Best Of Fitz 3

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well they grow corn here does that just know that it's marijuana sweetie it's marijuana truck we can drive up there and no that's marijuana Smitty just this [ __ ] tree Louie a big pineapple that's marijuana's me oh okay all right comedy's them threes I'm done with that we're done it's modest you know me to slay some [ __ ] [ __ ] enough Hey just a moment the [ __ ] slain will resume shortly just probably Nick's round I don't know I got you buddy get off me I don't need your help get off it yeah I'm fine yeah walk it off I'll walk it on here I'm fine I'm fine really dawn now this is kind of a big request but I'm down that'll buff right out [Laughter] no whoa whoa see that guy right there looks like he's hit rock bottom for that case actually mean believe it or not I bet you're wondering how I ended up in this situation chillin right there is he's got no pants on dibs on his model trench right there crack help me Rach why are you looking at me kill the [ __ ] on your leg it's so bad it's John the robot me John can you hear me from the other dimension John and that is how you please woman ice is good for me next me next what kind of what kind of factory line are you working next place oh [ __ ] [ __ ] well there goes the car Oh John I've been stuck [ __ ] time is some [ __ ] [ __ ] I sorted out get the water no he's gone into his hentai persona he can't get out that's how I do it oh they just get me Randy and then miraculously I don't have any clothes [Laughter] suicide more than four times it'll kick you and ban you from the game yeah too late I'm already getting started I play clumsy after school my friends and I always get chicken dinner hello my name is John and I have been having a really lonely day and I would appreciate it some of you guys could just be nice to me hey [ __ ] you man be willing to you know not be too hard on me I played that sucking my rope locks [ __ ] bite guy [Music] what's been going on with you man why are you so sad well I I used to get mad roblox [ __ ] but ever since the new update I can't why not just what I wanted the roblox [ __ ] don't they want your fire a [ __ ] anymore I did of course they want my fire [ __ ] but the new update added vibrators it fits check this in hang on I'm busy Hey look at me give me a second I'm more important give me attention sick give me a goddamn snack I'm getting very upset give a [ __ ] how upset you are I said give me a second okay hello what is it I can balance a helmet on my head oh my god you shut the [ __ ] up hey check it out I'm doing pull-ups on this rock could you stop horsing around Hey look upon to helmet on my head hey welcome to poops on this rod lessons with Deborah really doing a number on you who's Deborah I think let's show your music teacher oh thanks oh and heard a nice fat class now ha ha ha ha Fitz if you hold hold a whole day you pull up that Deb wait what Oh Dean that's [ __ ] incredible oh I might give it a go break my back though [Laughter] don't worry don't worry you'll never be beating me though I'm very good at the game hey Vsauce Michael here hello it really just sets him off he's like what the [ __ ] Jerry you may wonder why I'm driving folks but looking behind me it's because there's a [ __ ] man in the jeep trail eNOS oh my god the guy will not leave me the [ __ ] alone remember when you cut me off early dance oh you guys need it right yeah thanks man just like ten times you're a really nice guy oh yeah please pass the tissues the only way know how to cope with my issues looks like Bud [ __ ] enthusiast behinds them in the apps location you leave Gary alone okay just because he hits his period and he's a man doesn't mean he's any sort of ridicule you [ __ ] wanker it's my penis still bleeding no it's well I don't know actually he might hang on us oh no it was definitely pretty harsh buddy I just wanted to get a word in if that spoke that sounds like a guy in like a town-hall meeting just like dragging his chair across the car sorry wait oh gods sir if you could just not drag your seat across the ground that would be perfect thank you all right I'm just I'm gonna put it down now no problem okay you see what you're doing here is oh okay you're comfortable are you fine hold on woody what is that is that a baby mouse no it's the creature it's the squeaky chair yeah adjusting okay you can't be good yeah I think I'm good okay fantastic so as I was saying with the upcoming projections things really are not looking so great for the first quarter [Music] totally get it okay totally appreciate you just don't worry get on the road hope you're sitting now that's awesome yeah so the upcoming projections for the second quarter here in 2018 not looking so great we're gonna sir you're still is this a bit of noise coming from this kind of general area I just feel like it's all