Esstac Kywi and Daeodon How To, Setup Guide, and Review!

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so so hello friends tonight we're going to take a look at the humble and underrated s-tac kiwi now you're thinking gun penguin the [ __ ] are you talking about the kiwi's not underrated every person on earth has a couple of these yes that's true but rarely do we discuss their genius rarely do we discuss how awesome and how original these things are right so i've tried every magazine holdy thing that is made just about anytime i see something new i go oh i'm gonna i'm gonna try that and i give it a a run you know for i don't know three to six months and then i always find myself back here again what makes these so remarkable it's just kydex in a nylon pouch right it's these are simple they're easy to use they never break they don't drop your magazines out you would think that all pouches right would do that that they would hold the magazine and let you get the magazine back out easily and quickly but that is not the case so always i end up coming back to the aztec kiwi so what are kiwis well if you for some reason have never seen them before um which you know i don't know we've got a lot of new shooters joining the gun community so i'm not going to act like that's crazy maybe you've never seen these before let's take a look at what they are so it'll be easier to do with with a rifle one so these are a kydex piece in there in fact let's just take it out so you remove the kydex piece and i'm maybe i won't speed this up so that you can watch it does take some force to get these out because we'll have to take them out later to look at how you alter the fit so all kiwis are there's a pouch that's open at both ends and inside is this kydex insert and the kydex insert clamps around the magazine like this but the pouch applies some pressure to it and that keeps it all together and it's remarkably secure to put it back together you figure out which way is up on your pouch maybe kind of open the pouch a little bit with your fingers get this thing down in there and bam that's all there is to it you've got a kiwi and you can attach the kiwis either using belt clips like i've got here or you can attach them using what the [ __ ] strips and i'm going to show you exactly how to do that later so this is also going to be a how-to how to use your kiwis and we're also going to take a look at the deodon pouches as well i've got a bunch of those so i love kiwis so much that i have an entire box of just kiwis so we're going to take a look at all kinds of different configurations so that you can kind of see what's available and i also want to note something about tactical gear before we really dive in here there is no best with tactical gear i'm showing you one of my favorite things but that does not mean this is the best thing for you right with tactical gear you need to go out there you need to buy [ __ ] and experiment with it or borrow stuff from other people because sometimes weird configurations work for different people weird products i can't tell you to go buy kiwis you take them home and they work for you it just it isn't that way so make sure you try as much stuff as you possibly can there are a lot of great options out there that are of equal quality to the kiwis so experiment and also ask your friends what they like and why you get a lot of great recommendations that way all right so now we are going to dive into exactly how these things work in great detail and i'm going to show you how to set them up how to attach them to things all that kind of [ __ ] so let's do it so how do kiwis work well kiwis are just kydex and nylon as we saw earlier very very simple now that you've seen what they are inside let's talk about how you reshape them now i'm not going to actually reshape one here because a i don't need to it's so simple and b i like the way all of mine fit and i really don't want to mess with that so you can undo just about any reshaping that you do as long as you don't go overboard but all the same i like mine they're good they're set up for me right now so we are [ __ ] with them so let's talk about reshaping these things and i'm going to show you why you might need to reshape them so this is really engineered to fit like a glock magazine right so a nine millimeter glock magazine this is a glock 17 magazine actually for my glock 45 but whatever that fits perfectly right but let's say i want one of these to fit better this is a glock 10 millimeter magazine this is a beretta cougar magazine the beretta cougar magazine is smaller than the glock magazine it still fits that works but there's not the amount of resistance that i would like for there to be with this magazine pouch and with the glock 10 millimeter magazine it fits it works but there's a little bit more pressure than i would want so we need to reshape this we're going to do that by taking the kydex insert out the way we did earlier and i want you to see the fumbling on camera i want you to see exactly what this is like a lot of how to's make things look easier than they actually are and i want to both show you a what a [ __ ] [ __ ] i am and b that this is easy but it does take a little bit of work the pistol ones are a little harder to get than the rifle magazines so there we go i like to kind of push down on the kydex a little bit and it'll kind of work itself free there we go perfect all right so this is our kydex insert so we need to reshape it to fit better around each of these magazines so how are we going to do that well kydex is shaped using the application