Best of Ghoul Grumps - Resident Evil REmake

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hey mate Oh soup those trees okay bro oh my saying gosh it's Google gross scary spooky wow this is gonna be a great time we're it's no resident [ __ ] evil this is exciting but it's a remake but it's a remake of the remake I wish there was a P in front of it it was president according to Hillary Clinton's Advisory Board in like when this game came out it's called a resident of evil Creek is that right yeah I was like back when everyone was like you gave you two violent and make people shoot other people there's like one of the biggest culprits of this sensation is a resident of evil creep yeah that's really funny and then Japan is called biohazard out that well then anyway we're gonna play Resident Evil I love opening stuff that's all like this beast yeah do you think they are now an angel of war creak whoa whoa something happened okay so here's your here's your squat all right some [ __ ] went down in a mansion uh-huh they sent a team out they lost contact with the team and so they sent another team out oh that's always a check on that team right and then they found this [ __ ] okay cool and they were like oh [ __ ] they screwed up something something [ __ ] up we could save him the bodies were apparently eaten Oh dicks so this is us that's Wesker he's cool and blonde and he wears sunglasses at night he looks like the t1000 and that's Chris he's cool and generic okay and he has little elf ears okay and then are they gonna show her Jesus Christ show her she's got a great ass Jamie and her butt is incredible Jill Valentine yeah but they haven't shown her yet oh that's Joseph he dies I have a great Blair's Jill ah she's so hot I love Jill he's really pretty god she's so [ __ ] cute this is Joseph yeah should I not get attached to him emotionally if you're a puppy you could get attached to him real fast yeah otherwise there will be no time yeah hope I'm not the guy that dies where it'll be Gary it's gonna suck dicks oh no oh damn that was chris chris is cool he's all fluff in later games he's just kind of like normal here but he like starts working out and he gets super Jack and then he like just like he punches a boulder to death oh I think the six game excellent do things get silly later oh man okay they get silly in this one okay cool Wesker's cool dude oh that's Barry Barry's the best his name's Barry Burton he's got a big-ass [ __ ] Magnum for no reason holy [ __ ] yeah there's way more characters than I thought yeah dude well it's just these oh and Rebecca and Patrick Patrick shows up wolf that was a good opening I'm invested they're going to eat me Betty's only three stars members left yet our dance team is dwindling quickly we can't possibly rehearse on our routine I'll make dinner Joe no I said no we have to lease at best with an option to buy the down payment alone we'll run you out of house and home yes quite clean for an abandoned mansion I'll secure this area area secure I'll make sure this isn't listed on Zillow yet I don't want any competition I took a [ __ ] on the floor yeah smell it it's gross it's got a little corn in it but I don't remember eating corn what do you think go ahead sniffs well no no I ain't none of this it's all wrong pastrami lettuce okay oh I remember this yeah open the door get on the floor walk the dinosaur god I remember playing the original version of this is she gonna find the dude getting eaten yeah that [ __ ] was so scary yeah that when he turned slowly that Richard it was so scary to me no Richard's the one who was getting eaten by the snake this is Patrick or Peter or something let's kill a Kenny Kenny alright let's report back to Wesker who lit those candles uh obviously Kenneth I was trying to have a good time with his friends you just have to try to have a nice meal yeah and some [ __ ] Zambos come in [ __ ] Zambo care of everything leaves face on Salisbury steak night unbelievable it's weird cuz he tells me to go that way but the best way to go is this way so I'm just doing this with interesting he's like what [ __ ] did I just said anyway so there's crows up here if I shoot them they get really [ __ ] upset yeah just like real crows will they attack they must have spent years studying [ __ ] Baroque patterns it's they did a good job with the [ __ ] everything in this game I gotta tell you man this is very good looks [ __ ] beautiful it looks obviously looks better on the gamecube cuz they like didn't upscale a couple things there's a Zambo right here you see him in the mirror yeah pretty creepy right you just round the corner and he's just like what hello oh Jesus oh how did you do that am I like way off with my understanding of what Resident Evil is about like I thought it is the Milla Jovovich stuff just completely different than the CTS okay well I mean it's like steeped in the same like world is it kinda like so this whole thing is like you're going to Mansion in his creepy spooky zombies and you're like all as a mansion with zombies that's creepy right but then as you go deeper you sort of learn that it's like the mansion is a front for an underground facility where they were like testing a virus that backfiring and then it spread so now there's Zambos everywhere you see so that's sort of what the movies are kind of sort of got it wait do the games go in that direction yes okay and Raccoon City is just like a whole city that got infected yes that's Resident Evil 2 well this is in Raccoon City right right but then Resident Evil 2 is like oh it broke out into the city and I'm gonna go to a police station and all holy heck breaks loose pretty much yeah it seems like a lot of hack yeah so but that was the ending of the first movie right so they're in the underground facility and they're dealing with it and then she comes out at the end and then Raccoon City is completely infected got it so it's like you know spiritually it sort of follows it and Milla Jovovich is Jill Valentine no just Valentine is actually in the movies really she's in the second movie I believe Oh who's Mia she's just a new character okay pretty much she was like an experiment or something that's why she's all powerful and matrix II if you watch them they get crazy yeah it seems like it because the first ones like oh you know she fights I guess but then by the fifth one it's like she's doing like back flips and catching knives in midair and [ __ ] right yeah she's a little silly I saw a little clip of one where she's like fighting another hot chick in the snow and there's a third hot chick that like joins Mila in the hot chick fight yeah that sounds like grisly you know I was like this is this is not scary this ain't scary at all in fact I'm getting quite a [ __ ] now just something enjoy whatever I am I going to do the fjord out I will take this so here's a tub full of water huh and if I remove the plug good only good things can happen only good things what could possibly be hiding inside the water in a zombie infested mansion oh man I stayed in there way too long my skin's are proving Jill Valentine has to get to [ __ ] pick out a little more ass there's a lot you already dude she just literally kicked them well really Jill it doesn't matter does it matter if all your barf gets in the toilet there's an eviscerated zombie in the center of the room hey man you know what I mean she's trying to do her part and keeping this mansion clean all right and it's pretty cool of her yeah you know I mean she respects her surrounding this is it just a touch spoopy your little spooked it's a little touch of yeah I gotta carry Hinch of the spooks yeah look at this guy yeah it was just like it's all over I don't know that the branch in front of its face sorry I thought that was its face you see what I mean and then this guy's like mm-hmm these guys yeah we're about the door Steve are you still above the door yeah I owe you know it Benjamin their paintings we're always about the car I don't know Dan I don't know either I don't know it's [ __ ] up oh no your life is happening here of what's about to happen oh dude the sucks I knew that shotgun was too good to be true if you the ceiling oh the door won't open about this one you don't open open you clearly made the ceiling fall yeah that's super lucky as a member of ours I will say oh my god Barry or I'll just grab your hand and pull you yeah feel like I really didn't even need to say anything whoa she's really pretty I know isn't she she's a very attractive character model one you were almost a Joe sandwich you would fit nicely into a sandwich the original line was you are almost a Jill sandwich but you would have fit nicely into a sandwich seems creepier to me why are you here well guys you can find out like that I can fold you up and put you into a folder brought you home with me so you want a file would you like that would you like to file in my cabinet oh what a great guy oh I got a trophy for not doing anything yeah a trophy for surviving that cutscene well there is a way you can avoid it actually so there's a broken shotgun a little bit later in the game and if you grab it and then replace that one with the real shotgun then the roof won't fall that's what you have to do when you play as Kris because Barry won't help you because he doesn't love you I got him right in the [ __ ] face you sure did he's still alive so whatever kinda reminds me I am when we were traveling back from Philadelphia with Brent on the plane yeah I had one of those moments where it was too quiet when I was saying the thing that I was saying you know like if the plane had landed and like Brent and I were standing there waiting for other people in front of us to get their bags and like everyone was chatting and then like I turn to Brett and I was like please be careful getting off the plane as the contents of my dick may have shifted in your face I turned around as I gosh it [Music] dude nice Thanks that's that's pretty nice they're pretty proud of it that was the second time that happened on that trip what was the first time the first time was when we were getting on the plane from DC to Boston and I was telling you the story of like what my friends and I used to do on like Greyhound bus trips to make sure no one sat next to us do you remember that no the move that my friends and I would do because Greyhound buses are pretty gross and we used to take them all the time because you could travel a long way pardon me sir and if you don't have anyone sitting next to you it's becomes a lot more pleasant our our move was to like take tissues and like like we would like blow our nose into the tissue and then like look at it and be like oh my god and then place it gently into the seat next to us as people were like walking to the back of the bus so they were just passed right by really is such a classic douche move who you have got to attend shoulders why don't I work it out for you I used to be a personal trainer now I'm a personal trainer zombie I still care about your fitness also care about the taste of your I still want you to build muscle but only because there will be more for me thank you for noticing yeah is so special to me when you notice all the things that I do for you yeh I do so many good things for you like just the other day I asked you to get me a water right which is which makes you feel useful as long as you keep doing things for me menial tasks is that we should be just fine as friends we're great friends dude Oh what the [ __ ] he didn't give me the rounds what the [ __ ] lame what an [ __ ] just because I didn't have an empty [ __ ] slot in my inventory I'm a dick it does that mess with you yeah well I just thumb out six rounds of really important ammo good it's no big deal it's not gonna like make or break me in like a huge boss battle or anything like a marshmallow stick well with a sandwich I was gonna make out of you wanna see me crush this can against my head go for it whoa wow that was such a stunt Wow man that must have hurt you doing that in all really actually wait this Moorhead god that's so impressive thanks bro her name is Jill Valentine Oh and I'm a Dino and a whiner and a rhino I'm a lot of different things everything rhymes a rhino