Top 5 Internet Lies That CAUGHT YOU!!! | Dr. Gene Kim | Apostasy in Christianity | Doctrine

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now when things are getting more normalized so to speak and the devil is setting up his kingdom even closer to the antichrist there's a subtle attack that christians are not looking at and that is the church that is the church so i don't want the people online fall into the apostasy because i pretty sure that there's a good number of you who watch me that are already deceived by that and i want to try to expose these false doctrines and try to get you away from these wrong doctrines because that's what the devil's agenda is going to be is to spread out lies that will deceive the church and then he's also going to attack the government so the government part a lot of people will agree with uh and they're anticipating certain deceptions and lies that will come out that will be covered at my second teaching tonight but i want to cover the church i want to cover the church because this is what the devil is going to do all right so i said ii timothy chapter 3 and then we'll read verse 16 verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness so the first thing that you must understand is that the scripture is given by inspiration of god it is god breathe amen so we do know that god's scripture that it is real and that it is true but the first deception around mine and i see these all over and i don't want people to fall into these wrong doctrines is that they do not believe in the king james bible being the perfect pure words of god so the king james bible for some of you who don't know we believe that it is preserved and that it is given by inspiration of god that every word is pure that every word is given by inspiration of god so you're going to see uh hundreds of different bibles out there and people think that it's not a big deal it's not a big deal pastor don't they all say the same thing actually they don't they don't say the same thing some of them teach very very different doctrines doctrines that the devil would love for the people to follow so we believe that there is only one right bible but people are attacking the authenticity of the king james bible they say that the king james bible has errors they'll try to say that there's conspiracies behind it that the masons were behind it they'll say that the king james bible dropped the book of enoch which is fulfilling the plan of the devil and etc but they themselves don't realize that the devil is using them to fulfill his agenda okay now the several arguments can be made to why the king james bible given inspiration and there are two that must be understood one which is undoubtedly is manuscript evidence so how you know that all the other stuff that you hear online is bogus is that you just simply look at the manuscript evidence with the king james bible and when you look at the manuscript evidence with the king james bible you've got to realize that in the greek new testament that we have more than 99 percent is where they found the accuracy with over five thousand greek manuscripts do you realize that that's huge that's huge that's unheard of with any historical document the remaining one percent is simply supported by ancient witnesses or church fathers so it's that simple or other ancient manuscripts but to see that the king james bible has overwhelming manuscript evidence should convince you that we have all the right books and all the right verses in our bible and the manuscript evidence is overwhelming the modern bible versions on the other hand they come from the main line of manuscripts which is called alexandrian texts and the alexandrian text is where your modern bible versions come from the king james bible on the other hand it comes from the byzantine text the byzantine text this is also called texas receptus and there are many other names given to it it's also called majority text and that should be a big eye-opener to you when it says majority that should show you something majority the reason why is because majority of manuscript evidence supports it so this is where the king james bible comes from is in the byzantine text understanding that it comes from the byzantine text then we know that the king james bible uh is perfect now you might say well how do you know that it's perfect well one obviously again is manuscript evidence in comparison with the modern bible versions they come from the alexandrian which only comes from two to four texts that's pretty much it two to four texts whereas the majority greek evidence overwhelmingly isn't support of the king james bible now if i can go on and on and on but what i would recommend concerning about manuscript evidence with the king james bible and i know that people can throw out arguments here and there and i'm not going to cover that right now because i don't have time for that so just watch our defending the kjv playlist in our youtube channel watch defending the kjv playlist and i guarantee you this you're not going to watch all of it the reason why is because you're going to be bored out of your mind because i go from every detail trying to give out all the manuscript stuff and by then you'll just give up and you'll either complain at me or you'll either believe me that's one thing i do know you know how i know that because you people don't study that's the problem you people don't study you just study things that is entertaining to you in video format and that's simple to understand you refuse to study that's good so that should not be the case now how do we know that the king james bible at verse 16 is given by inspiration of god well we know this that god promised that his word is given by inspiration second thing go to psalms chapter 12 psalms chapter 12. we're going to look at psalms chapter 12 and