Fitz PUBG Compilation

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oh my textures didn't load in come on bro for me load I mean you can drive through the walls and [ __ ] like destiny I think so dude pull up next to swagger [Laughter] don't go on the bottom floor he will run you over oh my god man the crisis is rating on these modern cars have gotten really good over the years so I guess car is a glitching out way more than yours Smitty this is [ __ ] weird get in you can't run aim higher underachiever dream bigger [ __ ] louder come harder Toyota I'm sorry better sex okay yeah well a lot of practice that's how my dad gave up on me after he turned ten and ever since then I haven't gotten any practice so you [ __ ] your dad huh I didn't [ __ ] my dad he [ __ ] me okay why are you bringing this up now that's like the judge in the in the case the kids like my dad has been sexually abusing me for 17 years the judge like leans right back in this year so you [ __ ] your dad there's a dog in my room kill it sorry sorry kick it sorry she's like you you think I won't do it [ __ ] [ __ ] this whole operation right now I know you have treats up there is it really animal abuse if they kill themselves just like just like Peter Wilson Peter walks in and your dogs dead on the ground with a gun by it looks like a suicide goddamn it's the fifth one this month [Music] five gum and then put my day stop but I'm salivating John why are you just driving off don't just get on a three wheeler motorbike the perfect bike for all of us and he just drives away what are you doing Vsauce Michael here what is John we have a long way to go so we're gonna have to do a pit stop at McDonald's or something somewhere along the way you know I wanna I wanna know can I get a guy can I get a feeling one of those and I the the double neck double baby he's a large with a large yeah the the side soup and yeah can you just supersize on that can't smoke weed it's not it's not legal here and I'm allowed to in this apartment why do they need that if it's already a law in your country that you can't smoke that's like saying no murder allowed in this appointment yeah alright don't know stabbing no stabbing you can kill a [ __ ] but don't stammer I don't want blood on my carpet no suicide I am paying for that [ __ ] don't go killing yourself make sure you can't carry a mental health I would watch like a sitcom about Ainslie you be a good character Big Bang Theory yeah I want to [ __ ] you what can I say I love Italian girls types of different noodle oh so this is Mike this is my daughter penne and this is my son tortellini what kind of [ __ ] with Jesus Christ post on snapchat just crucified just caught these new sandals [Laughter] one man ready from the gang they react to him another was SS but he's a better fan yet driving with your camera facing backwards oh [ __ ] my lawyer called me back demanding me to pay my alimony it's nice to get a call back I like my alimony you're breaking up something wrong with the signal sir you're literally right in front of me I don't know what this is I can't see you anymore I think I'm having a stroke imagine if the Microsoft paperclip had a voice and it was killer code for can I help you with anything you know I first met your mother back in 1989 at a little-known bar called strangles what now strangles was known for the punk music and I really liked punk music back then and little-known fact your mother was actually a punk musician so I met her I saw her on stage and I was like oh [ __ ] I wanted jerk after her drink and she heard me [Music] then you gotta scratching my ass I'm not facing forward so you gonna like stand me up yeah right [Laughter] [Music] my name is grizzy try to substitute it with other games like flavor unknowns battlegrounds but I tried to substitute it with other games like my marriage but [Laughter] to play with my wife she doesn't like being player 2 and when she does she sucks in squads so what's the point told her I want divorce then I threw a bookie ball better and I right away haven't talked to her since my wife off of mouth I knocked her down but I said I ain't gonna get her up unless she give me her Luke is that your way of saying that you took the house swamp get out me swamp my uber driver keeps driving through public parks and saying get out me swamp complaint who did you date when you're 15 he was details her name was grace it's a girl I was certain you were homosexual had a penis yeah that was my favorite part about I think I have my monitor fixed no no I was her monitor falling it's the leaning tower of [ __ ] piece of fits I can't can't explain it what you mean for warning if I get angry as we play like actually angry you it's not me I was put on steroids for my bronchitis all right that's why it's baby game it's for its for gay babies I [ __ ] that before tonight I guaran-fucking-tee you if I posted a fortnight video people would unsubscribe from i channel swagger your audiences gay babies