why no would be awesome you know me you know me charges you and [ __ ] you everyone says I'm horny but I'm not joseph horns it's something gonna smash through that window at some point maybe one of the windows really not that one it just seemed like way to cinematically place you know well that's what they want you to think but only some of them will happen so it gives you a little like Luke Dave real quick just cuz in case I die mmm cuz I had a run-in with those dogs and it was unpleasant disgusting looking yeah wasn't fun I don't want to think of those dog licking themselves was it the as at the aquarium and for anyone who's ever been to the aquarium in Long Beach it's [ __ ] amazing and beautiful oh yeah it's a great aquarium yep we were at the otter exhibit and OH yep swimming around the backs doing cool human things with their hands you adore them and one of them just dropped a huge gross Duke in the water really yeah it was so gross that's funny but like everything everything swimming around in it and like fish or like eating it and stuff and like it was just such a gross scene and then this guy next to me it's just like it's the best Notah badass I would've given that guy hi fizzle yeah it was pretty great just recounting the scene and then like [ __ ] 20 minutes go by because you spend forever at that exhibit just there's so much fun to watch that's a crimson hood hello sir okay guys yeah he is fast too fast and like one of the otters it's like like going at it in his own butthole like he's like curled up into a ball and he's floating and tumbling in the water and it's just like you can't see anything it's like not too graphic but he's just like face is like buried in his own butt and he's like it's so funny oh man I think he's around the corner yeah Oh God in heaven like draw my legs up onto the couch yeesh yeah they're uh okay what's up when they're fast it's a lot worse yeah that's a problem it's definitely problem at and that's because you killed him but didn't burn his body well so that one is a plant that one's there to like introduce you to crimson head gotcha so now now they'll start waking up if I didn't burn them that's I made my co lazy for a second forest silly forest here he comes oh thank god you are alive alright so I'm not a smart mind and what were smaller you know what a grenade launcher I love you Jimmy I here's Richard whoa I told you to call me dick yeah yeah I've been learning that on my own I mean like no [ __ ] right thanks could you show me show me a little tit maybe it'll make me feel better just a little tit also I'm my Walkmans out of double-a batteries yes on the road Mike I need to make a set of extreme more than words always make more words every time my arm gets eviscerated by a snake and forest I don't know probably because when I I left after the last episode and when I react you add your shirt up overhead and your hands down your pants furiously pretending to jerk off and then when I opened the door you earned into my mind I knew you were only gonna be God for a second so I was like well my moment yeah those are the things where like the other person ends up taking way longer than they should and then he's like pretending to jerk off for like ten minutes waiting there and then suddenly the door opens oh yeah I might as well have really started to jerk off and then you really start to jerk off and that's when the person enters the room can't say I can relate to that one I sure do love playing piano ooh have you ever seen I think his naked gun to where like Frank Drebin is with his ex-wife and in like the depressing sad bar and like the old black dude Sam is playing them yeah I know like it's really sad dude and they're reconnecting and he's like Sam would you play our song just for old times sake he's like of course anything no not that song Sam the other it's all the first-day spray it's like that stuff they spray on soccer players we're like they have two broken legs on the field and they can't move and then the spray is just like just didn't any hop-up and they're like okay good to go what yeah it's amazing is that real yeah totally you're lying no I mean a lot of this this is probably not interesting to you but like the time never stops in soccer even when someone's hurt on the field yeah the clock is always running so teams that are winning will often fake an injury so like the time continues to run I'm like so they spray them with the magic spray and then like they get up and they make a big deal like oh I'm okay now but they're still like they were just faking the whole time why would they do that because the time does it stop and they're running out the clock and they're winning oh yes will you perhaps only half paying attention no no no I'm so I was I was trying to figure it out my head and you know where I just didn't really get it like but I get it now yeah it's a form of cheating oh my finger and head you always get me excited Jill I mean just because we're surrounded by an army of the undead and all our friends are getting killed doesn't mean there's not room for sexual tension Martin crack horn oh no not bees he came to life see not only did he activate the two things but he keep the life as well you activated to be no mass bee whoa [ __ ] bee was it a zombie who lit these candles oh these are like very recently lit Kim the bee did yeah just he wanted to bring his moth friends over sometimes I think they're all around the candle and he's like you guys are only coming over to the candle and you're not really here for me I know bro you know it's like fluttering I'm like boy the camera angles and this are so interesting yeah I love it dude I mean they don't make them like they used to and I know that's such a [ __ ] like cliche thing to say but it's true man like this is all pre-rendered and that's how they got around the graphical limitations that's how this game still looks so [ __ ] great what is pre-rendered me it means like they they made the models outside of the game and then they like rendered them out oh and then they put the renders into the game so like the game isn't rendering it's already rent like this is just a picture I say like the the scenery is is rendered out like in real time but it's just like really easy you like polygons and box see like that that's like cut out yeah right but like it's actually a 3d model that's like programmed inside of it but it's literally just like six sides you know this is just so it has the data knowing that like you can stop there you know uh-huh so it like feels like a real box but it's just a picture that's interesting yeah so that's how they they cut a lot of corners on the GameCube version and that's why it looks so [ __ ] great still even though this clever bastard I know they're [ __ ] smart right death-mask with no eyes cool get it see you can't see this always bothered me right there's a little [ __ ] see this wallpaper right here it's like square shaped yeah but it's at an angle yeah that means it like it is at an angle but like the way that the angle is makes it look like it's a perfect square yes I just bugs me man it's weird hmm I said to him backwards there's all these symbols everywhere sorry I was at the Bell you're getting taste now he's used [ __ ] I don't have kerosene so he's gonna wake up later and that's gonna be a problem for me so see you later guy terrific I should leave a note on him that's just like please don't weaken yeah but post it at least draw a dick on his face that would be great if he was a crimson head he was running after me with a big dick I'm like you like I mean it's scary but how did that snake fight look in the in the original game was it if you're looking pretty [ __ ] yeah yeah I would imagine that's pretty ambitious I mean this game when it came out on the PlayStation and Saturn was so [ __ ] ambitious I mean just just wow uh-huh unbelievable how much they [ __ ] put into this game super I'm sure was effective for the time oh hell yeah yeah I mean I've heard stories of people just getting super [ __ ] crazy scared all the time do you think like cows are watching and they're like I believe a lot of the people that wrote to me and said they wanted to continue we're eating cows at the time Hamburg's yeah yeah Hamburg Germany mm-hmm excuse me that's not a real place Hamburg Germany I'm afraid it is Aaron you're [ __ ] trolling maybe you're crazy I don't know about Hamburg dude I don't think that's real thanks you're good it's over there's an intercourse pennsylvania is there yeah what you better believe it why would they call it that though I don't know that's a bad thing for to be called a city of you want to start that over no um throw bagels and lox this is one thing right so it would be bagels and lox is good it's a single concept so bagels and lox is good that is okay cool that's what I'm assuming I think that might be right and you know what they say about assuming you make an ass out of women Thurman you know mothers how you say horse in Japanese really yeah oh I like it umi-chan I've mentally checked out I've been thinking about words for a while I noticed I like to imagine you know how like people when they do the game grumps animated yeah they'll put you and I in the position of like the character of the game we're playing even though sometimes like there's only one character but it's like the two of us whoa I like to imagine that like I'm next to you in the in the Resident Evil mansion just just wandering stupidly with like my eyes like the world is full of magic Wow look at that stained glass window I'm just like please shut up please stop I have to concentrate why do you think there's a G in the word laughter just like tearing you apart a lot of words for Jill Valentine no man she's beautiful and she's got a big old boy like just like oh my god guys let me tell you something I don't care what your stances are politically can we all agree that Michelle Obama has an awesome but damn oh I didn't even knew until you were like oh I was but and I don't mean that to be disrespectful in any way I just really admire it and I think I think it's beautiful that's one way to put it I think she's got a beautiful form I really admire your rear end yeah your rump a dump your badonkadonk yeah Robert what is what was what was the thing it was like holy [ __ ] Michelle Obama got dead ass I was like wow not something I expected to see about the first lady of America see how long did it take how long did it take before people were like oh [ __ ] dad ass inauguration day was yeah but like how like how long did it take before footage of dad ass came out I don't know you know I don't know but she was pretty right from Jump Street hell yeah and she got that she got those full length and helpful lifts then go on a land throw Vic tendencies philanthropic yes philanthropic yeah which sounds like a throat disease yeah oh god I've got yeah don't come here me I've got philanthropy I've been giving a lot of money and coughing stuff up I love philanthropy dude you know what I was thinking the other day I was thinking of creating a new school system mm-hmm because the current school system sucks right go on so I wanted to make a school system that like taught you important [ __ ] like how to manage your money how to cook food oh yeah - how to survive at life invest how to buy a house how to start a company with live very little you know how to get a loan how to I don't know I got you you know what I mean yeah life things well it's funny too because I remember like in seventh grade taking home economics class I'm like learning to sew and learning to cook a little bit and just being like this is so dumb why are we even learning this and then like when I got into actual life I was like like god I use home exit more than I use like math and English yeah yeah exactly do you know why it comes off is like this if that started happening like if the bleeding coffin kept like getting closer and closer to falling down onto the ground the more masks I'd put on the wall I'd stop putting [ __ ] masks on the wall oh god this bro yeah oh he's dead yeah a bummer sucks for you see you brother gravedigger he's like actually the names Dave Dave Gregor [Laughter] look at me I'm