notice what he says that his words would be preserved forever so then i don't understand why is it all of a sudden you believe in the book of enoch when that has not been preserved throughout the centuries it was lost and then recovered and discovered the modern bible versions they come from the two manuscripts which is siniaticus and vaticanus but guess what how can the modern bible versions be preserved from those two manuscripts when those two manuscripts were later uncovered centuries later they weren't preserved throughout uh they weren't uh available to the people in preservation throughout time they are known as lost books whereas the king james bible the manuscripts it came from was always available throughout every generation it was available throughout every generation now take it for granted that the manuscripts behind the king james bible that it was available throughout every generation and then it wasn't until 1611 that we got the king james version but the simple answer to that is is that the manuscript evidence of god's words was preserved throughout every generation not the manuscript behind the modern bible versions now look at psalms chapter 12 and we'll read verse six the words of the lord are pure words see plural is that plural words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times thou shalt what keep them o lord thou shalt what preserve them from this notice this is generation and notice it says forever so in other words every generation his words have to be preserved you don't see that with the alexandria manuscripts in the atticus vaticanus behind the modern bible versions you don't see that with the book of the enoch the gospel of thomas and oh the king james bible is missing books and stuff like that no manuscript evidence is overwhelming it's overwhelming on that one now understanding that it's preserved forever and it's available every generation that's why we can see it's so obvious the king james bible qualifies so there's inspiration there's preservation and then it goes on forever the bottom line as we see is that it goes on throughout it's available throughout every generation and then it's forever it cannot be done away with you can't say well the king james bible has been corrupted and tainted by the devil and the mandela effect shows that you know it's uh the lion instead of the wolf and etc look you know what the problem is they have more faith in their own mind in their memory in their thinking in their own cognitive beliefs how how reliable is your flesh how reliable is higher education it's not so compared to the bible right how come you have more faith than that than what god says in his word someone's putting doubt on the word of god for you and i'll sure tell you something the lord jesus christ who taught you that the bible is corrupt the king james bible is corrupt that's a different spirit you know why because god argued that his word has to be preserved forever what other bible is there out there there's nothing there's except one there's only one it's this one when you study all the different bible versions available it's that one that's why we choose the king james bible it's pretty obvious otherwise what is god talking about here the niv laugh laugh sinaiticus vaticate vaticanus ha ha nothing it's none of those things the best the one that qualifies is right here and you know it because of the history and manuscript evidence behind it okay now understanding that uh also go to the book of uh let's see here second timothy chapter um now we're not going to do second timothy 2 because i want to expand this here we're going to go to titus the book of titus the second false doctrine that so many people are being deceived through our churches today and online especially as times are seeing the tension with satanic deception rising within our government and people are studying eschatology the second deception is where they teach that the christians will go through the tribulation so then the heretical doctrine that the christians will go through the tribulation here's a doctrine which is no mostly known as the post-tribulation view the post-tribulation view there's also uh the uh pre-millennial post-millennial on millennial and there's a lot of false doctrines over here but i'm not going to cover all of that basically what i'm going to write is just one of them which is post-tribulation but if you believe in the pre-tribulation view just that one word pre-tribulation view then all the other views you're going to automatically see as heresy okay that's the idea what's the pre-tribulation view a very easy simple doctrine basically christians will be raptured before the tribulation and that jesus christ he will come down on the earth sometime at the end of the tribulation set up his kingdom on the earth which christians cannot accomplish jesus christ himself has to do that that's pretty simple that's a pre-tribulation view all other views that you hear online about christians going through the tribulation about uh an ah millennial view that we're right now going through the kingdom system of god which is baloney and that's laughable that's something that you can uh that is something that you can uh save for laughter during a boring day at church when john piper teaches something like that so uh john piper he holds more toward a post-tribulation uh standpoint and a lot of the other calvinists too but the pre-tribulation view has been greatly attacked it's been greatly attacked and you see that all over online they think that they're going to fight the antichrist that's why they're trying to resist the government the powers that be that's why they're terrified of the current vaccines believing that it is the mark of the beast and etc so see doctrines like that is what the devil wants to use to deceive you because if the government