Best Of Fitz 2

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[Music] fruit salad yum yummy fruit salad in my tummy from salad [ __ ] love me I'm a Wiggles puppet little girls oh my god so creepy but the professor made in an accident and added one accident gradient chemical axe that professors they actually kooky creepies for creating little girls like the whole premise of the show is he wants to make three little girls and then he makes them so badass that he can't even [ __ ] call me using Morse code Morse code back Envy I know when that napalm bling that can only mean one thing [Music] [Laughter] full of water and I tried to speak with how the [ __ ] did you figure out my skype name there's a button on the drone on the GoPro drone right that says it's like it's a return to me easy landing so you press it if you're not confident then you're able to land I press the button and it floated to a wall yeah there's a button like that on my Tesla and when I press it it made me drive through a preschool that's the [ __ ] worse [Music] [Applause] now now now are you aware that your you've been having sexual relations with your cat yes I am you said that's good [ __ ] and yeah it's a cat that's two sucks it's a known fact right oh [ __ ] what did you spill I drop my sex book when I can't be in nature I want nature to be inside of me I told you to stop using that cucumber is it don't know you told me to stop but it's starting to pickle and I like pickles have a date potato potato potato how does [ __ ] no potato bus and he's still on the floor what is this a [ __ ] deep fries please no three cheeseburgers please burgers okay we were a my currently I thought forget it I'm gonna get blown over to the next drive-thru laughs hello is this Taco Bell I just want a nap get in some water please oh this to the storm stop hi I'll take a one McDouble a one large taco and that's it just the times it's that's one large taco came all the way out here why do you look like that one fat kid who hangs out with the skaters Carl [Music] hey Karl smoke this [ __ ] doobie bro be so cool view via my [ __ ] combi if it'll be funny I'll do it probably all at each others come dude okay guys are the best I [ __ ] love my friends bros he like gets you gets in his mom's car after the skate park and so how'd it go sweetie I don't know I think I'm really connecting with those guys I really hate my friends come by the car dude there's like it's like basically what the [ __ ] is that it's cuz it moves my my car and when I do that it's attached to my desk you know if I slam my desk out of frustration you're gonna [ __ ] hear it [Music] how about you suck my [ __ ] months in a row suck me can you do this voice yet I did absolutely do that boys know we all get along okay let's let's be super friendly this game hey you all look great today Thanks so do you why'd you have to see that as a question [Music] [Laughter] you know what no it really wasn't that great when you can't remember my name see take back the compliment imagine like impregnating your wife waiting the nine months for a kid to pop out just to name it ali-a I can imagine what how do you his first wish oh I can't believe this what's up guys stream are you streaming oh look at this clip I can't I can't accept you can't accept what Wow responding try to restart your eagerness couldn't accept the truth have you tried to restart a movie have you tried why [Music] young drinking cucumber water sounds good [Music] I play something that's not a fish [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] like my father was killed by a wagon did he jump into oncoming traffic oh you're with him now okay I'm gonna go [ __ ] your son I'm gonna go [ __ ] the son yeah the ultimate pedophile you know what I'm gonna go [ __ ] a D son I think I have my monitor fixed no no sir monitor falling it's the leaning tower of [ __ ] piece of Fitz I I can't I can't explain it what you mean aim higher underachiever dream bigger [ __ ] louder come harder Toyota I had a plan I was going to go jack off to porn and then I was gonna go make a [ __ ] baloney mustard sandwich and then I was gonna go to bed look you don't have to be here swagger if you don't want to be here I invited you out of the kindness of my heart look sometimes you just want to pop the cork and let the wine run you know or you can always just jerk off while you're playing you know what [ __ ] it I'll do it alright sorry it's not it's really not necessary situation I'm trying I'm in the stage unlike flicking it hard just to get like the blood see the thing is that I know you and I don't doubt that you actually are doing that I can hear that yeah stop that as if that's what so swagger well see swagger was complaining cuz he he said that I got in the way of his night because he was planning on jacking off and then making a nice what was it swagger like a sandwich mustard sandwich or something mustard and baloney sandwich yeah so he was gonna jack off so I suggested that he just multitask and jack off now and he's unbuckled his belt I call this bluff and I did it yeah he's smacking his penis against this table yeah you know something funny my dick is uncomfortably arrived at this should we all take this is getting super gay super quick bola crisis cost 2.4 billion dollars who would pay so much for such a terrible thing you know that's awful who was like ahh I want to buy that I'm a DAB on a [ __ ] make that [ __ ] join the low game made that poster doing the low game yeah the [ __ ] doing the low again write that posted doing the low gang merchant by Richard well Richard why I wanna [ __ ] Rizzy Congrats on the channel grown thanks it was [ __ ] the first jump was cuz of you oh so confused yeah but if gaben's me is he married this game and married you don't know actually if Newell is married to Lisa Newell since 1996 I went to the wikipedia page it's just a picture of Gabe's hand with Lisa drawn on it sex with my wife Lisa I love you because I want you to sex me all the time I have a car I have my children no thanks I don't have time for kids [ __ ] my children please get bad I have time for if we can schedule there for next week say ask my dad if I can go to Lebanon next summer and he said no he's just worried that I'm gonna get like chicken kidnapped and like decapitated and that Donald Trump's gonna see my name on the news my Gasol's was a great man the best man he was funny he was cool it was not bad fire the lasers pull them up with the tractor beam everything this is one sound effect for the entire movie shoot him with your gun I'm gonna punch you in the face that stick is about to crack it'll give away our location terrorist has been planted just tie a terrace to the bomb say just as no ball if no one had ties to I'm gonna get really mad their teammate McCrea was awarded $300 compensation for the suicide of Marvin sold to Marvin's parents going once gone just like your son oh my god what kind of [ __ ] with Jesus Christ post on snapchat justified just caught these new sandals come here open it's time for a snack that's a good [ __ ] yeah I hope your dick gets bitten up by a horse there are worse ways to go yeah actually you know what I just thought about it and though there are not jobs there are not worse ways to go from there has anyone got some some some assault rifle bullets assault charges I was gonna say that our comedy sir so predictable now find Jade that's the adrenaline the dirt now that's exciting lady thank you for the $1 [ __ ] hell linear oh you got Maureen you have a rummage in the couch come on my wife it's doesn't scream if they're actually had severe social anxiety as [ __ ] though I know what will get people to like me I'll kill all the two well if that's not gonna get me a dress trick that I don't know what is I'm just gonna play some games on my phone okay city calculator that's a good one you sell at me at any party I'm just gonna go play some games I'm like oh you guys a party video hi windy I've already done this before me hi I was just letting you to like pump out whatever you're doing there hello normally I'll take your order okay okay okay sorry I was just like whyatt okay shut up yep okay welcome to weddings how may I take your order okay so I I shut the [ __ ] up okay yeah shut up yep alright ok can I just get a cheeseburger a cheeseburger oh you want a dick is someone behind me and someone in front of me I've distracted this drive-thru listen to this all right would you like hey you want that cheeseburgers yeah and a large Pepsi please yeah [ __ ] right he's gonna kill me by I'll tell you what you think you're killing me you're mistaken hi I hear you're calling in is there something you'd like to report a I think my baby is gay um well how can you tell like a dick he likes you play for it does he play for night no you're talking about a homosexual baby that's a completely different hotline No do yourself you have Google's the 21st [ __ ] century get off the line 69 and four I think he knows what he wants a nice family a loving wife a sense of purpose in his life I'm gay no no let's try to recite a poem and this is this guy in the audience he goes I'm gay I bet you're gay because your mother was so aggressively forcing you to do things that you never want to have any form of relations with a woman ever again in your entire life so you force yourself to accept the embrace of a man when really it makes you quiver every time they touch you John being gay isn't a choice John it's not something that happens through experience it is for me okay whatever floats your boat like yeah next caller hello hi hi how are you how do you do honestly not great my baby is gay really yes how can you tell well it doesn't stop playing for tonight it's on the freaking computer all day on the iPad on the t-phone I don't know what to do about it you know what you should do as soon as call of duty blackout releases give that to the kid then he'll learn how to be a toxic petulant child but at least he won't be a gay baby that is all I want my friend okay I'm so sick and tired of this freaking gay baby [Music] regular child my friend can you help you with that absolutely I can oh yeah all right we're gonna do it together no more gay babies gonna be so great I can't believe it thank you sir you've helped my family so much god bless you better to god bless you may God bless america [ __ ] yeah oh yeah here's your gun a gun yeah now also you're gonna deal with you I'm also on the phone with you give me a shipping address okay all right and then here we go creamy [ __ ] you nice surfing man thanks bro I learned that from your surf videos what's up guys it's Fitz this is how you sir nostril roll if I do say so myself sorry it's my my name is Moniz long any of you guys think I do well my girlfriend says I do sometimes hmm without you record you have a girlfriend I'll just get it hey hey I was on the phone with my mom sorry she was asking me what horses even she couldn't hear me you can count on me like 1 2 3 