Best of Game Grumps - Heart of Darkness

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hey I'm Gus I'm not suger and we're the game grumps oh [ __ ] hey hi hey welcome to get welcome to game grumps welcome to heart of darkness um this is a game made by your boy Shahi my boy Eric Shahi yeah he's the man this is the spiritual successor to out of this world yes it is um I've never played this you have played this once yes okay and are you good at it uh nobody can truly be good as easy is it hard as [ __ ] it is hard as good goddamn yeah yeah yeah I distinctly remember getting to the later levels of this game and doing like the gun in the mouth motion to myself right when I just kept dying so it's harder than out of this world was yes well you're always playing that role I don't know I don't exactly know and um but it's easier than a super Empire Strikes Back yes oh yes oh god thank god oh I like surgery is easier than yeah it advanced chemical physics is much much easier than Super Star Wars Empire Strikes Back outstanding yeah uh Pascal de France were ton but wow the entire all friends all the Pascal's in France came together to work on this one game very very impressive do we know what the bluff do we know what the plot is the plot is your kid runs basis and you're in the plan yeah darkness I mean that's how she II's games work man yeah like any other one it's just like well duh [ __ ] you know well that's the thing there's a lot of like cutscenes and things happening in this game okay what I couldn't tell you that any of them are part of some kind of plot okay it's just like things happen to this kid because got it so the main protagonist is that red-haired kid yeah he's a little ginger kid okay and he's got a little dog that you never see uh and that's it pretty much okay located in town Ville you guys in class vadik is school he's an underdog we should root for him okay should we listen to this not really what are you gonna learn from this ah he's bad at school now he's beings under detention teachers a dick he wears an ascot and a strangely mic oh dude what [ __ ] he's putting him in the hole this how they do things in France barfy just gets sucked up into the moon ah son yeah have you never seen a solar eclipse David yeah I guess you never had a dog is is how it'll oh god get poor feedback dude it's not what this game is are you trying to get your dog back oh that's why you never see him yeah okay so here's a plot I'm into it I'm totally emotionally invested um I'm sorry I just I don't know I just saw the cutscene and like things were happening and then you end up on a planet and there's like ah okay fair enough ah Rube Goldberg contraption oh dude look at that that's how I wanted to get into my tree house that I never have that i sadly lament over oh did you climb trees when you're younger hell yeah dude here's the best you know what the worst thing is to savagely injuring yourself climbing a tree is that yo yet totally I did well that's the thing like they I went to a park and it had these amazing trees and then I drove by there recently um and it's just it's just like all like that plastic playground equipment and all the trees are gone yeah so it's like dude it used to be fun it used to be like this environment I never like things living there and had stuff happening it's it's weird uh it's weird had the stuff of your childhood just slowly dies or the Chi cago definitely like I was a back when I was in like a fourth grade my grade school created this whole [ __ ] badass I um they had this like playground stuff and we called it the new equipment and we're like oh my god the new equipment and then like I drove back home and new equipment looks like [ __ ] now yeah that's old ass equipment or whatever all right are we playing we playing the feud yep oh [ __ ] yeah there's my ship looks like I'm stranded on this planet nice all right go we're off sweet hey built a laser gun apparently yep I got a laser gun and I got a helmet this kid is very text me come here gifted whoa dude yeah so there's like these little evil evil bad guys that Oh God have you died did you die already yes I told me that is one bury I won't make you uh I won't make you keep count of all the deaths but there will be many so the thing is like this this whole world is made of darkness right so the shadows that come alive whoa so you lied again you to destroy like what's making the shadow ah shadows gone that's clever including yourself yeah some of these guys don't hurt you though they just kind of want to wrestle with you oh hey let's do a little dance do you have a date at the prom oh no he rejected me yeah I'm doing my best with what I got man I got this like super lightning gun it's pretty cool I hope I get to keep it you know whatever hope we get to keep it for the rest of the game that'd be cool that would really help me out I would be boned if I got rid of it well okay you're dead that's sweet oh I forgot I have to jump over you guess