of heat right you heat the kydex up that makes it pliable and then you can reshape it so we can apply heat to it with a hair dryer and in fact i've done that to most of these to perfect the fit they kind of come with medium tension and depending on what i'm doing i like more or less so i almost always take a hair dryer to them and and get them fitted exactly the way that i like so let's say we want to have more tension because we want that beretta magazine to be super snug a lot snugger than it is right now so we need to close the wings in sideways right so we're going to heat this up using the hair dryer we're going to fold it in and kind of hold it in place now stack has instructions online as to how to do this i'm just telling you how i do it it's worked for years and years and it's very easy so i apply heat to it for however long it takes every insert size is a little bit different and then that's going to apply more tension to this alternatively let's say we want to loosen the insert right because we want to put this this 10 millimeter magazine in there you can see that's pressing that open right so we need there to be less of an arch in these wings right so we're going to apply heat and we're going to remove a little bit of that arch and you want to go slowly here but just take a little bit out of it and then that will apply a little bit less pressure to that magazine right all right so let's say we've got these shaped we want to put them back fold this up maybe kind of put your little finger in there so it doesn't get hung up on everything you can also put a little piece of paper through there that'll work too or like a piece of manila folder like we did for the spiritus microphyte how-to if you watch that one all right so you get that going in there like that you make yourself look like an idiot on the internet and there we go all right so again we didn't actually resize it that puts perfect tension on that glock 17 bag oh yeah and i have the 1911 out here to show you that obviously that doesn't work right that's going to be wiggly that's more reshaping than you really want to do so they make separate pouches for those so this only works within reason and stack will tell you they're not guaranteeing that anything will fit anything other than what they list so let's say you have an obscure gun with an obscure magazine they're not going to tell you oh this is guaranteed to work even if it could be reshaped to fit but they're always adding new products and new designs so if it's a popular gun they're probably at least working on something for you some kind of pouch so how do you attach these to things well i have a handy stack belt here that i love very much so let's add this 1.75 inch belt clip to the back of this short rifle kiwi and we can see what it would be like to attach it all right so we need to get this in this molly somehow so we see this one's already in place so we're going to squeeze the kiwi a little bit and get our fingers in here to kind of get these up a little bit like that so we've got to fit the lower one under and the upper one under kind of at the same time and that can be a little bit tricky one of the things that i like to do since this is a little bit squishy is i kind of work the top end under first to kind of get it started and then i kind of pull that down at an angle like that and hey look don't you know it that got us started i'm going to press that down and now we've got to get the hook on the outside of the moly loops so kind of work it down there like that press that under it's really hard to do on camera with my arms extended there we go there we go all right so that's perfect so now we just slide the belt through here and all is good let's take a look at what that would look like all right so this is my beloved s-tac cobra belt i love this belt you can see how these are affixed to the belt and they fit so tightly around a 1.75 inch belt that these don't scooch so you don't need them connected via molle to the belt they're they're more or less frozen in place now you can still move them if you have to but that's not gonna happen uh just kind of casually handling the belt you have to intentionally push them and of course once this belt is velcroed to the inner belt then that's holding them in place so i really like this belt look for a review of it in the future it is outstanding you can see i got my midwest tactical solutions holster on there just to show you how tight the fit is we are going to attach it to this core garrison belt that i've been messing around with this thing's pretty cool i've taken it to the range i've worn it a couple times i dig it so far all right so you know put it on it's a belt put it on like a belt attachment unless you have brain damage or something or lead poisoning or watch too many of these videos pull that on and you can see how tight that is like it's not so tight as damaging the belt or anything but it's on there good like that's not that's not gonna really slide around unless you want it to sorry i really like that these are excellent excellent belt attachments okay so what if we are not going to attach this to a belt and instead are going to put it on like a plate carrier or something like that and for that we're going to use wtf strips what the fixed strips what the [ __ ] strips uh whatever you want to call them they're awesome they're super strong super little and they don't get in the way so i love these but putting them on you want these to be tight so there is some effort required to get them on whatever they're going to live on so we are going