about I'm almost done okay I'll just I'll just let you get it over with I think I'm good just like one little really sold it didn't final move he's a demigod and among what it's not about being something or someone either is it it's about your actions it's about the influence [Music] [Laughter] okay speak to me or see what happens [Laughter] early like half dogs profile oh yeah it's neat oh very creative very good use of marker Havana's mother loved it it's [ __ ] up John that's probably not a mother dude that's just a random stick figure drawing you you're talking about loving that fire car my guys now assuage are implemented in this call swear text I'll be [ __ ] poor [ __ ] oh I can't feel anything about penis [Laughter] you believe these [ __ ] people oh you need help what the [ __ ] I really want to get in the win streak in this game I'm the widest Warner when it strikes are fun yeah it's something about not Louise don't know why everyone's good all of a sudden yeah I'm pretty cool I guess I had an ache a dick you are not cold John should I blow as hard as I can through this straw yes or no yes yeah what kind of question is that yeah of course all right nothing happened we're good Wow Bill Nye the Science Guy box box is gonna sing a whole new world from Aladdin [Music] I will add you if you can successfully do the Aladdin part and the Jasmine part in different [Music] one two three go [Music] two hours later [Music] 2,000 years later [Music] [Music] yeah that was more gangster than any rap battle could ever be hello so camp [ __ ] are you gonna hit me like I'm trying mate it's very difficult alright Jimmy the sloth then he's gone to the bomb he's running over to a wall you've gotta get this knife down and get the kill Debbie you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] why is that what's going what's on your mind man I just wanna beat I got and while I do hate gays it's like we should what went wrong there what went wrong with your strategy going into that round what what happened this bio that one now there you go well that's enough for that round let's head up to the commentators booth with Rajesh Rajesh it's got the eye on the sky he's good he knows what's going down what happened in that round there didn't have enough Vaseline in it [Laughter] hey can I beep on this plate or now actually don't exist yeah we're just fictions of your imagination that you own the experience on painkillers the [ __ ] was that yeah I feel like I'm gonna get you just say and I could I'm a kitty kitty roar yeah oh dude come come to me right now drop what you're doing and come to me is it the pistol oh man this is like the best thanks go go my dad hello oh hi Larry oh hey Jerri oh it's great to see you oh hey ceiling man how's it going oh that's amazing awesome you know I was just thinking that my friend Kim has the ugliest crying face why am I talking so confident I don't even need clothes is it worth me risking getting up there if I if I fall I get pads take the risk Fitz my mama always said to take chances my father always said to play it safe but now it's my choice it's a real fart way down I'm nothing come on no I don't know man I'm just kind of considering things I got a wife and a family back home I'm don't be a [ __ ] man I'm not a [ __ ] I just I'm just being realistic they're coming make the choice oh-oh-oh you sound like I'm shooting this [ __ ] [ __ ] a misogynist you sound like a massage meanwhile Marlo here going ham when the a side open hand finds himself what is that a fourth a third I can't keep track this kid's absolutely insane and like weecha here backing him up from top metal let's play our live spotted by Laquisha gone to CT spawn Mike weecha hoping a flank around with the XM shotgun but Milo gets taken down by jay-z and once again we find ourselves in a 1v1 with Laquisha her weave this time looking substantially more on fleek as it's a vessel even greased up to the point of exaggeration right yeah he's happy about this he hasn't seen a weave like this in years on Mike Ouisa popping them in love arc waiting for the player he's gonna give that exam spray and that's exactly what she said at the start of this round she said the problem was that he did not have that XM shotgun in hand and this time it served her well thank you you're welcome girl look at this look at this I found I found a Krauss's YouTube channel this just over that hill look at it oh man I'll put any more John this is great there's a csgo videos there's come on [ __ ] come back here he's got friends
Channel: Jomar1001001
Views: 142,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS:GO, Fitz, SwaggerSouls, Misfitz, PUBG, Battlegrounds, SMITTY, SMii7Y, Zuckles, McCreamy, Kugo, RaccoonEggs, Kroz, Grizzy, IAMWILDCAT, Fortnite
Id: xSiN4idyfok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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