Best Of Also Fitz 4

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hey yo MTV and welcome to my crib so guys we got a nice big stairwell here it's super awesome and upstairs if you can see we have a nice art installation right here totally sick and over here we have no way let's go salty springs let's go [ __ ] some [ __ ] up let's go ahead a [ __ ] good time over rocks up [ __ ] is vitally update let's [ __ ] do it let's [ __ ] kids be like oh I'm so so dumb I've never actually [ __ ] a [ __ ] well I can walk you through the steps step 1 yeah whip you pick out step 2 put a convo up on your dick step 3 put you think up in the post step 4 try not to come step 5 ashamed but it's really not [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] there's no way you can get this much power [Music] that's impossible [Applause] I'll be Nazi nerf not salty Nicole special needs kids gifted say really you think this is a gift gifted we call them special I call them [ __ ] all right crazy is died he's on the graph here we go one one to go welcome back to the amazing fortnight funny moments special event oh my [ __ ] voice crack oh man this game looks so good at my Nvidia GT g RT X 280 game looks real nice oh god get sniped oh my god okay I'm sorry I'm sorry oh my god I start panicking what are you gonna be surely that sounds so cool wow it's like through a wall it sounds all muffled sounds like you're alright yeah like I'm standing outside a party where no one likes me holy [ __ ] this is the longest dick in town ladies and gentlemen oh my god I'm a roll up on yo [ __ ] blow my load until they slander me Jesus jeez okay who is Louise Louise is my ex-wife we broke up because I punched her in her snow while she was pregnant pretty reasonable now that I think back on it but at the time I was fury see you look like a happy meal shut up you look at the pressed meal don't joke about that suicide box it's a god I see kale wait I should publish and set out what does that mean let me tell you Hitler it's like hello guys I just heard me scream that is on my loans did did our neighbor just oh man I am chugging this [ __ ] hot bottle of water goddamn it back to you John it was last time you guys sent a dick pic I'm a 90s kid I send dick emails educated backs it's just a [ __ ] dick pic [ __ ] is that oh oh yeah I'm Tokyo mattelli 90% of my jokes are about having sex with men am i hinted at something probably what you sound like there man what's up with your voice tell me someone's permanently squeezing your nutsack they even have unless castrated when I was born well you're a skeleton so should have seen that coming I guess I'm not gonna give you many hints for this work I'm a [ __ ] chocolate no no problem we're not gonna get stuck at all I did on the train I left to come stay yeah why she complain those are in pain I'll solve that propane y'all make some choose your character are you gonna be how do i okay give me the no slip up on your hello you [ __ ] good morning and good evening it's me Fitz and I'm joined today with my special guests submitting I'm doing [ __ ] great I'll do it so well god I feel amazing right now yeah I feel [ __ ] really good I'm not sad I am NOT ready sad okay hello swagger so Holmes with him as well today big shields yummy yummy yummy in my tummy miss I guess they never miss huh just a 30 second reload on this [ __ ] thing I bet he doesn't kiss yeah World of Tanks I guess its World of Tanks huh this game is free late description he's go be a tank and he won't miss yeah he's gonna scare and hit the artillery right with Kelly what the [ __ ] okay so there's three classes on the right is the glider the snowboarder and the climber and I recommend starting out with glider because in my opinion it's the most fun all right and then we all pick a square and this is where we spawn and the blue squares are where other people have picked so if you press Q swagger you can like create a temporary market or like spot people oh just actually like so useful like holy [ __ ] maybe want to go put the other marker just follow me don't hold W when you're little gliding just let it glide yeah all right yeah you can shoot while on the glider and if Tim G's and land it what do I look like on your screen like a [ __ ] [ __ ] Harry Potter get on your broom smoke some weed I want you to smoke marijuana with me Harry professor professor that's against the that's against the Wizards code professor [ __ ] smelling this gun will get you to think about what you just said and come back to me where are you guys we're health drone Dan cam don't tell me what the dough [ __ ] I'm talking about drew really sticks to his guns this guy because I want to do pie my name's Jerry I