don't deceive you then a false doctrine will that's how the devil will get you that's the reason why i'm teaching today now look at the book of titus and then notice what the bible talks about concerning jesus christ at chapter 2 and verse 13 chapter 2 and verse 13. god does not want this doctrine to go away looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ uh no one should steal your blessed hope you should have hope that hey i'm not gonna go through this horrible timeline of the tribulation there's hope i'm going to be raptured out of there but the devil he wants to take that away from you now the reason why we believe into a pre-tribulation view is pretty simple there are too many verses that prove that there is a pre-tribulation rapture now some people might argue well were the proofs of a rapture before the tribulation i don't see that well proof number one well first let me uh go back and forth with post-tribulation arguments and then also pre-tribulation arguments now uh the simple answer concerning about the pre-tribulation argument is that you'll notice that in revelation chapter 5 same believers the christians are in heaven okay so go to revelation chapter five revelation chapter 5. notice that verse 9 verse 9 revelation chapter 5 verse 9 that there raptured up to heaven and this is before the tribulation starts at revelation 6. okay now revelation 5 verse 9 and they sung a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou as uh for thou a slain and hast redeemed us to god by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation why isn't that you that is certainly you out of every uh nations around the world you've been redeemed by the blood of the lamb verse 10 and has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth isn't that you that you're every say believer believer is automatically a king and a priest of god and notice where they are at where they are at is up in heaven right they are doing this before the throne of god which we see at which is pretty obvious we see that at uh chapter four verse one note and verse two notice john suddenly gets this vision and experiences a rapture up to heaven at chapter four verse one through two do you see that why in the world would he experience this rapture up to heaven you know why because he is experienced the rapture of these christians at chapter five who are up in heaven automatically you'll notice chapter four verse one through two john gets raptured up to heaven and then from verses uh three all the way down to the end of chapter five guess what all the same believers around the world they're up in heaven how about that and then chapter six verse 1 and i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and i saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown and was uh and the crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer notice here that the first seal in the tribulation right here chapter six starts with the antichrist coming out see the antichrist comes out right here but the christians were already long gone at chapter five up in heaven by the way you didn't pay attention at chapter five verse nine jesus didn't even open the first seal of the tribulation yet see that so christians are already up there now by the way you want more evidence chapter 1 chapter 1 verse 5 and 6 isn't that the same thing as chapter 5 about us christians all right so notice that chapter 1 verse 5 and 6 you can see a christian application right so you can say christians are present chapter 2 verse 1 you see the church of ephesus right you see uh verse 8 the church of smyrna church church church mentioned so many times right so you can say a christian application or a christian presence can be found at chapter 2. chapter 3 notice church in sardis and then notice verse 7 church of philadelphia church church again all the way to the end of chapter 3. all right so notice right here you can argue for a christian application or a christian presence right then chapter four verse one and two that's a rapture then notice after that verse three at chapter four verse three all the way to the end of chapter 5 christians up in heaven then notice that chapter 6 the tribulation starts and notice at chapter 6 all the way to the end practically until you hit the end of the tribulation which is probably what chapter 21 so notice that the chapter 6 all the way through 21 which is the entire tribulation timeline with the antichrist church is not mentioned one time no church present you cannot find a church present at all now the book of revelation should be evidence to you that there's a rapture that happens before the tribulation and that christians are already up in heaven all christians are up in heaven before the tribulation starts so i don't know why you don't want to include the christians in that rapture and not only that chapter one and two and three and then you get four and five it keeps indicating and mentioning about church church church christians who are washed by the blood of the lamb and known as king and priest of god and then chapter six and onward there is absolutely no mention there's absolutely no mention of the church it only mentions what it only mentions tribulation saints only mentions tribulation saints and notice that you'll also see that they're cleansing of from the lamb and also their salvation very different from the church as well see totally different people so i don't know how you cannot believe it after that now here's another one let's look at first corinthians 15 first corinthians 15. first corinthians 15 and then go to matthew 24 matthew chapter 24. matthew 24 they will argue that christians go through the tribulation no that's not true the bible never showed that the only time you'll see about christians within this word tribulation the only time that you'll ever see that