what oh okay okay um yeah God if only you had a like an alien friend who could help you like a big potato headed alien friend I don't know maybe maybe the kind of guy who only says one word to express himself all the time and what would that word be I don't know tell me crime rhymes with that boom okay so we found out your name is Andy thanks Wikipedia um yeah a child who hates his abusive Oh God Oh what is that as abusive teacher did you just lose your gun yeah I got a metaphorical Manas manifestation of your your teacher oh dude takes away your freedom yeah and you're [ __ ] awesome Civ helmet well see ya time to go I'm Audi goddamn skin looks awesome yeah it's it's pretty impressive he's doing the Looney Tunes wha let me go dude a nice look the sunlight kills them because they're made of darkness do you want to know your dog that you're trying to rescue do do you want to know what uh what his name is what's his name whiskey oh boy Winkie that's way too adult for a children's game that's for sure alright he takes off inside his spaceship and finds himself in the dark lands which is a portion of the heart of darkness inhabited by creatures of the night and ruled over and by an evil sorcerer it's known as the master of darkness okay God God God the master of darkness yeah oh also apparently you your character has either Nyctophobia or Nike phobia I don't know how it's pronounced but that is the fear of dark oh [ __ ] yeah that's not helpful to this no definitely definitely not so dude is that giant creature uh yes it's [ __ ] sweet gosh uh okay oh [ __ ] oh yeah yeah that would have been a pretty gruesome death god he's disgusting he hmm but she wasn't nude-colored oh oh yeah that's what's gross about and is what it is he's like shiny yeah and like he if he was green it'd be no problem oh yeah well at least he jizzes out Green out of his penis II looking hose gonna barf oh he's like a servant yeah master Lord of Darkness classic Disney style his belly button really makes it cuz it's like a little too human when is a belly button yeah something's wrong that means he was in something's womb got it I got it oh this guy's awesome though holy [ __ ] whoa that's totally Starscream's crown from Transformers he's gonna say he looks like Lord soft from [ __ ] Dungeons and Dragons mah hope I got that name right he's gonna like that yeah Chuck eater evened up the [ __ ] glowy [ __ ] eat it look at the mall son of a [ __ ] you [ __ ] eat that glowy this is like when you get like a Venus flytrap for a dollar at every market and then it's why you did it like would you buy a Venus flytrap and you like get a fly in there and it lands on it but the trap doesn't close you're just like you do the thing and they like poke it with your finger and then it closes then you kill it they do die from that right yeah because they're like releasing their bile and there's nothing to [ __ ] like deteriorate it with oh so it's a high-stakes game of chance for them yeah man it's like a little Fleck falls in there and it's like rock then it's just [ __ ] dead it just digests itself yeah damn that's crazy that's grody I am treacherously Treach rising through the treacherous terrain you are working your way through the dark lands oh yeah that's right that's what the cool yeah as Andy the ginger oh [ __ ] that's it's some it's Gilgamesh great nice oh he's not affected by dark I mean sunlight no he's a good guy he's part of a clan of buckets yeah oh don't touch me oh don't touch me it's like no stereotypical like dumb guy so how you could possibly make you know who he might be the version of in this game might be you [ __ ] know it yeah he helps you every so often but not quite as much as I did yeah all right well we'll name him dirty then yeah because he was like dirty do you have to say it in his native tongue yeah do you rd dirty dirty every time a new screen loads it's like alright am I gonna die immediately no all right now I can assess the situation yeah exactly excuse you I was such a [ __ ] like parent thing to say look if you burp like um excuse you yeah like I didn't even have time to say it mom yeah Jesus Christ like interrupt me with your rudeness teachers would do that to excuse you yeah I did I did teacher name is Bob all right I have eaten at a teacher named mr. I econo he was like a gym teacher he was like super old school and uh whenever he was trying to talk and ever and like other kids we're talking he'd be like um excuse me am I being rude no you're being rude it's like the th serious [ __ ] you could ever say that's like what a teacher like a [ __ ] first episode of a cartoon show and saying yeah absolutely absolutely oh [ __ ] oh man no no no no no okay not eat me all right we're starting this over and this is this tricky business cuz you have to do it fast okay yeah well excuse me are you being devoured you know I'm being too bad that looks sturdy I know oh oh good oh my friend dirty dirty dirty oh it's like dirty yeah what do you