your audiences gay baby [Laughter] [Music] I am 90% sure that your audience is gay babies my audience is like gay preschoolers all right you've got gay babies our babies sorry talking toddler know we're talking gay babies I have some gay babies oh I see where you trying to trying to wind me up no much I don't know I do what kind of wine do a serious argument my dad the wacky races guy [Music] what's up guys char on the radio here counting down the top 10 times I said the n-word in a fits video not sure love just making fun of paralyzed people you can't [ __ ] like the video do the King grab they literally smash the like but I'm using their forehead yeah like a yellow black and yellow black it's just me an asian guy went to my private escort on Cyber Monday expecting a discount and she was really [ __ ] mad at me well apparently cyber monday doesn't apply to hookers and [ __ ] you know I'm saying all right so I expected you guys would be like at least at least it's good [ __ ] it's good whiskey what's the age on that [ __ ] 14 year you like your women like you like your whiskey how do people speak Mandarin isn't that a fruit my name is cam and I've got the plan I have a short attention span what is that over there all right so one of you guys take a seat over there we can talk about I talk about your psychiatric problems okay well this guy with glasses started seeing my wife I only seen him from the side but you know he's been [ __ ] my wife for a long time but I think it's finally time to break it off with her that sounds and sounds like a very familiar problem yeah yeah if I had a wife doc no but I I [ __ ] a wife oh yeah all right yeah it looks like a time is up it's been ten minutes doc sit out what does this picture telling you that's a picture for black men and undependable ginger afro talk yeah and honestly I feel kind of attracted to it maybe you should marry him and divorce your wife yeah well my wife doesn't even do anal so I guess maybe he'd be down for that she does anal summertime spring in the city I be feeling awfully nifty I'm alive with the sound of getting demonetized um dad got nowhere today damn YouTube took that away man then my channel has seen better days I'm not making a dime but I'm wasting my time but you know one song and like you do a bunch of cocaine and crystal meth and you just start punching the walls - I can't say I do this is the one yeah okay all switched user joined your channel have Special K in the morning I have special needs each morning I wake up to a nice bowl of special wins have you heard of the [ __ ] not fits not swagger souls not John on the radio people they're like clones they do impressions of us oh yeah look they're all up there what's up guys so I think I need to provide you with a bit of context to all of us to make sense when I record these videos we normally do it in my public discord server which by the way you guys can all join or leave a link in a description below anyway we record in the private room called the penthouse but we can see all you guys hanging out in the rooms above us and lately we've been noticing these people called Knight Fitz not Ainsley not swagger soles and so on who basicly do impressions of us for a joke so basically we decided to drag a few of them into our private lobby to hear how good their impressions of us were and what you're about to see is our first reaction to hearing so enjoy wait should we drag what should we drag one in here drag not Ainsley we should pick not okay that's direct not Ainsley in there I say something more Wow believe me I don't know if this is the real angel yeah I can tell yes I really could show you by taco step it's not gonna wait today Anthony you sick or sorry I have HIV we should try swagger now I want to see what it's like all right hello you know you don't sound anything like swagger so much okay this is really nerve-racking you know and I feel like I don't have a life compared to all these nice people what fits is up here all right this is this guy I want to I'm interested about this actually hippity-hoppity women of property don't want cancer shut the microwave door clear I can make it to you what don't want cancer it's like a thing that a person would that kind of ways would say [Laughter] that's it that tears it I'm angry calm me down snicker please please previously on homo alone still gay and by myself over here [Laughter] I'll trade you my angled foreskin uh good guys wait well thank you and me meaning to say something else there and you said foreskin I know what I said I said what I meant [Music] there's a bunch of names can act out the grapes of wrath' you know banking your fists banging yourself you know beating the beaver get you guys down to Bop the Bologna you know jacking off jerk of the gherkin jibber jabber polish the pearl pumping the keg and then slammed the clam slapping the salami left one closest to you Bri this Bank the monkey walk at the dog wax on wax off abusing the wicked stick