is in the new testament church age where the tribulation did not start yet now you know what's even more funny than that people use that christians use that as evidence to prove see christians go through the tribulation what are you man do you know what tribulation means it means hardship hard times and trials everyone goes through that my goodness so that that has no proof of that you should be looking at the book of revelation where the word christian and church is not even mentioned one time there about during the tribulation timeline i don't see why you're trying to do it the other way around tying tribulation to christian not in the book of revelation but in new testament church age epistles that were all present in and that the jesus christ and the disciples were present in that's a very poor evidence right there very poor evidence right there because everyone goes through hardship and trials that's what tribulation simply means now look at matthew 24 now this is their evidence here their evidence that that people get raptured after the tribulation so some of them would believe in that notice it says that verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days so sorry there was a nat right there immediately after the tribulation of those days what's going to happen verse 31 there's a rapture and he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds so it seems like that jesus christ is gathering the elect after the tribulation at verse 29 oh we're in trouble no it's pretty simple all right the simple answer to this i told you before this is where uh people don't see the difference tribulation come on you you can't say that in the tribulation there's going to be no good guys at all see so there's going to be people who get saved during the tribulation why hopefully it may be that lost loved one of yours trying where you're trying to convince them hey you better get saved right now because when i get raptured then you won't be able to join me and when you get raptured then that loved one of yours might go oh my i remember he told me the gospel of the lord jesus christ i better get saved right now see so the lord always gives hope revelation 6 7 all the way to 21 shows you that there are sayings that there are good guys see the difference i'm cut off all right one two three okay please keep on track thank you all right so notice here that tribulation saints are different from christian saints so this passage is very easy these are for tribulation saints not christian saints well i don't believe in that well who is the elect here at verse 31 huh the elect at verse 31 look at this one these are jews this is not the church these are jews look at verse 16 then let them which be in where judea flee into the mountains see this is referring to jews that's why at verse 20 why do they have to flee to the mountains because they're under persecution they can get killed that's why verse 22 the bible says and except those days should be shortened there should be no flesh there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened see the elect is referring to those jews by the way look at verse 20 but pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the what sabbath day see that's jewish again we see jew jew jew all the time now here's something that's even uh greater evidence that the rapture for christians is not the same as what matthew 24 is talking about for tribulation saints because look at this this is a problem here that notice that for matthew 24 it says at verse 26 verse 26 wherefore if they shall say unto you behold he is in this desert go not forth behold he is in the secret see that secret chambers believe it not for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the son of man be okay notice here that for the church in saints testing one two three okay it's whenever i turn all right please keep catching me on that if it does it one more time i'm getting rid of this mic all right the devil see devil don't want this right all right now uh resuming onwards the tribulation saints here you will notice that when jesus christ comes down for them and then they are gathered together with him his coming is known to be in secret excuse me not secret it's in public right it says if it's in secret then don't believe it right so if it uh so actually i should have wrote that word down so let me do this and this that's simpler right so notice that it should not be in secret should not be in secret if it's clipping in and out i'm getting rid of that mic okay all right it's not in secret now go to the christians at first corinthians 15 15. notice at verse the rapture is pretty apparent at verse 52 in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be inc shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed notice right here it talks about the rapture where in the moment twinkling of an eye we go up and then god raises us to be incorruptible and our bodies transform right now look at verse 51 behold i show you a what mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed look at that so god argues here we're not going to die we shall not all sleep we can be what we can be changed when we get raptured up to heaven but this is not this is not a what at verse 51 uh so excuse me this is a what this is a mystery see so this one is in secret see that so notice here this one is in secret but this one is not in secret let me show you another one mystery means something that has not been revealed before right okay uh what if you think that matthew 24 is the same thing as this one right here then why did jesus talk about the rapture before paul when paul said no it's a mystery it has not been revealed before exactly see why because this is not in secret this one is in secret this one does not equal this one and da does not equal da and you'll notice right here that