5 Years on YouTube! Handy Heater Pure Warmth Review & Reaction to My 1st Video

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it was five years ago on october 23 2016 that i sat down in this very spot wearing these same clothes actually where i did my very first video for freaking reviews for the handy heater which was a space heater that came out that time which was an as seen on tv product i really wasn't sure how i wanted to observe my five-year anniversary if at all i'd consider a retrospective but then the thought of sifting through 450 videos wasn't very appealing so that kind of went by the wayside so fortunately for me the makers of handy heater came out with a new version in 2021 so what a better way to celebrate my five years by reviewing the new handy heater while also flashing back to my original review and be sure to stick around to the very end where i actually react and review my original video so without further delay let's get right to the handy heater then and now today i'm reviewing a product by the name of handy heater here it is today i'm reviewing a product by the name of handy heater pure warmth there it is let's first take a look at the unboxing and then get started [Music] when i first take out the box the first thing i noticed is how much bigger the box is than the original look how much bigger it is over here we got 350 watts this one's 1200 this one plugs directly into the wall this one has a cord it's a little bit different it's a very different looking design they say it's good for pretty much any room living room den kitchen bedrooms offices bathrooms basements and more so it's got three speeds low medium high auto off tip over protection that's kind of important cool touch case we shall see about that the secret is cold air goes in warm air goes out not much of a secret there is it in fact it looks more like the uh the arctic air than it does uh the old handy heater so i'm reading over these instructions here looks like there's not much to it a power button right here that turns on off and cycles through the fan speeds this is your light which cycles through orange green blue yellow purple teal clear cycle and off there is a filter on the back which they say to change every three or six months very thin you can see through it very thin filter there is an anti-tip mechanism here that if it tips over it will turn off the original didn't need that because it plugged directly into an outlet so comparing the two of them very very different looking designs so it'll be interesting to see how it holds up on its own and compared to the original so one of the challenges i had in my first video was trying to test a space heater in october in the desert when it really doesn't get that cold here especially in the daytime so my solution then was to test it in a small bathroom hoping to raise the temperature a couple degrees it didn't really work that well in fact i tested later on didn't really work in other situations either but i do understand the criticisms with that original test so this time around i think i got a better solution a bigger colder room this should be a more accurate gauge of how well the heater works so the handy heater commercial shows them warming up a cold room from 60 30 degrees up to 72 although they don't say how long that takes now even though it's still pretty warm here in vegas in the daytime our evenings have been getting below 63 degrees so i should have no problem duplicating their claims at my new apartment i've got an empty room what i can do is leave the windows open all night let it cool down there and try the handy heater out so i'm heading over right now to get started for this location we're going to leave the windows open and get it nice and cold in here but let me show you what this room is set up like for my handy heater test there we go i've emptied the room completely out except for my nectar mattress box i've got a container down there and i've got a lamp actually that's going to be used to magnetically hold one of my thermometers let me show you what i'm doing here i've got the handy heater pure warmth this is going to be blowing across the room here this thermometer is actually set up a little bit below its uh line of fire here i've got the nectar mattress box about almost five feet off the ground about a 45 degree angle another 45 degree angle is this lamp which i'll show you how it works i sell on my store it's kind of an interesting lamp but that's gonna be actually a thermometer holder this time and in the back of the room i've got commands stripped to the wall i've got one way up here about six and a half feet off the ground i'm going to get it as cold as i can in here i'm going to take readings in the beginning at 30 minutes and in one hour by the way check this out boom i haven't figured out what to do with this lamp yet but i do like it so i'm hoping that having four thermometers kind of spread out throughout the room at different heights different distances we can kind of get a gauge of how much the handy heater pure warmth can warm up a room in one hour so tomorrow morning i'll get it as cold in here as i can i'll leave these windows open all night and we'll give it a shot there we go close these windows see we got here for measurements we got get 58.5 for number one 56.8 for number two 58.8 for number three back here 60.1 there it goes and we're off come back in 30 minutes and do my first check there you go first reveal here see we got on the thermometer number one it's definitely warmed up 65 degrees uh down here we got 70.7 number three we've got uh 66.2 and the backs 67.6 and we'll come back another 30 minutes and see how it does all right so look at the results after 30 minutes it looks like all them went up about seven seven half degrees except for number two which is actually right in front of the unit that went up almost 14 degrees but so far so good let's see how it looks in another 30 minutes all right it's still chilly out here in the hall let's see