Eerie Feeling Condemned House Of Bees

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we got the queen right here [Music] this property has been vacant for probably eight to ten years and they intend to tear it down soon it's got a beehive right down there under that window welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life today i'm an hour from dark in a high traffic area for homeless folks there's at least two vacant sheds here plus this house obvious people been going through the windows and staying in them a little baby doll back there and a mattress back there our bees are right here so i've got my smoker going i got this little thermacell sitting here keeping mosquitoes off of me and i'll show you a little bit of the property before i get started there's an old cistern that's about half full of garbage we got this shed here that people been climbing through the window and homing up in of course when i got here i made all the record i could banged on from the house with a hive tool just in case anybody wasn't supposed to supposed to be here is not hanging around tarp over a tent another bum camp over there while i'm working on this hive no earbuds you know keep keep your ears open to the surroundings and don't uh put yourself in a position where somebody come up behind you so the old house is probably 120 or so years old 140 maybe don't know exactly but i'm just guessing about some of the houses that i know in the area that were built in the uh mid to late 1800s and the cistern and things like that this old asbestos siding everybody in the world is scared of it as long as you're really careful try to take it off in one piece as much as you can some a lot of companies salvage this stuff especially in new orleans area they'll salvage it because there's you know you can't get this anymore i think you can get a comparable composite match for the stuff but you know this is somebody from here back couldn't match the front because this is a wavy uh wavy pattern on the front and then a flat cut on the back and then back to some dutch lap and i'm just going to expose a little bit of it i don't plan on trying to remove the whole thing this afternoon i've got literally less than an hour till sunset and i couldn't do this in an hour if i had good daylight so i'm gonna expose a little bit of it tonight tomorrow morning i'll come back and finish up so [Music] so they've known about this hive for some time somebody else exposed it i don't know if it was a beekeeper or a contractor or the property owner they got a couple of bids on removal and judging by his reaction when i gave him a price i'm quite certain i wasn't the cheapest but since i actually showed up and seemed to know what i was talking about i got the job so we're gonna do a live removal we don't do any extermination as you might know we're going to see what we find in here i see empty comb right now bees are being fairly docile this has been exposed for a good while now because i'm standing on there as best as they pulled off of it it's covered with leaves i didn't even know it was down there until i stepped on it and heard it crunch right now i'm just running bees out of the way so i can pull siding without getting absolutely tore up so my whole goal right now is just to run the bees off of this side of the cones this old wood and old nails are sticking too good there's no way i can say this stuff [Music] it's the dust you gotta worry [Music] from what a little bit i can see from smoking off the cones i think it's gonna be a pretty dry hive i can see comb from the bottom to the top on this end and it's all dry it's it's got pollen in it a little bit of a little bit of necker uh if we get lucky we'll get some honey on this end we're gonna get out of here and call it a day we're getting pretty testy it's a little too late to be working on them without suiting up and you can tell by the sweat dripping off my head it's too hot for that there's somebody's walking slash protection stick right all there before i get out of here on this one i'm gonna talk to you a little bit about something that i don't hardly ever cover and that is your safety on the job not related to uh the bees or anything like that but related to other people right now i'm in a spot and even as i'm videoing this i'm aware of what's behind me um a lot of homeless people pass through this area and i'm not uncaring towards the plight of the homeless people but i've worked with them a lot over the years trying to trying to help them feeding them dragging them to church whatever it might be 99 times out of 100 they're on the street because of their own doing drugs alcohol mental illness related to drugs and alcohol whatever it might be they've burned every bridge that there is and that's why they're on the street some of them are there because of things that are that are not in their control but most of them are there because of one of those issues and a lot of them have been on the street for a long time and know how to take advantage of people and so you got to be really careful around them and i've i've worked with the homeless a lot over the years and i'm know how to handle them but at the same time i'm also aware of what i'm dealing with and there's been a lately been a rash of homeless folks there goes two more right there lately been a rash of homeless folks doing around here and you don't want to set yourself up to be a victim of something like that so when i come to something like this especially when i'm by myself i'm always packing you don't want to sneak up behind me it might not go