there's a line over here so this one does not equal this capisce all right well why do i say capisce because onliners are so mad right now and foaming in the mouth and unsubscribing and they accuse me for being a heretic and say i refuse to believe in a pre-tribulation view now i don't know what more scriptural evidence that you got but that shows that you don't need to go to the strong government all you need is strong wrong doctrinal that's why this teaching's important okay smile god loves you now if i don't have to cover all the arguments here all you have to do is go to our youtube channel again and go to our playlist and if you go to our youtube channel and go to our playlist then you can just find the playlist that talks about post-tribulation post-tribulation if you go to that playlist debunk all the arguments about christians going through the tribulation so the post-tribulation rapture view or the post-tribulation view is sincerely wrong okay now number three another false doctrine that's spreading around online is the charismatic doctrine all right what is the charismatic doctrine the charismatic doctrine believes that signs and wonders that there are available for the christians today so then they receive visions and then they receive healings from all these preachers and then they can speak in tongues no that is false that is false you might say why is that false because that is something that is again given to the jews again and not to the christian church this is something that happened a long time ago with jews and then it's it has not returned since it's been gone now it faded away and then you might say no i do not believe in that that's uh that's unscriptural no you're being on scriptural to argue that it's still alive today let me look at uh the proof text of these people okay so let's first look at first corinthians chapter one first corinthians chapter one first corinthians chapter one notice that the signs tongues healings and all that this happened a long time ago the lord did that but that's a long time ago that the law that the lord did with the jews it's no longer available today first corinthians chapter one notice at verse 22 for the jews see that require a sign see signs the requirement of signs has to do with the jewish people not christian church people who are not jews notice it's the opposite and the greeks seek after wisdom but but see contrary to signs and wonders that jews receive we the church see preach christ crucified shouldn't that be plain that should be very plain so think about it why is it at the book of acts the apostles had to use signs and wonders because when they started their ministry it started with what the jewish people when the apostle paul did the signs and wonders amongst the gentiles as jew transitioned to gentiles why were the gentiles able to partake in the signs let me give another one why did naaman in the old testament was able to partake in the sign let me give you another one why did a lost unbeliever like pharaoh definitely partook in the signs that he did not partake in the signs due to the plagues in egypt why because there are jews present so whenever you look at all these verses where oh no i see the christian church tied here with a tongue or a sign or a wonder the simple answer is this it's because god was still dealing with the jewish people but did you notice that signs and wonders were fading away why because if you know your bible the disciples and the apostles they were fading away from the jews and turning more to the gen that's why it's pretty simple look at uh oh what's a good one acts 28 acts 28 other hand other hand to go to second timothy go to second timothy the final chapter second timothy second timothy iv 2 timothy 4. now go to acts 28 notice what the bible says and paul he was speaking to jews he mentions that verse 20 verse 20 for this cause therefore have i called for you to see you and to speak with you because that for the hope of israel i am bound with this chain but notice what paul warned he said verse 25 and when they agree not among themselves they departed after that paul had spoken one word well spake the holy ghost by isaias the prophet unto our fathers see that that's referring to his forefathers the jews but look at verse 28 being known therefore unto you the jews that the salvation of god is sent unto the what gentiles and that they will hear it and when he had said these words the jews departed see that it was turning away from the jews notice this came to pass at second timothy chapter four second timothy four but go to romans 11 romans 11. romans chapter 11 verse 25 verse 25 romans 11 25 so that we quickly able to go down to uh let's see here we're going to give this an honorary mention here all right the honorary mention of a heresy and this uh is called replacement theology it is called replacement theology for some of you who don't know what replacement theology is you onliners have already been exposed to that sadly basically the jews run all the world they're the evil evil elites because of the bankers the rothschilds and hollywood and then you know if you look at the jewish religion they co they uh go work hand in hand together with the masons and because of that the jewish people they are rejected by the lord and then the lord no longer use uses the nation of israel the nation of israel today is fully corrupt and the palestinians should get that land not the not the jews and the jews run all over the world and they are just evil wicked people and so because of that we have to realize that that those are not god's people it just does not make sense how dare you say that it's the christian church we replace god's people the old testament jews no that's false that is false the easy answer to this is that it is true that god noticed he was moving away from the jews