part of tar I'm [ __ ] out of here I'm going to a new area Dan you guys need this driveway [Laughter] [Music] it's a bad thing to say I'm sorry oh you dope I'd never even considered that was a [ __ ] do you need your [ __ ] driveway to be taut hard again what do they say I don't know just [ __ ] but not the bad I know what's not bad damn it I know there's no good way out of this throwing throwing myself in circles here it's okay I know it's Alice in Chains Barry they're a great band you're the weather vane and from the waterfall it's like they literally told him like the radios cracking up so just act like it's cutting in and out yeah totally like he could have just said the line and then they would cut it out because that's how it would be in real life I kind of agree people are silly so wait a second are you where he was talking about yes oh he's like stay away from yeah stay away from the place there's dogs there's three headed dogs and a gate and it's like a wet read weather vane and a blue one yeah and the go god don't over that game that I hypothetically yeah can I tell you um no why would I ever want you to talk on the show cool a term that I think you'll appreciate if you want to call someone like a silly-billy you call them a numpty and um ptui oh god I have such an insanely deep affection for Scottish people it's ridiculous I love numpty mm-hmm like Humpty Dumpty sat on in them well he shouldn't because that's another human being but yes that'd be the idea hey did you know did you know Humpty Dumpty mm-hmm he's not an egg go on people just I know he's an egg man that's not like the Hedgehog dude oh yeah it's like because nothing in the song says that he's Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall eating his curds and whey along came a waffle done Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall yes I'm Tina than [ __ ] horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again people just assume he's an egg because eggs fall on the yeah maybe they made it maybe they turned it into eggs so like children wouldn't like imagine a man being eviscerated as he falls that's the whole point of it is is he falls and falls into pieces and it's gross why does he why could you imagine all the king's horses and all the king's men showing up and they're like oh and why would they even try to put him together gross did you think we could did you think that guy's dead he's in pieces but do you think maybe if we try real hard we could put him together again pretty great but dude all those old rhymes your fucked-up ring-around-the-rosie was about a disease it was about the Black Plague wasn't it was it yeah yeah ashes ashes we all fall down I thought well that's the that's the PC sanitized version yeah but the real original version is we all fall dead I think that's what my teacher told me if I'm wrong about that then my teacher was wrong I'm not wrong being a kid in the 16th century or whatever that was must have suck balls you know I bet like in 500 years people are gonna say that about our generation you know well it's like they didn't have scrump affines [ __ ] man their generation must've sucked they don't even have mats Crump's anymore how did you survive without a scrump dude I don't now dude I need I need a scrum pump in the morning [Laughter] yeah my question was have you ever known someone who doesn't laugh they just say that's so funny yes I was just gonna say I was in I was in a mall the other day or something and no was at the hotel tilta that was it the hotel I was checking out of and then two people who knew each other ran into each other and then she was like oh my god that's so funny if it's so funny then laugh why didn't you laugh please stupid [ __ ] idiot so you're not gonna kill her nah man she's immortal is she you can't kill her yeah you can't no she's immortal for reals yeah well so that's kind of her story so did I ever tell you what her story is I know she's based on that very sad news story what didn't you tell me that what it was like a Japanese girl who's tortured and they've made a character after her it was Silent Hill well it's sort of true whoa hey dude come on man if you want a hug just do it for me yeah yeah yeah tell me he's like fine I'll just nap here okay so I tell me tell me Lee's sister all right so the deal with Lisa Trevor is they were doing experiments when they were developing the t-virus right okay and they just they had some people and they injected her with some [ __ ] and all the other patients were like we're she like a little girl yeah she's a little girl she still lives Oh but she's like grown up a little bit I think she's like a teenager now but so yeah so the injector was some [ __ ] and everyone else that they injected with stuff just like straight-up died okay she didn't she just like just kept on living after she would get injected and they were just like all right so they just kept injecting more and more [ __ ] in her she just went insane and gross and putrid and then she started looking around for her family who was also like part of these experiments who I think worth like scientists okay and then she's just like where's mommy and daddy and and he starts like ripping off their faces and putting her on because she loves them you know wait where her mom and dad already dead I don't think her mom was dead I think her dad was dead that's unfortunate yeah I mean you know you just you gotta roll with the punches in this dog world so what ultimately happens to her well right now she got her own little house yes and I said yeah well I mean [ __ ] went down in this facility so all the guys are gone right so she was just left or sort of run amok and live her disgusting gross life cool but she's a mortal I mean nothing can kill her nothing at all pretty much if I shot at her she would never die yeesh yeah have you ever seen that um that meme where it's like a dog sitting at a computer typing and it says when you hack the mainframe to find out who's a good boy that made me laugh wouldn't it be cool if you had a dog and you were just think who's a good boy and the dogs like you're like not you you know what you just stop petting and walk away I don't know if the subtlety of that joke would be pretty smart right oh sweet and armwrestling tournament yeah well I'm pretty sure that that's out of date are you sure this looks like a fun play I think that probably already happened yeah it was the two tarantulas that are gonna were they the ones playing billiards yeah I would watch that oh my god a [ __ ] eight-legged arm wrestling contest well like as I was shooting the most blowing limbs off to exact I won five of them so this is a hallway are you not a new TV yeah these B's ah I got them all step on those [ __ ] B's don't step on them you could get stung I will get stung look at them they're still flapping but they're dead [ __ ] bees I should probably reload yeah I've I could've sting from the police came through that door also I'm also sting fresh can of funny this morning I had it so this is my first day back in the office and doing the show and everything so there's a lot of stuff I had to catch up on and there was some there was some paperwork that somebody gave me to approve stuff on and I was going down it and then I noticed that the title of the paper was was was grumpy games is a joke did they just have the name of our show wrong yeah well because it was just like it was just a project that was completely unrelated that what we do oh no kidding is like something from to improve like wiring in the office okay cool well if you can't get the name right I have a lot of faith in here yeah it's a really good point electrical ability hmm what do you think that number it means on the floor I missed it it was like a six for one I don't know you know how like like George Lucas always puts th x11 yes he puts it in everything mm-hmm what if it's like that yeah what if it's Jenny's number from the Tommy tutone song it six seven five three or nine which so I've heard that everybody who has that number in a different area code it just hates having that number Oh what imagines will still call it to this day it's a great song oh yeah this is gonna be your favorite I don't like this game oh no is it a shark oh god yeah problem can they not get you oh they can get me oh [ __ ] yeah dude this sucks oh yeah wait till you meet a Neptune Neptune he's a problem of niceness aid nip Tom watery goodness oh he'll show up I kind of want to like stay out here just to let you see him oh crap cuz he is uh he's a problem yeah I don't like those so this part of the game wasn't in the police station version uh-huh but uh apparently it was supposed to be they just didn't have the technology yeah I think that was the case or the time or the budget or something cool but yeah and when they remastered this they were like [ __ ] yeah it's putting up two units very unsettling so this is a great is that the only time you have to deal with him oh no no there's a couple little moments yay least I got to see your booty bitche huge safe to be morally straight yes during the long oh thank god yeah God it's like taking a big old [ __ ] is he gonna be see gonna be floppy but they're like all floppy oh yeah yeah he's gonna be pretty floppy it's gonna be a problem for him good we've transferred the problem situation for her you know I don't know if Neptune's a boy or a girl honestly I don't see a big shark dick like flopping around so I know what shark dicks look like let's look it up yeah you know what I want that in your search history what shark penis sounds like something they'd make a soup out of that's it yeah in like Bangkok or exactly looks like an ad shark penis to my amazing Google search history penis okay so I'm going in here now whoa well is it cool is it impressive it's like two pronged damn dude that's weird it's [ __ ] hot you can probably get that from Bad dragon oh no it's actually cheaper yeah sure why do sharks have two dicks you're googling yes why are you sharks have two dicks hey check it out for hanging out with my boy Neptune right now just chillin in the same tank oh [ __ ] is it dead sure that's not it's crazy he's not loving it no now the thing I need is right next to land that sucks looks like I'm gonna have to push this control panel in the water Oh God and then turn it on oh nice and now oh yeah what a [ __ ] idiot right I mean the whole lecture series that [ __ ] got tased yo now he could become a cop yeah yeah no I'm gonna jump in the electric water that seems like a good no I mean you know it's fine why do sharks have two penises I don't know why the male shark circles grabs onto the female's pectoral fin with his mouth and bites down he keeps a tight grip with his sharp teeth while she remains motionless he slides in along her and curls his body in an arch the act is complete when he uses one of two claspers to copulate and impregnate the female what is a class per Zig yeah a shark dick similar to a penis claspers are an external appendage found on male sharks skates and rays that are designed to deliver sperm inside of a female that sounds exactly like a penis yeah why the [ __ ] didn't they just call a penis however they are dissimilar to a penis in that they are not an independent appendage but rather a deeply grooved cartilaginous extension of the Sharks pelvic fins Oh weird but but it's a penis I guess he does the same thing a penis does in a sense yeah but it's but they don't call it a penis because what just an anatomically different like the way it's structured and in the rest of the body so it because it doesn't dangle out like a penis oh it dangles I've seen some dang glitch all right well whatever that's like the [ __ ] whatever whatever we just learned sharks have two dicks and you're gonna whatever that damn that is intense well echidnas have four penises so I'll never be more impressed than s5p the penis bar has been set very high yeah exactly speaking of which the penis bar is my favorite place to go you know what I did learn what's up you know dolly the cloned sheep yeah um named after Dolly Parton yeah because they cloned the sheep from like skin cells from a breast [Music] that's pretty impressive when you have the