Best of 2021! Top 10 Best Products from Amazon, Shark Tank, and More!

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[Music] welcome back everybody this is james white with frequent reviews and today is my top 10 picks for my favorite items i reviewed in 2021 i had to sift through almost 200 items i reviewed this year to come up with my top 10 favorite picks the only criteria i used for this video was that the items had to be reviewed by me in 2021 so they may not be new items but they're new to my channel without further delay let's get right to my top 10. [Music] let's start my top 10 with a very stupid item and stupid is not my word for it it's theirs it's the stupid car tray this is an interesting device it actually is just a tray that sits in your car on the passenger seat it has legs on one side not on the other so where most passenger seats have an angle this flattens it out so you can put food there you can put a pizza box all kinds of things it's one of those things that once you have it it's kind of hard to go back without it it hasn't just been me i've got a lot of good input from viewers as well i think the stupid car tray is a great way to start off our top 10. check out some scenes from the original review it's the stupid car tray feet on one side and on the other and it creates a level surface so when you have things in the passenger seat of your car they're not going to be tilted so some of the other features it has velcro straps around to hold food items in place a couple of miscellaneous holders here there's a cut out for your phone charger if you want to put your phone in there it even has bag clips if you want to have some storage bags on there for trash so normally if you're in your car and you have pizzas you put in the passenger seat it's at an angle so the legs on this side gives you a little boost on the lower end you can also strap these in place i can see delivery people really wanting to use something like this that's not good not good let's put the stupid cartridge in there that seems much flatter let's see what the angle is here it's almost completely flat this is the stuff of nightmares and this is what i would probably use the stupid car tray for the most you can put your strap right through the center there take kind of a quick corner here see how this goes whoa big speed bump too normally you would have been probably wearing these drinks by now but it's certainly doing what it's supposed to do but my thought is the stupid car tray works pretty well [Music] number nine on my list is the quick flip this is a hoodie that was featured on shark tank and not only is it a hoodie but it's also a backpack i wasn't sure how much i was gonna like this one but i've actually used it quite a bit this year especially when traveling i can put it on the plane if it gets cold in there when i get to my destination i can convert to a backpack when i'm out shopping i would say it's a good hoodie and i would say it's a good backpack but together they make a great product here's some scenes from my original review welcome back everybody today i'm taking a look at a product called the quick flip which is actually a hoodie that converts into a backpack actually i'm reviewing the quick flip and it's actually a backpack that converts into a jacket all right it's it's a comfortable it would say medium weight hoodie the material feels good the stitching looks nice yeah i think it's pretty good now i think the trick in this is you're supposed to actually take it off inside out so you when you pull your arms back you kind of go through just like this and then at the bottom there is this pouch right here and you're supposed to just kind of reach in and just grab whatever you can grab and just pull it through and then just kind of stuff everything in there and then you should have if all goes well it all went well we have a we have a backpack it's not real heavy it's not uncomfortable it feels like it feels like a standard drawstring backpack so the jacket takes up about that much so you still have a little bit of room there well the conversion back that's very simple all you do is just pull it through let me see what i can put in here i'm gonna try a few different things we got a bottle of water a small tripod extra hat from hawaii phone in the pocket uh even some tea i've got a lot of stuff in here this is getting kind of heavy let me put it on now all right here this feels this is like a duffel bag full of stuff here all right how's it look look good i'm ready to go i really like this i've already planned to buy this as a gift for a couple people so to me the hero hoodie by quickflip is a great product this is the second of my car gadgets in my top ten this one came from last july with a collection of car gadgets this is the varsk tire inflator and carvac i actually found this to be kind of a solid carvac tire inflator and tire gauge so it looks like a typical carvik but it also can inflate tires and works as a tire gauge as well so i found that it combines all those elements quite well into one unit my son has been keeping his car coming very handy a few times when he had a slow leak recently plus keeping his car clean it actually serves multiple purposes and it does them both well here's some scenes from my original review forward for vacuum and pull back for inflation there's also an led light it feels like a normal car vac i don't it doesn't seem much better than any other car vac i've used you know based on how much hair there was that's not so bad dog air man so much dog hair all right the inflator is very simple just attach one end i'm gonna go with 36 pounds hit it [Music] nice chef on its own sweet it worked i like when things work right the first time [Music] number seven on the list is actually a rather unassuming looking ice cream scoop by z-roll and not everything on this list has to be a crazy gadget sometimes they just have to work well in the case of the z-roll it does i did a comparison of ice cream scoops earlier this year it actually performed the best of that bunch i would say it's better of all the ice cream scoops i've used over the years and not just the ones i've compared on video not only is it durable has an ergonomic design it makes really nice ice cream scoops i just think that it has one task and it does it quite well check out some scenes from the original video zero feels really nice in my hand it's very solid i can get a nice perfectly round scoop look at the scoop z-roll scoop looks it looks pretty good i would say for a quick round one zero took the prize something about the shape of this just it seems like i'm having the easiest time making a nice round scoop i don't know man i just think the z rolls just goes quicker i just like it i like the z-roll i've just found the z-roll and the thrifty to still be my favorites but as far as my test goes zero is on top [Music] number six on my countdown is this automatic wine opener this is something that's been requested me over the years i finally got around to it i'm glad i did because it works really well not only does the foil opener work really well but the wine opener does too and not only does it pull the cork out but it also dispenses it back to you this has immediately become a staple in my kitchen so check out some scenes from my original video and you can see why i'm going to see how this wine opener does with all five of these wine bottles remove the foil cutter all you really have to do is just place it over here squeeze it make a couple rotations came right off i like when things worked well the first time that's the opening act now time for the star of the show all you have to do is place the opening of the electric wine opener over the wine bottle and press the button oh wow oh it's coming right out look at that oh wow that was very easy and very quick too wow that's a i like when things work the first time and that worked beautifully the first time i'm kind of a fan of this one [Music] number five is the stir crazy popcorn maker i did a comparison of popcorn makers earlier this year not only did i think it was the best of my comparison i've used it quite a bit since then i think i've actually transitioned off microwave popcorn to use this from now on i like it that much there were some other good ones in that bunch but this is the one that i felt was the best check out some scenes from the original video for a half a cup of popcorn i have to add two tablespoons of oil which i'm gonna do right now half a cup of popcorn they say they make it kind of even so i'll do my best here so next up placing the cover on the base oh that is kind of interesting isn't it oh we got our first pop we got our first pop the bowl is very steamy now and now we're going here huh there's steam coming out of the top here wow that was kind of quick all right now gotta shove the lid on quickly they say i do as fast as possible put the lid on make sure the handles are aligned they are it's not too hot it's not turn away from yourself lift off and here we go a nice big old bowl of popcorn i still need salt but the oil adds some already i actually quite like this one number four is kind of a big one let me grab it here [Music] it's the shack smokeless grill i did a comparison of this one versus a george foreman grill a few months back and i thought they both did really well i was really impressed by the fact that shaq's kind of a newcomer and was able to do not only do well against the foreman but in some cases outperform it it's definitely gotten some use around here and i'm very happy with that purchase a lot of people that have purchased this have also told me that they liked it as well so here's some scenes from my original sheck versus form and grill where you can see why the shack made my top 10. if you look at the front panel of the shack you have an on off button here this button allows you to turn off the upper plate if you want to have just the lower the time temperature setting here and you turn the fan on or off shack is interesting because the bottom grill just actually it seems to hover it's kind of just floating there all right nice sizzle all right shaq is good to go a little bit of smoke hit the fan gone the shack burger is slightly juicier maybe because the george foreman is so efficient at getting rid of the grease drawers a little drier the shack grille has a auto shut off while the foreman doesn't the foreman handle also gets hot but the shacks doesn't so to me shaq wins round number one all right shacks of four minutes let's see oh it looks nice i'm gonna take it out of there all right that looks actually quite nice nicely toasted there we go the shack wins round number two beautiful sizzle all right george is done i think shaq's about done too shaq over here george over here over here is the shack upper grille versus the shack bottom grille looks like the shack bottom girl char is better george the opposite upper grille seems to char better than the lower either way you look at it shaq won two out of three rounds so to me shaq wins the competition of shaq versus george [Music] number three on my list is the circle water bottle system this is a bottle that actually has flavored pods that you can insert in there you get up to six uses per pod the bottle itself was not very expensive i actually just got another batch of refills right here if you're someone who struggles to drink enough water throughout the day this might be something to consider i'm actually a