have el Slammers you may remember me from what was the show players over here at the farm all farms love torn and farms JJ that's awesome Oh watch your [ __ ] oh my goodness holy [ __ ] hole again please holy [ __ ] oh that was wild and not the cool kind of wild like what coyote Peterson goes in like the bad walk out of my element no you cannot go with me there's no room to your fat globe like it Oh bro I could I could be hop to that platform doubt you wanna bet actually watch this dude I'm watching oh I put the coal on the [ __ ] look call that [ __ ] of furnace weird but alright I put my iron ore inside that [ __ ] that should come out like an ingot there's so much to take in what the [ __ ] it's fun though right yeah feel free I'm not like doing anything jump down off of there jump down and then just run straight I don't know this one I fit what are the main your mum says hi just had to look back to make sure it worked I mean it it wasn't that impressive ah you [ __ ] up the explosion and my mum's dead so it doesn't make any sense [Laughter] oh my god I don't want to be like that first and facility so here I am but you know I'm trying not to be like that what are you you're a kind of a big deal to me what are you talking about so I don't know I just kind of wanted to say hi and I don't know I think you're super cute and I just wanted to yeah so yeah that's me hi I'm Cheryl nice to meet you can you shut the [ __ ] up please it's like in the videos wow you're so direct are you ready up oh yeah sure can you suck my roblox [ __ ] my guy oh wow wow that's so that's that's forward of you sure I'll do it though like whatever I want to molest you oh [ __ ] I take that back that was inappropriate oh and they got really uncomfortable there it's fine though Cheryl by the way hi you don't even need two pumps [ __ ] I could have taken one of those pumps I have no gonna [ __ ] bandages do with that I do not sound like that I get a break man that was totally you that was totally like what you sounded like just then follow me all right if you hold space you do and you let go space to do tricks like this Oh whoo which I do a grind on this movie look at this [Music] fun my legs have proton boosters on the bottom oh yeah my mom puts protons in our salad sometimes you're the worst oh [ __ ] no don't walk into that okay never mind it went off the side why would you throw that I didn't realize it was invented and I clicked only you could [ __ ] hold the grenade take the pin officer nade hold it forget you're holding it didn't throw it by accident it's just those [ __ ] [ __ ] thing I've ever heard in my life tell Fitz I love him and I love you as well McDreamy ah so I'm sticking choice but yeah I will always be bigger than you and better than you in every single Andy yeah I'm sure can Adam chances are by an enemy guys just update on the whole shuriken thing it did not work is he still chasing me I believe so what up pooks oh let me turn Benji with babish off guys I'll be right there I'm just busy with babish right now women love nothing more than a man that they can relate to that's why that's why I bleed out of my penis every month mmm just an order for a woman I meant to mean every not that you like your penis guys it's respect women day everybody get your hand I call it I call it on I call it using a ball peen on the wing oh [ __ ] why were you gonna stop I'm gonna go up there and you're gonna like guide me through and not crush me please okay [ __ ] Jesus Christ nice truck hunt I'm here to help the cubes right and there you go on the thing don't stand on it stand on that thing no you [ __ ] me I'm not that keeps literally right there hey dude you're not good I can't even crush you from there what I didn't even mean to do that I don't know how you going crushed oh [ __ ] I've got the kid beats I got secured very good made but got it we gotta get it up there how you gonna do it all right figure it out okay Oh God do it get one off the [ __ ] pool right there maybe maybe I mean ya gotta get it up here give me a sec well have a look around use your problem-solving skills man you got this I'm trying oh my let me let me work yeah I'm letting you let me start over yep it's just what you did before that's cool think about like where a white wall could be that could get it up here let's have a little thing let's have a good look around literally just think of a wall that can make it hit there directly it's gonna be a wall around here somewhere that you haven't seen y'all [Laughter] [ __ ] complicated my entire family is dying from an autoimmune disease Autobots like like the war like most insensitive talk it's like hey Doc my whole family keeps dying of a terrible autoimmune disease