have to say for yourself mm you probably said like a whole bunch of [ __ ] we're just too busy talking oh sure never he's actually like why hello Ben here hello I'm Professor Xavier I've been studying these creatures for years I know everything there is to know about them just ask you got it dirty bad dirty you sure smart dirty dirty it's it he's just stupid cuz through the eyes of the kid yeah kids an idiot so everybody seems like an idiot engine but it is we oh [ __ ] yeah we beat the game the end yay we've made it to Rivendell I just kidding this is a long-ass cutscene okay let's enjoy it then all right cool maybe I'll turn it up cycle 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 and then his arch-nemesis like clean did well-scrubbed world scrubbed whoo 30 we gonna be here if he's speaking in English or not I think he is because I have whole cutscenes where they talk whoa I was like a sexy dirty did anyone have noses we know eat mingle yeah it's great you know I was really attached to this kid playing as I'm yeah and now that I've seen is gross face like da mode oh he's gonna turn into an apple tree oh yeah this kid's awesome give me some credit got some swimmers alright yeah I love this guy he's just like well whole apple tree he just eats all of the [ __ ] apples himself yeah like what an [ __ ] just eats the tree and means a pile of apples by they're just great oh oh nice dan I got like porno and their ranks this is ridiculous oh I didn't mean for you to see that oh wow Liang Liang five minutes of car keys on the van and the kids like get out of here now yeah whoa oh oh that's the dark wood this seems like in stark contrast to what the rest of the game is big guys does it's a grueling deaths maybe they're just oh yeah yeah well well done way to [ __ ] call it that is funny whoa so anyway as though soon everybody's on fire you see like skeletally half skeleton people like running around quick get on your boo-boo underwear okay it reminds me a little bit of uh you ever see the Black Cauldron no I've never seen it that's my favorite Disney movie really super underrated now you you can go ahead and keep talking about the Black Cauldron okay I'm like yeah it just has a Dark Lord that leads an army of like undead and shadow things and it spit the Horned King is his name it sounds pretty badass go ah dude those books were insanely badass I actually wrote um fanfiction no I've never written fanfiction they were there was um the books that they were based off of we're called The Chronicles of per day and and they were written by this guy named Lloyd Alexander well okay oh not my neck and pulled me into the wall he did um and I wrote to him because I wrote a children's story when I was in in college and I sent it to him and he was super cool he wrote me back he wrote me back on a typewriter whoa yeah he was like um I sensed that the feeling in the tone of your story comes from your own deeply felt experiences which was what every writer should use I was like this is [ __ ] awesome look like that he took the time to do that um he died a couple years Oh gross him he died a couple years after that but like Lloyd Alexander he was the man if you want to read a [ __ ] awesome series of kind of kids books but like also sort of adult themes like uh chronicles are per Dane and the Black Cauldron are definitely [ __ ] food worthy of your time you actually like responded to you and like read your story engine I still have the the the typewriter note that uh that he sent me and about us yeah I know I love that guy the tone comes from with don't please yeah he's just he's just so like I don't know that kind of taught me a lesson in that like just because you're famous doesn't mean you have to be a [ __ ] d-bag yeah damn like you can take the time to write to people it's easy I see I see what you mean like before we started the playthrough you were like you'll be surprised at how like tame yet gruesome the deaths are yeah I see exactly what you mean it's like it leaves a lot of it to your imagination but it's pretty intense yeah oh just this man eating worm just grabs you and pulls you into his claustrophobic tiny little hole yeah that's your [ __ ] neck yeah if that is what happens it might just bite you and Mike you go stiff and die oh yeah that's totally that's good why doesn't [ __ ] ya all the way [ __ ] around again and settling is that right yeah okay great I just gotta go up oh oh that's right yeah yeah yeah so now this is saved so I can just keep going Shh oh thank god so I don't have to fear death as much right now hmm I like the background sounds - oh that's right at the door that's very sorry atmospheric you know pretty gently it's really puts me here makes me feel like I'm what's that yeah I thought it was Oh God all right didn't you tell me that like Jumblies is one of your favorite word's yeah Jim Lee's Chambliss this like - anything with like a J or like Amy's like Jimmy's yeah yeah yeah jammies jammies yeah