10 Previously Reviewed Gadgets, 1 Year Later (Update #30)

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welcome back everybody now this is my update number 30 where i go back to 10 past products in order take a look at the original video and let you know if anything has changed since then today's products are number 291 through 300 so let's get started number 291 was the wow bacon it's kind of an interesting take on the microwave bacon cooker i thought it worked quite well check it out it has a couple of clips here and then you have this rack which allows you to hold six pieces of bacon that they hang off there and just a cup so there's really three parts rack lid cup they say six slices in four minutes just kind of drape it on there like that it almost looks like you're decorating some sort of like bacon christmas tree it's a rack of bacon all right now lower it into the cup how strange and we're off it smells like bacon push the clips down let me see it lift it out oh wow oh it's steaming bacon definitely shrunk but it looks cooked yummy bacon grease all right and here here is the final product oh you know that's that's pretty done does the folded effect bother you or no is it crispy enough what do you think now there's definitely differences opinion of what entails perfect bacon some people like it crispier some people like it flimsier this is kind of right in the middle beside the fact that it's folded over like that which really isn't that big of a deal to me it came out perfect so i've continued to use the wild bacon i've used it several times it's not warped there's no significant wear and tear on it it's just plastic so i didn't expect much i guess it doesn't really make a lot of bacon so if you're making for a lot of people it may not be a great choice but that doesn't bother you i still think the wild bacon is a good idea number 292 is the briefcase barbecue this is actually a small folding barbecue that folds into the shape of a briefcase let's first take a look at how the original review went all right now that's a fire i've got eight coals in here great goes on top so it looks like it holds about two burgers it doesn't seem like it's just as hot as i would want it to be for a normal grill not as quick as a regular grill that's for sure these are getting close to being done i think it took about twice as long as a regular grill they look pretty good they just took forever i'm very confident about this i put way more coals in there it's much hotter i feel good about it as bad as yesterday went today is going that well it was just some small adjustments on my end to make it work properly no i feel like i'm legit grilling yesterday i was just sitting there babysitting something that wasn't working right this is grilling no there's no g on grilling it's grilling all right i think the first batch is done they took about as long as a regular grill no no slower so i guess you have enough charcoal power for a couple burgers maybe a piece of chicken although the charcoals are kind of running out of steam at the end there i was kind of pushing it so this is something i used a couple of times last summer i ended up folding up putting away and i didn't pull it out again this summer i think the reason being is because it's kind of on the small side and i've got four people here that i have to feed and also it can be a bit of a pain to clean i can see how there are a lot of people out there who would like it it just wasn't something that i found very useful number 293 was this interesting usb dishwasher this is supposed to be item you stick on the side of your sink and washes your dishes i didn't really think it worked out so well here's some scenes in the original review oh it's it's spraying it's getting all over my all over the floor wow it's disappearing into the bubbles so once we have two minutes of agitation we have one minute of vibration so according the instructions this is supposed to happen this is a vibration for one minute well that first spoon looks pretty good uh the knife doesn't look terrible really oh no here we go now this has got some crud still on it am i confident in this absolutely not but we're off and we have our 15-minute cycle coming up it's going to be interesting to see very interesting they call this the vibratory sound waves do you think that actually helps clean i don't know i'm not familiar with vibratory sound waves clean the greasy teraki mattis bowl actually doesn't look so bad not too bad really huh okay coffee cup still got some stuff in there coffee cup's not completely clean no there's still some stuff in there and the plate need i say more i don't really feel like this did any better than just soaking the dishes in warm soapy water and wiping them off afterwards i rank this one number five my worst of 2020 so i didn't continue to use this i should also point out there were some people in the comments that thought i was using it wrong they were thinking of another usb dishwasher that goes in the bottom of the sink this one the instructions clearly stated it's supposed to go on the side their pictures that are supposed to go on the side so i really wasn't going to go against the instructions and stick some cheap electronic device from a no-name brand of china in the bottom of my sink full of water i don't think it would work even if i did do that so to me the usb dishwasher was an utter failure and deserving of a place in my bottom five for 2020. number 294 was a collection of cooling gadgets let's take a look back at how the original review went gonna spray one half with the surge cool spray and then half the water and see what happens okay it feels nice and cool has a has a nice menthol smell to it all right i've got the sprays on cooling spray and water let's see what happens all i'm feeling is just a wet shirt which feels nice but i don't need to pay for a bottle of something to do that i can just dump