to use for demonstration this unused cry airlight spc cummerbund i don't have the plate carrier yet but they had the cummerbund in stock so they went ahead and shipped this to me hopefully the carrier will ship soon and then i can start using that and then review it down the line but anyway we are going to attach this to that so we want this to be on the outside of that like so alrighty so i'm going to turn this over like this so that you can see and then i'm going to kind of figure out how i want everything lined up that kind of looks like what i want right there only let's put it further in we'll just [ __ ] do it right there it doesn't really matter we're just testing it out so first we've got to get these started through the pouch that we want to put on so remember how i was kind of flexing it earlier you're going to see me fumble a lot and again i'm not going to edit this to make me look more graceful because i want you to see that there is some effort required and that even after doing this as many times as i have i still look like an idiot doing it i don't know if if that's because this is difficult or because i'm just a [ __ ] but all right push that through and we see that's the right length for what we want to do here let me see that's going to work out fine there's going to be some excess at the bottom that doesn't matter that's completely fine you have to decide up front don't want it up like this or down like that and that's going to kind of define how you weave it so we need this to be on the back here wow these air lights are actually tighter than the jpc cummerbunds and that's cool it's going to give us some some structure so i don't mind that but that's going to make this more difficult that actually may make it a better demonstration though all right and then next we need it to go through let me get this [ __ ] gun out of here and then we need this to go through here some people use sticks or and stuff to hold these open that's fine um i have an easier time just doing it with my hands i know that seems ridiculous but but to me that's easier so that's what i do i'm just i'm used to doing it like that and it's probably what a [ __ ] would do but it works this is probably so tedious to watch you're probably screaming at me get a [ __ ] tool you hit it all right so again you can use a tool or something i just prefer using my finger so once we've got that through there now we need to come back through the air light again alright so find that gap all right pull that through and now we've got to go back through there once more all right and pull that to where these are even and then it's going to go through this first hole you're going to pull both those tabs through like that and now we're going to pull the tab through to the second notch like so that's what it looks like we've got some excess at the bottom again that's no problem now there are different length strips but i just happen to have these on hand and it absolutely does not matter so that's what we went with okay it'll be fine if you have shorter ones great but this is what we had all right now i wanted to be able to flip it over this way that's why we went like this like so so again not saying you should do it in that order but i'm filming this so i have some different concerns than you'll have all right so one of the things that helps at the top is just take this corner and squeeze it up like that and then this will pop through all right so i thought i was making it easier on myself going from the outside in is the way i'm filming no i made it harder that was [ __ ] dumb don't do what i did and by that i mean don't film yourself while you're doing this all right so we've got to bring it down like we did so we're going to go through the air light material actually i take that back this is easier from this angle and get through the air light now we've got to get it through the kiwi so squeeze that and get it open the second strip is always harder to do than the first then you'll start to feel the end coming through at the bottom of this thingy all right and then you get it through the kiwi and now i've got to go through the air light again a lot of people use hemostats to grip the end and pull it through that probably helps all right and through the kiwi again once we've got that through we're going to pull this tab through to the second notch and that's through the first hole and now with the remaining hole we're going to lock in that second notch like so all right hope you can see that so i can't see what you're seeing so god i hope this is actually of some value to you but now we are connected to this cummerbund doesn't that look great that's awesome so what about deodon panels right how do these work well they are named after one of my favorite prehistoric creatures and they attach to the front of most modern plate carriers like other similar placard uh style mag pouches so like the spiritus microphyte the haley whatever the haley one's called i can't remember i gotta need i need to get one of those they look really cool but anyway this buckles into the buckles you have on the front of your carrier and then it velcros down just like you're accustomed to but inside are normal kiwis look at that let's take a look at some other examples this is my favorite one this is the one i use all the time just just plain front three mags perfect and you can see standard kiwi right and these can be these kydex inserts can be reshaped in the same way so you can control your magazine retention and they make them for several different guns another one that i use often