and you know that I can count on you like four three two one two buckle my shoe I recently had sexual intercourse with a Jew now remember the Nursery Rhyme I like to smoke weed cause it keeps me from talking about my problems well and I have a lot of those when it comes to my problems it's always weed liquor and hoes oh I just want to hit everybody in their stupid [ __ ] faces because they make me sick [ __ ] are not on my dick and that was very very slide inside wow that is so raw that Aurora experience did the Italians ever fight anybody did they hate Jews for a bit dude everyone hated Jews for a bit that's it go--pause yeah come on who doesn't hate Jews a little a little alright well I was talking about like historically forewarning if I get angry as we play like actually angry you it's not me I was put on steroids for my bronchitis all right that's why baby game it's for its for a gay babies I [ __ ] that before tonight I guaran-fucking-tee you if I posted a fortnight video people would unsubscribe from my channel swag are your audience's gay babies your audience's gay baby [Laughter] babies or Israeli [Applause] I am 90% sure that your audience is gay babies my audience is like gay preschoolers all right you've got gay babies preschoolers are babies sorry talking toddler know we're talking gay babies I have some gay babies oh I see what you try you trying to wind me up no much I don't want you okay why'd you uh serious argument on listen you guys I know that you're probably thinking oh boy it's my chance to get into a video but I want what I want you to do is I wanted a comment section send an uber beats to your house did to Stubb's [ __ ] your [ __ ] to Stubb's gotten the Lambs to stuffs April 19th daylight was turning tonight my accomplice and I John on the radio were working our way over the fields and valleys of the fortnight rail my wrecked penis it seemed almost magnetic to Fitz his body as I lay down beside him it seemed to tilt Oh dead serious really counting here oh sorry I'm not talking about that oh yeah yeah talk about that later we do need to talk about that you should talk take it away [Music] I really have we are the best of friends be together till the very end my name is coach Cena I'm a good person you pets t well hell you remind me of what I really am this is how you remind me when I wave in my head yo Casey man yeah John Cena yeah I'm a coach through that damn thing take away hands go back when Bush used to give you to bushes remember back when Bush did 9/11 many times an hour do you feed your dog you know he just feeds his dog out of frustration dragging himself across the carpet your dog's like on the phone to Peter like please these these crazies he keeps feeding me folks another prank caller something for my Skyrim companion dyes [Laughter] sounds like a wolf trying to hell with the Sun and I'm like how the media portrays that like hanging yourself is the best way to kill yourself I think there's a whole arsenal of ways you can try that really go underappreciated like making some toast in the tub bro quick and quick and painless yeah plus you got a snack they take those around for the scene like huh to suicide just that's crunch it on the toast the one off seriously all right all right don't touch any don't touch any evidence officer - well I couldn't hear you I was busy eating this what toast yeah hey why would he waste us where'd you go I ran sorry I don't know why I just hit a random country I ran away Mon pants Mon pants Smitty for the last time you can't you can't put your pants on telekinetically your wardrobe and your underwear come on pants when I go to the dry cleaner and she asked me what the problem is come on pants isn't in the bag there's me with a no backpack - bread man you know that's what I pack [ __ ] looking member like it is never like yeah oh look at that that's right Oh get the gingerbread is tasty not happening water bottle and it landed in my bowl of nuts and now these just a bunch of nuts and dried cranberry all over my workspace looking at it Charlie not my second rule right in the nuts you wanna play some for tonight Fitz I love for it who the [ __ ] wrote these lines read the lines with the lines the [ __ ] Rotem I did this is not my character it is your character I've changed up your character well you need to go through some developments well what's my motivation swagger the old character isn't getting any views all right okay I'm a mute can you like tell me what you changed about me like what what do I do and not do now so you don't smoke weed you don't swear you don't say anything that's offensive and you play lots of 49 so just some minor changes yeah okay Oh a dangle SMG guy he related it really he really tickled me right you actually chanted yeah hey I really like you guys you guys are really cool pals I this is I like you as well Fitz you wrote a weird script I am appalled by any and all drugs even caffeine I'm like our great president Donald J Trump cuz he's the best American president in the history of the United States of America which I am a member of not by the nature of decision but rather by the dice rolled and has brought me into the earth that's what the [ __ ] did you do I don't know I thought it would be good for the channel I wanted to be more family-friendly I didn't think it would what do you guys watch the script kinky you right you have a different one all right I'll give him the edgy script back fine all right here you go somehow made of out of cardboard I