some water myself i'm not sure if this jacket quite matches my shorts i'm trying to decide if it feels cooler on the left than on the right it's pretty close no it doesn't feel cooler no i'm i'm not really that impressed kind of a next-gen version of this which i did last year there's something oddly satisfying about the way that folds out to me i don't know what it is the metal is quite cold on my neck but metal would be cold right away let's see if it stays cold right now i feel comfortable between the coldness on my neck which is it's still cold and the fan's blowing in my face it's it's not unpleasant as it gets hotter in here i'm just feeling warm air blowing across my face it's i guess it's better than dead air but not much that metal plate it's actually very cool so that's a good thing but it's it's very wet it's like sweaty it's wet hey this is the way to go got the double decker now we're talking this is the flexi freeze ice vest it looks like some weird solar panel or something doesn't it oh i feel cold oh it feels cold that instantly my body temperature just instantly felt like it dropped it's a bit awkward to put on but once you get it on i mean i don't feel hot at all in my monitor here it looks either like i'm a walmart employee or i have a bulletproof vest on but you know you need you need some cooling products i do i'm feeling a little left out right now how about a next-gen neck fan put it on here there you go guinea pig how about the arctic hat looking good you are ready to play frisbee in nice coolness aren't you yeah all right i got my ice vest on we'll be really reset let's go do it now the spray i know obviously never used again because it didn't work in the first place the vest was actually pretty cool but it does take up a lot of freezer space and it's not something you can really just kind of use on the fly unless it's in the freezer already once the summer ended i needed the freezer space put in the garage and never pulled it out again i did continue to use the neck fan not only last year but this year as well i compared it to the arctic air freedom and i thought it did a pretty good job this is actually only 40 bucks now it's 20 bucks cheaper than i bought it last year so even though the ice vest was probably the best of all of them as far as keeping you cool on a hot day goes to me the neck fan was probably the most practical number 295 with these interesting usb rechargeable batteries now what's unique about these is that they actually have a usb port built right into the battery let's first take a look and see how the original video went i've got these six batteries all six of these pegged in the green for this battery tester so this shell be at least somewhat equal let's see how the three usb batteries compare to three kind of randomly selected other batteries all three of the fans with the usb batteries died and all three of the others are still going very impressive showing here from the cheap duracell knockoff new or old they still destroy the usb rechargeables next up i want to try out the aaa batteries i try those against uh attack light i've got these brand new duracell rechargeable batteries usb aaa batteries freshly charged i might say all right here we go usb batteries duracell batteries it's only been about 40 minutes and the usb battery already conked out dead rechargeable duracell is still going strong and what i wanted to do now is quickly recreate those tests since they've had a few months of use they've had quite a few charging cycles at the 207 mark two of them are out just like last time 210 mark almost the same results as last time all three usb batteries unimpressive even though they didn't work very well i continued to use these as long as i could but both types of batteries eventually stopped holding the charge completely i would say i got about three to four months of use out of them before they are completely useless i like the idea i just don't think in these cases they are implemented very well number 296 is the shamwow mask that's right and as seen on tv mask what else would you expect in 2020 let's first take a look and see how the original video went i love how they put the logo right across the front so you're going to be telling everybody you have a shamwow mask the material looks pretty similar this is an unused jam well never been used on the other side supposed to be a cotton liner it feels nice and soft i had it on less than a second and this tag was already bothering me that tag's got to go well it's a large mask what's up with the logo right there come on man well it feels comfortable i'll give them that and uh it's it's a nice size mask and the ear bands aren't very tight 15 bucks a piece for these i don't know you know initial impression is pretty good i hate the logo in the front there why would they put that there that's so cheesy come on now we've got a pretty close approximation of the shamwow mask in the original shamwell all right it's mostly done dripping it's about a quarter of a cup let's try the mask it's actually pretty close i'm actually a little bit surprised all right so here we go real world test with the shamwow mask [Music] so the shamwow mask has been my one of my backup masks since i did that video i don't really like the color very much when i go in there and just bright orange is just i don't really like it that much it's held up pretty well that's kind of how it looked at the end of my last video after washing a few times it seems like it did shrink just a little bit as well right now i just leave my glove box in my car in case i forget my normal mask it's certainly fine but i really didn't like the color very much other than the color it did work pretty well number 297 was a collection of pet hair removers now with a golden retriever in the house is something that's vital to me here's a look back at how the original review went this is the pet wedge does this even