no yeah that's it yeah that was one of my favorite terms from masturbation actually fumbling the Jumblies have you ever noticed that that G is like only used in like gross words like for example gross and disgusting and goop and gay and great well I mean and good yeah the two most positive words of Slick Rick and Grande of a grandma grandma that's gross you could tell like when you lose one of the energy tanks or a guard or a gun that's what it was you're like I'm out of rush yet now and instead of just being like goddammit like [ __ ] you dr. Riley I was like oh that's like a cathartic like you need to yell it and I pronounced the F in the hard see you could get it out of your system oh yeah yeah I know that Reese are you quietly free [ __ ] you while the Missy she [ __ ] that sort of making me waste my [ __ ] rush jet all on try and [ __ ] I remember now yeah do you remember it oh it was good as good stuff [ __ ] why liens [ __ ] [ __ ] oh you gotta go all the way back dome top with dumbass [ __ ] yes stupid dude don't go there don't don't put yourself there sorry it's okay just how I feel inside it's just I know it's ready oh man is the green goop oh this is the end whoa really I think this is like it shut your mouth yeah you have new pets no like better and blue good plan oh they're just dropping dead yeah because I don't know darkness we should listen oh [ __ ] oh my god Oh No whoa oh [ __ ] this is what's been happening oh man dude oh that's [ __ ] it's the [ __ ] Mushroom Kingdom block theory I don't know what that is that everything in the Mushroom Kingdom used to be a person Oh God like goombahs and no way in the blocks that's pretty fun yeah just a theory though yeah it's just just a theory yeah just some [ __ ] stoner college student doing oh my god what is it the dirty turned into the bad guys done Judy did you delete it didi oh that's not go like I can I can crawl underneath oh okay haha very settling okay okay if you maybe nudge that thing oh yeah yeah great don't crush the seed don't crush the seed okay that is a very Hardy seed thanks cool everybody's in a good mood today everything's fine um oh you see it boom and oh sweet yeah Oh bringing the crystal out of the ground so that it can bring life back to the world Oh the Dark Lord's not gonna love this no he's gonna be oh now they all have the power oh yeah what are they afraid of water they couldn't have [ __ ] gone underwater for a sec and did touched it to like save their people no man it is wet well it's gross and you think this underwear just dries it sell me oh [ __ ] you gotta save your friends now okay oh damn okay this is getting ha ha to this all-out war has very seriously [ __ ] doing the Dark Lord and the dirts liquid urn you guys are all dead yeah that's wrong - oh okay good say thanks man okay and I guess I'll just okay yes yes it has has a different sort of like game mechanic than to any other game you know what when you throw it just how like they're sort of 3d but then they become 2d as they approach you oh yeah a lot of people try to do that in the past but it feels almost genuine in this game I'm gonna do a little bit yeah you like this you're watching this ladies what oh there's two guys now it's all your fault yeah you gotta take out the black guys ah take out the shadows first you want to say black guys again yeah well yeah you realize your mistake the first time yeah absolutely die die die die I don't want you in my life anymore I don't want you in unlike anymore now there's three now that everybody knows how cool that is I agree I agree there is three and that is bad no no no okay the here comes the squishing there's four of them there's four now there's four that's just peachy keen let's uh-oh I not make it five the vines cool five is the best number a baker's fives them oh jeez there you go there you go there you go there you god dammit I'm gonna put that in there Wow deal what do you think I didn't even have a chance he just leaped right at me left right at you can never be too angry for Grandma I can't take it man yeah take it one more shot when I said dude um um you know I'm spent I'm spent I'm done night we might have to get a password situation maybe it's it's called a save Dan okay what are you from the [ __ ] 80s yeah well been sober tonight yes I'm the ass hey everybody away get away I get away you guys are my friends oh really it's a dude it's it's barfy oh they have me they just have me shake that was part of the thing I was trying to escape oh let's hear this I'm gonna barf I'm gonna barf oh he's a wealthy okay time to kill this [ __ ] maybe I can shoot the Singapore oh yeah you done left to see you oh yeah keep laughing boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo yo oh yeah too bad you're gonna die oh now you're trapped in [ __ ] prison and barfi barfi got out and Barbies good dog oh dude this is okay All Right see ya what he can't whine oh my god I finally there was a way you just kill him oh stop try