Best of Scaredy Dan - Game Grumps

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I'm gonna Grab this. Uh Uh! Eh Uh AAAAH!! Oh sorry. Snow Globe Hey I'm Grump! I'm Not-so-Grump! And we're the Game Grumps™! Oooh. OOOOOH! OH! SPOOKY SCARY! Spooky Scary Spooky. OOH! I'm scared T_T uh I'm gonna look away. Oh Man come on okay alright. I'll do it. You got to be a part of this with me, okay? Yes, you gotta you gotta take this on with me . Can we touch dicks? uh, I'll have more inner strength if we touch dicks I can one-up Baga I can do one better, okay? We can make out with our dicks Yeah, so you make out with my dick, and I'll make out with your di- AHHH I think you scream scared me more. Sorry sorry oh okay it's less scary in the second time shut your mouth *BAP* OR I'll SHUT IT FOR YA!! OHGOD!!OH GAWD NO! OhJesus Was it okay? I just had a heart attack Yeah? We can we just confirm with each other that that was real fear? Yeah Ok. Ok. *arin makes a turkey noise* Dan: bum bada dum duh da da *Dan continues to annoy everyone watching* Arin joins In* Oh, Jesus Don't crumble scramble Look what what what? Oh like slowing down, I guess You want to touch it? Oh? Cutie pie Markiplier, oh God, this is worse Am I going backwards a feeling on my back? I don't think so. Yeah, I feel like I might be going backwards. I'm my fence and hiding hiding Excuse me. I'm hiding uh move on please. I mean hello Silence It's disorienting It's fucking distracting Some clothes shit on the ground run when you're like a deaf that I like this in the background oh God, they're so everywhere sho everywhere Bitch yeah, yeah, I'm up on the cold All right, yes, go down the thing Don't like it. I thought we played video games for fun this sucks. I think you're okay Yeah, did I come from here? I don't know. I think I might have come from here. I'm a bitch Thank you, go I don't know where to go dan. I never tell me. Oh, sorry. You gotta look up the big no game Cuz I am utTerly lost climb up the ledge Okay, got it now run forward and drop off the ledge ahead, okay Know it run through the trees ahead towards the circles of light in the woods and to reach a building with a ledge, okay? Right I got that okay. I'm there okay run to the left side of it and head through the door it didn't say climb up the ledge uh Okay, I mean, I mean I'm okay left side through the door run straight through the next door and then through the double doors off to the right okay? No, what no what no, it's okay? Go to the door on the left Okay, back outside now turn lets me run down the porch. Okay. Go straight through the door Then do the next door okay jump off the ledge jump the gap ahead, okay Then head through the double doors, okay? I was here no No, I turn that deer calling the wall The circles of light in the Trees tell you building ladies find the Building the building There's really there's rolling credit. I'm okay Rednecks don't have to Chase. Oh God. Oh God. Yes, okay. Oh Fuck this game dude. No more. No more. I don't want to play this game anymore. Oh Totally yeah, it's like the mouths and they remind me of Half-Life 1 Gordon Freeman Can't I can't I can't move I'm all fucked up okay, alright, so So far the scariest thing in this game by far has been the menu messages to let you know what you did Wait this Dead guy one dead guy really. I'm not lying wait something fell Shit Ross. I hate scary bags Oh cool. I like. It's just it stargate Whoa? Oh cool. What is it blade? What's going on? Fuck is happening. Oh Hello What's your deal? What is that? Oh? My God ah and we run no you can't I this money of them oh? What? the fuck Going oh Son of a bitch. Oh, there's a friend. It's all frozen inside. What could go wrong this door. Okay? I'm lost a lot Okay, I'm outside I guess uh yeah, but it's all fucked up now. There's like a boat and upside down bow and a Shack I Guess I'm just Gonna go Right it seems right doesn't it I guess I think what the wrong way yeah, I think I think we immediately blew it yeah, yeah I'm just gonna yeah, I'm just drunk. You're just Gonna run We are all right. I guess I'll just start running Just start running running. Oh, God damn it yeah, be scared like flare this sucks a Swim going but I'll try to look for anything that makes Sam. I'm going down old thing down stay no then now There's a ledge. I have to climb up As a ramp I was going on a ramp. Oh they climb the ledge, okay? I'm 10 you forward staying on the left side of the path drop down the ledge and go through the door to your left Okay, Leslie Jordan listen, okay, all right. Yeah. We run course yeah, okay cross the hall then jump through the hole in the wall Hole in the wall good. Yep, turn left and run through the hole in the right wall Okay Run straight through the door ahead of you a shit, okay, then run through another hole in the wall ahead Oh hole in the wall got you door on the right into the door the right then right slightly left The yard towards some double doors course through the double doors Okay, okay, you'll be safe from the creatures in this room. Step a part of the figures in the shower Oh, oh, oh, they're in the shower dang. Oh super hot oh Dang, what is right? She's taking a shower? Go through them to escape the nightmare Oh, fuck you guys is that it oh? Okay, now go back to the front seat and look out the window to see a rorschach creature. Oh, that's Gonna be scary Okay I'm trying okay. See look at the window I Can't it's all I see a message will appear in the window Which one I don't know The front window. Oh, God. It says kill be will be will be will be or It will be over soon. Oh Okay, Google it across the room and climb Village It's our fight right through there through the hole Okay, head down the stairs. Sorry