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I still don't have a [ __ ] script yeah you're doing fine you're in great you're keeping up yeah just kind of go along with what they're talking about you'll be completely listen with me your quota of at least like five or six you're going to Vegas baby [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] here's the joke for you so a CEO walks into a club it's funny because they Club baby seals you actually care about I'm on the fence about Club baby ever the president gets asked there's like what your stance on the clubbing of baby seals I mean I could take it or leave it it's not for me she's turning blue she's gonna da ba dee da ba die help me yeah but daddy dabba die I'll take things that aren't funny for 500 Alex what it's his video I have more subscribers on you from both channels gazettes that's good Bobby not the wagon is wouldn't [ __ ] on your wench escorted hey guys welcome back to Swagger's comedy class today and what to do when you've just run out of ideas so what I like to do personally is I like to just sing really loud just scream just scream into the mic for way longer than is necessary and it always works demonstration now watch comedy when you get molested deal with it get rid friend he's not your friend you kill it's obviously all of meister meister I love this me from phonetic ball of Meister there's only three outfits it's all on you brother God's plan God's plan huh all alone eight I was old had a girl he I go beat my meat hey and it's true bad thing bad thing there's still not a bad thing that they wish and they wish and they wish and they wish she said do you love me I tell her only partly I am by myself and I'm lonely please help me suicide hotline is what I'm calling Tom it's your boy runescape legend here back again with yet another grand exchange you how to make forty seven gold pieces every minute using sword fishes and approximately seven nets my items have been on the ground exchange for approximately 48 hours it's still no sale what am I going to do about my items embrace my items for sale and none of them have sold it's almost like no one wants to pay tim percent over the price I want to pay 10 mil for a couple you logs absolutely this is the most confused I've ever been I'd be trying to sell my scimitar for approximately 48 hours and no one wants to buy it try to make a quick profit it's harder than it seems I'm never in skate well I'm going to change my character to a female I'd sell my body straight it's time to do the old man thing just makes noises you sound like Pablo Escobar's adjusting his pants Columbia go guy image that's Pablo Escobar you have to deliver the cocaine to quiet my Lois you got to deliver the content okanagan leg waves breaking man they're in there I'm necro feeling yeah you're dead you can't talk reinforce this wall here you're gonna do great sweetie hey just just keep standing oh right this is much more effective than nothing ours though when you're a dad in the Middle East and you're done with dinner right kids rack and roll your dad dinner in the Middle East again [Laughter] flabby patty secret formula she sold 40 million bows someone gave it to me for Secret Santas sold 40 million bows that is a lot of money of noise shoot arrows wing all right no now you're you're at your very first stand-up comedy show you've got a bunch of jokes prepared and go that's just great for me I could put my feet up on the seat in front of me yeah so it's just this one guy in the crowd and you've got a bunch of jokes prepared egged um okay mister can I can I get your name so in with the feet my name is Ted oh hi Ted that's [ __ ] [ __ ] name jeez my name is Eric it's my nickname but my name's Eric how'd you get Ted from Eric whatever anyway nice to meet you Eric yeah nice to meet you too I'm lactose intolerant lack jokes and honestly you're gay [Music] in the [ __ ] pan dairy and a pair what is that's what's on the menu tonight Erie and a single pair so all the dairy and one pair [ __ ] you spot yeah so what's the punchline yeah why that's crazy we're gonna be together for a long time you and me you know I remember the day I first met you oh [ __ ] not a gasps baby you can walk right there babe babe [ __ ] you as a rookie game a mistake a sweet ride [Laughter] say I was you know I had a girl over my bedroom alright so we're dealing with I complete hypotheticals here obviously yeah so a girl comes to my bedroom and she goes to the bathroom and she's on her way back in IE eat a banana I put the banana peel on the floor and I calculate the trajectory of when she walks into when she slips on the banana and I positioned myself perfectly naked and erect and then she slept