how it feels in the bedroom oh it feels nice in here it feels warmer let's take a look all right 69.6 75.6 70.2 71.2 all right look at the results after 60 minutes all of them over 10 degrees in fact the one right in front of the unit's almost 20 so i would say their claim that can raise the temperature of a room by 10 degrees is accurate i would say that the handy heater pure warmth did warm this room up by more than 10 degrees so i think that is a success at the one hour mark so if you're wondering if the room may have warmed up without the heater at all i did run a couple of tests to see if that wasn't the case so this is by no means scientific but i did want to see if that was the case so what i did was turn the handy heater pure warmth off and just let this room sit idle for about an hour and the temperature did start to drop check it out all right after one hour after turning the handy heater pure warmth off let's check them out 67.8 67.1 68.4 67.8 so the room is cooling back down after i turn the handy heater off so i'd say in that case the handy heater pure warmth did work all right so i'm happy that the handy heater pure warmth does warm up a room as they claim but how does it compare to the original handy heater and a popular space heater on amazon i came up with a different test to engage those results in my garage and here's what happened all right let's start with the original handy heater now the intake is in the bottom so i had to put it on something allow airflow that's why it's on this i don't think they advise plug it in the back but it should work for this with the help of my trusty weather meter i'm going to actually figure out the optimal angle for measuring its airflow then i'm putting a thermometer on here which will measure exactly 24 inches how much heat you're still feeling so let's try it out make sure we're on high here we are on high i'm not getting much at 24 inches at all so i think this is the spot right up here let's get a little bit of movement now the point of this test is not if it can warm up this entire garage as it can't the point of this test is can it actually provide warmth two feet away 70.3 is our baseline let's see how it gets the air coming out of there is much hotter than 70 degrees so it should give us some sort of a boost we shall see i can kind of feel the airflow this far but it's pretty weak even at this distance i was never impressed with the handy here much anyways so we'll see here we go we're at the uh the 15 minute mark it's still going strong uh here's the temperature at the 15 minute mark 70.7 and it got all the way up to 71.1 before dropping back down now what i did was i added three heathers over here it's kind of controlled thermometers which around the same height let's see what they show 70.5 70.7 70.5 so really at the two feet mark the real original handy heater isn't really making a dent at all the other three over there about the same temperature i can feel the heat it's pretty warm up until about about two feet away i really don't feel anymore i knew i was never impressed by it all right so handy heater you're still not impressive let's get the new one out here and see how it does the star of the show here the handy heater pure warm plus turn on first all right it starts off on high so that is on high let's try to get the the right angle here i'll say at two feet away i'm getting a much stronger airflow than i was the original handy here look at this two miles an hour i got zero on the original handy heater so much much more impressive the extra power is making a big difference here all right we got the optimal height at two feet so we'll come back in 15 minutes see how it compares and i've just reset these so we should see how they look as well all right 15 minute mark let's see what we got here and whoa 90.3 it's gone up 20 degrees in 15 minutes and look at the humidity it started at 27 it's down to 15 now just check the the control thermometer is what we got here humidity unchanged still about 70.7 humidity unchanged 70.5 humidity unchanged 70.3 the handy heater pure warmth clearly better than the original impressive showing i'm actually quite happy with that i guess the case is acceptable it's not too hot it's warm in some places it's weird it's warm in some places not others i would say it's cool enough to touch i can pick it up it's not it's not burning my hands so not too bad now let's move on to the next one this 1500 watt space here and see how it does all right i've got the right distance i've got the right angle let's turn on see what happens as we start we've got exactly 73 degrees and we're off we'll see how that goes in about 15 minutes my control thermometer is 72 and a half 72.9 and 72.5 so hold it a half degree of each other let's see how it goes in 15 minutes let's see how this 1500 water does compared to the handy heater pure warmth which did pretty well let's give it 15 minutes come back see what happens all right here we go 15 minutes let's see we got whoa i wasn't expecting that wow and look at the humidity down at 10 percent wow i'm i'm shocked the non-asean tv space heater just crushed it let's take a look at the control thermometers over here 72 and a half 72 and a half 72 and a half that's very impressive by the polonius space heater well i gotta say the polonius i'm very impressed with it just gave a master class in personal spacing let's see this thermometer well it's still going up wow well i guess you see who won that one all right so those tests were clearly not supposed to be scientific more real world tests of the handy heater pure warmth plus others so i do think that the room test with the handy heater pure warmth does show with those four thermometers spread out throughout the room that it can raise the temperature in a room by 10 degrees in an hour so i'm pretty confident that that test is pretty accurate now as far as the garage test goes clearly there's some aspect to the thermometers themselves being heated up by the heater being so close