most famous pair of boobs in the world oh yeah that's how that's where I ultimately want to get to with my with my scrotum oh yeah gotcha I want when people see sack I want an office if they ever clone a giraffe from some sack cells from sack material yeah Danny yeah it's exactly right Danny draft dant Danny the sack celled clone Wow the scrote science draft yeah then I'll begin become the mayor of Sacramento come on Sacramento California thinks okay yeah you know what I never really considered it before but the beginning a set sound of my town is definitely a scrotum protons a sack yes yeah I mean like come on like Santa has a sack I mean not I mean he has that sack but I mean also he has a sack of toys which could also be misconstrued as that sack I'm gonna I have like a plot of land in my house that has like some dirt on it with like nothing it's just dirt right so I wanted this night in your house so I I I wanted to know it's not in my house right the on the property of my house I got it so I wanted to put plants that it promotes be growth your pop be population what's nice so like rosemary is good for bees I guess lavender is good for bees so just it you're gonna try to single-handedly bring ease back into the world by having them swarm the [ __ ] out of your house well it's not like a place where people walk it's sort of just like first first that I guess yeah it's where people go to die from bees alright well you can turn it into a negative all you want but for me it's all about bringing bees back I was reading The Walking with Dinosaurs book um and they were talking about how in the Mesozoic era of dinosaurs flowers did not exist it was all like different types of foliage like ferns and larger trees but because herds of dinosaurs would go through forests and just level them completely with their crazy appetites plants needed to evolve a way to germinate seeds faster and reproduce quicker and that's where flowers came from oh isn't that cool so we can thank dinosaurs for flower well if you love math so much why don't you marry it Wow Dan I just had like a flashback to people say that when I was like in kindergarten I'm like what a stupid thing to say [Laughter] [Music] oh hey Barry I have a flamethrower now check out hey Barry you loo let's talk about rock buddy dude check out this flame thrower star which I had something to take out this plant for him row it's erection day Oh so imposed hey hello it's actually not an election day when you're seeing this over but it's election day for us election day when we're recording it it's 11:00 in the morning and we don't know what's gonna happen and it's nice I guess the country is probably going crazy outside but it's like fires and [ __ ] yeah with us we're just in a room quietly playing Resident Evil and it's pretty it's pretty sweet very peaceful do you have it sorry to interrupt do you have a like any kind of ritual for our election day like is there anything you do no good that your job because I'm jacket right zombies attack there is a song I listen to every Election Day mm-hmm it's not a well-known song it's by the 70s band called gentle giant and it's called aspirations and it's about it's a really beautiful quiet song from like the mid-70s mm-hmm and it was written I guess it was written around the time of like Watergate but it's all about like putting your faith in a politician and hoping that like they'll come through for you and do the right thing I think it's a really beautiful song and I like it it gives me a sense of peace every election day does it make you cool no actually thanks for asking that I wouldn't do why wouldn't you do it once it makes me come to the voting booth exercise is my right in a democracy oh no no later yeah I've talked about gentle giant before they were an amazing band what else did they do nothing that you would have heard of they were criminally underrated but they're gonna Lee who underrated them oh [ __ ] hope they're in jail now [Laughter] that's I never fully understood that lyric come together right now over me yeah maybe he's talking about like two dudes butts and they act like touch and they both poop on his face maybe that's what he was talking about yeah that's probably the fact I bet that's exactly what he was talking about you know what I'm gonna you should look it up yeah I'm gonna look up the lyrics uh-huh and then try to cross-reference it with two guys butts isn't talking about like he's got mood you go karts or something like that he's like he's got mood you go car keys here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly he got juju eyeballs juju eyeball he one Holy Roller okay so those are clearly the butts the bullets yeah those are the butts that we're talking about okay the male butts yes cuz he said he got yep and the juju eyeballs are like the guy's eyes being like whoa that's a crazy but he got hair down to his knee yeah long-ass hair got to be a joker he just do what you please boy these likes don't make any [ __ ] sense they're really good he wear no shoeshine he got toe jam football he got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola these are the [ __ ] lyrics have come together holy [ __ ] he shoot cold Cola he say I know you you know me one thing I can tell you is you got to be free come together right now over me oh [ __ ] I don't know I I can't make heads or tails of that well fortunately verse two is coming in and it's gonna clear up everything yeah he bagged production he got walrus gumboot he got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker oh man he got feet down below his knee hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease what come together right now over me [ __ ] is walrus gumboot if I put that in a song I get laughed out of the room even in your comedy band yeah all right you just appeasing Rams I'm mailing it in with your weirdness you don't have to say about this game mmm give it credit like we just passed the painting of the two guys stabbing each other again right this these backgrounds actually become more creepy as you like inhabit the world more you know what I mean like even as like usually with games like this once you've passed a place like past a level it like ceases to be like disturbing you know you're like I already beat this part yeah but this I don't know this mansion like it's pretty consistently awful and creepy I like it yeah keep them in your room and feed him every day that's a great name son ah what a great name son you okay mmm where'd you go what was on the mo disk the flaming Moe from The Simpsons the recipe for the flaming I like where all the rats flow into Moe's bar and you can just see you just see the aerial view of his bar from like the sky and you just see all the rats pour in and you just hear Moe's bows like all right everybody tuck your pants into yourself I know I've said that on the show before but it's one of my favorite Simpsons moments yeah The Simpsons is great man yeah where everyone says season 2 to 6 10 is the good good stuff mmm and then after that it's kind of like whatever and then the recent seasons are like okay really been getting better yeah you know they've been throwing in a lot more like visual gags nice which ever appreciated because they don't the whole show is like computer animated nurse I don't know it's very lately yeah not like CG the leg it's it's very like by the numbers because it's back in the day it was like all that it was cell animation like they just had to write and they they'd outsource it right to like well they still do Oh Korea mm-hmm but it was more like there were animated bits there were like keyframe stuff and like weird expressions and it was fun but now it's sort of like everybody's really on model huh so if just kind of flat there's like that famous comparison between the new and the old intros you got it you know what I was watching yesterday what's that I was watching an old uh Vince Vince off her laptop yeah yeah awesome Vince off her videos he has his own YouTube channel holy crap what's he doing this offer well he has a he has a product called invincible the only product good enough to have my name on it is that right yeah have you become the standard of greatness to such a degree well not only that but he's um he's like embrace to the whole cuz he got like arrested yes I remember you know I hire one prostitute yeah exactly but he's a brooch inside he like owns it zombie what do you think of this brooch yes there is something unusual it turns into a [ __ ] key oh sweet yay I got the emblem key Azana whose history is old as Raccoon City that was amazing you know great job let me give you all what the [ __ ] was I saying earlier oh yeah Vince offer yes so yeah he totally owns it so in all his new infomercials he's like they he has all these innuendos and like about prostitution about like like like there's a part where in invincible is like this tab that you put into like a spray bottle and then it's like it can clean anything right mm-hmm even a criminal record oh yeah so in one scene he has a picture of like him holding the thing you know the mug shot thing he's like you know even in these unsightly Moeller was something like that right but um hold on I got to think about this first okay yeah so there's this part where there's this very attractive lady and she's like she's holding an invincible bottle and she's like half naked and she's like oh it's so big and like Syria then it cuts to like a stain on the bed and she like sprays oh my god yeah that's hilarious I was like [ __ ] like that I used to watch like infomercials and they were very they were very peaceful they really like I remember I used to watch one for the bissell big green clean machine uh-huh and just like watching it clean up stains and like even though I know I knew the people were acting and just like this is amazing it was like just nice to see people be happy about something even though I knew it was ridiculous I just I don't know I used to go to sleep to those infomercials all the time this was also before the internet so there were like less options of what to watch yeah it was a different time but god yeah ready to cut off your infomercial story no it's fine I mean they clean the stains and everyone was happy and that was it that's great yeah you know they always they have the black-and-white seem to like the guy who can do something like really so yeah he's like explode you have trouble writing things with pens using like 30 fingers the super pen lets you write no without it and then somebody's like I'm writing Picasso and then I could paint Shakespeare with this and I took a dump just a second ago yup I feel great you look great thank you you you look like my dog princess tinkle okay after she craps and she's just like she kicks her each leg out like and then and then she like runs like super happy like yeah man I'm so light now I get free I I do feel that way yeah it dogs are great barometers into human behavior sometimes they measure they just remind you like of the very basic things we all feel like I need companionship I love food it feels great to poo man so dogs are great at measuring air pressure differentials yeah that's that's where I was going with that and that sort of brought rahmanir this yeah yeah thank you for being so literal with that that's your welcome my job holy [ __ ] I need to get a [ __ ] grenade launcher go to the room where you got the armored key I'm not reading a walkthrough nope right off the top of the old dome piece those commercials anymore but we have cookie krisp in the office and let me tell you yeah it tastes like hold on what we have Cookie Crisp in the office do you want me to bring it in for you you gotta be [ __ ] me I buy you sure you have Cookie Crisp I never had cookie Christmas as a kid never never ever do you like stuff that tastes like sawdust and space food all right you can all right it's shaped like cookies yeah but the little prisoner dog always wanted it cool yeah and who I mean there's a man you can trust wait wasn't there a zombie there before yeah but no but now it's can you kill it from a distance well the he'll go he'll come after me I'm sure he won't if you just try to don't do anything though Oh No