sand falls on my dick I can't be held accountable right I mean that's his comedy say in the case if you like well that's just comedy I don't even know why we're still here mr. Solaris that's hilarious you did that dude that's [ __ ] nice here on film today you start with Saturday Saturday [Music] yeah Oh take it away knees Lee [Music] I really have revived we aren't the best of friends be together till the very end my name is coach Xena I'm a good person you can't see well hell you remind me of what I really am this is how you remind me when I wave in my head you can see me I'm John Cena yeah I'm a touchdown dang take away hate to go you should ask him to act out a porn so you be the woman and I'll be the man hey I want to I want to [ __ ] you or something put my [ __ ] finger up your ass yeah oh you know thanks okay well I'm happy to take direction I feel like I [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] know things is anyone here okay I want to smoke weed with Neil deGrasse Tyson is that that guy who's in a wheelchair no that's that's drink think Rossi my bad yeah yeah not funny no one else laughed at me thinking that was fun have you met buyers before cuckoo um I think I've heard of you but I haven't I don't think I've played with you oh hello there you go introductions and such yeah comfortable you okay with this guy Jordan this guy's cool with you I will play around we'll see how it goes all right more than you nice to meet you go como esta mi amo the bibliotheca muchas gracias and me por llamo as Ethan I can album that was my that was my Hitler hiding out an Argentine impression why if I ever make a video being like hey meet my girlfriend everyone in my comas would be like wait what the [ __ ] this is the whole reason we've been laid in this group safety this whole time this guy's not even black radical Islamist man it's like sometimes I wish I didn't choose that kind of lifestyle but yeah it is really rough I mean especially considering the part where you [ __ ] blow up and done yeah I'm not looking forward to that like Aaron told me that was like a highlight I didn't I was never get sold on that idea yeah you know you join Isis on the first day they're giving you the briefing you're like [ __ ] al-qaeda or something I was like yeah I was into osama's patting you on the back and he's like I'm sure you got a loving family and all but you know you're gonna have to go boom one day and I was like I understand yeah I know what I signed up for and now like a few months in it's like I don't know like like the capitate it's getting pretty old like it's just there's a lot of sand and I don't know if I'm ready to go home yet I'm gonna say it there's a lot of sin yeah it's like it's coarse in a rough and it gets everywhere boned [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] just suck a dick n [ __ ] [ __ ] you know like it's just that kind of guy he doesn't limit himself I think they call that by or as I like to call it half gay vector you want what effects you want Travis Scott yes it's one time when I was over she I saw like these lights I threw that in the video can you put like can you put in Jamba Juice somewhere in there yes Travis we couldn't find a way to do that I want to be on a horse and you just like say every week and then this this girl on Drake's ass and she's shaking her booty on his ass something like that I don't know [Laughter] [Music] five style man uber uber Yamaha making China just [ __ ] beat your wife and hit that you won't be like a sweetie how are you I made you breakfast in bed I know you're in the hospital and all but you know wish I could do hit my wife and hit the jolt if I dropped my kids off at preschool Will Smith I guess they never miss huh got a boyfriend I'm gonna [ __ ] rape him while he sleeps yeah you're streaming literally a transgender homosexual he can't get banned he's like here they don't know they're like is he stepping over the line or not is he being offensive or is that justice culture I identify as a racist prick I dress my pants why we always so quiet up the circus jerks when he's stoned you know it makes him paranoid are you guys quiet I'm sorry I don't notice [Laughter]
Channel: Jomar1001001
Views: 1,894,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fitz, fitz, FITZ, SwaggerSouls, Fitz CSGO, Fitz PUBG, CSGO, PUBG, Rainbow Six Siege, R6:S, Rainbow Six, Siege, Swagger Souls, swaggersouls, swagger souls, McCreamy, Ainsley, Fitz Rainbow Six, SMII7Y, smitty, SMITTY, Apex Legends, Fortnite, Counter Strike, Ninja, Zuckles, Misfits, KryozGaming, RaccoonEggs, Sonic Movie
Id: hdTGVvJZP4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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