oops and then yeah he's just he's just a little [ __ ] yeah little piece of [ __ ] well don't worry about here we go okay all right we'll see you yeah good luck with your teen modeling career on what if I can like now he's really trapped forever nice nice why do they call it like petting like when you're with a girl like heavy petting sniffle when you pet a dog oh wow I don't know like why is that also a verb you would think petting somebody would be to make them a pet that's a good question to which I have no legitimate answer let's go Zeus smart not much my linguist hey hey it's a mom hello it's it's time for you guys to understand what it means to be a man like the Mulan song we are man you must be swift as a coursing River those are all lies dude yeah I'm not Swift at all here's the real song be a man you must shoot green stuff out of your hand B oh man you must jump over the fire balls if you don't then you'll die serious as the Dark Side of the Moon they got that part right yeah Oh Mulan you truly are the seventh best Disney movie made in the last days hey man I love that movie there's like barely a relationship in it that that's is fought in my book that makes a good Disney movie yeah there's no like a ham-handed relationship yeah like I just met you and you're a prince and this entire movie is about being shallow you know what I thought had some good romance in it and that was her Kills I never saw her kiss really I was gonna say frozen Oh frozen yeah yeah I was gonna like frozen had some love wasn't like annoying did you got a surgeon not good Hercules has the best relationship in Disney history really yeah it's like oh they like they like go on a date and she has like an entire soliloquy about like how she's starting to like him okay and it's like oh man this is [ __ ] this is like a real thing happening right now that sounds nice yeah it's great you should watch it here Keeley's is one of my favorites here gillies yeah her key here Chili's here keys well you know like her Achilles yeah he's the hunchback yeah you gotta put that Susie's favorite hide Rackham nurtured in yeah no [ __ ] all right jump yeah it's really dark no jump over there no no check it check it check it watch this come on come on [ __ ] okay okay so now you just have to totally use your wits maybe I should have ran run okay one Oh had to dinkle over it I had to do a little dink hold on and run a job and then dinkle tinkling oh man it'll made it oh God and jump up and just grab on okay so what I guess I have to go that way yeah no damn no yeah I guess you gotta get him all wrong I run and tinkle oh Shannon tinkle fast enough I didn't go into dinkle mode I know I know I didn't press or to tinkle got it got it got the dinkle going don't you dingle creep behind me when I'm gone when I'm gone oh one hint hint now at you oh [ __ ] he's very fast then bingo push it do something what does it do I don't know go back go back where you came yeah does Diggle out of here he's gonna get me though no he's like a saber-tooth cat from the beginning of out of this world he's faster than you every screen but he'll never catch you oh go go go go Oh tinkle ha ha this is definitely right though that like you lost your powers because all this stuff is designed to be without [ __ ] Oh God see ya oh god look at my wife get out of my life get out of my life what the [ __ ] we all is step on it oh yeah wait Shh oh man the last one [ __ ] I think I have to go through there I'm not on the bottom left ah yes suck you guys I'm sure a bag of dicks [ __ ] will be open oh that's very comfortable this is what uh no a hot dog damn it got munched man oh man there's too much for me to [ __ ] handle mentally right now too much mr. münch run oh I got a do-over I got a dinkle again yeah uh oh I didn't soft dinkle I did a hard big hole you did yeah you did a [ __ ] strong dank Thursday yeah damn it I did the hard dink again yeah no I saw that I gotta stop doing the hard dink man okay it's the hardest thing of all good don't be scared Jenna whoo he didn't even see me always saw me yeah oh he's after you here it comes it's very unsettling yeah I don't I don't claustrophobia that makes me not feel good come at me bro come here [ __ ] yeah do you like my little noise yeah come on yeah well I know you are all right and there I go again on my own going down the only role that I know oh god what am i mad I did it okay oh yeah dead oh whoa I did it Oh get oh yeah this is proud oh oh [ __ ] hey it's the guy that really up is that why I was just an elaborate death scene to the okay oh no maybe this is right I you're gonna wake up inside of him oh my god are you serious think so that's [ __ ] weird oh my god should I agitate him yeah antique antique oh [ __ ] oh he's not loving it yeah sure woo yeah Oh God yeah I got my god that's right you guys are [ __ ] dead that is awesome aw there's two of them and there's four brains and one of them is going to come back to life no I did it oh my goodness