did you just lose all your [ __ ] product haven't saved in a lot in a while no a long time I don't think we've saved since we started this playthrough well that's an easy fix is it yeah I don't know you look pretty nervous no it's cool don't worry about it oh no oh no hmm what Dan you didn't save it no well yeah because I didn't think I'd I killed you that quickly all right I thought they were dangerous belies the episode yeah yeah well you know what we're not doing Erin making people wait through the [ __ ] two-and-a-half episodes since the last time but now I know everything I have to do so it's super-easy oz it all right fine hello yeah we're back had it took me I said it would take ten minutes it took me about 25 yeah so but I did save it so and I got you a bowl of cookie crisps yeah and I got to taste it and you enjoyed it it was um you loved it you were like this is the this is not the most delicious cereal I've ever tasted I seem to remember I I took my first bite and I was like yeah a satisfied burp a sign of appreciation for the food in Japan yesterday I was just hanging out at home and I had to burp and I walked by Susie and I just pointed like a fake like a finger gun at her and just went like you know the bang motion but he's about really loud she's like whoa and I was like and I did it again Wow oh it's yarn oh [ __ ] dude yeah how do you get in a library he's a sneaky snake dude kiss snake scary how's it gonna wrap his head around section on reptiles is that way that's when I exit the the branch of the hotel I'm in well that'd be great if this is a hotel you just have to have to survive your way out yeah like the zombies are like Trek [Music] do you know is your bag sir no I'll carry them yeah every time I get help the transit pick it up in his arm falls off he's like whenever that happens to me right I'm gonna if the bellman is like you would you like me to bring your bags to your room and I'm like you know what I'm feeling fancy today mm-hmm yeah sure yeah it's always like I have to get something in my bag and it shows up like an hour later and I regret I say yes I like doing weird [ __ ] like that and they're like how many key cards will you need for the room I'm like twelve exactly twelve yeah and if you give me 11 I will know yeah [ __ ] no more no less because I could count yeah I need them for my apostles I need them for my yeah I'm going to need eight keys seven for my dwarven friends and they can be little keys and five for my sons what I have wives that like you know sometimes mm-hmm it's not always a plus comedy coming out of my mouth I've thought you were just being serious but at least it's always comedy yeah even if it's not amazing comedy yeah yeah it's the abstract not funny comedy people love that that's what keeps them coming back for more you clever girl there's a switch here press it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Oh No you didn't save did you no I did I was about to give you naughty times no all the blood comes out of her booty ha ha ha that's not funny it is funny a lot of people have asked problems came out of her butt where did I save though I saved like did I say if right before the yawn fight I think I did I gotta fight yelling again Jesus Christ yeah but it takes two seconds doesn't I can just shoot a snake no problem I'm looking at the timer it clearly more than that I will I fought yawn in the last episode right that's more time don't mock me nah okay where am i I got the ink ribbon cuz I just saved it and yeah I'm about to fight yawn so yeh yeh to me sweet I go up in the place and I fight the [ __ ] snake the end dammit I need to die I'm sorry I died I feel like a silly [ __ ] you are a silly [ __ ] man you're still my closest friend thanks but imagine a life beyond knowing that my closest friend is a silly [ __ ] it must be horrible for you just one of the worst experiences it reminds me of that Anthony Jeselnik joke where he's like I'm paraphrasing I won't get this totally right but he's he's like my girlfriend came home with a new haircut she was extremely upset didn't look good and I was like baby relax it's just a haircut I'm the one that has to find a new girlfriend I was intentionally pronouncing the tea and haircut by the way because that's how he does it he's an annunciator look he sounds like a funny man he's howhow is this gonna get me any further in Resident Evil talking about women's hair cuts and stolen stand-up bits not stolen just say you see how I did walking about to see how I did the yeah have you ever known anyone who like says Oh like over enunciates words me it's really strange oh you do I don't know not really I says the word important important yeah it's not that important is it important to him that he says important it's a she and as yes it is attempted to her that she is say important I suppose it is it's hot it's a titter wet with a while and I haven't thought about in a while because I haven't seen my buddy Brandon he and I he and I reveal the ones that always do that yeah blam yeah blame me too brother I mean I miss me some blam he's a good boy yeah is he a Jersey boy he is he is his ancestry is Chinese that's why I call him [ __ ] well that's not racist it's not okay I've told you that story well we have many stories but yeah he I mean it's that's the thing that's the thing about like growing up in Jersey that's hard to like it's hard to get across to people sometimes like growing up in New Jersey like that's how we show love there or Oh uh-uh Oh God oh damn it oh gee he's gonna climb down he's a sneaky slithery Zhu Nate you know we show love in Jersey by like ragging on each other you know and calling each other all kinds of crazy names sometimes people do that everywhere but like it certainly is a thing in Jersey so people think that were being [ __ ] to each other when in fact we're showing how much we love and respect each other yeah so anyway there's a thousand examples of that being weird when we forget that we're doing it in public but we were at a um I know I've told this story on the show before but we were at the New York comic book conventions excuse me and and he was walking on ahead of me and I was like yo [ __ ] and like 40 people turned around like and then Brandon was like it's cool he's with me we're friends I'm progressive I'm gonna run for office well you have to make your own rules right like each each social circle determines what is offensive between themselves and what's not oh yeah and then when someone else from that outside that social circle comes in and it's like that's offensive it's like [ __ ] you now that's offensive yeah no that's true that's very true people will people within their own circles decide on what is and isn't offensive yeah because there's no there's no like one golden book rule well that's the danger of doing a show like this too because I'm sure like if I ever were to run for public office a lot of people could take [ __ ] that was taken out of context and just say that I'm a horrible racist I'm a horrible racist I'm a horrible racist I'm a horrible racist or I'm a piece of [ __ ] person because I said this stuff but I mean you are but I am NOT actually yes shocking right now it's crazy we're pointed out to be so soothing I were driving somewhere and the GPS said bear left and I was like we're trying to figure out why the bear would leave here doing this thing there's a bear on the left and now he's not there oh god I'm not I do find tarantulas extremely gross and creepy I know they're not harmful and they're misunderstood but god they're so hairy and gross yeah sir what are your feelings that Toretto's gross I quite like them in fact yeah I'll see you later buddy things are going okay cuz I'm gonna take this [ __ ] battery why don't the tarantulas eat the zombies they're [ __ ] hanging out here together why does everyone have a taste for human flesh I'm a smart boy I always check my map and I always check details and when I get those details correct then everybody gets to watching an entertaining episode of game grumps I'm a smart boy I pay attention to detail and always do things correctly now if you'll excuse me I have to go back here through my left because I [ __ ] out the truth it's cool it's the truth you see you're in caution town with your health is that okay yeah Oh am I and a little caution it's again danger I'll be fine okay what did the blurb is - again I know you told me but I forgot blue herbes yeah the blue herbes cure poison oh now I'm here in the kitchen what a beautiful place for Jill to be yeah I could whip you up now I make a mean omelet this meat may or may not be from my body but I'll never tell you my secret ingredients the guy lying on the floor is like my favorite Edgar Allan Poe stories hop frog hop frog yeah that sounds cute it's not it's about murder and-and-and a deformed dwarven gesture all right well where does the hop frog come into it because the gesture he can't walk correctly because of his body so he just kind of like hops a little bit and then like the King calls him hop frog and is cruel to him oh I thought I was like an in term of immunity no the king is not cool but I don't want to give that plot away cuz it's pretty cool so anyone wants to read hopfrog powerful ass of orangutan whoo orangutan you said it right yeah took me eight years I used to say tang I feel like a G on the end oh yeah as if it were like a powdered orange drink which honestly would probably go over better if it was in Sue's oh this is the this is the orangutan arena everybody grab your cups yeah and a little water and watch as the monkey turns to a delicious beverage they the astronauts took that to space did they they did actually oh man orangutan no they took tang oh that's why in the Coneheads movie yeah like they're like you're you've already lost me okay I've never seen the Coneheads movie I can't remember if it's actually good or not that was like an SNL bit right yes it's like a they're aliens from outer space but they're trying to like blend into society even though they have these giant coat I remember alright next time on game grumps and they have the cute daughter and she's getting hit on by Chris Farley and Chris Farley tries to go too far and she's like tries to go to Farley yeah exactly he like tries to make out with her a little too much and he goes over the line and she's like she complaints her dad she's like he's being a total flare and death hmm dan Aykroyd who's the daddy like flared up flared up many leg goes and destroys Farley's car you know what I've lost myself I lost myself on this mm-hmm stammering giggles oh yeah but they're like dang yes the astronauts took this to the moon and they're like astronauts cuz they're from outer space I've said next time on gang grams at least three times now what does that mean oh the episodes over sheesh it's so great gee whiz Artie went to Lisa Trevor's house oh yeah she was great very hospitable I love her you really can't kill her nah man she's a mortal did she die in another resident evil yeah are you allowed to say no no don't want to spoil stuff for you it could be years before we play another Resident Evil it always ends in this game and I wanna spoil anything in this oh okay just chill out just calm your tits dude these tits were born to run water balloons was tiny rats inside struggling for the last bit of life that they have left that is an absurd way to think of - oh honey little turkeys Oh there's snakes yeah making that lots of us and where are they dropping from oh the trees the sky their tree snakes another sky snakes okay glad snag have you ever seen when spiders they do like the Traveling you've seen the end of Charlotte's Web right yes we're all like it's incredibly [ __ ] sad and he's like no wait no and then she dies yeah but thanks for [ __ ] reminding me well whatever [ __ ] it's like my spiders down all the time my first exposure to death that I'd ever all right great fines incredibly sorry you're so sad anyway Oh God okay so spiders actually do that die no yes well yes but that's all I'm saying okay spiders actually like stick their webs out after they're born and then fly away and then you could just see like little streams of silk in the air as