adjust the antenna you can audition your hand puppet what about uh badgering the witness there's a GPRO come up there and pick you up which Achilles you could base the ham pecan kid kill them just go and just honestly going I mean I don't know find the tree clear the snorkel yeah I'll try and break the dog crank the shank around the King house you talking about right there how do you do the white yeah you could do the white knuckler you dry hump the ottoman create the door in the back a little kind of killing will just kill the fist the message that flogged it on you know we're trying to clutch here honk your horn yeah hugged Oh honk okay just just honestly ground yeah shuck the corn it's seven alive it's seven alive yeah so slang the jelly tease the wing I got two confirmed kills and those guys at no more yeah you ever toss yogurt you ever shut the [ __ ] up ever [Music] hey John catch why did you what did you just throw at me so often when people forget that John lost both his arms [Laughter] catch Oh guys I found this [ __ ] up it's [ __ ] up fairy porn website the other day it was called Bailey Beagle [Laughter] let's play the word association game I'm gonna say a word first word that comes to your mind you say out loud all right preschool baggage this is all right I got caught [ __ ] a lot of elementary school baguette you know what I didn't rough childhood okay sorry okay so we'll skip ahead pass shot middle school bag sorry you're right you know can we just stay away from my childhood please because this is just gonna keep dad's gone better buff right out [Laughter] no but Harry please send any more abortions at school Harry that's that's not what your wizardry is for fetus two liters HIPAA DB I don't have a medical degree yes I like my sex life like I like a Jake pool video a quick tease at the start and then ten minutes of complete nothing what is going on everybody it's a boy Chyna the radio just got back from visiting my mother I thought syphilis was just like what hospitals had instead of Christmas yeah very Sifl mess what do you want for Christmas I want to be cured of all my STR what do you want longer than six months to live a little kid rolls into like Santa's workshop in a wheelchair they go whoa ho ho what do you want for christmas little boy longer than two months to live please Oh see what I can do around his back but if you found out that you had like a perfect kidney match with Santa and you had to get a transplant they can make a whole movie about that like Santa's struggling with like goddammit if I follow through this operation it may never be a Christmas again but is it worth it the safe is one little boy's life by Owen Wilson to put the egg roll in the dipping sauce the cream of some young guy oh okay maybe not I don't like that didn't really understand kind of scared about how I'm gonna tell my dad he he hates gay people spoke to you buddy I'm working on I had to for one of the jokes like look through ali-a videos to get a certain clip I watched his intro like 15 times guys will not believe what I just found in Portland guys so me and my wife are getting a divorce you will not believe I found the legendary cancer one more time and I'm blowing up your bike you better watch out [ __ ] [Laughter] in 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit these men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground today still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune if you have a problem if no one else can help and if you can find them maybe you can hire the a-team goal for you damage your car to the point where it's gonna blow up if you hit something and then find another car driving and try and run into the pole get on I'm trying oh my god you feel this going on this bike and you just running away Oh oh [ __ ] okay you help him up I don't trust you at all so easily when you want to order from talk about just be quiet trying to tell you sorry baby for [ __ ] sake let me handle this okay that's how the nice man what you want he wants stability I can't give you that easy I want a mommy this is Saco bellies they don't the bank all right this is I give you $20 where you leave this drive-through you're holding up the line think about opening a concentration it sounds like you walked in with a cup of coffee and you like spilled some of it let's say you got distracted halfway through your sentence think about Billy concentration camp Debra continue one of these so I think what we should do is you know Fitz will often say I don't know why I hang out with you but times like these were I think I don't know why I hang out with him and then I remember it's cuz he has a million son I do you have to say that you know what hurts my feelings I thought you cared I thought you cared about me but yeah I was wrong thank you that was called my dad call me call me phase banks cuz I'm about to allegedly abuse somebody didn't do it hell yeah phase Bank seems like a cool guy yeah he's cool Psalm at