had a script there you go oh [ __ ] yeah Jesus Christ yeah man what [ __ ] what bring my feminist tears mugs every party I go through mmm make a statement yeah make a statement I'm not getting any [ __ ] tonight yeah just go to a party with the mug this is the wage gap doesn't exist and just see how much [ __ ] one appended to a pedi I'm go to jail [ __ ] my [ __ ] ass there's a guy behind us so build how do I just go hide behind its tree hey what's with jay-z impression my how he talks yeah Audemars roly's postman learning is black and white cat when they're bad life calling doing drugs with all my stripper friends wanna [ __ ] a [ __ ] in a wheelchair you wanna do you want to be in the world charity on the the [ __ ] to be in the wheelchair mix it up a little bit of both find a crippling grabber by the throat I'm not into that I don't like that kind of stuff I'm not into that and she was getting the chop what no idea what that was and she was having a like the worst cam goal ever like trying to talk sexy I look so wait I was gonna say like imagine like if a cop got raped like would they arrest you right after the [ __ ] rapes a cop hey someone who's really into [ __ ] pigs like oh my stahma Mobe biblioteca mucho gracias and me poori amo as even I can cook album that was my that was my Hitler hiding out an Argentina impression yeah how young are you 19 the kind of guy did not ask how old someone is hey hey hey shut up Trump Rico not now trumpet comes in a really inappropriate times sorry sir you have cancer Bram seriously dude not now oh [ __ ] that is not Google I'm not mad I'm just upset okay there's no need to get angry with me you can talk about this as adults okay that's not and it's not relevant to this discussion okay I'm glad that they are I'm glad that your eyebrows are on fleek but right now we're talking about us okay don't address do not interrupt let's play the word association game I'm gonna say a word first word that comes to your mind you say out loud all right preschool baggage this is all right I got caught baguette along elementary school baguette you know what a rough childhood okay sorry we'll skip ahead pass shot middle school bag it's alright you know can we just stay away from my childhood please because this is just gonna keep dad's gone let's let's roleplay me in a courtroom all right let's do it I'm the defendant mr. Bradford would you like to present your defense have you ever thought about how the first person of the human race discovered milk this punky buddy I'm working on I had to for one of the jokes like look through ali-a videos to get a certain clip I watched his intro like 15 times guys you would not believe what I just found in Portland guys so me and my wife are getting a divorce you will not believe I found the legendary cure cancer I just got a thing on steam misses message from a user that is not your friend allow communication your friends this is not your friend just like a brutal reminder well stop it's your boy runescape legend here back again with yet another grand exchange you have to make 47 gold pieces every minute using sword fishes and approximately seven Nets my items have been on the ground exchange for approximately 48 hours it's still no sale what am I going to do about my items embrace my items for sale and none of them have sold it's almost like no one wants to pay 10% over the price what's the pay 10 mil for a couple you logs absolutely this is the most confused I've ever been I'd be trying to sell my scimitar for approximately 48 hours and yet no one wants to buy it try to make a quick profit it's harder than it seems I'm never in skate well wait wait I can I can break the script no don't do I can break does go off the scratchy very happy good don't thank God uh I was cause I always got demonetized what kind of mood are you in right now you're laughing like a god my name is grizzy try to substitute it with other games like flavor unknowns battlegrounds but I tried to substitute it with other games like my marriage but [Laughter] like being player too and when she does she sucks in squads so what's the point [Laughter] told her I want divorce and I threw a bookie ball matter and I right away doctor says I'm on my wife off of now I knocked her down but I said I ain't gonna get her up unless she give me her Luke is that your way of saying that you took the house that's the way saying jack off and make my sandwich well you're a strange man swagger you live a strange life all right good night good night swagger enjoy yourself good night oh he's back I was finished I think he joined by accident oh no swagger your mics on No oh my god swagger you're still in discord why are you fidgeting with the buckles that's me trying to message him let's just hope that he's got [ __ ] headphones a sort of a Bluetooth II got a bluetooth [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] pcs board with that one is to choosing a different video it's so picky Japanese girls exchanging bodily fluids thanks for the steam message we just heard everything good hope you enjoyed it I hope you polish it right now there's no way oh yeah you join back [Music]
Channel: misterpaj
Views: 3,238,129
Rating: 4.8574262 out of 5
Keywords: Fitz, Goodguyfitz, Swaggersouls, Grizzy, Smii7y, Jay, Zuckles, Mason, Moments, Funny Moments, YT, Funny, mrpaj, gaming, CSGO, Fortnite, PUBG, Bran, Fun, Steam, Gaben, Valve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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