well for either of us but it certainly ain't going to go well for somebody sneaking up behind me on something like this mr ed did sneak up on me on the job one time scared the crap out of me but i was in a pretty good area then and wasn't uh thankful for both of us i wasn't prepared for anything crazy to happen but yeah when you if you're working on something like this just be aware of your surroundings a lot of there's mattresses all over this place in it under it around the back of it very recent evidence of dope and alcohol use right out here in the front don't ever let yourself become a victim just to get some bees or just make a couple dollars because it sure ain't worth it uh i guess that's really all i say about all that but and then on the flip side there's me and my brother 40 years ago you know people still live down here it's still it's still got its nice families and good home sites but there's a mix of unsavory as well and i don't know i don't know when it got this way it happened before i came along because by the time i was those kids age all right we're back at the crack of noon [Music] while it's smoldering hot to get started on this job again it's overcast though so maybe it won't be too bad and we're in the shade on this side of the house yesterday i kind of ended on a down note i think i feel like i did talking about the homeless issue and it is a problem down here it's been a problem as long as i've been around back in 1984 mr ed just called won't know what was taking so long he said he could have had this one clean in a half an hour i better get on it making me feel bad i got a little bit of different temperament than yesterday i already got stung once just bringing tools back here and once again vacuuming so i gotta smoke them [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] yes so hmm [Music] hmm [Music] um um had somebody recently asked me am i still might check in swarms and feral colonies i am on on kind of a hit and miss not checking them regularly but occasionally i'll check one this is after the flow after the main flow about three weeks after once i've got about what i feel like i want i dump all this in the lid and then put my strainer in and then transfer it all back they're pinging me pretty good so i'll stand over here away from you well i'm real sweaty and they go through my clothes pretty easy when i'm sweaty plus i get pheromone all over me from stinging my wrists and forearms is i didn't come any good or not at this yeah something like that size is it still just one queen or is there a bra here's some edible honey so if you see a little like the hives that you see so this would be like one or two this would be a double box pretty much a couple bots are just if you take a box and you have the things inside of them right and it's 10 frames in a box okay in each box each box is nine inches high so if you double that okay this would be about two feet two deep two boxes so twenty twenty racks two deep pockets then how can you harvest them you can do it a couple times a year so you got like all this right here is drone brew these are all males that are that are in a cuba cell uh this this whole piece of comb here has got a lot of pollen in it a little bit of necker down here but that's a lot a lot of that's empty all this dark cap right here is female uh bees being born are going to be born soon so pretty much everything you see here is females the males are a little bigger they don't have stingers what i'm doing here is a mic voice i got about roughly 300 bees in here and alcohol i'll shake them up and separate the mics from them and see what the mic load looks like on them yeah sort of people some people are afraid of it and a lot of people claim if you don't treat your bees they won't survive [Laughter] all right i've been shaking for a couple of minutes now totally untreated wild colony i didn't get a single mite in that shake there's a couple little pieces of trash right here and what looks to be a bee leg right there but uh not a single mite in the cup that doesn't tell you that there's zero mice in this colony but there if there are any it's a really low count got a little bit of nectar and pollen [Music] good pollen cells in it but otherwise it's empty a little bit of honey right here piling on this side so um all this brood like this as bad as you hate to lose it that's a pain in the butt to frame up and then when you frame it up it never lays out straight and they cross comb it real bad so i don't even save this stuff i'll start them over from scratch [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got the queen right here gonna wash my hands yeah let's see she was right there i'm sure she still is i'm just not seeing her for the bees piled up on top of her she didn't seem to be in a hurry to get anywhere but i don't see her now there she is make sure i didn't miss her i got everything in the clip that i grabbed around but i want to make sure she didn't run out the side yep she's in there and that's how you get the queen just slowly methodically remove cones be real careful look as you go and then she'll turn up eventually usually way in the back hiding in a hole somewhere you can see where she was hiding under the end of the cones i've been smoking over here and running everything that way and she's running away from danger so that's where she ended up so i set her right here for the time being get back busy vacuuming and cutting comb [Music] [Music] uh pulling some drone brood to see if i see any mates on any of them [Music] there's a mite right there you see it