they like fly through the air really and catch the wind yeah it's [ __ ] weird and when I lived in Palmdale I guess it was like a prime spot for spider traveling so we went outside and Susie and I thought like there was like UFO activity or something really [ __ ] great is happening right now because there was all these like sparkles and [ __ ] in the air and then and then we started seeing like the strands and then we were like what is this oh my god and then we googled like strands in the sky and then the first result was like spider migration you know what now that you say that I think I have seen like video like in Africa of just like the sky filled with spiders like flying through the air yeah and it's like someone from their window just being like I am NOT going outside today yeah I mean we went outside again after we read that and we're like we got to see this firsthand now that we know what it is and as I guess tiny little spiders just [ __ ] flying through the air with a little silk butts a little long floss poop coming out of their butts so I wrote yeah go on base our discussion I typed into Google end of Charlotte's Web saddest [ __ ] in the world and came up with these reviews of the book Charlotte's Web and said [ __ ] in the world yeah and the first review the first sentence from the first review is I don't give a big if it's a kids book Charlotte's Web is one of the most crafted stories ever written well-crafted stories I don't get big okay I love it I don't give a single Fig dude I didn't know the [ __ ] guy who wrote Charlotte's Web also wrote trumpet of the Swan the [ __ ] is trumpet of the Swan oh that's a beautiful story that's like it's about it it's about a swell thank you oh god it's been like I read that in like first grade it's like a swan that like I don't think he has a voice he's like he can't make sound so he like learns to play the trumpet and he like if I'm remembering it right he like Woo's the Swan the girl Swan that he loves by playing beautiful dreamer on the trumpet awakens fake oh it's so pretty and and she falls in love with him it's a really good story so is it a movie it might have been a movie I just remember reading the book then how did you know that he was beautiful dreamer it says it in the book in fact the book I remember had the notes of it because I think I learned how to play it on piano oh because because I wanted to like I was like mr. Wolfe mr. Wolfe was my shitty piano teacher and I hated him [Music] used to used to have a ruler I need to hit my knuckles if oh yeah if I played the wrong note he's like nope nope like not hit them but like a little rap yeah a band it but it was more than enough for me to [ __ ] hate him forever and strangely didn't continue playing piano weird right yeah so that was strange hard to believe how I mean if you have that response to stimuli of getting your hands wrapped at and constantly yeah how could you how could you I'm sure some people have worked on I'm sure some people got that like [ __ ] you I'll show you and became incredible oh yeah but I was never I always responded more to like positive reinforcement oh yeah it's way better i I could not agree more and I think that's part of the reason I didn't care for most subjects in grade school oh like grades were really like just cuz all my teachers were like very like very shitty it like very like really focused on the negative and like do your homework and you lied to me and really good homework is [ __ ] man I am you know what I would do it now but I sure as [ __ ] had no interest in doing it wait hang on oh it's Rufio or Enrico no my hair is too stupid too much gel wonder what unit ours are finished no one's dancing with them silly reaction yeah this kid shot he's like okay who's the Tyler I wouldn't turn my back on that area bullet just came from was interior's Barry has a revolver Wesker well whoever did this is definitely a professional yeah all of the stars people you a hooker did this you think [Laughter] whoever did this is definitely a dancer well come on been a while huh well whoever did this is definitely not a frog mutant so you're in the clear my friend Rodman's like subscribe I know a much slash your throat now I was worried I'll go ahead and laugh wait who's selling us out and what would they have to gain by it I don't know who do you think could sell us out Wesker Wow whoa that's the assuming a lot all right he's the only other one what if it was Patrick the snake guy that got eaten no that was Richard Richard says it was Patrick yeah I mean it could be Barry like Barry was doing some shady [ __ ] before and well but like he's a huggable man yeah he was a the Jill sandwich right so that's funny what you say it save why would I save because you keep dying yes you can say it's silly all you want but that's the truth that it keeps happening all right fine you can say I just don't want to run out of stink ribbons you know you're for I have more than four then that's even better I have more than four idiots yeah Jesus why is that picture of Obama naked with his penis out I got some spray spray dang yeah I'd love it if just like on one of the canisters in this game isn't Easter egg they put it as sprite no just written I really do think games should have a little bit more of a sense of humor like that because it's like there's hidden funny stuff in Resident Evil isn't there sure no but what am I thinking of what horror game has like secret funny [ __ ] and Silent Hill is it something no yeah maybe it's that one yeah oh yeah like what the UFO isn't [ __ ] yeah UFO ending pretty pre legendary so how I like to chat 'red memories the there's nothing useless here I feel like such a tool why not just use it because I did oh you did okay but I had full health so it didn't matter and it sucks because now I'm combine these and it's one item now now I have a spot open again sucks my odd stupid evolved pricks so my old white so my odd a man or the toy I don't oh my God look at your teeth your teeth are grit you're bowing your teeth cause you're my oh I've got I've got some nail that I'm gonna spray on my body to make sure I don't have hey surprise I want to be smooth as a baby's butt - of the save and god I have so much [ __ ] now holy [ __ ] I have Jesus yet survival-horror more like survival snorer oh my god Aaron so easy bringing it so hard am should I did everyone see me bring it just there I just I brought it did everyone okay brought it [ __ ] I brought it oh I should save it frozen oh man my face is oily as [ __ ] in the t-zone the oily t-zone yeah like no or head down the nose okay I mean maybe yeah it is yeah but also everywhere else - I called in circles my entire face and head neck chest body and clothing the oily mask zone yeah in the shape of a mask it's over my face Oh al mi t--'s I'm crying oil tears I'm the Tin Man whoo tube Jill I know he's on an elevator huh all right I'll take it down to your waist chains goes down Barry I'm Way ahead of you in this one mm-hmm maybe it's this control panel that brings it up and down yep yep Barry you're not when you overheard me selling you out before yeah you didn't somehow put it together that's pretty cool right mmm I'm gonna shoot you in the back right now could you turn around please yeah or I could be or could be not a person it could be my tummy Oh check it out yeah I'll stay here with the gun what a dish okay okay sure yeah hmm sounds dangerous out there maybe check it out okay maybe borrow your giant [ __ ] revolver that would be great no I need it to secure this position yep mmm sure I there's literally no way to get in here hey Barry could you um got a huge gun jeez could you go ahead uh-huh yeah I'll go ahead good [ __ ] it's good shit's good comedy I found another crate Julie don't care about the crate yeah there's water baby there's the creature there's wider near the crane we could survive for years down here with all this water and if we need to float away we can build a raft out of spare wood from the kraits waste materials down here she's pretty pleased to dump all their poo and pee we could live for ages society we could live off a steady diet of revolvers I have my knives I know how to boil knives they're delicious oh thank god you're still here Barry I was scared I hope some zombies can come by and help me with these crates yeah they're heavy so heavy I'm gonna go in this jar now please don't leave me Barry I hope he's still there and hasn't betrayed me wait is this different than where we've been before no oh Lisa how she's still around oh yeah she's totally hanging on how you doing there's some kind of lever here pull it that's the kill Lisa lever yeah I [ __ ] wish oh yeah I don't have the don't have the flamethrower yet so is Lisa always here or does she just kind of randomly wander around well this is her tunnels you'll find actually I mean it's a spoiler but the exit of this tunnels is underneath her Hut okay yes oh hey big girl looking sexy eyes she saw her hands bound because it's just her jam like didn't they leave her forever ago it came from her no this isn't working this is a bad time to be wandering aimlessly well she's not that strong she's just very strong I see yeah she's not extremely strong just pretty strong and does she ever like try to communicate in any of the Resident Evil games she goes like hmm so so no more like mommy cry when attached like and then none of that [ __ ] I think she says mom went in a little bit later oh yeah it's pretty tragic poor Lisa yeah well you'll see okay you will see where it goes it goes places I thought Lisa Trevor was the african-american girl from Saved by the Bell but then I remembered that's Lisa turtle what never mind saved by the smell oh my god you wait why are you sending that crate because it's away it's a nice crate whatever dee dee you it was a great a great great look a Barrel Crate and Barrel [Music] there must be candles around here somewhere scented variety yeah I know my cratenbarrel correctly if you find cinnamon and vanilla scent I really like that one okay god it is just just the worst in here yeah sea snakes alright there's so many who continued protective observation George terminated there's a journal left by somebody I feel dizzy after they shot they gave me I don't see mom where did they take her she promised that we would escape together did she escape alone and leave me behind I found mom we ate together I was very happy but she was a fake not my real mom same Facebook different Sun whoa I have to find mom have to get face back to mother I got mom's face bellboy nobody can have my mom except me I attached her face to me so she doesn't go away because mom's sad when I meet her without her face from inside box scent of Mommy maybe true mother there stone box heart it hurt still roping away can't see mother because for stumps is she becoming like slowly like is it like a flowers for algernon where she's like losing her mind and becoming like more childlike well she was always a kid right but I mean I mean she's just turning into a [ __ ] weirdo zombie okay but she still has like a little bit of Lisa in there that's so sad about it as you can still see it she's like yeah that's pretty [ __ ] up right pretty [ __ ] up she's up an ink ribbon girl I got it and I got to despair I mean one despair good thing Lisa has a typewriter yeah it's lying around you think there'd be more like documents or something like just getting some light writing done yeah I'm gonna write a letter to my cousin right I'm going to transcribe Samuel colleges The Rime of the Ancient Mariner it was the best of times it was the work that is not the right no it's a different thing that has a lot of big words I thought that would come off but it did not did you know I didn't know this The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is the first like that's where the idea of like an albatross comes from like an albatross being like a burden that someone has to carry oh really yeah I don't even know that was a thing you never heard that I mean I guess I have got an albatross around my neck something like that what really yeah no I've ever heard that albatross around now but across around my neck I think so let's see oh oh just so