and turning to the church right we see that right but god's going to go back to the jews and restore them in the future that's why some people who say well pastors what about the book of joel where it says that the sons and daughters will get the visions what about the two witnesses who have the healings and then uh they're able to restore the signs again in the future ah thank you you just supported my point over here the jews see the jews because god has to restore the jews again that's why he restores the signs visions and wonders again if you really doubt this that signs and visions and wonders faded away and went on a hiatus and then returns at the future one you ignore your scriptures that show the fading away two you ignore the scriptures whereas transition from jews who had it to the church and then three you ignore your scriptures that talk about going back to the jews and then four you ignore your scriptures that the bible shows because it goes back to the jews they get their signs and wonders back what's this doctrine we believe in a doctrine called dispensationalism in other words we believe in rightly dividing verses to the right group of people in the right time period because if you don't believe in that then you will get deceived by wrong doctrine king james only church we are also dispensational church so then we know that there are certain verses in the bible that do not apply to us that they have to be separated to a different group group of people like this we did with matthew 24 first corinthians 15. um like this we talked about the visions healings and tongues uh let's look at romans 11. verse 25 for i would not brethren that ye should be ignorant of this mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened to israel so notice that god he did cut off the nation of israel paul recognizes that blindness has happened to them but there are several notes here one it's in part two it's temporary until the fullness of the gentiles be come in remember the apostles switched from jew to gentile but the gentiles time is almost full now once it gets full and time is up god is going back more and more to israel look at future verse 26 he re he restores the nation of israel and so all israel shall be saved as is written there shall come out of zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from for this is my covenant unto them when i shall take away their sins see god's going to take away the sins of the nation of israel yes there's corruption duh that there are elitists involved in the jewish people you know why because you see elitists everywhere okay judas iscariot who is going to go inside the antichrist he's a jew all right just because you get wrong jewish elites you don't condemn the whole race for crying out loud god's going to take away their sins at verse 27. verse 28 as concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake see god recognizes that the nation of israel today there are not god's people they are against the gospel but he recognizes them still as his people nationally not spiritually not um salvation wise look at this salvation wise they're enemies verse 28 first part right the second part but as touching the what election wait a minute matthew 24 says but the elect right oh my goodness scripture with scripture they are beloved for the what father's sake their forefathers see nationality uh i don't think so what are you going to do with verse 29 for the gifts and calling of god are without repentance god can't repent of that he can't change his mind irrevocable now second timothy 4 notice the signs fade away at the latter notice the end of paul's ministry as he's reaching the end verse 20 erastus abode at corinth but trophamus have i left at my lead em sick see that left them sick the jewish people they're going to their nation they'll have their sins forgiven now obviously i'm not saying that the jewish elites or the antichrist or the people who side with the antichrist that they're going to get their sins forgiven no they're going to burn in hell but god is saying the nation i'm not talking about all these individuals who side with the antichrist the nation god said he's going to forgive them of their sin why because all you have to do is read the book of revelation revelation chapter 7 notice this is during the tribulation right revelation 7 you get 12 tribes of israel but church is not mentioned amen this proves more on this doctrine dispensationalism this is if you don't believe in that doctrine uh you're going to come across a lot of false doctrines all right the fourth one okay i have to wrap things up the fourth one we will go to romans 11 romans 11. romans chapter 11. and then i want you to go to james chapter 2 james chapter 2. so i have to do this part quickly we're going to go to james chapter 2 romans chapter 11. the fourth heresy that you hear all over online is about well i believe that salvation is by grace through faith there's no doubt about that but uh for pastor to say that no matter how many sins you come in the future you're still safe i don't buy that see what they demand is that we should see works and fruits out of a christian life and if your works are rotten then you're not really saved wait a minute doesn't the bible condemn salvation by works here so then they use this philosophical uh playing tiddlywink arguments that they say well uh salvation is by faith but genuine faith has works after that that's cute but i don't see the bible saying that at all when the bible says faith not by works then it means faith not by works and the two don't mingle now if you doubt me go to romans 11 6 romans 11 6 says and if by grace all right if you're saved by grace through faith then genuine grace will produce works then is it no more of works oops oh oh okay otherwise grace is no more grace oh genuine grace