to it which is one reason why they're showing such extreme results but i do think the comparison of how those three heaters affected the thermometers delivers quite useful information so i applaud the makers of handy heater for putting out a superior product to the original one they put out there and i do think if you buy the pure warmth version based on the advertising you'll probably like it on the other hand the handy heater pure warmth is not the only option out there based on my tests in the garage it's clear that there are other space heaters out there that can outperform the handy heater pure warmth and in the case of the polonas it's ten dollars cheaper it's highly rated has more watts and seems to run hotter so it might pay to shop around so now it's time for me to pull on my laptop and review and critique my original handy heater my very first video on youtube five years and 460 videos ago so let's check it out all right time for my very first video i'm going to watch it react to it and critique it so so here we go there we go great tunes spin fast motion unboxing the table the table spin again two cameras i had two cameras in my first video pretty good today i'm reviewing a product by the name of handy heater there it is there it is it's advertised on television but you can pick it up in local stores i found it at a walmart for about thirty dollars all right so let me talk about the intro a little bit now the music i think i had my cousin throw together some samples from the keyboard he just bought because i didn't know there was free music on youtube also i didn't clean off my table it was i know it's a work table not supposed to be that clean but i didn't clean it off also the intro was interesting because i would do my technique of spin unboxing fast motion and spin again which i i only did in a few videos also that palm tree behind me is like three times that height now only five years later and it had been there for over 12 years at that point so i don't know why i started growing all of a sudden but i digress it's advertised as a space heater that plugs into the wall and its features are that it has an adjustable timer from 1 to 12 hours high and low settings and you can set the temperature you want good that i went over the features that's that's a good way to start the video all right nice close-up here it looks decent quality for the cameras i had available i think this is my nikon dirt d 3200 one of two cameras i used i'm just pushing buttons here not explaining what i'm doing there's no talking not even explaining it whatsoever i'm not saying anything whatsoever i'm just i'm just pushing buttons i i guess this is helpful but it's going on for a long time very very long so what i've done is i've plugged it into the smallest bathroom in my house and i set it a couple of degrees warmer than it is in there to see if it can actually raise the temperature of the bathroom i guess that would work degrees that bathroom is very small so if it can heat a room up to 250 square feet it should have no problem heating a very small bathroom so it's been in there for about 15 minutes and i'm going to check and see if the temperature has raised in the bathroom at all and i'll come back and check am i even focused there hang on a second so this here comes my first test ever in my first video i wanted to raise the temperature in the bathroom by a couple of degrees i figure it's such a small space that that tiny heater should at least make a dent in a space that small the problem is the bathroom is already kind of warm so it's it's maybe not that i would have done a different test now but that was the test i chose and i'm sticking with it it's also kind of weird that it's been 15 minutes and i i didn't show myself setting up the test i'm just showing myself after it's already done so that's something else i would do different now i'm getting nothing on the handy heater my ears to have completely shut off um it's only been 15 minutes the temperature in the bathroom did not raise two degrees i'm going to see if i can raise the temperature even more and see if it kicks back on oh in the mirror i can see my sony action cam that was my second camera back then i had a d3200 and a sony action camera okay so it did kick back on clearly the internal thermometer is not working properly that's why it's kicking on and off like that i'm thinking that maybe the internal thermometer might be off a couple of degrees as i was saying because it shut off what it said was 80 and my thermometer said 78. so i cranked up to 85 to see when it kicks off okay this will work update i went in the bathroom and it had shut off my thermometer said it was 78 degrees in the bathroom but the handy heater had a reading of 80. so i don't know if maybe the internal thermometer is off or if it just keeps shutting off so i raised the temperature and it shut off again a couple minutes later so then what i did was i put the timer on for one hour this is kind of a long explanation isn't it i could have done this a little bit more compactly particular technique works there is some sound with handy heater it sounds now if i were filming this video today i would have just scrapped that whole first test i would have redone it and i would have just referred back to it you know like my first test i tried in a small bathroom didn't really work that well because the temperature was already warm in there but here's what i tried it's useful information but i'm not sure that that's the best thing for our first test ever in a video it also the visual isn't great it takes a lot of explanation so i would probably do it differently now kind of like a hair dryer on a very low speed obviously on the high setting that's going to be a little bit louder than the low setting the rotating prong it doesn't have a full 360 range of motion it basically positions one way or 180 degrees so you couldn't put it sideways and have it locked in place there's a lock that you push in and then you rotate it and then