people know this is interesting I only found this recently so the with the new controls with the joystick where you can just like pick where you want to go if you use the d-pad it actually is the classic controls so if there's like a weird corner that's like hard to get around or something you can just use the d-pad because of the angles and everything neat little tip huh but if you if you use the new controls it's like a defaults to run am i going backwards moving backwards yes an albatross around the neck is sometimes used metaphorically to mean a psychological burden that feels like a curse what's the pardon me sir it is an allusion to Samuel ecologist poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 1798 in the poem an albatross starts to follow a ship being followed by an albatross was generally considered a sign of good luck however the titular Mariner shoots the audience yes that as in like the title character shoots the albuqueruqe albatross with a crossbow which is regarded as an act that will curse the ship uh-huh uh-huh yeah and that's where it comes from how cool that you could write a poem and change like the way just something in the way people speak 200 years later but he didn't expect that though no probably didn't mmm but he did a lot of opium well that's Samuel Taylor crimes personally experienced in the opium category yeah and I [ __ ] love it you know what that's probably not a good thing to say out of context I love it when I'm sick because it makes me feel a lot better yes and I was able to do this show truth I was under the influence of drugs it was pretty funny but it was still if still was very comedic you sent a lot of crazy shits and a lot of crazy [ __ ] friendly hey look at him go oh he thinks he can kill me he jumped right over you a silly little [ __ ] I wish I could keep one as a pet like a little mini one that's like okay because just like doesn't little hops over your foot yeah and you're just like oh he's trying to kill me no his claws are too small to penetrate my skin someday when he grows up like I you ever heard those stories about people that have like baby alligators as pets and then when they get too big dick flushed him down the toilet that may be an old wives tale that may be an old wives tale I've never heard that I bet Florida was where they always said they'd do that well I could see that actually yeah now that you mentioned my ridiculous home state that that place is people are crazy they're crazy in New Jersey too we come from two crazy states yeah but isn't there uh isn't there like a like a news story game where it's like fiction or Florida or something like that oh my god I were you do not doubt it you read like a news story in a click you know man chops off own hands well in order to I find himself yeah something like that it's like is that a fictional news story or is that from Florida and it's like oh man I don't know yeah [ __ ] that's a fun game what what's the craziest part of Florida is it down south where you came from or is it from like the upper Panhandle I think the whole thing of it just it's crazy and it's different kinds of crazy like Miami's a different kind of crazy yes it's got like a big city feel it's the my booty-shaking West Palm Beach is a different kind of crazy because it's like it's like weird affluence mixed with like extreme poverty hmm and then like like whoa Gainesville is crazy because it's like was that Lisa that's Lisa um what the [ __ ] Gainesville's crazy cuz it's like a college town that like doesn't belong there what the [ __ ] is going on here put it in the [ __ ] thing you'd think that Barry like when you had those moments to talk to him you think you would have mentioned Lisa Trevor oh yeah like hey there's a crazy face monster it's a gross thing like Leatherface basically wandering around but it punched me Oh knock me the [ __ ] out so watch out for that Barry yep well maybe Jill doesn't like trust very very much that may be the case he doesn't trust very much great job I know god you're in the zone I'm always in the zone personally no I won't save it okay it'll be fine if I die I'll just go back and off to open the door if I die I die if I die bury me hang my balls on a cherry tree that's not a that's not a thing that is a thing Barry hang my balls on a cherry yeah when they're ripe take a bite what yeah whose rhyme was this I don't know I just heard in middle school it was Sammy without color just The Rime of the Ancient Mariner it had like a second line to but I never got it because I don't know if there's it's is like don't blame me if you get an an eyeball night or something like what I think a knife is a real word I don't know all I remember his first is the worst second is the best there it is the one with the hairy hairy chest hello Barry Jill robot huh how awesome I don't have a gun I swear oh [ __ ] damn Barry no gee whiz they're Schmucks everyone's favorite [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah give the gun back to bear oh geez yeah he helps really yeah he's crazy yeah he might die though so whoa yeah might yeah I kind of have to protect them but I also have to do this [ __ ] so it's it's a little tough don't attack Barry please don't attack Barry check out this pool of water oh yeah I'm here with my friend line and I'm here with my enemy live would you say okay I thought we were friends yo we ain't friends mm-hmm yo we actually not cool at all mm whatever okay mm yeah mm three what when this game was made of the Gamecube coming up Gamecube is definitely out during 2002 okay probably around that time then check out this levator just kidding I'm going down the stairs spooky slippery stairs I remember when Gamecube was before it came out when it's rumored to be called Project dolphin oh yeah yeah the dolphin but was it actually that or was it was that just rumors like did they was that like a working title or I think that was the I think they used that officially just to throw people off the trail for like investors they're like oh new project dolphin actually the Wii emulator is called dolphin really yeah Nintendo da the Wii the Wii before it came out was the Nintendo Revolution and then when they announced that it was called the Nintendo Wii people were like what what a [ __ ] dumb name revolution makes so much more sense fair enough but uh oh yeah dolphin was the code name for Nintendo GameCube really yeah and it was released in Japan September 14 2001 well 2001 okay when to come out America November 18th 2001 that's what people ever anyone ever think of that uh-huh just really great just mouth sounds I like isn't that what any show truly is you know just great mouth sounds mouth sounds I like your um I like how your your dust when you crush up the herbs if it's just like green it's like green and then green and red it's a little pile of green in red and then you add all three together and it's just like dirt brown dirt gross gets gross it's like when you mix colors that aren't supposed to go together in paint oh yeah then you just get [ __ ] brownie brown yeah is it incrementer here why do all colors come to brown like I know all colors are black right no white [ __ ] it will it depends if you're talking about light mm-hmm and yes all colors come together or white but if you're talking about pigments then all colors end up being like a brownish black oh yeah isn't that interesting didn't I just [ __ ] learn something mm-hmm you sure dude where do primary colors come from they're just there I might have believed that blue is just there and yellows just there but green isn't there blue and yellow have to be like hey what's up let's shake hands remove and then the then green comes I think not Jesus put everything well Jesus you're right damn thank you Jesus Jesus is like you're welcome hi Rangers yeah Crayola have a prelude that what places crane oh how did you get copper it's like the widest area you've never had a runner oh yeah you think it's so easy to be Jill Valentine in the zombie infested world yeah now it's an ultra herb what does that mean it gives me full health yes I'm gonna take this mo desk yeah I'm gonna go into this room [ __ ] it's a dead format how am I ever gonna use this on my iPad oh no a three by five happy do you think they make a three by five floppy reader for iPads that's a really good question like I wonder about that what happens when you like uncover a cache of like old [ __ ] like information that can only be accessed through something like oh you could definitely get like an external USB can you floppy drive reader hell yeah hell yeah I mean come on there's gotta be one company that's just like yeah we made like five of them yeah let's take it yeah we [ __ ] it but yeah I mean there's I don't think there are many formats that are like lost good because at the very least you can get accept the phonograph well no because at the very least you can go like find an old machine that works that's true the morris museum has a Victrola where were these door opening scenes neat were they when the game was loading or were they - like just build tension both oh it's a clever way to build tension because they needed a way to load this game cool so there you go that guy has goofy feet pretty clever I guess I find something sorry didn't mean to interrupt you I'm at stairs now open this gate neat do you guys want to come down yeah do you want to follow me down here we're partying down here yeah there's all kinds of beer I brought glow sticks only a couple though so beat the pest them out sparingly whoever's the best of doing the rave stuff sir sir all right just easy you'll get your glow stick in time well now you've got one in your head hold on gratulations unlocks how they make it so happy yeah a whole world of wonder for you yay all right see it I want to use this dumb computer anymore it doesn't even have a Google whatever what he's got on iTunes here oh pretty Spears net escape my dad used to call it a nut scrape huh I like your dad yeah he's cool he's a cool dude the film has been set into place view it yes bio-organic weapon official report formats by or by you or yeah that's the Cerberus we call this the bore that's we call this the nerf so I think in the police station one this was still here like it said inept tune even though he wasn't in the game Oh interesting so it was just kinda like Lee something even creepier about that yeah just not seeing something that you know is out there where was the short yeah tyrant well we haven't seen them yet huh yeah he's he's a problem he's got a hand for high-fiving this is the bio-organic weapons research group development staff was this like a doctored actual photo yet so the guy the four guys on the left are real and then Wesker on the right is like a character model oh yeah you can kind of yeah you can kinda tell ya where the people were the real people like developers of the game or something like that well no I don't well maybe I don't know but uh yeah so that's supposed to be like a big moment is like Wesker was oh oh [ __ ] yeah part of umbrella oh that son of a [ __ ] yeah so Wesker you bastard yeah sorry it took me a second I mean while I'm like do you think the guy with the glasses he made the music yeah okay so that's a number okay I [ __ ] I knew it was Wesker obviously he wears sunglasses indoors yeah no one [ __ ] Freeland not evil would do such a thing um hello I'm Wesker now I am I'm the only one with my jacket open just to stand out and I probably ought to come back here jeepers crabbers you know experience some situations downstairs they go maybe a great lake thing to put on the TV the thing to put on the back of the box like with an exclamation point to get people hyped up to buy like experience situations wow I've never had situations class yeah what did you just find well actually it was something that had been sent to me by about five or six people it's an Instagram account called bread faced blog or no bread face blog yeah BR EA d FAC e BL o J and it is just a attractive young woman of Asian descent don't mind me sir excuse me oh cool we're good and she just like takes bread and cupcakes and other bread like substances hmm usually two slow dramatic music and gently mash