I was wrong on that and around the corner to the right all right around the corner to the right Come on with the interference come on approach the mirror on the far wall or and you'll be transported to a new location. Oh We're creatures Straight down the hole - no door ahead. Okay. Straight. Forward through this room to the door The door the end zone you're right yeah, and then make a right in the next year. We go through the door down that path Okay, okay God damn it yay. Oh, it's sybil You're the best sybil you're the best can I call you the best at what you do five five five? You gotta set your keyboard to indonesian your iPhone settings around get her Alright. She's trying to come on. Look what's now yeah Yeah Take it. Yeah, take it. Hey. Keep coming towards you yeah So scarce of jesus out of me. It's the turn around. There's a guy another one this guy. Oh, he's a red spooky thing No, no, no, I do it when it gets all janky whoa okay? Okay, thank you. All right guys. She's still behind you buddy. Yeah, shit. Yeah, shit around get some distance turn around we're gonna need some serious Red eye removal I Would never let the world are you fucking serious what no? What is over there? Oh? It's like little busts of girls. Oh, that's good very relaxing Hi, this is like. No, you know what I don't like uh it's a nice sewing machine what? Happened, don't you? The scissors why the scissors floating? Oh, you know just cuz there's the That this is probably the worst one of the worst transformers games ever made Sorry, sorry, this is better. You can tell Okay, all righty. Maybe it was the roach Is everything okay in there? Yeah having a good time? Oh? Oh, oh, what's that? What's going on? No? go ahead and uh No, don't turn it up damodaran I hate that you know what's gonna happen, so give us uh Guess I make this like easily the most traumatic fucking thing for me. I'm some fucking with me Okay, okay, okay. Everything's fine. It's not fine. I can see now. Oh good good oh marvelous There's nothing That's really weird about this man weird. It's nothing. That's gonna require some drain ow. Oh Gross everything Spa Institute Was just a weird shape chatter okay? It's fine. It's fine. Well. There's another baby jellybean with a face. Oh no. No wait come on No, no more, please All right, oh, what is that I can hear them calling from rum? from Margaritaville That's when we can let it all hang out Okay, okay nope Okay that's I Can't get through that room All right, all right all right. All right. There is another room. Let me take you to it Are you serious you knew about this the whole times another room? It's really hard to avoid - oh God what? I know you do this game. I want to get farther just so I can see more of the weirdness, but I don't think Okay, all right never again. Never again with this game. Just done. I'm straight done. Fuck. God. It's so scary No, she wouldn't the other one she wouldn't Okay, fuck Dammit I Promised I wasn't gonna do that. I like that movie. That's cub is good. This is good do about that chocolate Trying to get a hold of you for like three guys Okay, well now he's down here. Okay. Great. Next time on game grumps well good God, I gotta get out of here before he no no no Damn it you can be marking it. Oh marcus fastest fucking why did you jump? Why did you forget run out of there there? Asshole yes. He's pure white yeah You can't go oh Come on, man, this sucks By the way that what you're doing to him does nothing to his life at all you can hurt the chickens Are you kidding me I? think you Just swipe them and then like they're like then they go into like panic mode and that oh dude go back up there I don't want to hurt the chicken. Oh go up there, all right All right fine. Let's hurt a fucking chicken kill the chicken you can kill it kill it kill it kill the chicken this feels horrible Fucking chicken kill him I can't I can't kill the chicken kill this It's the chicken pocalypse Fuck. I had no idea. I've never hurt the chicken before This is the most underrated classic gem. Yeah, I have ever played Whoa, whoa, just look at that Scorpion walk cycle. Yeah It's actually not Super bad no, no oh God oh my Lord You fucking ho god scared? Yeah? Well, I was genuinely scared. Oh, well, then it's like Oh, oh, is that really the first time you're gonna introduce Those Martian weather men sure have an easy. Oh Is this the key yes body? Thank you for melting in just the right way Now you have to I'm gonna beat you hard for scaring oh. Oh. He's old rag dolling please no disappear Clancy Davis Not in any way, a made-up. Name my chiropractor. Yeah clancy glance' Davis, we did it see What fuck goddamn you sort of a bitch? So now? I'm the cameraman and I'm in late Out of here. I don't know is he getting up shit dude I don't know he will get up, but we did that ladder ladder. We're right there. Oh, oh Yeah, nice. Yeah. Yeah, Jack good check I can't get up this no no fucking okay goddamn Yeah, you know what going? Oh, I'll see the wonderful thing later no back. Oh God. Oh wow oh my God. They're dying. It's kind of fucked. Oh Fuck ow. It's cow. Oh no that is a it's an upSide-down frog an upSide-down It looks like a if the the fucking flood from Halo infected a frog and then it took a giant shit and then I put its eyes on the shit is a frog I thought it was a cat does look like a cow though a magazine from 1981
Channel: GameGrumpsMoments - GGM
Views: 824,416
Rating: 4.9330072 out of 5
Keywords: freak, out, scary, spooky, scaredy, dan, compilation, horror, games, played, on, game, grumps, and, steam, train, Gamegrumps, fyeah, Spooked, Moments
Id: PvwtjCRi_nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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