big fan of the circle and here's some clips from my original review so you can see why this was about 50 bucks but they gave me a 10 discount because the more you buy the more discount you get so it was about 43 bucks for all this these are what they call sips and they have different categories of sips and i have i believe one from each all their sips i believe have no sugar and no calories fill the bottle with water put on the cap insert your cartridge there's a dial here that you can go from more flavor to more water and i think you can go straight water all the way to the highest flavor i believe it's nine settings all you really have to do to use the circle is to fill it with water and insert your cartridge so you just insert it in there that's easy enough and this can close up and be drank out of all right let's start with number one very mild peach flavor let me see number two here that's there was a pretty big jump from number one and number two i think by number nine you're just drinking solid concentrate at that point number five kind of get this little sensation in the back of my cheeks that's pretty strong number nine which is way too much well there's definitely a difference number nine i'm going to go way down to three try that one more time it's funny after number nine number three just tastes like water but i will say that's pretty good right here is my very subjective ranking of these six sips the brew sip coffee number one the fit sip mixed berry number two the tea sip peach tea number three the go set black cherry number four the pure sip unsweetened pineapple number five and very respectable last place is the life sip fruit punch i didn't dislike any of them i will i'm going to drink all these i'm surprised it's as good as it is because i've seen so many overreacting tick tockers and youtubers you never know if they're just hamming it up for the camera i don't think they're hamming up i think it's actually that good [Music] my number two item of 2021 is actually an item that's so big i don't even have it here it is the countertop dishwasher this is something that i had a lot of requests for i finally got around to doing it and i did a lot of research trying to find the just the right mile and i think i did the novet countertop dishwasher fire exceeded my expectations it performed as well as a full-size dishwasher in a fraction of the space obviously it's not something that everybody has a need for but for those who do i thought it was a great choice check out some scenes from my original novet countertop dishwasher review all right i think we're good for now and and we're off and don't forget to put that in the sink otherwise you might be dealing with some dirty water on your countertops i do like the fact that you can look in there with the window a lot of these countertop dishwashers don't have that that's one of the reasons i like this one because it's just kind of fun to look at it let's take a look and see how how the dishes came out all right almost good this one had a bunch of stuff caked on it let's see oh this that's great this one looks fine it looks pretty clean to me clean clean i think all the silverware looks pretty good too breakfast lunch and dinner and a little night cap all together i'm gonna let this sit 24 hours come back tomorrow and load them up let's take a look ooh wow that is caked on there this is going to be ugly all right so that one's that one's ready to go i'm not expecting this one to do better than the full-size dishwasher i don't even know if either one's going to get that oatmeal off the plate look at this i don't see anything on the plate at all wine glass beautiful and whoa i think it did better than i expected i'd say it passed the flying colors i can tell you this no vet based in the couple weeks i've used it is probably a good choice before i get to my number one pick there was a couple of items i thought belong in this video but didn't quite make the top ten so let's take a look at some honorable mentions [Music] this interesting looking gadget is the pocket tripod this was done way earlier in the year on a phone gadget comparison i did now it almost looks like a fidget spinner it's one of the more peculiar items i've actually reviewed it over the years and i wasn't sure if i was going to use this one but it's been in my wallet ever since then and not only is it hello from that but i've actually used it when i'm traveling like on the airplane i use this to hold my phone up it's actually been quite useful check out some scenes from my original pocket tripod in my phone gadget comparison it can be folded in a variety of different ways to hold your phone with or without a case as far as rotating then you can put it this way to kind of leave it in place it's not going to go back anymore or you can turn it this way and tilt it back 45 yeah maybe up to about 90. i have a pretty good selection of angles with it between using it this way and using it that way i think yeah i'm feeling it i don't know why you'd want to film at this angle but you could if you wanted to so there is another way you can use this what you do is you turn it to this configuration pull them apart now you have two halves you can actually place further apart so you have a more stable base for your your phone this is really good for an extreme angle like that putting back together just a reverse [Music] my honorable mention would not be complete without this cheap hamilton beach toaster i only paid 15 bucks for this one i did a comparison of cheap toasters earlier this year and this was the one i picked as my favorite not only did it perform well but it was actually one of the cheaper toasters i reviewed check out some scenes from my original review today i'm