it's her face into them well that's cool and that's it I'm great and she's ninety thousand followers it's beautiful yeah and every everyone that I earn and I watched we had to watch a second time to make sure that we were not hallucinating I [ __ ] every time never answer my texts anymore and I just go upstairs and that slide filter right it's uh it's a to go in the slide machine what's this I filter the slide filter I don't know what that means I just got a slide filter oh you did and I think it like puts the overlay on the light catches all the children at the bottom of the slide yeah there's just like a bunch of mashed-up kids they come on there's only 10% kid extricate those shoes and then the person steals all the shoes finally my slide filters work perfectly Oh what was it eight four six - you got it come on dude eight four six - it's all even numbers self-destruction imminent Wow yes you've just you've just released the toxic hurt your body forever gasps um it really hurts toxic hurt your body forever it just really hurts your body I don't know why we call it that all it does is make you less hungry excellent I leave now and I say hello to my crimson head friend oh crap I've been waiting for you Jew slashy slashy let me swipe right on your face my personal tinder I need to find the third mo disk so I can unlock that thing get Chris out so getting Chris is optional oh but uh it gives you a better ending if you save Chris I'd love it if you did and because Chris is a hottie patottie especially because he's like in the other games right yeah so it's like the Canon - save it yeah I guess so okay cool where am i and is there going to be a scary monster jumping out at me yes I was correct I'm so sorry maybe he'll survive this I'm gonna use the mo sir sir sir hey we're gonna laugh at the end yeah you did it was adorable okay so now Chris is is able to be saved yeah we're gonna cool it just cuts to him he's like yeah now all I need is a pretty lady [ __ ] yeah thank you Wow literally the most cumbersome way they could [ __ ] yeah it's like I just hope now they green together with me isn't that from Hot Shots where they have to like like jump out the plane and it's giving them this signal I got that's the red light and it turns green and it's like I haven't seen that in forever dude it's such a dumb movie it's a lot better now that I'm gonna dull oh yeah yes good right this is a problem great appears to be nitro compound running could result in a fatal explode trap at a yep there there's there's a whole litany of things that could go wrong with this right no that's so [ __ ] that they make you do this shooting a gun is a 20 percent chance of explosion what getting hit by a zombie is a 25 percent chance of exposure now getting hit by one of those chimeras is a 20 percent chance of explosion so what do you do you stab them you just you just go you just pray yeah and just hope that it doesn't explode Wow that's why I'm really hoping that crimson head is not gonna wake up at me he didn't so that's good okay good things are going great for me super tense super tense and everything it's great for me and it's on normal mode so yeah if I run it's like on easy mode you actually get like a free two seconds so you can run for two seconds and then stop running right but on normal and hard mode it's like it's like one two three seconds [ __ ] do so yeah so if you if you go for three seconds you'd definitely guarantee you can explode pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm so scared so tense yeah it can happen if next time I gave it up so not the best situation for me to be in and also if I fire my gun as well we percent chance Oh God I'm dead Wow 20% huh I wish my odds were that good in Vegas looks like you won the lottery cuz I would what quadrupled my money man he hit you right in the fuel cell god damn he it's a good thing I saved right before then yeah that's pretty crazy that like they factor in something into the game we're like death is sort of out of your hands yeah that's pretty wild well I mean the they really you know here's the thing when it's sort of a common thought amongst game designers that like at least it's the Nintendo mentality where you design a game around a concept and you try to stretch that concept as far as it can go and then when you can't stretch it any more than you're done right and I think this game does it pretty well with the the whole tension aspect of it because it like it it comes at tension from like many different angles and then this is like the pinnacle of it this is like you there are ways you cannot die but for the most part it's the most stressful thing yeah your life is kind of a gamble right now [ __ ] man and you're in a situation where you pretty much need to put yourself in danger so hi I'm Jill I'm 19 I'm from the lab laughs my friends all say I'm the coolest but but Marco still doesn't know what can I do to get her to notice how cool I am find out today on lab lounge also why that girl named Marco yeah that's my name's Marc out that I must be polo today on laughs loud does Randy really feel the way he says about me I really don't feel the same way you feel fine today on lab lounge lab lounge is filmed in front of a live studio audience of undead bug people [Laughter] [ __ ] up damn I'll make you [ __ ] on these titties over here baby keep talking like that [ __ ] I'm a sucky dick I'm a sucky expect up a trump oh my god Brendan Rodgers you're [ __ ] genius I'm just jogging I'm just going for a jog I think it's a very clever thing for them to organically work into the game a limited total amount of life like health things as well as a limited amount of saves yeah yeah well I think the you know honestly I've never been in a situation where I didn't have enough ink ribbons mm-hmm but just the threat of it is like yeah adds a lot of tension yeah the idea that if you like run yourself into the ground you're super but it's your own fault because uh III that realization is very is very crippling yeah very upsetting I I have full respect for this game and I can totally understand why it's a classic you could have at least waited for me you tried to kill me yeah oh my god like 20 minutes ago why haven't we talked about that yet it was like so that was a long time ago poor baby you do the Olive Garden with me could I just ask Wesker when you're there your family's got to tell somebody about my crazy plans now you're just gonna show her oh here comes tyrant no no it's cool he's the problem maybe it's friendly yeah Wow look at this Shea's do you use lotion crap yeah he's a which is the bad hand that's magnificent I think it's kind of gross you know I hate goodbyes sorry looks like he was almost a Wesker sandwich show me Jennifer my true name my family I couldn't bear turning my back on my friends again what really yeah uh you're turning your back on your family [ __ ] oh it's bad that's not good oh crap I can't say many words cuz I don't know that Barry we should probably go you know what too late hey the more the merrier I always say man that was a real good per in Wesker yeah I want appreciate this thing should be easy to control mature hey okay okay I'm gonna go ahead and switch my gun over I bet strong wording will work this time okay yeah everything's great let's go to Jersey Mike's a rough day for a 72 there's like no bread why don't you just get it with bread I just literally make the sandwich and then put in a plastic tub this is not the time Jill stupid oh please oh my god we've gotta go we're gonna win Ian's I don't care war help we should probably give up deactivating all locks that can't be good actually it is good cuz I can get Christmas oh sweet yeah Oh Chris that's right yeah he was like find a way to unlock the door but don't go sightsee I should come back and be like you would not believe the sites that I've seen yeah I saw a monster at the Wesker here's an [ __ ] by the way that's hauls [ __ ] deck my garden is quite shining here gonna shine Cheers I just follow the shine will you take the fusee in it yeah God maybe I don't know yeah why do you always give me a choice in this I'm tired of choosing yeah it's pronounced run des Vosges you got a Jill and Jill remember my face when it was beautiful because God knows it's gonna be jacked up oh man that's awesome I mean like seriously [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] that's unsettling yeah well welcome to the end of Resident Evil it's very that's very metroid yeah and I can't do jack [ __ ] about it I just wasted like five seconds going up the elevator yeah [ __ ] it's [ __ ] [ __ ] man three minutes more like 253 minutes is all you need for ecstasy alright I learned that from will you take this to someone don't like them and then you're just like ah like to the sky yep give me a sign it like it randomly explodes into a firework pattern that spells out don't come we're fine yeah I find it weird the hunters kill you in one show with that but you're like oh how did you get it don't abuse it oh [ __ ] yeah do it [ __ ] not you not Jill I would never call Jill a [ __ ] this is a class oh god oh god Erin extra-chunky did Brad survive oh you mean berry berry sorry yeah he's fine oh good yeah oh sorry I only pick up people from stars you guys are from tar and and stuff haha wow what a beautiful mansion we should go visit it something yeah that sounds great well I hope you remember to take out the insurance Wow it's [ __ ] rad yeah there you go I really liked it oh good I'm glad oh I did a fine job oh good yeah I got the good ending that's a good end yeah we're all sitting in the copter together what what's the bad ending look I'm alone and I'm like sad oh no yeah I mean they're not very creative with the whole you're just alone on the helicopter yeah and I'm just like Oh boo-fucking-hoo the Chris is alive cuz he was in Resident Evil 5 yeah I mean six I mean five I mean six I mean both once again check this [ __ ] out click on very easy it's like you [ __ ] Jesus oh so she's got her [ __ ] BSAA outfit beside and then she's got her sarah connor outfit that is very Sarah Conda it's actually based on Sarah Connor well that would explain it I think the original still my favorite cuz I love her cute haircut yeah but not only that but check this out right here yeah I mean I hope it works and I'm not just wasting everyone's time pray to God boy so now I have this new outfit pretty cool somebody I have another outfit too y-yeah secret yeah that's super cool I'm gonna skip this Raccoon City huh more like Raccoon City crazy person yeah she's crazy totally [ __ ] wig crazy [ __ ] done [ __ ] crazy psycho [ __ ] super cuckoo for Coco the movies like yeah when Bobby but Nick is like this all from your mom and [ __ ] he's like yeah but then she's [ __ ] crazy psycho [ __ ] got arrested come on pin pin pin people talk about robots for the future it's it's [ __ ] weird dude oh that's coming into two again goddamn that movie is so [ __ ] awesome I know I know and the special effects still look amazing today pretty impressive and that was what 88 89 91 91 but still that's [ __ ] 25 years ago wasn't anyone yeah in the eighties no the first one was 84 and then the second one came out in 91 wow that's a long time after that one to come out yeah yeah it was a huge event she saw that [ __ ] in the theaters dominate [ __ ] his [ __ ] mind-blowing swith the sir oh my god when the dude steps on the floor and the Terminator Rises out of the floor dude I [ __ ] died so what I [ __ ] die do it you can't you've come this far you can't deny the people now I don't like coming though whoa whoa but I'll just have to start from the beginning I didn't save it at all oh yeah so all right blame errand roll picture of Jill and her rosin evil 3 outfit there you go okay oh it's beautiful I guess that is whoa look at it later
Channel: Figgy
Views: 136,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps, Compilation, Best of, Resident Evil, Halloween, spooky, zombie, zombies, Arin Hnason, Egoraptor, Starbomb, Danny Sexbang
Id: 6xxfQjPVkPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 18sec (7998 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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