gracious man I hope Eric chahi gets to see this hey did you know when you made this game 15 years ago that you'd be driving somewhat insane it's pretty sweet round ones bears gonna have a good time listening still gonna loot Mary's gonna look at the audio wave length of this just be like one [ __ ] happens too much for me hey Barry I'm sorry to ask us can I just get a little smiling floating burger across the screen from right to left thank you Mary just need to see something bought the bar no matter pergi okay just make him go a little faster yeah get out get Dan out of here Bergy you don't belong here you're not you you messed me on Bernie you did it you distracted me I was gonna jump and then you were all like all my burger don't Purdue Purdue [ __ ] sucks bro doesn't help me one bit cold upon [ __ ] Bernie in my time of need Jesus Christ now I shine coming heaven and I wanted it to happen but it wasn't happening fast enough you reacted reflux gotta kill the [ __ ] great brains dude look if I don't do it there's gonna be too many of these guys there set it up is that enough laser to go around can't keep throwing fires at me like you know what's going on I can't believe I'm doing this begging consistently now I'm gonna hug the [ __ ] out of you when this is done a wire hug this man your gadgets why your respects ah you have that I don't know good it's just a reflex at this point ah thank you oh there's so much emotion attached to those jump bro you did it you did it you did it take it home my dad you did it you did it there's my special guy they're all back okay [ __ ] dude there better be a [ __ ] checkpoint after this [ __ ] I am NOT there's no one left to love her doing this yep again it's great you're dead if you [ __ ] eat me out of [ __ ] nowhere all I call it snuck up from behind you if I don't spawn here I lose my [ __ ] oh yeah that's just fine no I wish Ross is here whoa who's here to Stevens I'm okay Roy everything's okay Ross loves your suffering way more than I do oh yeah I blew up and do fireball that's what happens when I get hit with fire well obviously oh [ __ ] huh so many ways to die I know Dan what a great observation you've made there buddy you're really really put in my mind God well i dident I did it I did it I didn't wait I did it okay I want to get too cocky okay take a nice long jump Gingka goo goo wow he's good [ __ ] goo he's real good with the fireball that time like idea what survival for putting you on TV it was the first one more time he's stealing them what do you think where do you think it is yeah he's he's a dick bag he's throwing them in the pit what Oh see why did I help this [ __ ] he's a douche oh oh go back and [ __ ] beat him now yob nope this still piece missing C was a chunk oh he's like snow though goal now it's my turn to wait again for another piece not gonna run nice and slick on a walk nice and peaceful I'm gonna do that and it's gonna go up and I got it again very carefully without running into the squishy machine squishy we see that's what it's called not the one from the Simpson the squishinate er mr. C [ __ ] are you stealing squishes that's out of my store and come again here take your [ __ ] pistol on see there's an awesome cutscene where we get [ __ ] how was it rolling if it was flat amazing question it doesn't work cuz you're an [ __ ] I wish I could like to stick my finger in his belly button yeah push weird this is important like blunt force trauma oh I'm the bridge we have to average geez Gollum take it easy oh it's my puppy barfy ball Marv whoa mark free don't push him in don't [ __ ] [ __ ] what she threw my dog in a [ __ ] swirling vortex I'm helping you you not understand like [ __ ] politics yes yes oh yes yeah pick it up pick it up pick it up yeah don't let anything come in and kill you I gotta curse you did got the shard I beat this I got as far as you're the [ __ ] man shh shh what's up he's all tired of this rock behind him what happened he goes he's gonna get squashed now he's dead Oh God pops Oh God the friends killed him why they Street I murdered him they murdered him good sorry dirty dirty [ __ ] killed his ass oh they are dead huh that was like an acura style squashing I made it I made it all the way to the end or gather some huh huh is there more game we haven't beaten the Dark Lord yet oh [ __ ] that's right well maybe we missed us crystalline whoa oh no oh I gotta get my dog back yeah your dog went up nope he's dead I just sent a nuclear bomb into another dimension haven't you ever seen the Avengers that's exactly what a veneer done yeah it's getting more serious so you're doing something right I think it's just to stay alive situation but it got all dark yep oh well uh I thought that was the thing that was shooting at me well I'm scared dude I can't even feel anymore Murphy Oh barfy are you yeah yes this entire adventure was you being afraid of the dark I don't know look your spaceships there well I've blown up but that was all in your