun part some have got more bits of resin on them than others I thought these couple haven't got any it's just if anything's run underneath or not don't think I've got any no I haven't got anything that needs sanding I think I'm a little pile there I will I will sell these if anyone wants them um look they're a little bit tricky to make they are fiddly you know just time consuming because they're so small but I'll most likely um sell them in in groups like I might do six large six medium and six small you know in a pack would anyone I don't know you guys let me know would anyone be interested in in those at all oops I get this here we go another one nearly there nearly there just have to peel that off before I take it off just easier for me to clean up later and definitely put it on a piece of paper towel and so it's yeah it's out they're all out all right let me move these out of the way now it's much easier to have them all on a piece of paper towel and you can just pick it up and tip it into the bin rather than having to try and pick up all those little pieces look you guys look oh my gosh I love it this is like the coolest thing I've made oh a little less little bits of silicone off all right now here we go it's a it's a nice it's a decent size it's a decent thickness I don't think it's going to warp anytime soon there we go look we can have it that way is it in I don't know that you can see it all it's so big oh yay that's so cool big now you just leave it like that you don't fill the bottom up with anything you just leave it um and that's that's basically it so yeah cool um if you wanted to you could put some edging like a silver I wouldn't go gold like personally I wouldn't do anything to it but if you wanted to you could put a little bit of silver on the edges there but there you go what do you reckon oh gosh we've got a problem with all the ring lights again haven't we it's so cool I love it I wonder if I can take you away from The Ring lights come for a little walk up here it's always good having a little having a little walk somewhere else look at that it's a good chunky size isn't it hey it's so cool all right thank you so much for watching hope you've enjoyed my video and um not good on this on this bench either it's just the black bench we'll go back oh it'd be cool on a mirrored surface wouldn't it yeah anyway glad I unmolded that it came out so I'm also excited woke up this morning yay it's Sun molding day all right gotta go moving on to my next project and it's going to be a really fun one too so I will see you all for that one real soon so thank you so much for watching and um take care I will see you all real soon for the next one all right bye for now
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 95,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TYz6opNakAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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