doctors just like Autobots [Laughter] hey mr. axe murderer sir I don't mean to be a bother just behind you it right here hi yeah hi amber remember ya girl yo get the [ __ ] away from honestly I'm really just looking for like I want to be on your team okay he's gone man I'm not part of this but I just want to say that I was kind of concerned look how big that tank is compared to the [ __ ] truck over here oh yeah you're smaller than that Eureka the truck are you is that literally like run with midgets do you have like three little people in there no there's like ten clowns like a big piece of weed come here you can't smoke let me smoke you you can't smoke me why not because I forbid it the [ __ ] over here I'm [ __ ] you got smoke at the [ __ ] over and I'm not getting to let you smoke me swagger get in here give the bomb hear me out this own video game what if Peter Griffin in fortnight Maude how much do you need if it games how much is it gonna cost us and when can we get it ever got two identical cars here we should like joust which is like okay you're a squad kid in that Cara will get an hour Karen will go yeah I'm just ram into each other go over there by the crates and we'll go over here alright here we go go hold it back now [Music] easily know they're stealing your car oh yeah that's fine yeah yeah welcome everybody to the brand new for tonight experience with your friends fits in the gang we got swagger shows up in the military we got on the radio every day as well and of course we have less with at least a detective it's the for night experience and everybody's here even my creepy uncle Ron [Music] my PC [ __ ] oh I hate it my PC grandma my grandma is dead [ __ ] dear diary today I decided to wander far away from the team I'm lost in a cave somewhere and I'm scared oh my god there's nothing there's nothing near me it's come pick me up okay baby been hiding they'll never know where I am okay babe I'm on my way oh [ __ ] you're of it this way oh yeah baby I'm not gonna lie to you that's kind of I got some [ __ ] in the way I'm gonna die oh my god I'm being shot at or Carly babe as we speak babe I'm being shot at like this is completely not what I expected from this Trey there's a guy right by me babe yeah you got my back Leah where believe me I'm completely aware I just babe I'm actually on like a couple HP right now and just trying to survive to be entirely honest I got your chip I'm running away now oh my god the dope and I got swag it's one it's well and then running away no sir we go through the sewer yep I'm going through this to work Wow look it's all my videos I just get both you in one go I don't want to go anymore take me away [ __ ] do they forgot about me they forgot about me they actually don't even remember I exist man let's talk about our families later but right now I'm trying to save you all right man sounds good man wouldn't we have much better joke if he left hmm well it would have been much better if it wasn't so damn true someone wants this loot they're gonna have to go through this the Bermuda Triangle alright dangerous whoo I go suck your [ __ ] and I hear wouldn't anything that's kind of gay we're gonna have to call your parents we can't have that gain that gay [ __ ] here at school none of that gay [ __ ] around here Timmy Timmy I'm really sick of this gate [ __ ] all right Timmy I think you know why I brought you here now professor what is it I'm tired of your geisha Timmy I'm tired of surprise attack get in the [ __ ] infinity loop go on time to push on these nerds let's go chaps okay weird guy I don't know you but I somehow trust you what my skin you have Pam from the office I've give her regu dough [ __ ] all right let's just head straight on to work I just ordered like 10 billion dollars worth of banks all right sounds kind of irresponsible there's a lot of money to spend on just ink so alone you didn't want to miss some of that it's not that much we have a 650 billion dollar military budget it's tiny compared to the entire budget but y'all so 300 trillion in debt mr. Clinton yeah but it doesn't matter all right I can still go home to kill Hilary ever not and secretary my name is Monica I can stick your dick what is going on in his arms any work being done in this office he's having sexual relations more space for you you'd say
Channel: Jomar1001001
Views: 1,073,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fitz, Zuckles, John on the Radio, Toby on the Tele, SwaggerSouls, McCreamy, Raccon, SMii7Y, Fortnite, Fortnite 2, Fortnite Chapter 2, Apex Legends, best of also fitz, best of also fitz 4
Id: 3hacXwulyFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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