is my ak one and i like the way this works you can even get the tab in there and i probably need to make these a hair tighter but that's just personal preference ak mags have so many varying thicknesses it's really hard to get the tension just right on these so they kind of went with the sort of medium tension i like a little bit more so i'll need to add that also stack doesn't just make kiwis so we also took a look at that fantastic belt this is an amazing belt they also make great pouches these are some medical pouches these are really really awesome i have a ton of other ones that they've made over the years just really really great stuff but it's cool these are all gonna work kind of the same way and yeah i know you can just order you know the the what the [ __ ] strips or the belt loop from s-tac and put them on any sort of molle equipped piece of gear but these tend to be sized in such a way that they can perform certain rolls like these medical pouches have three rows on the back which means that those belt clips are gonna fit perfectly and you're not gonna have a bunch of extraneous pouch attached to it it's just the right size for belt carry it's also a really good size for cummerbund carry as well so if you want with s-tac you can sort of just buy into the s-tac system i guess god what a douchey thing to say the system but that's kind of what it is it is it is a [ __ ] system and last of all how would you take these off so wtf strips are really hard to tear so you don't have to worry about messing them up unless you're super rough with them i kind of undo this like that pull that through that loop that one's free let's do the same with this side it's easier to get both of these undone before you do the rest of it sometimes you can just pull these all the way through but there's too much friction in this case so we are going to need to actually pull them out the best way to do that is to grab the cummerbund and pull the kiwi away from it like so you can just kind of work that free like that and then the whole thing comes apart so look at how easy that was that was incredibly simple and now what if we want to put belt loops back on here let's do that too all right so again we've got our belt loops from earlier and we're going to do just what we did before so i like these up at the top like that going to ignore this one at the bottom so let's give this a squeeze kind of get those opened up like that and remember we need to ignore the middle one and we're getting this into the top and the bottom one right and we need to get these started at the same time so we're going to kind of go in at an angle that's the best way to do it or you can [ __ ] it up like i just did all right there we go and remember we've got to push in to get that loop inside the hook and there's our first one down let's do the second one i pulled out the middle loop which i shouldn't have done just needs to be the top and the bottom so as you can see getting the belt loops in is a lot less involved than doing the whole molly thing but there we go ready for a belt once more so in detail why do i like these so much they're the fastest option that i've found you know a lot of mag pouches they'll have a bungee on top or oh i don't know they're a myriad of retention solutions these are very very fast to use because they're open top they're the fastest solution that i've ever found they are remarkably fast i've tried pouches with flaps that's what i started with originally back in the early 2000s and with those you know if you have several magazines in the same pouch the pouch flops back open i know there are solutions but it's still obnoxious i really don't like flaps i maybe like flaps the least bungees are okay that can be a really good solution but bungees get in the way and i tend to kind of fumble with them and i can't always get the magazine out of the pouch in one smooth motion i usually can with these so i really like that that's that's excellent but i've noticed that it depends a lot on the height of the pouch so this is a mid-length pouch well and i'm going to put the magazine in backwards jesus so that fits perfectly with plenty of magazine out of the top for me to grab and grab a hold of quickly right but they also make really tall s-tacks and those i struggle with a little bit and you'll see that in the video i'm using this deodon with the taller pouches and even though this is my favorite i feel like i don't get a hold of the magazines nearly as fast as i would like to so i think i'm going to order a mid-length deodon to try i just noticed that i've been fumbling with that a little bit but i still said it was my favorite why well because the magazines don't shift at all when you have the pouches that are that high even crawling around on the [ __ ] ground they don't move an inch but on my belt i've been using the shorts and the mediums and the magazines don't move so i think my fear that i would see movement there is completely unfounded so that's why i'm going to move to the mid length on my chest on the deodon i just don't think that the tall ones are necessary so if you order these i would say go mid length and and maybe try the shorts if you have really good luck with the mid lengths and feeling like you might want a little bit less tallness there i don't think you're gonna have a problem with the tall ones they're still faster than most other solutions out there but these can be lightning fast if you have the shorter ones so give them a try and i also like that these are kind of part of an overall system you learn how one thing works