doing cheap dosers hamilton beach this was 14.96 purchased at a walmart store smells like toast there we go very light very light going right in the center number four and let's do it see what happens nice and warm well here we go here we go that looks more like what i think medium should be i'm a little bit impressed by the evenness the 15 hamilton beach coming through in the clutch here we are all the way maxed up to number seven here we go okay okay hamilton beach i'm quite happy with it it seems like for 15 bucks it's actually quite consistent all right hamilton beach i'm putting this one also at the nine o'clock position which is number two and we're off all right let's see it still feels a little bit flimsy round two i guess it's pretty good yeah i guess it's acceptable if i had to choose i would personally go with the hamilton beach i really think for 15 bucks the hamilton beach is actually a pretty good deal this is actually a neck reading light that i had quite a few requests for and when i tested it out i actually found that i liked it it's pretty versatile and it actually lasts quite a while on one charge i've actually used this one quite a bit surprisingly so this one actually kind of surprised me and how useful it really was check out some scenes from my original video uh this is a one of the highest rated items i've ever seen on amazon as of this filming it's got 36.7 000 reviews 4.7 star rating amazon's choice i have a lot of requests for it alright so there's buttons on either side so you can actually control these one at a time you can go low medium high off low medium high off and there's also a button way back here which changes the color of it you've got it's kind of an amber like a warmer light and a cooler light so you have low high well it's very bright it works quite well yeah i can read this fine i don't even i don't even need my reading glasses which i might need when if it's kind of dark can adjust it like this you can adjust it like that it pretty much adjusts at any angle you want you can make it really wide you can make it narrow i should also point out that there's models out there kind of similar to this that use batteries that makes them much heavier you actually have to either put rechargeables in there or you have to pay for more batteries this is very lightweight it feels like almost nothing on there but it doesn't feel cheaply made at the same time usually lightweight means cheap but in this case it doesn't it doesn't mean that it just feels lightweight i think this is the warm light that's the cool light i think i like the warm light the best wow um so far i'm very impressed by this so far [Music] well it comes down to this my number one pick for 2021 the choice itself was pretty easy the only hesitation i had was that the same company had my number one pick last year but looking back at the products this is the one i have to pick for number one the ninja foodie never stick pan i mean look at this thing it's almost like a cast iron skillet it's heavy it's durable it's even heating the non-stick surface is great look at that surface it has held up beautifully over time the price is right for this i just don't have enough good things to say about this pan i think that anybody who buys this pan will be quite happy with it let's take a look at some of the scenes from my original ninja foodie never stick pan review it's a nice looking pan they say it features a hard anodized surface cast stainless handles four and a half inch millimeter aluminum base exclusive non-stick coating it's pan versus pan hex clad versus the ninja never stick they put a tortilla on top of it and some down there let's try the ninja now oh wow look at that whoa wow that i'm actually i'm actually quite shocked that's i don't think the hex clad did that well the first time i've done this test a few times never seen this good results very happy with that our granite stone pan is done let's try the dump test oh okay okay all right so we got burnt marshmallow stuck in the bottom of the ninja burnt marshmallow stuck in the bottom of the granite stone first i'm going to do the granite stone i'm going to say not as good as it was originally oh yeah at that lovely very lovely it's a nice demonstration of the nonstick surface all right well it didn't stick in the bottom that's good nothing very impressive oh not bad just testing this out it just slides right around that's very impressive no oil pretty good okay well released quite nicely oh it's ready to flip anyways it released very nicely look at this very easy very nice next up always pan all right here we go time for the flip oh very nice i just checked the internal temperature of these with my trusty thermometer and the ninja is considerably warmer than the always pain they always can take a little bit longer but my overall opinion of the ninja foodie never stick pan after two weeks of daily use is it is an excellent pan well that's my top 10 for 2021 it was an interesting collection of gadgets it was an interesting year really but i appreciate everyone who stuck with me over the year and i hope to see a lot of you again for 2022 and we'll see what next year brings i appreciate you watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 272,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neck light, glocuscent, glocusent led neck reading light, stupid car tray, hamilton beach toaster, pocket tripod, varsk, varsk 4-in-1 car vacuum cleaner, zeroll ice cream scoop, automatic wine opener, stir crazy popcorn popper, shaq grill, cirkul, countertop dishwasher, novete countertop dishwasher, neverstick pan, top 10
Id: 700oYvIlWr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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