produces works no otherwise grace is no more grace that's not genuine grace but if it be of works see genuine grace produces works then is it no more grace then grace has to be out otherwise guess what work is no more work so then you even get rid of the meaning of works too what does work mean work means to work what does grace mean grace means grace it does not grace does not mean genuine grace that produces works amen where'd you get that from where'd you get that from well they they look at james chapter 2 they look at james chapter 2 verse 24 this is their favorite passage but by the way you know i know all the verses all right don't format them out stop throwing out these comments right now onliners well what about the versus scissors what about the verses i know all those verses okay law way ahead of you way ahead of you but uh i know you can use matthew chapter 7. i know you can use acts chapter 2 verse 38 i know that you can use hebrews chapter 6. i know that you can use a hebrews chapter 10. i know that you can use matthew chapter 19. and i know that you can pull up more works verses i probably know more than you do onliners so before you embarrass yourself and post a verse pay attention and listen and study and look at the bible rather than going by your emotions and going by what your preconceived bias and spilling out just like a lot of people right now going by preconceived bias from what their government says see if the devil don't deceive you by government bias then he's going to get you by doctrine bias now james chapter 2 verse 24 ye see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only oh oh the horror no look at james chapter one verse one why that's why you have to dispensationalism different time period tribulation right different group of people jew look at this all of these points match together you know that you can't erase a jew you can erase a tribulation timeline that has a distinction from a church age timeline and church itself christian there's absolutely no doubt about that that's all over your bible that's foundational very foundational if you look at james chapter 1 verse 1 james the servant of god and of the lord jesus christ to the what 12 tribes which are scattered abroad greetings james chapter 5 verse 3 james chapter 5 verse 3. notice timeline is tribulation your golden silver is cankered and the rest of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh as it were fire you have heaped treasured together for the what last days last days it says simple my friend it's so simple here whenever you're gonna pull up salvation by works i guarantee you this you're gonna be pulling up verses that are outside of paul's 12 epistles we exclude hebrews why because the title is a duh hebrews okay paul's 12 epistles did you notice the introduction the church the church the church here the church there and then if it's an individual like timothy and philemon what it's the christian here the christian there individual same like us all these verses no salvation by works it's salvation by faith every other book outside of this you can pull up works why because look at the epistles from hebrews all the way to jude these are jewish apostles who ministered to jews you want a dust statement galatians 2 the apostles held a meeting paul says the apostles went to the jews i went to the gentiles all right another one we see from genesis all the way to the end of uh to malachi what's that old testament not new testament old testament what does that mean that's jews that's why you see work salvation here matthew through john when you look at those books well notice right here that jesus would talk about you know being cut off or you have to work for your salvation etc jesus was a jew he didn't die on the cross yet to give you salvation by grace not by works and by the way he's ministering to jews matthew 10 he even says don't go to the gentiles go to the jews all right now that's so much evidence all right i don't even have to park it there book of revelation when you see these verses about faith and commandments faith and commandments why because it's revelation it's about what the tribulation time period all right now uh the final heresy we'll make this brief we'll go to ephesians 1 ephesians 1 calvinism calvinism is all over online you people get to see by john mcarthur and all these people saying oh they're speaking out against the lies of the government so the lord is using these men to fight against the antichrist kingdom no they're supporting the devil's kingdom of wrong doctrine you know why because satan's job and if you study conspiracies i'm sure you can agree with this one where they will try to give an ele uh they will try to pretend that they're on your side against the lie and then with that agenda they give you a different lie where you can follow you better watch out for that kind of stuff better watch out for that kind of stuff so then uh well there's so many lies how can i find it on it's so confusing pastor you make it so confusing now no i don't make it confusing you're confused you know why all you've been looking at is online no wonder you're confused video after video all random mode how can you find the truth that way you have 50 different truths with your own doctrines after that with your own selection that you can pick i'll tell you where the truth is why don't you pick up that book you don't study your bible you don't read your bible i bet you watch more youtube videos than you read your bible i bet you you learn more of the bible through youtube more than reading the bible yourself see you don't study and read the bible that's your problem so calvinism you better uh yes there are some people who have these questions and i don't care you know what this person will say a response to gene kim and whatever you know i don't have time