Best rifle magazine pouch (AR-15)

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if you're wearing soku's or Sophie's or you have ever worn them in the past go and hit that subscribe button like comment do like its up because it really helps me out so what is the best belt mounted rifle magazine pouch that was a great question now you have to realize that best is very subjective bests for a competition shooter is going to be very different from best for a dude doing halo ops or he do doing maritime security or contracting work of police work so really is that there's a whole lot of gray area in there when it comes to best but what we're going to do is we're going to talk about magazine pouches that perform well and Duty slash professional setups so may not be the best for you but I found that in my time with them they've worked quite well so when it comes to our magazine touches we're going to be dealing with open top designs because we're going to be working mostly from emergency reloads I'd have to sell running off the belt now for putting software that might be a primary mag just realize they're gonna have some variation based on what you do but in case let's talk about the different types of mag pouches we'll be using so we'll be talking about the hsgi tacos the g-code scorpions the S tack Kylie's and finally the ITW fast mag so we're going to be rating these on a scale of three in box and it's going to be retention so how well they retain the magazine the amount of noise they make so when they're bumped into type material they're made of and finally the ease of the mag draw so those will be our criteria and now of course there are other things consider as well but we'll do our best to rate these so we'll start off with an oldie and soul goodie which is the hsgi taco so the hsgi tacos B scooter that's secured with bungee and that bungee provides that tension on the magazine now it's good about simple design they last quite a long time I've had this one for probably about four years and it still works now the problem with it is that there's because you have could die on the inside no type of synthetic material to kind of grip it these do come out fairly easy great smooth magazine draw however there's a higher chance you're going to lose them because it doesn't secure them as hard as some of the newer designs out there so still works I think that there are better designs out there so when it comes to rating the hsgi taco we're gonna go ahead and rate it on a one for retention now realize that this is all comparative to the other magazine pouches within this video hsgi taco does do a lot better than almost have your other magazine pouch out there but we're gonna give it a one and block out of three for retention we're gonna give it a one in block out of three for noise which is good because there's hot not a whole lot of plastic not a whole lot of stuff to bump into these magazine pouches don't make a whole lot of noise and you're moving around and that's always good for you finally for ease of draw these are probably one of the fastest smoothest draws of the magazine pouches that we have out there so I'm going to give it a sweetie so again not great retention great noise reduction and also really good on that fat for those fast magazine changes so it just GI taco does pretty good overall let's talk about some of the others that we have out there so right here we have the g-code scorpion now full disclosure I was given the g-code scorpion for free from g-code because they wanted me to take a look at them now some of you might say oh man your sellout that means you're going to give this a good rating now I'm going to give this a good rating but not because it was given to me but rather because I like it I like being given products because I like free stuff but also because I have no bias towards that I don't I didn't purchase spend any my own money on I feel no obligation to try to defend my purchase so I'm gonna wreck stuff just as equally whether I bought it or got it for free so I try to have as little bias as possible when it comes to stuff just full disclosure just these are given to me but anyhow they just see I talk oh verse the g-code scorpion you see this a lot because they're very very similar in design they both use bungees and they'll both have some type of cloth slash material wrapped around a magazine to keep it in place however I think the g-code did a really good job in outpace it just GI taco due to a couple factors now I want to point out that the g-code has gone over a couple revisions and I've seen some people say that hey these G codes don't hold in magazines very well they slipped out really well I have not found that to be the case with the one that the ones that I were given that I was given so they have a really grippy material on the inside that holds those magazines in place very well in fact of the magazine pouches here this retains them about can best so pretty good overall so what it has it has a little exoskeleton here on the outside and that provides rigidity for the magazine pouch as well as protecting the bungees to some extent or another on the inside you have the grippy material really keeps it in place so I'm a big fan of the hsgi scorpion I if you have a choice between these two I'd definitely recommend the scorpion when it comes to raving this out of our inbox we're going to give it a two and a half on retention we're going to give it a one inhalation it's very quiet compared to some of the magazine pouches I dealt with and then on ease of draw for a magazine we'll put it about a to three in blocks so a really solid design very happy with it now in my mind it typically comes down to this verse the Stech Kiley's so they kind of both are kind of middle-of-the-road they're not really good something that they're not terrible at anything but they kind of have a different design philosophy so as you can see here with the Kiley's they're a little bit shorter as far as where they hold the magazine compared to the g-code scorpion or the hsgi taco what that allows you to do is it allows for a very smooth draw from the SX highways now they ask that kylie's are suitable design they use a Kydex insert to put tension on the magazine and then on the outside they have a code or wrapping what that does is it really keeps that noise level down as well as making it very small simple robust that type of stuff I've never had these fell on me and I've used them for quite a while so as you can see here when you pop it in get that little click and it's pretty secure now Todd secure doesn't see pipe smoking in my opinion so when it comes to our STI weeks I'm going to go ahead and rate it at eight to four in blocks out of three for retention we're going to put it at a 1/4 noise level again not a whole lot of plastic to make noise or anything like that it's all covered with AK Endora and finally for the mag ease of job we're going to put it at a two and a half and blocks out of three so compare that to the Scorpion where the scorpion is a two and a half 1/2 so you can see they're very similar just kind of different design influence so if you're considering getting one of these kind of figure out what your priority is and what you really need and then go with that but I don't believe that you can go wrong with either of these I think they'd serve you very well so we ever Stech Kylie finally at the far end of the spectrum when it comes to retention noise and ease of draw we have the ITW fast mag so this is a really cool design it's kind of departs from a lot of the other designs that we've talked to up to this point it's got all polymer uses a tension band right here to hold the magazine in place now you can move that tension band up and down to increase or decrease the amount of tension on the magazine now in the case of being mounted on plate carriers like that or belt mounted or upside down you probably want to have that band all the way up the belt mounted you can probably move it a little bit down I'm going to go ahead and go back on that one but these are very secure I've seen a lot of guys mount these upside down the plate carriers is that the best option to do now probably not now when I say guys wood mounted those I've done it before but I come conveniently Tarzan guys also have these upside down but these are very secure but nonetheless gravity always wins so I'm not a big fan of mounting these upside down just realize that they are secure enough to where you can actually do that the problem with these is that because it's all polymer with him with anything bumps into these it does make a whole lot of noise so depending on what you're doing or kind of what your priority is it might not be the best option the same time if you're looking for some pretty secure retention it's hard to go wrong with the ITW fast mag so when it comes to our fast mag as far as rating it ring go ahead we're going to give it a three out of three and velocity retention we're going to give it a three out of three in blocks on something noise and it's on they're going to give it a two for ease of draw because while it is fairly easy to draw it's about on same level of the g-code scorpion so feels about the same job draw them so you kind of have that tension all the way through on that pole as you draw that magazine so those are our four magazine pouches we talked about again you know I tend to lean towards the g-code scorpion when the Stech highways both excellent products but if you want to go to the far left or right on those on that spectrum of the hsgi taco a Nike W fast mag all great magazine pouches you can't go wrong with any of them it just depends on what you so I hope this is a good primer for you guys I hope it kind of made you either think about your belt setups and specifically what pouches using or if you don't have anything maybe steer you away from a bad purchase or a good purchase at that stuff and obviously when it comes to magazine pouches if you don't look cool nothing matters
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 554,210
Rating: 4.9498911 out of 5
Keywords: best magazine pouch, esstac kywi, g code, g code scorpion, is the g code scorpion good, itw fast mag, fast mag, HSGI taco, garand thumb, garand, is the esstac kywi good, esstac kywi review, magazine pouch comparison
Id: FdB-a0pcXac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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