a party once yeah he's just it was just making the [ __ ] out of this girl you know just like strangling her you've given us cancer fits me a new one word one word sentences right one word wait one you know really fast really fast like no thinking okay okay I'll stop hello you're okay not that fast okay okay go again hello you just not talk over me please and it's not like it's a back and forth kind of thing please thank you alright I'm starting hello how do you do planes do no don't planes don't belong in buildings especially he's lost I'm stuck enough in the big city and boy boy am I getting molested it's it's a lot of strange men out here it's in [ __ ] Hollywood we gotta go get I'm sorry I met this nice man called Kevin and he's just he's looking out to be pretty doing wait sweet hotel room what's his last name he's in the house right there help I'm running a straw it's too late I already got the acting role of my dreams and I had to keep quiet about it for years yeah I've had sex once nah not really hey Peter you want to go down to the clam hoist whose post him alone I don't know who this man is it postman wrath bring you the mail all day my name's water Malone I'm a watermelon I'm a savage like a cabbage yeah cuz I don't [ __ ] with the cabbage nah you can put me in a salad yeah I can't I cannot express the feelings inside me right now son oh I cannot believe that you went behind my back not only my back but your mother's back to the fact who do you think you are we're your family Jesus you wanna you want to smoke weed you want to you want to get a beer you wanna you wanna you want to [ __ ] your sister this is this is definitely happened to slice it before I thought you're gonna say like you want to smoke weed you want a drink beer and [ __ ] your sister okay let's go top 10 anime betrayals oh yeah I need someone who can read Spanish yeah it says in numerous less respected it is dead low I got dude [ __ ] my neighbors think I'm Pablo Escobar impregnating your wife waiting the nine months for a kid to pop out just to name it ali-a what how did his first witch oh I can't believe this what's up guys [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] sorry to hold them no and get the right one I have a car I have my children no thanks I don't have time for kids [ __ ] my children please get that I have time for it we can schedule there for next week's a squad up there [Music] I just want to watch Eli Drive to tunes [Music] hey I'm not enough here comes Cougar suddenly everyone's TV just cuts out just like what the house did cut to a guy yeah what the [ __ ] Hey look here's an imitation of Chris Brown over Honda's relationship back in I want to be loved by you I want to touch the sky I wanna be cleansed of my sin I want to be loved by a man or I mean I want to have a sexual intercourse so with a Jesus I want to ferment my seed and sadhya Jesus previously on Harry Potter buddies gay my name is Fenwick [ __ ] bottom get out of the plane yeah maybe she don't know my name yeah I just be huffing some paint yeah you know what the [ __ ] wrong with the city well my highway taxes are going today [Laughter] compensator I'm compensating for something it's the loss of my father I I don't think this is a park sir this is just a shipping container I'm sorry but I saw this park was open I'm staying in this position what is this enemy don't talk about is a million spaces on the flat floor here that are just totally open here I wanted this one I saw it was open okay well what's the point of parking here if you're not gonna get out of the park and do whatever your business is don't you have anywhere else that kind of to stay I mean this is just kind of an awkward position it's right here right now in this car I'm right in the car all right sir can I see your license in Santa's office outside be quiet quiet the officers outside okay listen will you do it we both know this is ridiculous got the [ __ ] okay both you [ __ ] idiots give you down Shh what are you doing here I saw this park and I wanted it and no one can get me out of here okay okay okay you're being absolutely ridiculous I mean oh you having some kind of nervous breakdown because the [ __ ] down embarrassing me you're embarrassing me in for all these people I I'm staying Jake Jake Jake this is so pretty with the sunset and stuff man life is good you wanna [ __ ] actually yes I'll be right back there dude not that bad [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jomar1001001
Views: 3,123,618
Rating: 4.8838334 out of 5
Keywords: Fitz, Ainsley, Zuckles, Fitz Funny Moments, Fitz PUBG, PUBG, PlayerUnkown, PlayerUnkown BattleGrounds, Misfits, SwaggerSouls, Swagger Souls, McCreamy, KryozGaming, kryozgaming, otherfitz, SMii7y, SMII7Y, smitty, SMIITY, Video Games, Ali-a, ALI-A, Fortnite, Not Fortnite, PewDiePie, Subscribe To Pewdiepie, Ninja, MrBeast
Id: bOl-Wlcd-7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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