crawling around not many though [Music] that does it i'm done packing tools up getting out of here i don't heard from everybody but jp today mr edd called me give me a hard time because i wasn't working fast enough yappy gave me called me giving a hard time because i wasn't working fast enough marshall called me kind of mean bees but that's all right they were there in there mic free i saw a couple of high beetles that was it probably sucked up one or two in the back and i saw a few more that was it that's a healthy colony been there a lot of years just from the looks of the comb and how much propolis check out all the propolis on this wood i have been there for a minute still got my queen up here i had to come back and get her in a tool bucket we're ready to go walk over here and see if anybody's living over here now or if they've just trashed the place and left there's a little suitcase and some junk up in there shoes and clothes hey look at here camping out under a fruit tree things might have been living at this one for a while that's quality camping right there on a plastic pallet couple plastic pallets a bed frame to hold up your house hold up your roof there's our job right there that's it we out go home put these bees up get some rest maybe edit a video um so it's funny down here how how many bomb camps there are and old dilapidated structures with people just living in them trashing them they're not livable um i guess somebody living them i guess they are livable they're falling in can't get the power turned on on them city don't do anything about all that but you buy a tax lien property and let the grass get high or anything like that and they are all over your case sending you notifications to cut the grass or if you don't do it they're gonna have it done and charge you for it it's ridiculous but they don't do anything about this trash you just saw apparently oh that stuff been there for a good long while and it's a lot of it's in plain sight so it's not like they're they just ain't finding it one good thing about jobs like this one not a lot of money in these typically somebody's gonna demolish the house they're not gonna spend a whole bunch of money to get the bees going they don't care what kind of damage you do to get to and them they're not gonna be doing any repairs so it really doesn't matter what you do to get to the bees they just want them gone they're not gonna pay a lot of money for it but on the flip side they ain't gonna call you back because you left a dozen bees and i'm gonna call you back next day and go there's a big pile of bees and you say well send me a picture and that's a dozen bees hanging out on a windowsill or something that's the upside so these these jobs i don't mind too much like i say you don't make a lot of money doing them but it's fun especially to get one on the ground like that this is a mr ed job you know i don't see many of these all of mine are overhead and know cypher 25 foot up it feels like anyway and all these ones where you can stand on the ground and get to them to chest how he gets a lot of those i don't know how he finds them all but i don't hardly ever get those when i get one i'd almost do them for free just to do an easy job i'm introducing them to a new box now this is just what i dumped off the bottom of the that's what's in that basket they're starting to walk in that's an empty box it's got fresh waxed foundations in it plenty of ventilation i won't be locking these in come out here and check on them in the morning if they're mostly in the box i'll leave them alone if they're piled up on the outside i'll swap boxes real quick smoke them in and lock them down but we're in the heat of summer right now i don't really like to lock them down this time of the year if i do i usually do it in the shade right in the wide open right here so i'm gonna see if they'll stay i'm not leaving the queen caged up because if they don't like to set up their leaves and just leave her in the cage normally i would shake them in but i don't need the catch bucket right now i don't have another cutout scheduled for a couple of days they seem comfortable where they were weren't moving fast enough for me so i shook them all down make them start moving as they start climbing back to the top they'll be looking for somewhere to go you're gonna be in it i don't want to be in it i'll tell you how little my wife pays attention knows of things that she gets in the truck and sees this sitting on my tongue so i took a second sample from that last cutout just to check the results again and she goes i don't know what you're saying is that urine you know i said yes it's urine yuck it's alcohol i'm not convinced you smell it 1984 i was 14 years old just got my braces off and my mom was taking us to taco bell for lunch one day and back then my dad had a body shop just a few blocks south of here and it had an apartment in the upstairs of the shop and we had lived there for uh like a year and a half at some point just prior to that so me and my brother really you know we knew this area real well we used to run the streets and even back then the homeless problem the drugs and alcohol and all down here was really pretty bad but um i don't remember if we were still living there at that point but back then taco bell was just two blocks over it's not there anymore but we get we went to this taco bell two blocks over and had lunch and after lunch we go back to the shop and my mom goes son where's your retainer enough i was like oh man i must have left it on my tray at taco bell so me and her get in the car and