qualify as a brush i don't know this looks more like one of those stones you use in the shower we gotta get all the cushions nice and messed up oh wow bailey that's yours oh wait you gotta get it off there though that's not good but you can also get in the cracks here like this that's kind of nice they're saying short strokes and they say it also used to from different angles too oh wow this works pretty good oh yeah look at this they just repurpose one of those stones you're supposed to rub on your feet in the shower or something are you gonna move you're gonna move barely it gets the point where it's not grabbing it i can feel there's a roughness to it and then when i get a lot of hair kind of get starts getting smooth almost now what i like about this one is it doesn't stick to it so you can you don't have to stop and pull the hair off i think the furs off has got the hairiest part of the floor too so it's maybe a little bit unfair huh i'm not real impressed with the pet wedge on the shirt i think the lily brush is working better on the shirt ooh that doesn't feel good on material i feel like that's gonna like rip rip the material no way man you hear that i'm gonna say no i think the lily brush better on the shirt the pet wedge seems to leave some streaks in here i feel like the lily brush did a little bit better all right first section this is the pet wedge in the middle we have the lily brush and on this side we have the furs off i think the lily brush and the fur is off pretty much a tie now i've got a lot of pet hair removers around the house but the lily brush is probably the one of those three that i use the most the furs off i did like but i'm always afraid that that rough material is going to actually damage whatever i'm cleaning so i haven't used that one as much of all the pet hair removers that i currently have i would say the one i use the most is probably this farwell knockoff of the chomcham roller this one actually works quite well i actually got it as a freebie when i reviewed their pet room i don't think the farewell is even sold anymore but i would go with a chomp charm roller if you're looking for a really good pet hair remover number 298 was this interesting tape measure called the rollova let's first take a look and see how the original video went press the button and roll i'll go right to 12 inches that was spot on spot on all right pretty close eight and a half 40 and it says about a half so maybe about a quarter of an inch off 20 and 5 8. 20 and 5 8. so my string technique and the rollova agree exactly 42 inches exactly 42 inches right to the edge of the table 41 and 51 64 which i think that's pretty close to 42. but as it turns out you cannot use the rollover under freezing or above 95 degrees fahrenheit or 35 degrees celsius if you wanted to measure for example the painting on my wall which i can't reach the top of it i can slide the top of the tape measure up there to get a pretty close accurate measurement at the top of the painting i can't even reach it i'd have to go get a step stool and slide it down the wall like that it's there are instances where you have to have the tape measure extended beyond your reach this one you're limited to what your reach is i think maybe the biggest con is that this costs 80 bucks so as cool as the rollover looks i just it's something that has too many flaws for me to continue to use very much let me give you an example let's say i want to measure the edge of this table to that wall over there tape measure 65 inches if i want to do the same thing with a roll over i would have to do it on the ground and i don't even think it's going to roll on this carpet there's too many instances like this with a roll of it just doesn't work i mean it might be fine for going around a corner or a circular object but to me this does not beat a normal tape measure number 299 was a comparison of the bark box and the pup box these are both dog box services let's first take a look at how the original review went let's open up the pup box first and i'm not even bailing i'm impressed by this wow let's take a look at the bark box seuss looking instructions i i kind of like it peanut butter carob that sounds good to me i don't suppose people can eat these right this actually turns into a ball bailey heard the squeak all right let me go with this hold on bailey so we've got the squeaky toy from the bark box a little firecracker from the pub box here she goes she's sniffing she just she just ran off with the uh the bark box squeak toy this one's supposed to converse into a ball let me try that and there she goes trying to chew off that end oh she's trying to tear it up barely don't do that [Music] oh she took it very gently oh where she's going where's she going i don't think she wants me to actually watch her eating this pretty ragged after 24 hours for the pup box firecracker she seemed very compelled to want to tear the stuffing out of this one she was on the couch yesterday just gnawing away at it and and really trying to actually tear it open go get it [Music] i ended up going with a bark box over the pup box although i think they were both very good in fact i'm still subscribed to the bark box let's take a look at how all the barkbox toys i've gotten over the past year all right this is the bailey boneyard here this is a a lot of the products in barkbox over the last year not all of them because she's uh she tends to play with them a lot she's got one in her mouth right now what do you got but this is uh this is pretty much it i usually cycle through these she she plays with some put him away for a while play with others of course now she likes me pulling this box out what's in there she likes the crinkly ones the crank on like that crinkle and squeak that's her favorite some of these harder ones this the super chewers didn't like as much she never really played with those this is one of her favorites she loves