when it goes to one of the 180 degree positions then it relocks there is okay hold on i got the handy heater over here i forgot there's a rotating prong on the original handy heater so i guess this is the lock and you're supposed to turn it it does turn i should have shown that in the video i didn't even show the rotating prong and i forgot it was a feature i never even used it interesting it's a very slight smell kind of what you would expect from a hair dryer uh it does it almost seems like a an oversized hair dryer that plugs into not even oversized it doesn't seem like a space heater but we'll see if it works as advertised i've got it in there it's set to 88 degrees and go back to the temperatures again and it seems like the bathroom may have increased the temperature to 79 degrees we're going to go back in we're going back in the bathroom 15 more minutes and see if the temperature raises and if the handy heater stays on well it's been 15 minutes again i have it set to 88 degrees in a one-hour timer and i only show it being 79 degrees in here 79 is shut off at 88. shocking i'm gonna try it uh in a different way this is too confined with a wall in the medicine cabinet next to it so i'm going to try it in a different area and see if it doesn't shut off like that i can feel the heat it's pretty warm here we go up until about about two feet away i really don't feel anymore aha that's something i can confirm after doing my test for this video the two feed mark is about where the handy heater drops off and how warm you can feel it so even my claims about two feet being the range was accurate even back then and i can confirm that's still the case one more uh issue that i should point out is that when the fan shuts off the heating element stays lit it's still red hot and the fan is not blowing that cannot be a good sign all right well first of all i look like one of those announcers who's trying to talk about a very intense situation but he has to be quiet now i'm in the bedroom and there's a heating element that's not turning off um and that's not an element i actually posted an update about this later on and that's actually an led light that has a fake heat element and there's nothing really about the instructions i had so i was confused i was duped into thinking that was a heat element and it was not you would think the heating element would go off first and the fan would continue to blow and pull it off but that's not doing that it's still it's still red hot there's no fan not red hot i will say that it does emit some heat it's probably sufficient to warm a small space a very small space the controls seem a little bit confusing like the high and low don't always seem to work so when you turn your mind over 85 degrees and on a high speed and there are times where it doesn't seem that the low will work while other times low does work it does seem to shut off i don't know if it's overheating or if it thinks that that's that's just the way it's supposed to work but it does shut off regularly i think it's the obviously the the internal thermometer a defect in the unit that i received or that's just the way it's designed it doesn't say anything about a little bit of emotions the instructions do say that handy heater has a built-in timer that will automatically turn the unit off after a set amount of time but it doesn't tell you what that time is it doesn't say that's a good point that's a good point james for 12 hours i'm not sure if what i'm experiencing is related to this automatic feature that turns it off after a certain amount of time not a bad catch i would say the handy heater is probably not as efficient as other space heaters probably not even though it might be more compact it plugs into the wall i'm just not convinced the design and the construction are really up to the same standards of other space heaters that i've looked at in the past and five years later i would just bind locally so that you can evaluate it and if it doesn't work for you you can return it without having to buy locally is always a good good option handling costs personally handy heater would not be my first choice of a space heater if you use handy heater five years later i'd say it's still on my first choice of space heater handy heater is distributed by ontel products and it is made in china if you like this review i would appreciate a subscribe um this is a new channel for the freaking reviews network very new channel is my first video um any support you can have would be greatly appreciated any request reviews i would be happy to hear as well wow [Music] all right well i mean nobody's first video is our best i mean i'm nitpicking and i'm just having fun with it but i did my best i tried you know it was i even though some of my tests may would have been better and visually demonstrated i think that my results were accurate so i give myself credit for that well it's fun to look back at these years later maybe i'll five years from now look back at this video and critique it as well but it's hard to believe that was five years ago and i've posted so many videos since then it's kind of shocking how time flies but well i appreciate everybody who stuck with me this first five years and hopefully the next five years are just as fun as the first five years were i appreciate you watching and i'll see you next time i couldn't make this video without acknowledging my co-star bailey now she was not in my first video but let's take a look back her first appearance on freaking reviews i should also point out that although the advertising highlights its ability to be stuck to surfaces with its adhesive backing the instructions note that if you want to remove it later you're going to probably damage the paint so most people should probably opt to use the mounting screws which is what i do look at bailey good catch you
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 94,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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