go back to taco bell and go see the manager hey has anybody turned in um a retainer no dice gotta go to the dumpster because since i've been here we already dumped all the garbage on it oh man much to my relief we get out back and it's one of those short dumpsters with the slope front and it's pretty full so and all the latest trash is right on top of course so we didn't have to actually get in the dumpster we still we're still digging through everybody's lunch garbage tearing open these sacks that are right on top uh a little dumpster corral around it you know and uh we're busy digging looking through napkins shaking stuff out see if we can find this retainer and we start hearing this noise that's hollering this man's coming in the alley we hadn't really noticed him until he started screaming and hollering but he's screaming profanities at us and you know i looked up to see what's going on he's looking straight at us and he's got a knife out with a blade on it about like that he's pointing it at us and he's screaming and and i don't even know what he's saying i just know there's a lot of profanity going on my mom's standing here next to me i'm not even looking at her this guy's got my attention and i'm 14 years old at this point i'm a big kid pretty good athlete really big and strong for my age and you know how all you guys at 14 years old you were bulletproof nothing could hurt you you were jumping off the house you were doing stupid bicycles skateboard stunts you know stuff that would just uh you'd be having joint replacements if you did any of that today but at 14 years old nothing can hurt you but also at 14 years old i was uh i wasn't a mean kid but i was a tough kid and and i really i excelled at sports i was in the football i was into karate at that point and lifting weights my dad had got me on with a weight coach when i was 11 years old because he you know i was like i liked football i was good at football and he got me started lifting weights so uh you know if i'd been lifting weights for a few years at that point not with a coach anymore but just we had a i had some weights set up in our uh rec room or and i would lift weights every day so i was following schwarzenegger and all those guys i was gonna be the big bad guy walking around us that's where my mind was at that point in my life but this guy's coming at us with a knife and he's cussing us out and i don't know if we're in his dumpster his alley his territory whatever it was or if he was just crazy but he's coming out coming down towards us and he's about probably 60 or 80 feet from us at this point really rough looking guy probably in his 30s a grown man probably about the same size i was but you know lived a rough life and it just it went all over me and just it flipped a switch in me and immediately i was furious my adrenaline was pumping this guy coming at me just something different uh coming at me with a knife like that i looked down at my feet and there's a piece of a two by four about two and a half foot long and i reached down and grabbed a piece of two by four and i took off around a dumpster and a full sprint towards this guy and he's we're making eye contact as i round the dumpster and i see his face just as hateful look in his eyes and he looks down at that board in my hand looks back up in my face and sees probably the same look of hate in my eyes coming towards him uh i mean just in a full sprint and decides in just a split second he's in the wrong place and he turns around and takes off the other direction and you know knowing he's either outmatched or out crazied and probably don't want to figure out which one it is so i'm hot on his heels and i can hear my mom screaming hollering for me to come back but this guy's got my attention and my adrenaline's pumping and i'm fixing to club him to death this little piece of two before and so i chased him i think almost to the end of the alley i really can't remember at this point a car came by he runs across in front of the car and i that's when i broke off and went back and uh you know looking back it's funny now because i'm 14 years old i'm a pimple face baby face if i had if i'd have caught him who knows what i'd done with him i ain't never hit nobody with a stick before and i might have just got myself knifed some i'm thankful i didn't catch him i'm thankful i just called his bluff and he got away and i wish knife got the best i hope he was doing good at this point in his life if he's even still living you know if i'd have caught up to him i might not be here to tell the story but at you know at the time it wasn't funny but looking back it's really really pretty humorous so anyway you know because we're at 14 years old we're real killers you know just got my braces off i'm a killer uh anyway that's the story when we're done here i'll see if i can't round up a homeless person to get a story out of it you
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 67,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bee, bees, beekeeping, bee removal, beekeeper, bee husbandry, beekeeping educational, bee rescue, honey bee, honey bees, honey bee removal, pest control, bees in a house, bee house, house bees, bee handler, bee wrangler, condemned house, condemned property, homeless, bum, bum camp, bee hive removal, bee hive, bee hive in house, how to remove bees, how to remove honey bees, honey comb, bees wax, raw honey, bee pollen, bee smoker, bee sting, home repair, home demolition
Id: 5haFmRWC8-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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