for these kind of numb skulls who i'm so glad that you got you you got popular by using my name that must mean that i must be more of a big shot than you losers these people they would try to say oh he's trying to condemn good calvinist people like todd friel wretched god answers c-a-r-m christian answers and uh alpha and omega ministries and apologia studios from jeff durbin and john macarthur grace to you and john piper and r.c sprole and then uh steve lawson and mo albert mohler and et cetera et cetera i mean you got fundamentalist baptist churches now like clarence sexton and bob jones university who are holding hands with these calvinists and you get paul chapel people selling out those books from calvinist too [Music] yuck yuck yuck is right disgusting and shame all right ephesians 1. all right i only have one verse against these calvinists all right so far so good all right so far so good for the online is probably the opposite but all you have to do now is with these teachings right here that i gave is just look at the dispensationalism playlist go to the dispensationalism playlist in our youtube channel they'll cover more the arguments more thoroughly there's a calvinism playlist i go through their philosophical their scriptural arguments i go very intensely and deep on that too i guarantee you this too you're not going to watch all of them i kind of know you onliners all right now i'm really bashing you online as hard because i want to see you study rather than just judging everything off just of one video and a couple sentences that i give see that's your if that's your search and element of truth then the devil knows that and he's going to keep deceiving you ephesians chapter 1 notice the calvin this is the calvinist proof text according as he had chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will you know what the uh so this proves that calvinism teaches that basically you're going to see these words election predestination when you hear that from your church kinda get a red flag okay all right i gave you a huge clue there all right so start listening to your teachers again now if they keep saying elect elect election predestinated predestinated predestination and etcetera then you then the 90 chance you're listening to a calvinist now when you hear these uh movements they claim that before you were even created or born god chose or elected which people would be saved and go to heaven so free will is out of the picture here no notice right here who does he choose at verse 4 according as he has chosen who does he choose before the foundation of the world chosen us what in him so notice here those who are in jesus christ so that when you make when you believe in jesus christ for your salvation automatically you become the elect and predestinate it it's so easy okay before the foundation of the world before mankind was created you know what god said you know people who believe in my son they'll go to heaven with me oh my it's that simple okay my goodness what does that have to do with taking away your free will everyone has the free will to believe on jesus christ and then become the elect that god was talking about before the foundation of the world or they have the free choice to reject it and they don't become part of the elect and the predestinated before the foundation of the world it's that simple well no god did it long time ago oh no okay because uh you know you know what the uh the problem is okay here here's a dumb move before you got saved in jesus christ who were you a child of the devil right okay then all right if god chose you in him before the foundation of the world you were never in the devil then to begin with there you go there goes calvinism out the window man these guys don't have a brain man you know what they are phd thd seminary scholars and then because of that atmosphere and professionalism they're not mean like yours truly they don't yell like yours truly and because they seem to have a loving christian spirit and they're professional and then they give all their degrees and their diplomas that's the way that they can buy you suckers instead of you looking at the scripture who who cares about gene kim alright look i could be the meanest guy in the world all right and if you judge me by just by how i give my wave my hands and how i yell oh boo hoo to you i i feel so sorry for you you got to look at the scriptures not at people i can be a sinner i can be as just as rotten to the core but man you better look at the bible because the bible's perfect not me who cares about gene kim all right if you guys hate gene kim i don't care if you hate gene kim okay as long as you love truth and you love the word of god i'm content i'm happy so i hope that you see that calvinism is a mess and then just look at the playlist on calvinism that should thoroughly debunk the arguments okay so uh we are heading toward a new time things are going to normalcy bbb build back better 666 but anyways when it's heading toward there guess what the devil's getting now the people through this one so don't fall for this wrong doctrine i'll tell you one thing churches who had wrong doctrine before and they were an apostasy they united more than ever before now and they're willing to overlook wrong doctrine ever since the government was oppressing the churches right better watch out for that better watch out for that this is just a testing experiment from the devil's groupies they're about to start something more
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 149,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, apostate, apostasy in the church, doctrine, theology, theology of the bible, seminary school, christianity, healings, tongues
Id: Akvz3TmeFic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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