the crinkle i have to also point out that over the last year i've actually written the barkbox a couple of times with questions about my orders they're always very responsive a lot of times they offer to send me a free toy so their customer service is top notch i'm actually quite a big fan of the bark box and so is bailey number 300 is the side track this is actually an interesting second monitor that goes on the back of your laptop let's first take a look at the original video i'm supposed to peel off the backing stickers center on the laptop and press down for 30 seconds so this is what it looks like kind of like an etch-a-sketch with these four things in there i hope if i don't like this this comes off as easily as it goes on oh oh oh whoa wait a second oh wait i gotta peel this off so normally when i'm editing my videos on the road i've got just just this monitor here and i have this tiny preview screen but if i could do this see now we are talking that's amazing all right so like over here i got i got a video playing on youtube on this side can i can browse on amazon this side so far i'm a little bit impressed i do like the fact that you can adjust it this way now it's only a 12 and a half inch screen now and so next to my 17 inch monitor it looks kind it looks kind of small so it's kind of a junior second monitor rather than just an equal monitor and as far as thickness goes it's about oh about a half an inch thick you can slide it all the way out and all the way over and then instead of extending your screen you can duplicate your screen so the person on the other side can see what you're doing so when you have your screen duplicated instead of extended i can see this screen and you on the other side can see the same thing the biggest con is that it's 300 bucks and that is going to dissuade some people from picking this up so the side track is something i kind of use on and off whenever i'm editing video on my laptop which isn't too often i usually attach this plug it in and i'll have two monitors if i'm just using social media or regular websites i kind of take it off because it's kind of heavy it kind of makes my laptop a bit top heavy when it's open but after one year i've actually think side tracks held up quite well well that's it this is a pretty good collection of products i would say the one i use the most of all these is probably the bark box because i still get my monthly subscription box every month and bailey still likes it the one i use the least has got to be the usb dishwasher i'll never use that one again it wasn't it wasn't good the first time since this is my 30th update it's kind of a nice round number i thought it might be fun to go back and look at all 30 of my original update videos and see how those intros have changed over the years so let's do that and then wrap this thing up today i want to give you an update on the first 10 products that i reviewed on this channel today i'm going to give you updates on the 11th through the 20th products that i reviewed today i'm going to give you updates on the 21st to the 30th products i've reviewed here on freaking reviews today i'm going to give updates on the 31st through the 40th products that i reviewed here in freaking reviews today i'm doing products number 41 through 50 so let's get right to it today i'm going to give you updates on the 51st through 60th products i've updated here all right so today i'm going to take a look back at the 61st to the 70th products i've reviewed here in freaking reviews today i'm giving you updates on products number 71 through 80 that i've reviewed here in freaking reviews so let's get started alright so today i'm doing a recap and update of products number 81 through 90 i've done here in freaking reviews so let's get started all right today so i'm giving you updates on products number 91 through 100 that i've reviewed here at frequent reviews so let's get started and today i'm giving you one of my update videos this is where i recap and update you on 10 past products that i've reviewed all right this is products number 111 through 120 that i reviewed here on freak interviews today i'm going to give you an update and a recap today i'm giving you recaps and updates of the 121st through 130th products i reviewed here at frequent reviews today i'm giving you an update and recap video of 10 past products that i reviewed numbers 131 through 140. so today i'm doing items number 141 through 150 so without further ado items number 151 through 160 right now today is the 161st through the 170th products that i reviewed today i'm doing number 171 through 180. so without further delay let's get right to update number 19. this is my 20th update video now today is the 21st of those where i take 10 past products in order and let you know if i'm still using them or not this is my 22nd installment of my update videos this is my 23rd update video this is my 24th update video welcome back everybody now today is my update number 25. welcome back everybody today is update number 26. this is update number 27. update 27 update number 27 update number 27. this is my 28th update videos welcome back everybody now today i'm taking a look at my 29th update video welcome back everybody now this is my update number 30 where i go back to 10 past products in order take a look at the original video and let you know if anything has changed since then all right i'll be back in about another month with another update video until then i appreciate you watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 104,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, as seen on tv product testing, wowbacon, briefcase bbq, usb dishwasher, cooling gadgets, arctic air freedom, usb batteries, shamwow mask, pet hair removers, lilly brush, rollova, barkbox, pupbox, sidetrak
Id: x8QLzX_NC6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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