mind wait let it let it do I bet it's going to do the it's a dream or was it can't that was not a dream your mom's got some hot ankles I would rub my penis on those ankles easy easy he's afraid of the dark dude that's the [ __ ] that's the hole that's that's Ben how could he do all that [ __ ] if he was afraid of the dark it's his [ __ ] imagination bro don't hit my [ __ ] dog Barton it was on his head wait wait Dirty's gonna show up bro I believe it I don't think so dude I don't think so it was all wait in I don't see no credits his head wait oh my that dirty is oh it's [ __ ] dirty that's just his deformed neighbor he was helping him all along this is a dream he just fell asleep this is a dream oh I don't know you can't tell me that after all that and his [ __ ] broke-ass ship and his daddy when he clearly crashed landed it and it exploded he uh I thought he said I'm evil face focus hey make a face - dude he's trying to get back to earth man but he can't cuz it's all a [ __ ] dream easy easy we don't know yet he listens to radio plays that's what is coming from him she listens to Ricky's listening to radio plays in his attic and he was afraid of the darkness and all this stuff was manifesting for him it was a dream for me it was a nightmare thank you thank you applaud him thank ya hey thank you thank you hey squeeze his jizz all over everybody wow what a dream uh Eric shy it was all a dream Eric chahi you son of a [ __ ] the heart of darkness was his heart it was within himself are you sure it was a dreams all dream what if there was their real uh that was his real ship and they just were like they're just working on it they just said why did he have a ship back in his house it's just like pieces of it Psychonauts to finally what is this game in 3d now I thought what they're saying like all you played it wrong you're supposed to be playing in 3d but you didn't yeah that's what he's saying Oh mmm are you are you [ __ ] serious this game in 3d and we just didn't know it I'm trying to think of where my 3d glasses are that's the ultimate kick in the nuts do you have for Edie glass well of course I do dude I have Sharkboy and Lavagirl oh yeah here do you want to be Sharkboy or Lavagirl a shark boy please no no I hate sharks Lavagirl [ __ ] you all of you live I'll be Shark Boy are you fun okay I don't know why I gave you a choice opposed you know see turn down here all right here we go okay put on your glasses and confirm okay all right everybody put on your 3d glasses folks such an [ __ ] move here we go oh my god 3d total you're throwing [ __ ] get the [ __ ] are you kidding me this is [ __ ] weird I am losing my [ __ ] right now it's it's actually a yeah dirty whoa they're all sitting down together girl to put on a bra man yes seriously just because French beaches go topless doesn't mean that it's appropriate for PlayStation in decent just kidding I love it yeah please keep doing it oh they're all hanging out wow this is and it's all not easy well we're gonna watch the whole games cutscenes in 3d again are you [ __ ] serious look wow I feel like it wow this is nuts oh my gosh I can reach out and touch it dude that's me oh oh oh sorry that's okay they're that good Oh was that you - OH was that you that book was coming right at it just came just that's all over me should we should we just play them through for like the five people out there who have 3d glasses and went up this must be hard to watch when you don't oh yeah this looks terrible this looks terrible with that bad well what a bonus this is awesome I've never seen any game do this it's it's it's weird how it's like this is your reward put on your glasses and let's go put on the glasses we didn't give you does the case have glasses in it I don't think so mmm wait wasn't that no no it's a good slip Wow no this person that is weird maybe your dad ran but maybe it did and I don't know have a couple other copies of this yeah they must have given you glasses wow I'm reliving all of the scenes that I didn't want to watch them originally put in three dimensions whoa he's hurting he came right at me she is man this is it's weird how like well it works - yeah looks great and like I'm coming got lame it's weird that I didn't black and white though yeah still do it in color with this it's strange anaglyphic Here I am boom when I wake up four my Darko's that it that's it that's it party's over how ow ow that hurt too now one eye only sees blue and one eye only sees red wow wow what a [ __ ] playthrough that well I have never played a game where my reward was watching the game in three that was the weirdest except for any game on the 3ds lovelies thank you for watching that with us thank you for joining us now is a good time
Channel: Figgy
Views: 115,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heart of Darkness, Dark, Game Grumps, Playstation, Retro, 90s, Scary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
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