and you kind of know how everything works i'm dumb and i like to just kind of have a feel right off the bat when i take something home for how it's going to work and you get that with stack stuff that's why more and more and more i have stack stuff on my kit it all works and it all works well together and i really appreciate that and again i'm not saying that stack is the only good tactical company i'm just saying that it works well for me and that if you do like it they make just about everything that you might need also i love how adaptable kiwis are so even though stack officially says this only works with glock 17 mags you can have a bunch of these and reshape them to fit a myriad of magazines in in assorted calibers so that's really nice if you like this you can have it work with most of the things that you own there are exceptions to that of course but you know as tech's always putting out new options and if you're willing to do some work you can probably make one of these fit if it's close enough so i also like that these are very durable you know we all know kydex is durable but with a lot of other pouches you know let's take the bungees for instance you can snag the bungee on something and rip it for instance with something like this there's just not anything to really break short of snapping the kydex but there's a lot of flex here that's really not going to happen you can't pull it this way because the nylon blocks it and you can't really push on it hard enough from the outside to crack it except here at the bottom so this really is not going to break on you i love that i've never had one break i've never seen one break and again i'm not saying this is the only durable pouch but it is one of the most durable options but last of all the price is right if you do break it who cares just order another one now i'm not saying they're so cheap as to be disposable that's not it at all but compared to some other options these are very reasonably priced and are every bit as good in terms of build quality and last of all stack is just great to deal with they're they're always a pleasure to talk with they're very helpful they always want to help you choose the right thing and they'll go above and beyond to make sure that you get what you need i needed some very specific pouches of theirs and they made them for me and i'm not this isn't one of those things where i'm on youtube so they made them for me uh to put on the channel or something they don't know who the [ __ ] i am they don't watch this channel they don't give a [ __ ] stack is huge they supply pouches to some of the biggest folks on youtube and folks in the military and you know law enforcement and all that other stuff they don't need me they did it for me just because i was a customer and i asked for the pouches and i told them that i needed them for my kit they were medical stuff and i told them that i really love their medical pouches and they work best for me and they got them for me and i paid full price this again not a youtube thing i paid the same price that anyone would pay but i was really impressed that they were willing to do that they are super awesome final thoughts you know i've just had great luck with these that's why i'm doing this review that's why i'm showing them to you i'm a big fan of the brand they've been great to me and i think they'd be good to you as well but i can't tell you with tactical gear like i keep saying over and over again i'm not telling you this is the best stuff in the world and you should go buy it just because it works for me there's this really bad habit among gun owners where so someone will say what gun or piece of gear should i buy folks don't help you figure out what you need for you and for your needs they tell you about the [ __ ] [ __ ] that they have and to justify their own purchases they tell you that it's the best stuff in the world it does not work that way so this is one of the five best pouch options i think it's the absolute best blend of price durability and speed for me for what i do but you should try them just to see if you like them that's what i can confidently say if you haven't tried these you need to and if you're a tactical gear enthusiast you should probably own a couple of these also getting some new mag pouches is a great way to inspire you to do some practicing you know practice some different reloading techniques at home ammo is very scarce right now and depending on how you train at the range you may actually even get more out of that doing some reload drills at home so maybe go pick up a couple of these and and give some of that a shot and see how far it takes you i've been brushing up on a lot of stuff my myself and hopefully i suck a little bit less every day and god if you've ever seen me shoot you know that's a that's a long road ahead isn't it but yeah give them a shot i hope you all have a wonderful evening thank you so much for watching this and i will talk to you soon good night so you
Channel: thegunpenguin
Views: 3,866
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: esstac, esstac kywi, kywi, esstac daeodon, daeodon, mag pouch, kywi mag pouch, kywi pouch, tactical, skd, best tactical, plate carrier, jpc 2, crye jpc, crye precision, crye, magazine pouch, mag holder, mag carrier, kydex, kydex mag, multicam, tactical belt, esstac guide, esstac how to, esstac set up, esstac setup, kywi how to, kywi guide, kywi set up, kywi setup, kiwi guide, kiwi setup, kiwi how to, kiwi set up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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